Cross-Country Pipeline Safety Assessment
Cross-Country Pipeline Safety Assessment
Cross-Country Pipeline Safety Assessment
Pipeline safety assessment studies were carried out at the design stage of cross-country Natural
gas pipeline for implementation of various safety measures. The risk level based decisions for the
pipeline are easy for implementation at this stage, since the pipeline is proposed and various
modifications can be easily carried out. The costs incurred on such modifications are also
minimal. Risk level for the pipeline is computed through the use of Event tree analysis,
Consequence analysis, Vulnerability analysis and Individual risk computation. Pipeline design
parameters like pipeline thickness, its depth cover, routing, locations of sectionalizing valve and
site specific surrounding population density, terrain etc. was considered for arriving at the risk
level for the pipeline. Mitigation measures and design modifications were implemented to bring
This paper quantitatively evaluates the risk involved based on the actual population data along
the pipeline route for the entire stretch of the pipeline. This pipeline is one of the longest cross
Keywords – Cross - country pipeline, Event tree, Jetfire, Vapour Cloud Explosion (VCE), Flash
Fire (FF), Individual Risk (IR)
Cross-country pipeline transport for Natural Gas (NG) seems to be the most preferred convenient
economical & reliable method. The intrinsic properties of natural gas and its increasing industrial
industrial /
commercial importance has resulted in greater movement of natural gas through the pipelines.
These pipelines are often referred as highways of natural gas transmission. NG is transported at
high pressure in the pipeline at pressures anywhere between 30 ~ 100 bar. This reduces the
volume of natural gas being transported, as well as providing propellant force to move the NG,
20 MMSCMD. The pipeline passes through 14 districts from the receiving port (Jamnagar) to the
terminating point (Bhopal) as presented in Fig.1. The pipeline pressure varies all along the line
and intermediate booster stations at Ahmedabad, Dahod and Indore (at 309, 481 & 669 kms) are
required to generate enough pressure for gas movement. The 820 km line has 68 sectionalizing
valves dividing the pipeline in 69 sections. In addition to compressing natural gas, a compressor
station has condensate removal system for removing moisture and higher hydrocarbons liquefied
in the line.
The pipeline is underground buried in trench 1~1.5 m deep covered with earth. The starting point
is Jamnagar pumping station at an elevation of 4 m above MSL and the terminating point at
Bhopal is at 523 meters above MSL. Natural gas have customers on both ends of pipeline, the
producers and processors that input gas into the pipeline and the consumers and local distribution
companies that take gas out of the pipeline. Hence Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition
(SCADA) system for electronic monitoring of pipeline is done for the entire stretch of pipeline from
Pipeline failure
Failure of gas pipeline can occur due to a number of different causes such as external
interference (Referred as thirty party interference by EGIG), corrosion, fatigue, ground movement,
material or construction defects. Based on the causes, the failures can lead to leaks or ruptures
(Pluss, Niederbaumer & Sagesser, 2000). The failure mode is determined by the length, depth
and type of defect, and is dependent on the pipe diameter, wall thickness, material properties and
operating pressure. Estimates of failure probability is made from historical data reported by
Line rupture - Due to the pressure at which transmission pipelines are operated, a failure of a
pipeline leads to a turbulent and complex gas release. Following a rupture, or large puncture,
there will be rapid depressurization in the vicinity of the failure. For buried pipelines, the overlying
soil will be ejected with the formation of a crater of a size and shape, which influences the
behavior of the released gas. Depending on the alignment of the pipe ends in the case of a
rupture, the gas will escape to the atmosphere in the form of a jet, or jets. At the start of the
release, a highly turbulent mushroom shaped cap is formed which increases in height above the
release point due to the source momentum and buoyancy, and is fed by the gas jet and entrained
air from the plume which follows. In addition to entrained air the release can also result in
entrainment of ejected soil into the cap and plume. Eventually, the cap will disperse due to
progressive entrainment & a quasi-steady plume will remain. (Acton, Gosse & McCollum, 2002).
Line leaks:
leaks: In case of leaks from buried pipelines, the transient flow will be channelised through
the voids from the overlaying soil. If the leak is sufficiently large then soil will be ejected above the
pipeline. The jet will entrain air as it moves upward and will get disperse depending on the
prevailing wind direction and other meteorological conditions. The concentration of gas till its
Lower Flammability Limit (LFL) is hazardous, as it can catch fire on availability of Ignition source.
The total duration of release and its impact/consequence will depend on how quickly the release
Ignition: The minimum ignition energy for pure Methane at atmosphere pressure is 0.29 mJ, which
is very low when compared to static discharge of 22 mJ (on walking) or Ordinary spark plug
discharge of 25 mJ, hence ignition can occure at any time during the gas release (Crowl &
Louvar, 1990). If it occurs immediately or shortly after, the line ruptures, a transient fireball will
occur. The fireball, which is the result of combustion of the mushroom-shaped cap lasts, typically,
for up to thirty seconds. The heat radiation from such fireball can result in maximum damage to
surrounding population, such fireball can also result in major psychological fear to surrounding
Leaks from pipeline can result in Jet flow, which on ignition can lead to Jetfire / Torch. In areas
where NG is not odorized these Jetfire incidents can occur all of a sudden surprising the resident
population and authorities, when they are least prepared. The levels of incident thermal radiation
can affect people and property in the vicinity of an ignited pipeline release. Casualties can occur
as a result of receiving large doses of thermal radiation and buildings can be ignited by thermal
radiation directly from the fire or from secondary fires (e.g. from burning vegetation).
In this present case of Cross-country pipeline, hazardous incident outcomes for Full Bore Rupture
(FBR) and leak are sequentially developed through an Event tree. The database of European
Pipeline Incident Data Group (EGIG) representing almost 2 million kilometer year of pipeline
operations was used to determine a failure frequency for this gas pipeline. The failure rate
reported by EGIG for on-shore gas pipeline with design pressure greater than 15 bar is 4.76 x 10
Full Bore Rupture (FBR) represents 13% of the cases (6.188 x 10 failure /km/yr.) and 87 % of
the cases represents Leaks (4.14 x 10 failure /km/yr.). These failure frequencies were used in
Case A & B
Fireball and Jetfire scenarios are because of immediate ignition of released gas. The ignition
probability is assumed to be dependent on the population density. The population density around
the first section of the pipeline is given in Table I and Ignition probability values as a function of
Thermal radiation from fireball is intense and is inversely proportional to the square of distance
from the center of fireball. The casualties from the fireball will depend on the thermal dose
experienced by surrounding persons. Jetfire thermal radiation will have less effect since majority
of jets will be vertical with very less thermal radiation load on the ground level. Sequential
development of fireball and Jetfire because of Full Bore Rupture (FBR) and pipeline Leaks are
-5 -4
quantified through Event tree as 1.856 x 10 per km. per yr. and 1.242 x 10 per km per yr.
Delayed ignition: Gas release and fire hazards on immediate ignition are often considered as the
safest scenario for flammable chemicals since the flammable material gets consumed in this
process. Delayed ignition can occur in case the released gas is not immediately ignite but finds on
ignition source after the gas has dispersed and its concentration is still in flammable range.
Methane is lighter than air and hence will disperse more rapidly in open terrain on release and
hence delayed ignition for methane can only result in flash fire with no overpressure wave.
Case C & D
In case the pipeline is passing through congested area with certain degree of confinement for
vapours, with relatively stable atmospheric condition, then there are chances of explosion. FBR or
Leaks from pipeline can release maximum gas inventory approximately equivalent to the volume
between two sectionalizing valves. The released heavier gases; propane, butane & pentane can
settle down on ground leading to heavy gas dispersion for these hydrocarbons after initial buoyant
plume release. These hydrocarbons can lead to unconfined or confined vapour cloud explosion
on availability of ignition source. Inventory of only these hydrocarbons are considered for
computation of overpressure wave generated in case of Vapour Cloud Explosion (VCE). The VCE
chances are considered as only 10% and remaining 90% cases results in flash fire incidents,
hence VCE frequencies VCE1, VCE2 for FBR and Leaks are 3.465 x 10 -6 per km per
per yr. and
2.318 x 10 per km per yr. respectively.
Case E & F
The released gas (after FBR / Leaks) can disperse in open atmosphere and the dispersion zone/
area will depend on quantity of release, the atmospheric conditions (wind speed, atmospheric
stability, temperature, pressure etc.) and terrain conditions. The gas cloud is hazardous till the
concentration is between its flammability limits. In most conditions the Lower Flammability Limit
(LFL) is considered as the limiting range for dispersion zone / impact area computation. Any
delayed ignition within this zone will invariable result in Flash Fire (FF) incident. The thermal
radiation load within this zone can be fatal, hence this entire LFL zone is considered as 100%
fatality zone for FF incident. FBR and Leaks both can lead to FF. It has been assumed that 80%
of the times delayed ignition takes place. Out of these only 10% cases leads to VCE because of
confinement of vapous and remaining 90% cases leads to Flash Fire (FF), hence FF frequencies
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FF1, FF2 for FBR and Leaks are 3.119 x 10 per km per yr. and 2.087 x 10 per km per yr.
Determining the impact of each incident requires two steps. First a model estimates a physical
concentration of material or energy at each location surrounding the facility for example, radiant
heat from fire, overpressure from an explosion and concentration of flammable material till LFL
limit in atmosphere. A second set of model estimates the impact that this physical concentration
of material or energy has on people. Accordingly a threshold for fatality levels for 100 % and 1 %
The impact evaluated in terms of damage distances for these two fatality levels are presented in
Risk Estimation
All the 69 pipeline sections were considered for evaluating the damage distances
d istances for each of the
six cases A to F after considering the holdup volume in each section. The population density
adjacent to the pipeline was used for computing the risk level. The actual fatalities from each of
these cases A to F were estimated as Individual risk (F-X) curve. Individual risk (IR) at any
specific point is given by the summation of all risk (Hendershot, D.C. 1997) at that point and is
mathematically expressed as
IR = Fi x Pi
Fi = frequency of incident outcome case i , (per year)
Pi = probability that incident outcome case i will result in a fatality at that location
Individual risk has been computed considering all the six cases A to F. IR values for the first
section of the pipeline is presented in Table IV. Accordingly IR values were computed for each of
the 69 sections of the pipeline. The variation of the IR values for the entire pipeline along the axis
The planning & construction of the cross-country pipeline has to take into account the various
According Risk surface curve Fig. 3 was used for presenting the risk level from a cross-country
cross- country
pipeline to the surrounding population. Areas having risk level more than 10 fatalities per year
(Fat./yr.) was considered unacceptable and was further investigated by weighing its cost affective
risk reduction and public opinion in that area. The various risk mitigation measures considered
(Thomson, 1987) at specific sections of the pipeline as per increasing cost are:
Risk surface can be estimated once again after the decision for risk mitigation implemented and
design for the various pipeline sections frozen. The exercise can be repeated till all the pipeline
sections are brought in acceptable zone. The authorities can also establish an objective for those
non-acceptable areas were balance of interest from public, private and statutory organizations
The authors express their sincere gratitude to the Director, NEERI, Nagpur for according
permission to publish this paper. The cooperation and assistance provided by Mr. Prashant
3. Crowl, D.A. & Louvar, J.F (1990). Chemical process safety fundamentals with applications.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall
4. Hendershot, D.C. (1997) A simple problem to explain and clarify the pri principles
nciples of risk
calculation”, Bristol, P.A : Rohm and Hass Company Engineering division.
Fig. 1 : Proposed route for the 820 km. natural gas pipeline
1. FBR - 6.188 x 10
- 10% C VCE1 - 3.465 x 10
90% E FF1 - 3.119 x 10
Table I : Population density around the first section of the cross-country pipeline
Table III : Damage distance for various failure cases for the first section of the pipeline
Damage distance in meters for
Cases Consequence Effect
100 % fatalities 1% fatality
Case A –
A – Pipeline rupture Fire ball Thermal radiation 200 450
Case B –
B – Pipeline leaks Jetfire Thermal radiation - 20
Case C –
C – Pipeline rupture VCE
– 1 Overpressure wave 70 210
Case D –
D – Pipeline leaks VCE –
VCE – 2 Overpressure wave 40 115
Case E –
E – Pipeline rupture Flash fire –
fire –1
1 Dispersion & fire 681 -
Case F –
F – Pipeline leaks Flash fire –
fire –2
2 Dispersion & fire 330 -
Table IV : Individual risk at various distance from the pipeline for the first section