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Minor Hockey Association Coach Development Plan

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Minor Hockey

Development Guide
Minor Hockey Association
Coach Development Plan
Recruitment, Selection, Training, Evaluation,
Retention, Conduct, and Ethics for Coaches

RECRUITING COACHES.........................................................................................................................................2
WHO TO RECRUIT .......................................................................................................................................................2
COACH SELECTION PROCESS.............................................................................................................................3
COACH SELECTION TREE/TIMELINE ...........................................................................................................................3
JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR COACHES ..................................................................................................................4
HEAD COACH .............................................................................................................................................................4
ASSISTANT COACH .....................................................................................................................................................4
8 STEPS TO COACH SELECTION .........................................................................................................................5
1. THE ASSOCIATION MENTOR POSITION ...................................................................................................5
2. COMMITTEE SELECTION.............................................................................................................................5
3. APPLICATIONS...............................................................................................................................................5
4. THE INTERVIEW PROCESS ..........................................................................................................................6
INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ....................................................................................................................................10
5. FINAL SELECTION .......................................................................................................................................14
6. CONTACTING CANDIDATES .....................................................................................................................14
7. FOLLOW UP...................................................................................................................................................14
8. EVALUATION ...............................................................................................................................................15
COACH TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................15
LOCAL ASSOCIATION SPECIALTY CLINICS.................................................................................................15
EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT OF COACHES....................................................................................................15
FORMS FOR PARENTS/PLAYERS TO FILL OUT.............................................................................................16
SELF ASSESSMENT – HOW AM I DOING?.......................................................................................................17
MENTOR OR PEER ASSESSMENT.....................................................................................................................20
COACH RETENTION .............................................................................................................................................25
KEEP THEM COMING BACK ......................................................................................................................................25
TIPS FROM THE FIELD........................................................................................................................................25
COACH CONDUCT AND ETHICS........................................................................................................................26
GUIDELINES FOR PLAYING SPORTS ...............................................................................................................27


Before you start the recruiting process with your association should ask some key questions.

1. Is the time commitment expected reasonable for most people?

2. Is the time of day reasonable for the coaches?
3. Does the association have safety/support mechanisms for the coach?
4. Do you have a philosophy in your association that fosters enthusiasm and a willingness to
5. Does the community know about your association programs and the benefits of the
6. Have you as an association/mentor clearly outlined the expectations for the coaches?
7. Are you constantly trying to recruit new young coaches to maintain the system? What if the
old guard suddenly leaves?
8. What is the past record of the association as far as support to coaches?
9. Have we explained the benefits to potential coaches to ensure that we get the best possible
coaches available?

Who to Recruit

Quite often the obvious answer is parents, but are there groups or individuals beyond the
parents that would be a potentially strong group of coaches.

Players – this group may have the greatest knowledge of your association. Midget or Juvenile
aged players that have recently left the association or players playing college or university
hockey locally are quite often very interested in giving back to the program. They typically have
tremendous knowledge of the game, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and grow in the
coaching position.

Service Groups – typically these groups are sponsors but may also have an interest in playing
an on-ice role.

Oldtimer Teams/Recreational Teams – See if these teams would be interested in adopting a

team where several of the players would share the coaching duties.


Coach Selection Tree/Timeline

Activity Responsibility Deadline

1 Appoint mentor (If Available )

2 Circulate Applications

3 Appoint Selection Committee

4 Review Applications

5 Short List

6 Conduct Interviews

7 Finalize Selections

8 Notify Applicants

9 Give Initial Instructions

Assess/Mentor Throughout

11 Final Report

Once you have determined your hiring process it is imperative that you as a committee develop
a job description for each of the positions that you are hiring for. It is impossible to make
coaches accountable, give them feedback or help them develop if they are unsure of what their
purpose there really is.
The following 2 pages are generic job descriptions that can be used as guidelines.

Head Coach
Job Description

• Serve as the official spokesperson on behalf of the team

• Coordinate the delegation of responsibilities to the assistant coach and manager
• Plan on and off-ice activities in consultation with the assistant coach
• Coordinate player evaluation and selection in conjunction with the Association mentor.
• Plan, implement and control pre-game preparation and communication with the team
• Design the practice plans in consultation with the assistant coach
• Coach the team in all games and practices
• Establish rules for the team and oversee the supervision of the players
• Submit a year end report which contains the following information – evaluation of players’
performance, evaluation of team’s performance, outline of practice plans and game strategy
and recommendations on how the program can be improved.
• Report to the association through the Association mentor or designate

Assistant Coach
Job Descriptions

• Assist with player evaluation and the player selection process

• Assist with planning , organizing and conducting practices
• Assist with pre-game preparation
• Assist with the operation of the team during the games
• Assist with scouting and evaluation of opponents
• Assist with the supervision of players off and on the ice
• Assist with the formulation of the game plan
• Submit a year end report to the head coach containing player observations
• Report to the head coach

The following qualifications can be applied to both the Head Coach and the Assistant.

• Strong hockey background in playing, coaching, evaluating

• Strong interest and commitment to child/athlete development
• Ability to work with fellow coaching personnel
• Ability to communicate on and off-ice requirements to players and parents
• Available to meet time requirements
• NCCP and Speak Out certified at the level indicated by the CHA, Branch and Association



The first step is to decide who will be responsible for coach selection. It is strongly
recommended that every association have or create the position of association mentor.
This position may include the following responsibilities:

• Recruit coaches
• Contact person for prospective coaches
• Distribute and collect applications
• Create and chair committees for screening
• Interviewing and final selection
• Contact successful and unsuccessful candidates
• Provide new coaches with their initial instructions
• Ongoing evaluation of coaches

It is suggested that the Association mentor form a committee to ensure fairness in the
screening interview and final selection of candidates. For simplicity and efficiency, the
committee should consist of no more than five people. Committee Members should
include a member of the executive, a person with coaching experience, and possibly a
neutral person unrelated to the association. Once the committee has been formed, it
should meet to establish its structure and procedure. The Association mentor should chair
the committee. Obviously, any conflict of interest on this committee must be avoided (see
disclosure form).

All coaches, new or returning, should be required to complete an application form.

Initial Contact: The Association mentor should be available for all prospective coaches to
contact. This person will be responsible for the distribution and collection of coaching

The Application Form: A sample application form follows on the next page. Feel free to
use it, change it, or create your own. Make sure that applications include all the
information you feel you need.

Screening Applicants: When a large number of applicants are received, it may be

necessary to screen applicants and establish a short list. On a following page is a
selection tree, which is a valuable tool to aid in this process. Guidelines for screening
applications should be established in writing, prior to the selection process.

Sample Guidelines: Examples of guidelines to consider (not in order of importance).

a. Experience in your association
b. Experience in coaching minor hockey
c. Experience working with children
d. Community involvement
e. Certification, education and training
f. References


• It is preferable that the person (or committee) who will make the final decision, conducts
the interview.
• Before interviews take place, the interviewer(s) should be familiar with the qualities the
association is looking for in a coach (i.e. Strong competitor, good teacher, motivator,
• What to ask will depend entirely on the qualities the association is seeking. It is
advisable to have a set of written questions, but do not hesitate to ask “spontaneous”
questions which may arise during the interview. A list of possible questions appears on
the next few pages.
• Interviews may be as casual or as formal as you like. When a committee is involved, it
should establish a structure or procedure to ensure the effectiveness of the interview.
Some of the things the committee may wish to decide are:
i. What rank each member has on the committee
ii. Who will speak and when (who asks what questions)
iii. How the interviewee will be evaluated
• Ideally, you should allow at least half an hour for an interview and leave 15 minutes
between interviews. This allows you enough time to discuss the qualities of the
candidate and to properly evaluate them.

• A written record of the interview should be retained by the MHA. This should include the
interviewers’ evaluation of the candidate. Evaluation may take the form of written
comments, or involve some sort of numerical ranking and written comments. Again, the
categories you use in evaluating should relate to the qualities the association is looking

The following is a sample of a coach application. More can be found in the appendix to this

Coach Application Form

NAME:____________________________ HOME PHONE______________

ADDRESS _______________________ BUS. PHONE_______________
_______________________ CELL PHONE_______________
FAX _______________________




________ ________________ ______________________ ____________________
________ ________________ ______________________ ____________________
________ ________________ ______________________ ____________________
________ ________________ ______________________ ____________________
________ ________________ ______________________ ____________________
________ ________________ ______________________ ____________________


Short Term Goals


Long Term Goals


List 3 Coaching Skill Areas you consider your strengths:


List 3 Coaching Skill Areas you wish to improve on:



NAME OF ASSOCIATION: ___________________________________________


It is the intention of this pledge to promote fair play and respect for all participants within the
_____________ Association. All coaches must sign this pledge before being allowed to
participate in hockey and must continue to observe the principles of Fair Play.


1. I will be reasonable when scheduling games and practices remembering that young
athletes have other interests and obligations.
2. I will teach my athletes to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials, opponents and
3. I will ensure all athletes receive equal instruction, discipline, support and appropriate, fair
playing time.
4. I will not ridicule or yell at my athletes for making mistakes or for performing poorly. I will
remember that children play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in
5. I will make sure that equipment and facilities are safe and match the athlete's ages and
6. I will remember that children need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with
praise and set a good example.
7. I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my coaching skills.

I agree to abide by the principles of the FAIR PLAY CODE as set by the Canadian Hockey
Association and supported by the _____________ Association.

I also agree to abide by the rules, regulations and decisions as set by the _____________

PRINT NAME________________________DATE________________________________

SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________

COACH NO. ________________________TEAM _______________________________


These sample questions have been grouped into five sections. Some questions will not apply to
amateur levels or calibers of minor hockey. Thus, the interview committee must select which
questions are relevant and/or important. When interviewing a number of candidates for the
same position it is recommended that you first determine a bank of questions that will be asked
of all candidates.


1. Can you describe for us what you did in this situation… It was halfway through the 2nd period
and it was a tight game. You have a line that was not as strong as your other two. You
wanted to win.

a. What have you done?

b. Tell us about a time when the outcome was favourable?
c. Tell us about a time when the results were not as favourable?
c. What comments did you have to handle and how did you handle them?
d. Describe for us what you expect your players to sacrifice in order to win?

2. For your last team what, if any team or individual objectives did you set?

a. How did you determine what they would be?

b. Were the objectives achieved?
c. Would you have changed any if you had to do it all over again?

3. You have outlined (assuming application form was completed) your interests in coaching the
coming year with this association. Outline your general philosophy and coaching objectives.
4. As a coach, it is necessary for you to have a standard for the management of your players
and support staff before a game, during a game, at a practice, on a road trip? Please
5. What is your attitude with respect to off-ice activities? i.e. Dry land training, school sports,
other social activities.
6. What is your philosophy o formation of lines?
7. What is your feeling about players playing more than one position?

8. What are your coaching objectives in order of importance?

9. What is the percentage of time you place on fundamental skills versus hockey strategy?
10. How important is “winning”?


1. What type of practice preparation would you do to ensure that you receive optimum
performance form your athletes in readiness for game play?

2. Tell us about a situation when it was important that one of your players learn a new skill.
Why was it important?

a. What was the skill?

b. How did you go about teaching the skill?
c. What was the result?

3. How do you define player development?

a. Please explain how the athlete learns new skills?

b. How do you teach new skill development

4. What is skill analysis?

5. Describe briefly offensive and defensive team play.

6. Why is sound yearly planning essential to the successful operation of a hockey team?

7. How do you teach disciplined play?

8. In tryouts, what skills are you looking for and how do you plan to evaluate them?

a. Is it necessary to provide feedback to your athletes on their progress?

b. When should this be done?
c. Would you prepare any formal evaluations for your players?

9. How do you organize your practices with respect to time for warm-up, cool-down, main
teaching time, fun activity and other coaches’ responsibilities?

10. Do you agree that to be a good coach you must also be a good educator? Specifically, how
is this true?


1. How are your team rules communicated to the players?

a. Tell us about a time when you had to discipline a player and either the player or his
teammates felt the discipline was unfair. How did you handle this situation?
b. Give us an example of when your discipline was proven to be unjust or inappropriate.
i. How did you handle this?
ii. What was the result?

2. Tell us about an occasion you are proud of when you were able to instill a sense of
motivation into one or more players.

a. What was the situation?

b. What did you do?
c. What was the result?

3. Do you see yourself as a role model for the athlete? Why?

4. How do you handle the player who does not get along with teammates?

5. Explain your approach to individual and team discipline.

(i.e. Older groups out beyond curfew, younger players late for practices consistently).

6. How do you handle:

a. The aggressive player who gets frequent penalties?

b. The player who does not pass the puck?
c. The superstar versus the weakest player?
d. The player who complains about ice time?

7. What is your approach when dealing with players who have suggestions?

8. How would you handle a situation where there is jealousy between two players or where two
players dislike one another?

9. How do you handle behavior changes of your players at the specific age group?

10. What makes players of this age-group different from adults?


1. Describe how you would handle a parent who has a different philosophy or game plan than

2. What is your approach when dealing with parents who have criticisms and/or complaints?

3. What is your approach when you hear that a parent is criticizing you “behind your back” and
hasn’t approached you on their own to discuss the concern?

4. How would you approach the parent who is excessively vocal and negative in the stands
knowing that it is affecting either their own child or the team?

5. How would you handle a complaint from a parent that his/her child does not play enough?

6. How would you handle complaints/accusations from a parent that the team’s budget isn’t in
order and that there may be money missing?

7. What are the most important steps in a dispute resolution?


1. If applicable: How do you feel about coaching your child? What are the advantages and

2. What is it about coaching that you find most difficult or you need to work on the most?

3. Tell us about a situation that shows the most positive side of you.

4. Outline one coaching experience you think best characterizes you as a coach.

5. Why do you want this particular team?

6. Would you work as an assistant coach?

7. How would you handle dealing with your affiliate team throughout the season?

8. Should the coaching position not be available, would you consider accepting another
position at a different level? What are your preferences?

9. What is your opinion about coaches holding a position on a minor hockey executive?

10. Do you have anyone who would work with you as assistant, manager, trainer?

11. Have you ever been suspended under any hockey regulations as a player or coach? Explain


Once the interviews are completed, it is time to make the final selection. As stated
previously, it is strongly recommended that those who conduct the interview be
responsible for the final selection of coaches. All candidates should be made aware of
when decisions will be made and when all candidates will be contacted.

• There should be pre-set criteria for evaluating candidates. These criteria are based on
the desirable qualities outlined by the association. Previous experience, success, and
interview evaluation should all be considered.
• Before making a decision, the committee must decide how the final selection will be
made. Some questions to ask:
i) Who will vote?
ii) Will voting be open or by secret ballot?
iii) Is a majority decision required?
iv) How do you break a tie?
• Always allow time for discussion before making a decision.


All applicants, whether successful or not, should be contacted. The person contacting
them should have been involved in the selection process ideally the association mentor.
This will allow them to be prepared to answer questions unsuccessful candidates will
have. Unsuccessful candidates, or coaches who were not given their first choice, should
always be given reasons for the decision. It is also suggested that unsuccessful
candidates be sent written “thank you” letters for their interest in your association.

Always contact successful applicants first. Only after they have definitely accepted
the team should you contact unsuccessful applicants.


The association mentor’s job is not done once all the coaches are selected.

Initial Instructions: Successful candidates should be told as soon as possible of the

expectations of the association and their role in the association. This can be done on an
individual basis or at a coaches meeting.


The evaluation of a coach’s performance can be valuable for future selection. Information
on the coach’s performance can be gathered from the players’ parents, coaches
themselves, other coaches, or by a neutral observer. Evaluations should always be
written. They may be ongoing, or may occur at certain times of the year (i.e. middle and
end of season).


For more information on the National Coach Certification Program (NCCP), please refer to the
NCCP section on this CD.


Local associations are encouraged to host specialty clinics (especially at the beginning of the
year) for all of their coaches. These clinics should cover – fair play code for association
coaches, parent meetings, association philosophy on player development, mentorship, tools
available to assist coaches, the association support mechanism for coaches and of course any
technical hockey issues that coaches want to discuss. Depending on the size of the association
these are best offered by grouping the Novice coaches together, Atom coaches etc.


There are three main areas of evaluation/assessment that will be covered in this section;

• Self-assessment
• Peer assessment
• Parent, player assessment

The first question you will often find come from coaches, parents and players is Why Assess or

Most often you'll evaluate to learn. If there's to be no action taken as a result of the evaluation
then, unless you just want material for a paper, the effort is not worth pursuing. So, before you
embark on an evaluation, ask yourself "why bother?” Who is this for, what is it they want to find
out, and what changes will be made when the results are gathered? If the answer to the
question "why evaluate?" is that the results will lead to action to improve coaching within the
association, then all the effort will be worthwhile.

Sample forms can be found on the following pages for various assessments the
coach/association can undertake over the course of the hockey season.


Coaching Evaluation Form

The purpose of this form is to assist the coach in developing themselves and the program
for next season. Please be frank and honest in your responses to the following questions.
Your input is essential to improving the quality of the coaching next year.
no - yes
To be completed by the player:
1. Did you enjoy being on the hockey team? 1 2 3 4 5
2. Did you learn more about hockey? 1 2 3 4 5
3. Did your hockey skills improve? 1 2 3 4 5
4. Are you planning to tryout for a hockey team next year? 1 2 3 4 5
5. What was your favorite activity in practices? (back of form) 1 2 3 4 5
6. What was your least favorite activity in practices? (back of form) 1 2 3 4 5
7. Did you think playing time was fair? How could it have been better? 1 2 3 4 5
8. Did you think you had enough opportunity to ask questions? 1 2 3 4 5
9. What would you change to help next year's team? 1 2 3 4 5

no - yes
To be completed by the parent
1. Did your child enjoy the hockey experience? 1 2 3 4 5
2. Do you feel your child became a better hockey player? 1 2 3 4 5
3. Did your child gain a better perspective of teamwork? 1 2 3 4 5
4. Did the hockey experience help your child mature? 1 2 3 4 5
5. Did hockey help your child's self-confidence? 1 2 3 4 5
6. In your opinion, was playing administered appropriately? 1 2 3 4 5
7. Was the coach's public conduct at games acceptable? 1 2 3 4 5
8. Do you feel your child was treated with respect? 1 2 3 4 5
9. How would you rate the coach's organization skills? 1 2 3 4 5
10. How would you rate the coach's communication with parents? 1 2 3 4 5
11. Please suggest changes that you think would improve the program.
(reply on back of form)
12. Please list other questions that should be on this evaluation. (reply on
back of form)


A self-evaluation is a useful tool for personal development. At a minimum, it creates an

introspective look into an individual’s personal coaching style and motivations. It can target
strengths and weaknesses, and may lead to realizations about barriers to effective coaching

The following sets of questions can help you articulate your philosophy of coaching as well as
the atmosphere of your team and practices.

• How do I want players to interact on the ice?

• What resources should be available to my players?
• What was the most important thing I tried to teach the players this week, month?
• What is the most important thing my players will learn from me this season?
• What did I learn from my players this week?

1. Using the following chart, assess how well you carry out your roles as a leader, teacher, and
organizer. For each statement, select the word that best describes you. This chart can be
used to assess yourself throughout the season.

Excellent Good
As a leader I:
1. Establish Goals

2. Use a democratic coaching style

3. Am a good role model

4. Develop leadership skills in my athletes

5. Have a positive relationship with referees

6. Interact effectively with parents

7. Help athletes maximize their potential

As a Teacher I:
1. Teach the necessary hockey
2. Teach the skills using the proper sequence and
3. Teach skills using understandable language

Excellent Good
4. Realize athletes differ in their readiness to learn a skill

5. Realize athletes learn skills at different rates

6. Teach more than just hockey skills

As an Organizer I:
1. Plan effective practices

2. Select very good assistant coaches

3. Have parents assist in the program

4. Attend to details

5. Communicate effectively

2. Every coach should ask themselves the following questions each season.

• How can I improve my teaching and coaching techniques this year?

• How can I increase my communication skills with my players, their parents and the
• How can I improve my lifestyle, personal fitness and diet this year?
• Do I give quality time to my family and my self?
• Do I have any habits or characteristics that need improvement/correcting this year?
• Have I set my goals and objectives for the upcoming season?

3. Complete the following checklist at regular intervals throughout the season.

Yes Sometimes Not Yet

I make the athletes feel at ease in conversations with me.

I involve the athletes in making decisions when it is


I actively help athletes who are having difficulty

I am well prepared for each practice and each game

I plan my practices so that progressions take place for

one practice to the next.

I include a warm-up and cool down in each session.

I do a safety check of the facility before each practice and

I develop a sense of mutual respect among athletes

I promote respect for officials and the rules of the game

I have a zest and enthusiasm for coaching

4. Helping Athletes become Better People. Which of the following are parts of your coaching

Yes No
I discuss my plans for the number and duration or practices with my athletes or their
parents. I am reasonable in my demands on their time.

I teach my athletes to obey the rules of the game.

I ask my athletes what they want from the sport experience. Studies have shown that
most children play for fun and would rather play for a losing team than sit on the
bench of a winning one.

I teach my athletes to treat the officials and other participants with respect.

I never criticize or ridicule my athletes. I offer constructive feedback and present any
perceived problems as positive challenges.

I have guidelines for behaviour in place and discuss these with my athletes.

I make an effort to learn new skills and improve myself as a coach.

I recognize and reward achievements other than the scoring of points. Fair play,
teamwork and improved performance are also vital and deserve recognition.

I allow all participants equal playing and practice time.

I am a positive role model for the athletes I coach. Setting a positive example is the
best way to encourage positive behaviour in others.


Keep Them Coming Back

Finding volunteer coaches qualified to meet the needs of your association requires work. Once
you've successfully secured a volunteer's support, it's important to ensure that the benefits of
volunteering continue to outweigh the costs.

When volunteer initiatives are well managed and individuals are matched to service
opportunities that are mutually beneficial to the association and the volunteer, your recruitment
job becomes much easier. Satisfied volunteer coaches can be strong advocates for your
organization's mission and persuasive partners on your volunteer recruitment team.

There are many ways to foster volunteer coach retention. Just as people are attracted to
volunteer at your organization for a multitude of reasons there are many reasons why they
continue to serve. Oftentimes, these reasons are different than the ones that persuaded them to
give of their time in the first place. For example, a 1983 study of volunteer firefighters by Pearce
"found that these subjects stated that they joined the organization for predominately service
reasons, but friendships and social interaction were more influential in their decision to remain
with it" (cited in Brudney 1990, p. 162,)


Career Enhancement

• helping volunteer coaches acquire new coaching skills.

• providing opportunities for advancement


• showing your appreciation often, in many ways, and in ways that are individual-specific

Meaningful Work

• periodic orientations that link volunteer assignments to the broader mission of the
• making the work meaningful and never wasting their time
• making good matches from the start - head vs. assistant coach.

Personal Growth

• letting them grow with the program

• giving them opportunities that they wouldn't get outside of a volunteer position


• treating volunteer coaches as staff* by inviting them to attend staff/board meetings and giving
them a voice within the organization/association
• accepting their recommendations/taking their advice

At the same time that you are listening for ways to keep them coming back, be sure to listen for
organizational barriers to continued volunteer involvement. Some of the reasons why volunteers
leave are out of your control; others may speak to program management, organizational culture,
or logistical issues that can be addressed. Just as positive word of mouth by volunteer
supporters can enhance your recruitment efforts, negative word of mouth by former participants
can undermine future endeavors to attract volunteers.

Once you've 'lost' a volunteer due to program or organization inadequacies, it is hard to get
them back.

To summarize, some of the keys to better, happier volunteer coaching that continue to come
back to your association year after year are:

• New programs offered to improve knowledge of the game and of coaching

• Coach appreciation sessions that give coaches a sense of belonging and worth
• Positive, constructive feedback on their performance and how it can be improved
• Give all coaches a clear job description of what is expected of them over the course of the
season – this should include association vision, fair play codes etc.


The following is a sample code of conduct for coaches.

• I will be reasonable when scheduling games and practices, remembering that players have
other interests and obligations

• I will teach my players to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials and opponents.

• I will ensure that all players get equal instruction, support and playing time

• I will not ridicule or yell at my players for making mistakes or for performing poorly. I will
remember that players play to have fun and must be encouraged to have confidence in

• I will make sure that equipment and facilities are safe and match the players' ages and

• I will remember that participants need a coach they can respect. I will be generous with
praise and set a good example

I will obtain proper training and continue to upgrade my coaching skills.

• I will work in cooperation with officials for the benefit of the game

Creating a code of conduct and ethics for coaches is a step in the right direction but
associations must also be willing to stand behind their code and use it has a measuring stick for
how their coaches are doing.


by Don McKee, Former Chair, Canadian Hockey Association Coaching Committee,

and Head Coach Odessa Jackelopes

The cliché "in the heat of action" has frequently been used as an acceptable rationale for
harassing and abusive behaviour during competition. It is important that coaches and personnel
recognize that abuse and harassment must not be tolerated during competition under any

Codes of Behaviour for players, coaches, officials and spectators have been developed and
must guide and govern "the talk and the walk" or "the words and the actions" of all participants
during competition. It is vital that sport administrators create an environment for competition
where Standards of Behaviour are built on Respect:

• Respect for the game/sport

• Respect for the rules
• Respect for the officials
• Respect for the opposition
• Respect for teammates/coaches

The responsibility to PREVENT harassment and abuse during competition lies with sport
administrators, athletes and coaches. The responsibility to CONTROL harassment and abuse
during competition lies with coaches, officials and sport administrators.

Prevention of Harassment and Abuse During Competition

An association action plan should include:

• Sport Administrators implementing codes of conduct for coaches, players and officials
• Sport Administrators establishing quality rules and regulations for competition

• Sport Administrators providing coaches with clear expectations of appropriate and
inappropriate behaviours during competition
• Sport Administrators facilitating coaching Certification Programs
• Coaches providing athletes with clear expectations of appropriate and inappropriate
behaviours during competition
• Coaches being role models for athletes
• Athletes demonstrating respect for the sport, the rules, the officials, the opposition and
teammates and coaches during competition

All must be educated that the concept of "Respect" encompasses:

"The Game/Sport"
• to coach for healthy competition
• to participate in coaching certification programs
• to teach players sportsmanship and fair play
• to be good role models
• to think and act according to the coaches code of conduct

"The Rules"
• to hear the rules of play
• to teach athletes fair play
• to promote sportsmanship

"The Officials"
• to support the officials
• to teach athletes to respect officials

"The Opposition"
• to congratulate the opposition in defeat and victory
• to avoid use of intimidating tactics
• to teach athletes to respect their opponent

"The Players and Team Personnel"

• to treat all athletes equally
• to stay centered and control strong emotions
• to set boundaries that enable safe, healthy relationships
• to use effective questioning
• to think and act ethically

The "Coach" is the most influential participant in preventing harassment and abuse during
competition. This can be achieved by "talking the talk" and "walking the talk" in teaching the
athletes that the concept of Respect is the most important aspect of the competition. The coach
must use every opportunity to reinforce this principle by being a role model and communicating

with athletes daily in practice, during pre-competition preparation, during competition and in
post-competition feedback sessions.

The Coach must teach the athlete that the concept of Respect includes:

"The Game/Sport"
• to play for healthy competition
• to play for fun
• to play for fitness
• to play for skill development

"The Rules"
• to play by the rules
• to play fairly

"The Officials"
• to ensure fair play in competition
• to ensure the safety of players
• to ensure the environment of healthy competition
• to ensure that the rules are applied consistently and fairly
• to eliminate intimidation, harassment or abuse

"The Opposition"
• to avoid intimidating tactics and discriminating remarks
• to avoid physically hurting opposing athletes
• to congratulate your opposition in defeat and victory.

"Teammates and Team Personnel"

• to be a team athlete
• to praise teammates
• to listen and support coaches and team staff

Controlling Harassment and Abuse During Competition

During competition harassing and abusive behaviours must be addressed. This responsibility
lies with the officials, coaches and sport administrators. It is important to realize that prevention
of such behaviours begins with education during practices and team meetings - before such
behaviours occur.

The rules and regulations of sport are established to provide consequences for inappropriate
behaviours including harassment and abuse. Minor incidents are usually addressed during the
competition. Major incidents usually result in removal from the competition and a follow up
review by the sport association administrators. The officials have a responsibility during the

competition to apply the rules to ensure fair play principles. The coach has the responsibility to
point out inappropriate behaviors and discipline, where appropriate, athletes whose behavior is
inappropriate during competition. This is necessary even if an official did not see the
inappropriate behavior of the athlete.

The rules of play usually direct that major harassment and abusive behaviors be reviewed by
the sport administrators. It is their responsibility to ensure that the athlete is returning to
competition after a fair consequence and with the understanding that the inappropriate behavior
must not be repeated.

The athlete has a responsibility to participate without disrespectful behaviors. Athletes need to
be equipped with skills of how to respond when confronted by an opposing athlete of a team
who exhibits inappropriate behaviors, without falling into the trap of retaliation.

The following are examples of inappropriate behaviors by an athlete during competition:

• making obscene gestures to spectators
• damaging facilities or equipment

• using persistent profanity
• playing persistently with illegal equipment
• persistently violating of the rules

• arguing with an official over a call
• persistent heckling of an official
• intimidating an official through threats of physical aggression

• trash talking
• purposely trying to injure an opposing athlete
• exhibiting racial or homophobic biases
• intimidating tactics

"Teammates or Coaches"
• using intimidation
• using isolation tactics
• making racial slurs
• displaying racial or homophobic biases
• being physically aggressive
• using name calling and put-downs

The coach has a responsibility to behave in a respectful manner. The following are examples of
inappropriate behaviors by a coach during competition:

• coaching while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• withdrawing a team during competition
• interrupting competition using illegal tactics

• using persistent profanity
• not controlling your bench
• encouraging athletes to violate the rules
• bending the rules to create unfair play

• berating the official
• arguing with official over calls
• intimidating tactics
• trash talking
• gesturing

• encouraging your athletes to injure an opposing athlete
• trash talking
• exhibiting racial or homophonic biases
• coaching using intimidation

"Athlete and Team Personnel"

• using intimidation
• using isolation tactics
• making racial slurs
• being physically aggressive
• verbally berating an athlete's performance
• using name calling or put-downs


It is important for sports leaders to develop programs which reinforce that competition must be
free of abusive and harassing behaviours by athletes, coaches, officials and spectators. It is
also essential for each sport to have playing rules that will discipline athletes and coaches for
harassing and/or abusive behaviours during competition. Codes of Conduct need to be
developed for athletes, coaches, officials and all personnel, and organizations must implement
policies and procedures through which they can determine when and if a breach of these codes
has occurred (see Section I, Chapter 1).

It is similarly important for sport leaders to develop guidelines requiring coaches to be certified
through coaching programs. Coaching education will reinforce the Codes of Conduct that
discourage abusive and harassing behaviours by all involved.


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