The poem that you have just read manifests how a person can be lonely and happy at
the same time. Likewise, an adolescent like you might be able to transform your
thoughts and feelings onto a positive behavior. For instance, like a cloud, you might
be alone at times, perhaps left behind by the ones you consider as close and
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud significant to you; thus you might think and feel (hence the thoughts and feelings)
by William Wordsworth that you are unimportant to them. However, as what Wordsworth wrote, “A poet
could not but be gay,” he did not let the loneliness envelop him, so he found his own
I wandered lonely as a cloud ways, controlling his behavior, to be “gay” or happy even though the situations are
That floats on high o'er vales and hills, against him.
When all at once I saw a crowd, By analyzing the poem and relating this to your everyday life as an adolescent, you
A host, of golden daffodils; can now clearly identify the connections between your thoughts, feelings, and
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, behavior. As discussed above, the three do not necessarily have to be of the same
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. succeeding level or intensity that one of them may contradict or control the others.
That is the reason that as a responsible adolescent, it is imperative that you evaluate and a better understanding of the process, you will have an easier time transitioning
yourself through self-assessment. Self-assessment is your own assessment of your yourself in this extraordinary developmental stage.
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which is completely necessary for you to arrive to Adolescence is defined as the period between the normal onset of puberty and the
an informed decision. However, while decisions may be individual, these are affected beginning of adulthood. In the Oxford English Dictionary, it was derived from; late
by factors like Middle English (as a noun): via French from Latin adolescent- ‘coming to maturity’,
values, goals, and positive affiliations. In the study of B. Bradford Brown entitled The from adolescere, from ad- ‘to’ + alescere ‘grow, grow up’, from alere ‘nourish’. The
Psychology of Adolescence, he wrote that the aforementioned factors are affected by adjective dates from the late 18th century.”
positive family and community context, emphasizing that skills to deal with anxiety The transition period between childhood and early adulthood is quite difficult. This is
and adversity are also keys. Hence, an individual must be able to assess himself or the most crucial stage because this is the time when teens start defining themselves.
herself accurately prior to making decisions as the outcomes of his or her actions can Remember, however, that each adolescent’s experiences, individual changes, and
be the reflections of how he or she is raised, chooses peers, and deals with the growth vary.
community. Adolescence is a stage in a young person’s life in which they move from
Meanwhile, in an online article published in carolinapeds.com entitled “The dependency on their parents to independence, autonomy, and maturity. The young
Connection Between our Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors, the author Courtney person begins to move from the family as their major social system to his/her peers as
Bancroft”, it was discussed that the three are connected with one another in such a a more appealing social group that might influence his/her adulthood and
means that when one (e.g. thought) or any two of the three (e.g. thought and feeling) independence.
is/are on negative pole, it may be changed by having the remaining factor/s focused Undeniably, biological, cognitive, psychological, social, moral, and spiritual changes
on the positive pole. could be both exciting and daunting for these may affect one’s independence and
perspectives in life. Consequently, oftentimes, it is the members of the family who
Developmental Tasks and Challenges of Adolescence take notice of these changes in patterns and behaviors.
In this lesson, we will be focusing on the tasks and challenges that you experienced Here is the list of the most common challenges that adolescents experience:
during your adolescence stage. Adolescence is the period of development that begins Biological Challenges
at puberty and ends at emerging adulthood. During puberty stage, there are changes Adolescence begins with the first well-defined maturation event called puberty.
that occur in the body of a child. It is a natural process that everyone goes through. Included in the biological challenges are the changes that occur due to the release of
Remember when you started to notice the rapid changes in your body? Mostly the sexual hormones that affect emotions. Mood changes can increase which can have
resulted to your being self-consciousness and being overly emotional. Sometimes, an impact on relationships both at home with parents and siblings and peers at school.
you would want to be accepted and be “in”, but at times, you would want to be just Cognitive Challenges
left alone. These adjustments are part of developmental changes during adolescence Piaget, in his Theory of Social Development, believed that adolescence is the time
stage -- the time when a child transitions in terms of physiology and cognition to fulfil when young people develop cognitively from “concrete operations” to “formal
a new role as an emerging adult. operations”, so they are able to deal with ideas, concepts, and abstract theories. It
We will walk along with you to discover yourself as you take the journey to the stage takes time to develop confidence using these newly acquired skills, and they may
of becoming a responsible individual. Knowledge and understanding to oneself is the make mistakes in judgment. Learning through success and failure is part of the
key to overcome the challenges in this period of your life. With guidance, assurance, learning process for the adolescent.
Adolescents are egocentric. They can become self-conscious thinking they are being excessive exercise. Eating binges may occur as often as several times a day but are
watched by others, and at other times they behave as if they were on a center stage most common in the evening and night hours.
and perform for a non-existent audience. For example, acting like a music idol, Mental Health Disorder
singing their favorites songs in their room with all the accompanying dance steps. Anxiety Disorders
Psychological Challenges Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disorders characterized by significant
The notable psychological challenge that the adolescent must cope with is moving feelings of anxiety and fear. Anxiety is a worry about future events, and fear is a
from childhood to adulthood. A new person is emerging, thus, rules will change, and reaction to current events. These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a
more responsibilities will be placed on him/her, so a certain standard of behavior is fast heart rate and shakiness.
now required to be maintained. Accountability is becoming an expectation from both Mood Disorders
parental and legal concepts. The development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to identifiable
As adolescents continue their journey of self-discovery, they continually adjust to stressors that occur within 3 months of the onset of the stressors. Here, low mood,
new experiences, even biologically and socially. This can be both stressful and tearfulness, or feelings of hopelessness are predominant.
anxiety-provoking. It, therefore, is not surprising that adolescents can have a Major Depressive Disorder (MDD):
decreased tolerance for change; hence, it becomes increasingly more difficult for A period of at least 2 weeks during which there is either depressed mood or the loss
them to modulate their behaviors which are sometimes displayed by inappropriate of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities. In children and adolescents, the mood
mood swings and angry outbursts. may be irritable rather than sad.
Health Issues of adolescence: Bipolar Disorder:
Eating Disorders A period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and
An eating disorder describe illness that are characterized by irregular eating habits abnormally and persistency increased activity or energy, lasting at least 4 consecutive
and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. Eating disturbances may days and present most of the day, nearly every day, or that requires hospitalization.
include inadequate or excessive food intake which can ultimately damage an
individual’s well-being. The most common forms of eating disorders are the
Types of Eating Disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
1. Anorexia Nervosa Definitions of the symptom complex known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Teenagers with anorexia may take extreme measures to avoid eating and to control (ADHD) differ, but severe problems with concentration or attention and/or
the quantity and quality of the foods they eat. They may become abnormally thin and hyperactivity are estimated to affect adolescents. Six times as many boys as girls are
still talk about feeling fat. They typically continue to strict diet even at very unhealthy affected.
weights because they have a distorted image of their body. School phobia
2. Bulimia Nervosa School phobia, also called school refusal, is defined as a persistent and irrational fear
Teenagers with bulimia nervosa typically ‘binge and purge’ by engaging in of going to school. It must be distinguished from a mere dislike of school that is
uncontrollable episodes of overeating (bingeing) usually followed by compensatory related to issues such as a new teacher, a difficult examination, the class bully, lack of
behavior such as: purging through vomiting, use of laxatives, enemas, fasting, or confidence, or having to undress for a gym class. The phobic adolescent shows an
irrational fear of school and may show marked anxiety symptoms when in or near the go to sleep. This constant noise is associated with negative mental health outcomes in
school. younger generations who have grown up with the chatter. This constant noise is
Learning disabilities associated with negative mental health outcomes in younger generations who have
Learning abilities encompasses disorders that affect the way individuals with normal grown up with the chatter. In an article by Dr. Shamard Charles (2012), he
or above normal intelligence receive, store, organize, retrieve, and use information. summarized that “recent studies have shown that more social media use is associated
Problems included dyslexia and other specific learning problems involving reading, with increased reported symptoms of social anxiety, social isolation, and feelings of
spelling, writing, reasoning, and mathematics. Undiagnosed learning disabilities are a loneliness.” Another effect of social media is an intense feeling of isolation. It is easy
common but manageable cause of young people deciding to leave school at the to think that checking on what friends are posting on Facebook will lead to a greater
earliest opportunity. sense of connectedness, but studies have shown that it’s actually the opposite.
Social Issues Developmental Tasks
Sexual Abuse In the eight stages of Psychosocial Developmental Theory of Erik Erikson, Identity
Sexual abuse is a sexual behavior, or a sexual act forced upon a woman, man, or child vs. Role Confusion (this stage is the age between 12 to 18 years old) explains that
without their consent. Sexual abuse includes abuse by another man, woman, or child. adolescents would try to explore and figure out their own identity and try to fit in with
Sexual abuse in childhood may result in problems of depression and low self-esteem, social interactions at the same time. According to Erikson, an adolescent’s main task
as well as in sexual difficulties, either avoidance of sexual contact or, on the other is developing a sense of self. Adolescents struggle with questions “Who am I?” and
hand, promiscuity or prostitution. Sexual abuse in children is regarded by the World “What do I want to do with my life?” Most of the adolescents try to explore various
Health Organization (WHO) as one of the major public health problems. roles and ideas and look for a place where they can fit, set goals, and attempt to
Substance Abuse discover themselves.
Many communities are plagued with problems of substance abuse among youth. As an adolescent who is entering the stage of adulthood, you are responsible for your
Some children start smoking or chewing tobacco at an early age, aided by easy access own being. Accepting yourself and ensuring your body’s physical health help you
to tobacco products. Many of our youth, with limited supervision or few positive build stronger personality and sense of identity. Likewise, building a strong
alternatives, drink too much beer and liquor. Other youth, influenced by their peers, relationship with your family and showing affection and respect to others can
use other illegal drugs. Our youth suffer from substance abuse in familiar ways: improve interactions with them. Establishing social responsibility, moreover,
diminished health, compromised school performance, and reduced opportunities for develops personal and moral values to guide you on how to react to social issues.
development. Our communities also bear a heavy burden for adolescent substance Entering adulthood is undeniably a big challenge. At this stage of your life,
abuse. your family, your school, and your community contribute to prepare you in this life
Influence of Mass Media changing task. You should, in turn, need to be emotionally prepared since you would
Adolescents spend a significant amount of time in viewing and interacting with need to choose people whom you think would help you fulfill these tasks in order for
electronic devices in the form of TV, radio, cellphone, and computers. Mass media you to reach you goals in life.
activate and reinforce attitude and contribute significantly in the formation of new Development Through the Help of Significant People
attitudes and will continue to affect children's cognitive and social development. Significant People in Life
Impact of Social Media Recognizing the significant people in a person’s life is closely related to his
Social media is a constant part of our lives: we are bombarded by alerts from growth and well-being. As adolescence face critical changes and deal with
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram from the time we wake up to the time we
transitions, it is high time to notice the people who positively influence them to carry
out the tasks expected of them to accomplish. This kind of connection secures a basis
of emotional security and adds to their personal development.
Being in Senior High School is another stage of life that young adolescents like you
need to prepare with to face the adversaries that challenges your well-being. With full
of confidence and logical thinking, you can be guided with any decisions to take in
life. As you continuously progress in every learning situation, it is fitting to look back
at the people who molded you to become better as a person.
Influential People in My Life
People normally look up to influential personalities who have shown greatness in
terms of leadership, intelligence, creativity, talents, and charisma. They usually listen
to their strong belief system that brings so much inspiration and positive energy to
other’s life.
Adolescents choose their idols whom they have seen in social media and from the
society they get involved with. Because of the examples they model, they get
inspiration and imbibe their positive outlooks in life.
These are some of the people who molded you in many significant ways and
have become part of your existence.
of socialization. These are your family, siblings, peers, teachers, and community
leaders. They help you discover more of yourself and join you in exploring what you
need to know about the world. As the person continues to progress, he/she would
realize the many potentials that have been influenced by any of these people.