Quick Quiz: 9ba 9Bb
Quick Quiz: 9ba 9Bb
Quick Quiz: 9ba 9Bb
On your answer sheet, write in the correct letter for each question.
9Ba 9Bb
1 When you exercise: 1 When you breathe out:
9 A your pulse rate stays the same, but your A the diaphragm moves downwards, and the
B breathing rate goes up. ribs move down and inwards.
B your pulse rate goes up, but your B the diaphragm moves upwards, and the
breathing rate goes down. ribs move down and inwards.
C your pulse rate goes down, but your C the diaphragm moves downwards, and the
breathing rate goes up. ribs move up and outwards.
D your pulse rate goes up, and your D the diaphragm moves upwards, and the
breathing rate goes up. ribs move up and outwards.
2 Which three organ systems work together to 2 A poisonous gas in cigarette smoke stops red
release energy from food? blood cells carrying oxygen. This gas is called:
A digestive, excretory and nervous A carbon monoxide.
B respiratory, skeletal and circulatory B tar.
C digestive, respiratory and circulatory C water vapour.
D reproductive, respiratory and excretory D nicotine.
3 Which is the correct word equation for 3 Which of these is not an example of a
aerobic respiration? deficiency disease?
A glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water A anaemia
B glucose + water carbon dioxide + oxygen B anorexia
C water + carbon dioxide glucose + oxygen C heart disease
D water + oxygen glucose + carbon dioxide D night-blindness
4 Suppleness means being able to: 4 Which of these statements about minerals
A lift heavy weights. and vitamins is false?
B bend and twist easily. A You can never have enough minerals and
C keep going during exercise. vitamins.
D react quickly. B Fruits and vegetables contain lots of
minerals and vitamins.
C Some vitamins will not dissolve in water.
D Calcium is a mineral that is important for
healthy bones and teeth.
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9Bc 9Bd
1 Addiction is when: 1 The drawing shows
A you add numbers together. the bones in a human
B you feel as though you cannot go on skeleton. Y
without taking something. What is bone used 9
C you take drugs. for? B
D you speak properly so that people can A protection
understand you clearly. B movement
2 Medicines are: C thinking
A drugs that are illegal. D growing hair
B drugs that help the body. 2 Look at the skeleton in the last question
C chemicals that are not drugs. again. What is the name of joint Y?
D drugs that are not chemicals. A elbow
3 Which organ can be damaged by the misuse B knee
of any drug? C hip
A lungs D shoulder
B pancreas 3 When a muscle gets shorter and fatter it is
C liver said to:
D ovaries A reflex.
4 A depressant: B relax.
A is a chemical that slows down your nervous C constrict.
system. D contract.
B is a chemical that speeds up your nervous 4 Which part in the diagram below works to
system. move the lower arm up?
C is a chemical that makes you feel sad.
D is a TV soap all about life in the East End of
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