Lab 4: Design and Analysis of BJT Biasing and Amplifier Circuit
Lab 4: Design and Analysis of BJT Biasing and Amplifier Circuit
Lab 4: Design and Analysis of BJT Biasing and Amplifier Circuit
Lab 4: Design and analysis of BJT
Biasing and Amplifier circuit.
Lab Partners
I. Objectives
Design a voltage divider biased circuit for CE amplifier having a DC emitter current IE=1mA
using a power supply VCC= +12 V.
Perform AC analysis on the circuit to estimate the amplifier parameters. (Use Cin = 10μF,
Cout = 0.1μF, Cb = 100 μF, Rsig = 50Ω)
Plot the frequency response curve by representing the voltage gain in dB.
Determine the upper and lower 3-dB frequencies and bandwidth of CE BJT Amplifiers.
II. Pre-Lab
Figure -1 shows CE BJT amplifier circuit with coupling and by-pass capacitor. Voltage divider
Network is used for biasing the amplifier circuit.
DC Analysis:
Figure 2.(a) and (b) shows the most commonly used voltage divider biasing in discrete-circuit
transistor amplifier and Thevenin equivalent circuit respectively. Emitter resistor RE in the circuit
provides stabilization.
To make IE insensitive to temperature and β variation, the design circuit must satisfy the following
two constraints:
𝑅𝐸 ≫ 𝑅𝐵/(𝛽 + 1)
To satisfy the above constraints, as a rule of thumb, one designs for VBB about 1/3 VCC, VCB (or
VCE) about 1/3 VCC and ICRC about 1/3 VCC .Typically one selects R1 and R2 such that their current
(IR) is in the range of IE to 0.1IE.
AC Analysis:
𝑅 𝑟
𝑔 𝑅
𝑅 𝑅 𝑟
𝑅 𝑅 𝑟
Frequency response:
Emitter resistance is used to provide stability. To compensate effect of emitter resistance emitter
bypass capacitor is used which provides AC ground to the emitter. This will increase gain of
amplifier. CE amplifier does not provide constant voltage gain at all frequencies. At low frequency
reactance of capacitor is high, hence emitter bypass capacitor does not provide a perfect AC
ground (Emitter impedance is high) and also there is voltage drop across coupling capacitors
because of high reactance at low frequencies. Thus amplifier gain reduces at low frequency.
Similarly Gain of CE amplifier also reduces at very high frequency because of internal
Figure-4 shows the gain frequency response curve for CE amplifier. The low-frequency response
is determined by the input and output coupling capacitors and the emitter bypass capacitor. The
overall low-frequency response is determined by the combination of three high-pass filter
networks due to the three capacitors. The lower cutoff frequency is the highest of these three.
a) Mid-band:
b) Low-frequency band:
c) High-frequency band:
DC Analysis:
Calculate resistors value for biasing circuit (RE,RC,R1and R2). Mantain the table-1 .
Draw the designed voltage divider biased circuit (Fig.2.)
AC Analysis:
Draw the small signal ac equivalent circuit for calculation of amplifier parameters (Av, Rout
and Rin).
V. Procedure:
VI. Observations:
Table 1:
Sl. No. Components Designed Value
1. RE
2. RC
3. R1
4. R2
Sl. Components Observed/Calculated Value
1. IC
2 IB
3. Vc
5. gm
6. 𝑟
Table -3:
Sl. No. Amplifier Calculated Values
1. Av
2. Rin
3. Ro
Table -4:
Sl. Input signal Output Voltage Voltage Gain Voltage Gain in dB =
No. Frequency in Hz (Vo) in volt (Av)=Vo/Vi 20log10(Vo/Vi)
1. 50
2. 60
3. 70
4. 80
5. 90
6. 100
7. 200
8. 300
9. 400
10. 500
11. 600
12. 700
13. 800
14. 900
15. 1000
16. 2000
17. 3000
18. 4000
19. 5000
20. 6000
21. 7000
22. 8000
Table -5:
Sl. No. Parameter Practical Value