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Pradeep Pujar

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072



Pradeep Pujar1, Amaresh2

1P.G. Student,Department of Civil Engineering,Veerappa Nisty Engineering College,Shorapur Karnataka,India

2 Assistant Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering, Veerappa Nisty Engineering College,Shorapur Karnataka,India
Abstract - Now a days because of heavy lateral loads most quality and dependability for structure against lateral forces,
of the buildings are failing in stability ( due to lateral for elevated structures which are at disjoin earth shake
forces,because of parallel strengths), for defeat this Shear zones enhancing firmness is basic.
walls are most normally utilized. These walls can be used for
giving more quality and security to the structure. At the point Shear walls are most normal auxiliary component to make a
when the structures are subjected to outside burdens, for building earth shudder safe. Fortified solid Shear walls are
example, seismic loads, wind loads and so forth, the Shear utilized as a part of normal, the outline and specifying is very
walls are assume real part to oppose lateral loads on simple and not that much trouble feels to a plan build. By
structures and are at the same time oppose gravity stacks and giving Shear walls building discovered powerful unbending
stays away from the failure of structure. Shear walls nature, enhanced pliability, firmness and furthermore
additionally limits the torsional impact and gives firmness. In practical. For tall structures the section and shaft sizes are
this thesis work three states of structures are considered are I- very substantial and the joints are conjusted, story uprooting
shape, L-shape, C-shape all are of ten stories, add up to six is overwhelming by giving Shear walls story displacement is
models are taken three models of bare frame and three models diminished and add up to fall is kept away from and shear
with shear walls all are often storied, the area of Shear walls walls guarantees sufficient firmness to elevated structures.
are at corners of the structures and L-segment Shear walls are
utilized. The seismic tremor zone of the structures considered 1.1 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY
is V (exceptionally extreme) and soil II sort. The examination
of structures are finished by Equivalent static technique with 1.To create 3D model of working with unpredictable
the assistance of E-tabs V 15.0.0 programming. From arrangement and Shear walls utilized E-tabs V 15.0.0
examination parameters like story displacement, story drift programming.
and base shear of structure are resolved and compared with 2.In demonstrating I-shape, L-shape, C-shape working with
and without shear wall structures. The extent of work is to and without Shear walls models are utilized.
concentrate the impact of seismic effect on plan irregularity in 3.To examination of structures with and without Shear walls
that exceptionally re-entrant corner case structures. the static method that is Equivalent static lateral force
method is utilized.
Key Words: Shear walls, E-tabs 2015, Plan 4.To concentrate the basic conduct at extreme seismic
irregularity tremor zones and looking at estimations of base shear, story
displacement, story drift of structures with and without
1.INTRODUCTION shear wall.

In present simplicity of development it is necessary 1.2 SHEAR WALL

to build multi-storied structures, because of shortage of
space and by this sort development work advance will be Shear walls is an auxiliary part used to oppose horizontal
quick. constrain i.e parallel to the plane of shear wall. For thin
dividers where the bowing misshaping is more,Shear walls
India is having diverse seismic zones in dis join and opposes stacks because of Cantilever activity. At the end of
exceptionally extreme zones it is fundamental to develop the day Shear walls are vertical components of the even
earth tremor safe or horizontal constrain opposing constrain opposing framework.
structures. Since earth shake causes enormous loss of human
life and property. Sooner or later it is necessary to develop In the building development, an inflexible vertical diaphragm
arrange irregular structures because of lacking space or to fit for exchanging sidelong strengths from outside shear
spare space, tasteful reason, due to not accessibility of walls, floors, and rooftops to the ground establishment
uniform ground condition, in such circumstance it is toward a path parallel to their plane. Illustrations are the
necessary to each outline specialist to accomplish fortified solid walls. Horizontal strengths brought about by
development of multi-storied working by giving adequate seismic tremor, wind and uneven settlement loads, in extra

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1405
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

to the heaviness of structure and tenants, make capable the re- entrant corner are 15 percent more noteworthy than
curving powers. This prompts the disappointment of the its arrangement measurements in the provided guidance.
structure by shear.Shear walls are particularly critical in tall 3)Diaphragm Discontinuity : Diaphragm with unexpected
structures subjected to sidelong wind and seismic strengths. discontinuities in solidness, are including those having
For the most part, Shear walls are plane or flanged in removed.
segment, while center walls comprises of channel area. They 4)Out of Plane offsets : its offsets of vertical elements.
likewise give sufficient quality and firmness to control 5)Non parallel system : The vertical elements which are
horizontal removals. resisting the lateral force are not parallel to lateral force
resisting elements.
The shape and plan position of the Shear walls impacts the
conduct of the structure extensively. Basically, the best 2.METHEDOLOGY
position for the Shear walls is in the focal point of every 50%
of the building and at corner of the building. This is once in a 2.1 STRUCTURAL FORM
while down to earth, since it additionally uses space a
considerable measure, so they are situated at closures. It is Horizontal burdens can grow high anxieties,
ideal to utilize shear walls without any openings in them. So produces influence minutes and causes to vibration of
for the most part, the dividers around lift shafts and structures, Earthquake and wind are the real wellsprings of
stairwells are utilized. Additionally, shear walls on the sides parallel strengths that effect to structures. The fundamental
of the structures that have no windows can be utilized. capacity of horizontal load opposing framework is to ingest
vitality instigated on the structure by these sidelong
Shear Building : Where there is no horizontal moment than constrain by moving or distorting without crumple. For
it is named as Shear building. Shear buildings have specially structural form a perfect structural arrangement is needed
designed shear walls provided along both width length of the and those structural elements are efficient to resist various
building to resist the wind seismic loads exerted on the combination of lateral and gravity loads.
At the point when a structure taller and more slender. The
By late reviews it demonstrates that always the incredible components affecting to outline of structure is imperative
execution of working with Shear walls under seismic here.
strengths. A hefty portion of codes made the Shear walls plan
for elevated structures a Mandatory. What's more, the
support detail of shear walls is moderately straight forward
as simple to actualize.
For earthquake analysis of building the method used is
1. Static Method
i) Equivalent Static Lateral Force Method (Pseudo static
There are two types of irregularities are technique).
2. Vertical Irregularities
The equivalent static lateral force method is a simplified
PLAN IRREGULARITY: Is the even inconsistency in the technique to substitute the effect of dynamic loading of an
design of vertical parallel drive opposing components, in this unexpected earthquake by a static force distributed laterally
way creating a differential between the focal point of mass on a structure for design purpose. The total applied seismic
and focus of Inflexibility, that ordinarily result in huge force is generally evaluated in two horizontal directions
torsional requests on structure. In other word the state of parallel to the main axes of the building , It assumes that the
being no uniform, or quickly fluctuating, rather than steady. building responds in its fundamental lateral mode.
1) Torsional Irregularity: It to be considered when floor To design and analysis of a structure capable to withstand
diaphragms are inflexible in their own arrangement in the effect of earthquake, the forces upon the structure must
connection to the vertical auxiliary components that oppose be first specified. This method is simplest one and it requires
the parallel strengths. Torsional irregularity considered to less computational attempts and based on the formula given
exist when the maximum story drift computed with design in the code of practice.

2)Re-entrant corners: Configuration of plan of a structure

and its parallel constrain opposing framework contain re-
entrant corners, where both projections of the structure past

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1406
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


3.1 STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATION I-shape Bare framed Building

For modeling of structures E- Tabs V 15.0.0 is used, for

analysis purpose Equivalent static method is used.
The Properties of the models are given below

Material Properties :

Grade of concrete : M25

Grade of Steel : Fe500
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel, Es : 20,0000 Mpa
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Ec : 25000 Mpa

Building Geometrical Properties :

Height of typical story :3m

Height of ground story :3m
I-shape Building with Shear wall
Height of building : 30 m
Span in X - direction :4m
Span in Y - Direction :5m
Number of stories : G+9
Column Size : 450 mm x 450 mm
Beam Size : 230 mm x 450mm
Thickness of Slab : 125 mm
Thickness of Wall : 230 mm
Thickness of Shear wall : 150 mm
Live Load on Roof : 3 KN/m2
Floor Finish Load : 1 KN/m2
Design Spectrum :
Type of Soil :Medium
Earth quake Zone :V
Zone Factor, Z : 0.36
Importance Factor :1
Response Reduction Factor :5

Load Combinations considered for the building analysis are

Sl.No Load Combination Load Patters L-shape Bare frame Building

1. Gravity analysis 1.5(DL+LL)

2. Equivalent static method 1.2(DL+LL+EQX)
1.2(DL+LL- EQX)
1.2(DL+LL- EQY)
DL = Dead Load.
LL = Live Load.
EQX,EQY = Earthquake load in X & Y direction.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1407
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

L-shape Building with Shear Wall 4.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Here the Story Displacement, Story Drift and Base Shear

esteems are gotten from Equivalent static method and
compared with and without Shear walls structures.


Story displacement is of all models , along X and Y direction

are listed below and compared.

C-shape Bare Frame Building

Table No.1 Story Displacement of all models in X-Direction

in mm.

C-shape Building with Shear Wall

Graph No.1 Story Displacement of all models in X-

Direction in mm.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1408
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Graph No.3 Base Shear of all models in X-Direction in KN.

Table No.2 Story Displacement of all models in Y-Direction

in mm.

Graph No.2 Story Displacement of all models in Y- Table No.4 Base Shear of all models in Y-Direction in KN.
Direction in mm.


Base Shear of all models , along X and Y direction are listed

below and compared.

Graph No.4 Base Shear of all models in Y-Direction in KN.


Story Drift of all models , along X and Y direction are listed

below and compared.

Table No.3 Base Shear of all models in X-Direction in KN.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1409
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Graph No.6 Story Drift of all models in X-Direction.

Table No.5 Story Drift of all models in X-Direction.
1.The Maximum story displacement in X-Direction of top
story for I,L,C shape shear wall structures gets lessened by
49%, 68% and 66% individually when compared with the
maximum displacement of I,L,C shape bare frame structures.
2.The Maximum story displacement in Y-Direction of top
story for I,L,C shape shear wall structures gets lessened by
65%, 60% and 50% individually when compared with the
maximum displacement of I,L,C shape bare frame structures.
3.The Base Shear in X-Direction of top story for I,L,C shape
shear walls structures gets increased by 96%, 39% and 49%
individually when compared with the base shear of I,L,C
shape bare frame structures.
4.The Base Shear in Y-Direction of top story for I,L,C shape
shear walls structures gets increased by 59%, 31% and 41%
individually when compared with the base shear of I,L,C
Graph No.5 Story Drift of all models in X-Direction. shape bare frame structures.
5.The Maximum story drift in X-Direction for I,L,C shape
shear wall structures upto seventh story it gets progressively
decreased when compared with bare frame structures, and
from 8th to top story it gets increased in I- shape is 83%, in L-
shape it is 50%, in C- shape it is 50% as compared with bare
frame buildings.
6.The Maximum story drift in Y-Direction for I, L,C shape
shear wall structures upto eighth story it gets step by step
lessened when compared with bare frame structures, and
from 9th to top story it gets increased in I- shape is 49%, in L-
shape it is 50%, in C- shape it is 50% as compared with bare
frame buildings.


Table No.6 Story Drift of all models in X-Direction.
1.The Shear walls building is having high effectiveness of
decreasing story uprooting because it diminished 50-70%
with contrasting exposed edge structures.
2.L-shape, C-shape structures with Shear walls are having
great reaction or great outcomes in base shear, story drift
and displacement.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1410
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.It shows that in X-direction in all shape of models the L- of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 02 Issue 06, August-
shape is having less displacement. 2016.
4.In Y-direction in all shape of models the I-shape is having 6.Earthquake Resistant Design of Building Structures, Vinod
less displacement with shear wall. Hosur, WILEY (india).
5.In all shapes the I-shape building with shear wall is having 7.Earthquake Resistant Design of Building Structures, Pankaj
increased base shear both in X and Y direction and the L- Agarwal, Manish Shirkande, PHI India.
shape is having very less increased base shear. 8.IS 456: 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of
6.In all shapes from 8th to 10th story the story drift is Practice.
increased and below 8th story it is lessened. 9.IS 1893 (Part I) : 2002 Criteria for seismic tremor safe
7.From the review it demonstrates that, the building gives Design of Structures-Code of Practice.
better execution by utilizing the shear wall in it for
opposing seismic tremor when contrasted with bare frame
8.From the review it demonstrates that the Y-Direction
esteems in all parameters of every one of the six sort models
are high.
9.By utilizing shear walls the building will oppose seismic
tremor proficiently with Our Indian atmosphere.
10.By including shear walls we can lessen the cross area of
section and shaft if any possible.


1.This study gives idea about the performance of Plan

irregular buildings.
2.This study will helps further referencing for dynamic
analysis of plan irregular buildings.
3.We can analyze plan irregular buildings by push over
4.By providing shear walls with steel bracing systems we can
analyze the plan irregular buildings.
5.This will be analyzed for vertical irregular buildings.
We can analyze plan irregular buildings by wind load


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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1411

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