Cornerstone of A Sustainable Energy Future
Cornerstone of A Sustainable Energy Future
Cornerstone of A Sustainable Energy Future
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
In the coming decades, the world faces the immediately using electrification with
complex challenge of maintaining economic renewables. Additional solutions are thus
growth while simultaneously reducing and required for achieving the ambitious targets
mitigating the effects of CO2 and other that national governments, regional
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To avoid a organizations, and international bodies have
climate catastrophe, the global economy can set under the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit the
only emit approximately another 700 GtCO2 increase of global temperature this century to
until 2100, which effectively means we need to less than 2 °C over pre-industrial levels, and to
achieve “net zero” emissions by 2050. The keep it to 1.5 °C, if possible.
transition to a sustainable energy system will
need to be achieved amid the twin challenges Additionally, in 2015, as part of its 2030 Agenda
of a rising global population, which is expected for Sustainable Development program, the UN
to reach 10 billion by 2055, and an expanding adopted a set of 17 Sustainable Development
middle class in emerging markets adding to Goals (SDGs). Among these are affordable and
energy consumption. clean energy (SDG 7) and climate action (SDG
13), both of which will require sustained
This means that a collective effort will have to measures to transform the world’s energy and
be made involving drastic reductions in energy- power supply in a way that facilitates other
related CO2 emissions – for instance, through goals such as eliminating poverty (SDG 1),
measures to boost energy efficiency and economic growth (SDG 8), resilient
savings, but also by integrating more renewable infrastructure, industrialization, and innovation
energy, by decarbonizing the mobility and (SDG 9), and sustainable cities and communities
industry sectors and other infrastructures, and (SDG11). If these goals are to be mutually
through sector coupling, to name just a few compatible, new approaches and innovative
levers. However, there are certain elements of solutions will be required.
the energy system such as heating, feedstock
for the chemical industry, or heavy-duty
mobility that cannot be decarbonized
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Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
A potential
Faced with these challenges, engineers and policymakers are increasingly looking
to the use of hydrogen as a potential game-changing technology.
Hydrogen is a highly efficient energy carrier, and upon combustion, the only
byproduct of this zero-emissions fuel is water. This makes it an ideal medium for
electrification and the substitution of fossil fuels in industrial processes and other
applications. As a means of high-capacity energy storage, it facilitates fast
response for primary frequency reserve service, and it opens up new avenues for
sector coupling (curtailment, peak shaving in countries where this may be needed,
etc.). As such, the opportunities offered by synthetic H2 produced with renewable
energy, also known as “green hydrogen”, could help overcome several obstacles
on the path toward a full-fledged revolution of energy systems.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
1. Decarbonization:
From hydrocarbons
to hydrogen
The share of renewable energy in global power scenario will not be achievable. If renewable
generation is growing daily. In fact, in 2019, the energy sources are to form the backbone of CO2-
combined capacity of new solar and wind free economies, more measures will be needed,
generation exceeded all other forms of power and it will be necessary to find ways of
generation capacity. In 2019, Germany covered 42 decarbonizing sectors that currently rely on fossil
percent of its total electricity demand using energy consumption, including industry, mobility,
renewables. In 2020, the EU exceeded its goal of or construction.
20 percent green energy, generating 38 percent
of energy from renewables. As part of its Green
New Deal program, Brussels aims to foster inte-
grated ecosystems focused on climate neutrality
and digital leadership, including a new European
Clean Hydrogen Alliance. The European Commis-
sion has also proposed to increase the EU’s ambi-
tion on reducing greenhouse gases and set a
more ambitious target of a cut of at least 55
per-cent by 2030, as part of a broader plan to
becoming climate neutral by 2050.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
electrolysis – makes it possible to electrify those • Distributing energy across sectors and
sectors that are currently still reliant on hydrocarbons regions
and to make that power usable to transport goods
• Acting as a buffer to increase energy system
and people, for making steel and cement, or as
feedstock for the chemical industry. Establishing
such an energetic link between previously separated • Decarbonizing various sectors:
sectors by way of renewables – also known as “sector • transportation
• industrial energy use
coupling” – can reduce primary fossil energy
• building heat and power
consumption by 50 percent despite growing power • feedstock and chemicals for industry,
demand. Generally, a more diversified fuel supply e.g., ammonia, methanol, syn fuels, etc.
would also help to improve energy security, and
some countries with cheap and abundant renewable
power could dedicate that capacity entirely to
making green hydrogen for local consumption and
Large-scale integration of hydrogen and
Exhibit 5: Hydrogen demand could increase 10-fold by 2050 related commodities would also further
Global energy demand supplied with hydrogen, EJ
foster the demand for renewable power
generation, creating a self-sustaining
incentive towards an economically viable
and ecologically sustainable energy system.
The International Renewable Energy Agency
(IRENA) predicts that approximately 4-16 TW
of solar and wind generation capacity will
need to be deployed for producing renewable
hydrogen and hydrogen-based products by
2050, compared to a total global power
generation capacity of 7 TW today, which
includes 1 TW of solar and wind power
capacity in place.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Fig.2 | Cost of electrolyser technologies for PtG application. Cost data are from multiple sources
for alkaline electrolysis (AEL) and PEM electrolysis (see Methods for details)
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Today, however, nearly all synthetic hydrogen is • Green hydrogen is produced by electrolysis
produced with fossil fuels. Three main methods of water using only renewable, CO2-free elec-
of sourcing hydrogen can be distinguished: tricity sources. While the process is already
grey, blue, and green hydrogen. viable, the speed of its adoption will depend
on the cost of electrolyzers, supply chain logis-
• Grey hydrogen is obtained by steam reforming, tics, and regulatory policies in support of
i.e., converting natural gas or coal under heat H2-based sector coupling.
into H2 and CO2, with about 10t of CO2 being
released into the atmosphere as GHG for each Though green hydrogen is still in its infancy, it
tonne of hydrogen produced. H2 sourced from is seen as a technology with enormous poten-
methane creates about 285 grams of CO2 emis- tial both for commercial reasons and in the
sions per kWh, while coal gasification has an context of climate action. Currently, about 3.2
emission factor of around 675 grams of CO2 per GW of green hydrogen capacity are at the
kWh of hydrogen power. planning stage, and with large-scale invest-
ment and regulatory incentives, the pipeline
• Blue hydrogen is produced in the same way, of new projects could rapidly expand. By 2040,
but with the addition of carbon capture and about 10 percent of the world’s primary energy
storage (CCS) to prevent the CO2 from being demand (the equivalent of 1.4 billion tonnes
released. It is seen as a potential bridging tech- of oil) could be replaced with H2, the majority
nology for a transitional period until the cost of of which could be produced from renewable
synthesizing hydrogen from renewables goes sources like wind and solar power.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
2. Turning water
into fuel: H2 from
Electrolysis, or the process of splitting water The basic principle of this technology is that
(H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen using direct two electrodes, connected to a power source,
current, was discovered in 1800 by the English are placed in the electrolyte – in this case,
scientists William Nicholson and Anthony water – which facilitates the charge exchange.
Carlisle, who went on to lay the groundwork for Hydrogen will begin to form in bubbles at the
the new discipline of electrochemistry. Until the cathode, and oxygen will evolve at the anode,
arrival of steam reforming from coal and gas, at a rate of production that is proportional to
electrolysis from water was the standard the electric charge. This chemical reaction will
method for producing hydrogen, prompting yield 1 kg of hydrogen, with an energy content
French author Jules Verne to write in his 1874 (HHV) of 39.4 kWh, per 9 liters of water
novel The Mysterious Island: “Water will be the (stoichiometric), based on a power input of 52
coal of the future.” More than two centuries kWh – an efficiency rate that compares
later, that time may finally have come, as the favorably to other industrial processes.
need to store excess renewable power and
convert it into a chemical energy source has
kicked off a renaissance of H2 electrolysis.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Alkaline electrolysis has been in use since the Growing numbers of PEM electrolyzers have
1920s and is a well-established process for been installed over the past decade to make
making synthetic hydrogen to be used in hydrogen from water, and in the past five years,
fertilizer and chlorine production. It involves a about 80 percent of new H2 electrolyzer
potassium hydroxide electrolyte solution in capacity has been based on PEM technology.
which a thin porous foil separates the nickel- These projects have an average capacity of 1
based electrodes, making for a durable and MWe, a tenfold increase from the small pilot and
affordable process that yields hydrogen with a demonstration projects installed in 2000-2009,
high degree of purity. In the 20th century, signifying that the technology is rapidly moving
around 165 MWe of large-scale alkaline towards industrial-scale applications. Most
electrolyzer capacity were installed. Most of projects are located in Europe, with a few more
these assets were located in Canada, Egypt, underway or planned in Australia, China, and the
India, Norway, and Zimbabwe, all of which had Americas.
significant hydropower plants that made
operations economical. However, they were Several of the projects now under development
mostly decommissioned in the 1970s when will have a capacity of 10-20 MWe and more,
steam reforming of natural gas and methane and assets on a scale of 100 MWe or larger are
offered a more competitive process for under construction. Globally, the most
synthesis of hydrogen. powerful single units have operational
capacities ranging from up to 6 MWe (PEM
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer, Siemens Energy, Austria) to 10
electrolyzers operate with a membrane that is MWe (alkaline electrolyzer, Asahi, Japan).
permeable to protons, but not gaseous
hydrogen or oxygen, and serves as a separator In its 2020 annual report, Siemens Energy
to prevent the product gases from mixing. A made a commitment to enhance the
PEM electrolyzer uses pure water as the electrolyzer product line through R&D and
electrolyte solution and thus avoids the need to to explore portfolio elements to tap into
recover and recycle the electrolyte, as is growth fields such as decarbonized energy
required with alkaline electrolyzers. Their small systems, energy storage and Power-to-X
footprint makes PEM electrolyzers suitable for technologies. In January 2021, Siemens
urban spaces, and with the ability to ramp up Energy and Siemens Gamesa announced
and down within minutes or even seconds – that they were joining forces to research
faster than alkaline electrolyzers – they are innovative solutions that fully integrate an
electrolyzer into an offshore wind turbine
ideally suited for flexible operation in
as a single synchronized system to directly
conjunction with wind or solar power, and can
produce green hydrogen. The companies
provide frequency reserve and grid stability. intend to provide a full-scale offshore
PEM technology offers highly efficient and demonstration of the solution by 2025/2026.
reliable performance at high power density and
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Notably, while hydrogen is combustible, it only generated by the connected renewable energy
burns when combined with a certain sources can be used to desalinate seawater
percentage of oxidizing agent, such as chlorine, through reverse osmosis, which requires just
pure oxygen, or O2, as well as an ignition 3-4 kWh per cubic meter of water, at a price of
source. Storage, handling, and transportation about US$0.70-2.50 per cubic meter of water.
of hydrogen on an industrial basis have been This adds just one or two cents per kilogram of
studied and well understood for over a century; hydrogen to the overall production costs. While
even in case of a leak, due to its natural the direct use of seawater causes corrosive
buoyancy, the gas dissipates immediately into damage and leads to chlorine production,
the atmosphere. It is not toxic, and does not research is underway on how to facilitate the
emit noxious pollution, GHG, or even use of brine in electrolyzers – though this is
unpleasant odors when used with a fuel cell. probably still quite far off in the future.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
3. A new energy
course for the UAE
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has embarked on
a pioneering path towards a more sustainable
Clean energy strategy
energy system. The decision to chart a new course In Dubai, DEWA and Siemens Energy are cooperating
was prompted by several globally prevalent to generate green hydrogen from solar energy using
dynamics, including a steady increase of energy the Silyzer 200 electrolyzer, based on PEM
consumption together with high population technology. The facility will test and demonstrate an
growth. In 2017, the UAE government launched integrated megawatt-scale plant to produce
‘Energy Strategy 2050’, which aims to increase the hydrogen using solar PV, store the gas, and then
contribution of clean energy in the total energy deploy it for re-electrification or other potential uses.
mix from 25 percent to 50 percent by 2050.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Green Hydrogen pilot project for the region’s first potentially for transportation or other industrial
solar hydrogen electrolysis plant at DEWA’s uses at a later stage.
outdoor testing facilities at the Mohammed bin
Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai. During the six months of Expo, which now runs
from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, the facility –
In the spirit of Expo 2020 Dubai’s main theme the first of its kind in the region – will test and
“Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” and its demonstrate how green hydrogen can be produced
key subtheme of Sustainability, DEWA, Expo 2020 on an industrial scale, stored, and deployed for a
and Siemens Energy are working together to number of applications, including re-electrification
promote sustainability and innovation in a and industrial use.
strategic collaboration between government and
the private sector. The Green Hydrogen project will be further
developed in different phases beyond the
The purpose of this joint effort between Expo re-electrification scheme as new options for
2020 – the first World Expo to be hosted in the producing, storing, distributing, and deploying H2
Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) re- are implemented across diverse sectors including
gion – and its Official Sustainable Energy Partner power, mobility, and industry.
DEWA, and Siemens Energy, is to test and show-
case an integrated megawatt-scale plant to pro-
duce hydrogen using photovoltaic power at the
Solar Park, store the gas, and then utilize it ini-
tially for re-electrification purposes, and
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
4. Sector coupling:
As noted above, the energetic coupling of discrete
sectors through conversion of renewable energy
into H2 offers a way to accelerate the energy
transition that will be necessary to avert
catastrophic climate change. The conversion of
electricity from green sources into H2, which can
then be reconverted into power, used as fuel, or
used as an industrial feedstock for e-fuels such as
e-kerosene, e-diesel, or e-methane, is one way of
establishing such a link between different sectors
including the energy system, industry and
manufacturing, buildings, or transportation and
mobility, to name only a few.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Despite hydrogen’s potential in the large-scale In addition, more than 200 TWh could be gener-
integration of renewables, only a small ated from hydrogen in power plants to accom-
percentage of current H2 production is used in pany the transition to a renewable electricity
the energy sector. Raising the share of system.
electricity generated from distributed energy
sources with stochastic feed-in, such as solar Where suitable infrastructure is already available,
and wind, will reduce reliance on conventional hydrogen is also a cost-effective option for decar-
utilities and centralized fossil power plants by bonization of heat and power in buildings.
facilitating the distribution of energy across Furthermore, due to the high flexibility of elec-
sectors and regions. Ultimately, renewable trolysis, green hydrogen production can
energy must also be available when sunlight contribute to the stability of the entire energy
and wind are scarce. This requires storing sector by providing grid services such as
energy, including over extended periods of frequency control, buffering to increase system
time. resilience, and clean, dispatchable power gener-
ation in peaker plants. “Island solutions” can be
Hydrogen can serve both purposes, as an implemented using a hydrogen infrastructure.
energy source and as a storage medium. It has The highly dynamic behavior of a PEM electrol-
the advantage of being compatible with ysis system is ideally suitable for direct connec-
existing infrastructures such as gas grids, which tion to renewable power sources. Load peaks can
offer tremendous storage potential. By 2030, thus be intercepted in the island grid, and the
250 to 300 TWh of surplus renewable electricity energy can be fed back into gas turbines or fuel
could be stored in the form of hydrogen for use cells as needed.
in other segments.
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
The electrification of mobility is one of the signed between Siemens Energy, Masdar, one of
greatest challenges in global decarbonization. the world’s leading renewable energy companies,
Hydrogen can help to decarbonize this sector in the Abu Dhabi Department of Energy, Etihad
two ways. Fuel cell vehicles can use hydrogen Airways, German Lufthansa, Marubeni Corporation
directly. Instead of fumes including CO2 and and Khalifa University to establish a photovoltaic
NOx, they produce only water. Together with powered electrolyzer facility in Abu Dhabi, to
battery-powered vehicles, they reduce demonstrate state-of-the-art green hydrogen
emissions not only from local urban traffic, but production technology and present sustainable
also from interurban traffic and light and heavy- fuel use cases.
duty transport, because these vehicles have a
significantly higher range than that of The first phase of the demonstration program will
exclusively battery-powered vehicles, and focus on the production of green hydrogen for
refueling takes only a few minutes. passenger cars and buses in the Masdar City area.
In parallel, a kerosene synthesis plant will be built
The second way hydrogen can help is through the to convert the majority of the green hydrogen into
synthesis of e-fuels from sustainable hydrogen sustainable aviation fuel. In the second phase of
and carbon from agriculture and forestry or direct the program, the production of decarbonized fuels
air capturing. In this way, even sectors with high for the maritime sector will be explored. Through
fuel requirements, such as the aeronautics and the program, the organizations involved can help
shipping industries, can be decarbonized. The to significantly reduce the UAE’s carbon footprint,
current range of electric vehicles using fuel cells, create domestic demand for sustainable fuels, and
including buses, medium-sized cars, and forklifts, establish a local knowledge and industry base for
will be complemented in the near future as
additional medium-sized and large vehicle
models, buses, trucks, vans, and trains become
available, with even more to follow until 2030.
A strategic partnership in
Abu Dhabi “Non-fossil fuel based liquid hydrocar-
bons are the next logical step towards
A Memorandum of Understanding was recently
achieving significant decarbonization in
aviation, and this partnership is an ex-
tension of Etihad’s efforts to look into
“Power-to-Liquid fuels are essential alternatives suitable for the UAE, where
for the energy transition in aviation we have already explored halophyte-
and a key technology for climate- based biofuel and are now expanding
friendly flying. Green hydrogen is a that into research and development of
key ingredient to produce renewable synthetic fuel from green hydrogen.”
jet fuel.”
Tony Douglas,
Group CEO, Etihad Aviation Group
Annette Mann,
Head of Corporate Responsibility, Lufthansa Group
Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
The transition to an energy system based on exploiting the full potential of green hydrogen at
hydrogen will not take place instantaneously, nor all levels.
should it be considered a solution for all of the
challenges associated with building a sustainable
global economy. Rather, it will be an integral part
Grounds for optimism
of a comprehensive effort, closely linked to Nevertheless, after several waves of enthusiasm for
technological advances in the fields of renewable green hydrogen in the 1970s, 1980s, and 2000s that
energy, electrolyzers, fuel cells, storage capacity, fizzled out again, there are a number of reasons to
and multiple other components. Its spread will be be optimistic that hydrogen will finally have its
faster in those countries that already have a moment. The first is the plummeting price of
usable gas infrastructure and where opportunities emissions-free electricity from wind or solar energy.
for sector coupling facilitate a rapid penetration This has moved the price of generating green
of hydrogen technology throughout the economy. hydrogen to within striking distance of grey
hydrogen, whose carbon footprint is no better than
Although hydrogen is not a new technology, its that of conventional fuels.Secondly, the imperative
time has come. If deployment continues to be of mitigating climate change serves as a catalyst
accelerated by bvold policies, regulation, and and underscores the urgency of expanding the use
visionary planning that takes a “whole systems” of renewables, which can be stored and transported
approach, the use of green hydrogen can be in the form of green hydrogen and used for sector
rapidly scaled up to levels where it can make a coupling.And finally, hydrogen can be used to
decisive contribution to achieving the two-degree decarbonize sectors such as power production,
goal proclaimed by governments and industry, and transportation, which account for the
international bodies. lion’s share of global emissions and are less
amenable to renewable energy integration.
Already today, momentum is building in a number
of countries, and public-private partnerships such In order to harness the full potential of green
as the Green Hydrogen project in Dubai hydrogen, it will be necessary to find the most
demonstrate how cooperation between forward- effective projects today and close the cost gap with
looking partners can lay the groundwork for a grey hydrogen as the application is scaled up. Just
fundamental transformation of the energy as important, however, is the need for close
system. On the global scale, however, greater collaboration between various stakeholders. Power
efforts are required by all stakeholders to build on producers, for instance, will have to exchange
these pioneering initiatives and work towards know-how and coordinate with mobility service
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Green Hydrogen | Whitepaper
providers, and all market players will have to be projects that will improve the technology, identify
clear about their own role and those of their and overcome regulatory hurdles, and develop
companies in what promises to be a highly safety concepts that could make hydrogen as
disruptive industry. Finally, bringing about a important for Middle Eastern countries as oil has
breakthrough for the hydrogen economy will been in the past.
also necessarily involve more support from
municipal and governmental decisionmakers, As more governments, municipalities, and the
since they have the authority to change regula- industry become involved, manufacturers will
tory frameworks and drive decarbonization have an order pipeline that justifies further
targets. investments in technology and production
processes, which will trigger scale effects and
As one of the technology leaders in the field, ultimately bring down costs. This dynamic,
Siemens Energy is very confident that green which was effective in bringing about the break-
hydrogen is on track to supply a significant through of solar power, can also foster green
share of global energy supply in the coming hydrogen and make this sustainable energy
decades, provided these conditions are met. Our carrier a success story.
collaboration in Dubai is a model of how private
and public entities can work together to make
green hydrogen a success, including through
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PO Box 47015
Dubai, UAE
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