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2:1 Clear Coat: Technical Data Sheet #3000

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2:1 Clear Coat

Technical Data Sheet #3000

COMPONENTS Apply 2 full coats of clear for proper film

3000 2:1 Clear Coat build and protection (2.0 mils dry film
3001 2:1 Clear Fast Activator minimum). Excessive amounts of clear will
3002 2:1 Clear Med Activator retard drying and curing and may cause
3003 2:1 Clear Slow Activator die-back.
Optional 10% Reduction with 7070, 8080,
9090 Universal reducers. BAKING
Note: Do not bake clear when using accelerator.
2 Parts 3000 2:1 Clear Coat Full Bake Cycle
1 Part 3001, 3002, 3003 2:1 Clear Catalyst For Heavy Buffing/Compounding
(see chart for proper activator selection) or Assembly
No purge time is necessary,
Note: We recommend using catalysts within 14 days of bake 30–35 minutes at 140°F.
opening to maintain maximum performance. Replace lids on Allow a 1–2 hour cool down prior
all paint products immediately after use to avoid moisture or
oxygen contamination. to assembling or buffing.
Infrared Short Wave 5 minutes at half
power, then full power for 15 minutes
Catalyst Temperature Range (20 minutes total).
3001 Fast 60 - 70°F
3002 Medium 70 - 80°F BUFFING
Note: Due to variations in compounds, polishes, and buffing
3003 Slow 80°F + pads, refer to the product manufacturer for suggested use of
their products. Always use a quality clearcoat polishing
system. Excessive clear films, slower activators, or cooler
POT LIFE temperatures will result in extended dry time before polishing
3 hours at 75o F. or compounding.

Equipment Setup Light Polishing Dry Time

For removing minor imperfections such as fine
Gun Type Fluid Tip Air Pressure dust, dirt, or debris. Best used for blend
HVLP 1.3-1.4mm 8-10 PSI at cap edges, under cured or soft fresh clear.
High Efficiency 1.3-1.4mm 27-32 PSI Air dry: 8 hours at 75o F.

Note: These are starting points for spray gun Compounding Dry Time
recommendations. Refer to spray gun manufacturers
recommendations for proper setup and operation. Additional For aggressively removing sand scratches and
adjustments may be necessary to flatten and level the paint surface. (for use
on longer air-dried or fully baked clear):
Application Air dry: 12–16 hours at 75o F then proceed
Allow basecoat to properly dry according to with heavy compounding and polishing.
suggested dry times and spray conditions. Full Bake: Allow a cool down for 1–2 hours
Apply one medium-wet coat and allow 10– prior to heavy compounding or polishing.
15 minutes flash. Apply a second coat
of clear. 2:1 Clear Coat
Do not apply more clear after 1 hour Technical Data Sheet #3000
of applying previous coats of clear.

Due to the strength of some reducers, care Clean spray equipment immediately following
needs to be taken if new color coat is going application with a quality thinner or spray gun
to be applied over fresh clear. cleaner.
Allow clear to dry overnight at 75o F prior to
reapplying color coat. If a full break through DISPOSAL
of clear is done while making a repair, Dispose of all paint and paint related materials
lightly apply color using a faster flashing in accordance with state and local regulations.
In temperatures below 75o F, the use of a SAFETY & HEALTH
heat lamp will help cure the break through Read and follow all technical product
edge so lifting will be minimized. information, labels, and SDS prior to
Re-clearing may be done as soon as 16 application. Keep product out of reach of
hours or up to 72 hours without having to children and animals. Always wear proper
scuff clear. safety equipment (respirator, gloves, eye, and
clothing protection) when using this product.
PERFORMANCE TIPS Refer to all labels on products and
If problem occurs during application, information sheets for hazards and proper
painter must get a minimum 2 coats on handling procedures for each component.
vehicle before stopping for repair or Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
additional recoat. Allow to dry overnight, supplied with the materials.
then scuff before primer, color or clear
Shop and surface temperatures should be
maintained at or above 75°F for the first 24
hours of the cure cycle.
Use a mixing cup for accurate volume
Clear will be water resistant in 24 hours.
Note: Do not allow raindrops to dry on any
new finish for the first 3–4 days to prevent
Urethane coatings take 5–7 days at 75o F
to properly cure. Care should be taken
during first week of washing. Do not use a
pressure washer on fresh clear. Do Not
wax or seal for 60 days.
Stain free body filler is recommended
for use under light colors.
Do not use over lacquer.

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