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Pyramid eServices PTE worksheet

Sample Template for Retell Lecture:

1. The speaker provided brief information about ____________.
2. Firstly, he utilised a significant amount of time dealing on several key topics such
3. To recap his detailed analysis, he mentioned some major points like _____________/
4. He talked about_____________.
5. He highlighted some other facts too about the given topic.
6. Finally, he suggested that__________
7. Overall, the lecture was entirelyclear and can be used as a specific reference for the
same learning objective.

Sample Template for Summarize Spoken Text:

The brief and explicit summary encapsulates _______________. It has been demonstrated that
____________. The speaker also gave brief information about __________. Furthermore, it was
also delineated that _____________. Therefore/Hence, after considering all substantial ideas of
the lecture, it can be said that _________________.

PTE Summarize Written Text Tips

There are 5 tips and tricks in summarise written text.
1. Don’t use complex sentences
2. Write only one sentence
3. Summarise only the keyPoints
4. Remember FANBOY

1. Don’t use complex sentences – Aspirants often use lengthy and complex sentences assuming
that it will boost their chances to score more. The more Complex your sentences are, the more
is the room for committing mistakes. Here’s what you can do. Use more than 3 commas and do
not use semi-colon, if you don’t know how to use it.
2. Write only one sentence – Try to summarise in just one sentence that begins with the capital
letter and ends with a full stop. Mind that word limit of 75 as a response of fewer than 5 words
or more than 75 words is awarded a zero right away. The best of summaries are written in 35 to
40 words. So, remember the magical number.
3. Summarise only the keyPoints – Aspirants open fail to identify key ideas and end up
including all points in the summary. It’s not required at all. There will be supporting details in
the paragraph, but it doesn’t mean that you have to summarize every single detail. The system
evaluates your ability to identify key points and if you can summarize your understanding of the
whole paragraph in fewer words.
4. Remember FANBOY – Using connectors will always make your life easy while summarising
the test and will also keep grammatical errors at bay. If you find it difficult to remember, just
remember FANBOY.
F – For A – And N – Nor B – But 0 – Or Y – Yet

Pyramid eServices PTE worksheet
Text to summarize

It wasn’t until the 19’11 century that Britain had a police force as we know it today. In medieval
times, the maintenance of law and order was in the hands of local nobles and lords who were
expected to keep the peace in their own land, and they would often appoint “constables” to
police it. For a long time policing remained an unpaid activity or was paid for privately, either by
individuals or organizations. There were also people who made a living as “thief takers”. They
were not paid wages but were rewarded by a proportion of the value of the stolen possessions
they recovered. Later, in London, where the population was rapidly increasing and crime was
rising, night-watchmen – the first paid law enforcement body – were created and worked
alongside the unpaid, part-time constables.
Britain, then, was slower to create and develop a police force than the rest of Europe: France
had one long before – indeed, the word police is taken from the French. This fact was not
unimportant, as the very idea of a police force was seen as foreign – that is, French – and
particularly undesirable, and was generally regarded as a form of oppression.
It was not until Robert Peel set up his “new police” as a separate force in 1829 that policemen
began to replace the old part-time constables. Sir Robert “Bobby” Peel’s own name provided
two common nicknames for the new force: “Peelers” or “Bobbies”. These names seem mild, if
not affectionate, and are possibly an interesting gauge of how the police were viewed by
people at the time, in contrast with the kind of names they get called these days.

Summary: - Britain was slow to create a paid and organized police force, and before the 19th century,
police work was done by unpaid individuals or paid for privately or by local organizations.

Practice summary question: -

1) The English have the reputation of being a nation of tea drinkers, but this wasn’t always
the case. By the end of the 17th century, the English were the biggest coffee drinkers in
the Western world, and coffee houses became the places to be seen. For gossip also,
one could pick up talk of the latest intellectual developments in the field of science,
politics, and so on, in this age of scientific discovery and research. Coffee houses were
very simple and basic at first; one can say a room with a bar at one corner and a few
plain tables and chairs at the other end. Customers paid a penny for a bowl – not a cup –
of coffee. At that time, it was thought that the customers didn’t use bad language just
because of the presence of a polite young woman. An added attraction was that coffee
houses provided free newspapers and journals.
But people didn’t go to the coffee houses just to drink coffee. They went to talk. Simple
cafes were converted and developed into clubs, where one with a penny could go for a
drink and a chat. Most of them started to go to coffee houses to find other people with
the same job or of same interest to talk and conduct business.
The great popularity of coffee houses lasted about a 100 years. In the later 18th century,
increased trade with other countries made such luxuries as coffee cheaper and more
easily available to the ordinary person. As a result, people started to drink it at home. At

Pyramid eServices PTE worksheet
that time more tea was imported from abroad. The domestic tea-party replaced the
century of the coffee house as the typical English social occasion.

Sample summary: -
Although the English are known as tea drinkers, in the 17th and 18th centuries, they went to
coffee houses, not just to drink coffee but also have a chat about latest intellectual

2) The system of Crop Intensification is a climate-smart, agro-ecological methodology for

increasing the productivity of crops and more recently other crops by changing the
management of plants, soil, water, and nutrients.
SCI methodology is based on four main principles that interact with each other. Early,
quick and healthy plant establishment; Reduced plant density; Improved soil conditions
through enrichment with organic matter; Reduced and controlled water application.
Based on these principles, farmers can adapt recommended SCI practices to respond to
their agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions. Adaptations are often undertaken
to accommodate changing weather patterns, soil conditions, labor availability, water
control, access to organic inputs, and the decision whether to practice fully organic
agriculture or not. In addition, the SCI principles have been applied to feed rice and to
other crops, such as wheat, sugarcane, pulses, showing increased productivity over
current conventional planting practices

Sample summary: -
Sample Answer 1 – The System of Crop Intensification practice, a contemporary agro-ecological
technique to strengthen the betterment of the plantation of crops like wheat, rice, pulses and
so forth, over the traditional process, works on four principles basically by ameliorating and
adjusting the soil cum farming conditions to achieve high yield.
Sample Answer 2 – The System of Crop Intensification (SCI) is the method used in agriculture to
improve the production and management of crop, and it is based on four principles to
accommodate with the climate which includes better plant establishment, reduce plant density,
improve soil condition and control water application.
Sample Answer 3 – The System of Crop Intensification can help farmers generate more crop
output by using its principles and practices that overcome several agro-ecological and
socioeconomic factors when compared to the conventional planting methods.
Sample Answer 4 – Although Crop Intensification is a process of augmenting the productivity of
crops, it depends on four major principles, and the adaptation of these principles has resulted
in increased productivity over conventional practices.

3) Elderly people are growing healthier, happier and more independent, say American
scientists. The results of a 14-year study to be announced later this month reveal that
the diseases associated with old age are afflicting fewer and fewer people and when
they do strike, it is much later in life.

Pyramid eServices PTE worksheet
Researchers, now analyzing the results of data gathered in 1994, say arthritis, high blood
pressure and circulation problems-the major medical complaints in this age group-are
troubling a smaller proportion every year. And the data confirms that the rate at which
these diseases are declining continues to accelerate. Other diseases of old-age
dementia, stroke, arteriosclerosis, and emphysema-are also troubling fewer and fewer
‘It really raises the question of what should be considered normal aging,’ says Kenneth
Manton, a demographer from Duke University in North Carolina. He says that the
problems doctors accepted as normal in a 65-year-old in 1982 are often not appearing
until people are 70 or 75, clearly, certain diseases are beating a retreat in the face of
medical advances. But there may be other contributing factors. Improvements in
childhood nutrition in the first quarter of the twentieth century, for example, gave
today’s elderly people better start in life than their predecessors.

Sample summary: -
Sample Answer 1 – The ailments and principal medical complaints related to the well-being in
the elder age are generally alleviating due to the factors like improved nutrition and
advancements in the medical science, according to an American research; thus leading to the
Sample Answer 2 – American researchers suggest that elderly people are becoming more
healthy and happy, and that, fewer people are getting affected by old age diseases and at a
much later stage in life because of better medical facilities and improvements in childhood
nutrition when compared to older generations.
Sample Answer 3 – Research shows that elderly people are now living a better quality of life
due to the decreased rate of chronic diseases, one of the contributing factors is the
improvement of childhood nutrition in the early twentieth century.
Sample Answer 4 – The research carried out by American scientist 14-years ago and other
researchers show that Elderly people are growing healthier, happier and more independent
because the major medical complaints that occur at age 65 in 1982 are now troubling fewer
people and these diseases often don’t appear until people are 70 or 75.

4) Educational technology is defined by the Association for Educational Communications and

Technology as “The study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving
performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and
resources.” Educational technology refers to the use of both physical hardware and educational
theoretic. It encompasses several domains, including learning theory, computer-based training,
online learning, and, where mobile technologies are used, m-learning. Accordingly, there are
several discrete aspects to describing the intellectual and technical development of educational
* educational technology as the theory and practice of educational approaches to learning.
* educational technology as technological tools and media that assist in the communication of
knowledge, and its development and exchange.
* educational technology for learning management systems (LMS), such as tools for student

Pyramid eServices PTE worksheet
and curriculum management, and education management information systems (EMIS).
* educational technology itself as an educational subject; such courses may be called
“Computer Studies” or “Information and communications technology (ICT)”.

Sample summary: -
Sample Answer 1 – Educational technology spurs learning by advancing the overall academic
and practical performance with the usage of computer-based models, e-learning and some
other domains like flexibility in communications of knowledge and management in access to
Sample Answer 2 – Educational technology refers a learning scope by which anybody can
enrich his knowledge through practically and theoretically includes computer learning, e-
Learning for developing interpersonal skills by studying topics like LMS, EMIS & ICT.
Sample Answer 3 – Although educational technology is the utilization of technological
resources, it includes various applications of computer, and it teaches several technologies such
Sample Answer 4 – According to Association of Educational Communication and Technology,
Educational technology is a tool used to enhance learning and performance and it is used in
media communication, besides that it also plays a role in learning management like LMS and

Essay template

Pyramid eServices PTE worksheet
1. Problem & solution :
It is certainly true that……………………….
After providing careful analysis on how/why the problem has risen so sharply in this
world/country/community, I shall suggest a number of ways to tackle the problem.

This is one of the worst social/environment evil. There are many reasons which are to be
blamed for it. First main reason is……………………….
To support it, (Explanation)
For example,……….
Second significant reason is……….. In addition to it,…………….
A good example of this is………………..

However, this problem can be looked after well by several precautionary measures. First and
foremost solution is Thereafter, some other
measures like can also be implemented to reduce the severe effects of the mentioned

To conclude, although there are several legitimate concerns regarding If the above
mentioned steps are taken into consideration,
none seems insurmountable.

2. Advantage & disadvantage:

It is irrefutable that (take general sentence from prompt and write one or two lines over it)
There are both advantages and disadvantages of this which I shall discuss in this essay with assisting

{Introduction line + General/linking line} .There are various advantages associated to it. The
first and foremost is……………………..To support it,………………. For instance,…………………..
Second is……..Additionally, it can also be said that……….For example,…………………

As every positivity carries some sorts of negativity, so there are some demerits also. One major
disadvantage is………………….……………..A good example of this is…………
Another considerable disadvantages is………………Furthermore, this can be understood

In conclusion, although there are some non-negligible negative impacts of , but still the
festivity it beholds in it far outweigh the ill- effects.

Pyramid eServices PTE worksheet
Discuss both points of view
It Is irrefutable that (take general sentence from the prompt and write one or two lines over
Some people regard this as………………..(1 st point ) while other group of people argue that…. (2 nd
point) However, I personally feel that…………
I will discuss these both points before reaching my opinion.

The debate surrounding (general sentence) is the most charged in today’s era of
On one hand, there is an army people convinced that (1 st point)
They come up with several arguments. First argument which they have put forward is……………..
To support it,………………
For example,………………

On the other hand, a host of progressives also protest that (2 nd point)
This latter view point is assisted with various valid reasons. Firstly,…………..
For instance,………………….

In conclusion, although both arguments have their merits on balance. However, as far as it is
concerned to me, I can opine that……………………


In some measures, I tend to feel that (1 st statement)
However, indeed to my mind it is also convincing that (Agree statement)

With the tremendous influence of (Modernization/Westernization/Globalization/Technological)
Write linking line from essay (agree)

On the other hand,
{Flip side/Contrary/In paradox to this}…… (Disagree)

In conclusion, though there are some legitimate concerns regarding these issues but still

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