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SR Sandra CSST

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Spirituality, Community life , Vowed life, CCST Associate.

S.No Decisions/Recommendations Yes/No If yes –Desired result No, Reason/
1 All the sisters ……. Yes Sacrificing in life ,
commitment to Jesus ,
responsibility for religious
life, love for God, starting
the day with the Lord,
source of strength for the
day .

2 It is highly recommended that Two sisters It has helped the sisters to Not found so
every …… maintained, grow spiritually, handle far ,no true in
rest of the the daily problem them , Jesus is
sisters don’t smoothly . the guide .
have .

2 Every community should have Yes To be an attentive listener,

….personal transformation. has become reflective
person, has enriched in
personal growth .have
grown in aware of own
short comings, spiritual

3 Recollection should be held every Its done Sisters have become

………..are absent . responsible and faithful for
the monthly recollection .

4 Chapel is the secret place Failed ----------- Negligence,

…….should be respected. not taken

Enables us to meditate
1 Sisters should recite…….slowly. Yes well and reflect the psalms
other prayers , helps us to
be in the presence of God ,
God speaks to us ,we are ……..
drawn more closer to

2 Reflective reading of the Bible… Yes To meditate the passage

interiorized. and be in the presence of
God, God speaks through
the passage , we are
inspired to be closer to
God .

3 There must be …..and the Not done ----

Epiphany. Here after will
do .failed in
4 Sisters must receive ---- for the Yes , it’s Sisters have experienced doing so .
same . done . the forgiving of god ,
realized their weakness
and overcame it
,surrendering the
weaknesses , coming back
home ,peace within .

5 The CSST culture ---- of our Yes , its done More of outgoing,
uniqueness. available , communicative,
inclusive, good
relationship, attitude of
welcoming all .
6 Liturgy of the church…during Yes its done Helped sisters to pray with
prayer time. concentration, receive
inspirations and insights
from the life of saints.
7 Sisters who are not …..for prayer. Yes its done Inspired sisters to pray,
community is strengthen .

8 Personal study of …..st john of the Yes done Sisters are deeply
cross. attracted of his
spiritualities and virtues .
such as ‘- asceticism, loving
– sacrifice, detached from
things , we hold dearly .

Gen. individual sister meet……… Done The Junior sister sister has
superior become more responsible
in using of mobile phone,
sister feels worth accepted
and trusted .

1 Prov. Community Its done The sisters in the

meeting….visitation community are well aware
of all the matters
pertaining to the
community as well as to
the school. Sisters are
supported , strengthened
and united as family .

2 Animator should include …and the Its done All the sisters feel wanted
apostolate . accepted and homely.

1 The CCST dress-code be …seminars Due to lock-
.meetings are
2 Sister should avoid ….dining room . Its done Sisters no one carries
unnecessarily cell the
phone to the chapel as well
as to the common places .

Have an effective implementation Its done Being sincere and loyal in

of ….report their relationship with the
community has helped
sisters to be faithful and
committed to their
religious life .

3 Sisters activelyinvolve in the ……

community . Its done We conduct games , share
jokes, riddles, play cards
during recreation. Sisters
enjoy being with one
another .

4 We share our ….periphery. Its done We become more inclusive

in sharing our
infrastructures with the
needy – neighborhood.
Charity is done to the
migrants by providing them
food and shelter , school
hall was made available
for the faithful to celebrate
the Holy Eucharist and
other church activities .

5 Sisters practice …with others . Its done Sisters have become more
loveable , forgiving,
appreciating and accepting
also , having positive
attitude towards other
persons .

6 Create an atmosphere of Faithful in Sisters become more

come….required . doing patience, positive in
thinking ,understanding ,
constructive .

As we not done any thing in C.S.S.T. We will do

Associates. we have failed when school

GEN All our celebrations ….be need for Failed All the
. the poor. celebrations
observed in
a simple
The help
from the
to the
needy is not
been done .

The fare- well given…avoided. Its done All the farewell programs of
2 our sisters are done in a very
simple manner both in
schools and in convents.

Action plan
Read and study …. Its done Sisters become familiar and
aware of our csst rules and
regulation of the
constitution .it helps to live
our commitment more
effectively. Inspires to be
more dedicated, and to be
closer to the person of Jesus .

Journal writing by all the sisters.. Some of us It directs us to be sincere and

2 have failed loyal to ourselves,sisters
helped to recognize their
own weakness and strength
as well , it changes our lives
into responsible and more
effective to encounter god’s
love for us and for the

Every sister …visitation Its done Sisters become more

3 transparent , sincere,
responsible to self .

Respect with …dignity. Its done Helped sisters to see God’s

4 hand and will in the
command and what they say.
Learn to discern God’s will
through authority .


No Decisions/recommendations Yes/No If yes ,desired result If

1 Sisters should get ……regular Not done We have not
basis . organized . in
future we will do it .
When the school
reopens we will do
it .


No Decisions /recommendations Yes/No If yes , desired result If

1 Gen. When we seek ….. Yes its done Will receive genuine ,
quality committed and dedicated
sisters in our institute .
sisters will be firm and
faithful in their decisions/
choice and vocation .

2 If a junior sister ….date of Yes its done The sister will be aware of
profession . her first profession and
pray on that date. For her
it will be very important
day of her life .

3 Prov. Student sisters Its done Sister have become more

….community activity. committed to their life
and decision .they handle
smoothly all their studies
and responsibilities as

5 The annual report … animator Yes its done Justice is done to the
alone . growth of younger sisters ,
all the areas are been
observed by the
community. By
reporting /observing
sisters in the community
the sisters have become
more responsible for the
Acton plan. Page .24 younger ones .

1 Appointing zonal level… Yes its done The sisters take keen
promoter. interest in getting and
working for the promoting
vocation both in zonal as
well as community level .
Due to the
2 a)Conduct vocation Not done lockdown .
camp……..in the schools .


b)Attend seminars and Not done Due to lockdown

vocation …..diocesan label .

3 Conduct come and see Not done

program .

From csst blossom…..vocation Not done

day .

Accompaniment through
-------trying for vocation . Its done The sister in charge for
vocation promotion,
communicate on the
phone with interested
candidates as it is
lockdown. Constantly and
daily we pray for vocation.
God has blessed us with

p.g.24 Personalized study Its done

….of foudress. The sisters have become
more aware of the
hardship, poverty that our
foundress lived, learned to
be depended on God’s
providence. Total
surrender to God .

Action planp.g24
Appointing zonal wise … Its done The sisters take keen
promoter interest in recruiting and
working for promoting
vocation at zonal level as
well as community level.


No Decisions/recommendations Yes/No If yes ,desired result If No

Gen. decision p.g -8 At times the lay persons
Yes its are more competent ,
1 Lay heads who …..at different level . done committed and prompt
in administration , all
the work can be done
smoothly and in fare.
The management
becomes more
approachable and
flexible .

Yes its Its being done , we

2 Our school ……our students . done sisters come to and
understand their
situation and help them
accordingly .

Recom. P.g.-7 Not made any

1 We will make ….our country . Not done attempt

Will do it in
2 We need to …….expert team . Not done future.

P.g-9 (2) As it was

A common vision …… should not Not done decided that to
alter it . have only one
common vision
for whole
institute but not
yet provided by
the concerned

Prov, (1) p.g.-5

Time to time the repairs
1 Improve the infrastructure …..signs Its done and maintenance is
of time . done. There a new look
on the school campus
which attracts parents
and children .

3 Empower the under …… Its done Those corona affected

psychologically . families , students were
helped in our schools ,
some are completely
free some are given
concession from school
fee specially during
pandemic . it has helped
sisters to be other
centered , generous ,
available and
Pg-7 charitable .

1 The co-curricular……all the students . Yes its

done The students are
encouraged to
participate in all the
activities ,their hidden
talents are brought out
and they are recognized
for their performances
appreciated by giving
them certificate ,
trophies etc .
Students facilitated to
come out of their stage
fear and developed self
2 The management …... practice. Yes its confident .
Only some % theory is
done through on-line .

3 Principals/Headmistresses……..prayer
life and community life . Yes its Sisters have joined the
done on-line classes; we have
adjusted the prayer
timing and the classes.
We take care of prayer
and community life
accordingly so that no
sister is missed out
from prayer and other
community exercises .
Principals /headmistresses
….government authorities. Its done Officials become familiar
with us , they are ready
to help us when we
approach them . Their
cooperation is highly
appreciated in times of
5 our need.
Principals/Headmistresses…… our Yes they International
sisters computer literate. are Most of our sisters are charity day was
well equipped with the not celebrated.
computer, social media
and other electronic
gadgets. This helps
sisters for
1 Action plan.pg-26
Recom.no,1 p.g-7

2 Decision p.g 5 no,3

3 Recom.p.g,7-2

,b] conduct action-reflection Not done

programs , celebration ……19 A.g. Due to
lock down.
Take compassion……day of Some The
preparation . activities Activities are conducted International
are done in schools on-line , post Charity Day was
covid-19 , during not celebrated.
pandemic our inmates
and migrants were
taken care providing
them food, shelter,
vitamin tablets to boost
their immunity.
Students were helped
through various sources Due to
such as – community lockdown
and ex-students paid
school fees Specially
those who were victim
of Covid -19. Due to
5 a)To inculcate….. during the Its done lockdown is not
Assembly . done will do it
Students learn to in future .
hg/respect, value and
acknowledge the Pre-
amble .
b )Meaningful celebration at….. Not done Due to covid-19
constitution. lockdown.

6 Start cubs bulbul……in all our Its done

institutions. We have scouts and
guide. Through
participation they have
become more
disciplined, self-
defending and show
love for the society and We had planned
7 Seminar on 21st ……….pro-life etc. Its not country. but couldn’t
done implement it
due to lock-
down .
8 a) Sisters and staff will Yes its
attend…..of student. done
Few teachers and sister
in-charged have
enrolled for the
b) Conduct seminars for counseling courses thus
catholic Failed to to help student and Due to lock
teachers…..interesting . do parent. down.
We had done
10 Periodic health check-up…… on 7th We have early ,but due to
April. . failed lock down.

11 Orientation on education academic Its done Fr.K.C.Thomas spoke to

-----year. Staff on challenges of
covid-19, how do we
need to confront it.
Fr,Micheal Fernandes
spoke to staff on the
topic ………..


No Decisions/recommendations Yes/ No If yes, desired result If No

1 10% of the salaries and pension of Yes its It has helped sisters to be
the sisters should be spend on done more charitable,
charity of which 5% shall go to the outgoing, generous, and
Province for the social apostolate other centered. Poor
and 5% for social charity , have benefited specially
for their professional
training (Nursing ,B.ed).

2 Every community should get actively Occasionally have visited Not as family
involved in the family apostolate . Not done the families of our apostolate, since
students staff and parish no one has
family. trained for it .
3 Junior sisters and those who have
an aptitude for Social Apostolate , Yes its The sisters are free to
must be sent for BSW, BA in social done choose their field of
Work , MSW , Nursing and training interest of their aptitude
in pastoral work . so that they can work
effectively in the ministry
No. Decisions/Recommendations Yes/No If yes- the desired result If No/reason
1 The development fund of schools Yes its done It has helped the school
should only be used for authority in the
development . provinces cannot development of the school
demand this money nor should it be and its infrastructure. The
included while calculating 2%of the management has become
Gross income . more transparent in using
the fund .

2 Sisters in charge of children’s homes,

boarding houses and hostels should Its done Sisters presence makes
spend more time with the children, different. Sisters devote
supervising their study , meals, their time with the
recreation and all round formation . students which brings
about changes in their

Sisters those
3 Every sister , who is able , must reach Its done who know the local
Catechism . language and able are
helping children in faith
formation both in schools
and in the parishes.


No Decisions /recommendations Yes/No If yes –desired result If No/reason

1 Enroll all the domestic workers in Yes its done In time of health issues
the medical insurance scheme .set they get benefit of getting
aside 5% of the basic pay for the amount to pay for the
medical allowance , hospitalization expenses for the
expenses will be met by the medication .
respective departments of the
various institutions .

2 Sister Nurses should be permitted to

work in Government / private Its done Sister nurses will have
hospitals to update /equip experiences and grow
themselves with the latest confident in their field of
information/knowledge in the work .
medical field to become more
effective and efficient in her field of
ministry .

3 Visit the sick in families , hospitals Yes its done People are encouraged,
……counsel the women and children and supported by our
physical presence in their
pain and sorrow .

Console families on the demise People feel consoled, by

…..when they are in trouble sharing the get out of their
troubles .


1 Join BCC and SCC in the parish level Yes its done Sisters involve in the parish
program ------parish catechism. activities .The sisters are
aware of parish problems
when we attend the parish
council meetings. We help
the our Christians to grow
in their faith. feel free to
approach us.


No Decisions/recommendations Yes/No If yes –desired result If No /reason

1 There can be an ……their services Its not done No one has
opted for the
same .

2 The General/Provincial councilor …… Yes its done Their visit and direction
time to time . on the apostolate makes
different effect .

3 The superior and her …….local Yes its done It has helped the
superior . animators to lessen
down the workload as it
shared by the local
council. The work of the
community runs
smoothly with their help
and cooperation.

4 The councilors should help the

animators……and recorded . Its done All the matters discussed
at the time of
weekly/monthly meeting
recorded the minutes .

5 Sisters those who study privately Yes its done Authority is aware of the
…….given in writing . sisters area of
development. Also
individual sisters update
themselves according to
needs of the time and
ministry .

6 All the heads of ……for final approval Yes its done So that the community is
aware of and involved in
in preparing the budget
.the sisters also aware of
the income and

7 In preparation for the provincial Yes its done All the sisters of the
chapter…….in the discussion . province are involved in
discussion , decision and
planning of the chapter.all
of them have participated
whole heartedly and
contributed sufficiently
through on-line webinar .

8 Reading the signs of the …..can be Its not done Due to our negligence ,
the directives not taken interest for the
same .

9 Educate one or two……..lay Not done

professional. Authorities
can decide .

10 The concerned authority …….is not Its done The constructive

respected . corrections are given so
the individuals receive it
well. In case of violating
laws and regulation .by
obeying sisters are grown
in spiritually,
physiologically and
mentally .

11 Clarify and disseminate ….action Yes its done Sisters have become
plan . more responsible , giving
and sharing .sisters
develop an attitude of
compassion and
availability .
12 Follow-up ……provincial superior. Yes its done Sister became more
faithful and committed to
their spiritual life .mature
in their decision making
process .

Shepherd leader

1 Sensitivity to the ….sisters. Yes its done The sisters becomes more
charitable, out-going .
ready to sacrifice .
community becomes
more approachable .

2 Keeping the …… confidence of Yes its done Sisters care for one
sisters. another , open for
changes . Trust and loyal
in the community matters
for any time .


No Decision/recommendation Yes/No If yes desire result If No

1 a) Monthly …….on 10th of every Its done The community is aware
month of the house income and
expenditure and try to
line with in the budget.

Its done The whole community is

b) School budget …..every year . aware of the income and
expenditure of the school.
Transparent in the
accounts, ordinary life-
style .

2 Summary of …….. FCRA account . Some extent The sisters become self-
sufficient and effective in
accounting . sisters
acquire true knowledge of
accounts with virtue of
transparent .

3 Whole hearted ……. Participation. Yes its done Sisters work for one goal.
They commit and
cooperate genuinely for
the betterment of the
community and institute .

4 Render monetary ……the families . Yes its done Students are empowered
by the financial assistance
given for their studies .
Students encouraged and
developed .sisters
become more out-going
and sincere in dealing
with the needy .

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