GROUP 6 - AR6-Semiconductor-Diodes
GROUP 6 - AR6-Semiconductor-Diodes
GROUP 6 - AR6-Semiconductor-Diodes
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Semiconductor Diodes
Grade :
Remarks :
I ntroduction:
A diode is a di-electrode device that behaves as a one-directional switch. It allows current
from its anode to cathode terminal when it has forward bias. On the other hand, it has almost
zero current when it is in reverse bias. There are different types of semiconductor diodes, such
as: rectifier diode, Zener diode, light-emitting diode, Schottky diode, varactor diode, and other
kinds. In this activity, we are going to use the rectifier diode. Let us utilize the LTSPICE to run
simulations and determine the characteristics of rectifier diodes and their circuits.
1.1 Fill-up the Table 1. Write the application/s and attach a sample photo for each type of
semiconductor diode. Do not forget to indicate the source or website where we got the photos.
Light Emitting Night lighting, art
Diode lighting, and outdoor l-about-leds/what-is-an-led
lighting are just a few
of the uses for LED
lights. These lights
are also utilized in the
electronics and
industries, as well as
for signage and a
variety of other
Varactor Diode Varactor or varicap https://www.watelectronics
diodes are used to .com/what-is-a-varactor-
produce voltage diode-working-
controlled variable applications/
capacitance in radio
frequency or RF
circuits. These
components can be
utilized in a wide
range of applications
in which a
capacitance level
must be regulated by
a voltage.
Schottky Diode Schottky diodes are
utilized in high- e/en/lowuf-dual-schottky-
frequency diode-cc-100v-2x10a-to-
applications because 220ab-mbr20l100ct-
of their low turn-on p269341.html
voltage, quick
recovery time, and
low energy loss.
Schottky diodes can
correct a current
because of these
features, which allow
for a fast change from
conducting to
blocking states.
P art 2: Characteristics of Rectifier Diode
Our objective is to simulate the characteristics of a Rectifier Diode by using the LTSPICE tool.
2.1 Connect the circuit diagram, as shown in Figure 1, in LTSPICE tool. The student or group
may use another kind of rectifier diode for diode D1, another value of resistance for resistor
R1, and another voltage level for dc voltage source V1. Take the photo of your own circuit
diagram drawn in LTSPICE tool, and place it in Figure 2. (One way to capture the screen in
LTSPICE is: View > Paste Bitmap.)
2.3 Include a SPICE directive in your schematic diagram. In Figure 1, the directive is .DC V1
-100 100 1. This directive describes the dc simulation, wherein the voltage of V1 will start
from -100 V to +100 V with an increment of +1 V. For your simulation, set the dc simulation
from +200 V to -200 V with 1 V increment. Run your simulation and show the waveform of
current along diode D1. Figure 3 shows the example of the simulation waveform for the
diode circuit in Figure 1. In Figure 3, the current of diode D1, I(D1), is in y-axis and the
voltage of V1 is in x-axis. Now, take a photo of your own waveform, you may use snipping
tool, and place it in Figure 4.
2.4 Modify your simulation waveform. Display in the x-axis the voltage across the diode D1. In
y-axis, display the current along the diode D1. Take a snapshot of this waveform, and place it
in Figure 5. Complete the caption of Figure 5 by writing the part number of your diode D1.
(Example: The part number of diode D1 in Figure 1 is 1N914.)
2.4 Based on the simulation results in Figure 4 and Figure 5, indicate in Table 2 the voltage and
current of diode D1.
Table 2. Current and Voltage of Diode 1N914.
2.5 Based on the simulation results, briefly explain how to turn on the diode?
When the voltage across D1 is positive, the diode in the circuit allows current to flow.
Figure 5 and Table 2 demonstrate this. There is also a direct proportionality between voltage
and current, with a negative voltage resulting in a negative current. According to this
illustration, the diode will be turned on when the diode's current is forward, requiring a
positive voltage. This condition allows current to flow, and the polarity of the diode in the
input should be the same because it can generate current.
2.5 Based on the simulation results, briefly explain how to turn off the diode?
When the voltage across the diode is zero, we can say that it is turned off. As can be seen in
Table 2, there is a negative voltage and current, indicating that the diode is also turned off.
Negative voltage and current values indicate that there is no flow or that no current will
transfer to other components.
P art 3: Half-Wave Rectifier
Our objective is to simulate the operation of a Half-Wave Rectifier circuit using the LTSPICE
3.1 Connect in LTSPICE the circuit diagram of Half-Wave Rectifier in Figure 6. The student or
group may use another kind of rectifier diode for diode D1, another value of resistance for
resistor R1, and another voltage level for ac sine-wave voltage source V1. Take the photo of
your own circuit diagram drawn in LTSPICE, and place it in Figure 7.
3.2 Include a SPICE directive in your schematic diagram. In Figure 6, the directive is .TRAN
0.1. This directive describes the transient simulation with a time stop of 0.1 second or 100
millisecond. The resulting waveform in transient simulation is similar with the display of
oscilloscope instrument, wherein the x-axis is also time. In Figure 6, the input V1 is a sine-
wave voltage source with 0 V dc level, 10 V amplitude, and 60 Hertz frequency. With a time
stop of 100 ms and with 60 Hz sine wave input (16.67 ms period), the simulation results
displayed 6 cycles as shown in Figure 8. For your simulation, set the transient simulation to
display 3 complete cycles. Run your simulation, and show the waveforms of input voltage
V1 and output voltage across R1. Figure 8 shows the example of simulation waveforms for
the half-wave rectifier circuit in Figure 6. Now, take a photo of your own waveforms, and
place it in Figure 9.
Fig. 8. Signals in HW Rectifier (sample).Fig. 9. Input and Output Voltages in HW Rectifier.
3.3 Based on the simulation results in Figure 9, determine the peak voltages of input voltage V1
and of output voltage across resistor R1.
Briefly explain the discrepancy between the input voltage and output voltage.
Vinput(max) is slightly larger than Voutput(max), with a difference of about 0.6V. The
Vinput produced an equal value of +10V and -10V for the positive and negative half-cycles.
V(output) then has a positive value of +10V for the half-cycle and returns 0V instead of +10V on
a negative cycle, as shown by the flat line in the lower image of Fig.9.
3.4 Based on the simulation results in Figure 9, determine the frequency of input voltage V1 and
of output voltage across resistor R1.
A pn junction diode is a device that only allows current to flow in one direction. In other
words, unless it is forward biased, a pn junction diode transmits current. The same technique is used
by a half wave rectifier, which converts AC to DC. During the positive half cycles of the input
wave, the diode 'D' will be forward biased, and during the negative half cycles of the input wave, it
will be reverse biased. In general, half-wave rectifiers produce a half-cycle V(outputs), while the
other half-wave is zero and can be positive or negative.
Our objective is to simulate the operation of a Full-Wave Rectifier circuit using the LTSPICE tool.
4.1 Connect in LTSPICE the circuit of Full-Wave Rectifier in Figure 10. The student or group
may use another kind of rectifier diode for diodes D1, D2, D3, and D4, another value of
resistance for resistor R1, and another voltage level for ac sine-wave voltage source V1. Take
the photo of your own circuit diagram drawn in LTSPICE, and place it in Figure 11.
Fig. 10. Full-Wave Rectifier (sample). Fig. 11. Connection of Full-Wave Rectifier.
4.1 Include a SPICE directive in your schematic diagram. For your simulation, set the transient
simulation to display 4 complete cycles. Run your simulation, and show the following
waveforms: current along diode D1; current along current D2; current along diode D3;
current along diode D4; input voltage V1; and output voltage across resistor R1. Take a
photo of your waveforms, and place it in Figure 12.
10 | P a g e
4.2 Based on the simulation results in Figure 12, briefly describe which diodes turn on during the
positive half cycle of the input voltage and during the negative half-cycle of the input voltage.
Diodes D1 and D4 turned on because the voltage input changed from positive to
negative during the positive half-cycle, as shown in Figure 12. They also created a comparable
waveform, indicating that they have the same polarity and. As a result, diodes D1 and D4 will
be in the first wave, producing voltage and current as the wave peaks rise. The waveform falls
on the second half-wave cycle, indicating that diodes D1 and D4 will have zero values. During
the negative half-cycle or second half-wave, diodes D2 and D3 will be turned on. D2 and D3
were both off because they had the same polarization and produced a zero-voltage output
during the first wave (positive half-cycle). However, based on the generated waveform, their
curves rise on the second wave (negative half-cycle), indicating that D2 and D3 both produce
positive voltage. As a result, diodes D1 and D4 were turned on during the positive half-cycle,
while diodes D2 and D3 were turned off during the negative half-cycle.
4.3 Based on the simulation results in Figure 12, determine the peak voltages of input voltage V1
and of output voltage across resistor R1.
Briefly explain the discrepancy between the input voltage and output voltage.
The cycles that accompany the input and output voltages are to blame for the disparity
between their peak voltage values. Figure 13 demonstrates how the input voltage is defined by
alternating cycles of four positive and four negative half-cycles, while the output voltage is shown
to have exclusively positive output across the four sinusoidal wave cycles. As a result, the input
voltage has a higher peak voltage than the output voltage because it is the voltage source.
Furthermore, because the output voltage is close to diodes, the placement of these voltages in the
circuit has an influence on their peak. Diodes only allow electricity to flow in one way and can
also conduct electricity once the source reaches a certain level. Diodes (e.g., 1N914) can be used
in this fashion to lower the voltage in a circuit.
4.6 Based on the simulation results in Figure 12, determine the frequency of input voltage V1
and of output voltage across resistor R1.
Alternating cycles of four positive and four negative half-cycles characterize the input
voltage. The output voltage was only positive throughout the four sinusoidal wave cycles,
resulting in the input voltage having a higher peak voltage than the output. Because the output
voltage is close to diodes, the position of these voltages in the circuit affected their peak.
Because diodes only allow electricity to flow in one direction, they can be used to reduce
voltage in a given circuit. Because full-wave rectification was used in the input voltage, a
higher peak voltage is expected. A positive value was obtained when alternating currents were
converted to pulse currents.
11 | P a g e
The following conclusions were drawn from the result of this activity:
12 | P a g e
There are various types of semiconductor diodes that have
been proven to be extremely useful or significant in the
industry and in people's daily lives.
Rectifier diodes are used to convert alternating current into
direct current.
Zener diodes handle breakdown due to reverse breakdown
diodes without completely failing.
Light-emitting diodes allow electrons and holes to
recombine at the PN junction, producing energy in the form
of light.
Varactor diodes are for radio frequency whereas Schottky
diodes are for the application of radio frequency.
A positive input voltage is required to turn on a rectifier
diode, while a negative one is required to turn it off.
Half-wave rectifiers function in the same way as PN
junction nodes. It is also capable of converting alternating
current to direct current.
Because the peak voltage of a full wave is greater than that
of a half-wave, full-wave rectification is more efficient than
half-wave rectification because it makes better use of the
full wave.
13 | P a g e