Predatory - Behavior - ComLine - Final ACA
Predatory - Behavior - ComLine - Final ACA
Predatory - Behavior - ComLine - Final ACA
to keep meetings safe and We learn in recovery that will hopefully find some tools
recovery-oriented. talking about the problem and possible solutions that are
Our primary goal in pre- alone is not enough – there helpful to you.
senting this focused issue of are solutions available to us.
the ComLine is to break the Our secondary goal is
iron-fisted rule of don’t talk – therefore to offer suggestions
don’t trust – don’t feel, and to and identify resources that
speak up about what is hap- can support both individual
pening to us. As you will see, members and ACA meetings
the impact of predatory be- in this process. On the last
havior is of universal concern. few pages of this issue, you
I Almost Quit
by Homa T. I
requested they read
As a newcomer, I was the 13th step policy in
approached by a man I was disturbed by his the BRB at the begin-
about 15 years my se- refusal to acknowledge the ning of each meeting.
nior who was indirectly But I was ignored be-
letting me know he was boundary I was setting. cause I didn’t attend the
interested in me roman- business meeting to re-
tically. I overlooked his quest this and ask for a
behavior and shared at vote in person.
the meeting that I was married, but I kept my guard up. This My efforts to monitor and
hoping to set a boundary. He made him angry, so I avoided avoid this person made this
continued his flirtations. He attending meetings for a cou- meeting an unsafe place for
would indirectly ask me out, ple of months. I became iso- me. I’m grateful for my sponsor
and I continued to set bound- lated during this time, which who helped me work through
aries gently. I finally told him almost took me to the brink of every situation, so I can con-
I don’t like flirtations, and he quitting ACA. The help of my tinue working my program.
can either be a friend or older sponsor and another member Promise 11
brother in ACA. He respond- encouraged me to go back. I With help from our ACA
ed, “I can’t help myself when I was able to overcome my fear support group, we will slow-
see a pretty woman.” and attend regularly again. ly release our dysfunctional
His response disturbed me, At this time, I contact- behaviors.
I was very stressed to attend the ed the treasurer and secre- I believe that it is time, if
next meeting for fear of having tary of the meeting (a couple not past due, to face and ad-
to interact with him. He apol- in a long-term relationship) dress the predatory behaviors
ogized to me at the meeting, and explained my experience. directly and fellowship-wide.
6 | Special Edition, March 2019 – Addressing Predatory Behavior
Addressing Predatory Behavior
This Isn’t a Problem of Just me.” It was only our third conversation. My initial
Men Being Perpetrators thought was, “I’m getting laid tonight….”
by Paul Z . Very difficult to say no to, but I did. If I didn’t
I found a book called Emotions Anonymous and say no, I’d probably be back in trouble, because
fell in love with it. I couldn’t wait to get to my first that’s what an unhealthy relationship can do.
meeting. I called, and they said the closest meeting Through ACA I’ve learned how to treat women
was 11/2 hours away. I saw an ad for ACA and that with respect and talk about any issues I’m feeling
has changed my life. or dealing with. I still struggle at times but don’t act
My first meeting I got there early and asked a out as severely as I used to.
woman if she wanted me to do anything. She said,
“you can pass out these books.” Most people would Promise 11
think that’s insignificant, but for me it wasn’t. Every With help from our ACA support group,
other group I’ve gone to were cliquish or would say, we will slowly release
“that’s okay.” our dysfunctional behaviors.
This isn’t a problem of just men being per-
petrators. When I first started ACA, a woman I have come so far, and I hope the people who
approached me. I told her I was abusive towards read this and have their own struggles have the
women in the past and didn’t want to get into a re- courage to talk about it and hope for a better future.
lationship. She said, “I know you would never hurt I still have hope for even more, and so should you!
I turned to a virtual ACA meeting. With great some of her services were and still are, procured by
relief, I found safe interaction that way. members of the group.
I had no ACA resource or ACA language I felt I was a captive audience having to dodge
to help me confront this person who talks up a sales pitches at every ACA meeting and almost ev-
storm about the ACA traditions and had been ery personal interaction.
doing this with other members, as well. They The same person will police cross talk, men-
didn’t appear to complain. tioning of ‘outside issues’ from other fellowships,
There was no sexual attraction involved. There and other violations of the Traditions… But she
was the understandable desperation of a small doesn’t realize that she herself is 13th stepping a
business owner with financial difficulties, where brand-new member with her business products
and services.
Pushing 12th Step Service on Newcomers
by Anonymous
arranging to meet with us one on one before the
I dislike being controlled or manipulated and am meetings, even buying a BRB for one. She used an
skeptical of any social, religious or professional group adjoining room for these meetings and at one point
that has ‘its own language.’ As a child, I lived with jokingly welcomed one of us into her “office.”
controlling and manipulative parents who forced me I also found it odd that she only interacted with
to adopt their beliefs as my truth. As an adult child, newcomers despite knowing the older members who
I understand their behavior was rooted in fear and a all were very welcoming.
compulsion to control everything. However, I now I noticed a competitiveness with another female
find it difficult to trust social groups who insist I ACA member. I observed the Laundry List traits in
expressly speak their language and live life only by action and didn’t think this woman was in control of
their program. I fear anything that I perceive steals her own issues and so could not really help me either.
my autonomy. When I first came to ACA, I feared
this was one of those groups so naturally I was sus- Meditation on Tradition 7
picious and unsure if I could remain. Higher Power, we are here to do your
Laundry List Trait 1 will. Help us give for the right reasons
We became isolated and afraid of people and
and the right amount. Help us remember
authority figures.
that we have a different life today
After my first meeting a woman (50-ish) came
because of ACA.
up to me and introduced herself. She explained she
is on her 12th step and it’s her turn to give back and
would I like if she were my sponsor. I did not trust I continued to attend ACA for a year and a half
this woman’s motivation because her offer was too now and eventually learned how The Traditions were
quick, like she was pouncing on me. discussed once a month by the group to discourage
Tradition 11 this kind of behavior.
Our public relations policy is based on As I remained in the program, I recognize this
attraction rather than promotion; we maintain behavior as giving unsolicited advice, while seem-
personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, ingly helpful is promotion not attraction. As a new-
TV, films, and other public media. comer we need time to know who we feel comfort-
Because I am naturally given to suspicion, I able with, to make our own choices without being
thought her motivation to help me was somehow solicited.
not ‘program-based’ but more about her needs. Today our group preamble addresses the use of
As I attended more meetings, I observed her ap- “exploiting someone’s vulnerabilities for the purpose
proaching other newcomers as well, she had begun of gratifying one’s own psychological needs.”
Gentleness Break
Hug Etiquette – It Is Okay to Have Boundaries
by Doug P.
person to say “No” at this point, In ACA, we want meetings
and essential if someone does not to be as safe a place as possible
want to receive a hug. for people to work on their re-
Non-verbal Requests covery, so please discuss these
If you know someone well protocols with your group.
enough, outstretched arms may What it boils down to is that
constitute a non-verbal request everyone has respect for each
for a hug, it’s important to get the other, physically, mentally, and
other person’s consent in each in- spiritually.
stance; just because someone con-
It’s customary in many sented before doesn’t mean they’re
twelve step programs to give always in the mood for a hug.
and receive hugs. Hugs can be Intensity Matters
a manifestation of the healthy If the other person
love we have for each other stretches their arms
within the fellowship. They definitively, then it’s
may also be unwelcome or a probably safe to as- What it boils down to is that
transition into physical preda- sume it’s okay but a everyone has respect for each other,
tory behavior. verbal confirmation physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Therefore, we in ACA believe is not a bad idea.
it’s important to have a sense of And here’s where
etiquette around them. The fol- a lot of people may
lowing guidelines may help. mess things up: the duration
of the hug. Intensity matters.
Since one person
may want “more
of a hug” than the
It’s very much okay for the other, it’s import-
ant for the person
other person to say ‘No.’ who wants the hug
to stop to let the
other person know.
Usually, a sim-
Agreement and Consent ple “thank you” is sufficient for
First and foremost, there someone to understand: it means
must be an agreement and con- “stop, now, immediately.”
sent to hug. Usually, one person Just What is a Hug?
may ask the other something like A hug is just that; embrac-
“Would you care for a hug?” It’s ing around the shoulder area
very much okay for the other and nowhere else!
by the APB Working Group
These shares speak for behaviors at the group con- synchrony in any circum-
themselves. More mem- science level. stance of predatory behav-
bers who are experiencing We are grateful to hear ior, keeping both the victim
predatory behaviors at and the Experience, Strength, the perpetrator stuck in a
around their ACA meet- and Hope members have dance of continued dys-
ings are beginning to find shared with us in this issue function.
the courage to speak up of the ComLine. When the 1. (LL) We became isolated
about them. At the same APB Working Group re- and afraid of people and au-
time, ACA meetings are viewed these shares, we no- thority figures.
beginning to understand ticed that certain Traits of 1. (OLL) To cover our
that they have both the the Laundry List (LL) as fear of people and our dread of
authority and the respon- well as the Other L aundry isolation we tragically become
sibility to address these List (OLL) play out in the very authority figures who