Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: Database Functions
Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: Database Functions
Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: Database Functions
complex number raised to an integer power COUPDAYBS This function will return the
IMPRODUCT This function will return the number of days from the beginning of the
IMSIN This function will return the sine of a contains the settlement date
complex number COUPDAYSNC This function will return the
IMSQRT This function will return the square number of days from the settlement date to
root of a complex number the next coupon date
IMSUB This function will return the COUPNCD This function will return the next
difference between two complex numbers coupon date after the settlement date
MSUM This function will return the sum of COUPNUM This function will return the
complex numbers number of coupons payable between the
OCT2BIN This function will convert an octal settlement date and maturity date
price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar NPER This function will return the number of
price, expressed as a decimal number periods for an investment
DOLLARFR This function will convert a dollar NPV This function will return the net present
price, expressed as a decimal number, into a value of an investment based on a series of
dollar price, expressed as a fraction periodic cash flows and a discount rate
DURATION This function will return the ODDFPRICE This function will return the
annual duration of a security with periodic price per $100 face value of a security with
applying a series of compound interest rates yield of a security with an odd last period
INTRATE This function will return the PMT This function will return the periodic
interest paid during a specific period of an PRICEDISC This function will return the price
investment per $100 face value of a discounted security
MDURATION This function will return the PRICEMAT This function will return the price
Macauley modified duration for a security per $100 face value of a security that pays
TYPE This function will return a number HLOOKUP This function will look in the top
indicating the data type of a value row of an array and returns the value of the
indicated cell
value of a number
ACOS This function will return the arccosine FLOOR This function will round a number
ATAN2 This function will return the LOG This function will return the logarithm
arctangent from x- and y-coordinates of a number to a specified base
ATANH This function will return the inverse LOG10 This function will return the base-10
hyperbolic tangent of a number logarithm of a number
CEILING This function will round a number MDETERM This function will return the
to the nearest integer or to the nearest matrix determinant of an array
EXP This function will return e raised to the PI This function will return the value of pi
power of a given number POWER This function will return the result of
FACT This function will return the factorial of a number raised to a power
a number PRODUCT This function will multiply its
random number between the numbers you SUMX2PY2 This function will return the sum
specify of the sum of squares of corresponding
SINH This function will return the hyperbolic of the absolute deviations of data points
SQRT This function will return a positive AVERAGE This function will return the
SQRTPI This function will return the square AVERAGEA This function will return the
subtotal in a list or database BETADIST This function will return the beta
SUM This function will add its arguments cumulative distribution function
SUMIF Adds the cells specified by a given BETAINV This function will return the inverse
CHIDIST This function will return the one- the F probability distribution
tailed probability of the chi-squared FISHER This function will return the Fisher
distribution transformation
CHIINV This function will return the inverse FISHERINV This function will return the
confidence interval for a population mean FTEST This function will return the result of
CORREL This function will return the an F-test
correlation coefficient between two data sets GAMMADIST This function will return the
COUNT This function will count how many gamma distribution
numbers are in the list of arguments GAMMAINV This function will return the
COUNTA This function will count how many inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution
values are in the list of arguments GAMMALN This function will return the
COUNTBLANK This function will count the natural logarithm of the gamma function, Γ
number of blank cells within a range (x)
COUNTIF This function will count the GEOMEAN This function will return the
number of nonblank cells within a range that geometric mean
meet the given criteria GROWTH This function will return values
COVAR This function will return covariance, along an exponential trend
the average of the products of paired HARMEAN This function will return the
deviations harmonic mean
CRITBINOM This function will return the HYPGEOMDIST This function will return the
MAXA This function will return the POISSON This function will return the
maximum value in a list of arguments, Poisson distribution
including numbers, text, and logical values PROB This function will return the
MEDIAN This function will return the median probability that values in a range are
numbers, text, and logical values RSQ This function will return the square of
MODE This function will return the most the Pearson product moment correlation
NORMSDIST This function will return the STANDARDIZE This function will return a
standard normal cumulative distribution normalized value
NORMSINV This function will return the STDEV This function will estimate standard
inverse of the standard normal cumulative deviation based on a sample
error of the predicted y-value for each x in CHAR This function will return the character
the regression specified by the code number
TDIST This function will return the Student's CLEAN This function will remove all
the Student's t-distribution code for the first character in a text string
TREND This function will return values along CONCATENATE This function will join
mean of the interior of a data set to text, using the $ (dollar) currency format
TTEST This function will return the EXACT This function will check to see if two
probability associated with a Student's t-test text values are identical
VAR This function will estimate variance FIND, FINDB This function will find one text
based on a sample value within another (case-sensitive)
VARA This function will estimate variance FIXED This function will format a number as
based on a sample, including numbers, text, text with a fixed number of decimals
and logical values JIS This function will change half-width
VARP This function will calculate variance (single-byte) English letters or katakana
based on the entire population within a character string to full-width
VARPA This function will calculate variance (double-byte) characters
based on the entire population, including LEFT, LEFTB This function will return the
numbers, text, and logical values leftmost characters from a text value
WEIBULL This function will return the LEN, LENB This function will return the
Text Functions
MID, MIDB This function will return a
PROPER This function will capitalize the first
SUBSTITUTE This function will substitute
new text for old text in a text string
Excel Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
F1 Displays the Office Assistant or (Help > Shift + F10 Displays the (Shortcut) menu for
Microsoft Excel Help) the selected item
F2 Edits the active cell, putting the cursor at Shift + F11 Inserts a new worksheet (before
the end the active sheet) into the active workbook
F3 Displays the (Insert > Name > Paste) (Insert > Worksheet)
dialog box Shift + F12 Saves, Displays the (File > Save
F4 Repeats the last worksheet action (Edit > As) dialog box if a new workbook
Repeat) Ctrl + F1 Closes and reopens the current
F5 Displays the (Edit > GoTo) dialog box task pane (ribbon in 2007)
F6 Moves to the next pane in a workbook (if Ctrl + F2 Print Preview
the window is split) Ctrl + F3 Displays the (Insert > Name >
F7 Displays the (Tools > Spelling) dialog box Define) dialog box
F8 Toggles whether to extend a selection Ctrl + F4 Closes the selected workbook
with the arrow keys window
F9 Calculates All the worksheets in All the Ctrl + F5 Restores the size of the active
open workbooks workbook or window
F10 Toggles the activation of the Menu Bar Ctrl + F6 Moves to the next open workbook
F11 Displays the (Insert > Chart) dialog box or window
that creates a chart (on a chart sheet) using Ctrl + F7 Activates the Move window
the highlighted range command
F12 Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box Ctrl + F8 Activates the Resize window
Shift + F2 Inserts or edits a cell comment command
(Insert > Comment) Ctrl + F9 Minimises the size of the active
Shift + F3 Displays the (Insert > Function) workbook or window
dialog box Ctrl + F10 Maximises the size of the active
Shift + F4 Repeats the last Find, the same as workbook or window
(Edit > Find Next) Ctrl + F12 Displays the (File > Open) dialog
Shift + F5 Displays the (Edit > Find) dialog box
box Alt + F1 Creates a chart (on a chart sheet)
Shift + F6 Moves to the previous pane in a using the highlighted range
workbook (if the window is split) Alt + F2 Displays the (File > Save As) dialog
Shift + F8 Toggles between switching Add box
Mode on or off* Alt + F4 Closes all the workbooks (saving
Shift + F9 Calculates just the active first) and exits Excel (File > Exit)
worksheet Alt + F8 Displays the (Tools > Macro >
Macros) dialog box
Alt + F11 Toggles between the Visual Basic Ctrl + Shift + 0 Unhides the columns in the
Editor window and and the Excel window current selection
Alt + Ctrl + F9 Calculates All cells on All Ctrl + Shift + 2 Enters the value from the
worksheets in All workbooks cell directly above into the active cell
Alt + Shift + F1 Inserts a new worksheet Ctrl + Shift + 8 Selects the current region
(before the active sheet) into the active (surrounded by blank rows and columns)
workbook (Insert > Worksheet) Ctrl + Shift + 9 Unhides the rows in the
Alt + Shift + F2 Displays the (File > Save current selection
As) dialog box Ctrl + A Displays formula palette given a
Alt + Shift + F4 Closes all the workbooks function name or selects the whole
(saving first) and exits Excel (File > Exit) worksheet or current date
Alt + Shift + F10 Displays the drop-down Ctrl + B Toggles bold on the current
menu for the corresponding smart tag selection
Alt + Shift + F11 Activates the Microsoft Ctrl + C Copies the current selection to the
Script Editor window clipboard
Ctrl + Shift + F3 Displays the (Insert > Ctrl + D Copies the first cell in the selection
Name > Create) dialog box downwards
Ctrl + Shift + F6 Moves to the previous Ctrl + F Displays the Find dialog box
open workbook or window Ctrl + G Displays the GoTo dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Activates the Menu Bar or Ctrl + H Displays the Replace dialog box
Shortcut Characters in 2007 Ctrl + I Toggles italics on the current
Ctrl + Shift + F12 Displays the (File > Print) selection
dialog box Ctrl + K Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog
Ctrl + 0 Hides the columns in the current box
selection Ctrl + L Displays the Create Table dialog box
Ctrl + 1 Displays the formatting dialog box Ctrl + N Creates a new workbook
Ctrl + 2 Toggles bold on the current Ctrl + O Displays the Open dialog box
selection Ctrl + P Displays the Print dialog box
Ctrl + 3 Toggles italics on the current Ctrl + R Copies the leftmost cell in the
selection selection to the right
Ctrl + 4 Toggles underlining on the current Ctrl + S Saves, Displays the Save As dialog
selection box if a new workbook
Ctrl + 5 Toggles the strikethrough of text on Ctrl + U Toggles underlining on the current
the current selection selection
Ctrl + 6 Toggles between hiding, displaying Ctrl + V Pastes the entry from the clipboard
Ctrl + 8 Toggles the display of Outline Ctrl + W Closes the active workbook or
symbols on the active worksheet window
Ctrl + 9 Hides the rows in the current Ctrl + X Cuts the current selection to the
selection (Format > Row > Hide) clipboard
Ctrl + Y Repeats the last workbook action Alt + Down Arrow Displays the Pick From
Ctrl + Z Undo the last workbook action List drop-down list Esc Cancels the cell entry
Ctrl + Shift + F Activates the Font Tab of the and restores the original contents
format cells Delete Deletes the selection or one character
Ctrl + Shift + O Selects all the cells with to the right
comments Backspace Deletes the selection or one
Ctrl + Shift + P Activates the Font Size tab character to the left Shift + Delete Cuts the
of the format cells selection to the clipboard
Enter Enters the contents of the active cell Ctrl + Delete Deletes text to the end of the
and moves to the cell below (by default) line Ctrl + - Displays the Delete dialog box
Shift + Enter Enters the contents of the Ctrl + Shift + = Displays the Cells dialog
active cell and moves to the cell above (by box
default) Ctrl + \ Selects the cells in a selected row
Tab Enters the contents of the active cell that do not match the value in the active cell
and moves one cell to the right Ctrl + Shift + \ Selects the cells in a
Shift + Tab Enters the contents of the active selected column that do not match the value
cell and moves one cell to the left in the active cell
Alt + = Enters the SUM() function (AutoSum) Ctrl + / Selects the array containing the
to sum the adjacent block of cells active cell ??
Alt + 0128 Enters the euro symbol (€) (using Alt + ; Selects the visible cells in the current
Number keypad) selection
Alt + 0162 Enters the cent symbol (¢) (using Ctrl + Shift + (8 or *) Selects the current
Number keypad) region (surrounded by blank rows and
Alt + 0163 Enters the pound sign symbol (£) columns)
(using Number keypad) Ctrl + * Selects the current region (using the
Alt + Enter Enters a new line (or carriage * on the number keyboard)
return) into a cell Ctrl + [ Selects all the cells that are directly
Ctrl + ' Enters the contents from the cell referred to by the formula in the active cell
directly above into the active cell (precedents)
Ctrl + Shift + 2 Enters the value from the Ctrl + Shift + [ Selects all the cells that are
cell directly above into the active cell directly (or indirectly) referred to by the
Ctrl + ; Enters the current date into the formula in the active cell
active cell Ctrl + ] Selects all the cells that directly refer
Ctrl + Shift + ; Enters the current time into to the active cell (dependents)
the active cell Ctrl + Shift + ] Selects all the cells that
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Enters the formula as an directly (or indirectly) refer to the active cell
Array Formula Ctrl + Shift + Page Down Selects the active
Shift + Insert Enters the data from the worksheet and the one after it
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up Selects the active Ctrl + Shift + (4 or $) Applies the Currency
worksheet and the one before it format "£#,##0.00" to the selection
Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Selects all the Ctrl + Shift + (5 or %) Applies the
objects on the worksheet when an object is Percentage format "0%" to the selection
selected or selects the whole worksheet Ctrl + Shift + (6 or ^) Applies the
Ctrl + Spacebar Selects the current column Exponential format "#,##E+02" to the
Shift + Arrow keys Selects the active cell selection
and the cell in the given direction Ctrl + Shift + (# or ~) Applies the General
Shift + Backspace Selects the active cell format to the selection
when multiple cells are selected Ctrl + (# or ~) Applies the Custom Date
Shift + Spacebar Selects the current row format "dd-mmm-yy" to the selection
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Key Extends the Ctrl + Shift + (7 or &) Applies the outline
selection to the next cell adjacent to a blank border to the selection
cell in that direction Ctrl + Shift + (- or _ ) Removes all the
Ctrl + Shift + End Extends the selection to borders from the selection
the last used cell on the worksheet Arrow Keys Moves to the next cell in that
Ctrl + Shift + Home Extends the selection direction
to the beginning of the worksheet Ctrl + Tab Moves to the next open
Shift + Arrow Keys Extends the selection by workbook or window
one cell in that direction Alt + Tab Moves to the next application
Shift + Home Extends the selection to the open on your computer
first column Alt + Shift + Tab Moves to the previous
Shift + Page Down Extends the selection application open on your computer
down one screen Enter Moves to the cell directly below
Shift + Page Up Extends the selection up Tab Moves to the next cell on the right (or
one screen unprotected cell)
End + Shift + Arrow Keys Extends the Home Moves to the first column in the
selection to the next non-blank cell in that current row
direction End + Arrow Keys Moves to the next non
End + Shift + End Extends the selection to empty cell in that direction
the last cell in the current row* End + Enter Moves to the last cell in the
End + Shift + Home Extends the selection current row that is not blank
to last used cell on the worksheet End + Home Moves to the last used cell on
Alt + ' Displays the Style dialog box the active worksheet*
Ctrl + Shift + ( ' or ) Applies the Time End + Home Moves to the last used cell on
format "hh:mm" to the selection the active worksheet*
Ctrl + Shift + (1 or !) Applies the Comma Page Down Moves to the next screen of
separated format "#,##0.00" to the selection rows down
Page Up Moves to the previous screen of Scroll Lock + End Moves to the last cell in
rows up the current window
Shift + Enter Moves to the cell directly Scroll Lock + Home Moves to the first cell
above (opposite direction to Enter) in the current window
Shift + Tab Moves to the cell directly to the Scroll Lock + Page Down Moves you down
left (opposite direction to Tab) one screen (current selection unchanged
Alt + Page Down Moves you one screen of Scroll Lock + Page Up Moves you up one
columns to the right screen (current selection unchanged)
Alt + Page Up Moves you one screen of Enter Moves from top to bottom within a
columns to the left selection
Ctrl + Home Moves to cell "A1" on the Tab Moves from left to right within a
active sheet selection
Ctrl + End Moves to the last used cell on Ctrl + . Moves clockwise to the next corner
the active worksheet* within a selection
Ctrl + Up Arrow Moves to the first row in Shift + Tab Moves from right to left within a
the current region selection (opposite direction to Tab)
Ctrl + Down Arrow Moves to the last row in Alt + Ctrl + Left Arrow Moves to the left
the current region between non adjacent cells in a selection
Ctrl + Left Arrow Moves to the first column Alt + Ctrl + Right Arrow Moves to the right
in the current region between non adjacent cells in a selection
Ctrl + Right Arrow Moves to the last = Starts a Formula
column in the current region Ctrl + ` Toggles between the value layer and
Ctrl + Page Up Moves to the previous the formula layer
worksheet in the workbook Ctrl + Insert Copies the current selection to
Ctrl + Page Down Moves to the next the clipboard
worksheet in the workbook Ctrl + Shift + ( Unhides any hidden rows
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Moves to the previous within the selection
open workbook or window Ctrl + Shift + ) Unhides any hidden columns
Scroll Lock + Arrow Keys Moves the within the selection
workbook or window one cell the Ctrl + Shift + \ Select unequal cells
corresponding direction