Asean Guidelines For Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice: Appendix Vi
Asean Guidelines For Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice: Appendix Vi
Asean Guidelines For Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice: Appendix Vi
The GMP Guidelines have been produced to offer assistance to the cosmetic industry in complia
nce with the provisions of the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive. As this document is particularly intende
d for cosmetic products, clear delineation from drug or pharmaceutical product GMP should be ke
pt in mind.
The Good Manufacturing Practices presented here is only a general guideline for the manufactur
ers to develop its own internal quality management system and procedures. The important object
ive must be met in any case, i.e. the final products must meet the quality standards appropriate t
o their intended use to assure consumer’s health and benefit.
The objective of the Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice ( GMP ) guidelines is to ens
ure that products are consistently manufactured and controlled to the specified quality. I
t is concerned with all aspects of production and quality control.
1.1.3 All products shall be manufactured under controlled and monitored condit
1.2 Quality Management System
1.2.2 The quality system should be structured and adapted to the company’s a
ctivities and to the nature of its products and should take into considerati
on appropriate elements stated in this Guidelines.
1.2.3 The quality system operation should ensure that if necessary, samples of
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
2.1.1 The organisational structure of the company shall be such that the produ
ction and the quality control sections are headed by different persons, ne
ither of whom shall be responsible to the other.
2.1.3 The head of quality control should be adequately trained and experience
d in the field of quality control. He should be given full authority and resp
onsibility in all quality control duties such as establishment, verification a
nd implementation of all quality control procedures. He should have the
sole authority to designate/assign when appropriate, personnel, to appro
ve starting materials, intermediates, bulk and finished products that meet
the specification or to reject those which do not conform to the relevant s
pecification or which were not manufactured in accordance with approve
d procedures and under the defined conditions.
2.1.4 The responsibilities and authority of key personnel should be clearly defi
2.2 Training
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
The premises for manufacturing should be suitably located, designed, constructed and m
3.1 Effective measures should be taken to avoid any contamination from the surroun
ding environment to protect against weather, flood, ground seepage and the acc
ess and harbouring of vermin, rodents, birds, insects or and from pests.
3.3 Painted line, plastic curtain and flexible barrier in the form of rope or tape may be
employed to prevent mix-up.
Special attention must be given for processing products that generate dust such
as compact or talc powders. Dust must be contained within the room. A dust e
xtraction system or air handling system will help to achieve the desired differentia
l pressure and nett air flow.
3.4 Appropriate changing rooms and facilities should be provided. Toilets should not
be locatedseparated in fromthe production areas to prevent product contaminati
on/cross contamination.
3.5 Wherever possible and applicable, Ddefined areas should be provided for, where
ver possible and applicable :
3.5.56 Processing.
3.5.78 Packaging.
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
3.5.1112 Laboratories.
3.6 Wall and ceiling, where applicable should be smooth, free of cracks and easy to
maintain. The floor in processing areas should have a surface that is even and i
mpervious surface and easy to clean and sanitise.
3.7 Drains should be of adequate size and should have trapped gullies and proper flo
w. Open channels should be avoided where possible, but if required they should
be able to facilitate cleaning and disinfection.
3.8 Air intakes and exhausts and associated pipework and ducting, when applicable,
should be installed in such a way as to avoid product contamination.
3.9 Buildings should be adequately lit and properly ventilated with air control facilities
(including temperature, humidity and filtration), appropriate both to the operations
. undertaken within and to the external environment.
3.10 Pipework, light fittings, ventilation points and other services in manufacturing are
as should preferably be installed in such a way as to avoid uncleanable recesses
and run outside the processing areas.
3.11 Laboratories should preferably be physically separated from the production areas
3.12 Storage areas should be of adequate space provided with suitable lighting, arran
ged and equipped to allow dry, clean and orderly placement of stored materials a
nd products.
3.12.2 Where special storage conditions e.g. temperature, humidity and sec
urity are required, these should be provided.
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
Equipment should be designed and located to suit the production of the product.
4.1.1 The equipment surfaces coming into contact with any in-process mat
erial should not react with or adsorb the materials being processed.
so as to affect the quality of the product.
4.1.2 Equipment should not adversely affect the product through leaking v
alves, lubricant drips and through inappropriate modifications or adap
4.2.2 Water, steam and pressure or vacuum lines, where applicable, shou
ld be installed so as to be easily accessible during all phases of oper
ation. They should be clearly identified.
4.3 Maintenance
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
5.1 Personnel
5.1.2 Personnel must practise good personal hygiene. They should be ins
tructed to wash their hands before entering production areas.
5.1.3 Any personnel shown at any time to have an apparent illness or ope
n lesions that may adversely affect the quality of products should not
be allowed to handle raw materials, packaging materials, in-process
materials, and finished products.
5.1.5 Direct physical contact with the product should be avoided to ensure
protection of the product from contamination. Personnel should wear
protective and clean attire appropriate to the duties they perform, incl
uding appropriate hair coverings.
5.1.6 Smoking, eating, drinking and chewing, or keeping of plants, food, dri
nks and smoking materials and other materials that might contaminat
e are not permitted in production, laboratory, storage or other areas
where they might adversely affect product quality.
5.1.7 All authorised personnel entering the production areas should practic
e personal hygiene including proper attire.
5.2 Premises
5.2.1 Adequate employee's washing and well ventilated toilet facilities sho
uld be provided and separated from the production area.
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
6.1.1 Water
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
6.2.2 A batch numbering system should be specific for the product and a p
articular batch number should not be repeated for the same product
in order to avoid confusion.
6.2.3 Whenever possible, the batch number should be printed on the imme
diate and outer container of the product.
6.3.1 Weighing should be carried out in the defined areas using calibrated
6.4.3 All required in-process controls should be carried out and recorded.
6.5.1 Handling of dry materials and products should be given special attent
ion. Where possible, dust-containing production system, central vacu
um system or other suitable methods should be employed.
6.5.2 Mixing and blending equipment should be fitted with dust control equi
pment where applicable.
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
6.6.3 Where pipe-lines are used for delivery of ingredients or bulk products
, care should be taken to ensure that the systems are easy to clean.
6.7.3 Each labelling and packaging line should be clearly identified to avoid
7.1 Introduction
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Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
7.2 Reprocessing
7.2.2 Additional testing of any finished product which has been reprocessed sh
ould be performed.
7.3.3 Returned products which do not comply with the original specification sh
ould be rejected.
8.1 Introduction
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
The documentation system should include the complete history of each batch, fr
om starting materials to finished products. It The system should record execute
d activities for maintenance, storage, quality control, primary distribution and othe
r specific matters related to GMP.
8.1.1 There should be a system for preventing the use of any superseded
8.1.3 Where documents bear instructions they should be clearly written ste
p by step.
8.2 Specifications
(b) Description
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Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
i. Name of product
ii. Batch formula
iii. Brief manufacturing process
iv. Batch or code number
v. Date of the start and finish of processing and packaging
vi. Identity of individual major equipment and lines or locatio
n used
vii. Records of cleaning of equipment used for processing a
s appropriate
viii. In-process control and laboratory results, such as pH an
d temperature test records
ix. Packaging line clearance inspection records
x. Any sampling performed during various steps of
ix. Actual yield as well as theoretical yield at completion of p
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
(a) Records for each testing, assay result and release or rejection of starting
materials, intermediates, bulk and finished product should be maintained.
i. Date of test
ii. Identification of the material
iii. Supplier name
iv. Date of receipt
v. Original batch number if any
vi. Batch number
vii. Quality control number
viii. Quantity received
ix. Date of sampling
x. Quality control results
An quality internal audit consists of an examination and assessment of all or part of a qua
lity system with the specific purpose of improving it. An quality internal audit may be co
nducted by outside or independent specialists or a team designated by the management f
or this purpose. Such internal audits may also be extended to suppliers and contractors,
if necessary. A report should be made at the completion of each qualityinternal audit.
10.1.3 Receiving and dispatch bays should protect materials and products fr
om weather. Reception areas should be designed and equipped to
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
10.2.2 Control
The conditions of contract manufacturing and analysis should be clearly defined, agreed, a
nd controlled so as to avoid misunderstandings, which could result in a product or work of u
nsatisfactory quality. All aspects of contracted work should be specified to obtain a quality
product conforming to the agreed standards.
There should be a written contract between the principal and the contract manufacturer to c
learly establish the duties and responsibilities of each party.
13.6 The Contract / Agreement
A contract/agreement should be drawn up between the contract giver and the cont
ract acceptor that specifies their respective responsibilities relating to the manufa
cture and control of the product. Technical aspects of the contract should be dr
awn up by competent and responsible persons. All arrangements for production
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
13.6.1 The contract/agreement should describe the responsible person for purc
hasing, testing, and releasing materials and for undertaking production a
nd quality controls, including in-process controls, and who has responsi
bility for sampling and analysis. In case of contract analysis, the contra
ct should state whether or not the contract manufacturer should take sa
mples at the premises of the manufacturer.
13.6.2 Manufacturing, analytical, and distribution records and reference sample
s should be kept by, or be available to the principal. Any records relevan
t to assessing the quality of a product in the event of complaints or a sus
pected defect must be accessible and specified in the defect/recall procedu
res of the principal.
121.1 A person responsible for handling complaints and deciding the measures to b
e taken should be designated. If this person is different from the authorised p
erson, the latter should be made aware of any complaint, investigation or rec
112.2 There should be written procedures describing the action to be taken, includi
ng the need to consider a recall, in the case of a complaint involving a possib
le product defect.
112.3 Complaints involving product defects should be recorded with all the original
details and investigated.
112.6 All the decisions and measures taken as a result of a complaint should be re
corded and referenced to the corresponding batch records.
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
There should be a system of recall from the market of products known or suspected to be
123.1 A person responsible for the execution and co-ordination of recalls should be
designated, as well as sufficient personnel, to handle all aspects of recalls wi
th the appropriate degree of urgency.
123.2 Written procedures for recall should be established and regularly reviewed.
Recall operations should be capable of being initiated promptly.
123.3 The primary Ddistribution records should be readily available to the person(s)
responsible for recalls, and they should contain sufficient information of distri
123.4 The progress of the recall process should be recorded and a final report issu
ed, including a reconciliation between the delivered and recovered quantities
of the products.
123.5 The effectiveness of the arrangements for recalls should be evaluated from ti
me to time.
14.1 Batch
Any processed product which will have to undergo the packaging operation in ord
er to become a finished product.
14.4 Calibration
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
14.6 Documentation
All written procedures, instructions and records involved in the manufacture and
quality control of products.
14.7 Product
Checks and tests instituted and carried out in the course of the manufacture of a
product including checks and tests done on environment and equipment in order
to ensure that the end product will comply with its specification.
14.12 Packaging
The part of production cycle applied to a bulk product to obtain the finished produ
Any material used in the packaging of a bulk product to obtain the finished produ
14.14 Processing
The part of production cycle starting from weighing of raw materials to obtaining
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
a bulk product.
14.15 Production
All measures taken during manufacturing which are designed to ensure the unifor
m output of product that will conform to established specifications.
14.17 Quarantine
The status of materials or products set apart physically or by system, while awaiti
ng a decision for their rejection or release for processing, packaging or distributio
14.19 Rejected
The status of materials or products which are not permitted to be used for proces
sing, packaging or distribution.
14.20 Released
The status of materials or products which are allowed to be used for processing,
packaging or distribution.
14.22 Sanitation
ASEAN Cosmetic Documents
Appendix V – ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice
15.1 Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Products, World Health Organi
sation ( WHO ) Technical Report Series No : 823, 1992
15.2 Good Storage Practice, 1st Edition, January 1995, ISBN 983-9870-14-9, National
Pharmaceutical Control Bureau, Malaysia
15.3 Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices, COLIPA – The European Cosmetic Toil
etry and Perfumery Association, July 1994
15.4 Australian Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Therapeutic Goods – Sunscr
een Products, Therapeutic Goods Administration ( TGA ), Australia, February 19