FIDP Template
FIDP Template
FIDP Template
Core Subject Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology. It presents the history of the Earth through geologic
time. It discusses the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to natural hazards are also included. It also deals with the
basic principles and processes in the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism, population, and ecosystem levels.
Culminating Performance Standard: Conduct a survey to assess possible geological and hydrometeorological hazards that the community may experience.
Performance Task: Construct a concept map to explain the interconnectedness between the Earth’s four subsystems.
What to Teach Why Teach How to Assess How to Teach Allotme
The learners
demonstrate an The learners shall
The learners: The learners:
be able to:
understanding of:
Origin 1. The formation Earth and 1. Conduct a survey 1. State the different 1. Recognize the
and of the universe Earth to assess the hypothesis uniqueness of
Structure and the solar Subsyste possible geologic explaining the Knowing Earth, being
of the system ms hazards that your origin of the the only Understanding Analyzing Journal writing Communicati Journal log
Earth 2. The subsystems community may universe. planet in the
experience on
(geosphere, 2. Describe the solar system
2. Conduct a survey
hydrosphere, different with
or design a study
atmosphere, and hypotheses properties
biosphere) that to assess the explaining the Understanding necessary to
make up the possible origin of the solar support life.
Earth hydrometeorologic system 2. Explain that 1 Week
3. The Earth’s al hazards that 3. Recognize the the Earth
internal your community uniqueness of consist of
structure may experience. Earth, being the four
only planet in the subsystems,
solar system with across whose
properties boundaries
necessary to matter and
support life Understanding energy flow.
4. Explain that the
Knowing Understan Concept Map Representatio Concept
Earth consists of
ding n mapping
four subsystems,
across whose
boundaries matter
and energy flow
5. Explain the current
mation on the solar
6. Show the
contributions of
e on the
understanding of Knowing
the earth systems
7. Identify the layers
of the Earth (crust,
mantle, core)
8. Differentiate the
layers of the Earth.
Core Subject Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology. It presents the history of the Earth through geologic
time. It discusses the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to natural hazards are also included. It also deals with the
basic principles and processes in the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism, population, and ecosystem levels.
Culminating Performance Standard: Conduct a survey to assess possible geological and hydrometeorological hazards that the community may experience.
Performance Task: Make a concept map summarizing earth materials and processes.
What to Teach Why Teach How to Assess How to Teach Allotm
The learners
demonstrate an The learners shall
The learners: The learners:
be able to:
understanding of:
Earths 1. The three main 1. Mineral 1. Conduct a survey 1. Identify common 1. Identify
Materials categories of s and to assess the rock-forming common rock-
and rocks. Rocks possible geologic minerals using their Knowing forming Knowing Remembe Modified True or Representatio Field
Processe 2. The origin and hazards that your physical and minerals using ring False n Survey/Pictur
s environment of community may chemical properties their physical e Analysis
formation of experience 2. Classify rocks into and chemical
2. Exogeni 2. Conduct a survey
common Process igneous, properties
or design a study
minerals and sedimentary, and 2. Classify rocks
to assess the
rocks possible metamorphic into igneous,
3. Geologic hydrometeorologic 3. Describe how rocks sedimentary,
Understanding mapping
processes that al hazards that undergo weathering and
occur on the your community 4. Explain how the metamorphic Analyzing Concept map Communicati
Understanding on
surface of the may experience. products of 3. Explain how
Earth such as weathering are the products of
weathering, carried away by weathering are
erosion, mass erosion and Understanding carried away
wasting, and deposited by erosion and Article
sedimentation elsewhere. deposited
4. Geologic 5. Make a report on elsewhere analysis/
processes that how rocks and soil 4. Describe concept
occur within the move downslope Understanding where the Communicati mapping
Earth due to the direct Earth’s on
Understanding Analyzing Essay
5. The folding and action of gravity internal heat
faulting of rocks 6. Describe where the coms from
Earth’s internal 5. Describe how
heat comes from magma is
7. Describe how formed
magma is formed 6. Compare and
8. Describe what contrast the
happens after the formation of
magma is formed the different Concept
Communicati mapping
9. Described the Doing types of
changes in mineral igneous rocks
components and Understanding Analyzing Concept map
texture of rocks due Concept
to changes in Communicati mapping
pressure and on
10.Compare and Knowing Understan Concept map
contrast the ding
formation of the Venn
different types of Reasoning Diagram
igneous rocks and Proof
11.Describe how
rocks behave Analyzing
Knowing Understanding Essay
under different
types of stress
such as
pulling apart, and
Culminating Performance Standard: Conduct a survey to assess possible geological and hydrometeorological hazards that the community may experience.
Performance Task: Make a concept map summarizing earth materials and processes.
What to Teach Why Teach How to Assess How to Teach Allotm
Flexible Flexible
Performance Assessment Enabling Learning
Content Content Standards Essential
Standards KUD KUD RBT Activities Strategy Strategies
Topics Complete Most Essential
Classification Classification Level (FAA) (FLS)
Core Subject Description: This learning area is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of Earth Science and Biology. It presents the history of the Earth through geologic
time. It discusses the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes. Issues, concerns, and problems pertaining to natural hazards are also included. It also deals with the
basic principles and processes in the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism, population, and ecosystem levels.
Culminating Performance Standard: Conduct a survey to assess possible geological and hydrometeorological hazards that the community may experience.
What to Teach Why Teach How to Assess How to Teach Allotm
Flexible Flexible
Performance Assessment Enabling Learning
Content Content Standards Essential
Standards KUD KUD RBT Activities Strategy Strategies
Topics Complete Most Essential
Classification Classification Level (FAA) (FLS)