NIH Public Access: Control of Sleep and Wakefulness
NIH Public Access: Control of Sleep and Wakefulness
NIH Public Access: Control of Sleep and Wakefulness
Author Manuscript
Physiol Rev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 July 01.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
This review summarizes the brain mechanisms controlling sleep and wakefulness. Wakefulness
promoting systems cause low-voltage, fast activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG). Multiple
interacting neurotransmitter systems in the brain stem, hypothalamus, and basal forebrain
converge onto common effector systems in the thalamus and cortex. Sleep results from the
inhibition of wake-promoting systems by homeostatic sleep factors such as adenosine and nitric
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oxide and GABAergic neurons in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus, resulting in large-
amplitude, slow EEG oscillations. Local, activity-dependent factors modulate the amplitude and
frequency of cortical slow oscillations. Non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep results in
conservation of brain energy and facilitates memory consolidation through the modulation of
synaptic weights. Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep results from the interaction of brain stem
cholinergic, aminergic, and GABAergic neurons which control the activity of glutamatergic
reticular formation neurons leading to REM sleep phenomena such as muscle atonia, REMs,
dreaming, and cortical activation. Strong activation of limbic regions during REM sleep suggests a
role in regulation of emotion. Genetic studies suggest that brain mechanisms controlling waking
and NREM sleep are strongly conserved throughout evolution, underscoring their enormous
importance for brain function. Sleep disruption interferes with the normal restorative functions of
NREM and REM sleep, resulting in disruptions of breathing and cardiovascular function, changes
in emotional reactivity, and cognitive impairments in attention, memory, and decision making.
The purpose of sleep is one of the great unsolved mysteries of biology and has fascinated
people for millennia. Although the function or functions of sleep are still unresolved, great
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progress has been made in understanding the brain mechanisms that control sleep and
wakefulness. An understanding of these mechanisms is of paramount importance to our
society. Sleeping tablets are among the most widely prescribed medicines, and disturbances
in sleep are associated with a wide range of medical and psychiatric conditions. Conversely,
an increase in sleep is one important mechanism that the body uses to combat infection and
maintain optimal health. Adequate sleep is also essential for optimal cognitive function; lack
of sleep has been implicated in major industrial disasters as well as car and workplace
accidents. In this unusually comprehensive review we summarize current knowledge
regarding the brain mechanisms which control wakefulness, non-rapid-eye-movement
(NREM) sleep, and rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep.
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: R. W. McCarley, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Dept. of Psychiatry, VA Boston
Healthcare System & Harvard Medical School, VA Medical Center Brockton, Research 116A, 940 Belmont St., Brockton, MA 02301
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.
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(circadian control, process C) and by the duration of prior wakefulness (homeostatic control,
process S) as proposed in the two-process model of Borbely (122). The cellular mechanisms
in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) which generate circadian rhythms are not covered
herein, since they have been reviewed extensively elsewhere (1263). The output pathways
from the SCN that control the circadian timing of NREM and REM sleep are covered in
sections III and IV. Homeostatic control of sleep is also covered in these sections.
D. Sleep Ontogeny
Sleep is the predominant behavioral state in developing animals (645, 1070), and REM sleep
is proportionally more abundant in young mammals (1070). As such, sleep, in particular
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REM sleep, has been suggested to play an important role in the elaboration of neuronal
circuitry during development (1070). The circuitry controlling sleep and wakefulness
appears to mature early in development (606), although cycling between states is more
frequent in younger animals (111, 645). EEG signs of sleep and wakefulness do not become
“adultlike” until the later full development of the cortex (110, 377, 585, 1144). In fact, in
humans, the development of fast EEG synchrony typical of wakefulness continues through
adolescence, reflecting the prolonged maturation of the cortex in higher primates (1318).
E. Sleep Phylogeny
A form of NREM sleep appears to be present in most animals investigated to date (185,
1478), which is one of the arguments in favor of sleep performing a vital function (1174). A
distinct REM sleep state only appears in mammals, although a primitive form is evident in
reptiles and birds (1175). Sleep physiology is adapted to the particular features of different
animals. For example, dolphins and other cetaceans exhibit unihemispheric sleep (1174).
The distribution of the durations of sleep bouts in mammals is exponential with time scales
that vary across species from mice to humans that are proportional to body mass and
metabolic rate, indicating a connection with energy metabolism (742, 1174; discussed more
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fully in sect. III). Whereas most early animal studies of sleep used cats, dogs, and rats as
experimental subjects, more recently there has been an explosion of interest in using more
genetically tractable organisms to identify and study the genes and proteins involved in
controlling sleep (1478). This work is reviewed in section VI. Interestingly, this work
suggests that even organisms such as the fly Drosophila melanogaster (492, 1159) and the
worm Caenorhabditis elegans (1042) have a “rest state” with similarities to mammalian
sleep. Furthermore, several homologs of genes controlling rest in these species play a role in
the control of mammalian sleep (230).
F. Sleep Disorders
Polysomnographic recordings are used not only in experimental studies but also in clinical
sleep laboratories to identify sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and narcolepsy which
involve a dissociation and fragmentation of waking, NREM, and REM (780). Disorders of
sleep and the brain mechanisms that underlie them are discussed in section VII.
A. Electrographic Signs of Wakefulness
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Synchronized electrical activity in large numbers of cortical neurons provides the basis for
observable extracellular field potential changes in the EEG. Summed synaptic currents from
the apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons are the main contributors to these EEG waves,
although intrinsic membrane properties and neuronal firing also contribute (178). Faster
frequency EEG rhythms (LVFA) typical of wakefulness and REM sleep are of low
amplitude and involve synchronized activity in small, functionally interrelated areas. Lower
frequency rhythms such as the theta rhythm occur over more widespread areas and
synchronize faster, locally generated fast rhythms (beta/gamma). These EEG rhythms are
thought to provide a temporal framework for higher-order brain functions such as attention,
memory formation, and conscious awareness by binding together the firing of neurons
within cortical areas and by synchronizing cortical and subcortical sites (178, 1238). During
quiet or drowsy wakefulness, the slower EEG frequencies become more prevalent. Alpha
rhythms appear in posterior cortical recordings whilst theta rhythms increase in frontal
cortical regions.
(baseline or spontaneous gamma; FIGURE 1) and are enhanced in particular cortical areas
following presentation of sensory stimuli (evoked or steady-state gamma). Gamma rhythms
often occur concurrently with theta rhythms during active waking and during REM sleep
(187, 739, 880), particularly following phasic REM periods with PGO wave activity (26).
Gamma rhythms also occur during the brief upstate of the slow oscillation during NREM
sleep (see sect. III) (1219). In some studies, gamma rhythms have been subdivided into two
frequency bands: low gamma (30–70 Hz) and high gamma (7–120 Hz), which arise in
different cortical layers and have different pharmacological modulation properties (35, 950).
We here primarily discuss low gamma. Gamma rhythms are generated by cortical networks
of fast-spiking [especially parvalbumin (PV)-Pos] interneurons targeting the cell bodies of
glutamatergic neurons (FIGURE 3). Rhythmic inhibition and disinhibition of the pyramidal
neurons are responsible for the observed field potentials with rate being set by the decay
time of the inhibitory synaptic currents. In turn, the interneurons are driven by excitatory
input from the pyramidal neurons. Synchrony is enhanced by electrical synapses mediated
by gap junctions between interneuronal networks and between the axons of pyramidal
neurons as well as by interneuron-interneuron chemical synapses (1405).
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Gamma rhythms are generated locally in the neocortex but are modulated by subcortical
inputs. The ability to elicit gamma rhythms in isolated brain slices in vitro (163, 366, 1407),
together with current-source density and cross-correlational analysis in vivo (26, 1218),
suggests that gamma rhythms are generated locally in the cortex. However, their dependence
on behavioral state and stimulus presentation indicates that their occurrence is also
dependent on subcortical inputs. In fact, gamma rhythms are enhanced by stimulation of the
mesencephalic reticular formation, the origin of the ascending reticular activating system
(502, 903). Further information on the subcortical control of gamma rhythms is provided in
section IIC.
PV knockout mice have enhanced gamma oscillations (1379), suggesting PV itself may not
be required, although developmental compensation may have taken place. Alterations in PV
neurons may be responsible for dysfunctional gamma rhythms in schizophrenia and other
disorders that are associated with cognitive abnormalities (1319, 1428).
A) Beta Oscillations: Beta frequency EEG oscillations (15–30 Hz) are thought to represent
one or more of the following: 1) a slow gamma oscillation, 2) a subharmonic of ongoing
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gamma whereby inhibitory neurons fire at gamma frequencies but some excitatory neurons
remain refractory for longer periods so that they only fire on a proportion of the gamma
cycles, or 3) a rhythm with its own distinct underlying properties (653). Computational
modeling suggests that beta rhythms are more effective than gamma rhythms in
synchronizing activity between spatially distant brain loci (653).
2. Alpha rhythms (8–14 Hz)—The two most well-known alpha rhythms in humans are
the occipital alpha rhythm which dominates the EEG during relaxed wakefulness (FIGURE
1) and the Rolandic mu rhythm observed over somatosensory cortex in the absence of
movement (536). Occipital α rhythms were one of the first described EEG rhythms (7, 92).
They are commonly observed during relaxed wakefulness in parietal and occipital cortex
areas including primary visual cortex and are suppressed by eye opening and visual stimuli
(961). Alpha rhythms may play an important role in internally directed thought processes
since they are strengthened during tasks requiring mental arithmetic and visual imagery
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In vitro work in the cat thalamus suggests that alpha rhythms require stimulation of
muscarinic cholinergic receptors (mimicking brain stem input) or stimulation of
metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation (mimicking cortical input). Stimulation of these
receptors leads to depolarization and the generation of an after depolarizing potential (ADP)
in the gap junction-coupled network of high-threshold bursting thalamocortical neurons
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(537, 751, 752), leading to synchronized firing. Concerning these two mechanisms, in vivo
microdialysis experiments suggest that the brain stem muscarinic input is more important
(752). Interestingly, the number of spikes in a burst and the interburst frequency (2–14 Hz)
are dependent on the level of muscarinic receptor activation so that the transition from alpha
to the slower theta frequency waves in early (light) sleep or drowsy wakefulness may reflect
a gradual withdrawal of brain stem cholinergic input (536, 537).
strongly in frontal-midline areas during the course of sleep deprivation and is correlated with
sleep drive (365, 1386). However, this theta activity is less regular than that generated by the
hippocampus and may result from different mechanisms. Here, the mechanisms underlying
hippocampal theta are discussed first followed by mechanisms that may be involved in
human frontal-midline theta.
The medial septum drives hippocampal theta. A major afferent input to the hippocampus
arises in the rostral basal forebrain (medial septum, vertical limb of the diagonal band; MS/
vDB, FIGURE 2) via the fimbria-fornix. Withdrawal of this input by lesions,
pharmacological inactivation or transection completely abolishes hippocampal theta rhythm
(30, 106, 445, 1090). MS/vDB neurons fire rhythmically in phase with theta rhythm (997,
998). Thus the MS/vDB is thought to be a pacemaker for hippocampal theta (FIGURE 4).
Selective lesion of MS/vDB cholinergic neurons reduce the amplitude but do not change the
frequency of hippocampal theta (697). In contrast, kainic acid lesion of the MS/vDB, which
largely spares cholinergic neurons but kills PV GABAergic projection neurons, and likely
other noncholinergic neurons, eliminated hippocampal theta (1463). In vivo, single-unit
recordings from identified PV neurons reported bursts of action potentials at theta frequency
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which are synchronized with the ongoing hippocampal theta activity (125, 1182). Within the
burst, action potential firing rates are at gamma frequencies, providing an explanation of the
phase-locking of gamma rhythms to theta rhythms. Two populations of PV MS/vDB
neurons fired anti-phasically, i.e., one population fired at the peak of hippocampal theta,
whereas the other fired at the trough (125). In contrast to the GABAergic neurons, slow-
firing cholinergic neurons fired only single action potentials in synchrony with theta rhythm
(1182). Together these data suggest that PV GABAergic MS neurons are crucial pacemakers
for hippocampal theta, whereas cholinergic neurons modulate the amplitude. MS/vDB PV
projection neurons selectively innervate the PV hippocampal interneurons (basket and
chandelier neurons) responsible for controlling firing of principal neurons (385). Thus
hippocampal theta rhythm is (at least partially) generated by rhythmic inhibition and
disinhibition of hippocampal pyramidal and dentate granule cells (176). In addition,
rhythmic input from the entorhinal cortex plays a large role in the observed variation in
extracellular potential (176).
A) Brain Stem Control of Theta Rhythm: The ascending pathways from the brain stem
which generate theta rhythm are still an active area of investigation (1365). Precise mapping
studies by Vertes and colleagues (1356, 1365) revealed that the most effective brain stem
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stimulation sites for theta generation are located within the nucleus pontis oralis (PnO)
region of the brain stem reticular formation (FIGURE 2). Extracellular single- unit
recordings in the PnO of freely moving rats identified cells that fire in association with states
when theta rhythm is present. However, these cells did not fire rhythmically, but fired
tonically at high rates (60–100 Hz) (935, 1355). Thus these neurons are unlikely to be
involved in coding the frequency of hippocampal theta rhythm.
Tonic brain stem input is converted into rhythmic firing in the supramammillary nucleus
(FIGURE 4). Although it was originally assumed that tonic firing in the reticular formation
is translated into rhythmic firing in the MS/vDB, anatomical tracing studies revealed that
few neurons in the reticular formation project directly to the MS/vDB (1357, 1359). Thus at
least one additional nucleus is likely interposed between these two areas. Anatomical tracing
and physiological mapping studies using the local anesthetic procaine suggested that MS/
vDB projecting, glutamatergic neurons containing the calcium-binding protein calretinin in
the supramammillary nucleus (SuM; FIGURE 2) may fulfill this role (638, 710, 1360, 1366)
(FIGURE 4). Single-unit SuM recordings in urethane-anesthetized animals reported single
spike or rhythmic burst firing phase locked with hippocampal theta (105, 637, 639, 649).
Rhythmic SuM firing is not due to descending inputs from the septum or hippocampus since
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it was not altered by inactivation of the MS/vDB with the local anesthetic procaine (639).
However, SuM procaine injection blocked the ability of PnO stimulation to elicit theta
(638). Thus it was proposed that the SuM translates tonic firing of the reticular input into
phasic bursting at the frequency of hippocampal theta (636). However, in contrast to
experiments in urethane-anesthetized animals, in freely moving animals procaine causes
only a small reduction in the frequency of hippocampal theta (845, 1286), suggesting that
additional pathways are involved. The precoeruleus region of the pons (758), located just
rostral to the locus coeruleus, provides the major brain stem glutamatergic input to the MS/
vDB. In addition, the nucleus incertus of the medulla (933) projects to the MS/vDB and
SuM regions. Although these areas have been implicated in brain stem theta generation,
rhythmically firing neurons have not been recorded in these regions. Thus they may relay
the activity of the reticular formation (especially PnO) to the MS/vDB and SuM. In contrast,
the GABAergic ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden, located just ventral to the dorsal
raphe, contains intrinsically bursting neurons (155) which fire rhythmically at theta
frequencies during waking and REM sleep and may generate theta rhythmicity in the limbic
Papez circuit through their interconnections with the medial mammillary body (81, 648).
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B) Theta Rhythms in Humans: In humans, where the hippocampal formation and temporal
formation are located ventrally, theta oscillations are most commonly recorded just anterior
to the Fz electrode site over frontal and midline cortices (prefrontal and anterior cingulate)
(862). Mechanisms that may be responsible for generating this frontal-midline theta (FM-
theta) are as follows: 1) FM-theta may be generated through direct or indirect projections
from the hippocampal formation, synchronizing information flow between hippocampus and
neocortex (1184). However, FM-theta is not always coherent with hippocampal theta (862).
2) FM-theta may represent a slow alpha-rhythm generated by thalamocortical loops during
drowsiness (see preceding section). 3) FM-theta may be generated by pacemaker
GABAergic (PV-Pos), cholinergic, and glutamatergic projections from the caudal basal
forebrain (BF). GABAergic PV-Pos and cholinergic neurons in the caudal BF show similar
firing patterns (321, 481, 698) and projections to interneurons and pyramidal neurons in the
neocortex (386) as their counterparts in the rostral BF which project to the hippocampus.
Furthermore, the firing of ensembles of noncholinergic BF neurons are correlated with
prefrontal cortex field potentials (729). Further research is required to determine the
contribution of these three mechanisms to FM-theta. They are not mutually exclusive, and
any of them may contribute under different conditions.
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The ARAS consists of dorsal and ventral pathways (FIGURE 5). Axonal tracing studies
coupled with histochemical or immunohistochemical visualization of particular
neurotransmitter systems revealed the anatomical pathways transferring brain stem activity
to the cerebral cortex (573, 1228). Single-unit recordings and indirect measures of neuronal
activity (using immunohistochemical detection of the immediate early gene product Fos)
defined the neurons in these areas whose activity is correlated with wakefulness or sleep
(575, 1228). Two main pathways have been identified (FIGURE 5).
1. The dorsal pathway of the ARAS (Figure 5)—This comprises midbrain, pontine,
and medullary reticular formation glutamate neurons (261, 916, 1227, 1235) and cholinergic
neurons in the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (PPT/LDT) (473, 1235)
which innervate the midline and intralaminar (nonspecific) thalamocortical projection
system (paraventricular, parataenial, intermediodorsal, centrolateral, paracentral,
centromedial, rhomboid, reuniens, centromedian and parafascicular thalamic nuclei). These
thalamic nuclei project to widespread and overlapping neocortical areas (559, 578, 750, 970,
1203), although each nucleus has some selectivity in their density of projections to their
neocortical targets (1327). Stimulation of the nonspecific nuclei yields widespread cortical
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responses and elicits fast cortical rhythms (478, 559, 891), while electrical stimulation in
sensory relay nuclei elicits short responses in local areas of sensory cortex. In addition to
thalamic projections, the brain stem cholinergic (LDT/PPT) neurons also innervate the
dopaminergic and GABAergic neurons of the midbrain ventral tegmental area of Tsai (260),
which are involved in reward processes and project prominently to the nucleus accumbens
and prefrontal cortex. Surprisingly, experiments in rodents (177, 397) and cats (1370)
showed that very large lesions of the thalamus appear to have very little effect on cortical
activation and the sleep-wake cycle in general, aside from a loss of sleep spindles,
suggesting that the dorsal pathway is not absolutely necessary. However, a complete and
selective ablation of thalamus is hard to achieve with lesion techniques, and it remains
possible that a small thalamic projection remained after these lesions which was sufficient to
maintain function. These findings in animals are also seemingly at variance with human
studies of coma patients (see sect. VII) and imaging studies of sleepwake and anesthesia
which suggest that changes in reticular and thalamic function precede changes in the cortical
EEG (66, 152, 928). At the very least, one can conclude that under normal conditions, the
dorsal pathway is involved in and shapes cortical activation.
2. The ventral pathway of the ARAS (Figure 5)—This comprises fibers of the medial
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forebrain bundle which pass through and make contact with neurons in the midbrain,
posterior/lateral hypothalamus, and basal forebrain (BF) on the way to the cortex. The
ascending fibers from the brain stem include glutamatergic (parabrachial), noradrenergic
(locus coeruleus, LC), serotonergic (dorsal and median raphe), and dopaminergic
(periaqueductal gray) neurons. These systems synapse onto glutamatergic, histaminergic,
and orexinergic/ hypocretin neurons in the posterior/lateral hypothalamus (575). All of these
systems converge onto caudal BF cholinergic, GABAergic, and glutamatergic neurons
which project to and activate the neocortex (305, 316, 573, 1148, 1228). A branch of this
system innervates the rostral BF theta rhythm generator.
In contrast to the thalamic lesions discussed above, a recent study showed that large lesions
of the BF, or of the brain stem parabrachial nucleus (PB), which provides the major brain
stem glutamatergic input to the BF, led to a comatose state in rats (397), whereas, as
discussed above, thalamic lesions had little effect. However, it is important to note that in
this study, orexin-saporin was used to lesion the BF and PB, whereas ibotenate was used to
lesion the thalamus; thus the two experiments are not directly comparable. Orexin-saporin is
a relatively new lesioning tool that requires further study. In particular, it is important to
determine if very large lesions, resulting in widespread neuronal death, also affect fibers of
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Direct projections to the cortex and the nonspecific thalamic nuclei also arise from brain
stem noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons as well as the hypothalamic histaminergic and
orexinergic/hypocretin neurons. In section IIC, we discuss the role of the different
components of the ARAS, subdivided according to neurotransmitter phenotype.
3. Default network—One novel finding from human imaging studies is the existence of a
so-called “default network” of functionally interconnected cortical regions that are active
when individuals are left to think to themselves and are not involved in responding to the
external environment (1040). Anatomically, the default network consists of regions along
the anterior and posterior midline, the lateral parietal cortex, prefrontal cortex, and temporal
lobe (33, 1040). Upon presentation of external stimuli requiring a response, the default
network regions show a decrease in activity, in contrast to other cortical areas that show
increases or no change. Thus, while animal studies have often considered cortical activation
as being fairly uniform throughout cortical regions, human imaging studies show that this is
not the case. Future studies should distinguish how the ascending systems controlling the
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Neurons involved in sleep-wake control that release acetylcholine are located in the BF and
in the mesopontine tegmentum (LDT/PPT) of the brain stem (44, 849) (Figs. 2 and 6).
Identified, cortically-projecting cholinergic neurons in the caudal BF (substantia innominata,
horizontal limb of the diagonal band, magnocellular preoptic area, nucleus basalis) fire
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fastest during both wakefulness and REM sleep (481, 698), and their firing is correlated with
cortical activation (321, 698, 789). In particular, caudal BF cholinergic neurons fire bursts of
spikes in association with neocortical theta rhythms (698). Rostral BF (MS/ vDB)
cholinergic neurons projecting to the hippocampus also fire in association with hippocampal
theta rhythm but fire only single spikes per cycle (1182). Wake/ REM-on neurons have also
been recorded in cholinergic brain stem areas although, to date, the firing of identified brain
stem cholinergic (LDT/PPT) neurons projecting to the thalamus has not been recorded
across the sleep-wake cycle. In urethane-anesthetized animals, identified brain stem
cholinergic neurons fire in association with cortical activation produced by tail pinch (126).
Consistent with the firing patterns of cortical and thalamic-projecting cholinergic neurons,
acetylcholine levels are highest in these areas during wakefulness and REM sleep (200, 560,
1412). Thus increased activity of both brain stem and BF cholinergic systems is associated
with states when cortical activation and conscious awareness occur (572, 993, 1429).
EEG rhythms at the expense of slow oscillations typical of NREM sleep (827, 1216).
Prominent muscarinic effects include the following: 1) a depolarization of pyramidal
neurons via block of a leak potassium conductance (M-current) and activation of mixed
cation channels; 2) facilitation of subthreshold oscillations in the beta/gamma range (20–40
Hz), and 3) blockade of slow after hyperpolarizations. Nicotinic actions include presynaptic
facilitation of glutamate release (443) and depolarization of interneurons (20, 579). In vivo,
application of agents which depolarize cholinergic neurons in vitro (22, 334, 375, 619)
increases theta and gamma cortical activity, together with waking and REM sleep. In
particular, the action of neurotensin is noteworthy, since it appears to be selective for
cholinergic neurons (191). Conversely, application of serotonin, which hyperpolarizes BF
cholinergic neurons (618), reduces gamma activity (189).
A) Cholinergic Elicitation of Fast Eeg Rhythms in vitro and in vivo: In vitro, application
of cholinergic agonists causes theta and gamma/beta rhythms in isolated hippocampal (366,
534, 1165) or neocortical areas (107, 163, 950) and promote alpha or theta oscillations in
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thalamic relay nuclei such as the lateral geniculate nucleus (751, 752). The cholinergic
neuromodulatory system is unique in this regard since only cholinergic or glutamatergic
agonists have been shown to induce oscillatory activity in vitro. Early, in vivo studies in
urethane or ether anaesthetized rats and rabbits established that one form of theta activity
(type I theta, 4–7 Hz) was abolished by systemic administration of the muscarinic antagonist
atropine sulfate (667). Both brain stem (LDT/PPT) cholinergic neurons projecting to the
diencephalon and MS/vDB cholinergic neurons projecting to the hippocampus and
neocortex promote theta activity. Infusion of the cholinergic agonist carbachol into the brain
stem (PnO) or SuM/posterior hypothalamus increases hippocampal theta (635, 944, 1363)
whilst selective lesion of MS/vDB cholinergic neurons reduces the amplitude of
hippocampal theta (697). Muscarinic receptor blockade weakens the coupling between
gamma and theta rhythms (501), suggesting that the enhanced acetylcholine release that
occurs during waking and REM sleep promotes this coupling. Thus acetylcholine promotes
the cortical rhythms typical of wakefulness and REM sleep and the coupling of gamma to
theta rhythms.
neurons do so via their projections to the thalamus, comprising a major component of the
dorsal ARAS pathway (FIGURE 5). Anterograde and retrograde tracing studies coupled
with choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry revealed a massive cholinergic
projection to the thalamus (291, 473, 474, 940, 974, 1193, 1235, 1430) which, depending on
the thalamic region studied, make up 25–85% of the projection from all neurons in the
pontine tegmentum. A minor cholinergic projection to the thalamus, especially the reticular
nucleus and anterior nuclei, arises from BF (976).
Similar to BF cholinergic neurons, the firing of brain stem cholinergic neurons correlates
with, and anticipates, cortical activation and deactivation (126, 336, 615, 1221). In vivo,
electrical stimulation of brain stem areas containing cholinergic neurons enhances beta/
gamma frequency firing in thalamocortical neurons and in the EEG (1226). In vitro,
cholinergic agonists depolarize relay neurons via a muscarinic (M1/M3, Gαq G protein)
receptor-mediated block of leak potassium conductance. This depolarization facilitates
single-spike firing at the expense of the rhythmic bursting observed during NREM sleep
(143, 826, 832). Acetylcholine directly depolarizes ventral tegmental area dopaminergic
neurons via nicotinic receptors containing α4-α7 and α2 subunits (646, 1002), and by
activation of muscarinic M1-like (probably M5) receptors (680, 1461), which increases burst
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firing (743) and facilitates dopamine release in target regions such as the nucleus accumbens
In addition to acetylcholine, brain stem cholinergic neurons also release the gaseous
neurotransmitter NO. In vitro, electrical stimulation of LDT produced NO (707), whereas in
vivo studies showed that NO is released in the thalamus (1414) and medial pontine reticular
formation (709) in relation to behavioral state. Administration of NO donors enhances
neuronal activity in the thalamus and neocortex (265), while NOS inhibitors cause inhibition
of thalamic cell activity. NO dampens the oscillatory activity of thalamocortical relay
neurons by altering the voltage dependence of the hyperpolarization activated cation current,
Ih (967).
cholinergic neurons does not lead to pronounced changes in 24-h amounts of wakefulness.
Selective lesioning of BF cholinergic neurons using the toxin 192IgG-saporin led to
relatively minor changes in wakefulness (94, 611). However, high-frequency EEG power,
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2. Serotonin—Overall, the evidence suggests that serotonin promotes a quiet waking state
with reduced cortical activation. Serotonin also plays an important role in suppression of
REM sleep (sect. IV) and in the response to stress, which may account for some aspects of
stress-related sleep disorders (sect. VII).
Serotonin neurons are clustered in several nuclei along the midline of the brain stem in the
raphe nuclei (FIGURE 2) (553). Early experiments where serotonin levels were depleted
erroneously suggested that serotonin promotes sleep (581, 899). Recent experiments
examining mice in which serotonin neurons are genetically deleted suggest that insomnia
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blocks spindle oscillations (696). However, most higher-order relay and nonspecific nuclei
are inhibited by serotonin (877) via a combination of a direct 5-HT1A-mediated postsynaptic
hyperpolarization and an indirect increase in inhibitory input due to depolarization of
GABAergic thalamic reticular nucleus neurons (833). Sensory relay neurons may also be
inhibited by serotonin (1071) through a depolarization of local interneurons (877, 969,
1109). However, serotonin also facilitates glutamate release from thalamocortical terminals
via 5-HT2A receptors (10, 11), the main target of hallucinogenic drugs such as lysergic acid
diethylamine (LSD) which act as partial agonists of this receptor (794). Serotonin blocks the
slow after hyperpolarizations of intralaminar thalamic (430), hippocampal (1302), and
neocortical pyramidal neurons (40, 1475) via activation of receptors coupled to stimulation
of adenylyl cyclase (5–HT4/5-HT7), allowing the faster firing typical of wakefulness.
in bursts (471). In contrast to norepinephrine and histamine neurons, most serotonin neurons
recorded in vitro do not fire action potentials spontaneously (1335). Thus afferent input from
other wake-active systems is required to maintain their firing (158, 713, 1095, 1335).
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Serotonin neurons are depolarized by norepinephrine, histamine, and orexins via activation
of a long-lasting inward current due to the opening of mixed cation channels (158, 735,
1335), likely of the transient receptor potential family (1151). Unlike the other wake-active
neuromodulatory systems discussed here, serotonin neurons promote a state of quiet or
relaxed waking; single-unit recordings report highest activity during feeding and decreased
firing during active waking (554). Serotonin neurons are also activated by stress (476), and
5-HT1A knockout mice lack the rebound of REM sleep observed following the stress of
immobilization (130).
C) Serotonin Inhibits Theta and Gamma Rhythms: Serotonin acts in opposition to the
cholinergic system (FIGURE 6), inhibiting both BF (618) and brain stem cholinergic
neurons (763, 1280), resulting in a blockade of fast rhythms (especially theta and gamma)
promoted by activation of the cholinergic system. In particular, median raphe (MR)
serotonergic neurons inhibit hippocampal theta rhythm (1365). Electrical or
pharmacological stimulation of the MR abolishes theta rhythm in both anesthetized and
unanesthetized rats (51, 629, 1356, 1451), whereas lesions or pharmacological inactivation
of MR result in continuous theta (630, 1451). An involvement of serotonin in these effects
was suggested by the following findings: 1) treating rats with p-chlorophenylalanine,
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Norepinephrine neurons are located in small clusters throughout the brain stem (194). The
most prominent noradrenergic innervation of the forebrain arises from the LC (FIGURE 2).
It is this nucleus that has been studied most closely with respect to the sleep-wake cycle. LC
neurons fire most rapidly during wakefulness and are activated further by stressful stimuli
(1050), but their firing slows during NREM sleep and ceases prior to and during REM sleep
(511). Norepinephrine strongly excites many neurons of the ARAS (FIGURE 6), mainly via
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α1 receptors, including thalamic relay neurons (829), serotonin dorsal raphe (DRN) neurons
(9, 68, 158, 962, 1335), BF cortically-projecting cholinergic (375) and GABAergic neurons
(154). Norepinephrine inhibits neurons in the sleep-active ventrolateral (403) and median
preoptic nuclei (63), as well as REM-on brain stem cholinergic neurons (706, 1280), by
acting on postsynaptic α2 receptors and activating an inwardly rectifying potassium
conductance. β-Receptors inhibit slow calcium-dependent after hyperpolarizations of
cortical pyramidal neurons, allowing the faster firing typical of wakefulness (463) and
blocking the slow oscillations typical of NREM sleep (1220).
memory (1312).
inactivation of the histamine system via lesions (302, 413), knockout of the histamine H1
receptor (528), administration of an irreversible inhibitor of the histamine synthesizing
enzyme histidine decarboxylase (HDC; Refs. 551, 642, 1152) or knockout of HDC (29, 978)
have relatively minor effects on 24-h amounts of waking or cortical activation suggesting
that, similar to the other aminergic systems, the histamine system is not absolutely essential
for wakefulness. Histamine neurons maintain their level of firing during cataplectic attacks
in narcoleptic animals (in contrast to norepinephrine and serotonin neurons) implicating
them in the preservation of consciousness which accompanies the cataplectic state (564). In
addition, increased activation of histamine neurons as measured by Fos activity has been
observed during feeding anticipatory behavior (851, 1323). More fine-grained analysis of
sleep and wakefulness in HDC knockout animals revealed a deficit in wakefulness when
placed in a novel, potentially dangerous environment (29, 978). This is consistent with a role
for histamine in stress- or danger-induced arousal (159).
periods of starvation (1452). Considerable evidence links them to the sleep disorder
narcolepsy (see sect. VII).
nutritional state (164, 268, 393, 1048, 1452). Several metabolic signals which increase with
feeding, such as glucose, leptin, and neuropeptide Y, inhibit orexin neurons in vitro (164,
393, 1452). In contrast, orexin neurons are activated by fasting in non-human primates
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(308), and given their wake-promoting effects, they are likely to be primary mediators of the
increase in waking and suppression of sleep caused by limited availability of food. In fact,
orexin knockout mice fail to respond to fasting with an increase in waking and activity
C) Orexin Neurons are Wake-Active: Orexin neurons are most active during waking as
assessed by Fos immunohistochemistry (351, 872) and measurements of peptide release
(641). In the squirrel monkey, which has a sleep-wake cycle similar to that of humans,
orexin levels peaked in the latter third of the day and remained elevated during 4 h of
extended wakefulness, consistent with a role for orexins in consolidating wakefulness in
opposition to accumulating sleep drive (1472). Single-unit recordings in the rat from the
area where orexin neurons are located revealed one group of slow-firing neurons that were
wake-active and REM-off (13, 666). Later recordings in freely moving rats confirmed that
this population corresponds to orexin neurons, determined by electrophysiological criteria
(856) or post hoc immunohistochemical staining (699, 1265). Orexin neurons fire fastest
during active waking, decrease firing during quiet waking, and cease firing during sleep,
except during microarousals or immediately preceding the arousal from sleep.
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In vitro, intracellular recordings from identified orexin neurons revealed that they have a
depolarized resting membrane potential (333, 715), leading to spontaneous firing in the
absence of injected current or application of neurotransmitter agonists. In addition, they are
excited by a positive feedback loop involving local orexin release, activation of orexin type
2 receptors (1455), and excitation of local glutamatergic inputs (715). This positive feedback
loop may help to synchronize the firing of the whole orexin neuron population. Furthermore,
glutamatergic inputs to orexin neurons are potentiated via a cAMP-dependent mechanism
during prolonged waking (1047), which is a mechanism suggested to be important in the
maintenance of wakefulness in the face of increased sleep pressure (1299). However, recent
optogenetic stimulation experiments found that sleep deprivation blocks the ability of orexin
to activate its downstream targets and enhance waking (195).
D) Control of Orexin Neurons by Afferent Inputs: Orexin neurons receive afferent inputs
from other nodes of the sleep-wake circuitry (FIGURE 6) as well as from areas involved in
emotional regulation such as the amygdala and lateral septum (1102, 1466). They are
excited by acetylcholine via M3 muscarinic receptors (84, 947, 1454) but inhibited by
serotonin via a postsynaptic activation of 5-HT1A receptors (715, 905). This inhibitory
action is also observed in vivo since intracerebroventricular application of an 5-HT1A
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antagonist, WAY100635, increased locomotor activity during the dark (active) phase in
wild-type mice, but not in orexin/ataxin-3 mice in which orexin neurons are ablated (905).
Both inhibitory (715, 716, 1453) and excitatory (84, 1453, 1454) effects of norepinephrine
on orexin neurons have been reported in recordings from mouse and rat brain slices. The
inhibitory response is mediated by α2 receptors activating inwardly rectifying potassium
conductance (716, 1453), whereas the excitatory action is due to activation of α1 receptors
and activation of a nonselective cationic current (1453). In the rat, it has been suggested that
the response to norepinephrine shifts from an excitation to an inhibition during a short
period (2 h) of sleep deprivation (452). In addition, norepinephrine increases the frequency
of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) via an effect on presynaptic GABAergic
terminals (716, 1453). In vitro, dopamine inhibits orexin neurons via D2 receptors (716),
whereas in vivo, systemic dopaminergic agonists increase their activity as assessed by Fos
immunohistochemistry, likely by an indirect action (161). Orexin neurons are unaffected by
histamine, which is somewhat surprising, considering the close proximity of histamine and
orexin neurons in the hypothalamus (342).
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It was proposed that orexins exert their wake-promoting action through stimulation of the
histamine system since orexins excite histamine neurons in vitro (342), and the wake-
promoting effect of intracerebroventricular orexin A is reduced/lost in HDC knockouts and
histamine H1 receptor knockouts (530) or with application of a histamine H1 receptor
antagonist (1163). Furthermore, low histamine levels have been reported in the brains of
narcoleptic dogs (922) and in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of human narcoleptics,
particularly in unmedicated patients (597, 925). However, the dependence of the
intracerebroventricular effect of orexin A application on the histamine system may simply
reflect the close proximity of histamine neurons to the ventricular system, compared with
other postsynaptic targets. In contrast to orexin knockout animals, HDC or histamine H1
receptor knockout animals do not have reduced duration of sleep-wake states (29), and
optogenetic stimulation of orexin neurons is still able to increase the probability of
awakening in HDC knockout animals. However, expression of the orexin type II receptor in
histamine neurons and other areas surrounding the TMN in mice lacking type II receptors
was sufficient to consolidate wakefulness, although sleep was still fragmented (869).
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Orexins actions at other sites are likely to be similarly important. For instance, optogenetic
inhibition of LC norepinephrine neurons inhibited the wake-promoting effect resulting from
optogenetic excitation of orexin neurons (196).
excessive daytime sleepiness (see sect. VII). Although these substances can enhance the
release of other neuromodulators such as serotonin and norepinephrine, their effects are
abolished in dopamine transporter (DAT) knockout animals (1425), confirming that their
main effect is on dopaminergic systems (129). Additional evidence supporting a role for
dopaminergic systems in promotion of wakefulness comes from analysis of D2 receptor
knockout mice that exhibit a significant decrease in waking amounts due to a shorter wake
bout duration and a concomitant increase in sleep (1032). One possible mechanism
explaining this effect is a disinhibition of intralaminar thalamic neurons via indirect basal
ganglia-thalamic pathways (1135). In Parkinson’s disease, where dopamine neurons in the
substantia nigra degenerate, waking is interrupted by sleep episodes (1087). However,
dopamine neurons are not the only neurons to be affected by this disease.
A) Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons: While the average firing rate of
dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra does not vary
across sleep-wake states (858), VTA dopamine neurons fire more bursts during waking and
REM sleep, resulting in increased release of dopamine in target areas such as the nucleus
accumbens and prefrontal cortex (271). In particular, increased bursting is observed in the
presence of rewarding or aversive stimuli requiring an alerting response (1209). VTA
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neurons are excited in vitro by several neuromodulators that promote arousal such as
orexins, substance P, and corticotrophin releasing hormone (658, 660).
electrophysiological recordings from these neurons across behavioral state are lacking at
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A) Bf and Vta Gaba Neurons: GABAergic neurons in the BF and VTA (FIGURE 2) in
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particular appear to be important for cortical LVFA since a fast-firing subpopulation of these
neurons increases their activity during waking and REM sleep (481, 700). Many
GABAergic BF neurons projecting to the cortex contain PV (451). Preliminary studies (154)
showed that identified cortically-projecting BF GABA neurons are excited by
neurotransmitters promoting cortical activation (acetylcholine, norepinephrine, histamine,
orexins), likely accounting for their faster firing rate during waking and REM sleep (481).
Rostral and caudal PV GABAergic projection neurons synapse onto hippocampal (385) and
neocortical PV-positive neurons (386) which control hippocampal and cortical gamma
rhythms, respectively (see sect. IIA). Other subpopulations of BF GABA neurons that are
likely sleep related project to the thalamic reticular nucleus (49) and lateral hypothalamus
(449). The firing of cortically projecting GABA neurons in the BF (481) but not VTA (700)
was correlated with gamma activity in the EEG. However, VTA GABA neurons increased
their firing prior to intracranial self-stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle, indicating
that they may be involved in the attentive processes related to brain reward (1205). VTA
GABA neurons are excited by the wake-promoting orexins (660) and by histamine (659).
Ibotenic acid lesions of the rostral BF (MS/vDB), which preferentially affect noncholinergic
neurons, abolish theta and gamma rhythms in the hippocampus (see sect. IIA). Similarly,
chemical lesions of the caudal BF have dramatic effects on cortical LVFA and attention that
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are correlated with the loss of PV-positive GABA neurons (166, 397, 611).
B) Striatal Medium Spiny Neurons: GABAergic medium spiny neurons in the striatum
receive a massive glutamatergic cortical input and control the activity of thalamocortical
neurons. Transitions from NREM sleep to wakefulness convert the firing of striatal neurons
from fast cyclic firing, synchronized with cortical field potentials, to an irregular pattern of
action potentials triggered by disorganized depolarizing synaptic events of variable
amplitude (777). Cell body specific lesions of the rostral striatum reduce waking by ~15%
and produce cortical slowing of the EEG (1029). Conversely, lesions of the globus pallidus,
the main recipient of inhibitory striatal projections, increase waking by 46%. Improved
function in minimally conscious patients produced by stimulation of the nonspecific
thalamic nuclei (1136) may be mediated by increased cortico-striatal-thalamic interplay
firing (typical of NREM sleep) to tonic firing able to faithfully transmit sensory information
to the cortex (826, 828, 1228). This switch in firing pattern is due to a depolarization
mediated by a block of leak potassium conductance by Gq-coupled receptors (muscarinic
M1/3, norepinephrine α1, histamine H1) and a block of the pacemaker current Ih by Gs/
adenylyl cyclase-coupled receptors (muscarinic M2/M4, norepinephrine β, serotonin 5-
HT4,6, histamine H2). In a thalamocortical slice preparation, coincident stimulation of
nonspecific thalamic nuclei (centrolateral intralaminar nucleus) or direct stimulation of layer
I together with relay nucleus stimulation induced supralinear summation of the two inputs in
cortical output layer V, providing a possible mechanism by which the nonspecific nuclei
promote arousal (741).
mGluR5, cholinergic muscarinic M1, M3, M5, norepinephrine α1, histamine H1, serotonin 5-
HT2, orexin type I and type II receptors). Phospholipase C (PLC)-β occurs in four isoforms.
Mice lacking the β1 or β4 subunits of PLC have disrupted theta rhythms and other EEG
abnormalities (595, 1166). Activation of these metabotropic receptors causes a
depolarization in target neurons mediated by one or a combination of three mechanisms: 1)
blockade of leak potassium conductances (two-pore potassium channels) (1348); similar to
deletion of PLC-β isoforms, mice lacking the TASK3 two-pore potassium channel have
deficient theta oscillations and altered sleep behavior (965); 2) activation of mixed cation
channels [likely of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family] (1151); and 3) activation of
electrogenic sodium-calcium exchangers (343, 1434). In addition, effects on other intrinsic
membrane currents contribute to the activation of thalamocortical and limbic neurons (828,
918). For the most part, the role of individual subunits of these channels/transporters in the
control of sleep-wake behavior remains to be determined.
D. Synthesis
Studies involving stimulation of the brain areas and neurotransmitter systems comprising the
ARAS consistently report EEG activation and wakefulness as a result. These studies include
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neuromodulatory systems are clearly able to generate cortical activation when stimulated but
may only be required for specific aspects of wakefulness. Specific roles for these systems
could be 1) facilitation of LVFA (acetylcholine); 2) inhibition of sleep-active neurons
(norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine; see sect. III); 3) maintenance of high muscle tone
(norepinephrine) during waking (see sect. IVA); 4) consolidation of wake periods (orexins);
5) maintenance of waking in a novel environment (histamine); 6) enhanced arousal in the
presence of rewarding stimuli (dopamine, acetylcholine); 7) enhanced arousal in the
presence of aversive stimuli (norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine); and 8) consolidation of
memories through enhancement of synaptic plasticity (acetylcholine, norepinephrine,
serotonin, histamine, dopamine, orexins). Methods to selectively stimulate these systems
(e.g., using optogenetic techniques) together with whole brain imaging will be helpful in
further delineating their function.
progressive reduction in firing of neurons in the ARAS. This section describes the
mechanisms underlying the EEG signs of NREM sleep (also called slow-wave sleep) and
the mechanisms that cause the circadian and homeostatic inhibition of wake-promoting
ARAS neurons.
neurons that generate spindle and delta waves throughout NREM sleep (1217). In animals,
NREM sleep is not usually subdivided into these four stages, but deep (delta) sleep may be
distinguished from light NREM sleep. NREM sleep is also characterized by low skeletal
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muscle tone and slow, rolling eye movements. Here we first describe phasic events
occurring during NREM sleep in the thalamocortical system (spindles) and hippocampal
formation (sharp wave-ripple complexes) and then discuss the delta and slow oscillations
typical of deep NREM sleep.
decline during deep sleep due to the increased hyperpolarization of thalamocortical relay
neurons but may reappear just prior to the transition to REM sleep when thalamocortical
relay neurons become more depolarized again (due to increased ascending brain stem
responsible for bursting (833). Spindles can also be inhibited by input from other ARAS
systems, in particular brain stem cholinergic (974) and BF cholinergic and GABAergic
inputs (49, 976). The mechanism underlying inhibition of spindle activity during REM sleep
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is less clear but has been proposed to be due to input from REM-on cholinergic neurons
which hyperpolarize thalamic reticular neurons via a muscarinic M2 receptor mediated
inhibition of leak potassium conductance (192, 831).
3. Delta (1–4 Hz) and slow (<1 Hz) oscillations—Delta and slow oscillations in the
cortex and thalamus are typical of the deeper stages of NREM sleep (FIGURE 1). They
result from increased withdrawal of excitatory neuromodulatory inputs (primarily
cholinergic and aminergic), resulting in a more hyperpolarized membrane potential of the
pyramidal/thalamic relay neurons. Delta oscillations are best understood at the thalamic
level. Recordings in vivo from thalamocortical neurons revealed that stereotyped high-
frequency bursts of action potentials occur at delta frequencies interspersed with silent
periods (25, 314, 817, 932, 1225), a pattern which can be abolished by brain stem
cholinergic stimulation or by increases in ambient light (25, 932, 1225). The ability of
thalamocortical neurons to generate burst firing in the delta frequency range is due to their
intrinsic membrane properties (556, 557, 711, 830, 1199). Hyperpolarization resulting from
the activation of calcium-dependent potassium conductances after a burst of action
potentials or from inhibitory synaptic inputs leads to the opening of hyperpolarization-
activated, cAMP-modulated cation (HCN) channels causing the so-called H-current (Ih).
This slowly activating current provides a depolarizing drive towards the threshold for action
potentials and is a major contributor to the duration of the interburst interval (830, 968). Ih is
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the so-called slow oscillation does not necessarily imply rhythmicity. High-density EEG
recordings in humans revealed that each cycle of the slow oscillation represents a traveling
wave originating most frequently in prefrontal-orbitofrontal regions and propagating
towards more posterior cortical areas (809). The slow oscillation occurs throughout all
NREM sleep stages and serves to bind together the other EEG phenomena of NREM sleep
such as spindles and delta waves (1217, 1228, 1229). Slow-wave activity (SWA; 0.5–4 Hz),
a combination of EEG power in the frequency bands reflecting the slow oscillation and delta
oscillations, is widely considered to be a measure of sleep need and/or intensity (3, 1292).
Periods of sleep deprivation cause increases of SWA in the subsequent sleep period in both
animals and in humans. SWA is highest at the beginning of the sleep period and
progressively decreases during sleep. Naps during the day also reduce SWA in the
subsequent night (1292). The hypothesized relationship between SWA and synaptic strength
is discussed in section IIID. The slow oscillation is generated within the cortex since it is
abolished in thalamic neurons following removal of the cortex (1290), and it persists
following disconnection of subcortical inputs (1231) and can occur in vitro in cortical slices,
following manipulation of the ionic milieu bathing the slices (269, 1110). However, in intact
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animals, the slow oscillation strongly influences the activity of the thalamus through
corticothalamic projections and conversely the thalamus influences the cortex through
thalamocortical projections (264, 535, 1229, 1231).
identify neurons that had been recently active, a cluster of sleep-active neurons was
identified in the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) (FIGURE 2) of the rat (1162). These
neurons contained the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and galanin and projected heavily
to nuclei of the ARAS, especially the histaminergic tuberomammillary nucleus (406, 1161,
1162, 1210). Single-unit recordings targeting this area confirmed that it contains sleep-active
neurons (1254). Extensive neurotoxic lesions of the central cluster of the VLPO in the rat
led to a large decrease in delta power and NREM sleep time and a fragmentation of the
sleep-wake cycle (756), effects which persisted for at least 3 wk postlesion. Furthermore, the
number of remaining Fos-immunoreactive neurons was linearly related to NREM sleep time
and EEG delta power.
In vitro recordings in the rat determined that many VLPO neurons are multipolar, triangular-
shaped neurons, which exhibit a LTS. All of these were inhibited by norepinephrine and
acetylcholine, and the majority were also inhibited by serotonin (5-HT1A) (403). Activation
of non-α7 containing nicotinic receptors enhances the release of norepinephrine onto VLPO
neurons, indicating a synergistic inhibitory action of acetylcholine and norepinephrine
(1091). Other VLPO neurons, possibly local interneurons, had a fusiform/ bipolar shape,
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lacked an LTS, and were excited by serotonin and an adenosine A2a receptor agonist (403,
404). Initial experiments suggested that histamine and orexin did not affect the firing rate of
VLPO neurons, but more recent experiments have revealed an indirect histaminergic
inhibition due to excitation of local inhibitory interneurons (736). Retrograde tracing
revealed surprisingly few cholinergic projections to VLPO but prominent projections from
the histaminergic tuberomammillary nucleus, norepinephrine neurons in the LC and
ventrolateral medulla, and serotonergic neurons in the dorsal median and central linear raphe
nuclei (222). However, somatodendritic release of acetylcholine from nearby cholinergic
neurons in the HDB and MCPO is a possibility. Interestingly, VLPO neurons also receive
direct inputs from the retina (759) and indirect projections from the suprachiasmatic nucleus
via the dorsomedial hypothalamus (222, 306, 1250), one pathway by which light exposure
could affect sleep. In vitro studies also revealed that VLPO neurons are excited by adenosine
through an indirect mechanism: A1 receptor-mediated presynaptic inhibition of inhibitory
synaptic inputs (203, 888). In addition, activation of adenosine A2a receptors by infusion of
an A2a agonist in the subarachnoid space underlying the VLPO area increases the activity of
VLPO neurons in vivo (1128).
2. Median preoptic area—Single-unit recordings and Fos studies have defined another
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3. Wake-NREM transitions and the flip-flop model—Von Economo (1378) was the
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flip-flop switch (838, 1117) such that activation of VLPO leads to inactivity of TMN/ DRN/
LC neurons and promotes sleep, whereas activation of TMN/DRN/LC leads to inactivity of
VLPO neurons and promotes wakefulness (FIGURE 7). A crucial aspect of this model is
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that the two halves of the switch, by strongly inhibiting each other, create a feedback loop
that is stable in only two states such that intermediate states of sleep and wakefulness are
very brief. A further component to the model was the proposal that orexins stabilize
behavioral state via their strong excitatory actions on wake-promoting neurons. Analysis of
orexin knockout mice revealed that they have many more transitions between wake, NREM,
and REM states than do wild-type mice, supporting this model (870). Although intuitively
appealing, this model has a few weaknesses. First, the model does not well represent the
changes in firing of all the neuronal subpopulations involved. While sleep-active preoptic
neurons have fast transitions around state-transitions (1266), the firing rate of wake-active
BF neurons changes more slowly (1266) and thus more closely resembles a latch than a
switch. Furthermore, recordings of histamine neurons showed that they begin firing after the
onset of EEG activation during NREM→Wake transitions (1264), which would seem
inconsistent with them being involved in causing the state change. Second, the mechanism
responsible for turning the switch on and off is unclear since a switch remains in one state
unless a third mechanism causes a transition. Possible candidates for facilitators of the
wake-sleep transition are sleep homeostatic factors that slowly build up during wakefulness
and are discussed in the following section.
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1. Sleep factors—The search for sleep-promoting factors dates back 100 years when
Ishimori (548) and Legendre and Pieron (701) reported that injection of CSF from a sleep-
deprived dog into the cisterna magna of a normal animal induced sleep. Later in 1967,
Pappenheimer et al. (972) performed similar experiments where CSF from the cisterna
magna of goats deprived of sleep for 72 h induced sleep in cats and rats following
intraventricular application. These pioneering studies suggested that endogenous humoral
factors are induced and accumulate during waking and generate a homeostatic sleep
response. This led to a series of investigations in search of humoral sleep-promoting
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substances (545), leading to the identification of several substances including 1) delta sleep
inducing peptide (438); 2) uridine (517); 3) oxidized glutathione, originally designated as
SPS-B (516); 4) muramyl dipeptide (N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine), originally
described as Factor S (971); and 5) prostaglandin D2 (1317). In the following years, a
variety of additional endogenous sleep-inducing substances were identified including
peptides, growth factors, and cytokines as well as neuromodulators such as adenosine and
NO. Homeostatic sleep factors should fulfill the following criteria: 1) administration of the
substance induces sleep; 2) the levels of the substance in the brain should increase with
increasing sleep propensity; and 3) the substance should act on brain regions and neurons
involved in the regulation of sleep or wakefulness. Recent studies have focused extensively
on the role of adenosine, nitric oxide, prostaglandin D2, and cytokines in sleep regulation
and the following sections will review the latest research on these factors.
Adenosine levels correlate with time spent awake. Endogenous, extracellular adenosine
levels in the BF (102, 591, 843, 1017, 1018) and cortex (591, 1017) increase in proportion
with time spent awake (FIGURE 8). Thus adenosine induces sleep and adenosine levels
track sleep need, fulfilling the criteria for adenosine being a homeostatic sleep factor.
Measurements of extracellular adenosine levels across the sleep-wake cycle and in response
to sleep deprivation revealed that adenosine levels rise only in select regions of the brain
(1017, 1247). In particular, adenosine levels correlate with time awake in the region of the
caudal BF containing cortically projecting wake-active neurons, and in the cortex itself. In
contrast, adenosine levels did not follow this pattern in other brain areas such as the preoptic
area of the hypothalamus, ventral thalamus, DRN, or pedunculopontine tegmentum. BF
adenosine levels also rise when rats are exposed to a sleep fragmentation protocol (844),
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II) Adenosine mediates its sleep-promoting effects through activation of both A1 and A2A
receptors. Electrophysiological, behavioral, and molecular evidence suggest that in wake-
active areas, the effects of adenosine are primarily mediated via A1 receptors. In vitro
studies have demonstrated inhibitory postsynaptic effects mediated by activation of inwardly
rectifying potassium channels on brain stem (48, 1041) and BF cholinergic neurons (45),
orexin neurons (738), and hippocampal/neocortical pyramidal neurons (417, 834). A weaker
postsynaptic inhibitory effect mediated via an A1 receptor-mediated shift of the activation
threshold of the hyperpolarization-activated current Ih is observed in thalamic relay neurons
(826) and BF noncholinergic neurons (45). Adenosine further dampens neuronal activity and
promotes sleep via presynaptic inhibitory effects on excitatory glutamatergic inputs to
cortical glutamatergic neurons (446) and wake-active cholinergic (48, 134, 897, 1332) and
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Prolonged sleep deprivation upregulates A1 receptor mRNA and protein in BF and cortex in
both rats and humans (74, 76, 340, 341). Upregulation of adenosine receptors provides an
additional level of homeostatic control beyond rises in extracellular adenosine levels. The
intracellular signaling pathway leading to this positive feedback regulation was revealed in
experiments in rat BF (79) (FIGURE 8). The A1 adenosine receptor, coupled to the
inhibitory Gi-3 G protein, is capable of “dual signaling,” i.e., inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
and stimulation of PLC (422). Increased stimulation of the A1 receptor during sleep
deprivation activates the PLC pathway, mobilizing intracellular calcium which in turn
activates the transcription factor NF-kB and upregulates A1 receptor expression (73, 74).
What is the involvement of the adenosine A2A receptor in the homeostatic sleep response of
adenosine? A2A receptors are coupled to the stimulatory Gs subunit and activate adenylyl
cyclase. In contrast to the A1 receptor with its wide distribution in brain, the distribution of
A2A receptor is more restricted to basal ganglia structures such as striatum, nucleus
accumbens, and olfactory tubercle with much lower abundance in other areas such as the
hippocampus, neocortex, BF, and other sleep-wake regulatory structures (1076). In rats,
selective A2A receptor agonists such as CGS21680 administered to the subarachnoid space
adjacent to BF and ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO) induce NREM sleep (485, 1123,
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1124, 1320). The local application of the A2A receptor selective agonist CGS21680
increases Fos expression in the VLPO (1128). Consistent with this are the observations that
adenosine excites one subpopulation of sleep-promoting VLPO neurons via A2A receptors
(404), and administration of CGS21680 into the lateral preoptic area close to the VLPO
induces sleep (850). In A2A receptor knockout mice, the homeostatic sleep response
following sleep deprivation (1320) and the wake-promoting effects of caffeine were blocked
(529), although given the strong expression of this receptor in the basal ganglia, effects on
motivation or motor behavior may confound these results. Accordingly, the locomotor
stimulatory effects of caffeine mediated via A2A receptor blockade were shown to require
the presence of A2A receptors in the nucleus accumbens (694).
adenosine and sleep (949). The enzyme adenosine kinase phosphorylates adenosine to
adenosine monophosphate, and blocking adenosine kinase activity with ABT-702 increased
sleep in rat (1036). These data from rats are consistent with findings in mice that a genomic
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region encoding adenosine deaminase influences the rate at which NREM sleep need
accumulates during wakefulness (sect. VI) (378). In humans, a genetic variation of the
adenosine deaminase gene resulting in an amino acid substitution (asparagine for aspartic
acid) results in decreased enzyme activity and is associated with increased sleep time and
sleep intensity (687, 1059).
B) NO: NO is a small gaseous molecule with multiple roles in the control of sleep and
wakefulness (407) (see also sects. II and IV). In the brain, it is predominantly synthesized
under basal conditions by neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) and endothelial NO synthase
(eNOS) in blood vessels. nNOS is highly expressed in brain stem cholinergic neurons and
participates in their control of cortical activation and REM sleep. In this section we focus on
the role of NO in the homeostatic regulation of NREM sleep.
I) NO promotes NREM sleep. The enzymatic activity of NOS is highest in the rat brain
when animals are awake (57), and NO itself is detected in higher quantities in the cortex
during waking (167). Systemic or intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of NOS
inhibitors at light onset reduced NREM sleep within the first few hours in rats (199, 324,
325, 599, 882, 883, 1062) and in rabbits (601). Thus, although some studies (1347) provided
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contradictory evidence, most evidence suggests that NO promotes NREM sleep. Recent
studies suggest that NO produced by the inducible isoform of NOS (iNOS), is responsible
for this effect. Microdialysis infusion of an iNOS selective inhibitor, during sleep
deprivation prevented NREM sleep rebound (593), while an inhibitor of nNOS decreased
REM recovery but did not affect NREM recovery (593). Consistent with these findings,
iNOS knockout mice had less NREM sleep during the dark period (218). The induction of
sleep deprivation-induced iNOS occurs in neurons within the BF (590). The iNOS
expressing neurons also express Fos during sleep deprivation, suggesting they are wake
active and the number of iNOS/Fos double-labeled neurons positively correlates with the
sleep pressure following prolonged sleep deprivation (590). Furthermore, NO itself also
rises during the early stages of sleep deprivation as assessed by the dye 4,5-
diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF-2/DA), which fluoresces upon binding NO. Currently,
the cellular signaling pathway by which sleep deprivation leads to the induction of iNOS is
II) How does NO produced by iNOS cause sleep in the BF?. NO has multiple cellular
effectors, but one which may be particularly important in the context of the homeostatic
sleep drive is release of adenosine (FIGURE 8). In vitro studies in culture and brain slices
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have shown that NO donors cause release of adenosine, which in turn inhibits neuronal
activity (149, 352, 1075). Multiple pathways for NO-stimulated adenosine release may exist
including inhibition of adenosine kinase (1075), inhibition of glycolysis and the
mitochondrial electron-transport chain with a subsequent decrease in ATP/ADP ratio (150),
and stimulation of neurotransmitter release leading to corelease of ATP which is
subsequently degraded to adenosine (142). In vivo, NO production and adenosine increased
concurrently in the BF during sleep deprivation (589, 593). Furthermore, under nondeprived
conditions, microdialysis perfusion of an NO donor, DETA/NO, mimicked the ability of
sleep deprivation to increase adenosine and NREM sleep (589). Recent in vitro
electrophysiological evidence suggests that NO causes an initial excitation of cholinergic
and cortically projecting GABAergic BF neurons which is followed by a long-lasting
inhibition that can be reversed with an adenosine A1 receptor antagonist, suggesting
mediation by adenosine (154). Similarly, in vivo, the effects of NO donors on BF neurons
were found to be dose-dependent, with lower doses favoring excitation and higher doses
leading to more inhibition (662, 663). Similar mechanisms may also be active in the
perifornical lateral hypothalamus (661).
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III) Sleep-active cortical interneurons contain nNOS. The presence of nNOS has been
recently described in a small subset of cortical interneurons which are sleep active as
determined by Fos immunohistochemistry (416, 620). In rats, mice, or hamsters, a majority
of cortical GABAergic interneurons that express nNOS also express Fos during the recovery
sleep that follows sleep deprivation. Fos expression in these sleep-active, nNOS-
immunoreactive neurons parallels changes in the intensity of slow-wave activity in the EEG,
and thus these neurons are suggested to be part of the neurobiological substrate that
underlies homeostatic sleep regulation (416, 620, 984).
antagonist, ONO-412, reduces sleep time (485). Lipocalin-type prostaglandin synthase (L-
PGDS) is expressed in the brain and has been associated with sleep-wake regulation (1031).
Animals that overexpress human L-PGDS show a significant increase in NREM sleep that is
positively correlated with the increases in PGD2 produced in the brain (1004). Inhibitors of
L-PGDS, such as selenium-based compounds, inhibit sleep, an effect that is reversed by
subsequent administration of PGD2 (812). In L-PGDS knockout mice, the PDG2 levels do
not increase following sleep deprivation (485).
The somnogenic effects of PGD2 are predominantly mediated via the membranes
surrounding the brain in the leptomeninges/ arachnoid space (485). The expression of both
L-PGDS and DP1R is mainly observed in the rostroventral area of the subarachnoid space
near the BF which is the most potent site for the sleep promoting effects of PGD2; in this
area, L-PGDS and DP1R expression is colocalized in arachnoid trabecular cells (95, 867)
along with the synthesizing and degradation enzymes for adenosine (949). PGD2 infusion
induces Fos expression in the sleep active neurons of the VLPO area (1126). Furthermore,
the sleep-promoting effects of PGD2 have been shown to be mediated by A2A receptors in
the VLPO. Subarachnoid administration of an A2A agonist induces Fos expression in the
VLPO and increases NREM sleep (1128). The activation of DP1R by PGD2 in the meninges
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is followed by an increase in adenosine that acts on the A2A receptor in the sleep promoting
preoptic area (867). Blocking the A2A receptor with the selective antagonist KF17837 also
blocks the sleep-inducing effects of PGD2. The role of adenosine in the leptomeninges has
been demonstrated by infusion of A2A selective agonist CGS 21680, leading to increased
Fos expression in VLPO and increased sleep (518, 1128). Like adenosine, PGD2 is
implicated in the homeostatic sleep response as animals that lack L-PDGS or PGD2
receptors fail to exhibit a sleep rebound in response to sleep deprivation (484, 485) and
infusion of PGD2 mimics the effects of prolonged wakefulness in promoting sleep (1125).
Clinical data suggest that the PGD2-A2A sleep inducing system may be particularly
important in mediating enhanced sleep in pathological states. For instance, synthesis of
PGD2 was massively upregulated in the CSF of patients with African sleeping sickness
(991). L-PGDS was also upregulated in sleep apnea patients exhibiting excessive daytime
sleepiness (EDS) compared with controls or patients without EDS (70).
D) Cytokines: Cytokines are best known for their role in the immune system response to
infection which includes enhanced sleep (543). Several cytokines and their receptors are
present in the brain, and even in the absence of immune challenge, they are involved in sleep
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regulation (543, 669). Among the different cytokines, the most convincing evidence for a
sleep-regulatory role is available for interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-
α). Administration of either of these cytokines increases NREM sleep in mice, rats, rabbits,
cats, and sheep (603, 669, 670, 943). In humans, IL-1 administration results in fatigue and
sleepiness (603, 669, 670, 943). Consistent with their somnogenic role, the endogenous
brain and plasma levels of IL-1 and TNF-α increase with increased propensity to sleep. For
example, in rat, the mRNA and protein expression of IL-1 and TNF-α in brain shows
diurnal variation with changes paralleling the amount of NREM sleep (135, 368, 1262). In
cat cerebrospinal fluid, the changes in IL-1-like activity correspond to sleep-wake behavior
(762). In humans, plasma concentrations of IL-1 peak at sleep onset (874). The mRNA
levels of these cytokines increase during sleep deprivation (1262).
The somnogenic effects of IL-1 and TNF-α are mediated through the IL-1 type 1 receptor
and the TNF 55-kDa receptor. Mice lacking these receptors showed reduced sleep and failed
to respond to IL-1 and TNF-α (353, 354). Antagonists against IL-1 and TNF-α receptors
reduce sleep (954, 1267, 1368). Reduction of sleep in IL-1 receptor knockout mice was
predominantly observed during the dark period, whereas TNF receptor knockout mice
showed decreased sleep during the transition from the dark to the light period, suggesting
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involvement in the circadian component of sleep regulation. Accordingly, TNF-α has been
shown to inhibit the expression of clock genes by interfering with the interaction of
CLOCK-BMAL1 with the E-box regulatory element (198).
I) Mechanisms underlying cytokine-induced sleep. It has been suggested that the release of
extracellular ATP associated with neurotransmitter release during waking promotes
astrocytic production of IL-1 and TNF-α via activation of P2 purinergic receptors (97,
1253). In addition to effects on cortical synapses (see next section), cytokines may act to
induce sleep by affecting monoaminergic neurons that express the IL-1 receptor.
Administration of IL-1 into the DRN or LC (293) induces sleep (409, 788), and blocking the
5-HT2 receptor attenuates the sleep-inducing effects of IL-1 (542).
wakefulness increases, even while the scalp EEG shows a LVFA pattern typical of
wakefulness (1383). Dissociation of different sleep/wake phenomena is also a feature of
several sleep disorders (778). A number of cortically produced neuromodulators could be
involved in local modulation of sleep intensity. These include 1) adenosine and NO
(discussed above); 2) TNF-α, which is a regulator of sleep and sleep intensity and also
regulates synaptic homeostasis (1213); 3) brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which
is involved in the establishment of neuronal circuitry during development and promotes
synaptic plasticity in the adult. Cortical infusion of BDNF locally enhances NREM slow-
wave activity, whereas infusion of a BDNF antibody or an inhibitor of trkB receptors causes
the reverse effect (355). 4) Cortistatin is a recently discovered peptide neuromodulator
structurally related to somatostatin which is expressed in cortical and hippocampal
interneurons and hyperpolarizes hippocampal pyramidal neurons (289). Intraventricular
administration of cortistatin increased cortical slow waves (127, 289). Furthermore, the
cortistatin transcript was upregulated following sleep deprivation (127, 232). 5) Growth
neuromodulators may account for local cortical changes in synaptic weights and/or cortical
region-dependent alterations in NREM delta activity (532, 609, 865, 1381).
A) Local Changes in Atp Usage During the Sleep-Wake Cycle: Under normal
physiological conditions, use-dependent variations in the CMR of glucose and O2 maintain a
balance in brain energetics at all times to maintain a stable level of the high-energy molecule
ATP. At the molecular level, this is achieved due to tightly coupled ATP biosynthesis/ usage
and an efficient buffering of ATP energy via paired creatine kinase reactions to conserve
ATP energy in the form of phosphocreatine and its release, as needed, in the cell (1477).
However, recent studies indicate that transient changes in brain ATP levels can occur in a
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brain region specific- and treatment-dependent manner. For example, altered ATP levels
have been observed in response to localized electrical stimulation, glucose deprivation, or
manipulations of Na+-K+-ATPase activity (56, 225, 764, 773). In a recent rat study, ATP
tissue levels showed a surge in the initial hours of spontaneous sleep in wake-active but not
in sleep-active brain regions of rat (323). The surge was dependent on sleep but not on time
of day, since preventing sleep by gentle handling of rats for 3 or 6 h delayed the surge in
ATP. A significant positive correlation was observed between the surge in ATP and EEG
NREM delta activity (0.5–4.5 Hz) during spontaneous sleep. Inducing sleep and delta
activity by adenosine infusion into the BF during the normally active dark period also
increased tissue levels of ATP. Taken together, these observations suggest that a surge in
ATP occurs when the neuronal activity is reduced, as occurs during sleep. The levels of the
cellular energy sensor, phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (P-AMPK), show
reciprocal changes to ATP levels. Thus P-AMPK levels are lower during the sleep-induced
ATP surge than during periods of wakefulness or sleep deprivation. Together, these results
suggest that the sleep-induced surge in ATP and the decrease in P-AMPK levels set the
stage for increased anabolic processes during sleep and provide insight into the molecular
events leading to the restorative biosynthetic processes occurring during sleep (323)
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B) Adenosine as a Regulator of Brain Energy: One of the proposed functional theories for
adenosine’s role in sleep-wake behavior suggests that adenosine, a by product of energy
metabolism, may serve as a homeostatic regulator of brain energy during sleep (91, 1130).
Extracellular adenosine concentrations rise with increased metabolism and neural activity
(1027). Wakefulness has a greater metabolic rate than NREM sleep (774, 791), and
accordingly, extracellular adenosine levels in neostriatum and hippocampus were higher
during the circadian active period and lower during the circadian inactive period in rats
(541). Differential pulse voltammetry using a glucose sensor in cortex reveal that
extracellular glucose levels are higher during NREM sleep compared with waking, an
observation consistent with the idea that energy metabolism and glucose utilization/
breakdown decrease during NREM sleep compared with waking (915). Thus changes in
adenosine levels during spontaneous sleep-wake and sleep deprivation conditions may be
direct reflections of ATP breakdown.
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2. Synaptic homeostasis—Together, the slow oscillation and cortical delta waves are
termed SWA. Recent evidence suggests that sleep intensity, as measured by SWA, can be
modulated locally in the cortex in a use-dependent fashion (532, 671, 1298). What might be
the function of such a local regulation? Learning and synaptic plasticity studies, together
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with the results of experiments investigating genomic and proteomic changes during sleep
(see sect. V), led Cirelli and Tononi to propose the synaptic homeostasis theory of sleep
(1298). This theory proposes the following:
1) Wakefulness is associated with net synaptic potentiation. Gene and protein studies
showed that animals killed following prolonged periods of wakefulness have upregulated
levels of genes/proteins implicated in long-term potentiation, whereas genes/proteins
implicated in long-term depression were increased following periods of sleep (241, 242). A
recent ex vivo slice study showed that the frequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory
postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) recorded from pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex
were higher following a prolonged period of waking and decreased after sleep, independent
of time of day (737). Although consistent with the hypothesis, it should be noted that
changes in miniature EPSCs may not accurately reflect action potential-dependent changes
in synaptic strength. Several other theories of sleep and memory are based on the premise
that long-term potentiation is induced during sleep (53, 175, 1417), especially during the
sharp-wave/ripple complexes and spindles of NREM sleep (175, 179) or in association with
the theta rhythm during REM sleep (534) (sect. V). More direct evidence of synaptic
potentiation was found in Drosophila (172), where synapse size and number increased with
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EEG recordings in humans (1063) showed that the slope and amplitude of slow waves were
lower at the end of the sleep phase compared with those during sleep at the beginning of the
sleep phase, findings which are consistent with synaptic downscaling if, as suggested by
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modeling studies, slow wave slope and amplitude reflect synaptic strength. Furthermore,
single and multiunit recordings showed that the firing rate of neocortical neurons was higher
following a period of sustained wakefulness, whereas firing rates and synchrony decreased
following a period of sustained sleep (1384). These findings are also consistent with the
increased energetic cost of wakefulness discussed in the previous section.
E. Synthesis
The induction of sleep is mediated by the build-up of homeostatic sleep factors such as
adenosine and NO in the BF and cortex and by increased activity of median preoptic nucleus
GABA neurons that inhibit the wake-promoting neurons of the ARAS. Circadian influences
are mediated by retinal and indirect SCN projections to GABAergic sleep-promoting
neurons in the VLPO and other regions of the preoptic area and BF. Once initiated, sleep
and the silence of cortically projecting wake-active neurons is maintained by increased
firing of VLPO and other preoptic/BF GABA neurons and subsequent postsynaptic
inhibition of ARAS neurons via activation of GABA and galanin receptors. As ascending
excitatory influences are progressively withdrawn, cortical and thalamic neurons become
increasingly hyperpolarized entering into the range of membrane potentials conducive to
rhythmic bursting due to activation of Ih and It currents and leading to the characteristic
EEG phenomena of NREM sleep. During early NREM sleep, effective cortical connectivity
(assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation) begins to break down (808), and in deep
sleep, the activity of the brain regions comprising the default network becomes decoupled,
in particular the frontal cortex (523). Local cortical differences in delta power during NREM
sleep reflect the extent to which that cortical area was active during the prior waking period
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and the duration of prior waking, possibly reflective of increased synaptic potentiation
during waking with respect to sleep. Energy usage is high during waking and during sleep
deprivation, due to increased neuronal firing, synaptic activity, and synaptic potentiation.
This increased energy usage of waking is reflected in increased release of sleep homeostatic
factors such as adenosine during waking and a surge of ATP production which occurs
during the early NREM sleep that follows waking. Synaptic activity and plasticity are major
components of brain energy usage (775), potentially tying together the proposed energetic
and synaptic plasticity functions of NREM sleep. Under normal conditions, wakefulness
transitions first into NREM sleep and then later transitions into REM sleep. The mechanisms
underlying REM sleep and the cyclic oscillation of NREM and REM sleep during the night
are described next.
writers, and scientists for centuries. However, REM sleep was only defined as a separate
brain state relatively recently. Experiments by Aserinsky, Dement, and Kleitmann in
humans (50, 299) and Jouvet in animals (580) showed that REM sleep is defined by a
distinct constellation of tonic and phasic features of the EEG and EMG. The association of
an activated cortical EEG reminiscent of waking, together with paralysis of antigravity
muscles (FIGURE 1), led Jouvet to term this state Le sommeil paradoxal paradoxical sleep).
In young animals, where REM is the predominant sleep state (585, 1070), it is also known as
active sleep (NREM sleep is called quiet sleep in this terminology). Awakening human
subjects during REM sleep commonly led to reports of dreaming (300); thus REM sleep has
also been called dream sleep, although some dreaming also occurs in NREM sleep (509).
Since the discovery of REM sleep, research on REM sleep can be subdivided into three
main areas: 1) delineation of the neurons, circuits, and neurotransmitter effector systems
responsible for the individual signs of REM sleep; 2) control of when and for how long
REM sleep is expressed (REM sleep master control mechanisms); and 3) investigation of the
relation of REM sleep to learning and memory. In this section we focus on the first two of
these areas and the relation of REM sleep to dreaming; studies of REM sleep and learning
and memory are covered in section V.
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The terminology used to describe the reticular formation regions involved in REM-sleep
control (FIGURE 2) differs between brain atlases, between species, and between different
investigators. In the cat, the REM control area was defined as a region immediately ventral
to the main cluster of noradrenergic neurons in the LC and dorsal to the gigantocellular
tegmental field (FTG). This region was termed subcoeruleus (SubC) which is the term used
in this review. A subset of this area, containing caudally projecting neurons involved in
REM muscle atonia, and with tonic firing patterns very specific to REM sleep (1093) was
termed the peri-LC alpha. Slightly lateral to this area, neurons with burst firing patterns
correlated with PGO waves were found in the parabrachial area (276, 824, 1092), which at
its most rostral extent also includes the cholinergic PPT area. In the rat and mouse brain
atlases of Paxinos and colleagues (988, 989) the REM control region is also termed SubC
(dorsal or alpha parts); however, in these species the region immediately ventral to the LC is
cell-poor and the REM-control neurons (particularly those involved in muscle atonia) appear
to be located slightly more rostrally, ventral to the cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal
tegmental nucleus (LDT). Hence, the functionally equivalent region in the rat or mouse has
been termed the sublaterodorsal nucleus (SLD). This area corresponds to the rostral part of
the subcoeruleus area as defined by Paxinos and Watson in the rat (160). REM-on neurons
in this area are primarily glutamatergic, as indicated by vGLUT2 in situ hybridization and
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I) Spike discharge characteristics of neurons in regions of the brain stem involved in REM
control see also sect. IVB) Intracellular recordings from medullary and pontine reticular
formation neurons in naturally sleeping cats revealed that the excitability of these neurons
was greater during REM than during NREM sleep or waking, i.e., there is a tonic
depolarization during REM (209, 549) (FIGURE 10). Phasic depolarizations associated with
action potential firing were superimposed upon this tonic depolarization (549). In contrast,
the membrane potential was more hyperpolarized during waking and NREM sleep with
phasic depolarizations occurring with motor activity during waking. When recorded in vitro,
SubC “reticular” neurons fire tonically at high rates with little adaptation when depolarized
(160), as in other reticular areas (418, 934). Identified GABAergic neurons in this area show
similar properties (156), making it difficult to distinguish GABAergic from glutamatergic
neurons solely on the basis of intrinsic membrane properties. A subset of the reticular
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formation neurons fire stereotyped high-frequency bursts of action potentials due to the
presence of low-threshold calcium channels that are deinactivated by hyperpolarization
(160, 448). Cholinergic neurons also exhibit this property (whereas most aminergic brain
stem neurons do not). These neurons may be involved in phasic phenomena of REM sleep
such as PGO waves. Interestingly, many presumed REM-on neurons in the SubC exhibit
“spikelets” (small alterations in membrane potential resembling low-pass filtered action
potentials), indicating that they are likely to be electrically coupled (489) and suggesting a
possible mechanism by which their firing may be synchronized.
A) Theta Activity: Theta rhythmic activity is a prominent feature of the EEG during REM
sleep in rodents (FIGURE 1) and other lower mammals (1069). Early studies in rats and
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Type I (4–7 Hz) was observed when the animals were under urethane or ether anesthesia and
during behavioral immobility and was abolished by systemic administration of the
muscarinic antagonist atropine sulfate (667). A higher frequency form of theta (type II theta,
7–12 Hz) was observed during waking associated with movement and was abolished by
urethane anesthesia. Theta occurring during REM sleep appears to represent a combination
of type I and type II, since atropine sulfate abolished continuous lower-frequency theta
during tonic REM periods whilst leaving intact intermittent, higher frequency hippocampal
theta during periods with muscle twitches (1069, 1166). Similarly, mice with a knockout of
phospholipase β1 (an effector for M1-type muscarinic receptors) lacked type I theta activity
and had only intermittent theta activity during REM sleep (1166). A recent genetic study
suggests that theta generation during REM is different from theta during waking. A
deficiency in short-chain fatty acid β-oxidation (affecting the enzyme short-chain
acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase, Acads) caused a slowing (by ~1 Hz) of peak theta
frequency during REM sleep in mice but did not affect waking theta (1260).
I) Theta rhythm during REM sleep in humans. Low-frequency (4–7 Hz) theta activity has
also been observed in the human hippocampus (of epileptic patients) during sleep but, in
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contrast to rodents, theta rhythm was not observed continuously but rather was limited to
short (1 s) epochs (188). The occurrence of these short theta epochs in humans was not
correlated with the occurrence of rapid eye movements. A further contrast to rodents was the
finding that theta activity was not observed in the basal temporal lobe or frontal cortex
during REM (188). Another study has demonstrated a type of rhythmic slow activity in the
hippocampus during REM sleep with a slightly lower peak frequency (1.5–3 Hz; delta),
leaving open the possibility that these EEG signals in humans are equivalent to the type I
and type II theta but that the peak frequencies for the two types are shifted to lower values
II) Brain stem generation of theta rhythm during REM sleep. The ascending pathways
controlling forebrain theta rhythm are discussed in section IIA. One recent study (758)
suggested that a region just dorsal to the LC termed precoeruleus is necessary for theta
activity during REM sleep. This region was found to provide the major glutamatergic input
to the MS/vDB and contained cells that were active during REM sleep (contained Fos
immunoreactivity). Ibotenic acid lesions of this area abolished theta rhythm during
REMsleep (758). However, this part of the study was based on a small number of animals,
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B) Pgo Waves: Synchronized electrical field potentials in the pons, lateral geniculate
nucleus, and occipital cortex (PGO waves) occur singly at high amplitude in the period
immediately preceding the onset of REM sleep (transitional REM period; 30–90 s) and in
bursts of lower amplitude during REM sleep itself (98, 146, 274, 580, 584, 1228). They are
considered the source of dreaming episodes and visual imagery during REM sleep (1228)
since they occur simultaneously with rapid eye movements associated with gaze direction in
dream imagery (300, 825) and are prominent in visual thalamocortical circuits (144, 145,
901). PGO waves have been studied most intensively in cats, where the largest potentials
can be recorded in the LGN and occipital cortex. However, more recent studies in both
animals and humans describe a widespread activation of limbic, parahippocampal and many
thalamocortical systems during these phasic REM events (26, 274, 1395). The pontine
component of PGO waves has been recorded in rats (286, 356, 610, 1113), but the thalamic
(dLGN) component is difficult or impossible to record in rodents, likely due to the smaller
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size of this region and the fact that rodents are not very visual animals. However, phasic
potentials during REM sleep can be recorded in several other forebrain areas in this species
(274). In non-human primates, PGO wavelike phasic field potentials have been recorded
from the LGN and pons of macaques (251) and the LGN of baboons (1380). In humans, two
recent studies recorded phasic field potentials during REM sleep in the pons (720) and
subthalamic nucleus (364), respectively. Furthermore, event-related fMRI showed activation
of the thalamus and occipital cortex, as well as limbic regions such as the hippocampus and
amygdala phase-locked to rapid eye movements (866, 1395). Thus phasic activations of
thalamocortical and limbicbrain regions generated by synchronized activation in the pons
appear to be typical of both animals and humans, although the pattern of forebrain activation
may vary according to the species studied.
I) The thalamocortical component of PGO waves. Thalamic PGO waves are biphasic field
potentials with an initial negative-going component (1228). Although the thalamic
component can be recorded most easily in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) due to its
laminated structure (and resulting summation of extracellular field potentials), they also
occur in other thalamic nuclei such as the pulvinar, rostral intralaminar, and anterior nuclei.
In humans, PGO waves have also been observed with depth recordings from the subthalamic
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nucleus (364). The cellular mechanisms underlying the thalamic component of PGO waves
were investigated by Hu, Steriade and Deschenes using intracellular recordings in urethane-
anesthetized and reserpine-treated cats (526). In these animals, each PGO wave was
accompanied by a depolarization of relay neurons lasting 200–300 ms, interrupted by a
short-lasting (50–60 ms) hyperpolarization occurring 40–80 ms after the onset of the
depolarization due to the coactivation of GABAergic geniculate interneurons. Action
potential firing may precede or follow the brief hyperpolarization. The negative-going
component of the field component correlates with the early depolarization recorded
intracellularly, whereas the subsequent positive-going component reflects the subsequent
hyperpolarization. In recordings from naturally sleeping animals, single PGO waves of high
amplitude can be recorded during the period of NREM immediately preceding REM when
thalamic relay neurons are still hyperpolarized (1233). The firing of relay cells causes the
depolarization of pyramidal neurons in the primary visual cortex (occipital cortex), the
cortical component of PGO waves.
II) PGO waves require cholinergic input to the thalamus. The following evidence suggests
that the induction of PGO waves in the thalamus is due to a strong cholinergic input from
the brain stem, acting on ionotropic nicotinic receptors (274, 277, 1228): 1) brain stem
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cholinergic neurons send a massive projection to the LGN and other thalamic nuclei (291,
974, 1235). 2) Electrical stimulation of the brain stem in the region of cholinergic neurons
elicits PGO-like waves in the LGN (1100). 3) Lesions in the region of brain stem
cholinergic neurons abolish PGO waves (1394). 4) Neurons of the cholinergic LDT/PPT
area fire in bursts that are correlated with thalamic PGO waves (336, 615, 665, 1099, 1234).
These PGO burst neurons are inhibited by the cholinergic agonist carbachol, suggesting
activation of inhibitory muscarinic autoreceptors (337, 665, 1097). 5) Systemic (1081) or
iontophoretic (525) application of nicotinic antagonists into the lateral geniculate nucleus
blocks the thalamic component of PGO waves. 6) Nicotinic receptor agonists depolarize
LGN neurons (1476) and also pre-synaptically facilitate glutamatergic synaptic inputs (457).
Together these pieces of evidence strongly support the idea that bursting of cholinergic brain
stem neurons leads to a nicotinic receptor-mediated depolarization of LGN and other
thalamic neurons which underlies the negative-going component of the field potential at the
thalamic level.
III) Noncholinergic brain stem neurons generate the pontine component of PGO waves. The
initial study of the pontine component of PGO field potentials (so-called P-waves) found
that they can be recorded in a large swathe of the brain stem reticular formation, most
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prominently the part of the reticular formation close to the abducens nucleus (146). More
recent studies in rats have focused on the SubC/parabrachial (PB) area (356, 610, 801)
where there are relatively few cholinergic neurons (160) and on the equivalent caudolateral
peribrachial region of the cat. This site is the most sensitive site for carbachol to enhance P-
wave frequency (1033) and a concomitant facilitation of learning and memory formation
(280, 286, 813). Conversely, neurotoxic lesions of this area abolish PGO waves (277).
Neurons in the SubC/PB area fire synchronized bursts of action potentials preceding and
phase-locked to PGO waves (274, 824, 1098, 1234). PGO-burst neurons in this region
exhibit a longer latency (50–150 ms) to thalamic PGO waves than those in the regions with
high concentration of cholinergic neurons projecting to the thalamus (10–25 ms). The
stereotyped nature of the bursts in PGO burst neurons led Steriade and colleagues (973) to
conclude that the bursts were mediated by a low-threshold calcium spike. Low-threshold
bursts are present in brain stem cholinergic neurons (596, 763, 1410) and in noncholinergic
neurons in the SubC region (160). Neurons with low-threshold calcium spikes in the SubC
are hyperpolarized by carbachol (160). The inhibition of SubC neurons by acetylcholine
during REM sleep will deinactivate their low-threshold calcium current and allow them to
fire bursts of action potentials. This would also be consistent with the block of carbachol-
induced PGO waves in the cat by a M2 receptor antagonist (283), since activation ofM2
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Recently, the well-accepted role of glycine in generating atonia has been challenged by
Brooks and Peever (147), although their conclusions have been disputed (208, 398, 767,
1195). Brooks and Peever monitored the activity of masseter motoneurons extracellularly
whilst using reverse microdialysis to apply pharmacological agents at the trigeminal motor
pool (which innervates the masseter muscle). Antagonism of glycine receptors with
strychnine or GABAA receptors with bicuculline increased masseter muscle tone during
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waking and non-REM sleep but not during the tonic periods of REM sleep. Thus they
concluded that glycine and GABAA receptors are not involved in REM atonia (at least for
somatic motoneurons). Similar results were described by others for respiratory hypoglossal
motoneurons and associated genioglossus muscle activity (894, 895). Kubin and co-workers
showed in the carbachol model of REM sleep that coantagonism of norepinephrine,
serotonin, and GABA receptors abolished REM-sleep like depression of hypoglossal motor
neuronal activity (361). However, Horner and colleagues (894) report contrasting results
suggesting that GABAA receptors are important in control of hypoglossal muscle tone
during NREM but not during REM sleep.
I) Disfacilitation of excitatory inputs during REM. Using the same methodology described
above, Peever and colleagues (165) showed that trigeminal motoneurons receive a
glutamatergic input during waking which helps maintain muscle tone. Motoneurons also
receive excitatory input from brain stem norepinephrine and serotonin neurons during
waking which depolarize them and increase their response to excitatory input (1403, 1404).
During REM sleep, these neurons are silent so this excitatory influence is lost
(disfacilitation). Indeed, antagonism of both norepinephrine and serotonin receptors at the
hypoglossal motor nucleus abolished the REM-sleep like reduction of muscle tone induced
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II) Muscle twitches are caused by phasic glutamatergic input. During REM, occasional
bursts of muscle activity occur (muscle twitches). These twitches, particularly in developing
animals, have been suggested to be important in the refinement of spinal cord connectivity
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B) Brain Stem Control of Atonia and Muscle Twitches: Increased activity of neurons in
the SubC region of the pons causes muscle atonia. Lesions of several areas of the brain stem
reticular formation cause a loss of muscle atonia during REM sleep and may lead to
expression of motor behaviors during sleep (569, 893). Similarly, injections of carbachol at
a variety of dorsal and ventral brain stem sites can lead to atonia (504, 798, 1057). However,
the area most consistently implicated in atonia in both adult (119, 580, 758, 893, 1358) and
neonatal animals (606) is the SubC/SLD of the dorsolateral pons (FIGURE 11): 1) small
electrolytic lesions of the SubC abolish REM muscle atonia in the cat and in the rat, whilst
larger lesions encompassing more widespread areas of the reticular formation are required
for the expression of dreamlike (“oneiric”) behavior (606, 893, 900, 1111) typical of RBD
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I) Descending projections of the SubC mediate atonia. Earlier work (119, 210, 681, 684,
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776, 1458) suggested that the SubC region causes glycinergic inhibition of motoneurons via
a glutamatergic activation of glycine neurons in the ventral medulla (1045) which project to
the spinal cord (515) (FIGURE 11). Indeed, glycine-containing neurons in the nucleus
reticularis gigantocellularis (NRGc)/nucleus magnocellularis (NMC) and nucleus
paramedianus reticularis (nPR) express REM-sleep related Fos immunoreactivity (890), and
electrical stimulation of the NRGc leads to IPSPs in spinal α-motoneurons (466, 1268).
Glutamatergic stimulation of the NMC or cholinergic stimulation of the nPR in decerebrate
cats is effective in eliciting muscle atonia (684). However, this pathway does not appear to
be essential for REM atonia. In fact, transection at the pontomedullary junction abolishes
inhibition of muscle tone produced by stimulation of the ventromedial medulla (1179),
suggesting that stimulation of the medulla may in fact cause atonia via ascending activation
of the SubC. Furthermore, recent experiments by Lu and colleagues found that functional
lesions of GABA and glycine containing neurons in the medulla (through genetic
inactivation of the gene for the vesicular GABA/glycine transporter, vGAT) did not abolish
muscle atonia (758, 1367). Instead, these authors proposed that REM-on glutamatergic
[vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (vGluT2) mRNA positive] neurons in the dorsal SubC
project directly to glycinergic neurons in the spinal cord (758), which, in turn, inhibit spinal
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motoneurons during REM (FIGURE 11). Consistent with this interpretation, inactivation of
glycinergic/GABAergic neurotransmission from local neurons in the ventral horn in the
mouse reduced atonia (668). Inactivation of supraolivary medulla glutamatergic (VGluT2-
positive) neurons caused exaggerated muscle twitches during REM sleep (1367), suggesting
that glutamatergic projections from the medulla may participate in control of motoneuron
3. Rapid eye movements—The observation of rapid eye movements during sleep led to
the discovery of this distinct brain state (50). Eye movements during REM sleep are
characterized by both tonic and phasic components (347, 803, 1339). The tonic component
consists of a strong downward and convergent movement of the two eyes due to a relaxation
of the lateral recti muscles and a tonic contraction of the medial muscles. The relaxation of
the lateral recti is due to a tonic inhibition and reduction of firing of the abducens
motoneurons similar to that seen in other motoneurons during this phase of sleep (347). The
phasic component consists of rapid eye movements that are either isolated or in bursts
occurring simultaneously with PGO waves (347, 803, 1339). Lesion, stimulation, and
recording experiments have identified the paramedian reticular formation regions
immediately rostral and caudal to the abducens motor nucleus as being responsible for
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REMs. These fast movements are due to a burst of action potentials in abducens
motoneurons as a result of inputs from excitatory and inhibitory burst neurons that are also
responsible for saccades during alertness (1245, 1246). The mechanisms responsible for
long-lasting bursts of action potentials in these “short-lead burst neurons” remain to be
determined, but it is noteworthy they are much longer (1245, 1246) (4–24 action potentials)
than the bursts typically produced by low-threshold calcium channel activation (typically 1–
4 action potentials) seen in P-wave related neurons. The activity of burst neurons is normally
inhibited by omnipause neurons (OPNs), which are characterized by pauses in firing that
begin ~13–16 ms before saccades. These neurons are located on either side of the midline in
the caudal pons (nucleus raphe interpositus in the monkey) at the same level as the
descending fibers of the sixth nerve.
methods to measure erections in rats (1140) has allowed some delineation of the brain
circuits involved, although research in this area is sparse. In contrast to most other REM
sleep signs, SREs require the activation of the forebrain, in particular the lateral preoptic
area (LPOA)/ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis since lesions of this area abolished
SREs whilst leaving waking erections unchanged (1139). Current models (508) suggest two
output pathways from the LPOA: one from the LPOA to serotonergic paragigantocellularis
neurons in the ventral medulla, which in turn excite thoracolumbar (T11-L2) sympathetic
preganglionic neurons innervating the penis, and another via the paraventricular nucleus of
the hypothalamus which send oxytocinergic projections to parasympathetic preganglionic
neurons in the sacral (S2-S4) spinal cord. Recent evidence also suggests a role for another
forebrain site, the lateral septum, presumably acting through projections to the hypothalamic
sites described above. Electrical stimulation in dorsal and intermediate aspects of the lateral
septum was effective in triggering SRE during REM (456).
REM sleep is also associated with increased rate and variability of heart rate, breathing, and
autonomic nervous system function as well as with altered body temperature regulation.
These alterations are likely to be important in the context of cardiovascular disease, sleep
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in REM sleep control. Only relatively recently have improved immunohistochemical, in situ
hybridization, and transgenic techniques allowed the visualization of GABA-ergic and
glutamatergic neurons in the REM control area (118, 156, 248, 248, 372, 758, 784, 785).
Thus less is understood of these GABAergic and glutamatergic systems, although recent
studies suggest that they are likely to be of comparable importance.
(derived from population models of predator/prey interactions) was able to capture the basic
structure of the oscillation between NREM and REM sleep (819) (FIGURE 12A). The
essence of this model is that REM-off neurons (norepinephrine and serotonin neurons)
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inhibit REM-on neurons (cholinergic neurons) during waking and NREM sleep, but as these
neurons reduce their firing during NREM, REM-on neurons are disinhibited and REM sleep
is generated. Positive feedback between REM-on neurons (cholinergic and glutamatergic
reticular neurons) stabilizes the REM state (Figs. 12 and 13). A key feature of this model,
not reproduced in other more recent models of REM-sleep control [e.g., REM sleep flip-flop
model of Lu et al. (758)] is that REM-on neurons are proposed to be excitatory to REM-off
neurons so that as the REM state continues, REM-off neurons gradually become more
active, terminating the REM bout and giving a mechanistic explanation for changes in state.
A more sophisticated version of this model has been produced by McCarley and Massaquoi
(821) (the limit cycle model) which incorporates circadian influences on the REM oscillator
(these may be mediated by the orexins; see below) as well as local GABAergic neurons
(next section, FIGURE 12B), which are likely to be important in shutting off REM-off
neurons as well as in controlling the activity of REM-on neurons (807, 816, 821–823).
I) Evidence supporting the reciprocal interaction model: state-dependent firing patterns and
neurotransmitter release. A large body of evidence supports the reciprocal interaction model
ofREMsleep (816) and is summarized here (contrary evidence is discussed subsequently).
Confirming the initial recording data, multiple studies support the contention that the
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II) Evidence supporting the reciprocal interaction model: cholinergic modulation of reticular
formation neurons. Anatomical and electrophysiological experiments have confirmed the
existence of many of the proposed interconnections of this model. Cholinergic modulation
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carbachol. Pharmacological analysis revealed that this action is mediated by both ionotropic
nicotinic receptors and muscarinic M1-type (likely M3) receptors (490). A large subset
(~40%) of SubC neurons were silent at rest (i.e., in the absence of current injection through
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the recording electrode), were hyperpolarized further by carbachol, and fired in bursts of
several action potentials at the offset of hyperpolarizations due to the presence of low-
threshold calcium channels (160). Pharmacological analysis revealed that M2 muscarinic
receptors and activation of a potassium current mediate the outward current responsible for
this hyperpolarization (490). These neurons could play a role in PGO-wave generation since
hyperpolarization by carbachol would allow deinactivation of the low-threshold calcium
currents responsible for burst firing.
III) Evidence supporting the reciprocal interaction model: aminergic inhibition of brain stem
cholinergic neurons. Extensive projections exist from brain stem serotonin neurons in the
DR and MR to cholinergic LDT/PPT neurons (1149, 1211). Activation of 5-HT1A receptors
leads to inhibition of cholinergic LDT neurons in vitro, via activation of inwardly rectifying
potassium channels (763). Similarly, LC neurons project to and partially overlap
neighboring cholinergic brain stem regions (571, 731, 1001), and norepinephrine inhibits
mesopontine cholinergic neurons via activation of α2 adrenoceptors (1413). In vivo, the
firing of REM-on LDT/PPT neurons in the cat was inhibited by application of the 5-HT1A
receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT (presumably explaining their silence during wake), whereas
wake/REM-on neurons were unaffected by this agent (1280). Autoradiographic studies in
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the mouse did not find evidence for 5-HT1A receptors in brain stem cholinergic neurons
(120), suggesting either a species difference or mediation of serotonin effects by other
receptor subtypes or indirect mechanisms.
REM generating sites to the brain stem by Jouvet, enhancement of cholinergic tone or
stimulation of cholinergic receptors in the pontine reticular formation of cats or dogs was
found to cause a REM-like state (675, 1055, 1228). In rats and mice, a similar effect can be
induced, although it is often less robust in these species, perhaps as a result of difficulty in
localizing the drug applications in the smaller brains of rodents and the interaction with
circadian control or descending forebrain influences (675, 800, 1228). Activation of the
inhibitory 5-HT1A receptor, via perfusion of the serotonin 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT,
caused increased REM sleep due to activation of autoreceptors when infused in the DRN
(1021), whereas perfusion of serotonin in the LDT decreased REM via activation of
inhibitory 5-HT1A receptors on cholinergic neurons (522).
VI) Evidence opposing the reciprocal interaction model. Although a large body of evidence
supports the suggestion that cholinergic neurons promote REM and aminergic neurons
inhibit REM, several lines of evidence appear to contradict this model. However, in each
case alternative explanations are also possible: 1) lesions encompassing the PPT or LDT
regions where the majority of brain stem cholinergic neurons are located did not
significantly alter the amount of REM sleep (758). Combined lesions of both areas were not
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performed. Thus, in theory, one area could compensate for the other. We note that large
lesions of the LDT/PPT and surrounding areas led to substantial reductions in REM sleep,
and these reductions were correlated with the extent of loss of cholinergic neurons (1394). 2)
Knockout mice lacking M2/M4, M3, or both M3 and M2/M4 muscarinic receptors (the main
subtypes present in the brain stem) still show REM sleep (434), although REM sleep was
reduced by 22% in M3 receptor knockouts. Since these are constitutive knockouts,
compensatory responses of the other cholinergic receptors may occur. 3) Using Fos as a
marker of neuronal activation, the Luppi lab did not find activation of ChAT-positive
neurons in REM rebound following relatively selective REM sleep deprivation (1354),
although these results apparently contradict those of the Jones group (784). Furthermore,
Fos is acknowledged as an imperfect marker of neuronal activity, particularly for neurons
with complex firing patterns (664). 4) Inconsistent effects of carbachol in promoting REM
sleep in rats and mice may be due to close proximity of REM promoting and REM-
inhibiting neurons in these species, making it difficult to restrict the effect to the neurons
targeted and due to injections of carbachol during the daytime when rats and mice already
sleep maximally, i.e., a ceiling effect. 5) Lesions/inactivation of norepinephrine neurons do
not affect REM sleep amounts. Studies performing neurotoxic or electrolytic lesions of the
LC reported no change in the daily amounts of REM sleep (100, 576, 758). Mice lacking
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VII) Alternative models for the contribution of cholinergic and aminergic neurons to REM
sleep control. Overall, the question of whether activation of cholinergic neurons and
silencing of aminergic neurons are essential for the induction of REM sleep is still not
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completely resolved. An alternative but related hypothesis is that cholinergic and aminergic
neurons are not absolutely required for REM sleep generation but instead bias the system in
one direction or another. Another possibility is that these neurotransmitter systems may
control particular aspects of REM sleep. For instance, cholinergic agonists consistently
promote theta rhythm and PGO waves in rats and cats. In contrast, serotonergic neurons
inhibit theta rhythm and PGO waves. The discharge of serotonin neurons is very closely
(inversely) correlated with the occurrence of PGO waves (768), and systemic application of
the serotonin synthesis inhibitor p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) in the cat leads to the
appearance of PGO waves during the waking state (555). Furthermore, injection of serotonin
into the SubC region in the rat suppressed the pontine component of PGO waves (P-waves)
without affecting other components of REM sleep (279). Similarly, the silencing of
noradrenergic LC neurons has been closely linked to muscle atonia. Cataplexy seen in the
sleep disorder narcolepsy is thought to represent inappropriate inactivation of REM muscle
atonia. LC neurons completely shut off prior to attacks of cataplexy in genetically
narcoleptic dogs, whereas other aminergic neurons (serotonergic and histaminergic) do not
reduce their firing to the same extent (564, 1435). These attacks can be reduced by use of
norepinephrine selective reuptake inhibitors increasing norepinephrine tone (923). In the
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future, new techniques (e.g., optogenetics) to selectively excite or inhibit cholinergic and
aminergic neurons, in particular the caudally projecting cholinergic neurons, will be of great
help in resolving their exact role in REM sleep control.
B) Gabaergic Control of Rem Sleep: Recently, there has been increased interest in the role
of GABAergic neurons in the control of REM sleep. A large number of mainly small or
medium-sized GABA neurons are present in the brain stem, and many of them project to,
surround, or are located within brain stem areas involved in REM control (118, 156, 372,
784, 785, 1118). At least two functional groups of brain stem GABAergic neurons seem to
be involved in REM control, namely, REM-off GABA neurons preventing activation of
REM-on reticular neurons during wakefulness and REM-on GABA neurons inhibiting the
activity of aminergic neurons (FIGURE 12B). GABAergic inhibition of cholinergic neurons
during wake and/or NREM sleep is also a factor in regulating their state-dependent
discharge (1303) and neurotransmitter release (1344). Other groups of GABA neurons
outside the brain stem regulate the circadian timing and homeostatic control of REM sleep.
Although mounting evidence supports a role for these different groups of GABA neurons in
controlling REM sleep (reviewed below), we note that in most cases, direct evidence that
selective stimulation or inhibition of particular subsets of GABA neurons affects REM sleep
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inhibition of this area with the GABAA receptor agonist muscimol led to a large increase in
REM sleep (1120). These findings were confirmed more recently in the rat (1118) and
guinea pig (1336). Cell body specific lesions of either the vlPAG or the LPT cause an
increase in the amount of REM sleep in rats (758) and in mice (612). The vlPAG lesions
increased both REM sleep duration and the number of REM sleep bouts during the dark
(active period), whereas the LPT lesions increased the number of REM bouts during the
light period and caused occasional episodes of sleep-onset REM/cataplexy-like states.
Although the evidence for this region being a REM-inhibiting area is quite strong, a recent
study suggests that GABAergic neurons in this region are not involved since inactivation of
GABAergic (and glycinergic) neurotransmission did not alter REM sleep (668). Presumably
glutamatergic neurons in this region excite GABAergic neurons located elsewhere in the
brain stem, which then inhibit REM-on neurons.
II) REM-on GABA neurons. Another group of GABAergic neurons within the brain stem
RF likely play a role in the silencing of REM-off neurons located within the LC and DRN.
Microdialysis experiments showed that GABA levels rise in these areas during REM sleep
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compared with wakefulness (926, 927). Injections of GABA receptor antagonists into the
DRN or LC reverse the cessation of firing of 5-HT and NE neurons normally seen during
REM (420, 421). However, in the case of the DR, disfacilitation (withdrawal of excitatory
noradrenergic, histaminergic, and orexinergic inputs) is also likely to be important (158,
713, 1095). Retrograde tracing studies combined with GAD immunohistochemistry showed
that GABAergic neurons in the rostral PnO and vlPAG/LPT region project to the DRN
(421) and may be involved in silencing them during REM. GABAergic neurons surrounding
the LC norepinephrine neurons express Fos following recovery from REM deprivation (784)
and may thus inhibit them during REM sleep. Consistent with this idea, identified SubC
GABA neurons were excited by the cholinergic agonist carbachol (156). In addition, the LC
receives input from more distally located REM-on GABAergic neurons (1118, 1352). In
particular, GABAergic neurons in the dorsal paragigantocellular (DPGi) nucleus of the
medulla may be important in silencing the LC (and DR) during REM sleep, since single-unit
recordings in this area in unanesthetized rats revealed a population of (unidentified)
tonically firing REM-on neurons whose activity preceded the onset of the REM state (435)
and Fos studies revealed GABAergic, REM-on neurons in this area (1118).
III) Models of REM sleep control incorporating GABAergic neurons. How can these
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NREM transitions.
C) Nitric Oxide Control of Rem Sleep: nNOS is localized within REM sleep control
structures such as the PPT, LDT, and DRN (702, 705). nNOS knockout mice have
substantially lower levels of REM sleep than their wild-type controls (218). Microinjection
of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nonspecific inhibitor of NOS, into the PPT
reduced REM sleep (281), whereas another NOS inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-arginine p-
nitroanilide (L-NAPNA), reduced both NREM and REM sleep (480). Moreover,
microinjection of nNOS inhibitor 7-nitroindazole (7–NI) into DRN, in rats, decreased REM
sleep (168), and microinjection of L-arginine, a precursor of NO, into PPT increased the
duration of NREM sleep and the number of REM sleep episodes (480). Inhibition of NO
production in mPRF reduced acetylcholine release and decreased the amount of REM sleep
(708, 709). Overall these data suggest that NO, produced by nNOS, mainly in brain stem
cholinergic neurons, promotes REM sleep.
such as the time of day, light exposure, stress, emotion, temperature, nutritional state, and
sleep homeostasis (1116). We here focus on diurnal/circadian control. REM sleep occurs
predominantly in the inactive period, i.e., night-time in humans and daytime in rats and mice
(1439). In an extension of the reciprocal-interaction model of REM sleep (limit cycle
model), McCarley and Massaquoi introduced an additional factor to account for the
circadian variation in REM sleep across the day. This term provided an excitatory input to
REM-off neurons, suppressing REM during the day (in humans) and causing a smaller
amplitude and shorter initial first NREM-REM cycle (807, 821, 822).
A) Orexinergic Control of Rem Sleep: Several strong lines of evidence support orexin
neurons in the lateral hypothalamus as providing this circadian factor (598). 1) Orexin
neurons receive direct input from the SCN and indirect input via the dorsomedial
hypothalamus (52, 224). 2) Orexin neurons show a wake-on, REM-off pattern of firing
(except during phasic periods of REM) (699, 856). Measurements of orexin levels in the
squirrel monkey (1472) and rat (296) are consistent with the proposed diurnal fluctuation. 3)
As hypothesized in the model, orexins excite wake-active, REM inhibiting, serotonergic
DRN neurons (157, 158, 735) and noradrenergic LC neurons (524). Surprisingly, they also
seem to excite cholinergic brain stem neurons in vitro (169). 4) The loss of orexins causes
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narcolepsy (215, 727), a sleep disorder characterized by the presence of excessive daytime
sleepiness and several symptoms related to abnormal timing of REM sleep signs (see sect.
VII) and loss of diurnal REM control in humans (983). 5) Orexin loss-of-function
experiments in animals (TABLE 1) result in increased REM during the normally REM-poor
dark period, arguing strongly that orexinergic activity suppresses the occurrence of REM
sleep during the diurnal active phase.
B) Preoptic Hypothalamus Control of Rem Sleep: In addition to the orexin systems, the
preoptic hypothalamic area also plays a role in circadian control of sleep. The preoptic area
receives indirect projections from the SCN via the medial preoptic area and dorsomedial
hypothalamus (222, 224, 306). Lesion of the area medial and dorsal to the ventrolateral
preoptic area (VLPO) of the hypothalamus, an important area in NREM control, was
correlated with loss of REM sleep (756). The loss of REM sleep occurred predominantly
during the light period (756) (the rat’s inactive period). Furthermore, after periods of dark
exposure that triggered enrichment of REM sleep, the number of Fos-positive cells in this
extended VLPO area was correlated with the amount of REM sleep (755). Thus diurnal
variation in REM sleep is caused by an orexin-mediated suppression of REM during the
active period and a promotion of REM by the extended VLPO during the inactive period.
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synthesis hypothesis (510, 815, 820). An expanded state-space version of this hypothesis,
the AIM (activation, input gating, modulation) model was developed by Hobson to
characterize all conscious states (588). In the activation-synthesis view of dreaming, during
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the REM state, the brain is activated internally by the activity of the brain stem (described
Sensory systems, in particular visual systems (activated by PGO activity), and vestibular
systems are activated. Sensations and feedback from the neuronal command signals for
muscular activity influence the dream experience, although motor output is inhibited by
brain stem muscle atonia generating systems. This mismatch between motor programs and
motor output may contribute to common dream experiences of floating, flying, or an
inability to flee a dangerous situation. Brain areas involved in emotional behavior and
memory formation such as the hippocampus and amygdala are “reactivated” during REM
sleep, possibly reflecting memory consolidation processes (562, 1089, 1391) and provide
content (especially emotional content) to the dream. The synthesis of these different
elements of brain activity, together with their conscious awareness, causes the dream
experience. The synthesis process occurring in dreams is in some ways similar to the
“confabulation” of patients with various kinds of neurological injuries, which can also be
bizarre and nonsensical and makes little sense to observers (1143). An intriguing recent
theory of REM sleep and dreams suggests that they represent an evolutionarily early form of
conscious awareness (proto-consciousness), a precursor of the conscious awareness seen
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alter normal functioning of the prefrontal cortex as well as the posterior parietal cortex,
which has dense interconnections to the frontal lobe (1287). Imaging studies have revealed
altered activity in the default network, resulting in a dissociation of anterior and posterior
midline regions during sleep deprivation (212, 454, 1107, 1108). Sleep deprivation (SD)
also increases activity in thalamic regions that project to the cortex and may be involved in
maintaining cortical activity in the face of increasing sleep pressure (322, 1297, 1433).
Lapses of attention during SD are associated with reduced thalamic and frontal/parietal
cortical activity that contrast with activation of these same regions during successful
performance (213). Possible mechanisms underlying impaired prefrontal cortex function
during sleep disruption are described next.
noise, and enhance signal transmission. The firing of principal cells relative to the phase of
the gamma rhythm has been proposed as a mechanism for coding of information (390, 732).
In addition, the frequency of gamma oscillations affects the direction of information flow
between brain areas (253).
cortical neurons lead to a disruption of higher frequency EEG rhythms, impacting attention
and higher cognitive function.
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LC and a decrease of NA release (783, 1016). A more extended REM SD showed the
opposite effect, as NA levels and turnover increased (77, 992, 1016). Studies monitoring
changes in norepinephrine receptors report inconsistent results (745, 1423). Overall, the data
suggest that changes in dopamine systems may be more important than changes in
norepinephrine or its receptors in causing behavioral alaterations.
in performance of an executive function task after SD, as well as EEG alpha frequency
activity during wakefulness (112).
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B. Emotion
1. Mood—Changes in mood and motivation are common subjective experiences during
sleep disruption. Recent human studies have begun to investigate these changes under
controlled experimental conditions. Mood is often elevated during SD (108, 521),
particularly in subjects with a evening-type circadian profile (1147). The effect of acute SD
can be used to treat severely depressed patients (sect. VII), although unfortunately the effect
is reversible once the patients are allowed to sleep. At the same time as the basal mood
changes, sleepdeprived subjects show increased reactivity to negative stimuli (31, 1274,
1334), reduced facial expressiveness (859), and impaired recognition of human emotions
(622, 1328). The mechanisms underlying these changes are largely unknown but have been
hypothesized to reflect a loss of REM sleep (453), since REM sleep is characterized by a
strong activation of brain areas regulating emotional responses such as the amygdala,
hippocampus, and frontal cortex (sect. IV). Emotional memory is enhanced across sleep
intervals with high amounts of REM sleep (1387), and a recent imaging study showed that
sleep enhanced the memory of emotional pictures by increasing functional connectivity
between the ventromedial PFC and the precuneus, amygdala, and occipital cortex (1240).
Increased amygdala activation due to a loss of top-down control from the medial prefrontal
cortex may explain the increased response to negative emotional stimuli (455, 1465). At the
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same time, activity in brain mesolimbic reward networks is also enhanced (455), consistent
with reports of increased dopamine release (1375, 1376) and positive effects on mood and
2. Anxiety/fear—Both anxiogenic (1088, 1180) and anxiolytic (806, 1248) effects have
been reported in experimental investigations of sleep disruption. Self-reported increases in
anxiety have been observed in humans after SD (58, 1088), consistent with reports of the
increased reactivity to negative stimuli described above. Several studies have examined
negative emotional memory formation in animals in association with sleep disruption.
Contextual fear conditioning, a hippocampus-dependent task, was impaired by 72 h of SD
before training (1085) or by REM (441) or total SD (468) 5–6 h following training. REM
SD was also reported to impair extinction of cued fear extinction, a prefrontal cortex and
amygdala-dependent task (1181). In humans, recollection of negative emotional stimuli 72 h
later was associated with increased amygdala activation in subjects sleepdeprived on the
night following initial exposure (1239). The relevant factors that predict whether sleep
disturbance will increase or decrease anxiety are not known. Duration of exposure, method
used to disrupt sleep, type of sleep disturbance, and how the findings are interpreted are
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employed to disrupt sleep. Sleep deprivation induced by the treadmill method (1272),
rotating wheels (846), or the flowerpot method (1469) enhance corticosterone levels. It is
important to point out, however, that the effects of stress on learning and memory are not
always deleterious, but instead are dose-dependent. High levels of chronic stress (258) or
chronic administration of the adrenal stress hormone corticosterone (114) impair spatial
learning and memory. Conversely, stressors of lessor intensity sometimes facilitate learning
and memory and long-term potentiation (307). Thus stressors may facilitate or inhibit
learning and memory processes, depending on the type, magnitude, and timing of the
stressor. Although an indirect effect of stress is always possible, several lines of evidence
suggest that the effects of sleep disturbance on learning and memory are predominantly
direct. For instance, there are REM sleep periods, or “windows” of time during which prior
learning is highly sensitive to selective REM SD (1190, 1191). Such time-dependent sleep
disturbances would not likely result from a nonspecific stress response.
The most compelling evidence that effects of sleep disturbance on learning and memory are
independent of stress is from studies on adrenalectomized animals. In rats, 72 h of SD prior
to training impaired acquisition on the water maze task (1084), but surgical removal of the
adrenal glands (with corticosterone replacement to normal, nonstressed levels) did not
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significantly alter this effect. Similarly, at the cellular level, 96 h of SD was found to inhibit
adult hippocampal neurogenesis, but this effect was also observed in adrenalectomized rats
that were maintained via subcutaneous minipumps on continuous low-dose corticosterone
replacement (902). Hence, the effect of sleep loss on adult neurogenesis was independent of
adrenal stress hormones (902). Another study found that adrenalectomy and subsequent
corticosterone replacement significantly altered sleep architecture but did not alter the
homeostatic sleep response to 6 h of SD (131). Taken together, these studies suggest that
both the homeostatic response to sleep disruption as well as the subsequent deficits in
learning and memory are mediated by mechanisms that are largely independent of endocrine
important for maintaining function. Indeed, boosting slow oscillations during sleep
potentiates memory (805) and EEG delta power during recovery sleep after SD predicts
cognitive recovery (787). 2) Replay of firing patterns: hippocampal CA1 pyramidal place
cells, which are known to fire together when an animal occupies a specific spatial location
(939), were also found to fire together during subsequent sleep (985). Moreover, cells that
were not active during wake, or that were active but had nonoverlapping spatial patterns of
firing, did not show increased firing during subsequent sleep (1417). Hippocampal place
cells also encode temporal information concerning the order of events; replay of the firing of
these neurons in sleep has been shown to exhibit a pattern that reflects the temporal order in
which these cells fired initially during waking exploration (1188). Hence, reactivation of
these hippocampal neuronal ensembles during sleep is postulated to represent the
“consolidation” of labile memories into more stable forms. This reactivation of hippocampal
neurons occurs in a compressed manner during high-frequency ripples occurring in the
hippocampus during NREM sleep, a possible endogenous mechanism for the generation of
LTP (175, 179) and sleep loss will impact this process. 3) Sharp-wave ripple complexes: the
large and high-frequency depolarization of CA1 neurons occurring during sharp-wave-ripple
complexes (sect. III) induces synaptic potentiation in a Hebbian manner reminiscent of in
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vitro tetanic stimulation protocols used to induce long-term potentiation (LTP) (179, 628).
LTP-like stimuli induce sharp waves in vitro (89), and LTP is occluded in hippocampal
slices that produce spontaneous sharp waves (254), supporting the idea that sharp waves
represent an endogenous trigger for LTP-like synaptic plasticity. Buzsaki (1989) proposed in
his two-process model of memory formation that these events are involved in the
consolidation and transfer of short-term memory traces from the hippocampus to the
neocortex during sleep (175). Hippocampal sharp waves occur just prior to the transition
from neocortical down states to up states, suggesting that they facilitate down-to-up
transitions. Furthermore, in combined recordings from hippocampus and prefrontal cortex in
naturally sleeping rats, prefrontal neurons consistently fired 100 ms following hippocampal
neurons participating in hippocampal sharp waves, suggesting a hippocampal-neocortical
dialogue (875, 1408). In animals, an elevated sleep spindle density has been observed after
learning in rats (345, 346, 876). Several human studies suggest that disruption of stage 2
sleep, when spindles occur, is linked with impairments in procedural memory (1390). 4)
Reduced acetylcholine levels: low acetylcholine levels occurring duringNREMsleep are
important for declarative memory consolidation (402).
A) Nmda Receptor Composition and Ltp/Ltd: One likely mechanism underlying the loss
of LTP by sleep disruption is altered subunit composition ofNMDAreceptors (216, 655,
746). Following long-periods of REM SD (24 or 72 h), a reduction in the NMDA receptor-
mediated component of excitatory synaptic currents was shown in the CA1 region of the
hippocampus (836) and dentate gyrus (216). This reduction was associated with reductions
in the surface expression of the obligatory NR1 subunit of the NMDA receptor (216, 836).
An increased NR2A/NR2B subunit ratio was observed in the CA1 region using a milder
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with this idea, the energy sensor AMPK regulates the late phase of hippocampal LTP
B) Ltp And Ltd During Normal Sleep and Wakefulness: In contrast to the well-replicated
inhibition of LTP with sleep loss, there is less consensus regarding synaptic plasticity
processes occurring during natural waking and different stages of sleep. Early studies
showed that the strength of synaptic transmission varies according to the time of day (72).
More recently, Cirelli and Tononi, based on an examination of gene transcripts expressed
during waking and sleep, proposed that LTP occurs mainly during waking, whereas LTD
occurs mainly during sleep (sect. III). Buzsaki, on the other hand, based on hippocampal
neuronal activity patterns proposed a two-stage model of memory formation which
postulated that sharp waves occurring during NREMsleep in the CA3 region would be an
ideal trigger for LTP-like processes in the CA1 region (175). Also in line with the idea that
synaptic strengthening can occur during sleep are findings of strengthened cortical responses
in the visual system of developing cats which required NMDA receptors and PKA activity
(53, 561).
(38), and both extracellular adenosine levels and A1 receptors have been shown to increase
in cortical areas during SD (sect. III). Several experiments have shown that disruption of this
process leads to deficits in working or spatial memory: 1) conditional knock-out mice for the
adenosine A1 receptor (99); 2) rats with VLPO lesions had disruption in LTP that could be
partially rescued by adenosine A1 receptor antagonism (46); and 3) dn-SNARE mice which
cannot release adenosine from astrocytes also had disrupted cortical slow waves (360) and
memory formation (367).
E. Conclusion
Sleep disruption-induced impairments in cognitive performance have many real world
consequences. Increased industrial and car accidents are an obvious correlate, but sleep
disruption also has more subtle effects that affect individuals and the economy. For instance,
recent studies showed that acute SD increases risk-taking behavior (623, 841, 1351) and
impairs the ability to integrate emotion and cognition to guide moral, emotionally evocative,
judgements (624). On the positive side, acute SD has a rapid mood-elevating effect in some
depressed patients. Current evidence suggests changes in synaptic transmission, neuronal
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The earliest indications of genetic influences on sleep were from studies of mono- and
dizygotic twins in the 1930s (287). Although most early twin studies used relatively small
numbers of subjects, many aspects of sleep, such as sleep latency, awakening measures,
amount of REM sleep, and temporal pattern of eye movement, were significantly correlated
in mono- but not in dizygotic twins. Moreover, the EEG spectral patterns showed striking
similarities between monozygotic twins (287). More recent genomic studies have utilized
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voltage EEG was mapped to human chromosome 20q (1212). Later, several twin studies
reported that EEG delta, theta, alpha, and beta frequencies are heritable traits that are highly
correlated in monozygotic twins (24, 34, 292, 1324). These results were corroborated by
findings in rodents, showing strong heritability in EEG traits in inbred mice (382, 383, 1258,
1322). Quantitative trait loci (QTL, stretches ofDNAthat have clusters of genes related to a
trait, in this case “sleep”) studies among different strains of mice identified several heritable
genes for specific sleep parameters (383, 938, 1258), especially different EEG frequencies.
QTL analysis identified a single gene encoding the retinoic acid receptor beta (Rarb),
located on chromosome 14, that controls delta frequency EEG activity (796). Targeted
disruption of this gene confirmed the importance of retinoic acid signaling in control of EEG
delta frequencies (796), although the mechanism remains unclear. Theta frequency (5–8 Hz)
activity during REM sleep is controlled by a single autosomal recessive gene, known as
acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase for short chain fatty acids (Acads) that is localized to
chromosome 5 in mice (1260). The ion channels that contribute significantly to the
characteristic EEG frequency bands of NREM and REM sleep are discussed in detail below.
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2. Neurotransmitter systems
A) Acetylcholine: Few genetic studies of sleep and wakefulness have targeted the
cholinergic system, although, as described in other sections of this review this system has
been extensively investigated with other methodologies. In muscarinic receptor 3 (M3)
knockout mice, REM sleep was decreased, whereas M2/M4 double knockouts had normal
sleep (434). Brain stem cholinergic neurons provide a strong innervation of midbrain
dopamine neurons involved in brain reward processes (see sects. II and IV). The VTA
dopamine neurons express exclusively the M5 muscarinic receptor (1207) and not other
muscarinic receptor subtypes. A reduced activation of dopamine midbrain neurons
projecting to the nucleus accumbens was seen in M5 knockout mice (374). These mice also
showed a reduced locomotor response to morphine (1207). Similarly, rats that had M5
antisense oligonucleotides injected into the VTA had reduced lateral hypothalamic self-
stimulation (1461). Cholinergic nicotinic receptor mutations have little impact on sleep
wake behavior (371, 703), possibly due to the large number of alternative subunits. The
complexity of the gene encoding the synthesizing enzyme choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)
has precluded a genetic analysis of its role in sleep-wake control.
B) Serotonin: Genetic studies confirm that the serotonergic system has important roles in
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arousal, suppression of REM sleep, and the sleep response to restraint stress. Mice in which
serotonin neurons are deleted by deletion of the LIM homeobox transcription factor Lmx1b
revealed a deficit in thermoregulation that led to an increase in wakefulness due to increased
movement to generate heat (162). Furthermore, in these animals there was an impaired
arousal response to CO2 reminiscent of sudden infant death syndrome (sect. VII). Serotonin
5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor knockout mice exhibited higher amounts ofREMsleep during
both the light and dark periods, consistent with the inhibitory role of serotonin in REM sleep
control (sect. IV). In addition, a reduced rebound REM sleep response following restraint
stress was observed in these animals (8, 130). Similarly, genetic ablation of the serotonin
transporter in mice led to enhanced spontaneous REM sleep (19, 1427) and a blunted REM
sleep response to stress. Attenuation of restraint stress-induced enhancement of REM sleep
in these animals was attributed to an overproduction of orexin, since it was reversed by
blocking orexin receptors (1034). 5-HT2A receptor knockout mice showed a significant
decrease in NREM sleep, with an increase in wake that was attributed to a decreased
sensitivity of 5-HT2B receptors due to developmental alterations (1014), an important
consideration in constitutive knockout studies. The homeostatic sleep response following 6 h
of sleep deprivation was also attenuated in 5-HT2A mutant mice while changes in REM
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sleep were minimal. In Drosophila, mutations of 5-HT1A receptors resulted in short and
fragmented sleep that was rescued by expressing the receptor in the mushroom bodies, a
structure associated with learning and memory. On the other hand, 5-HT1B and 5-HT2
receptor mutations did not impact sleep wake behavior in this species (1471).
D) Histamine: Genetic studies suggest that histamine neurons are involved in the control of
cognitive aspects of wakefulness (29). Mice with a knockout of the histamine synthesizing
enzyme histamine decarboxylase (HDC) displayed reduced brain histamine, shortened sleep
latencies, and a deficiency of wakefulness and exploration when mice are faced with the
behavioral challenge of a novel environment (978). During the light period, sleep in these
mice is fragmented whereas REM sleep increases (29). These mice show impaired cortical
activation and a reduction in the differentiation of EEG signals seen between NREM sleep
and wakefulness.
E) Orexins: One of the most significant genetic contributions to sleep research is the
identification of the gene and receptors of the orexin (hypocretin) peptide and their role in
sleep. The orexins were discovered simultaneously by two groups in 1998 (290, 1101). The
study of De Lecea (290) reported the isolation of two novel peptides expressed at high levels
in the hypothalamus using directional tag PCR subtraction technology. They named these
peptides hypocretins based on their hypothalamic localization and weak homology to the
secretin/incretin family of peptides. Simultaneously Sakurai and colleagues used a reverse
pharmacology approach to identify ligands for the orphan G proteincoupled receptor
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HFGAN72 (now renamed OX1R or Hcrtr1) and named the peptides orexin A and orexin B
(from the Latin orexis = appetite) since their cell bodies were located within the lateral
hypothalamic feeding area and because they stimulated feeding upon intracerebroventricular
administration (1101). They also discovered a second receptor for these peptides: OX2R or
hcrt2. Shortly after, two laboratories independently linked the orexin system to narcolepsy
(sect. VII). In dogs, the gene responsible for narcolepsy was mapped to the gene encoding
orexin receptor 2 (hcrtr2) (727). On the other hand in mice, orexin peptide mutation was
associated with narcoleptic behavior (214). In humans, narcolepsy results from the selective
loss of orexin-producing neurons in lateral hypothalamus (475, 924, 999, 1284). The
prominent reduction in orexin peptides in the cerebrospinal fluid is associated with the
human leukocyte antigen haplotype DQB1*0602, leading to the suggestion that narcolepsy
in humans is the result of an autoimmune attack on orexin-producing neurons (270, 520,
855) (see sect. VII). For a detailed discussion of the effects of orexin knockout/knockdown
on wakefulness and REM sleep in rodents, see sections II, IV, and VII.
I) Orexin system in zebrafish. Orexins also play an important role in fish behavior (966).
The orexin gene from zebrafish was cloned in 2004 (608). As in mammals, this gene is
expressed in a localized manner within a cluster of hypothalamic cells and encodes for two
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F) Dopamine: In mice, knocking out the D2 receptor gene leads to decreased wakefulness
with a concomitant increase in NREM and REM sleep and an increase in NREM delta
power. Sleep-wake durations were shorter during spontaneous sleep, but the homeostatic
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sleep response following 2, 4, or 6 h of sleep deprivation was not affected by the absence of
the D2 receptor (1032). Conversely, in the absence of dopamine uptake from the synapse in
dopamine transporter (DAT) knockout mice, waking was increased and NREM sleep was
reduced (1425). Similarly, flies with DAT mutation were short sleepers and lacked a
homeostatic sleep response (679).
G) Gaba: The receptors for the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA are the major target of
hypnotic agents. However, genetic manipulations of the GABAergic system have so far
shown only minor effects on spontaneous sleep wake regulation. At the receptor level, the
large number of possible subunit compositions seems to allow compensatory changes in
other subunits in response to the absence of one subunit. Such a strong compensatory
response reflects a resistance to change and possibly emphasizes the importance for normal
functioning of the GABAergic system in the brain. Point mutations in GABAA receptor
alpha1–3 subunits failed to alter sleep-wake pattern (656, 657, 1295), although gene linkage
analysis indicates significant linkage between the β frequencies of the human EEG and
GABAA receptor genes (1015). GABAA receptor alpha3 subunit knockout mice also
showed no gross changes in the EEG spectral analysis during sleep and wake (1421).
However, EEG power in the spindle frequency range (10–15 Hz) was significantly lower at
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NREM-REM transitions in mutants. The homeostatic sleep response was normal in these
mice (1421). GABA receptors containing the delta subunit show a predominant
extrasynaptic localization (936, 1249) and mediate nondesensitizing “tonic” inhibition, in
contrast to “phasic” inhibition controlled by synaptic GABAA receptors (357). GABAA
delta receptor subunit knockouts did not show any differences in EEG (1422). In one study,
GABAA receptor beta3 subunit knockout mice showed no difference in 24-h baseline sleep-
wake recordings compared with wild-type mice (689), although another group of researchers
reported that NREM delta and REM sleep were significantly increased in knockouts (1424).
Mice lacking GABAB receptor 1 or 2 had an altered distribution of sleep across the day,
suggesting that GABAB receptors play a role in the diurnal regulation of sleep (1369).
3. Sleep factors
A) Adenosine: Considerable genetic evidence in mice and humans supports the role of
adenosine in spontaneous sleep-wake control and in the homeostatic sleep response
(discussed in sect. IIIC). QTL studies in mice demonstrated that a genomic region
containing the genes of two adenosine metabolizing enzymes, adenosine deaminase and S-
adenosyl-homocysteine hydrolase, impact the rate at which sleep need accumulates during
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wild-type mice. The homeostatic delta power response following 6 h of sleep deprivation
was attenuated compared with the wild-type mice (960).
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I) Adenosine receptor knockouts and polymorphisms. Both A1 and A2A adenosine receptors
are implicated in mediating the sleep-inducing effects of adenosine. Studies in receptor
knockout mice highlight the possible confounds arising from developmental compensations
for the absence of a specific gene. For example, despite ample physiological,
pharmacological, and electrophysiological evidence for the role of A1 adenosine receptor in
sleep wake regulation, constitutive A1 receptor knockout mice failed to show any changes in
the sleep patterns and EEG parameters under baseline conditions or following sleep
deprivation (1214). However, in the absence of any developmental compensatory changes,
mice with a conditional A1 receptor deletion in forebrain and brain stem after 6–8 wk of age
showed a decreased homeostatic sleep response after sleep disruption (99). In A2A receptor
knockout mice, the homeostatic sleep response was attenuated (485). A comparative study
of the A1 and A2A receptor knockout mice showed that the wakepromoting effect of caffeine
was absent only in A2A knockout mice but not in A1 knockouts, suggesting that A2A has a
more prominent role in sleep-wake regulation (529). However, in light of the pronounced
A2A receptor-mediated locomotor effects of caffeine (338, 1460, 1470), the reported
decrease in wakefulness in A2A but not A1 knockout mice in response to caffeine, needs
careful interpretation. In humans, self-rated, caffeine-sensitive individuals showed impaired
performance on a psychomotor vigilance task after one night without sleep. Individuals with
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the lowest sensitivity to caffeine were least sensitive to the detrimental effects of sleep debt
(1058). Further investigations reported that a distinct polymorphism within the A2A receptor
gene (c.1083T>C) determines the caffeine responsiveness to sleep in humans (1060).
Together, these genetic studies strongly support the importance of adenosinergic
mechanisms in sleep-wake regulation.
B) Nitric Oxide: As discussed in other sections of this review, nitric oxide produced by
nNOS or iNOS plays an important role in several aspects of sleep-wake control. Mice
lacking nNOS showed a significant reduction in REM sleep during 24 h baseline sleep
recording. In contrast, iNOS knockout mice showed a significant increase in REM sleep
during 24 h baseline sleep and a decrease in NREM sleep during the dark period (218).
Consistent with these observations are the results from studies performed to evaluate the
effect of selective inhibitors of nNOS and iNOS on recovery NREM and REM sleep that
follows prolonged sleep deprivation (589, 593). In rats, in vivo microdialysis of specific
inhibitors of iNOS, 1400W, prevented NREM recovery, while an inhibitor of nNOS, L-N-
propyl-arginine, decreased REM recovery but did not affect NREM recovery (589, 593).
mechanisms have been implicated as sleep factors (see sect. IIIC). The effect of the loss of
function of many of these cytokines on sleep-wake pattern has been studied using specific
gene knockout mouse models. Mice lacking the IL-1β receptor spent less time in NREM
sleep during the light period (354), whereas IL-6-deficient mice spent 30% more time in
REM sleep during 24 h of baseline without any significant change in NREM sleep or
wakefulness (896). In response to SD, IL-6 knockout mice took much longer to recover
from the sleep loss, suggesting a role for IL-6 in the dynamics of responses to SD. Like
IL-1β receptor knockout mice, the TNF receptor 1 knockout mice also sleep less during the
light period (353). The levels of TNF mRNA and protein increase during the light periods in
rats suggesting their involvement in sleep (135, 368). TNF and lymphotoxin-α are the
ligands for two TNF receptors (TNFR1, 55 kDa; TNFR2, 75 kDa in size). In mice deficient
in both of the ligands, a 15% decrease in REM sleep during the baseline light period was
observed. A similar reduction in REM sleep is also observed in TNFR2 knockout mice
(295). The slow wave parameters of the recovery sleep that followed 6 h of sleep
deprivation varied in different mice. In the double ligand knockout and TNFR2 knockout
mice, the SWA activity selectively increased in the 2.75–4.0 Hz range, whereas in TNFR1-
deficient mice, the intensity of low range SWA (0.75–2.5 Hz) increased during recovery
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sleep (295). In mice lacking both IL-1β type 1 receptor and TNFR1, the power spectra of the
NREM sleep EEG showed differences compared with wildtype mice for 24 h. Following
sleep deprivation, the increase in delta power during NREM sleep of IL-1R1/TNFR1
knockout mice was of greater magnitude and of longer duration than that observed in control
mice (69). These genetic experiments suggest a role for these cytokines in normal sleep-
wake regulation in addition to their more well-known role in the response to infection.
D) Growth Hormone and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone: Growth hormone (GH)
and GH releasing hormone (GHRH) are additional factors associated with sleep. Rats with
mutation of the GH gene exhibit stunted growth and a higher expression of GHRH in the
hypothalamus (995) as well as higher NREM sleep and decreased REM sleep during the
light period. While the homeostatic NREM sleep response was normal in these rats, the
NREM delta activity was not enhanced during the recovery sleep that follows sleep
deprivation (995). On the other hand, dwarf rats (207) show reduced responsiveness to
GHRH and thus exhibit moderate growth retardation and decreased plasma and pituitary GH
(207). The dwarf rats show decreased spontaneous sleep compared with wild-type controls
(942). Decreased spontaneous sleep was also reported for a mouse model with a point
mutation in GHRH receptor (941). Thus genetic studies support a role for the GH/GHRH
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A) Fos: One of the first, and most commonly studied transcription factors with respect to the
sleep-wake cycle, is the immediate early gene Fos (243). Many studies have investigated the
distribution of Fos protein in specific populations of neurons to determine their activity
during spontaneous wake or sleep or in sleep homeostasis (78, 235–237, 440, 444, 842, 930,
1010, 1011, 1162, 1169–1171, 1459). Although lacking in temporal resolution, this
technique has been extremely useful in identifying the location and neuronal phenotype of
neurons involved in sleep-wake control. However, it should be noted that typically only a
small subset of any particular neuronal subpopulation is labeled with Fos in any particular
behavioral state (243). Fos expression primarily reflects intracellular calcium increases
rather than neuronal firing per se (664). Fos controls the expression of other genes, some of
which are listed below and may be involved in functions related to sleep-wakefulness
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control such as synaptic plasticity (243). Fos knockout mice have increased wakefulness
with a concomitant reduction in NREM sleep, whereas REM sleep is not affected (1167).
Knockout of another member of the Fos family, fosB, caused decreased REM sleep without
other changes in sleep or wake (1167).
I) The neuronal Per-Arnt-Sim-type (NPAS) and cryptochromes. The NPAS domain protein
2 combines sensor and effector functions by sensing the redox state of the cell (1086) and
regulating the transcription of metabolic genes such as lactose dehydrogenase1 ldh1) and the
period gene (per-2 gene), the latter of which is also implicated in sleep homeostasis. Sleep
characteristics are altered in the absence of Npas-2 as demonstrated by the study of NPAS2-
GENE knockout mice. These mice showed a decrease in NREM sleep time, even after
periods of sleep deprivation (380). During NREM sleep, the spindle activity was reduced
and the EEG activity within the delta range was shifted to faster frequencies. Sleep is also
altered in mice lacking cryptochromes (Cry), transcriptional regulators integral to circadian
oscillations. Cry 1 and 2 knockout mice exhibit longer bouts of NREM sleep and higher
EEG delta power during NREM sleep (1426). In these mutants, the absence of
transcriptional inhibition of Clock and NPAS2 proteins is suggested to cause the increased
sleep duration. In contrast, in clock gene knockout mice, NREM sleep durations are
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decreased, as was observed in NPAS-2 gene knockout mice (912). The deletion of yet
another transcription factor associated with circadian rhythmicity, the albumin D-binding
protein (Dbp), results in decreased sleep consolidation and NREM sleep delta power (381).
Regulators of circadian rhythms can impact sleep timing, duration, and intensity. The
transcriptional factor NPAS2 regulates the expression of the Period proteins, per1 and per2.
Per1 and per2 mutant mice have altered circadian rhythmicity (18), but sleep homeostasis is
unaltered (654). In humans, per2 gene mutations were shown to contribute to 4 h advance of
the sleep/wake rhythm in some cases of familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome (1296). A
recent report further confirmed the role of Per proteins in sleep timing in relation to the
light-dark cycle. A polymorphism in the Per3 gene has been associated with morning/
evening sleep-wake preferences. Individuals with a 5-repeat allele (per35/5) show increases
in alpha activity in REM sleep, theta/alpha activity during wakefulness, and slow wave
activity in NREM sleep (310). Sleep deprivation results in greater cognitive deficits, as
demonstrated by brain fMRI-assessed responses to executive tasks compared with
individuals with the wild-type allele (310). In one family, a mutation in the casein kinase 1δ
gene which interacts with the Per protein, and a per mutation in another family, were
associated with familial advanced sleep phase syndrome (1296, 1447). Another protein,
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Dec2, suggested to repress the expression of Clock/Bmal1, was shown to regulate sleep time
in humans. Point mutations in the dec2 gene were identified in a family of short sleepers (6
h sleep) (487). These reports in humans collectively suggest interactions between
regulations of circadian rhythms and sleep timing, duration, and intensity.
5. Ion channels
A) Potassium Channels: Voltage-dependent potassium channels (Kv channels). The Kv
channels are activated by depolarization and are present in a wide range of tissues. They are
composed of four alpha units that form a pore and four beta units closely associated with the
alpha units, forming an octameric channel. Nine Kv channel alpha subunit families (Kv1–9)
have been described (250). Genetic studies have shown strong associations of some of these
Kv channels with sleep-wake regulation.
I) The voltage-gated potassium channel, Shaker. This channel has been shown to play a
major role in sleep in Drosophila melanogaster 231). Shaker mutants had reduced sleep and
were resistant to the effects of sleep deprivation (231). Further studies in Drosophila
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activity (1083). Although Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 subunits are expressed throughout the brain,
their expression is restricted to distinct neuronal subpopulations (204, 1146, 1396, 1397). In
neocortex, thalamus, hippocampus, and striatum, Kv3-type channels are found in
GABAergic cells that also express the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV), a marker
for fast-spiking neurons. Kv3-type channels are involved in the rapid repolarization of the
action potential, and their presence in neurons correlates with narrow action potentials, fast
afterhyperpolarization, and high-frequency firing. Single Kv3.1 mutation or double Kv3.1/
Kv3.3 mutations led to an increase in action potential duration of 20 and 60%, respectively
(349). Mutation of these genes showed profound effects on sleep-wake patterns in mice.
Mice with a knockout of Kv3.1 show increased gamma oscillations and markedly reduced
delta oscillations (566). Mice with double mutations display severe sleep loss (40% decrease
in the light period and 22% decrease in the dark period) as a result of unstable slow-wave
sleep (349, 567). Absence of these two gene products led to a 70% reduction in the cortical
spectral power at frequencies <15 Hz. In addition, the number of sleep spindles in vivo as
well as rhythmic rebound firing of thalamic reticular neurons in vitro is diminished in
double mutant mice (349). The mice show a 70% reduction in the absolute power in the
delta band and fail to show a homeostatic sleep response following 6 h of acute SD (349). It
was suggested that the Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 channels in the GABAergic thalamic reticular
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Another member of the voltage-gated potassium channel family, Kv3.2, is also expressed
abundantly in the thalamus, neocortex, and hippocampus and is moderately expressed in
medial septum, LC, and basal ganglia (1082, 1397). Deletion of the Kv3.2 gene in mice
results in reduced power in the NREM EEG frequency range 3.25–6 Hz, suggested to be a
consequence of decreased efficacy of GABAergic interneurons that express Kv3.2 in cortex.
Unlike the deletion of Kv3.1 subtype channels which increases wake EEG at gamma
frequencies (20–60 Hz)(566), the Kv3.2 deletions do not affect waking EEG parameters
III) Potassium-selective leak channels. Potassium-selective leak channels possess two pore-
forming domains in each subunit (431). The leak currents generated by these channels (also
known as resting or background conductances) control the resting membrane potential and
input conductance, thereby influencing the excitability of the neurons (431). As described in
section II, many neurotransmitters excite neurons by inhibition of resting K+leak currents.
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showed that the power of low frequencies (2– 6.5 Hz) in NREM sleep was significantly
reduced compared with their wild-type littermates (695). Another study showed that in mice
with either a α1G constitutive knockout or a localized thalamic specific knockout, the
cortical EEG delta power during NREM sleep was increased (32). These mice have
difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep. The differences in the observations may reflect
differences in the manner the knockout mice were constructed.
One signaling pathway implicated in both processes involves the signaling molecule cAMP
and cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (1350). Activation of the cAMP signaling pathway
promotes waking. In flies, the expression of cAMP and protein kinase A in the mushroom
bodies, an important region for memory formation (488), regulates sleep (568, 1006). In
transgenic mice, with a dominant negative mutation in the regulatory subunit of protein
kinase A in neurons, NREM sleep is fragmented with increased NREM delta activity and
reduced spindle amplitude, whereas REM sleep is increased, suggesting protein kinase A is
involved in sleep-wake regulation (491). cAMP affects gene expression via the cAMP
response element binding protein (CREB). Mice lacking CREB have reduced LTP and
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memory formation and exhibit shorter wake bouts, whereas NREM bouts are longer (441,
442). These studies are broadly consistent with the idea that synaptic potentiation
predominates during waking as discussed in section III, in the context of the synaptic
homeostasis theory of sleep.
Another protein involved in synaptic plasticity that has been investigated in the context of
sleep is Homer1a. The Homer proteins are a family of proteins broadly expressed in the
brain where they serve as molecular scaffolds at synapses. Increased expression of Homer
1a reduces glutamate-induced intracellular calcium release and thus down-regulates synapse
formation (1103, 1432). All the homer proteins are expressed constitutively except for
Homer1a, an immediate early gene originally isolated as a neural activity-regulated gene
product from seizure-stimulated rat hippocampus. In rodents, the expression of Homer1a is
modulated during sleep and wakefulness and is highly upregulated during sleep deprivation
(233, 914). Further evidence for sleep deprivation-induced upregulation of Homer1a comes
from transcriptome profiling of inbred mouse strains where Homer1a is consistently
increased in all strains following sleep deprivation (795). QTL analysis showed a significant
association of Homer1a with sleep-wake regulation and sleep homeostasis (771).
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A recent study (425) monitored the expression of synaptic genes over the course of the
normal sleep-wake cycle, as well as following periods of sleep deprivation in Drosophila.
The expression of synaptic proteins decreased in a sleep-dependent manner (425). The
Drosophila Fragile X mental retardation gene (dfmr) is one synaptic plasticity related gene
that has been shown to regulate sleep need, although the exact mechanism is unknown
(171). This gene codes for a protein (dFMRP) that is present in dendritic spines. The
expression of this gene is high during development when sleep is higher and synaptic
plasticity is high. Increased expression of dFMRP, even if restricted to mushroom bodies,
decreases daily sleep and decreased expression increases sleep. Both gain and loss of
dFRMP expression result in loss of sleep homeostasis (171).
B) Sleep and Energy: Brain energy use varies between sleep and wakefulness. During
waking, higher levels of energy are consumed compared with sleep (see sect. IIID). Gene
expression studies have shown that increased ATP use during waking leads to the
upregulation of enzymes involved in the synthesis of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation.
Five, multsubunit enzyme complexes, complexes I to V (Cox I-V) constitute the
mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation system, and enzymes belonging to each complex
are upregulated during waking, indicating an increased need for ATP synthesis. For
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example, the expression of Nadh2, cytochrome c oxidase (CoxI), Cox4, and Atp5a genes
increase during sleep deprivation in mammalian cortex (233, 239, 240, 242). A concurrent
increase in the activity of cytochrome c oxidase has been reported in mice and rats (919,
920). The expression of mitochondrial uncoupler protein 2 is also increased during sleep
deprivation (245). The nuclear transcription factors Nrf1 and 2 (known as nuclear
respiratory factors) involved in the transcription of the components of oxidative
phosphorylation are also upregulated during sleep deprivation (919). The essential nature of
the genes coding for oxidative phosphorylation prevents any studies using knockout mice,
but conditional knockouts may prove useful in further examining the effect of these genes in
the regulation of sleep and wakefulness.
B. Proteomic Studies
Changes in gene expression are suggestive of potential cellular alterations associated with
different vigilance states. However, the complexity of the regulation of downstream
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The use of proteomic approaches for investigating the regulation of vigilance states is
relatively new. As the efficiency of proteomic methodology is being refined for increased
sensitivity and inclusion of a wider range of proteins, a few attempts have already been
made to explore overall protein changes during sleep-wake cycle or during prolonged
waking (75, 234, 986, 1008, 1345, 1346). Most of these studies in the cortex, BF, or
hippocampus of rat brain have compared protein profiles during sleep with those during
prolonged sleep deprivation. So far, only two studies have examined protein changes after
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10 min of spontaneous sleep or wake (1345, 1346), and no studies have examined proteomic
changes selective to REM sleep. Major challenges for such studies originate from the short
durations of sleep-wake episodes in rodents, especially REM sleep. During spontaneous
sleep-wakefulness and prolonged waking, the major groups of proteins in the rat BF and
cerebral cortex that showed alterations were associated with the following four functions: 1)
synaptic plasticity, e.g., SNAP25, Amphyphysin, and vesicular N-ethylmaleimide fusion
(NSF) protein; 2) the cytoskeleton, e.g., RhoB and GTP binding protein rab3D, Cofilin; and
3) cellular energy metabolism, e.g., creatine kinase, NADH dehydrogenase, pyruvate
dehydrogenase, glutathione synthase, and glyceradehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (75,
1345). Surface-enhanced laser desorption-ionization (SELDI) studies identified increases in
hemoglobin alpha 1/2 and beta as well as cytochrome c in rat cerebral cortex (234). 4)
Cellular stress responses, as discussed next.
Taking a lead from the wide-spectrum genomic and proteomic screening, one group of
proteins, the heat shock/chaperone proteins, has been studied in more detail. Short periods of
sleep deprivation (3–12 h) result in an increase in these proteins that are involved in
preventing misfolding of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (153, 909). This unfolded
protein response is considered to be a protective action that counteracts the cellular stress
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associated with sleep deprivation (153). The mRNA level of one such protein, the
immunoglobulin binding protein, BiP, the most abundant protein in the endoplasmic
reticulum (also known as glucose regulated protein 78, GRP78 or heat shock protein 5A,
HSP5A) increases with prolonged wakefulness (229, 233, 772, 795, 1275). BiP binds to the
hydrophobic domains of the nascent peptides and helps to prevent misfolding while the rest
of the protein is being synthesized (423). In Drosophila, BiP levels regulate the quantity of
recovery sleep (908). Transgenic animals that overexpressed BiP displayed increased
recovery sleep following deprivation compared with animals that had reduced BiP levels.
C. Summary
A variety of genes and proteins have been associated with sleep and wakefulness by means
of genetic and proteomic studies. Comparative studies have underscored the universal nature
of sleep-wake regulation in different species. Perhaps unsurprisingly, mutations or
controlling the sleep-wake cycle such as the orexins, and their connections to human sleep
physiology and pathophysiology. Furthermore, genetic and proteomic studies have provided
important clues as to sleep function by identifying the major classes of genes and proteins
that vary according to the sleep-wake cycle, in particular those involved in synaptic
plasticity, cytoskeletal function, and cellular stress and energy regulation.
A. Coma
Profound changes in wakefulness and consciousness occur in patients with brain injury
resulting in comatose, vegetative, or minimally conscious states. The EEG shows variable
changes depending on the type and stage of coma, with alpha/theta rhythms, spindles, and
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triphasic/delta waves most common (139, 602). In general, faster rhythms typical of
wakefulness are diminished and unresponsive to external stimuli.
In those coma patients who do not have widespread, diffuse loss of forebrain neurons, coma
is normally associated with loss of activity and neurons at the origin or along the pathways
of the ARAS, as described in section II. In the upper brain stem, damage is observed along
the midline at the origin of the ARAS encompassing raphe nuclei, LC, LDT, parabrachial
nucleus, and PnO (980). In rodents, cell-specific lesions of parabrachial but not neighboring
brain stem neurons caused a comalike state (see sect. IIB), suggesting that this nucleus may
be particularly important in maintaining wakefulness (397). Glutamatergic neurons in this
region were shown to provide a major input to the BF (397). Surprisingly, a cat model of
unconsciousness induced by cerebral concussion reported increased glucose utilization in
the dorsomedial tegmentum adjacent to the VTG, suggesting that neurons in this
dorsomedial area were activated (486). Infusions of carbachol in this area produced
behavioral suppression (486), similar to cat models of REM sleep utilizing this
pharmacological agent (see sect. IV). Along the ascending dorsal pathway, coma is observed
following bilateral lesions of the regions of the thalamus supplied by the paramedian artery,
i.e., dorsomedial nuclei and intralaminar centromedial, parafascicular and centrolateral
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nuclei (1137). Surprisingly, in rodents, extensive lesions of the thalamus failed to have
pronounced effects on the EEG (397).
dopaminergic system and the weaker arousal effects of adenosine A2A antagonists in normal
humans/animals may also be explained by such interactions of the basal ganglia and
intralaminar thalamus.
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Coma in humans is rarely associated with damage to the final node of the ventral pathway,
the BF, presumably because its blood supply arises from multiple cerebral arteries so it is
less susceptible to stroke. However, recent studies in animals suggest that extensive cell-
specific lesions of the BF can also result in a comalike state (397, 611).
B. Insomnia
Insomnia, defined as insufficient quantity or quality of sleep, is the most prevalent sleep
disorder. Approximately 50% of adults complain of occasional insomnia, and 10–15% of
chronic insomnia, persisting for at least 1mo (892). Insomnia can involve difficulty falling
asleep, staying asleep, or poor quality of sleep. Consequences of insomnia including daytime
sleepiness, lack of energy, and cognitive impairment (835). Insomnia may even precipitate
or accompany the development of psychiatric disorders (913). Insomnia is classified into
two types: comorbid, with other psychological and/or physical pathologies; and primary,
existing independent of other conditions (931).
Other animal models investigate the neural mechanisms causing insomnia (1061). Stress-
related models include classical fear conditioning with foot shock, cage change, or
disturbing stimuli such as noise, unpleasant odors, cold, and pain (987, 1061). Some forms
of insomnia may be due to hyperarousal (121, 929). Thus insomnia may also be induced
pharmacologically in animals through manipulations of the vigilance-state circuitry
described in earlier sections, e.g., through serotonergic synthesis inhibition by
parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA) (899), adenosine receptor antagonism with caffeine (384),
or enhancement of histaminergic (1044), dopaminergic (129), or orexinergic tone (1024,
1073). Genetic models that involve manipulation of circadian clock genes may also be
regarded as insomnia models (see sect. VI). A rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder,
fatal familial insomnia, involves a gene mutation of the prion protein gene prnp 878).
Transgenic mice with a mutation of the prnp gene exhibit very fragmented sleep, as well as
an exaggerated response to sleep deprivation (313, 1294) correlating with damage to the
thalamic branch of the ARAS.
neural circuitry may interact to generate insomnia (186, 1116). For example, the sleep-
promoting VLPO as well as the wake-promoting orexinergic zone of the lateral
hypothalamus receive projections from mnemonic and emotion-related regions such as the
infralimbic cortex, lateral septum, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, amygdala (central
nucleus), and ventral subiculum (222, 1102, 1466). In an insomnia model involving cage
change as a stressor, Fos protein was expressed in arousal, autonomic, and surprisingly, also
in sleep-promoting regions, suggesting coactivation of arousal and sleep systems (186).
Consequently, it was suggested that, in contrast to development of sleep-promoting
compounds, attenuation of arousal systems may be a more effective approach to treat
glucose consumption is attenuated in the anterior cingulate cortex, the medial prefrontal
cortex (mPFC), and limbic/arousal systems. Furthermore, during wakefulness, decreased
glucose metabolism was evident in the cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus, and reticular
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C. Sleep Apnea
In sleep apnea, the patient stops breathing (the apneic moment) during sleep, leading to
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NREM sleep and progresses to complete silence during tonic periods of REM sleep so that
the upper airway is more susceptible to collapse during inhalation in susceptible individuals
(369, 614, 760, 852, 948, 1189). Respiratory motoneurons follow a similar pattern, with
expiratory pharyngeal and upper airway (hypoglossal, XII) motoneurons being the most
strongly suppressed whilst phrenic motoneurons that drive the diaphragm are the least
affected (398). Following the apneic moment, the upper airway reflex occurs, during which
dilator muscles activate, reestablishing the patency of the airway (1401).
level processes, such as arousal, as well as “higher” cognitive processes, such as memory
and executive function (835). Thus the extent of behavioral impairment in OSA patients
correlates with both the degree of hypoxemia and with the degree of fragmentation (87).
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Animal models mimicking the SF that occurs during OSA (see sect. V) revealed increased
sleepiness and cognitive decrements in attention and working memory-tasks (844, 1273) as
well as impaired hippocampal LTP (1273). Thus one cannot assume that the deficits in
higher cognitive function observed in apneic patients are due solely, or even primarily, to
hypoxemia during sleep. In fact, a functional imaging study suggested that working memory
deficits exhibited in patients with sleep apnea may be due to the sleep fragmentation, not
nocturnal hypoxia (1288).
moments during REM sleep. Therefore, treatment with serotonergic agents that suppress
REM sleep may be useful (1349). The stimulant modafinil has been prescribed to address
the daytime hypersomnia experienced by the OSA patient (616).
tryptophan hydroxylase (318). Due to such abnormalities, the infant may have an attenuated
response to respiratory challenges such as hypoxia or hypercapnia. An unusually high
reoccurrence rate of SIDS has been documented within families, suggesting genetic
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susceptibility (634).
D. Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) consists of a combination of symptoms (low high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol levels, abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, hypertension,
insulin resistance/glucose intolerance) which increase the likelihood of developing
cardiovascular disease (330). If at least three of these five criteria are present, the patient is
considered to be suffering from MetS (330). Epidemiological studies indicate that poor sleep
is associated with MetS symptoms (1200), although the direction of causality in patients
with MetS remains to be determined; thus sleep disturbances may cause MetS symptoms or
vice versa. Conversely, treatment of sleep disorders may help alleviate glucose and energy
metabolism abnormalities (1200). An association of MetS with sleep is perhaps not
surprising considering that one function of sleep appears to be regulation of energy
metabolism (see sect. III).
Behavioral alterations of sleep are also associated with increased risk for MetS (1333). Shift
work enhances the risk for a number of MetS symptoms by increasing oxidative stress
(1158). Short or long sleep duration is associated with increased likelihood of MetS
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symptoms (405), with the incidence doubling in those that slept less than 6 h a night.
Disturbed circadian/diurnal regulation of sleep also leads to MetS in animals. Homozygous
Clock mutant mice with attenuated diurnal rhythms of feeding ate more, gained more
weight, and had increased peripheral metabolic hormones such as insulin and leptin and
abnormalities in hypothalamic hormones which regulate food intake (1313). Knockout of
other circadian regulatory genes causes similar metabolic defects (41).
E. Narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is defined by a tetrad of symptoms: excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy,
hypnagogic hallucinations, and sleep paralysis (1467). Narcolepsy affects all three stages of
sleep and wakefulness, with a prevalence of ~1 in 2,000 individuals and an onset in early
adulthood (1127, 1261). As originally described by Westphal (1400) and Gelineau (408) at
the end of the 19th century, in this disorder there is a pronounced fragmentation of
wakefulness, disrupted night-time sleep and intrusion of REM signs into wakefulness.
Particularly striking and disabling are involuntary sleep attacks and episodes of (REM-like)
muscle atonia induced by emotional arousal (cataplexy) with preservation of consciousness
resulting from both abnormal control of REM control mechanisms (see below) and
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alterations in emotional processing (202, 303, 1309). Additional REM-like symptoms are
hypnagogic hallucinations (hallucinations occurring around sleep onset or awakening) and
sleep paralysis (inability to move following awakening from REM sleep).
Narcolepsy is caused by loss of orexin neurons or orexin receptors. Following the seminal
discoveries of the gene defect responsible for a heritable form of narcolepsy in dogs
(alteration of orexin type 2 receptor) (727) and narcolepsy-like symptoms in orexin
knockout mice (214), this disease is now known to be caused by a loss of orexin/hypocretin
neurons, orexin peptides, or their receptors. A marked reduction in the CSF levels of these
peptides is found in living narcoleptic patients, whereas post mortem brains of human
narcoleptics show a loss of orexin neurons (924, 999, 1284). A mutation in the preproorexin
gene was found in a rare early-onset case of narcolepsy (999). Orexin neurons can also be
damaged following stroke (1129) or traumatic brain injury (82), leading to excessive
daytime sleepiness. Animal studies (217) show a narcoleptic phenotype following 1)
knockout of orexin peptides or orexin receptors (214, 640, 870, 1415), 2) nonspecific lesion
of the lateral hypothalamic area where orexin neurons are concentrated (414), and 3) genetic
modification introducing a toxic transgene (ataxin-3) specifically in the orexin neurons (96,
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479). However, the complete narcoleptic phenotype including cataplexy is not observed
following short-term pharmacological blockade of orexin receptors (140) or RNAi-mediated
knockdown of orexin peptides (221), suggesting that a more prolonged loss of orexin
signaling is required to observe the full narcoleptic phenotype. This idea is consistent with
studies which revealed neurodegenerative changes (1178), alterations of emotional arousal,
and upregulations of cholinergic and dopaminergic systems involved in REM sleep control
in narcolepsy (923).
polymorphism in the T-cell receptor alpha gene (475) encoding the major receptor for HLA
peptide presentation, findings of autoantibodies against the Tribbles Homolog 2 (TRIB2)
gene product which is produced in orexin neurons (270, 613, 1304), and findings of anti-
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streptococcal antibodies (39) in a proportion of patients in the early stages of the disease.
Although tantalizing, whether these markers are related to the cause, the progression, or are
incidental to the disease process remains to be determined (721).
RBD is managed by withdrawal of the offending medication, whereas the chronic form can
be well managed symptomatically by clonazepam (first choice) or melatonin treatment prior
to bedtime (401, 779).
Importantly, RBD has been shown to precede and predict the later development of
neurodegenerative diseases known as synucleinopathies (115, 400) including Parkinson’s
disease (117, 399, 1132), dementia with Lewy bodies disease (116, 1314, 1315), and
multiple system atrophy (547, 1291). These studies suggest that a neurodegenerative process
in the generation of idiopathic RBD, presumably occurring in the brain stem REM muscle
atonia generation zones in the dorsolateral pons and medulla. RBD may be an important
marker allowing early-stage preventative treatments of synucleinopathies since RBD often
occurs many years earlier than the other conditions (400, 547, 1132, 1270, 1291). In fact,
post mortem studies in idiopathic RBD have revealed damage to the LC-SubC area (1314,
1315). MRI scans revealed a discrete infarct in the upper pons in several cases (267, 627),
although not all studies have found such abnormalities. Surgery involving damage to the
upper pons can also result in RBD (1025). A recent advance in RBD research is the
identification of an animal model which recapitulates many of the features of RBD (148).
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This model consists of transgenic mice that have deficits in inhibitory glycinergic and
GABAergic neurotransmission due to the expression of a mutant glycine receptor α1
subunit, consistent with the substantial evidence for a role of these neurotransmitters in
controlling muscle atonia during REM sleep (see sect. IV).
dopaminergic dysfunction. CSF iron levels are low in a minority of RLS patients (327, 868),
and iron supplementation decreased symptoms of RLS in some cases (328). Studies of post
mortem brain tissue revealed reduced iron content (257), confirmed by neuroimaging
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techniques such as MRI (326). Furthermore, the severity of RLS symptoms correlates with
low levels of ferritin, an intracellular protein that binds iron (327, 673, 868), as well as high
levels of transferrin, a plasma glycoprotein involved in iron transport (327, 868).
Experimentally induced iron deficiency in animal studies produced an increase of
wakefulness during the inactive (light) period (294). This model, although incomplete,
paralleled the circadian aspect of RLS, whereby symptoms mostly occur during the early
part of the inactive/rest period (952). Genetic studies have identified polymorphisms in three
loci encoding developmental factors as predisposing to RLS (1204, 1420) and in particular
to periodic limb movements during sleep (see next section).
B) Treatment and Animal Models of Rls: Dopaminergic agonists alleviate RLS symptoms
(497), and blocking dopaminergic transmission worsens symptoms (887, 1419).
Dopaminergic cell-specific lesioning of the A11 region, by means of the toxin 6-
hydroxydopamine, produced an increase in sleep latencies, as well as less sleeplike
behaviors (951). Excitotoxic (NMDA) lesions of another dopaminergic region, at the ventral
mesopontine junction, produced an increase of wakefulness, as well as periodic leg
movements during NREM sleep, similar to that seen in the RLS patient (682). A
combination of A11 lesions and an iron-deficient diet led to a significant increase in
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locomotor activity, which was elevated compared with either manipulation (lesion or diet)
alone (1030). Furthermore, symptoms were improved following treatment with D2/D3
agonists (such as ropinirole), as well as worsened with a D2 antagonist (haloperidol). D3
receptors, specifically in the dorsal horn (246, 712, 1142), may play a role in RLS
symptomatology (247). D3 antagonists and D3-receptor knockout mice both exhibited
increased locomotor activity, and D3 antagonist treatment leads to a decrease of total sleep
(2, 71). Therefore, dopaminergic systems may be abnormally affected in RLS patients,
particularly the A11 dopaminergic cell group and its efferent projections to the spinal cord
(occurring during NREM sleep), nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder (NSRED), and
sexsomnia (automated sexual behavior during sleep).
REM sleep (sect. IV). In particular, increased activation of the amygdala and its connections
with the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex may be important (719). The amygdala is a key
player in the formation of fearful memories, and amygdala activity is abnormally elevated in
PTSD patients following exposure to visual trauma-related stimuli (538). PTSD is also
associated with endocrinological alterations that may contribute to disturbed sleep, including
an attenuation of catecholamine plasma levels and an elevation of corticotrophin-releasing
factor (CRF) levels (917).
amounts, normalized the REM sleep profile, and decreased traumatic nightmares (674,
1049). Another system that may be targeted in the future is the orexin system. Recent work
in a rat model demonstrated a role for the orexin system in panic anxiety (565).
H. Depression
There are several intriguing links between depression and sleep (1208, 1228). Both
monopolar and bipolar depression are associated with sleep disturbances, and acute sleep
deprivation has a potent and rapid antidepressant action in severely depressed individuals.
Furthermore, commonly used antidepressants that enhance serotonergic and noradrenergic
tone strongly inhibit the expression of REM sleep (sect. IV). Conversely, light deprivation
produces damage to monoamine neurons and a depressive behavioral phenotype in rats
(433). Major (monopolar) depression is associated with sleep fragmentation, decreases in
NREM sleep intensity, and promotion of REM sleep (173, 1208, 1228). EEG delta power, a
measure of sleep intensity (sect. III), is reduced in depressed patients (124). REM alterations
most commonly observed are a decrease in REM latency, sometimes resulting in sleep-onset
REM periods, a prolonged duration of the first REM period, and increased phasic REM
events. Consistent with the reciprocal-interaction theory of REM sleep control (sect. IV),
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The past century witnessed an enormous explosion in our knowledge of the brain
mechanisms that control wakefulness and sleep. Ethological and genetic studies have
revealed the presence of NREM sleep-like states even in invertebrates such as Drosophila
and have revealed that homologous genes/proteins control rest/sleep in flies, fish, mice, and
humans. Multiple interacting neurotransmitter systems making up the ARAS arouse the
brain and produce wakefulness in response to physiological challenges as diverse as
increases in blood CO2decreases in ambient temperature, and the presence of rewarding
stimuli. Increases in arousal are observed as an increase in low-amplitude fast EEG rhythms
neurons mediated by GABAergic neurons in the preoptic hypothalamus and basal forebrain
and by the action of a plethora of homeostatic sleep factors acting locally in the cortex or
basal forebrain. Multiple interacting lines of evidence support a role for NREM sleep in the
control of energy metabolism and synaptic plasticity/memory formation. REM sleep is
induced by the increased firing of glutamatergic and cholinergic neurons in the dorsolateral
pons, resulting in muscle atonia coupled with both tonic and phasic activation of the cortex.
Phasic activation of visual cortex and limbic regions during REM sleep, coupled with
deactivation of prefrontal cortex, is responsible for the bizarre imagery of dreams and may
reflect a role for REM sleep in emotional regulation and/or memory consolidation in the
adult or establishment of neural circuitry in the developing animal. Sleep deprivation leads
to an inhibition of arousal mechanisms at subcortical and cortical sites, leading to
impairments in cognitive function, which in turn can result in accidents at home and in the
workplace. Deficits in arousal mechanisms and highfrequency rhythms are observed in sleep
disorders and conditions such as coma, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy.
Consistent with a role for sleep in energy metabolism, sleep deprivation is a major
contributor to metabolic syndrome, a leading public health issue. Furthermore, dysregulation
of sleep is a feature of depression, PTSD, and a variety of sleep disorders related to muscle
control. Thus studies of the mechanisms controlling sleep and wakefulness can reasonably
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be expected to lay the groundwork for therapies to treat a multitude of afflictions affecting
We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their time and helpful critiques which helped to improve the
This work was supported by Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Research Service Awards (to R. W.
McCarley, R. Basheer, and R. E. Strecker) and by National Institutes of Health Grants R01 MH-039683 (to R. W.
McCarley), R21 MH-094803 (to R.E. Brown), and P01 HL-095491 (to R. W. McCarley and R. E. Strecker).
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Electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings in the human and rat capture differences
between vigilance states (wakefulness, NREM sleep, and REM sleep). Wakefulness in both
species is characterized by low-amplitude/high-frequency activity. Note that high-frequency
beta and gamma activity is not easily visible at this slow timescale. In the human, NREM
sleep begins in stage 1, the prevalent EEG frequency begins to slow, with strong alpha
activity at posterior sites and theta activity at anterior sites. In NREM sleep stages 2/3, both
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
sleep spindles (7–14 Hz) and K-complexes are seen, as the EEG amplitude increases and
frequency further slows. In NREM sleep stage 4, also known as slow wave sleep, strong
delta (0.5–4 Hz) activity is evident, accompanied by a large increase in amplitude. During
REM sleep, the EEG returns to a profile similar to wakefulness, with low-amplitude and
high-frequency activity. In the rodent, NREM sleep is usually not parsed into separate
stages. NREM sleep exhibits a significant increase of delta range activity, as well as an
increase in amplitude. REM sleep is defined by the strong synchronous theta range (7–9 Hz)
activity, probably generated in the hippocampus. Human EEG recordings are adapted from
Purves et al. (1028). Note the voltage scales are not matched between species.
Location of brain nuclei controlling the sleep-wake cycle (see sects. II–IV) in sagittal (A)
and coronal (B) schematics of the rat brain. Location of sections in B are represented as
vertical dashed lines in A. Medulla oblongata: DPGi, dorsal aspect of the
paragigantocellular reticular nucleus; GiV, ventral gigantocellular nucleus. Pons/midbrain:
DR, dorsal raphe nucleus; LC, locus coeruleus; LDT, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus; LPB,
lateral parabrachial nucleus; LPT, lateral pontine tegmental region; MPB, medial
parabrachial nucleus; MR, median raphe nucleus; PB, parabrachial nucleus; PnC, nucleus
pontine caudalis; PnO, nucleus pontine oralis; PPT, pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus;
SubCA, subcoeruleus nucleus, alpha; SubCD, subcoeruleus nucleus, dorsal; SubCV,
subcoeruleus nucleus, ventral; SN, substantia nigra; vlPAG, ventrolateral aspect of the
periaqueductal gray; VTA, ventral tegmental area; VTG, ventral tegmental nucleus of
Gudden. Hypothalamus: DMH, dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus; LH, lateral
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
hypothalamus; MM, medial mammillary nucleus; MnPO, median preoptic nucleus; MPO,
medial preoptic nucleus; PeF, perifornical region of the hypothalamus; PH, posterior
hypothalamus; PO, preoptic region (including VLPO); SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus;
SUM, supramammillary nucleus; TMN, tuberomammillary nucleus; VLPO, ventrolateral
preoptic nucleus. Forebrain: BF, basal forebrain (including HDB, horizontal limb of the
diagonal band; MCPO, magnocellular preoptic nucleus; SI, substantia innominata; VP,
ventral pallidum); AMY, amygdala; CPu, caudate putamen; GP, globus pallidus. Thalamus:
CM, thalamic centromedial nucleus; LGN, lateral geniculate nucleus; PV, thalamic
paraventricular nucleus; RE, nucleus reuniens; RT, thalamic reticular nucleus VL, thalamic
ventrolateral nucleus; VM, thalamic ventromedial nucleus; VMPO, ventromedial preoptic
nucleus. Hippocampus: CA1, CA1 region of the hippocampus; CA3, CA3 region of the
hippocampus; DG, dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Neocortex: AC, anterior cingulate
cortex; IL, infralimbic cortex; PrL, prelimbic cortex. [Adapted from Paxinos and Watson
(989), with permission from Elsevier.]
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Simplified model of cortical circuitry generating gamma oscillations. Cortical circuits
consist primarily of excitatory pyramidal neurons and inhibitory GABAergic interneurons.
Inhibitory drive generated by interneurons plays an important role in the generation of
oscillatory output. Fast spiking interneurons containing parvalbumin (PV) that synapse onto
the cell bodies of pyramidal neurons are particularly important in generating gamma
oscillations. Recurrent glutamatergic synapses onto GABAergic interneurons provide
excitatory drive to the fast spiking interneurons. Both chemical and electrical synapses
between PV-positive interneurons enhance synchrony and the coupling of gamma rhythms
to theta rhythms.
A simplified structural model of hippocampal theta rhythm control. Tonic neuronal activity
of the reticular formation, largely originating in the nucleus pontine oralis (PnO), excites the
supramammillary nucleus (SUM) by means of glutamatergic projections. Pontine tonic
activity is converted to rhythmic firing in SUM, indicated by the wave symbol.
Glutamatergic SUM output then excites GABAergic and cholinergic neurons of the medial
septum/vertical limb of the diagonal band (MS/vDB), which serves as the pacemaker of the
hippocampal theta rhythm.
Dorsal and ventral pathways of the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS). The
dorsal pathway (blue) originates in pontine and midbrain reticular formation, most
prominently cholinergic (LDT/PPT) and glutamatergic neurons which project to the
“nonspecific” intralaminar and midline thalamic nuclei which diffusely innervate many
areas of the cerebral cortex as well as thalamic relay neurons with more selective projections
patterns. The ventral pathway also originates in pontine/midbrain regions and projects to the
lateral hypothalamic (LH) and tuberomammillary (TMN) nuclei of the hypothalamus, as
well as the basal forebrain (BF). Output of LH and TMN also ascend to BF, which in turn
projects to the cortex. Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus (LC) and serotonergic
neurons in the dorsal raphe (DR) contribute to both pathways and send direct projections to
the cortex as do histamine neurons of the TMN and orexinergic neurons in the LH. LDT,
laterodorsal tegmental nucleus; PPT, pedunculopontine nucleus. [Adapted from Paxinos and
Watson (989), with permission from Elsevier.]
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Functional interactions between wake-promoting neuromodulatory systems projecting to the
cortex. Wake-promoting neuromodulatory systems are interconnected mainly in a mutually
excitatory network. Cholinergic (ACh) basal forebrain, orexinergic (OX) lateral
hypothalamic, serotonergic (5–HT) raphe, noradrenergic (NA) locus coeruleus, and
histaminergic (HA) tuberomammillary neurons all interact to promote wakefulness. Thus, if
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
one region is experimentally lesioned, other systems remain and maintain cortical activation
and wakefulness. The main exceptions to this pattern are inhibitory serotonergic and
norepinephrine projections to cholinergic and orexin neurons. Cortically projecting
glutamatergic and GABAergic systems are also important in cortical activation and
wakefulness (see text). Note: adrenergic projections to the histamine neurons act by
disinhibition (inhibition of GABAergic synaptic inputs), whereas other effects shown are
postsynaptic. Receptors involved are as follows: α1, alpha adrenergic type 1; α2, alpha
adrenergic type 2; H1, histaminergic type 1; M3, muscarinic cholinergic; OxR1, orexin
receptor type 1; OxR2, orexin receptor type 2.
The “flip-flop” switch model of transitions between sleep and wakefulness (1117). The
wake state is stabilized by lateral hypothalamic (LH) excitatory orexinergic input to wake-
related nuclei, including GABAergic/ histaminergic neurons of the tuberomammillary
nucleus (TMN), serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), and noradrenergic
neurons of the locus coeruleus (LC). During sleep, GABAergic/galaninergic ventrolateral
preoptic (VLPO) neurons inhibit wake-promoting nuclei, including LH. Transitions between
wake and sleep are due to mutual inhibition between these sleep- and wake-related nuclei.
(Adapted from Saper et al. Nature 437: 1257–1263, 2005, with permission from MacMillan
Publishers Ltd.
Investigations of the role of adenosine (AD) as a neuromodulatory sleep factor. A:
extracellular AD concentrations in the feline basal forebrain (BF) for 10-min consecutive
samples from an individual animal, showing elevated levels during wakefulness. Labels
indicate behavioral state: W, wakefulness; S, slow wave (NREM) sleep; R, REM sleep.
[Adapted from Porkka-Heiskanen et al. (1018). Reprinted with permission from AAAS.] B:
AD concentrations in the feline BF rise during 6 h of sleep deprivation (SD) and decrease
towards baseline levels during 3 h of spontaneous recovery sleep. [Adapted from Porkka-
Heiskanen et al. (1018). Reprinted with permission from AAAS.] C: AD and nitric oxide
(NOx, red) concentrations in the rat BF rise during 11 h of SD. The rise of NOx during SD
precedes the rise of AD. AD levels are significantly elevated by hour 2 of SD and remain
elevated until recovery sleep, when levels fall towards baseline levels. Levels are
normalized to baseline levels in the 2 h preceding SD. [Adapted from Kalinchuk et al. (591),
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with permission from John Wiley and Sons.] D: AD and NOx levels in the rat frontal cortex
also rise during SD. Again, the rise of NOx during SD precedes the rise of AD. The rise of
AD is significant by hour 6 of SD and is delayed compared with the rise seen in BF, as
shown in C. Levels are normalized to baseline levels in the 2 h preceding SD. [Adapted
from Kalinchuk et al. (591), with permission from John Wiley and Sons.] E: graphic
depiction of the intracellular signaling pathway of the AD A1 receptor in BF observed
following sleep deprivation in rats. Steps of the pathway: 1) AD binds to the A1 receptor; 2)
activation of PLC pathway, releasing inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3); 3) IP3 receptor-
mediated intracellular calcium mobilization and activation of protein kinase C; 4)
phosphorylation of Iκ-B and release of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) dimer; 5) nuclear
translocation of NF-κB dimer; 6) promoter DNA binding of NF-κB and transcriptional
activation of target genes including A1 receptor; 7) protein synthesis (A1 receptor synthesis).
This signaling cascade appears to be confined to cholinergic neurons of BF. (Adapted from
Basheer et al. Neuroscience 104: 731–739, 2001, with permission from Elsevier.
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Sleep and energy metabolism. The interaction between state-dependent changes in ATP,
AMPK, and AMPK-regulated anabolic and catabolic pathways is shown. Wakefulness and
sleep deprivation are both characterized by increased neuronal activity and increased
consumption of ATP. A higher AMP/ATP ratio results in and leads to increased
phosphorylated-AMPK (P-AMPK), promoting catabolic processes. Sleep states are
characterized by increased NREM delta activity, low neuronal activity, and a rise in ATP
levels. The resulting lower AMP/ATP ratio leads to decreased phosphorylated AMPK,
promoting anabolic processes, such as synthesis of proteins, glycogen, and fatty acids.
[Adapted from Dworak et al. (323).]
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Pontine tegmental membrane depolarization and action potential activity increases prior to
and during REM sleep. A: first trace is nuchal (neck) EMG in the cat, showing a lack of
muscle tone during REM sleep; second trace is frontal cortex EEG, showing low-amplitude
activity during REM sleep; third trace is lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) neuronal activity,
revealing PGO waves immediately preceding and during REM sleep; fourth trace is
extraocular muscle EOG, showing eye movement during REM sleep; and fifth trace is the
membrane potential record for one pontine tegmental neuron (MP). B: oscilloscope
photographs depict the changes of action potential frequency that accompany MP
depolarization. Arrows in the MP trace of A correspond to the eight oscilloscope
photographs of B showing tonic neuronal firing during transition into REM sleep, the REM
sleep episode, and transition out of REM sleep. REM, REM sleep; NREM, NREM sleep; T,
transition; W, wake; Wm, wake with movement. [Adapted from Ito et al. (550).]
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Descending circuitry responsible for muscle atonia during REM sleep. During REM sleep,
descending pontine subcoeruleus (SubC) glutamatergic projections excite diffusely
organized glycinergic neurons of the bulbar reticular formation, including the medullary
ventral gigantocellular nucleus (GiV). GABAergic/glycinergic output from the GiV inhibits
spinal motoneurons, producing muscle atonia. An alternative pathway consists of a direct
SubC glutamatergic projection to the spinal cord, directly synapsing on inhibitory
interneurons of the ventral horn. When activated, these interneurons inhibit the spinal cord
motor neurons, again producing muscle atonia. Red lines denote excitation; black,
inhibition. [Adapted from Pakinos and Watson (989), with permission from Elsevier.]
The original (A) and modified (B) reciprocal interaction models of REM sleep control,
originally proposed by McCarley and Hobson (819). A: the original reciprocal interaction
model demonstrates increased REM activity as positive feedback of REM-on neuronal
populations occurs. This activity leads to excitation of REM-off neuronal populations, which
then inhibit REM-on activity. REM-off activity is self-inhibiting, and eventually wanes,
releasing REM-on neurons as REM sleep again occurs. [Adapted from McCarley and
Hobson (819). Reprinted with permission from AAAS.] B: LDT/PPT REM-on activity
excites pontine reticular formation (PRF) glutamatergic REM-on cells, promoting REM
sleep. LDT/PPT REM-on neurons also excite GABAergic interneurons adjacent to REM-off
neurons, inhibiting REM-off neuronal activity. REM-on output also inhibits GABAergic
REM-off interneurons, which in turn inhibit REM-on PRF neurons. As REM sleep
progresses, REM-on cells begin to excite REM-off cells, leading to REM sleep cessation.
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Dorsal raphe (DR) and locus coeruleus (LC) REM-off neurons inhibit laterodorsal/
pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei (LDT/PPT) REM-on neurons during waking and NREM
sleep. Self-inhibition of these REM-off neurons leads to disinhibition of REM-on neurons,
again allowing REM sleep. (Adapted from McCarley. Sleep Med 8: 302–330, 2007, with
permission from Elsevier.)
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Pontine generation of REM sleep phenomena. Interaction between the pontine/
mesencephalic reticular formation (PRF Glutamatergic) and cholinergic laterodorsal/
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Table 1
Inactivation of brain regions/neurotransmitter systems and effects on sleep-wake behavior
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Brain stem
Midbrain/pontine reticular formation Transections in cat (136–138, 580, 730, Loss of cortical activation during waking and REM
1393). sleep.
Transection at caudal pontine or prebulbar Loss of REM sleep and of the ability of pontine
level (1341, 1393). carbachol to elicit tonic and phasic REM
Electrolytic lesions in cat (730). Loss of cortical activation (not observed when
lateral sensory pathways were interrupted). Coma
like state.
Neurotoxic lesions ibotenic acid lesions in Temporary increase in EEG slow waves but no
cat (302) or rat (758). long-term effects (cat). One week coma like state
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Dorsolateral pons including the dorsal Electrolytic (387, 388, 495, 498, 569, 893, Very large lesions:
subcoeruleus (=sublaterodorsal nucleus or 900, 1111, 1121, 1122).
peri-locus coeruleus alpha) or dorsal
pontine nucleus oralis (PnO)
Neurotoxic kainic acid (577, 1122, 1394), Loss of REM sleep correlated with loss of
ibotenic acid (758), NMDA (682, 683), cholinergic neurons.
hypocretin 2-saporin (100), quisqualic
acid (606).
Acute brain stem encephalitis with Large lesions including the SubC and surrounding
isolated inflammatory lesion in areas:
dorsomedial pontine tegmentum
(including DRN, MR, PnO, LC, SubC,
LDT, PPT) (810).
Peribrachial pons (surrounding brachium Cooling, electrolytic or neurotoxic lesion Loss of pontine component of PGO waves (P-
conjunctivum): includes PPT/LDT, in P-wave generation zone (277, 278, 604, waves). Reduced expression of learning related
cuneiform nucleus, subcoeruleus (FTG in 690, 691, 814, 1100). genes and proteins following active avoidance
cat), medial and lateral parabrachial training. Reduced frequency of hippocampal theta
nucleus. and reduced synchronization between
hippocampus and amygdala.
Precoeruleus Neurotoxic: ibotenic acid (758). Loss of theta rhythm during REM
Ventral medulla (gigantocellular and Neurotoxic quisqualic acid in cat (514) or Muscle tone↑ during NREM and REM sleep.
magnocellular tegmental fields) neonatal rat (606). Increased movements during REM sleep.
Reduction in REM sleep and atonia duration
during first postlesion week followed by recovery
in weeks 2 and 3. Amount of remaining REM sleep
correlated positively with ratio of remaining
cholinergic or GABA neurons to serotonergic
Transection at ponto-medullary junction in Abolition of muscle atonia produced by electrical
decerebrate cat (1179) or injection of stimulation of medial medulla.
lidocaine into pontine reticular formation
Locus coeruleus (LC) Electrolytic lesion (576). No effect on REM sleep generation.
Scopolamine, minipump perfusion (1168). REM sleep↓ during the daytime (inactive period)
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in the rat.
GABAA agonist muscimol (959, 1303); Increased REM sleep with muscimol (due to
increase in number of REM bouts) Possibly due to
preferential inhibition of local GABAergic
GABAB receptor agonist baclofen into Decreased REM sleep and memory consolidation
PPT/DpMe (370). with baclofen.
Brain stem cholinergic (LDT) Ibotenic acid (758). LDT: increased fragmentation but no effect on
amount of sleep.
DSP-4 lesion (238, 244, 881). Reduced immediate-early and synaptic plasticity
related gene expression.
Either no change in baseline sleep-wake (238, 244)
or increase in REM (881).
Dopamine- vPAG/DRN 6-OHDA or ibotenic acid (757). Marked decrease in waking (>20%), concomitant
increase in sleep.
Ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) Electrolytic lesion in encephale isole cats Cortical activation preserved.
Neurotoxic lesion: orexin 2-Saporin (612, REM sleep ↑ in both normal and orexin KO
758) animals.
Pharmacological muscimol in the cat Increased REM bouts and REM bout duration
(1120), rat (1118), and guinea pig (1336). during dark period.
Lateral pontine tegmentum (LPT) = deep Electrolytic lesion in encephale isole cats Cortical activation preserved.
mesencephalic nucleus (DpMe) (730).
Neurotoxic lesion orexin 2-saporin in the REM sleep ↑. Increased REM bouts during light
rat (758) and mouse (612). period and occasional bouts of cataplexy.
Preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus Viral insult in humans (1378). Prolonged (>3 wk) and large suppression of sleep
(both NREM and REM).
Electrolytic lesions in the cat (761, 840,
911) and neonatal rat (873).
Lateral preoptic area/bed nucleus of the Neurotoxic lesions in the rat. Ibotenic acid Reduction in number of erections during REM
stria terminalis (BNST) (1138) or NMDA (1201). sleep (1138). NREM sleep ↓ (1201).
Ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO, core) Neurotoxic (rats). ibotenic acid (756). NREM 50–60%↓, REM sleep 59%↓, EEG delta
power 60–70% ↓lasting at least 3 wk. Extent of
lesion correlated with loss of NREM sleep. Sleep-
wake fragmentation.
GABA/galanin-positive neurons
Extended VLPO (dorsomedial) Neurotoxic (rat). ibotenic acid (756). REM sleep 35% ↓, NREM sleep,15%↓, 25% loss
of delta mainly during light period. Extent of
lesion correlated with loss of REM sleep.
Ventromedial preoptic area Neurotoxic (rat). ibotenic acid (756), No effect on sleep-wake (756). Reduced NREM
NMDA (563, 1201). and REM sleep (563, 1201). Disrupted body
temperature regulation.
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Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) Electrolytic: rat (1439). Loss of circadian rhythms. Reduced REM sleep
during the rest (light) phase.
Dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) Neurotoxic: ibotenic acid (52, 224). Loss of circadian rhythms of sleep-wakefulness.
Posterior/lateral hypothalamus (PH/LH) Viral insult (1378) Hypersomnolence in human patients following
influenza pandemic.
Orexin postnatal genetic (ataxin-3) lesion Narcolepsy with cataplexy in mice and rats.
(96, 479)
Knockdown of orexin in PFH with siRNA REM sleep during dark period in rats↑.
Orexin receptor (1 and 2) antagonist Increased sleep, especially REM sleep in rat, dogs,
(140). and humans. No cataplexy.
Melanin concentrating hormone (MCH) MCH knockout mice (5). NREM and REM sleep ↓.
Histamine (tuberomammillary nucleus) Reduced CSF histamine in narcolepsy and Excessive daytime sleepiness in humans.
idiopathic hypersomnia (597).
Systemic H1R antagonists crossing the Reduced wakefulness and alertness ↓ (human, cat).
blood-brain barrier: human (1402), cat No change (mice), decreased fragmentation.
(724), mice (528).
Mammillary body (MB) Pharmacological inhibition: local Abolition of hippocampal theta in urethane-
anesthetic procaine (639). anesthetized animals. Reduced frequency (1 Hz
less) of hippocampal theta in awake animals.
Supramammillary nucleus (SuM)/posterior Pharmacological inhibition local Abolition of hippocampal theta in urethane-
hypothalamus anesthetic procaine (639). anesthetized rats. Reduced frequency (1 Hz less) of
hippocampal theta in awake rats.
Basal forebrain
Rostral basal forebrain (MS, vDB) Electrolytic lesions rabbits (30, 1090). Hippocampal theta rhythm reduced (neurotoxic) or
abolished (electrolytic).
Rostral BF cholinergic Pharmacological: AP5 (NMDA receptor Reduced power of hippocampal theta.
antagonist) (104); muscimol (106);
Rostral BF GABAergic (mainly PV-Pos) Pharmacological inhibition of H-current Reduced hippocampal theta (1446) or minor
with ZD7288 in rat (1343, 1446). effects (1343).
Caudal basal forebrain (SI, HDB, MCPO) Neurotoxic ibotenic acid or quisqualate No effect on 24 h sleep-wake. Increased delta
(177, 611, 1064). power in all states. Reduced recovery sleep and
delta power after ±SD.
Caudal BF cholinergic Pharmacological procaine (190), Increased sleep, delta wave activity.
adenosine (1247).
IgG192-saporin (94, 102, 103, 592, 611). No or minor effects on baseline sleep-wake.
Reduced EEG gamma. Reduced recovery sleep and
delta power after sleep deprivation (611).
Caudal BF, TMN, LC Triple lesions using saporin-conjugated No changes in daily amounts of wake. More sleep
neurotoxins (101). during light-to dark transition period. More stable
sleep architecture.
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Thalamus Electrolytic: monkey (1046). No effect on sleep-wake or EEG except abolition
of high-voltage spindles (sharp-wave/ripples).
Wake 15 %↓
Slowing of EEG.
Slowing of EEG.
(Systemic or icv effects)
Acetylcholine Systemic muscarinic antagonists (177, Increase in EEG delta waves. Increased high-
555, 744). voltage spindles (sharp waves/ ripples). Block of
PGO waves.
Rats reared on a diet lacking choline Reduced NREM and REM sleep
Serotonin Depletion of serotonin (363, 555, 582, Increased PGO waves in all states of sleep-wake.
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