This curriculum map outlines the science curriculum for the first quarter of 8th grade. It focuses on force, motion, and energy. Students will learn about [1] work using constant force, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and elastic potential energy. They will also learn [2] how to maximize the benefits of energy while minimizing energy use. Assessments include identifying situations where work is done both positively and negatively. Activities include quick response loops, investigations, inquiries, demonstrations, discussions and collaborative work to help students understand concepts.
This curriculum map outlines the science curriculum for the first quarter of 8th grade. It focuses on force, motion, and energy. Students will learn about [1] work using constant force, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and elastic potential energy. They will also learn [2] how to maximize the benefits of energy while minimizing energy use. Assessments include identifying situations where work is done both positively and negatively. Activities include quick response loops, investigations, inquiries, demonstrations, discussions and collaborative work to help students understand concepts.
This curriculum map outlines the science curriculum for the first quarter of 8th grade. It focuses on force, motion, and energy. Students will learn about [1] work using constant force, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and elastic potential energy. They will also learn [2] how to maximize the benefits of energy while minimizing energy use. Assessments include identifying situations where work is done both positively and negatively. Activities include quick response loops, investigations, inquiries, demonstrations, discussions and collaborative work to help students understand concepts.
This curriculum map outlines the science curriculum for the first quarter of 8th grade. It focuses on force, motion, and energy. Students will learn about [1] work using constant force, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and elastic potential energy. They will also learn [2] how to maximize the benefits of energy while minimizing energy use. Assessments include identifying situations where work is done both positively and negatively. Activities include quick response loops, investigations, inquiries, demonstrations, discussions and collaborative work to help students understand concepts.
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