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Weighing Indicator A19 User Manual

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Weighing Indicator A19

User Manual

A19-5628 V1.0 1
CHAPTER 1 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................- 3 -

CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND KEYPAD...............................................................................- 4 -

2-1 FRONT AND BACK VIEW OF THE INDICATOR.............................................................- 4 -
2-2 CONNECTING LOAD CELL TO INDICATOR..................................................................- 5 -
2-3 KEY..................................................................................................................................- 5 -
2-4 COMMUNICATION (OPTIONAL).....................................................................................- 7 -

CHAPTER 3 CALIBRATION........................................................................................................- 8 -

CHAPTER 4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.............................................................................- 10 -

4-1 SWITCHING ON............................................................................................................- 10 -
4-2 ZERO-SETTING.............................................................................................................- 10 -
4-3 TARE..............................................................................................................................- 10 -
4-4 ACCUMULATION AND CONCERNED OPERATION....................................................- 10 -
4-5 PARAMETER SETTING.................................................................................................- 11 -
4-6 ALARM FOR FIXED VALUE COUNTING......................................................................- 12 -
4-7 COUNTING OPERATION..............................................................................................- 12 -
4-8 PERCENTAGE MODE...................................................................................................- 13 -
4-9 POWER OFF ……………………………………………………………………………… -14-

CHAPTER 5 ERRORS INFORMATION....................................................................................- 14 -

CHAPTER 6 GUIDE FOR BATTERY........................................................................................- 14 -

CHAPTER 7 MAINTENANCE …………………………………………………………………….- 15 -

Please read this user’s manual carefully before operating the indicator!

A19-5628 V1.0 2
Chapter 1 Specifications
■ Model:XK3190-A19
■ Accuracy: Class III ,N=3000
■ A/D Conversion theory & sample rate: adopt ∑-∆, 20~40times/sed.
■ Simulating Voltage:DC+5V signal range:-2mV~13mV
■ Load cell:1~4 350 ohm
■ Display(EL backlight) : 6 bits LCD with 0.8 inch character height display
6 status indicating light
■ Keyboard: Slight keyboard with 6 keys
■ Power supply: AC 187~242V; 49~50HZ
Built in rechargeable battery,6V/4AH (If you connect one load cell, indicator can
work 100 hours while backlight is off)
■ fuse:500mA
■ Pre-heat time:15minutes
■ Operation Temp/RH:0~40℃ ;≤ 85%RH
■ Storage/Transportation Tem:-25℃ ~55℃
■ Dimension:260×190×170mm; Weight:2.2KG
■ Optional: RS232 , connected to PC or scoreboard, transmission distance ≤ 15m

A19-5628 V1.0 3
Chapter 2 Installation and Keypad

Front View

Back View

A19-5628 V1.0 4
The 9-pin socket is used for the connection of load cell, as shown below:
The below graph clearly shows the connection of load cell and indicator

1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9

6 +V +

+V -IN -IN _
1 -V

9 +IN +

8 -I N


■ Warning: Connection of indicator and load cell must be reliable and the operation should be in
power off statement.

■ Warning: After connection, the 9-pin socket must be fixed to ensure the security. No plugging
or pulling the connection freely. And be sure the connection must be operated under power off

■ Warning: As both the load cell and indicator are sensitive to the static electricity, anti-static
measures must be taken. No soldering operation or other strong electricity operation is
permitted. And anti-thunder measurements also should be taken to avoid any injury to the
devices or the operators.

2-3 KEY


Indicator will come to zero if it is within the manual zero setting range, the ”Zero” light will be on; if
it is without this range,it will be invalid.

The current weight value will be regarded as tare weight, the “Tare” light will be on ; Repress
[Tare] ,it will come into the gross weighing status and the “Tare” light will be off.The maximum

A19-5628 V1.0 5
value for tare is 99999.Also used as confirm key while setting parameter and calibration.

The current weight value will be added to the accumulated weight value when pressing this key.
The “Accum” light will be on.After about 2 sencods showing the accumulated weight value,it will
come to show the accumulated number for about 2 seconds.Then the “Accum” light will be off,the
indicator return to the weighing status.


Press this key,the display value will show the value prior to the selected division(exception of
division 1).That is to say,if the selected division is 2,then it will show the value with division 1;if the
selected division is 5,then it will show with division 2;If the selected division is 10,it will show with
division 5….But if the selected division is 1,press this key won’t make any change.The “CH” light
will be on,repress this key,the “CH” light will be off and show the valued with the selected
division.Also used as selection key or enter key while setting parameter.

Press this key,it will show[C-Add] for about 2 seconds,the accumulated value and number
will be cleared out,then it returns to the weighing status.

Press this key,the “Count” light will be on,it will come into the counting status.Repress this
key,the “Count” light will be off,it returns to the weighing status. er



Press the combined key of this,it will show the inner code of indicator.The full value of the
inner code is 20 times of the selected counts.For example,the counts is 3000,then the inner
code will show marking with 5 decimal points flashing.Repress the combined
key,it will returns to the weighing status.


Press the combined key of this,it will come into the parameter setting status


Press the combined key of this,it will come into the calibration status

A19-5628 V1.0 6

Press the combined key of this,it will come into the percentage display status


Press the combined key of this,it will come into the high/low limit alarming setting


2-4-1 Definition of the communication interface
XK3190-A19 has the optional part of the RS232 interface. We adopt the 5-pin aero plug, in
Pin 3 stands for TXD
Pin 5 stands for the ground connected
Two pins shield wire are recommended here for connection.

2-4-2 The communication method is continuous sending, the data format is:7 bits for weight
value(low data in front of high data ,1 bit for sign.)

For example:

The weight value is 200.0KG, the communication data will be:=0.002000

The weight value is -200.0KG the communication data will be:=0.00200-
The weight value is 2000KG, the communication data will be:=00020000
The weight value is -2000KG, the communication data will be:=0002000-

A19-5628 V1.0 7
Chapter 3 Calibration
3-1 Connect load cell properly, then turn on the indicator, it will perform self-checking, then enter
into the weighing statement.(15~30 minutes pre-heat is necessary to assure excellent
3-2 Put the jumper inside the indicator at ”CN2” location(the default location is just “CN2”),then
calibrate as shown table:3-2-1

Table 3-2-1
[CLEAR] + [ZERO] Enter the calibration, notes for inputting the
1 [C 000] password

Press [CH] , [M+] FOR Password:315

2 [C 315]
Press[TARE] to confirm

Press[CH] FOR DIVISION Select division optional(press[CH] for selection:

[E 2] 1/2/5/10/20/50/100/200,if the original division is
3 confirm
accepted, then press[TARE]for confirm
Example: 2

Press[CH] FOR DECIMAL Select decimal point optional

[ POS 2 ] (press[CH] for selection:0~4
4 Press[TARE] to confirm

Set the Zero parameter(Detail in Note3- 2-1)

W:Zero track speed
5 X:Zero track range
Y:manual zero setting range
Z:auto zero setting range
Press [CH] , [M+] FOR W bit flash,press[M+] for changing flash bit
INPUTTING PARAMETER, [ P 0124] among W, X,Y,Z;press[CH],the flashing bit will
Press[TARE] to confirm add each time by 1
Set the digital filter intensity (Detail in Note 3-2-
X anti-vibration select
Y stable range
7 [Ft XYZ]
Z filter intensity
The high value it is, the more filter intensity and
the lower response it is. The parameter 012 is
strongly recommended
8 Press [CH] , [M+] FOR [Ft 012] X bit flash,press[M+] for changing flash bit among
INPUTTING PARAMETER, X,Y,Z;press[CH],the flashing bit will add each
time by 1

A19-5628 V1.0 8
Press[TARE] to confirm
Press [CH] FOR COUNTS Select counts optional(press[CH] for selection:
SELECTION ,Press[TARE] to [n 3000] 1000/2000/2500/3000/4000/5000/6000/7500/100
9 confirm 00/12000/15000/20000/25000/30000

10 [ 6000 ] Display the full range:6000

After stability Zero point calibration:no load

[noLoAd ]
press[TARE] to confirm
Calibration over Linearity calibration :Put certain load, the
return to the weighing status
more close to the full range, the better it
is. Press[M+] to change the flash
[AdLoAd1 ] bit,press[CH] to add each time by 1,input
12 [ 006000 ]
the actual value of the loaded weight by
[M+] and [CH].After 5~10 seconds
stability, press[TARE] to confrim
Calibration over,return to the
13 weighing status [******]

Note 3-2-1,P parameter setting:

Table 3-2-2
W 0 1 2 3
Zero track speed 0.4second 0.3second 0.2second 0.1second

Table 3-2-3
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Zero track No 0.5e 1.0e 1.5e 2.0e 2.5e 3.0e 3.5e 4.0e 4.5e
range track

Table 3-2-4
Y 1 2 3 4 5
manual zero setting range 2%F.S 4%F.S 10%F.S 20%F.S 100%F.S

Table 3-2-5
Z 1 2 3 4 5
auto zero setting range 2%F.S 4%F.S 10%F.S 20%F.S 100%F.S

■Note 3-2-2:Ft parameter

X anti-vibration select:0 stands for turn off;1 stands for turn on
Y stable range: the parameter 0~3 corresponds to the range 0.5d、1.0d、1.5d、2.0d respectively

A19-5628 V1.0 9
Z filter intensity: the high value it is, the more filter intensity and the lower response it is.

Chapter 4 Operating Instructions

4-1 SWITCHING ON(15~30 minutes pre-heat will assure excellent performance)

Turn on the indicator, it will perform self-checking. After self-checking, the indicator will
come into the status of counting.If to operate using the built in battery,assure to turn on the power
switch button,then it will perform self-checking.
Attention: For the first time the rechargeable battery is used, it must be fully charged.

When the gross weight is within the zero setting range, press[zero],indicator will perform zero.
When tare is applied, pressing [zero]won’t effect.

4-3 TARE
When the value is stable, not negative, and without the zero range, press[TARE],indicator will
perform the corresponding operation, the “Tare” light will be on. Repress[Tare],it will quit the net
display mode.Then the “Tare” light will be off.The maximum tare value is 99999


Please refer to the following table


Load the weighed,press[M+] [******] Show the accumulated weight
after stability,the “Accum” light value(about 2 seconds), the maximum
will be on accumulated value is 999999
1 [t **] Show the accumulated number
(About 2 seconds) to indicate the current
accumulated number.The maximum
accumulated number is 99
2 For another accumulation [ 0.00] Zero the indicator,or tare it
3 Load the weighed,when the [******] Show the accumulated weight
“Stable” light is on,re value(about 2 seconds), ”Accum” light will
accumulate be on
[t **] Show the accumulated number(about 2

A19-5628 V1.0 10
[******] Return to weighing status,”Accum” light
will be off
4 Press[CLEAR] [CA----]


The parameter setting includes backlight setting、fixed value alarm setting、Baud rate setting. The
operation step is shown below:


Press[CLEAR] + [TARE] [bL * ] Backlight setting:0~3
0 :No background light
Come into parameter 1 :While gross weight is zero, background
setting light will be off after 15 seconds
2 :While net weight is zero, background
light will be off after 15 seconds
3 :All the time, the background light is on
Press[CH] for selection, [bL 1] Select backlight method(press[CH] for
Press[TARE] to confirm Example: 1
Press [CH] , [M+] FOR Fixed value alarm setting:
INPUTTING,Press[TARE] to X while alarming, the buzzer speak or not
[Lt XYZ ]
confirm Y Check the fixed value while stable or
4 not
Z Alarm method(Note4- 5-1)

Baud rate setting: Baud rate(press[CH] for selection among

[bAUd 1]
5 press[CH] for selection, 0 600;1 1200; 2 2400; 3 4800
press[TARE] TO confirm
Return to the weighing status,then
[ ****** ]
6 indicator will work according to the above
set parameter.

Note: 4-5-1
X:0 stands for the buzzer speak;1 stands for the buzzer doesn’t speak
Y:0 stands for check the fixed value whether stable or not;1 stands for check the fixed value while
it is stable

A19-5628 V1.0 11
Z:0 stands for alarm while it is less than the low limit;1 stands for alarm while it is between the
high limit and low limit;2 stands for alarm while it is more than the high limit;3 stands for alarm
while it is less than the low limit or more than the high limit


While in the counting mode, the indicator has the function of low/high limit fixed value
alarm.First,set the fixed value,pls refer table 4-6-1:

Step Operation Display Notes
In weighing Low limit setting: indicating for low limit
status,press[CH]+ inputting
[L ***** ]
1 [ZERO],it will enter into
the high/low limit
Input the low limit by If keep the original setting, just
[M+] and [CH],then [L 01000 ] press[TARE] to step 3,or press[ZERO]
press[TARE] to confirm directly to step 5,Note 4-6-1
[H ***** ] High limit setting: indicating for high limit
Input the high limit by If keep the original setting, just
[M+] and [CH],then [H 03000 ] press[TARE] to step 5,or press[ZERO]
press[TARE] to confirm directly to step 5,Note 4-6-1
Return to the weighing
5 [******]

The indicator can alarm according to the setting

Note 4-6-1:
If the low limit is 0,any value the high limit it is,the alarm function will be forbidden

Note 4-6-2:
XK3190-A19 has two methods of alarming:Single fixed value alarming and double fixed value
alarming.In single fixed value alarming,the high limit should be set 0,the alarming method should
be 0(under low limit) or 2(over high limit);While in double fixed value alarming,the high limit
should be over than the low limit.

A19-5628 V1.0 12
Attention:When the weigh value is zero,any alarming method won’t work.


The counting operation is done by sample quaintity setting:press[Count] to enter into the counting
mode,the “Count” light will be on.After putting certain quantity sample on the weighing tray,input
the sample quantity by the two following way when the weight value is stable:
(1) Way 1:Press[M+],it will show[000000].Input the actual quantity of the sample by the [M+] and
[CH],then press[TARE] to confirm.Counting operation is ready when the indiciator show the
actual quantity in the display.
(2) Way 2:Press[CH],it will show [ 10].By pressing [CH],you can fix quantity of the sample
among the number(10,20,50,100,200).To confirm your inputting,just press[TARE]. Counting
operation is ready when the indiciator show the actual quantity in the display.

(1) The sample quantity shouldn’t be too less.It is recommended over 50~100.
(2) When the weight value is negative,counting operation is invalid.(The counting number is
always 0).If the unit weight of the sample is less than 0.25 divison,it will show[Err 15] to show
sample is too less.But the counting operation can still continue.If the unit weight of the sample
is less than 0.05 divison,it will show[Err 10] to show sample is seriously less.The setting for
the sample quantity is invalid.Set the sample quantity again.
(3) In counting mode.operation of tare,zero,M+ is disabled.
(4) In the counting mode,if the sample quantity isn’t set,then counting operation will work
according to the last sample quantity setting.


While in the weighing status,press combined[M+]+[ZERO],it will enter into the percentage
mode,and show[/ 0.0].There are two ways to get the weight for percentage:
(1) Way 1:In the percentage mode,put enough sample on the weighing tray and press[CH],then it
will show[LoAd-P].Just press[TARE] to confirm,then it will show[/ 100.0] to the percentage
(2) Way 2:In the percentage mode,press[M+],then it will show[/00000],input the weight value by
[CH] and [M+] key,press[TARE] to confirm,then it will return to the percentage mode.

Note:When the sample weight is less than 50 outer code,it will show[Err-12] to show the sample
isn’t enough.Press [ZERO] to quit from the percentage mode to weighing status.


A19-5628 V1.0 13
Turn off the power switch button to power off the indicator.To completely stop the
indicator from working,just pull off the AC wire.

Chapter 5 Errors Information

For details of the error information, please refer to the following table:


[Err 01] The analog signal is extremely negative Check the connection of the load cell
and indicator
[Err 02] The analog signal is too high or error from Check the connection of the load cell
load cell and indicator
[Err 03] The weight is overloaded 1.If the indicator hasn’t been
you should calibrate it.
2.Decrease the weight so that it is
within the full range
3.Re-set the full range
[Err 11] The loaded analog signal is too weak Re-select the load cell with high
while calibration precision or less range capacity

[Err 12] Sample is too less for percentage Assure the sample weight is more
than 50 outer code
[Err 23] Error from memory First check the memory on the main
board and its concerned circuit to see
wheter it’s shorted or opened.If it’s
ok,then replace the memory

Chapter 6 Guide for battery

6-1When AC 220 V is on, then the battery will charge automatically.

A19-5628 V1.0 14
A. Red wire stands for positive while black wire stands for negative.
B. The first time charge for the battery, please take more than 24 hours to assure the security and
stability of the battery

2. When the low battery light is on, the battery should be charged soon. Under the statement of
low battery, the indicator can continue to work more than 10 minutes until it shows “bAttLo”.

Chapter 7 Maintenance

7- 1 To guarantee indicator clarity and using life, the indicator shouldn’t be placed directly under
sunshine and should be set in the plain space.

7- 2 The indicator can’t be placed into the place where the dust pollution and vibration are

7- 3 Load cell should connect with indicator reliably, and the system should be well connected
into ground. The indicator must be protected from high electrical field and high magnetic field.
■ In order to protect the operator, indicator and relevant device, you should mount lightning rod in

thunderstorm frequently happening area.

■ Load cell and indicator are static sensitive device, you must adopt anti static measures.

7- 4 It is strictly forbidden to clean the case of indicator with intensive solvents (for example:
benzene and nitro oils)

7- 5 Liquid and conducting particle should not be poured into the indicator, otherwise the
electronic components will be damaged and electric shock is likely to happen.

7- 6 You should cut off power supply of indicator and relevant device before you pull-in and out
the connecting line of indicator and external device.
■ You must cut off power supply of the indicator , before you pull out connecting line of the load


7- 7 During operation, if trouble occurs, operator must pull off the power supply plug immediately,
and user should return this indicator to our company for repair. Non-weighing manufacturer
should not repair it, or by yourself, otherwise further destruction may happen.

A19-5628 V1.0 15
7- 8 The storage is not granted the free repair guarantee, because it is easily exhausted products.
■ In order to prolong using life, please charge the cell fully before using it.

If you don’t use the indicator for a long time, you must charge the cell every two month and for
eight hours/each charging time.
■ Moving or installation must be carefully taken and must avoid strong vibration, impact and bump

in order to protect the storage cell from being damaged.

7- 9 From invoice date, the indicator has a one-year free repair period. If any non-artificially
obstacle about the indicator happens under correct using conditions within this period, the user is
allowed to send the product with its guarantee card (of the correct number) back to our
corporation for free repair. The indicator shouldn’t be taken apart, otherwise free guarantee will
be cancelled.

A19-5628 V1.0 16

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