CA Chap1 Introduction NLT2021
CA Chap1 Introduction NLT2021
CA Chap1 Introduction NLT2021
❑ Future
l Tailored medical care based on individual genome
l Super-human: transfer human’s brain (14 billion of neural) to a
mechanical body (robot) for interstellar traveling
❑ What is computer
❑ Look and feel of computer
l How computer parts look like?
❑ Server
l Network based
l High capacity, performance, reliability
l Range from small servers to building sized
❑ Desktop computers
l General purpose, variety of software
l Subject to cost/performance tradeoff
❑ Embedded computers
l Hidden as components of systems
l Stringent power/performance/cost constraints
Super computer
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Price/performance of computer classes
Super $Millions
$100s Ks
Server $10s Ks
Differences in scale,
not in substance Workstation $1000s
Personal $100s
Embedded $10s
❑ High-level language
l Level of abstraction closer to
problem domain
l Provides for productivity and
❑ Assembly language
l Textual representation of
❑ Hardware representation
l Binary digits (bits)
l Encoded instructions and
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Hardware/software interface: below your program
❑ Application software
l Written in high-level language (HLL)
❑ System software
l Compiler: translates HLL code to
machine code
l Operating System: service code
- Handling input/output
- Managing memory and storage
- Scheduling tasks & sharing resources
❑ Hardware
l Processor, memory, I/O controllers
❑ datapath +
control =
Control Input
Datapath Output
512KB L2
512KB L2
2MB shared L3 Cache
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2. Computer performance evaluation
❑ To maximize performance, need to minimize execution
performanceX = 1 / execution_timeX
performanceX execution_timeY
-------------------- = --------------------- = n
performanceY execution_timeX
performanceA execution_timeB
-------------------- = --------------------- = n
performanceB execution_timeA
= #-------------------------------------------
CPU clock cycles for a program
clock rate
Instruction_count x CPI
= -----------------------------------------------
4 steps
20 steps