Nta855 Bom
Nta855 Bom
Nta855 Bom
TM 5-2815-233-14
SEP 13 1991
NSN 2815-01-216-0939
25 JULY 1986
TM 5-2815-233-14
NSN 2815-01-216-0939
This manual is printed in two parts as follows:
Part 1 consisting of Table of Contents, Operation and Maintenance instructions.
Part 2 consisting of a separate Table of Contents and Repair instructions.
You can help improve this manual. If you find any mistake or if you know of a way to improve the pro
cedures, please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and
Blank Forms), or DA Form 2028-2 located in the back of this manual direct to: Commander, U.S. Army
Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSTR-MCTS, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63120-1798.
A reply will be furnished directly to you.
Table of Contents
Intro pg
Part 1
Operation and Cummins Diesel
Maintenance Engines
Copyright © 1980
Cummins Engine Company, lnc. Bulletin 3379052-09 Printed 10/80
New and Rebuilt Engines Break-In 4. lf the injector and valve or other adjustments have
been disturbed by any maintenance work, check
Cummins engines are run-in on dynamometers before to be sure they have been properly adjusted before
being shipped from the factory and are ready to be starting the engine.
put to work in applications such as emergency fire
trucks, rail car applications and generator sets. Priming the Lubricating System
ln other applications, the engine can be put to work, Note: On turbocharged engines, remove the oil inlet
but the operator has an opportunity to establish line from the turbocharger and prelubricate the
conditions for optimum service life during initial 100 bearing by adding 2 to 3 oz. [50 to 60 cc] of clean
hours of service by: lubricating oil. Reconnect the oil supply line.
1. Operating as much as possible at three-quarter 1. Fill the crankcase to the "L" (low) mark on the
throttle of load range. dipstick. See Lubricating Oil Specifications,
Section 3.
2. Avoiding operation for long periods at engine idle
speeds, or at the maximum horsepower levels in 2. Remove the plug from the lubricating oil crossover
excess of five minutes. passage on NH/NT-855 Engines, Fig. 1-1. Remove
the plug from the head of the lubricating oil filter
3. Developing the habit of watching the engine housing on V Engines, Fig's. 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 and
instruments closely during operation and letting 1-6. On KT/KTA-1150 Engines, remove the plug
up on the throttle if the oil temperature reaches from the front of the oil cooler housing, Fig. 1-7.
200° F [121°C] or the coolant temperature exceeds
200° F [93° F].
4. Operating with a power requirement that allows
acceleration to governed speed when conditions
require more power.
5. Checking the oil level every 8 to 10 hours during
the break-in period.
Fig. 1-2, (OM1002L). Lubricating system (Miming point—VT-903 Fig. 1-4, (K21902). Lubricating system priming point — KT(A)-2300
C.I.D. Engine Engine
Fig. 1-3, (OM1003L). Lubricating system priming point—V/VT-555 Fig. 1-5, (OM202). Lubricating system priming point — KTA-3067
C.I.D. Engine Engine
Caution: Do not prime the engine lubricating system Warning: Clean the area of any lubricating oil spilled
from the by-pass filter. while priming or filling the crankcase.
3. Connect a hand- or motor-driven priming pump 7. Fill the crankcase to the "H" (high) mark on the
line from a source of clean lubricating oil to the dipstick with oil meeting specifications, listed in
plug boss in the housing. Section 3. No change in oil viscosity or type is
needed for new or newly rebuilt engines.
4. Prime until a 30 psi [207 kPa] minimum pressure
is obtained. A dipstick oil gauge is located on the side of the
engine, Fig. 1-8. The dipstick has an "H" (high) (1) and
5. Crank the engine at least 15 seconds (with fuel
"L" (low) (2) level mark to indicate lubricating oil
shut-off valve closed or disconnected to prevent
supply. The dipstick must be kept with the oil pan, or
starting), while maintaining the external oil pres
engine, with which it was originally supplied.
sure at a minimum of 15 psi [103 kPa],
Cummins oil pans differ in capacity with different type
6. Remove the external oil supply and replace the installations and oil pan part numbers. Check the dip
plug. stick calibration. lf in doubt, your Cummins Distributor
Operating Instructions
can verify that you have the proper oil pan and dip
stick calibration.
Operation and Maintenance
Construction and Industrial
rpm until the idle speed oil pressure registers on Cold-Weather Starting
the gauge.
Note: A water jacket heater is recommended for
3. Open the manual fuel shut-down valve, if so stand-by generator set applications installed in a
equipped. Fig. 1-9. Electric shut-down valves cold climate.
operate as the switch is turned on. A manual over
ride knob provided on the forward end of the
electric shut-down valve allows the valve to be The glow plug system supplies heat to the cylinders
opened in case of an electric power failure. To so that compression temperatures are sufficient to
use, turn fully clockwise; return it to the run posi ignite the fuel.
tion after an electric repair.
To aid in starting the engine when the temperature
is 50° F [10.0° C] or below, an intake air preheater
is available.
Preheater equipment consists of a hand-priming
pump to pump fuel into the intake manifold, and a
switch to turn on the glow plug which is electrically
heated by the battery. Fuel burns in the intake mani
fold and heats the intake air.
Warning: Do not use vapor in conjunction with the
preheater. To do so could result in a fire.
To use the preheater for cold starting:
1 . Set the throttle in idle position. Turn the glow plug
toggle switch to the "ON" position. The red indi
cator light must be on.
2. After the red light has been on for 20 seconds,
Fig. 1-9, (V21970). Using manual override knob start cranking the engine. As soon as the engine
begins rotating, operate the preheater priming
pump to maintain 80 to 100 psi [552 to 689 kPa]
4. Pull the compression release (if so equipped) and fuel pressure. Use of the primer before the 20-
press the starter button or turn the switch-key to second interval will wet the glow plug and prevent
the "start" position. After three or four seconds of heating.
cranking, close the compression release (if so 3. lf the engine does not start within 30 seconds,
equipped) and continue to crank until the engine stop cranking. Wait one or two minutes and repeat
fires. the cranking operation.
Caution: To prevent permanent cranking motor 4. After the engine starts, pump the primer slowly to
damage, do not crank the engine for more than 30 keep the engine idling smoothly. ln cold weather
seconds continuously. If the engine does not fire this may require 4 to 5 minutes or longer. Do not
within the first 30 seconds, wait one to two minutes accelerate the engine.
before recranking. 5. When the engine has warmed up so it does not
falter between primer strokes, stop pumping.
5. At the initial start or after oil or filter changes and Close and lock the primer. Turn off the glow plug
after the engine has run for a few minutes, shut it toggle switch. (The red indicator light will go out.)
down and wait 15 minutes for the oil to drain back
into the pan. Check the engine oil level again; add 6. lf the engine gives no indication of starting during
oil as necessary to bring the oil level to the "H" the first three full strokes of the preheater pump,
mark on the dipstick. The drop in oil level is due to touch-check the intake manifold for heat. lf there
absorption by the oil filters. Never operate the is no heat, check the electrical wiring. lf the wiring
engine with the oil level below the low level mark is all right, remove the 1/8 inch pipe plug (1, Fig.
or above the high level mark. 1-10) from the manifold near the glow plug and
Manually Operated Valve
The manually operated valve, illustrated in Fig. 1-11
includes the valve body assembly (6), clamp (2) and
nylon tube (3). The fuel cylinder (1), atomizer fitting
(5) and pull control (7) must be ordered separately.
Standard pull or throttle control cables may be used,
to actuate the manual valve, if desired.
Electrically Operated Valve
The electrically operated valve, Fig. 1-12, includes the
valve body (7), 90 degree elbow (5), clamp (2), push
button switch (6), and nylon tube (3). The thermostat
is mounted on the engine exhaust manifold and cuts
out the valve by sensing manifold heat when the
engine is running. See parts catalog for fuel cylinder
Fig. 1-10.(OM1006L). Glow plug inspection hole
NT-855 C.I.D. Engine (1) and fuel atomizer fittings (4). These fittings must
close the glow plug manual switch for 15 seconds be ordered separately, as required.
and observe the glow plug through the 1/8 inch
plug hole. The glow plug should be white hot; if
not, connect the wiring to a 6- to 12-volt (as used)
source and check the amperage; it should be 30 to
32 (minimum). lf the glow plug is all right, check
the manual switch and resistor (if used) and
replace if necessary.
Note: The preheater priming pump, switches and
resistor are located at the instrument panel and are to
be checked during engine starting.
The cold starting aid, approved for use in Cummins
Engines, has been based upon starting aid capabili
ties to —25° F [—32° C].
Caution: Do not attempt to use vapor compound type
starting aids near heat, open flame or on engines
Fig. 1-12,(OM1008L). Electrically operated valve
equipped with a glow plug system.
lnstallation Recommendations
The atomizer fittings must be mounted in the engine
air intake manifold or inlet connection to provide an
equal distribution of starting fuel to each cylinder.
The atomizer holes are 180 degrees apart and must
be mounted so the spray is injected the "long way"
of the manifold. lf incorrectly installed, the spray goes
crosswise of the manifold.
Recommended Starting Technique Using
Fleetguard Starting Aid
1. Set the throttle for idle.
2. Disengage the driven unit or make sure gears are
in neutral.
Fig. 1-11,(OM1007L). Manually operated valve 3. Open the manual fuel shut-down valve, or electric
Operation and Maintenance
Construction and Industrial
shut-down valve, whichever is used. Note: Engines in many applications are applied at a
lower than maximum rated speed; check the serial
4. Engage the starter and while cranking, apply
metered amounts of starting fluid until the engine
idles smoothly. Power generator units are pre-set to operate at a
specific governed rpm.
Use of Starting Fluid Without Metering Equipment
1. Spray starting fluid into the air cleaner intake,
while a second man cranks the engine. Table 1-1: Engine Speeds (RPM)
Engine Warm-Up
Oil Temperature
When the engine is started, it takes a while to get the
The oil temperature gauge normally should read
lubricating oil film re-established between shafts and
between 180° F [82° C] and 225° F [107° C]. Under full
bearings and between pistons and liners. The most
load conditions, an oil temperature of 240° F [1 16° C]
favorable clearances between moving parts are ob
for a short period is not cause for alarm.
tained only after all engine parts reach normal operat
ing temperature. Avoid seizing pistons in liners and Caution: Any sudden increase In oil temperature
running dry shafts in dry bearings by bringing the which is not caused by a load increase is a warning
engine up to operating speed gradually as it warms up. of possible mechanical failure and should be investi
gated at once.
On some emergency equipment (such as fire pump
engines) warm-up may not be necessary due to the During the warm-up period, apply the load gradually
equipment being housed inside a heated building. until the oil temperature reaches 140° F [60° C]. While
For an engine starting with a parasitic load, such as the oil is cold it does not do a good job of lubricating.
a fire pump, the coolant temperatures must be a mini Continuous operation or long periods of idle with oil
mum of 120° F (49° C]. temperatures below 140° F [60° C] may cause crank-
case dilution and acids in the lubricating oil which
Engine Speeds
quickly accelerate engine wear.
All Cummins engines are equipped with governors to
prevent speeds in excess of the minimum or pre Water Temperature
determined lower speed rating.
A water temperature of 160° to 200° F [71° to 93° C] is
The governor has two functions: First, it provides the the best assurance that the working parts of the
fuel needed for idling when the throttle is in the idle engine have expanded evenly to the most favorable oil
position. Second, it overrides the throttle and shuts off clearances. Maximum engine coolant temperatures
the fuel if the engine rpm exceeds the maximum rated should not exceed 200° F [93° C].
Keep the thermostats in the engine during summer
Speeds listed in Table 1-1 are for engines rated at and winter, avoid long periods of idling, and take the
maximum rpm and fuel rate. necessary steps to keep the water temperature up to a
Table 1-2: Oil Pressure PSI [kPa] @ 225° F [107°C]
minimum of 160° F [71° C]. lf necessary in cold 1. Place the VS speed control lever in the operating
weather, use radiator shutters or cover a part of the position.
radiator to prevent overcooling.
2. Lock the standard throttle in the full-open position.
Oil Pressure 3. Engage the power take-off.
Normal engine oil pressures at 225° F [107°C] oil To return to standard throttle:
temperature are listed in Table 1-2.
1. Disengage the power take-off.
Note: lndividual engines may vary from the above 2. Return the standard throttle to the idle position.
normal pressures. Observe and record the pressure
when the engine is new to serve as a guide for an 3. Lock the VS speed control lever in the maximum
speed position.
indication of progressive engine condition. (High oil
pressure during start-up is not cause for alarm.) For
Engine Shut-Down
record purposes these readings are more accurate
and reliable when taken immediately after an oil Idle Engine A Few Minutes Before Shut-Down
lt is important to idle an engine 3 to 5 minutes before
shutting it down to allow the lubricating oil and water
High Altitude Operation
to carry heat away from the combustion chamber,
Some engines, particularly naturally aspirated, lose bearings, shafts, etc. This is especially important with
horsepower when they are operated at high altitude turbocharged engines.
because the air is too thin to burn as much fuel as at
The turbocharger contains bearings and seals that are
sea level. This loss is about 3 percent for each 1000 ft
subject to the high heat of combustion exhaust gases.
[304.8 m] of altitude above sea level for a naturally
While the engine is running, this heat is carried away
aspirated engine. Operate the engine using a lower
by oil circulation, but if the engine is stopped sudden
power requirement at high altitude to prevent smoke
ly, the turbocharger temperature may rise as much as
and over-fueling.
100° F [38° C]. The results of the extreme heat may be
seized bearings or loose oil seals.
Power Take-Off Application With PT (type G)
VS Fuel Pump Do Not ldle Engine for Excessively Long Periods
The VS fuel pump governor lever is used to change Long periods of idling are not good for an engine
the standard governed speed of the engine from rated because the combustion chamber temperatures drop
speed to an intermediate power take-off speed. so low the fuel may not burn completely. This will
cause carbon to clog the injector spray holes and
When changing from the standard speed range to the
piston rings and may result in stuck valves.
power take-off speed with the engine idling on stand
ard throttle, operate as follows. lf the engine coolant temperature becomes too low,
raw fuel will wash the lubricating oil off the cylinder
walls and dilute the crankcase oil so all moving parts
of the engine will suffer from poor lubrication.
lf the engine is not being used, shut it down.
Turn Switch to "Off" Position to Shut Down the Engine
The engine can be shut down completely by turning
off the switch on installations equipped with an elec
tric shut-down valve, or by turning the manual shut
down valve knob. Turning off the switch which
controls the electric shut-down valve stops the engine
unless the override button on the shut-down valve
has been locked in the open position. lf the manual
override on the electric shut-down valve is being used,
turn the button fully counterclockwise to stop the
engine. Refer to "Normal Starting Procedure". The
valve cannot be reopened by the switch until after the
engine comes to a complete stop, unless a rapid re
start valve is installed.
Cold-Weather Protection
1. For cold-weather operation, use of permanent-
type antifreeze with rust inhibitor additives is
recommended. See Section 3.
2. Drain the cylinder block and heads on all engines
by opening the petcocks and removing the drain
plugs as shown in Fig's. 1-13 to 1-19. If an air com
pressor (Fig. 1-20), heat exchanger or other "water
cooled" accessory is used, open the petcock and
drain. Failure to properly drain the engine and
accessories may cause serious damage during
freezing weather.
3. lmmersion-type water and oil heaters are available
for engines used in cold-weather operations and to
maintain temperatures to permit the engine to Fig. 1-15, (OM1013L). Cooling system drain points (left bank side)
operate at full load at start-up. V7VT-555 C.I.D. Engine
Fig. 1-16, (V40033). Coolant drain point — V/VT-1710 Engine Fig. 1-19, (OM203 ). Coolant drain point — KTA-3067 Engine
Operation and Maintenance
Maintenance Instructions
Fire pump engines are built and applied under and review all systems for leaks or unusual condi
conditions set down by agencies such as Underwriters tions; correct as required.
Laboratory; therefore, parts originally supplied must 9. Stop the engine and install ST-1224 Adapter.
not be deviated from without qualifying agency ap
proval. The following instructions are those special 10. Check the crankcase oil level and fill it to the high
items necessary to this application, and should be mark.
used in conjunction with those previously stated.
11. Start the engine and adjust overspeed.
Initial Start-Up 12. Remove ST-1224 and replace the original adapter.
Note: Contact operating personnel responsible for fire 13. Clean the raw water strainer.
protection system before starting. Obtain approval to 14. Start the engine and adjust operating speed.
service or repair. After repair obtain authorized signa
15. Adjust the raw water pressure regulator.
ture of acceptance.
1 . Remove the heat exchanger cap, check or fill the 16. Engine is now ready for normal operation.
engine coolant supply; open the water filter inlet
Normal Operation
and outlet valves.
1. Daily or normal operation would include the
2. Prelubricate the engine with oil meeting specifica
checking of fuel, lubricating oil, coolant and cor
tions MlL-L-46152 (APl-CC/SC) viscosity 10W30.
recting any leaks or unusual conditions as required.
This includes removal of the turbocharger oil inlet
line on turbocharged engines to prelubricate the 2. Check the coolant and oil heaters to assure at least
housing by adding 2 to 3 oz [60 cc] of clean engine 120°F [49° C] water temperature has been
lubricating oil. maintained.
3. Check the crankcase oil level and fill to the high 3. Manually start the engine using the prescribed
mark on the dipstick. starting procedure.
4. Remove the fuel pump solenoid lead and crank the 4. Operate the engine the prescribed period of time
engine through both crankjng cycles. or 5 minutes after stabilization of the coolant
5. lf the engine is equipped with a "Vernier throttle",
place it in the idle position; if not, place the MVS 5. Shut the engine down using the normal test shut
throttle in the idle position. On turbocharged down procedures.
models the delay cylinder line may be disconnected
at the block and the block opening plugged. Fire Pump Engines — Overspeed
Switch Adjustment
6. Reconnect the fuel solenoid lead and start the
(IF Engine Models)
engine; run it at idle speed.
The speed switches required for overspeed protection
7. Verify the lubricating oil pressure has been estab
on fire pump engines require high speed for the over-
lished, normally in 6 to 8 seconds.
speed adjustment. All engines are now being shipped
Note: Some automatic controllers require lubricating adjusted at the maximum overspeed. The following
oil pressure higher than the normal pessure at 600 rpm overspeed adjustments are 20 percent above the rated
idle. lncrease the idle to 800 to 900 rpm if this condition engine speed.
is encountered. All turbocharged engines should be
An adapter, ST-1224 with 2:1 ratio, in speed switch
set to 800 to 900 rpm idle.
drive only, (1, Fig. 1-21) is available to drive the speed
8. Continue to operate the engine for 3 to 5 minutes switch at twice the engine speed. This tool when
installed in place of the existing adapter permits adjust On inline engine models, this can be accomp
ment to be made to the speed switch at slightly over lished by adjusting the Vernier throttle control.
1/2 engine and pump speed. This maintains a pump
On Medium Duty V engines, the speed adjust
speed well within its safe speed range while the
ment must be made by adjusting the governor
adjustments are being made.
idle and maximum speed screws. The idle screw
is housed in the front of the MVS governor. The
maximum speed screw is mounted to the MVS
Table 1-3: Engine governor by a bracket and is on the left hand
side of the fuel pump. Engine slow down is ac
Engine Rated
Overspeed complished by turning the idle speed screw
Model Speed
counterclockwise and turning the maximum
V-378-F1 1750-2200 2100-2640 speed screw in a clockwise direction. To in-
V-378-F2 2400-3300 2880-3960 I reverse the procedure.
V-504-F1 1750-2200 2100-2640
V-504-F2 2400-3300 2880-3960 5. Set the single
r"7 1-21. (ST-1224). ST-1224 adapter Fig. 1-22, (CGS27). Double speed switch
c. Turn counterclockwise to lower the engine
shut-down speed. Turn clockwise to raise the
engine shut-down speed.
Caution: Do not turn the adjusting screw more than
three (3) revolutions in either direction from the
factory setting. Do not attempt to set the duel element
switch in the same manner as the single element
d. Replace the dust cover screw removed in "Step
a" above.
e. All overspeed switches must be manually reset,
reactivate the switch by pushing the reset button
on top of the switch.
7. Replace the service tool, ST-1224, with the original Fig. 1-23. (N11979). Adjusting engine speed
drive adapter and reconnect the cables.
Note: lf the stop crank adjustment is required do not
use the ST-1224 Adapter. Replace with a standard
adapter to effect the adjustment.
Fire Pump Engine Operating Speed Adjustment
All Cummins fire pump engines will be shipped
adjusted at the speeds in Table 1-4, unless prior
approval has been established for a specific speed.
Final operating speed adjustment should be made at
the time of the in-service inspection to obtain the
required fire pump operating speed.
This speed adjustment must be made with the Vernier
throttle in the full fuel position and the systems fire
pump operating at its rated condition. All speed ranges
of N-NT and V-12 models are available by adjusting
the VS high speed adjusting screw. Fig's. 1-23 and 1-24. Fig. 1-24, (N11980). Governor adjusting screw
Maintenance Instructions
Maintenance Schedule
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70° F [21° C] must also be equipped with a lubricating
oil heater. When using a lubricating oil heater im
Schedule I, Schedule II
mersed in oil , the maximum surface of heater in contact
The following maintenance schedules should be used with oil, should be less than 300° F [149° C] to minimize
to establish maintenance practices for Cummins formation of hard carbon on the heating element.
standby (GS) or continuous duty (GC) generator sets.
Recommended wattage for the heaters when the unit is
Schedule l is used with standby applications. Many of in a protected area or in an enclosure are shown in
these installations are regulated by NFPA and/or local Bulletin No. 3379009, in Section 7 Miscellaneous.
codes (reference NFPA No. 76A). Standby units should be operated once a week under a
Standby rated generator sets are for supplying electric minimum of 25% of rated KW load for at least thirty
power in the event of normal utility power failure. No minutes. During this test, the engine must reach normal
overload capability is available for this rating. This operating temperature.
rating may be used for continuous service for as long Cummins Continuous Duty Generator Sets
as the emergency may last. This rating conforms with
the BS 649:1958 overload rating and DlN "B" 6270. Continuous duty generator sets may be equipped with
a cold starting aid. Maintenance procedures for these
Schedule Il is used with continuous duty applications. devices can be found in the seasonal maintenance
Continuous duty rated generator sets are for supplying section.
electric power in lieu of commercially purchased
power. Intermittent overloads up to the standby rating
are allowable. This rating may be used for continuous
service in commercial applications and it conforms
with BS 649:1958 and DIN "A" 6270 for generator set
Ag-pueis joiejaueo
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3. Abnormal water or oil temperature. Keep the cooling system filled to the operating level.
Check the coolant level daily or at each fuel fill point.
4. Unusual engine noise. lnvestigate for causes of coolant loss. Check the
5. Excessive smoke. coolant level only when the system is cool.
Table 2-1: Belt Tension (Lbs.)
and/or adjust belts to the tension as indicated in Table the side of the gauge should be flat against the edge
2-1. of the belt
Generator/Alternator Belts
Belt tension should be as indicated in Table 2-1 when
Fig. 2-4, (N11974). Water pump — with idler measured with the applicable gauge.
Visually check the fuel system, etc. for misadjustment
or tampering; check all connections for leaks or
Check the engine for damage; correct as
Belt Installation
lf the belts show wear or fraying, replace as follows:
1 Always shorten the distance between the pulley
centers so the belt can be installed without force.
Never roll a belt over the pulley and never pry it on Fig. 2-6, (N11001).
with a tool such as a screwdriver. Either of
Always replace the belts in complete
riding depth should not vary over 1/16 in [1.6 mm]
Pulley misalignment must not exceed 1/16 in
[1.6 mm] for each ft [0.3 m] of distance between
the pulley i
4. Belts should not bottom on the pulley grooves nor
should they protrude over 3/32 in [2.4 mm] above
the top edge of the groove.
5. Do not allow belts to rub any adjacent parts
6. Adjust belts to the proper tension.
Readjusting New Belts
All new belts will loosen after running for 5 minutes
and must be readjusted to "belt tension after run-in"
Ref. Table 2-1.
Maintenance lnstructions
Operation and Maintenance
Construction and Industrial
Fig 2-9. (OM1028L). Air cleaner—dry type Fig. 2-11, (OM1029L) Air cleaner—heavy duty
Maintenance Instructions
the lower portion of the pre-cleaner and aspirator and wash the cup in cleaning solvent or fuel oil.
tubing. lnspect the inside of the air cleaner housing
Note: During wet weather and in winter months,
for foreign material.
changing of the oil is equally as important as during
2. lnspect the dirty cartridge for soot or oil. lf there is dusty weather since the air cleaner inlet may be located
soot inside the Pamic tubes, check for leaks in the in an air stream which carries moisture into the cleaner.
engine exhaust system, exhaust "blow-back" into
Fill the oil cup to the level indicated by the bead on the
the air intake and exhaust from other equipment.
side with clean, fresh oil of the same grade as that in
lf the cartridge appears "oily", check for fumes
the crankcase and assemble it to the cleaner. In ex
escaping from the crankcase breather. Excessive
tremely cold weather a lighter grade may be necessary.
oil mist shortens the life of any dry-type cartridge.
A straight mineral, non-foaming detergent, or non-
Troubleshooting at this point can appreciably
foaming additive oil may be used in oil bath air
lengthen new cartridge life.
3. lt is not recommended to clean and reuse the
Caution: Never use dirty oil or used oil.
cartridge. When returned to service, life expectancy
of a paper cartridge will be only a fraction of the Drain Air Tanks
original service life.
ln cold weather, condensed moisture in the air tanks
4. Inspect clamps and flexible hose or tubing to be and lines may freeze and make controls useless.
sure all fittings are air tight on cleaners with exhaust
aspirators. Drain the air tanks to keep all water out of the com
pressed air system.
5. The pre-cleaner dust bin is self-cleaning.
Assembly Drain Sediment from Fuel Tanks
1 . Inspect the new filter cartridge for shipping damage Loosen the fuel tank drain cock or plug, if used, and
before installing. drain approximately 1 cup of fuel to remove water and
sediment. Close the drain cock or plug.
2. To install a new cartridge, hold the cartridge (3, Fig.
2-13 and 2-14) in the same manner as when remov Fuel/Water Filter Separator
ing it from the housing. lnsert the clean cartridge lf more moisture than usual is present when checking
into the housing; avoid hitting the cartridge tubes the fuel tanks, it may be advisable to install a water
against the sealing flange on the edges of the air separator.
cleaner housing.
Contact the nearest Cummins Dealer for a Fleetguard
3. The cleaner requires no separate gaskets for seals; water separator that meets requirements.
therefore, care must be taken inserting cartridge to
insure a proper seat within the cleaner housing. Drain plugs are located in the bottom of some fuel filter
Firmly press all edges and corners of the cartridge cases and in the sump of some fuel supply tanks. More
with your fingers to effect a positive air seal against condensation of water vapor occurs in a partially filled
the sealing flange of the housing. Under no circum fuel tank than in a full one. Therefore, fuel supply tanks
stances should the cartridge be pounded or should be kept as nearly full as possible. Warm return
pressed in the center to effect a seal. ing fuel from the injectors heats the fuel in the supply
tank. lf the fuel level is low in cold weather, the fact
4. Replace the pre-cleaner panel (2) and tighten the that the upper portion of the tank is not being heated
wing nuts (4) by hand, for final tighteness turn 1-1/2 by returning fuel tends to increase condensation. ln
to 2 turns with a small adjustable wrench. Do not warm weather both the supply tank and the fuel are
overtighten. On a pre-cleaner with an exhaust warm. ln the night, however, cool air lowers the
aspirator, assemble the aspirator tube to the pre- temperature of the tank much more rapidly than the
cleaner panel and tighten the "U" bolt. temperature of the fuel. Again this tends to increase
5. Care should be taken to keep the cleaner face condensation.
unobstructed. Engine Front Trunnion
Change Oil Bath Air Cleaner Oil lf used, the engine front trunnion mount should be
Before dirt build-up reaches 1/2 inch [12.7 mm], lubricated with grease meeting specifications as out
remove the oil cup from the cleaner. Discard the oil lined in Section 3.
Maintenance Instructions
1. The numbers along the left side of the chart repre b. Select a group lube oil consumption for entering
sent fuel consumption in gallons per hour. Divide the chart that is halfway between the average lube
the grid between "10" and "20" in 10 equal parts to oil consumption and the lowest oil consumption
find the point for fuel consumption. in the group.
2. Beginning at "17.5" (fuel consumption), draw a 4. Read the appropriate chart for each group using
line from left to right to the curve "8". This curve the fuel consumption determined in 2b and the lube
represents oil consumption at the rate of 8 hours oil consumption determined in 3b. The oil change
per quart. interval determined in this manner should be
applied to the entire group.
3. From the point on the curve "8", draw a line perpen
dicular to the bottom of the chart. The numbers 5. Since some will have more than one group of
across the bottom of the chart represent the oil engine models, a change interval should be deter
change interval in hours. mined for each group. In some cases it may be
wise to divide some groups into sub-groups (such
4. The perpendicular line from the curve "8" intersects
as older NTC-290's and newer Formula 290's) for
the bottom line of the chart between "500" and
which a change interval is determined.
"600". Divide the grid in 5 equal parts to find the
point for the recommended oil change interval. ln 6. Practically, now, a manager must review the oil
this example the recommended oil change interval change intervals determined for each group or
is 505 hours.
Since it is not practical with a group of engines to use a
different oil change interval for each engine based
on the chart method, Cummins recommends that
you use the chart method in the following manner:
1. Divide the engines into groups by engine model
(engines with the same lube system capacity).
2a. Determine the average fuel consumption for all
the engines in each group.
b. Select a group fuel consumption, for entering the
chart, that is halfway between the average fuel
consumption and the highest fuel consumption
in the group.
10 I ' ■ II 1
3a. Determine the average lube oil consumption for all 200 300 400 500 600
the engines in the group. OIL CHANGE INTERVAL (HOURSI
Maintenance Instructions
\8* 101
1VAU31NI j
^**>2 110
SlNO0V1-dVO0 asm
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*3 ;
Maintenance Instructions
Maintenance lnstructions
(anew «3d SNomvo) (booh «3d snohvo)
NOiiawnsNOO i3nd NOixdwnsNoo i3nd
Maintenance Instructions
ra0 (30NVH0
00 1VSI30NVH0
110 110
Maintenance Instructions
Lubricating Oil Analysis analytical results should be done as quickly and
carefully as possible to prevent serious engine damage.
An alternate method for determining when to change
lubricating oil and filters is by used oil analysis using
laboratory tests. The analyses used are for the purpose
of determining the amount of contamination in the Table 2-3: Lubricating Oil Condemnation Limits
oil; not for predicting potential engine failures. It is
recommended that new engines be operated through Property (ASTM Method*) Condemnation Limit
at least one oil change interval determined by the
chart method prior to initiating a used oil analysis Viscosity @ 100* C ±1 SAE Viscosity grade"
program. (D-445) from the new oil
ln order to initiate a used oil analysis program for a Insolubles, pentane. 1.0% maximum
large number of engines they should be grouped by noncoagulated
basic model, rated horsepower and type of service. (D-893)
The horsepower range of a group should not exceed Insolubles, toluene. 1.0% maximum
25; in other words NTC-270 and NTC-290 engines
could be placed in the same group, however, NTC-290
and NTC-350 engines should be in separate groups.
Small vee, medium vee, NH and K models should be
in separate groups. After the engines have been
grouped, a sub-group consisting of 10 percent of the
total engines in each group should be selected for (D-664)
the used oil analysis program. lf a group consists of Water content 0.2% maximum
less than 50 engines but more than 25 engines the (D-95)
sub-group size should be 5 engines. For groups of
less than 25 engines the sub-group size should be 8 Additive metal content 75% of new oil level,
(AES or AAS**) minimum
engines. The selecting of the engines for each sub
group should be completely random.
"ASTM (The American Society for Testing and
Each group of engines should be set up on oil change Materials) publishes these methods in their Annual
intervals as described under the "Chart Method". Book of Standards, Part 23. Other methods should
When the engines reach the end of the second chart not be used without consulting Cummins.
method oil change interval, an oil change should be
"SAE Viscosity grades are published by the Society
performed on all units in the group except those
of Automotive Engineers in their annual SAE
engines selected for the sub-group. The engines in
Handbook as SAE Recommended Practice J300d.
the sub-groups should only have an oil sample taken. and are shown in Table 1 of thsi bulletin.
Additional oil samples should be taken from each of
the engines in the sub-groups at every 48-operating- ***AES (Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) and AAS
hour interval after the first sample. This sampling (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) are not stan
frequency may be varied somewhat as dictated by the dard ASTM methods, however most used oil
operation. The sampling frequency should not be analysis laboratories are capable of determining
additive metal concentration by one of these
extended beyond 60 hours for equipment safety
methods and sample results determined by the
reason or reduced below 40 hours because of the same laboratory using the same method can be
added analytical costs. safely compared.
This sampling process should continue until the results
of the analyses of the samples indicate that any one
of the condemnation limits listed in Table 2-3 has To determine whether the maximum oil change inter
been reached or exceeded until the desired oil change val has been reached the properties in Table 2-3 should
interval extension is reached. This process should be be determined by the laboratory methods specified.
continued cautiously since the engines in the sub This table also specifies condemnation limits to be
groups are subject to permanent damage because used for determining the lubricating oils' useful life.
of the over-extended oil change interval. The analytical This group of analyses and the methods are not
work on the samples and the examination of the generally part of the oil analyses offered by most
Maintenance Instructions
commercial used oil analysis laboratories. These in Section 3, and genuine Cummins filters on
analyses are not low cost, generally costing between equipment.
$50 and $135 per sample.
Change Spin-On Lubricating Oil Filter Elements
When any one of the condemnation limits is exceeded
1 . Unscrew combination case and elements, Fig. 2-15,
on any one sample an oil change should be performed
discard elements.
on all engines in the sub-group. The hours at which
the sample for which a condemnation limit was ex
ceeded is the oil change interval at which 10% or more
(depending on sub-group size) of the group are using
lubricating oil which has exceeded its useful life. This
sampling and analysis process should be repeated
once to confirm the oil change interval. When this
process is complete the entire group of engines can
be placed on the new oil change interval.
This method of establishing an oil change interval
will determine a different interval for each group of
engines. lt is not possible to provide maintenance
on several different schedules or if one desires to
schedule the oil change to coincide with other mainte
nance, the more conservative (or shorter) maintenance
schedule should be used.
Please contact your Cummins Service Representative Fig. 2-15(OM1018L). Installing lubricating oil filter cartridge
if you need assistance or have any questions about
utilizing this method of determining an oil change
interval. Note: At each filter change check torque of adapter
mounting capscrew; it should be 25 to 35 ft-lbs [34 to
Change Engine Oil 47 N.m]. lf the capscrew is not within torque range,
the adapter may rotate when the spin-on filter is
Factors to be checked and limits for oil analysis are removed. Replace the adapter to the filter head gaskets
listed below. Oil change at "B' Check, as shown in at each "C" maintenance check.
the maintenance chart on Page 2-2, is for average
conditions. 2. Fill the filter with lubricating oil. Apply a light even
coat of lubricating oil to the gasket sealing surface
1. Bring engine to operating temperature, shut down prior to installing the filter.
engine, remove drain plug from bottom of oil pan,
and drain oil.
2. lnstall drain plug in oil pan. On 855, V-903, KT(A)-
1150, KT(A)-2300 and KTA-3067 Engines torque
to 60 to 70 ft-lbs [81 to 95 N.m]. On V-378, V-504
and V-555 Engines torque to 35 to 40 ft-lbs [47 to 54
N.m]. On V-1710 Engines torque to 45 to 55 ft-lbs
[61 to 75 N.m].
3. Fill the crankcase to "H" (high level) mark on the
4. Start engine and visually check for oil leaks.
5. Shut down the engine; allow 15 minutes for oil to
drain back into the pan; recheck the oil level with
the dipstick. Add oil, as required.
Fig. 2-16, (K21907). Installing "spin-on" lubricating oil filter —
Note: Use lubricating oil meeting specifications listed KT(A)-2300 Engine
3. Position element to the filter head, Fig. 2-16. Change Lubricating CM By-Pass Filter Element
Tighten by hand until the seal touches the filter
Note: By-pass filters may be mounted either vertically,
head, tighten an additional one-half to three-
horizontally or inverted; all are serviced in like manner.
fourths turn.
1. Remove the drain plug (5, Fig. 2-17) and drain oil.
2. Remove the clamping ring capscrew (1) and lift
off the cover.
4. Run the engine, check for leaks, recheck engine
oil level; add oil as necessary to bring the oil level 3. Unscrew the support hold-down assembly (3); lift
to "H" mark on the dipstick. out the element (4) and the hold-down assembly.
Discard the element
Note: Always allow oil to drain back to the oil pan
before checking the level. This may require 15 minutes. 4. Clean the housing and hold-down assembly in
Change the LF—777 Lubricating CM Spin-On
By-pass Filter. 5. Inspect the hold-down assembly spring and seal.
Replace if damaged.
1. Unscrew the spin-on filter from the filter head;
discard the filter. 6. Inspect the drain plug and connections. Replace
if damaged.
2. Apply a light even coat of lubricating oil to the
gasket sealing surface, prior to installing the filter. 7. Check the orifice plug (6) inside the oil outlet con
nection or standpipe; blow out with air to open
3. Position the filter to the filter head. Tighten by hand
and clean.
until the seal touches the filter head; tighten an
additional one turn. 8. Check the filter cover O-ring (7). Replace if
4. Run the engine, check for leaks, shut-down the
engine. Add oil as necessary to bring the oil level 9. Install the new element in the housing. Fig. 2-1 &
to the "H" mark on the dipstick.
10. Replace the support hold-down assembly in the
filter and tighten down to stop.
11. Position the O-ring seal on the housing flange.
12. Install the cover and clamping ring; tighten the cap-
screws until the clamping lugs are indexed.
13. Run the engine, check for leaks; add enough extra
oil to the crankcase to fill to the "H" (high) mark
on the dipstick.
cig. 2-17, (V41908). By-pass filter cross section Fig. 2-18, (K21908). Installing by-pass filter element
Maintenance Instructions
Fig. 2-20,(OMl021L). Installing replaceable fuel filter element Fig. 2-21, (N12021). DCA coolant test kit
Operation and Maintenance
depending on the presence or absence of anti 500 gallons [1892 l] yields a total DCA requirement
freeze in the cooling system. of 750 oz. [46 lb. 14 oz.) [21.3 kg].
2. Estimate the make-up DCA. For example, if a fifteen 4. Add the water to the holding tank. Agitating con
gallon cooling system contains only 0.5 oz/gal. tinuously, add the DCA to the water in small
[4 ml per l] DCA, and 1.5 oz/gal. [12 ml per l] is amounts until all of the chemical has dissolved.
required, 15 ounces [426 g] of DCA should be The water should be above 50° F [10°C].
added to the make-up coolant.
5. Add the antifreeze last, if used, maintaining agita
Note: A one pint bottle of DCA-4L liquid (P/N 3300858) tion to bring and keep the finished coolant in
contains six dry ounces of DCA chemical in Step 2, solution. Both antifreeze and DCA will settle to the
concentrations are in dry ounces of chemical per bottom of the tank unless constant mixing or recir
gallon of coolant. culation is provided. An example of recirculation is
the use of a small pump operating continuously
3. Estimate the total amount of make-up coolant
to draw DCA and antifreeze off the bottom of the
required (gallons), and calculate the proportions
tank and discharging the solution at the top.
of water and antifreeze, if used, required. For
Samples of coolant can be drawn off the top, middle
example, one gallon of 50-50 antifreeze/water
and bottom of the storage tank and tested for anti
solution will require two quarts of antifreeze and
freeze and/or DCA concentration if inadequate
two quarts of water.
mixing is suspected.
4. Add the required amount of water to a mixing
Change DCA Water Filter
container and dissolve the number of ounces of
DCA obtained in Step 2 in the water. lf negative Change the filter or element at each "B" Check; selec
or zero results were obtained in Step 2, do not add tion of element to be used should be based upon the
DCA. (For DCA to dissolve, water should be above size of the system. See "Coolant Specifications",
50° F [10° C].) Section 3.
5. Add the required amount of antifreeze, if used, to Note: Whenever the coolant supply is changed the
the water solution and mix thoroughly. system must be drained, flushed, and precharged. See
"Coolant Specifications", Section 3 for DCA compati
6. Add the make-up coolant to the cooling system.
bility with different brands of antifreeze.
Note: lf the DCA concentration is low, and the coolant
level high, DCA may be added directly to the radiator Spin-On Element
in the amount indicated in Step 2. The engine should 1 . Close the shut-off valves on the inlet and drain lines.
be running and warm enough to permit coolam circu
2. Unscrew the element and discard.
lation throughout the entire system.
3. Apply a light even coat of lubricating oil to the
Bulk Storage of Make-Up Coolant
If make-up coolant is stored in bulk, the following
recommendations are provided for mixing and storing
the coolant.
1. Drain and clean the bulk storage tank to remove
any possible contaminants.
2. Krowing the total capacity of the holding tank,
calculate the proportions of water and antifreeze,
if used, required. For example, a 500 gallon [1892 1]
tank will hold 250 gallons [946 l] of water and 250
gallons [946 l] of antifreeze for a 50-50 mixture.
3. Multiply the desired DCA concentration by the
total capacity of the holding tank in gallons. ln the
example above, 1.5 oz. DCA per gallon [12 ml per l]
of coolant can be used in the 50-50 mixture. Multi
plying 1.5 oz. DCA per gallon [12 ml per l] times Fig. 2-23, (OM1023L). Installing DCA water filter cartridge
Operation and l
Maintenance Instructions
At each "C" Maintenance Check, first perform all A", Valve Set Mark Alignment
and "B" Checks in addition to those following:
1. Turn the crankshaft in direction of rotation until
No. 1 "VS" mark appears on the vibration damper
Adjust Injectors and Valves
or crankshaft pulley. See Fig. 2-28 for the location
lt is essential that the injectors and valves be in correct of the valve set marks. ln this position, both intake
adjustment at all times for the engine to operate and exhaust valves must be closed for cylinder
properly. One controls engine breathing; the other No. 1 ; if not, advance the crankshaft one revolution.
controls fuel delivery to the cylinders. See Fig. 2-29, Fig. 2-30 and Table 2-5 for firing
Final operating adjustments must be made using
correct values as stated.
Caution: Be sure the injector and valve set markings,
wherever located, are in proper alignment with the
indicator mark.
Note: After all the injectors and valves are adjusted and 3. Turn down the crosshead adjusting screw until rit
the engine has been started and warmed up to 140° F touches the valve stem. Fig. 2-33.
[69° CJ oil temperature, reset the injectors to the warm
4. Hold the adjusting screw in this position and torque
setting. This is only necessary if the injectors, lever
the locknut to the values listed in Table 2-8.
assemblies, or push rods have been changed.
5 Check the clearance between the crosshead and
3. Hold the injector adjusting screw and tighten the
the valve spring retainer with a wire gauge. There
injector adjusting screw locknut to the values indi
must be a minimum of 0.025 inch (0.64 mm] clear
cated in Table 2-7.
ance at this point.
When an ST-669 Adapter is used, nut torque is reduced
Valve Adjustment
to compensate for additional torque arm length. Fig.
2-32. The same crankshaft position used in adjusting the
injectors is used for setting the intake and exhaust
Table 2-7: Injector and Valve Locknut Torque
V/VT-378, V/VT-504, V/VT-555 Engines
Table 2-8: Crosshea d Locknut Torque
Without ST-669 With ST-669
Without ST-669 With ST-669
40 to 45 ft-lbs. 30 to 35 fl-lbs.
[54 to 61 N -m] [41 to 47 N -m] 25 to 30 ft-lbs. 22 to 26 ft-lbs
[34 to 41 N-rn] [30 to 35 N -m]
Crosshead Adjustment
1. Loosen the locknut and back off the adjusting
Crossheads are used to operate two valves with one
screw. Insert a feeler gauge between the rocker
rocker lever. The crosshead asjustment is provided to
lever and the top of the crosshead. Valve clearances
assure equal operation of each pair of valves and
are shown in Table 2-9. Turn the screw down until
prevent strain from misalignment.
the lever just touches the gauge and lock the
1 . Loosen the valve crosshead adjusting screw lock- adjusting screw in this position with the locknut.
nut and back off the screw one turn. Fig. 2-34. Torque the locknut to the values indicated
in Table 2-7; note Step 2 under "Injector Plunger
2. Use light finger pressure at the rocker lever contact
surface to hold the crosshead in contact with the
valve stem (without the adjusting screw).
Maintenance lnstructions
Maintenance Instructions
25 VS
Maintenance lnstructions
block in the open position only while barring the valves closed; this is the cylinder to be adjusted.
5. Adjust the injector plunger first, then the cross-
2. Loosen the injector rocker lever adjusting nut on all heads and valves to the clearances indicated in the
cylinders. This will aid in distinguishing between following paragraphs.
cylinders adjusted and not adjusted.
6. For the firing order See Table 2-13 for lnline
Note: Before adjusting the injectors and valves be sure Engines and Tabel 2-14 and Fig. 2-47 for V-1710
to determine if the rocker housings are cast iron or Engines.
aluminum and use the appropriate setting.
3. Bar the engine in the direction of rotation until a
valve set mark (Fig's. 2-45, 2-46 and 2-47) aligns
with the mark or pointer on the gear case cover. "V
Example: A or 1-6 "VS" on lnline Engines or 1-6R
"VS" on V-1710 Engines. ©0© ©0©
4. Check the valve rocker levers on the two cylinders
aligned as indicated on the pulley. On one cylinder
of the pair, both rocker levers will be free and the
000 00©
Fig. 2-45, (V41484). Valve set mark — V-1710 Table 2-14: Firing Order V-1710 Engines
Right Hand —
1 L-6R-2L-5R-4L-3R-6L-1 R-5L-2R-3L-4R
Left Hand —
1 L-4R-3L-2R-5L-1 R-6L-3R-4L-5R-2L-6R
Operation and Maintenance
Construction and lndustrial
Crosseheads are used to operate two valves with one
rocker lever. The crosshead adjustment is provided to
assure equal operation of each pair of valves and
prevent strain from misalignment.
1 . Loosen the valve crosshead adjusting screw lock-
nut and back off the screw (4, Fig. 2-50) one turn.
V-1710 Engines
Fig 2-48. (V414190). Adjusting injector plunger — V-1710
50 [0.6]
NH-NT-743 and 855 Engines
Cast lron Rocker Housing
48 [5.4] 72 [8.1]
Aluminum Rocker Housing
71 [81] 72 [8.1]
Maintenance Instructions
screwdriver and tighten the locknuts to 25 to 30 set while adjusting the injectors by this method. See
ft-lbs [34 to 41 N.m]. Table 2-17.
5. Check the clearance between the crosshead and 3375004 lnjector Adjustment Kit is used to adjust the
the valve spring retainer with a wire gauge. There injectors with or without Jacobs Brake units installed.
must be a minimum of 0.020 inch [0.51 mm] clear
lt is essential that the injectors and valves be in correct
ance at this point.
adjustment at all times for the engine to operate
Valve Adjustment properly.
The same engine position used in adjusting the
injectors is used for setting the intake and exhaust
Table 2-1 7: Injector and Valve Set Position KT(A)-1 1 50
1 . While adjusting the valves, make sure that the com Bar in Pulley Set Cylinder
pression release, on those engines so equipped, Direction Position Injector Valve
is in the running position. Start A 3 5
2. Loosen the locknut and back off the adjusting Adv. To B 6 3
screw. lnsert a feeler gauge between the rocker Adv. To C 2 6
lever and crosshead. Turn the screw down until the Adv. To A 4 2
Adv. To B 1 4
lever just touches the gauge and lock the adjusting
Adv. To C 5 1
screw in this position with the locknut. Tighten the
locknut to 40 to 45 ft-lbs [54 to 61 N.m] torque. Firing Order 1-5-3-6-2-4
When using ST-669 torque to 30 to 35 ft-lbs [41 to
47 N.m).
One controls engine breathing; the other controls
3. Always make final valve adjustment at stabilized fuel delivery to the cylinders.
engine lubricating oil temperature. See Table 2-16
Operating adjustments must be made using the
for the appropriate valve clearances.
correct values as stated.
Injector and Valve Adjustment
Table 2-16: Valve Clearances — Inch [mm] Note: Do not use the fan to rotate the engine. Remove
the shaft retainer key. Fig. 2-51, and press the shaft
Intake Valves Exhaust Valves inward until the barring gear engages the drive gear;
Cold Set Cold Set then advance. After the adjustments are complete
retract the shaft and install the retainer key into the
V-1710 Engines safety lock groove.
0.014 [0.36] 0.027 [0.69]
NH-NT-743 and 855 Engines
Cast lron Rocker Housing
0.016 [0.41] 0.029 [0.74]
Aluminum Rocker Housing
0.014 [0.36] 0.027 [0.69]
Operation and
Note: The injector and valves on any one (1) cylinder Injector PlunQcr
Travel Intake Exhaust
can not be set at the same valve set position. Example:
lf the rocker levers on No. 3 cylinder are free (valves 0.304 ± 0.001 0.014 0.027
closed) the injector plunger travel on No. 6 cylinder is [7.72 ± 0.03] [0.36] [0.69]
to be adjusted. Any valve set position may be used as
a starting point. See Table 2-17.
2. lnstall 3375004 Dial Indicator Assembly to the
rocker housing, extension (3375005) must go
through the opening in the Jacobs Brake housing
and contact the injector plunger top, Fig. 2-53.
3. Screw the injector lever adjusting screw down until
the plunger is bottomed in the cup, back off approx
imately 1/2 turn then bottom again, set the dial
indicator at zero (0).
Note: Care must be taken to assure the injector plunger
is correctly bottomed in the cup, without overtighten
ing the adjusting screw, before setting the dial indicator.
4. Back the adjusting screw out until a reading of
0.304 inch [7.72 mm], reference Table 2-18, is ob
tained on the dial indicator. Snug tighten the
locknut. Fig 2-54. (K1 14104). Actuating rocker lever
Maintenance lnstructions
6. Using ST-669 Torque Wrench Adapter to hold the 1 1 . See Table 2-18 for valve clearance values.
adjusting screw in position, torque the locknut
1 2. Repeat the adjustment procedure for each cylinder.
to30to35ft-lbs[41 to47N.m]. lf the torque wrench
See Table 2-17 for firing order and injector and
adapter is not used, hold the adjusting screw with
valve set positions.
a screwdriver, torque the locknuts to 40 to 45 fl-lbs
[54 to 61 N.m]. Crosshead Adjustment
7. Actuate the injector plunger several times as a Crossheads are used to operate two valves with one
check of the adjustment. Remove the dial indicator rocker lever. The crosshead adjustment is provided to
assembly. assure equal operation of each pair of valves and pre
vent strain from misalignment.
Caution: If Jacobs Brake is not used, be sure the cross-
heads are adjusted before setting the valves. See 1 . Loosen the valve crosshead adjusting screw lock-
Crosshead Adjustment following. nut and back off the screw (4, Fig. 2-56) one turn.
8. Adjust the valves on the appropriate cylinder as
determined in Step 1 and Table 2-18. Tighten the
locknuts the same as the injector locknut.
9. lf Jacobs Brake is used, use 3375012 (0.018 inch
[0.46 mm] thick) Feeler Gauge and 3375008 Torque
Wrench Adapter, set the exhaust valve crosshead
to Jacobs Brake slave piston clearance. Fig. 2-55.
Note: KT(A)-2300 and KTA-3067 injectors, cross- the barring mechanism must be removed when viewing
heads and valves are adjusted to the same values. the timing marks at the flywheel housing.
Refer to Fig's. 2-57 and 2-58 for specific cylinder 1 . When viewing the engine at the vibration damper.
arrangement and engine firing order. Fig. 2-59, align the timing marks on the damper
with the pointer on the gear case cover.
LB ( u ;
Fig 2-57, (K21916). Cylinder arrangement and firing order - Fig 2-59. (K21917)
KT(A)-2300 KT(A>-2300
Firing Order
V 16 -1R 1L 3R 3L-7R-7L-5R4L-8R-8L-6R-6L-2R-2L-4R-4L
Operation and
check of the adjustment. Tighten the lockouts to and valve adjustment on this cylinder bar the engine in
30 to 35 fHbs [41 to 47 N.m] torque when using the direction of rotation until the next valve set mark
ST-669 Torque Wrench Adapter. is aligned with the scribe mark at the flywheel housing
or the pointer on the gear case cover, repeat the pro
6. Remove 3375004 Kit
cedure. See Fig s. 2-57 and 2-58 I
ment and engine firing order.
Crossheads are used to operate two valves with one
rocker lever, an adjusting screw is provided to assure
equal operation of each pair of valves and prevent
strain from misalignment Crosshead adjustment
1 . Remove fill plug ( 1 . Fig. 2-64) from the hole marked
changes as a result of valve and seat wear during
"Lub oif.
Maintenance Instructions
not binding. Use the following procedure. Clean Complete Oil Bath Air Cleaner
1 . Check the idler arm for freedom of movement. Steam
a. Grasp the pulley and move the pulley and arm Steam clean the oil bath cleaner main body screens.
away from the fan belt until the arm is nearly Direct the stream jet from the air outlet side of the
vertical. cleaner to wash dirt out in the opposite direction of
air flow.
b. Release the arm and pulley and allow them to
move back to their original position against Solvent-Air Cleaning
the belts.
1 . Steam clean the exterior of the cleaner.
c. The motion of the arm and pulley assembly
2. Remove the air cleaner oil cup.
should be free with no binding.
3. Clamp the hose with the air line adapter to the air
2. lf the arm appears to be binding or tight, release the cleaner outlet.
spring tension by placing a box end wrench over
the square knob on the end of the pivot arm cap and 4. Submerge the air cleaner in solvent.
while holding up on the box end wrench, remove 5. lntroduce air into the unit at 3 to 5 psi [21 to 34 kpa]
the capscrew which holds the cap in place and and leave it in the washer 10 to 20 minutes.
allow the spring to unwind by allowing the box end
wrench to rotate counterclockwise. 6. Remove the cleaner from solvent and steam clean
thoroughly to remove all traces of solvent. Dry with
a. With the spring unloaded, rotate the cap until compressed air.
the slots inside the cap align with the roll pins Caution: Failure to remove solvent may cause engine
in the pivot arm, and remove the cap by pulling to overspeed until all solvent is sucked from the cleaner.
away from the engine.
7. lf the air cleaner is to be stored, dip it in lubricating
b. With the torsion spring unloaded, the pivot arm oil to prevent rusting of the screens.
should rotate freely. lf it does not appear free,
Note: lf screens cannot be thoroughly cleaned by
then the bushings require replacement or re
either method, or if the body is pierced or otherwise
packing with lubricant.
damaged, replace with a new air cleaner.
3. To inspect the bushings, loosen and remove the
large hex head capscrew in the center of the pivot
arm and remove the pivot arm from the pivot arm
At each "D" Maintenance Check, perform all "A", "B" Clean and Calibrate Fuel Pump
and "C" checks in addition to those following. Most of
Check the fuel pump calibration on the engine if re
these checks should be performed by a Cummins
quired. See the nearest Cummins Distributor or Dealer
Distributor or Dealer and where Cummins Shop
for values.
Manuals are available for complete instructions.
Clean and calibrate the injectors regularly to prevent 1 . Remove the flexible hose or tube from the aneroid
restriction of fuel delivery to the combustion chambers. cover to the intake manifold.
Because of the special tools required for calibration, 2. Remove the lead seal (if used), screws and aneroid
most owners and fleets find it more economical to let cover.
a Cummins Distributor do the cleaning and calibra
tion operations. 3. Remove the bellows, piston, upper portion of the
two piece shaft and the spring from the aneroid
To clean and calibrate the injectors, refer to Bulletin body.
No. 3379071 and revisions thereto.
Note: Count and record the amount of thread turns
After removing the injectors from KT(A)-1150, KT(A)- required to remove the upper shaft, piston and bellows
2300 or KTA-3067 Engines for cleaning the seal seat from the lower shaft
should be removed from the injector (1, Fig. 2-65) or
injector "well" for cleaning, examination and/or 4. Race the hex portion of the shaft in a vise, snug
replacement as necessary. tighten the vise, remove the self-locking nut, retain
ing washer and bellows.
5. Clean the parts in an approved cleaning solvent.
6. Position the new bellows over the shaft to the
piston, secure with retaining washer and self-
locking nut. Tighten the self-locking nut to 20 to 25
ft-lb [2.3 to 2.8 N.mJ torque.
7. lnstall the spring, shaft, piston and bellows assem
bly into the aneroid body. As the two piece shaft is
re-assembled, turn the upper portion of the shaft
the same amount of thread turns as recorded
during disassembly.
Caution: The amount of thread turns during installation
must correspond with turns during removal to avoid
changing the aneroid setting.
8. Align the holes in the bellows with the correspond
ing capscrew holes in the aneroid body.
Fig 2-65, (K11918). Injector seal seat — all KT Engines
9. Position the cover to the body; secure with flat-
washers, lockwashers and fillister head screws.
Caution: There must be only one (1) seal seat used 10. lnstall a new seal. Refer to Bulletin No. 3379084
in each injector "weir. Use of more than one seal seat for sealing instructions and calibration procedure.
per injector will change the injector protrusion and Calibration, if required, must be performed by a
cause combustion inefficiency. Cummins Distributor on a fuel pump test stand.
Maintenance Instructions
11. Reinstall the flexible hose or tube from the aneroid 2. Remove one capscrew from the front plate (com
cover to the intake manifold. pressor wheel end) and replace it with a long
capscrew. Attach an indicator to the long capscrew
Inspect/Install Rebuilt Unit as Necessary and register the indicator point on the end of the
rotor shaft. Push the shaft from end-to-end making
The following assemblies should be inspected at this
note of the total indicator reading. Fig. 2-66. On
time. The options are: inspect and reuse, rebuild per
T-50, ST-50 and VT-50 the end clearance should be
shop manual instructions, replace with a new or
0.006 to 0.018 inch [0.15 to 0.46 mm].
Distributor/Dealer exchange unit or Cummins Diesel
ReCon lnc. unit. a. Push the wheel toward the side of the bore.
Inspect Water Pump and Fan Hub b. Using a feeler gauge, check the distance be
tween the tip of the wheel vanes and the bore.
lnspect the water pump and fan hub for wobble and
On T-50, ST-50 and VT-50 the clearance should
evidence of grease leakage. Replace with rebuilt pre-
be 0.003 to 0.033 inch [0.08 to 0.84 mm].
lubricated units as necessary.
3. Check the radial clearance on the compressor
Idler Pulley
wheel only.
lnspect, rebuild and repack the idler pulley with correct
4. lf end clearances exceed the limits, remove the
grease. Refer to the Engine Shop Manual for the
turbocharger from the engine and replace it with
rebuild and lubricating procedure for the idler pulley.
a new or rebuilt unit.
Inspect Turbocharger 5. Check T-18A turbochargers as follows.
Check Turbocharger Bearing Clearance a. For checking procedures refer to Service
Manual Bulletin No. 3379055.
Check bearing clearances. This can be done without
removing the turbocharger from the engine, by using a b. End clearance should be 0.004 to 0.009 inch
dial indicator to indicate the end-play of the rotor shaft [0.10 to 0.23 mm], radial clearance should be
and a feeler gauge to indicate the radial clearance. 0.003 to 0.007 inch [0.08to0.18mm]. lf the clear
Fig. 2-66. ances exceed these limits, remove the turbo-
charger(s) from the engine and replace them
with new or rebuilt units.
6. lntall the exhaust and intake piping to the
Maintenance Instructions
may not fai exactly into suggested mawrterarce
. due to miles or hours operawan but are per-
Replace Hose (As Required)
Cooftng System (Fall) Inspect the oil ''iter and coofing system hose and hose
connections for leaks and/or deter crater Parties
The cooling system must be dean to do its work of deteriorated hose can be carried through the cooling
system or lubricating system and rested or dog smafl
tort from water jackets and heat rejection from toe passages, especially radiator core, and lubncatmg
radiator Use clean water toat wif not dog any of me oi
hundreds of smaff passages in the radiator or water
c^ssages m toe block. CIean toe radiator cores, heater
cores, oil cooler ard tmx> passages that have become
Remove the 1/8 inch pipe plug from the manifold, near
the glow plug, and check the operation of the preheater
r? r.jsf and scale rave collected, the system must be
cftermcafty cleaned. Use a good cooling system
and therrnaoc fans must be set to operate
in the same range as the thermostat with which they are
used. Table 2-21 gives the settings for shutterstats and
Flush the radiator and the block before ruling with thermatjc fans as normally used. The 180 to 195° F [82
antifreeze, or installing a water filter on a used or rebuilt to 91° C] thermostats are used only with shutterstats
that are set to close at 187° F [86° C] and open at
19S*F [91° C].
//hen pressure flushing the radiator, open the upper
and lower hose connections and screw the radiator cap
on tight. Use the hose connection on both the upper
and lower connections to make the operation ea§ier. Remove the thermostats from the thermostat housings
Attach a flushing gun nozzle to the lower hose con and check for proper opening and dosing temperature.
nection and let water run until the radiator is full. When
Most Cummins Engines are equipped with either
full, apply air pressure gradually to avoid damage to the
medium 170 to 185° F [77 to 85° C] or low 160 to 175°F
core Shut off the air and allow the radiator to refill; then
[71 to 79° C] and in a few cases high-range 180 to
apply air pressure. Repat until the water coming from
195° F [82 to 91° C] thermostats, depending on engine
the radiator is clean.
Caution: Do not use excessive air pressu
flow. This could split or Clean Engine (Spring)
Steam is the most satisfactory method of cleaning a
Sediment and dirt settle into pockets in the block as dirty engine or piece of equipment. lf steam is not
well as the radiator core. Remove the thermostats available, use an approved solvent to wash the engine.
from the housing and flush the block with water
Partially restrict the lower opening until the block fills. All electrical components and wiring should be pro
Apply air pressure and force water from the lower tected from the full force of the cleaner spray nozzle
Maintenance Instructions
Checking Mountings (Spring) the capscrews as necessary. Check the fan for wobble
or bent blades.
Tighten Mounting Bolts and Nuts (As Required)
Check the fan hub and crankshaft drive pulley to be
Engine mounting bolts will occasionally work loose
sure they are securely mounted. Check the fan hub
and cause the engine supports and brackets to wear pulley for looseness or wobble; if necessary, remove
rapidly. Tighten all mounting bolts or nuts and replace the fan pilot hub and tighten the shaft nut. Tighten the
any broken or lost bolts or capscrews. fan bracket capscrews.
Tighten Turbocharger Mounting Nuts
Check Crankshaft End Clearance (Spring)
(As Required)
The crankshaft of a new or newly rebuilt engine must
Tighten all turbocharger mounting capscrews and nuts
have end clearance as listed in Table 2-22. A worn
to be sure that they are holding securely. Tighten the
engine must not be operated with more than the worn
mounting bolts and supports so that vibration will be
limit end clearance shown in the same table. lf the
at a minimum. Fig. 2-68.
engine is disassembled for repair, install new thrust
Check Fan and Drive Pulley Mounting (Spring)
Check the fan to be sure it is securely mounted; tighten
Operation and Maintenance
Specifications and Torque
The Functions of Lubricating Oil Dirt entering the engine through the combustion air,
fuel, while adding or changing lubricating oil.
The lubricating oil used in a Cummins engine must
be multifunctional. It must perform the primary The oil must have an additive package to combat
functions of: these contaminates. The package generally con
Lubrication by providing a film between the moving sists of:
parts to reduce wear and friction. Detergents/Dispersants which keep insoluble matter
in suspension until they are filtered from the oil or
Cooling by serving as a heat transfer media to carry
are removed with the oil change. This prevents sludge
heat away from critical areas.
and carbon deposits from forming in the engine.
Sealing by filling in the uneven surfaces in the cylinder
Inhibitors to maintain the stability of the oil, prevent
wall, valve stems and turbocharger oil seals.
acids from attacking metal surfaces and prevent rust
Cleaning by holding contaminants in suspension to during the periods the engine is not operating.
prevent a build up of deposits on the engine surfaces.
Other Additives that enable the oil to lubricate highly
In addition, it must also provide: loaded areas, prevent scuffing and seizing, control
foaming and prevent air retention in the oil.
Dampening and cushioning of components that
operate under high stress, such as gears and push
tubes. Oil Performance Classification System
Protection from oxidation and corrosion. The American Petroleum lnstitute (APl), The Ameri
can Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and
Hydraulic Action for components such as Jacobs
the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) have
Brake and hydraulic controls.
jointly developed and maintained a system for classi
Engine lubricating oil must be changed when it can fying lubricating oil by performance categories. The
no longer perform its functions within an engine. Oil following are brief descriptions of the APl categories
does not wear out, but it becomes contaminated to used in the Cummins oil performance recommen
the point that it can no longer satisfactorily protect dations.
the engine. Contamination of the oil is a normal result
CC (Equivalent to MlL-L-2104B.) This category des
of engine operation. During engine operation a wide
cribes oils meeting the requirements of the military
variety of contaminants are introduced into the oil.
specification MlL-L-2104B. These oils provide low
Some of these are:
temperature protection from sludge and rust and are
Byproducts of Engine Combustion — asphaltenes, designed to perform moderately well at high tempera
soot and acids from partially burned fuel. ture. For moderate-duty service.
Acids, varnish and sludge which are formed as a CD (Equivalent to Series 3 and MlL-L-45199B.) This
result of the oxidation of the oil as it breaks down category described oils meeting the requirements of
or decomposes. the Series 3 specification and MlL-L-45199B. These
oils provide protection from deposits and oxidation light-duty service including standby and
at high temperature. For severe-duty service. operation.
SC (Equivalent to 1964 MS Oils). This category des are used where more protection is
cribes oils meeting the 1964-1967 requirements of required than is provided by a single category.
automobile manufacturers. Primarily for use in CC/CD and CC/SC categories indicate that the oil is
automobiles, it provides low temperature anti-sludge blended to meet the performance level required by
and anti-rust protection required in a light-duty each single category.
diesel service such as a stop-and-go operation.
A sulfated ash limit has been placed on lubricating
SD (Equivalent to 1968-1971 MS Oils.) This category oil for use in Cummins engines. Past experience has
describes oils meeting the 1964-1967 requirements shown that oils with a high ash content may produce
of automobile manufacturers. Primarily for use in deposits on valves that can progress to guttering
automobiles, it provides low temperature anti-sludge and valve burning. A maximum sulfated ash content
and anti-rust protection required in a fight-duty diesel of 1.85 mass % is recommended for all oil used in
service such as a stop-and-go operation. It may be Cummins engines except engines fueled with natural
substituted for SC category. gas. For natural gas engines a sulfated ash range
of 0.03 to 0.85 mass % is recommended. Cummins
SE (Equivalent to 1972 MS Oils.) This category
Engine Co., Inc., does not recommend the use of
describes oils meeting the 1972 requirements of
ashless oils for natural gas engines. When the ash
automobile manufacturers. Primarily for use in auto
content is below .15 mass %, the ash should
mobiles, it provides protection from high tempera
ture oxidation and low temperature anti-sludge and
anti-fust as require
as a stop-and-go »
SC category. Special "break-in" lubricating ofls are not recom
CB (No equivalent Specification.) These oils mended for new or rebuilt Cummins engines Use the
usually referred to as Supplement 1 iIs used in i
gory describes oils which met the requirements of
the military specification MIL-L-2104A where the
The viscosity of an oil is a measure of its resistance to
sulphur content For moderate duty service. Oils in flow. The Society of Automotive Engineers hast
this performance category should not be used In tied engine oils in viscosity grades; Table 3-1
the viscosity range for these grades Otis #ia
The Engine Manufacturers Association (EMA) pub the low temperature (0° F [—18° C]) requirement
lishes a book entitled "Lubricating Oils Data Book". carry a grade designation with a "W* suffix. Oils that
Copies may be purchased from the Engine Manufac meet both the low and high temperature requirements
turers Association, 111 E Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. are referred to as multigrade or i
60601. This book lists commercially available oils by oils.
oil company and brand name with the APl perform-
eating oil improves oil consumption control, improved The primary criterion for selecting an oil viscosity
engine cranking in cold conditions while maintaining grade is the lowest temperature the oil will experience
lubrication at high operating temperatures and may while in the engine oil sump. Bearing problems can
contribute to improved fuel consumption. Cummins be caused by the lack of lubrication during the crank
does not recommend the use of single grade lubricat ing and start up of a cold engine when the oil being
ing oils. In the event that the recommended multi- used is too viscous to flow properly. Change to a
grade oil is not available, single grade oils may be lower viscosity grade of oil as the temperature of the
substituted. oil in the engine oil sump reaches the lower end of
the ranges shown in Tatle 3-2.
Caution: When single grade oil is used, be sure that
the oil wiH be operating within the temperature ranges
shown in Table 3-3.
5W 1250 3.8
10W 2500 4.1
15W 5000 5.6
20W 10000 5.6
20 5.6 less than 9.3
30 9.3 less than 12.5
40 12.5 less than 16.3
50 16.3 less than 21.9
Table 3-2: Cummins Recommendations for Table 3-3: Alternate Oil Grades
Viscosity Grade vs. Ambient Temperature 10W -13°Fto32oF[-25oCto0oC]
SAE Viscosity Ambient 20W 23° F to 68° F [-5° C to 20° C]
Grade* Temperature' 20W-20* 23° F to 68° F [-5° C to 20° C]
20 23° F to 68° F [-5° C to 20° C]
Recommended 30 39° F and above [4° C and above]
10W - 30 -13° F to 95° F [-25° C to 35° C] 40 50° F and above [10° C and above]
15W - 40 14°F and above [-10°C and above)
20W - 40 32° F and above [0° C and above] *20W-20 is not considered a multigradeeven though it meets
two grades.
*SAE-5W mineral oils should not be used.
"For temperatures consistently below -13°F [-25°C] See
Table 4.
Operation and Maintenance
Construction and Industrial
Arctic Operations
For engine operation in areas where the ambient
temperature is consistently below —13° F [—25° C]
and where there is no provision to keep the engine
warm when- it is not operating, the lubricating oil
should meet the requirements in the following table.
Oil meeting these requirements usually have synthetic
base stocks. SAE 5W viscosity grade synthetic oils
(Test Method) Specifications
Specifications and Torque
Low-Temperature Properties
Fuel Oil
Cummins diesel engines have been developed to take
advantage of the high energy content and generally
lower cost of No. 2 Diesel Fuels. Experience has shown
that a Cummins diesel engine will also operate satisfac
torily on No. 1 fuels or other fuels within the following
Specifications and Torque
Cooling System Ethylene Glycol Base Antifreeze Methoxy Propanol Base Antifreeze
Capscrew Markings and Torque Values
Current Usage Much Used Much Used Used at Times Used at Times
Minimum Tensile To 1/2-69,000 [476] To 3/4-120,000 [827] To 5/8-140,000 [965] 150,000 [1 034]
Strength PSI To 3/4-64,000 [421] To 1-115,000 [793] To 3/4-133,000 [917]
MPa To 1-55,000 [379]
Quality of Material 1 ndeterminate Minimum Commercial Medium Commercial Best Commercial
SAE Grade Number 1 or 2 5 ■ or 7 8
Head Markings
Manufacturer's marks
may vary
These are all SAE
Grade 5 (3 line)
1. Always use the torque values listed above when specific torque values are not available.
2. Do not use above values in place of those specified in other sections of this manual; special attention should be observed
when using SAE Grade 6. 7 and 8 capscrews.
3. The above is based on use of clean, dry threads.
4. Reduce torque by 10% when engine oil is used as a lubricant.
5. Reduce torque by 20% if new plated capscrews are used.
6. Capscrews threaded into aluminum may require reductions in torque of 30% or more of Grade 5 capscrews torque and
must attain two capscrew diameters of thread engagement.
Caution: lf replacement capscrews are of a higher grade than originally supplied, adhere to torque specifications for
.r placement.
The chart does not give all the answers for correction pressure. Too often, engines are completely disas
of the problems listed, but it is meant to stimulate a sembled in search of the cause of a certain complaint
train of thought and indicate a work procedure directed and all evidence is destroyed during disassembly
toward the source of trouble. To use the trouble operations. Check again to be sure an easy solution
shooting chart, find the complaint at the top of the to the problem has not been overlooked.
chart; then follow down that column until you come to
Find And Correct Basic Cause Of Trouble
a black dot. Refer to the left of the dot for the possible
cause. After a mechanical failure has been corrected, be sure
to locate and correct the cause of the trouble so the
Think Before Acting
same failure will not be repeated. A complaint of
Study the problem thoroughly. Ask these questions: "sticking injector plungers" is corrected by replacing
the faulty injectors, but something caused the plungers
1. What were the warning signs preceding the
to stick. The cause may be improper injector adjust
ment, or more often, water in the fuel.
2. What previous repair and maintenance work has
Tools And Procedures To Correct A Complaint
been done?
Tools and procedures to correct the complaints found
3. Has similar trouble occurred before?
in this Troubleshooting section are available from
4. lf the engine still runs, is it safe to continue running Cummins distributors and dealers. A list of publica
it to make further checks? tions, by bulletin numbers, is included in the back of
this manual in the form of a purchase order. This list
Do Easiest Things First
includes all engine model shop and and engine repair
Most troubles are simple and easily corrected; ex and rebuild manuals.
amples are "low-power" complaints caused by loose
AFC Fuel Pump Adjustments
throttle linkage or dirty fuel filters, "excessive lube
oil consumption" caused by leaking gaskets or All AFC fuel pump adjustments are specified for
connections, etc. calibration on a fuel pump test stand and not to be
made on the engine. Contact your nearest authorized
Always check the easiest and obvious things first.
Cummins distributor to perform maintenance, if
Following this simple rule will save time and trouble.
Double-Check Before Beginning
Disassembly Operations
The source of most engine troubles can be traced not
to one part alone but to the relationship of one part
with another. For instance, excessive fuel consumption
may not be due to an incorrectly adjusted fuel pump,
but instead to a clogged air cleaner or possibly a
restricted exhaust passage, causing excessive back
Shooting Mil
Cummins Engines HI
Restricted Ak Intake • •• • •
H.gh Eihausl Back Pressure •; * * [ •
Air TMn Alt In Hot Weather or High •: •m t
• j Ak Le°ks 8«,"»" Cte""" Engine •ii i»i • •
* Dkly Turbocharger Compressor la] mm m •
Improper Use of Starter AloVAk temp •1 •1 " L - ♦
Stuck Dram «*t 1 M • § ••
Out of Fuel or Fuel Shut Off Cloeed A • -
Poor OusWy FueUGrade Fuel • • •| • • •• •
Ak Leeks m Suction Lines •• • • ••• • •j
Restricted Fuel Lines ••• f •• | •• _
Ejrtsmsl or keemai Fuel Leeks • • • J •LI
Plugged Injector Spray Hotes •
Broken Fuel Pump Drive Shaft • •
Scored Geer Pump or Worn Gears • •
Wrong Injector Cups •• •
Cracked Inksctor Body or Cup ncnnn • • • • I -
FiipI Damaged • •• •
m seiiietnIactor
mirt- *t" ■ r-Tr •
SySteiTI Throttte Linkage or AJkiilwewl •• -
trasorrectfy AsssariMed lees Sprtrrrraa •••
IncorrecSly senielllilt Gumieui WaiuMn •••
High-Spaed Govsrnor Set TOO Low ••
Water In Fuel snOVor WksksJ •• • ••
AFC Cakbraoon Incorrect • •• •
Ckjrrresjed/Worn AFC Plunger Seal/Barrel
Fuel Pump Calibration Incorrect • •• • •
Injector Flo. Incorrect AfA
w At*. •
•• w''
Plugged ASA •
ASAJAFC Aw Leak. Bellows •
ASA 1MB Flo- V—r Stuck Opar. 1 • •
Ejflarnel awl kaatias Oil Lasts • c
Dirty OS FkSar • -
Lubricating Faulty Cylmder CM Control • • •■
Clogged Oil Dr«tkngs c •
System o» suction Line Bestrictton - r. - •
Faulty Oil Pressure Regulator c -
Crankcase Low or Out of Oil - C - •• •
Wrong Grade Ok lor Weather Condttrons • -
Oil Lass* IboHrgh • • 1 .. •
Darnagad Hoa»Vt-O0«M E
Radiator Shutters Stuck C
La*Coo*nlCapmc*rfUrtv Radtoeor
Coolant Temperature Low
Operation Dmy
System Stuck In Advance
Plugged Alrtine lo aTVT Actnrator
Air Cleaner Cleaning (Oil Bath Type) 2-49 Fuel Filter Element Changing
Air Cleaner Element — Cartridge Type 2-11 (Spin-On Type) 2-29
Air Cleaner Element Cleaning Fuel Filter Sediment Draining 2-14
(Single and Dual Type Elements) 2-11 Fuel Oil Leaks 2-10
Air Cleaner Element Cleaning (Dry Type) 2-13 Fuel Oil Specifications 3-6
Air Cleaner Oil Changing 2-11 Fuel Pump Calibration 2-50
Air Cleaner Oil Level 2-14 Fuel System Priming 1-1
Air Cleaner Tray Screen Cleaning 2-30 Fuel Tank Sediment Draining 2-14
Air Compressor 2-52
Air Compressor Breather 2-33 Governed Engine Speed 1-6
Air Connections 1-3 Grease Specifications 3-5
Air lnlet Restriction at Air Cleaner 2-11
Air Inlet Restriction at Engine 2-11 High Altitude Operation 1-7
Air Tank Draining 2-14 Hose Checking 2-54
Aneroid Oil Level, Check 2-32 Hydraulic Governor 1-3
Aneroid Change Oil 2-48 Hydraulic Governor Oil Change 2-48
Aneroid — Clean and Calibrate 2-50 Hydraulic Governor Oil Level 2-32
Aneroid — Replace Breather 2-48
ldler Pulley 2-51
Belt Tersion — Checking and Adjusting 2-7 ldling the Engine 1-7
By-Pass Oil Filter Changing 2-28 lndustrial Fire Pump Engines 1-11
Back Side ldler Fan Drive 2-48 lnjectors, Clean and Calibrate 2-50
lnjector Plunger
Cold-Starting Aid Checking 2-54 Adjustment 2-35, 2-38, 2-39, 2-41, 2-43, 2-47
Cold-Starting Aids 1-4
Cold-Weather Protection 1-8 Lubricating Oil Change lntervals 2-15
Cold-Weather Starting 1-4 Lubricating Oil Analysis 2-26
Coolant Check 2-29 Lubricating Oil Specifications 3-1
Coolant Leaks 2-7 Lubricating System Priming 1-1
Coolant Level 1-3, 2-7
Coolant Specifications 3-7 Maintenance Check Sheet 2-3
Cooling System Cleaning 2-54 Maintenance Operation 2-1
Crankcase Breather Cleaning 2-32, 2-53 Maintenance Schedule 1-14, 2-2, 2-5, 2-6
Crankshaft End Clearance 2-55 Mounting Bolt and Nut Tightening 2-55
Crosshead Adjustment . . 2-36, 2-38, 2-42, 2-45, 2-48
Oil Change Charts 2-18
Daily Checks 2-7 Oil Change Limits 2-15
Drive Pulley 2-55 Oil Filter Element Changing 2-27
Oil Level 1-1.2-7
Engine Break-In 1-1 Oil Pressure Gauge 1-7
Engine Coolant 1-3 Oil Temperature Gauge 1-6
Engine Exhaust 1-7 Operating lnstructions 1-1
Engine Oil Changing 2-15 Operator's Daily Report 2-7
Engine Oil Level. Check 2-7
Engine Shut-Down 1-7 Power Take-Off Applications 1-7
Engine Speeds 1-6 Pressure Flushing 2-54
Preheater — Cold Starting 2-54
Fuel Filter Water Separator 2-14 Pre-Cleaner and Dust Pan 2-11
Fan Hub lnspection 2-48 Pre-Startmg 1-1
Index 2
Part 2
This NH/NT/NTA-855 C.l.D. Engine Rebuild Man How to use this Manual
ual is written and organized in a way which allows
The manual is divided into 22 groups. These
a user, no matter his familiarity with Cummins
groups are listed in the Table of Contents.
engines, to follow the procedures necessary to
rebuild that engine. For this reason, we have at The disassembly of the engine is covered in Group 0,
tempted to use as few technical terms as possible The disassembly, inspection and assembly of
and have divided procedures into the basic steps. components are covered in the appropriate group.
For example, Group 0 contains the instructions
This NH/NT/NTA Manual contains these instruc
for removing the lubricating oil pump from the
tions and specifications:
engine. Group 7, Lubricating System, contains the
• Disassembly of the engine instructions for disassembly, inspection and
• Disassembly of some components and assembly of the lubricating oil pump itself.
most assemblies
• Cleaning and inspection of the Note: Some components are not included in the
engine and parts engine manual. They are: (1) the fuel pump, (2) air
• Repair and/or replacement of parts compressor, (3) injectors and (4) turbochargers.
• Assembly of components and assemblies At the beginning of each group is an exploded
• Assembly and testing of the engine view of the components covered in that group.
• Worn limits These exploded views show the relationship be
• Torque values tween all parts in a component.
Some information that is specific to particular Also at the beginning of each group is a list of
engine models is included. You should determine tools either required or recommended to do the
what engine model an engine is before doing any procedures described in that group. Many of
work on that engine. The dataplate on the engine these tools were designed by Cummins Engine
will identify the engine model. This model number Company to perform a specific procedure and are
provides information on the design, aspiration, available from your Cummins Distributor. Other
cubic inch displacement, application (equipment tools are standard tools which are generally
for which the engine was designed) and maximum available.
rated horsepower.
At the end of each group is a table which includes
Example: NTA-855-C360 the worn limits, and dimensions of the parts con
tained in that group. (Worn limits indicate that a
N = NH Engine Series part can be used if its dimensions are within the
T = Turbocharged (if there is no "T", the dimensions given and if it is not damaged.)
engine is naturally aspirated) Torque values are also included in this table.
A = Aftercooled
855 = Cubic Inch Displacement Group 18 includes the specifications contained in
C = Construction Application all other groups and the following additional
360 = Maximum Rated Horsepower specifications:
1. Oil Recommendations
Application Designations 2. Fuel Recommendations
3. Coolant Recommendations
C = Construction
G = Generator (GS = Standby, There is an alphabetical index at the end of the
GC = Continuous Duty) manual to allow you to find the page number for
P = Power Unit specific information without having to read
M = Marine through an entire group. This index is intended to
L = Locomotive match the headings used in the text. For example,
R = Railcar if you are looking for disassembly of the lubricat-
ing oil pump, look up "Lubricating Oil Pump" in
the index. The entry would appear as follows:
Lubricating Oil Pump
Assembly 7-4
Disassembly 7-2
lnspection 7-2
Repair 7-2
Replacement 7-2
Note: The pages in this manual are numbered in
sequence within the group. That is, the first page
in Group 0 is 0-1; the first page in Group 1 is 1-1.
The last page in this manual is a list of other
Cummins Engine service publications on related
The pages of the manual can be removed by bend
ing the manual back at the beginning and end of
each group. The pages can then be easily pulled
out and put in a three-ring binder.
This manual includes Service/Parts Topic infor
mation concerning the NH/NT/NTA-855 from Feb
ruary, 1979 to September, 1981 and supersedes
Bulletin Number 3379076-04. As it is the policy of
Cummins Engine Company, lnc. to improve its prod
ucts, design changes will occur after publication
of this manual which can affect the procedures
described in this manual. lf you have any ques
tions about your engine, check with your local
Cummins Distributor or Dealer.
To make sure that this manual provides the infor
mation you need in a way that allows you to make
the best use possible of that information, we need
to hear from you about any problems you encounter.
Please send your comments to:
NH Technical Writer — 80203
Service Operations
Cummins Engine Company, lnc.
Box 3005
Columbus, lN 47201
The Contents of this manual are based on infor
mation in effect at time of printing and are subject
Table of Contents to change without notice.
e/(f Blank)
Engine Disassembly
Engine Disassembly
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
2. Drain the diesel fuel from the fuel pump, fuel Fig. 0-4 (N10074). Remove The Starting Motor.
filters and fuel lines.
3. Drain the cooling fluid from the cylinder block
(Fig. 0-3) and all the components on the
4. If the engine has a compressed air system,
vent the compressed air.
To Clean The Engine
Before you clean the engine, remove the electrical
equipment (Fig. 0-4 and Fig. 0-5) and controls. Put
a label on the wiring as it is removed. Put a cover
or tape on the openings of the engine to prevent
moisture from entering the engine. Clean the
engine with any standard steam cleaner or with
hot water under high pressure. Fig. 0-5 (N10075). Remove The Alternator.
Engine Disassembly
To Clean Parts And Assemblies Caution: Do not damage the gasket surfaces of
Most of the parts can be cleaned with steam or the parts.
hot water. Use steam to clean the pistons. Then 1. Heat the solution of solvent or acid to approx
use a solvent so that all of the carbon is removed imately 180° to 200 °F [82° to 93 °C]. Mix the
from the ring grooves of the piston. lf the part will solution continuously.
be damaged by moisture or does not come clean,
use another method. lf a part is to be put in 2. After disassembly, put the small parts in a
storage, dry it with compressed air and coat it wire container and clean them with steam.
with a rust inhibitor. The parts must be cleaned as After steam cleaning, put the parts in the
soon as possible after disassembly. heated solution. Use a hoist to lower the large
parts into the cleaning solution.
To Clean Parts With Glass Beads
3. Make sure all the pipe plugs are removed from
Use glass beads to clean valves and cylinder the oil passage in the cylinder block. To clean
heads. the passage, push a rod with a brush attached
Follow These Recommendations: to one end through all the passages in the
cylinder block. Remove all the deposits from
1. Size of the glass beads: Use U.S. sieve size the bore for the cylinder liner. Use a wire brush
Number 60. installed in an air drill to clean the counter-
2. Pressure: Use 80 psi [551 kPa] pressure. Or bore for the cylinder liner. Remove any scrat
follow the Manufacturers instructions. ches or damage.
3. Do not let the glass beads hit the part for more Note: lf the engine has piston cooling, make sure
time than is necessary. Be careful when you the spring and plug under the pipe plug for the
clean parts made of aluminum. piston cooling oil passage is removed before
4. After using the glass beads, use steam and cleaning the cylinder block.
compressed air to remove the glass beads 4. To remove thick mineral deposits other than
from the parts. Then, wash the parts in solvent dirt, use a solution of acid.
and dry with compressed air. Make sure all the
parts are clean and all glass beads are re Warning: Acid can cause an injury to you or
moved before the parts are assembled. damage machinery. Always have a tank of strong
soda water ready for use.
Note: Use a different container of solvent to wash
parts that have been cleaned with glass beads. 5. Wash all the parts in hot water and dry with
compressed air. Use the compressed air to
To Clean Parts With Solvent Or Acid remove the cleaning fluid or water from the
Warning: The use of acid is dangerous to both a holes for the capscrews. This will prevent
person and a machine. Always have a tank of damage when the capscrews are installed.
strong soda water to control the acid. Wear safety 6. lnstall the spring and plug for the oil passage.
glasses and gloves. lnstall the pipe plugs in the oil passages and
Always read the instructions given on the con tighten them to the correct torque.
tainers of cleaning solvents and acids. Follow Note: lf a part requires repair with a machine tool,
these instructions. do not install the pipe plugs in the part until the
Caution: Cleaning solvents can damage the bear repairs are completed. Clean all metal particles
ing shells and aluminum parts. Always read the from the part. Then install the pipe plugs.
instructions for cleaning these parts before you 7. lf the parts are not used immediately after
clean them. cleaning, apply a coating of rust protection
Caution: Do not damage the surface of the parts. compound to protect the parts from rust.
Before you put the parts into a container of sol Note: You must remove the rust protection com
vent solution, make sure you remove all gaskets pound from the parts before you assemble them
and deposits. in the engine.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Disassembly of the Engine 3. Disconnect the inlet line and the outlet line
from the head of the water filter.
Before you install the engine on the engine stand,
remove the following items: 4. Remove the capscrews, lockwashers and flat-
washers that hold the bracket and head of the
The Oil Gauge and Bracket filter to the cylinder block.
1. Remove the capscrews and lockwashers that
hold the bracket to the cylinder block, Fig. 0-6. The Mechanical Controls and Supply Lines
for Fuel, Air and Water
2. Remove the bracket for the oil gauge from the
cylinder block. 1. Remove the linkages that control the throttle
and clutch. Remove any other controls that
are mounted to the engine.
2. Remove all water connections and hoses.
3. Remove the fuel lines from the drain for the
fuel injectors and the inlet. lf the engine has
one, remove the fuel filter. Remove the line
that returns the fuel from the fuel'pump to the
fuel tank.
Note: When an engine is a dual diesel, there are
two sets of fuel lines and additional valves to con
trol the fuel.
4. Remove the air lines from the air compressor.
5. Remove the hoses and tubes that connect the
air cleaner and the turbocharger.
Caution: During disassembly of the engine, put a
Fig. 0-6. Remove The Oil Gauge Bracket. cover tape over the inlet and outlet to the turbo-
The Water Filter
1. Close the shutoff valves for the inlet line and
the outlet line. 1. Remove the air crossover from the turbo-
2. Remove the element from the water filter and charger and aftercooler or intake manifold,
discard, Fig. 0-7. Fig. 0-8.
Fig. 0-7 (N 11976). Remove The Water Filter. Fig. 0-8. Remove The Air Crossover.
Engine Disassembly
2. Remove the oil drain line from the turbo- 3. Remove the vent tube and clip from the
charger and cylinder block. Remove the oil engine.
supply line from the turbocharger and the oil
cooler, Fig. 0-9. The Oil Cooler and Filter
1. Remove the capscrews holding the water con
nection to the cylinder block, Fig. 0-11.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 0-13. Remove The Oil Filter. Fig. 0-15. Remove The Oil Cooler Housing.
4. Remove the capscrews, lockwashers and flat- The Water Pump Inlet
washers that hold the bracket for the oil
cooler to the cylinder block. 1. Remove the capscrew, lockwashers and flat-
washers that hold the bracket for the water in
5. Remove the capscrew, lockwasher and flat- let connection to the cylinder block.
washer that hold the water transfer tube to the
housing for the thermostat, Fig. 0-14. Remove 2. Remove the capscrews, lockwashers and flat-
the water transfer tube and discard the washers that hold the inlet for the water to the
O-rings. water pump. Remove the inlet and discard the
gasket, Fig. 0-16.
Fig. 0-14. Remove The Capscrew That Holds The Transfer Tube.
Fig. 0-16 (N100142). Remove The Water Pump lnlet.
6. Remove the capscrews, lockwashers and flat-
washers that hold the support for the oil cooler The Piston Cooling Nozzles
to the cylinder block. lnstall a dowel into one of
the capscrew holes to hold the support until all Remove the capscrews and lockwashers that hold
the capscrews are removed. Remove the oil the nozzles in the cylinder block. Remove the
cooler, Fig. 0-15. Remove the dowel. nozzles, Fig. 0-17.
Engine Disassembly
The Aftercooler
1. Loosen the clamps and remove the water
crossover tube from the front of the after-
cooler, Fig. 0-20.
Fig. 0-21. Remove The Tube From The Rear Of The Aftercooler. Fig. 0-23. Remove The Capscrews From The Aftercooler.
Fig. 0-22. Remove The Air Supply Tube From The Air Compressor.
Engine Disassembly
Fig. 0-25. Remove The Fuel Pump. Fig. 0-27. Remove The Spline Coupling.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 0-29. Remove The Capscrews That Hold The Bracket. Fig. 0-31. Remove The Capscrews From the Water Pump.
Engine Disassembly
The Rocker Lever Cover Fig. 0-36. Remove The Rocker Lever Housings.
1. Remove the capscrews, lockwashers and flat- The Push Rods
washers that hold the rocker lever cover to the
rocker lever housing. Lift all the push rods from their sockets. Put a
mark on each push rod as it is removed to identify
2. Remove the covers and discard the gaskets, its location in the engine.
Fig. 0-35.
1. Loosen the locknut and adjusting screw for 1. Loosen the crosshead adjusting nuts.
the rocker levers. Turn the adjusting screws 2. Remove all of the crossheads for the valves,
counterclockwise two times. Fig. 0-37.
2. Remove the capscrews and washers that hold
the rocker housings to the cylinder heads. The Water Manifold and Thermostat Housing
3. Remove the rocker lever housing and discard 1. Remove the capscrews and lockwashers that
the gaskets, Fig. 0-36. Put a mark on each hold the water manifold to the cylinder head.
housing as it is removed to identify its loca 2. Remove the water manifold and thermostat
tion on the engine. housing, Fig. 0-38. Discard the O-rings.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 0-37. Remove The Crossheads Fig. 0-39. Remove The Injectors.
Fig. 0-38. Remove The Water Manifold. Fig. 0-40 (N100149). Remove The Fuel Crossover.
The Injectors The Cylinder Head
1. Remove the capscrews that hold the injector 1. Remove the capscrews and washers that hold
clamps. Remove the clamps. Remove the the cylinder head to the cylinder block. Be
injector links. careful and do not damage the capscrews.
2. Use the Part No. 3375161 injector Puller to Note: Remove the capscrews in the opposite
remove the top stop injectors from the cylinder sequence as that used for installing the cylinder
head. Use the ST-1297 injector puller to remove heads, Fig. 0-41.
the "PTD" injectors from the cylinder head.
2. Lift each cylinder head from the cylinder
3. Remove the injectors, Fig. 0-39. Put the in block, Fig. 0-42. Put a mark on each cylinder
jectors in a rack that will protect them from head as it is removed to identify its location
damage and dirt. on the engine.
The Fuel Crossover 3. Remove and discard the gaskets.
1. Remove the screws that hold the fuel cross
over connectors to the cylinder head. The Lubricating Oil Pump
2. Lift the fuel crossover from the cylinder head 1. Disconnect the oil lines to the inlet and outlet
and discard the O-rings, Fig. 0-40. of the oil pump.
Engine Disassembly
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Remove the remaining capscrews and 2. Remove the vibration damper and pulley, Fig.
lockwashers that hold the housings to the 0-46.
cylinder block. Then, install the 3376029 Caution: Do not use a hammer or screwdriver to
bracket to the 3376028 fixture. remove a viscous damper. These tools can
Remove the cam follower housing assembly,
Fig. 0-45.
2. lnstall two studs with 5/8"-18 threads and 6 2. Remove the capscrews, lockwashers and flat-
inches [152 mm] long in the crankshaft to sup washers that hold the flywheel housing to the
port the flywheel during removal. cylinder block, Fig. 0-50. lnstall two dowel
bolts to hold the housing.
3. lnstall two capscrews into the flywheel puller
holes. The capscrews must have a 1/2 "-13
thread for their complete length. Turn the
capscrews slowly to push the flywheel from
the crankshaft, Fig. 0-48.
4. Lift the flywheel from the crankshaft, Fig. 0-49.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 0-51. Remove The Oil Pan. Fig. 0-53 (N100152). Use The 3375268 Pilot To Prevent Damage
To The Camshaft.
The Camshaft
Fig. 0-54 (N100153). Remove The Carbon From The Cylinder
Before you remove a 2-1/2 inch camshaft, install Liner
the Part No. 3375268 Camshaft Pilot, Fig. 0-53.
This will prevent damage to the camshaft journals 2. Remove the caps from the connecting rods:
and bearings. a. For connecting rods that have capscrews,
1. Turn the camshaft gear slowly while you pull loosen the capscrews approximately 3/8
the camshaft from the engine. Do not remove inch [9.5 mm]. Hit the heads of the
the gear from the camshaft. capscrews with a soft hammer to push the
Engine Disassembly
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Cylinder Block
Cylinder Block
1. Camshaft Bushing Bore 5. Cylinder Liner 9. Crankshaft Thrust Ring 13. Piston Pin
2. Cylinder Liner Counterbore 6. Crankshaft 10. Crankshaft End Clearance 14. Piston Ring
3. Main Bearing Bore 7. Main Bearings 11. Connecting Rod 15. Camshaft
4. Cylinder Block 8. Rod Bearings 12. Piston 16. Gear Case Cover
Cylinder Block
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
To remove the thicker bushings for the 2-1/2 inch the bushing for the No. 7 bore must align with the
camshaft, use the procedure for the 2 inch cam oil drain in the bore.
shaft and the following tools.
The Cylinder Liner Counterbore
ST-1228-1 Slide Hammer
ST-1 228-2 Rod Inspection
ST-1 228-3 Mandrel Shank 1. The top of the cylinder block must be flat and
ST-1 228-4 Shaft Assembly without damage or distortion. Use a straight
ST-1228-6 Guide edge and a 0.002 inch [0.05 mm] feeler gauge
3375861 Driver to check the surface.
lf the flywheel housing is mounted to the cylinder 2. Check the upper counterbore for the cylinder
block, follow the procedure in Step 4 for the 2 inch liner. Remove any dirt or rough edges so that
camshaft. Use Part No. 3375863 Puller Assembly the liner can enter the cylinder block without
instead of the Part No. 3375861 Driver distortion. Measure the diameter of the
counterbore (A) Fig. 1-5. If the diameter is
To Install the Bushings for the Camshaft. more than 6.5635 inch [166.713 mmj, or if the
Caution: The Big Cam (2Vk inch) anginas that use depth of the counterbore (B) Fig. 1-5 is more
the thicker wall (3/32 inch) camshaft bushings than 0.412 inch [10.466 mm], the counterbore
must have the bushings installed as shown in Fig. must be repaired by installing a sleeve.
1-4. The engine will be damaged if the bushings
are not installed into the correct location.
1. Make sure the holes for oil are open in the
bore for the bushings.
2. Use the tool assembly that was used to
remove the bushings.
3. Slide the bushing on to the driver and align the
oil holes in the bushing with the oil holes in
the bore.
4. Hit the slide hammer against the shaft until
the bushing is in position in the bore.
5. Make sure the oil holes in the bushing and the A Upper Liner Counterbore
bore are in alignment. The alignment notch in B. Counterbore Depth
Cylinder Block
Fig. 1-6 (N10105). Measure The Depth of The Counterbore. Fig. 1-7. Measure the Cylinder Liner Protrusion.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
The counterbore for the cylinder liner must be
Fig. 1-9 (V401105). Cylinder Liner Check Points. repaired if:
1. Material has been cut from the top surface of
the cylinder block.
2. The ledge of the counterbore is not flat or
3. The protrusion of the cylinder liner is not
v t y i
Cut the Bore
Use the following tools from the Part No. 3375455
Cylinder Block Counterbore Tool to cut the
ST-1295 Drive Unit Assembly
ST- 1065 Cutter Plate
Note: lf the Part No. 3375455 is not available, the
Fig. 1-10 (V401104). The Cylinder Liner Flange.
Part No. ST-1255 Tool may be used to cut the
1. Measure the depth of the counterbore with the
Part No. 3376220 Gauge Block. Take four
measurements, equally spaced, around the
counterbore. This will help you to find how
much material to cut from the counterbore.
This will also show if the surface of the
counterbore is not even.
2. Assemble The Counterbore Tool.
a. lnstall the Part No. ST-1065 Cutter Plate on
the ST-1295 Driver Assembly. Make sure
the keyway in the cutter plate engages the
key in the drive assembly.
b. Tighten the capscrew to hold the cutter
Fig. 1-11 (V40123). Measure The Cylinder Liner Flange. plate to the drive assembly.
Cylinder Block
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 1-15. Set The Depth Of The Cut Fig. 1-16 (V40173). Remove The Cutting Tool.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
14. Put the drill on the drive shaft, Fig. 1-27. Cut
the bore until the depth set collar on the drive
shaft is against the top of the boring tool. The
feed mechanism will disengage when it
reaches the depth for which it was set.
6. Remove the rod from the boring tool. 15. Loosen the knob and pull the cutting tool all
7. Pull on the knob and raise the cutting tool all the way up. Tighten the knob to hold the tool
the way up. up.
8. Make sure the counterbore and the top of the 16. Remove the boring tool.
cylinder block are clean and have no rough
Caution: Whan you remove Via tool, be careful. Do
not let the cutting tool hit the cylinder block.
9. lnstall the boring tool in the cylinder block.
Make sure the centering ring is engaged with 17. lnspect and measure the bore. Clean the bore
the and remove any rough
10. lnstall the base plate to the cylinder block
with capscrews and spacers. Tighten the
capscrews to 50 ft.-lb. [68 N»m] torque.
1. Clean the bore and the outside diameter of the
11. Push down on the knob and slowly lower the sleeve with a sealant primer. Apply a narrow
cutting tool until it touches the lower bore. strip of bushing sealant to the outside
Raise the cutting tool 1 inch [25.4 mm] above diameter of the sleeve. Make sure the sealant
the lower bore. is all the way round the outside diameter.
12. Tighten the knob. This engages the feed
2. Push the sleeve through the upper bore. When
mechanism. Turn the drive shaft with your
the sleeve is installed in the lower bore, the
hand to make sure it rotates freely.
end with the chamfer will be closest to the top
13. Install the drive adapter in a heavy duty 1/2 or of the cylinder block.
3/4 inch electric drill.
3. lnstall the sleeve on to the sleeve driver. Put
Caution: Do not i i an electric drill that Is rated at the upper locater on the handle of the sleeve
10 The drill driver. Install the upper locator in the counter-
Cylinder Block
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
The top surface of the cylinder block around the
water holes must not have any scratches, cracks
or corrosion deeper than 0.003 inch [0.08 mm].
There must not be any defect which extends more
than 3/32 inch [2.38 mm] from the edge of the
water hole.
4. Remove the locating pin. e. Slide the stop collar down against the
gauge block, Fig. 1-31. Tighten the
5. Adjust the depth of the counterbore cutter: setscrew in the stop collar.
a. Loosen the setscrew in the stop collar f. Remove the gauge block.
with the alien wrench.
6. Install the drive adapter in an electric drill.
b. Put the counterbore cutter into the
bushing plate until the cutter is against 7. Engage the drill adapter into the counterbore
the cylinder block. cutter, Fig. 1-32.
c. Slide the stop collar up on the counterbore 8. Start the drill. Apply minimum downward
cutter. force while cutting the hole.
Cylinder Block
Fig. 1-32. Cut The Water Hole. 1. Base Plate 10. Nut — special
2. Reamer Guide Bar 11. Chip Remover
9. Remove the counterbore cutter and bushing 3. Capscrew (standard 12. Loctite Retaining
5/8-18 x 3) Compound
plate. 4. Flatwasher 13. Loctite Primer
10. To install the Part No. 191079 Water Passage (standard 5/8 l.D.) (Grade T)
5. Locator 14. (2) Spacers
Sleeve: 6. Reamer — special (standard 4 inches
a. Make sure the hole is clean and all metal 7. Tap — special long)
particles are removed. 8. Flex Drive Adapter 15. (10) Threaded
9. Stop Collar lnserts
b. Slide the sleeve onto the end of the
bushing driver. Fig. 1-33 (N 101 122). 3376028 Repair Kit.
c. Apply a sealant to the sleeve. 2. Put the locating pin (5) through the bushing in
d. Align the sleeve with the water hole. Hit the bushing holder and into the hole to be
the bushing driver with a hammer to install repaired. Tighten the capscrew (3) that holds
the sleeve into the water hole. After the the bushing holder to the base plate.
sleeve is installed, part of it will extend
3. Remove the locating pin and put the special
above the surface of the cylinder block.
reamer (6) into the housing.
11. Cut the sleeve so that it is even with the top
4. lnstall the universal drive (8) in a 1/2 or 5/8
surface of the cylinder block. Use a flat, wide
inch heavy duty electric drill. Put the drive on
mill file to cut the sleeve.
the reamer. Cut the hole until the reamer
Salvage of the Cylinder Head reaches the bottom of the hole.
Capscrew Holes 5. Remove the reamer from the hole. Remove the
chips from the hole with the special chip
remover, Fig. 1-34.
lf the holes (for the cylinder head capscrews) in
the cylinder block are damaged, install special 6. Put the reamer into the hole again to make
thread inserts to repair them. Use the Part No. sure the reamer has reached the botom of the
3376028 Capscrew Thread Salvage Tool Kit to hole. Remove the reamer.
repair the holes. 7. To set the cutting depth for the special tap,
put the tap in the bushing. Install the stop col
lar on the tap. Put a thread insert on top of the
1. Assemble the bushing holder assembly (2, Fig. pilot bushing. Move the stop collar until it is
1-33) to the base plate (1 ). lnstall the base plate to against the thread insert, Fig. 1-35. Tighten
the cylinder block with capscrews and spacers. the setscrew in the stop collar.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
main bearings to the top surface of the Table 2: Height of the Cylinder Block from
cylinder block, Fig. 1-37. See Table 2 for the Main Bearing Centerline (1, Fig. 1-37)
dimensions. Do not measure the height from New Dimensions
the surface of the main bearing pads. The pad Minimum Maximum Worn Limit
surfaces are not on the centerline of the main
19.003 19.007 18.994
bearing bore. [482.68] [482.78] [482.45]
1-18 NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Cylinder Block
2. Cutting Tool 17. Bore Feed Assembly 31. Drive Adapter 43. Micrometer
4. Cutting Tool 18. Bore Bar Bridge 32. Capscrew 44. Micrometer Base
8. Cutter Holder 21. Bearing Bridge 33. Torsion Bar 45. Micrometer Bracket
9. Checking 22. Bearing Bar 34. Bracket 46. Micrometer Shaft
13. Checking Ring 27. Swivel Joint 36. Centering Ring 49. Cutter Pin
14. Checking Ring 28. Cutter Holder 39. Centering Ring 51. Allen Wrench
16. Bore Bar 29. Capscrew 41. Centering Ring 52. Allen Wrench
Fig. 1-39 (ST-1177). Exploded View Of The ST-1177 Boring Tool.
ST-1 177-27 Swivel Joint Put the Part No. ST-1 177-39 Centering Ring on
ST-1 177-28 Cutter Holder the shaft. lnstall the micrometer ln the
ST-1 177-31 Drive Adapter bracket.
ST-1 177-33 Torsion Bar Adjust the micrometer to the value that is
ST-1 177-49 Cutter Key marked on the centering ring.
ST-1 177-34 Torsion Bar Bracket Push the micrometer through the bracket until
ST-1 177-39 Centering Ring the spindle is against the centering ring. Make
ST-1 177-51 Allen Wrench sure the micrometer setting remains at the
ST-1 177-52 Allen Wrench value set ln Step 4. Tighten the screw that
ST-1 177-51 11 Micrometer holds the micrometer In the bracket. Make
sure the micrometer spindle turns easily after
To Cut the Bore* for the Main Bearings: tightening the screw.
1. Assemble and adjust the Part No. ST-1177- 6. Remove the centering ring and put the Part No.
5111 Micrometer and the Part No. ST-1 177-28 ST-1 177-28 Cutter Holder on the base shaft.
Cutter Holder. Put the base shaft (46, Fig. 7 Align the hole for the cutting tool in the holder
1-39) through the bore of the micrometer with the hole ln the base shaft. There are lines
bracket (45, Fig. 1-39). Tighten the base shaft marked on the holder and the shaft to help you
into the micrometer base (44, Fig. 1-39). align the holes. Tighten the screws ln the
2. Tighten the screw In the micrometer bracket cutter holder. Make sure the gaps are equal
until the bracket fits tightly on the base shaft. between the two halves of the cutter holder
Make sure the hole for the micrometer In the after the screws are tightened.
bracket aligns with the hole for the cutting 8. lnstall the cutting tool in the tool Holder. The
tool In the shaft. cutting tool must be short enough that It will
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
not have any protrusion into the bore of the tool Cutting the Boras
1. Install the Part No. ST-1 177-16 Boring Bar and
9. Put the Part No. ST-1 177-49 Cutter Key Part No. ST-1177-39 Centering Rings in the
through the holes in the Toolholder and shaft. cylinder block. Follow the instructions given
Push the cutting tool, with a minimum of in Step 3 of "Inspect the Main Bearing Bore".
force, against the micrometer spindle. To pre
2. Install the Part No. ST-1 177-17 Bore Feed
vent damage to the tools, make sure you ad
Assembly in one end of the boring bar.
just the cutting tool and micrometer carefully.
Tighten the socket head screw in the bar to re
Tighten the retaining screw for the cutting
tain the assembly.
tool, Fig. 1-40.
3. Install the Part No. ST-1 177-33 Torsion Bar,
with the threaded end first, through the feed
assembly. Install the threaded end of the tor
sion bar into the ST-1 177-34 Torsion Bracket.
4. Fasten the torsion bracket to the end of the
cylinder block with a capscrew and washer,
Fig. 1-41.
Cylinder Block
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Check the crankshaft for wear, damage and
cracks. Measure the journals of the crankshaft Fig. 1-51 (V50138). Marks To Show The Size Of The Main And
with a micrometer. See Table 5. Connecting Rod Journals.
Cylinder Block
1. Measure the shells with a micrometer that has
a ball point, Fig. 1-53. Discard the shells that
F,.010'H,.020k are worn more than 0.001 inch [0.025 mm], or
Fig. 1-52. Marks To Show The Size Of The Thrust Surfaces. have scratches or other damage. See Table 6
for the thickness of the standard shell.
2. Put a mark on the crankshaft when you grind
it. This will show the correct size for the main
and connecting rod bearings. lnclude on the
identification both the thrust ring size and the
location of the ring. See Fig. 1-51 and Fig. 1-52.
Assemble the Crankshaft Gear Fig. 1-53 (N10127). Measure The Bearing Shell.
Check the Parts Catalog for the correct gear part
number. Table 6: Bearing Shell Thickness — Inch [mm]
1. lnstall the key in the crankshaft. Bearing New Dimension
Journal Minimum Maximum Worn Limit
2. Heat the gear in an oven at 400 °F [205 °C] for Main 0.1230 0.1238 0.1215
at least one hour. Bearing [3.124] [3.145] [3.086]
Connecting 0.0724 0.0729 0.0710
Note: Be careful when you heat the crankshaft Rod* [1.839] [1.852] [1.803]
gear. Make sure the heat is even in the oven. Do Connecting 0.0942 0.947 0.093
not let the gear overheat. Overheating will change Rod** [2.393] [2.405] [2.393]
the hardness of the gear. 'Connecting Rod with bolts and nuts.
3. The timing mark on the gear must be toward * 'Connecting Rod with capscrews.
you as you install the gear.
Note: Bearing shells are available for crankshafts
4. Align the keyway of the gear with the key in which are 0.010, 0.020, 0.030 or 0.040 inch under
the crankshaft. size.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
The main and connecting rod bearings must The Rubber Element Vibration Damper
have oil clearance between the shell and the
crankshaft, see Table 7. The clearance must
not change more than 0.002 inch [0.05] from Clean the damper with detergent. Do not use a
one bearing to the next bearing. strong detergent.
Table 7: Bean-ng Clearance — Inch [mm] 1. Check the metal parts of the damper for
Bearing New Dimension cracks or other damage. Check the rubber ele
Journal Minimum Maximum Wom Limit ment for cracks or other damage.
Main 0.0015 0.0050 0.0070
Bearing [0.038] [0.127] [0.178] 2. Check the index lines (3, Fig. 1-54) on the
Connecting 0.0015 0.0045 0.0070 damper hub (1) and the inertia member (2). lf
Rod [0.038] [0.114] [0.178] the lines are more than 1/16 inch [1.59 mm]
out of alignment, discard the damper.
Cylinder Block
damper in an oven heated to 200 °F [93°CJ. Let 4. Use a micrometer to measure the thickness at
the damper reach the temperature inside the each of the four areas. Measure approxi
oven, and then remove it. mately 0.125 inch [3.18 mm] from the outside
diameter of the damper, Fig. 1-56.
2. lnspect the damper for oil leaks. Discard the
damper if any leaks are seen. 5 Replace the damper if the difference in the
measurements between any two of the four
3. Remove the paint from four areas on eacn areas is more than 0.010 inch [0.25 mm].
side of the damper, Fig. 1-55. Use these areas
to take measurements of the thickness of the The Mounting Flange for
damper. the Vibration Damper
Replace the flange if the movement is more than
0.003 inch [69.8 mm].
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
or bolts. Discard the part if cracks are found. 4. Measure the inside diameter of the piston pin
Make sure you keep the connecting rod and bushing. Use a dial bore gauge. The inside
the cap together. diameter must measure between 2.0010 to
Note: Some joints in the forging will show as 2.0015 inch [50.825 to 50.838 mm].
cracks. Make sure to check the rod for the location 5. If the crankshaft bore or bushing is not cor
of these joints. These lines are not an indication of rect, the connecting rod must be machined to
cracks. Do not discard parts with these marks. the correct size.
2. Assemble the cap to the rod and tighten the
6. Discard all connecting rods that have cuts,
capscrews or nuts to the correct torque in the
scratches or other damage that is deeper than
correct sequence. Fig. 1-58 shows the correct
1/32 inch [0.80 mm] on the l-beam.
Cylinder Block
Fig. 1-59 (V40138). Check The Alignment Of The Bores. Fig. 1-60 (V40139). Measure The Amount Of Twist In The
Connecting Rod.
2. Put the connecting rod in the fixture, Fig. 1-59. 2. Discard any bolts and nuts that have damaged
Take readings for the length (compared to the threads.
length of the connecting rod used to calibrate
the fixture) and for the alignment of the bores 3. Measure the pilot bore in the bolt holes. lf the
(the difference in the readings from one in pilot bore in the rod is larger than 0.6249 inch
dicator to the other). [15.872 mm] discard the rod. lf the pilot bore in
the cap is larger than 0.6252 inch [15.880 mm]
a. The length must not be longer than the discard the cap.
master rod used to calibrate the fixture
and not more than 0.002 inch [0.05 mm] 4. Check the radius on the bolt pad. The bolt pad
shorter. must have a fillet radius of 0.045 to 0.055 inch
[1.14 to 1.40 mm]. See Fig. 1-61. A maximum of
b. The bend (alignment) must not be more 0.0625 inch [1.587 mm] material can be cut
than 0.010 inch [0.25 mm] without the from the pad to repair the radius. Remove any
bushing installed or 0.004 inch [0.10 mm] sharp edges from the pad.
with the bushing installed. -
3. Measure the twist of the connecting rod with a
feeler gauge. Put the feeler gauge between
the mandrel and the dial indicator holding
plate, Fig. 1-60. When the connecting rod does
not have a piston pin bushing, the twist must
not be more than 0.020 inch [0.51 mm]. When
the bushing is installed and machined to the
correct size, the twist must not be more than
0.010 inch [0.25 mm].
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
l tr
a Pin bore area
b Area below ring groove
c. Piston skirl
Fig. 1-64 (N10142). Check For Wear In The Ring Groove. Fig. 1-65 (N20171). Check Points For The Outside Diameter Of
The Piston.
Make sure the ring grooves are clean. The
widest part (shoulder) of the tool must not measured at 68 °F. Add 0.0005 inch [0.013 mm]
come in contact with the piston, Fig. 1-64. If to the diameter per 10 "F, up to 90 °F [32 °C].
the shoulder touches the piston, the ring 5. Use a micrometer to check the outside
groove is worn too deep and the piston must diameter of the piston pin. Discard the piston
be discarded. pin if it is more than 0.001 inch [0.03 mm] out-
2. If you do not have the ST-560 Gauge, you can of-round. The outside diameter must be
check the ring groove by using a section of a 1.99875 to 1.9990 inches [50.768 to 50.774 mm].
new ring and a feeler gauge. 6. Do not increase the size of the inside diameter
a. Hold the ring in the groove and install a of the piston pin bore or, use an oversize
0.006 inch [0.15 mm] feeler gauge. piston pin.
b. If the feeler gauge enters the groove easily Assemble the Piston to
there is too much wear. Discard the the Connecting Rod
1. Always use the same part number pistons for
3. Measure the outside diameter of the piston each cylinder in the engine.
with a micrometer. Take the measurements at
right angles to the piston pin bore. Take the 2. Install a snap ring in the groove of the piston
measurement when the piston temperature is pin bore.
70° to90°F [21 Mo 32 •CJ.
3. Heat the piston for 15 minutes in boiling water
a. Measure the area A, Fig. 1-65, for pistons or in an oven set at 210 °F [98.9 °C]. lnstall the
that are barrel-ground. piston pin in the piston and connecting pin
bores before the piston pin cools to 70 "F
b. Measure the area B, 1.0 inch [25.4 mm] [21 "CJ. The piston pin cannot be installed
below the ring groove, and area C, 1.0 inch when the temperature of the piston is 70 °F
[25.4 mm] above the bottom of the piston [21 °C] or less. Install a snap ring in the groove
for pistons that are straight or tapered. of the piston pin bore opposite to the one in
c. Discard pistons that measure less than step Z
5.483 inch [39.27 mm] diameter. Caution: Merer use a hammer to Install tha piston
4. Check the piston pin bore when the pin. This can causa distortion In tha piston and a
temperature of the piston is at 68 °F. The in piston seizure In tha cylinder liner. Make sure the
side diameter of the bore must be 1.9985 to edges of the snap ring are In the groove of the
1.9990 inches [50.762 to 50.775 mm] when piston pin bore.
Cylinder Block
The Rear Cover Note: Failure to use the correct pipe plug will
cause the oil pressure for the engine to be incor
rect. See the parts catalog for the engine that you
Remove the oil seal from the rear cover. Check the are working with to find the correct combination
rear cover for damage to the oil seal bore. Check of camshaft, camshaft plug and camshaft support.
the threads in the capscrew holes.
5. lnstall the pipe plug in the camshaft. Tighten
the pipe plug to 5 to 10 ft.-lbs. [7 to 14 N»m]
Replace the rear cover if it is damaged. Install a
6. Put the camshaft gear in an oven heated to
thread insert if the threads are damaged.
400 °F [205 °C]. Heat the gear for one hour.
The Camshaft 7. lnstall the key in the camshaft. Remove the
gear from the oven and use a press to push
Inspection the gear on the camshaft.
Use a micrometer to measure the journals.
8. Use a feeler gauge to check the clearance be
Discard the camshaft if the journals measure less
tween the camshaft flange and the gear. The
clearance must not be more than 0.0015 inch
1.996 inches [50.70 mm] — 2 inch camshaft [0.038 mm].
2.495 inches [63.37 mm] — 2-1/2 inch camshaft
9. Turbocharged and aftercooled engines re
quire a retaining ring for the camshaft gear.
Put the retaining ring in an oven heated to
Replace the camshaft if it has scratches, cracks 450 °F [232 °C]. Heat the ring for one hour.
or other damage. Use a magnetic inspection Remove the ring from the oven and use a
method to check for cracks. press to push the ring on the camshaft until
Note: Cummins Engine Co., lnc. does not recom the ring is against the gear. lf a retaining ring
mend grinding the camshaft lobes. is used, make sure you have the correct cam
shaft support and pipe plug.
The Thrust Bearing Note: Always check the engine timing when a new
Replace the thrust bearing if it is damaged, worn camshaft or camshaft gear is installed.
or distorted. Replace the thrust bearing if it is
worn thinner than 0.083 inch [2.11 mm].
The Camshaft Support
The Camshaft Gear Discard the support if it is cracked or damaged or,
Remove the gear if it is cracked, damaged or if the inside diameter is worn larger than 1.757
worn. inch [44.63 mm].
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
2. Lubricate the threads of the Part No. 2. Push the Part No. 68226-1 bushing (2) on the
ST-1259-6 screws. Put these screws in the trunnion. Make sure the chamfer on the
tool. Turn them until the threads of the screw bushing is toward the gear cover.
engage the metal casing of the seal.
The I
3. Remove the Part No. ST-1259-6 screws. lnstall (except for NTA l
a capscrew in the center of the tool. Turn the
screw until the seal is pulled from the gear 1. Measure the inside diameter of the bushing
cover. for the accessory drive. lf the inside diameter
is larger than 1.571 inches [39.90 mm].
4. lnspect the area around the seal for damage. Replace the bushing.
Make sure all metal particles are removed.
2. Measure the outside diameter of the ac
Inspection cessory drive shaft. If the shaft measures less
than 1.5665 inches [39.79 mm], an undersize
1. Check the outside diameter of the trunnion for bushing can be installed in the gear cover. The
wear. bushing and shaft must have 0.003 inch [0.08
2. Check the cover for cracks or other damage. mm] minimum clearance between them. See
Table 10 for bushing sizes.
Repair 3. Use the ST-598 Mandrel to install the bushing
Replace any worn or damaged gear cover. in the gear cover. Make sure the oil holes are
in alignment. A 0.156 inch [3.96 mm] diameter
rod must be able to move freely through the oil
lf the outside diameter of the gear cover trunnion
is worn, install a new bushing.
1. Cut the trunnion (1, Fig. 1-66) to measure 4.747 Table 10: Accessory Drive Bushing — inch [mm]
to 4.750 inches [120.57 to 120.65 mm] outside Part No. Minimum Maximum Worn Limit
diameter. 132770 1 .565 1.569 1.571
[39.75] [39.85] [39.90]
132771 1.555 1.559 1.561
[39.50] [39.60] [39.65]
132772 1.545 1.549 1.551
[39.23] [39.34] [39.40]
Cylinder Block
Table 1-1: Cylinder Block Specifications — inch [mm] (Reference Fig. 1-0)
2-1/2 lnch Cam Engines
Specifications not listed are the
2 lnch Cam Engines same as 2 Inch Cam Engines
Ref. worn »■
new— New Worn New New
No. Measurement Limit Minimum Maximum Limit Minimum Maximum
1. Camshaft Bushing 2.0015 1.999 2.0005 2.5023 2.4983 2.4998
lnside Diameter [50.838] [50.774] [50.813] [63.558] [63.457] [63.495]
Camshaft Bushing Bore 2.1305 2.1285 2.1295 2.6265 2.6245 2.6255
lnside Diameter [54.115] [54.064] [54.089] [66.721] [66.662] [66.688]
2. Cylinder Liner Counterbore 6.5615 6.5635
lnside Diameter [166.662] [166.713]
Depth 0.412 0.350 0.352
[10.46] [8.89] [8.94]
3. Liner to Block Clearance 0.002 0.006
Lower Bore [0.05] [0.15]
4. Lower Liner Bore 6.124 6.126
Inside Diameter [155.55] [155.60]
5. Main Bearing Bore 4.7505 4.7485 4.750
lnside Diameter [120.663] [120.612] [120.650]
Block (Ref. Fig. 1-37)
Height from Main 18.994 19.003 19.007
Bearing Centerline [482.45] [482.68] [482.78]
Height from lnstalled 16.619 16.628 16.632
Alignment Bar [422.12] [422.35] [422.45]
Cylinder Liner 5.505 5.4995 5.501
lnside Diameter [139.83] [139.687] [139.73]
Note: New cylinder liners dimensions at 60° to 70 °F [16° to 21 °C]
may be 0.0002 to 0.0006 lnch [0.005 to 0.0015 mm] smaller than
indicated due to lubrite coating.
Protrusion 0.003 0.006
(lnstalled) [0.08] [0.15]
6. Crankshaft
Connecting Rod Journal 3.122 3.1235 3.125
Outside Diameter [79.30] [79.337] [79.38]
Main Bearing Journal 4.4975 4.4985 4.500
Outside Diameter [114.237] [144.262] [114.30]
Thrust Bearing Surface 3.006 3.001 3.003
to Rear Counterweight [76.35] [76.23] [76.28]
Main and Rod Journals 0.002
Out-of-round T.l.R.* [0.05] *T.l.R. — Total lndicated Runout
Main and Rod Journal 0.0005
Taper (Length of Journal) [0.013]
7. Main Bearings" 0.1215 0.123 0.1238 "Also available in 0.010, 0.020,
Shell Thickness [3.086] 13.12) [3.145] 0.030 and 0.040 inch undersize.
Journal Clearance 0.007 0.0015 0.005
- [0.18] [0.038] [0.13]
(Connecting rods with bolts & nuts) (Connecting Rods with capscrews)
a Rod Bearings** 0.071 0.0724 0.0729 0.093 0.0942 0.0947
Shell Thickness [1.80] [1.839] [1.852] [2.362] [2.393] [2.405]
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Table 1-1: Cylinder Block Specifications — inch [mm] (Reference Fig. 1-0) (Cont'd)
2-1/2 Inch Cam Engines
Sp0ciflcations not listed are the
2 Inch Cam Engines same as 2 men Cam Engines
New New \ 52 Ml;lemwum m£ozum
No! Measurement Limit Minimum Maximum 1
9. Crankshaft Thrust Ring 0.245 0.247
157280 Std. Thickness [6.22] [6.27]
157281 0.010 O.S. 0.255 0.257
Thickness [0.25] [6.48] [6.53]
157282 0.020 O.S. 0.265 0.267
Thickness [0.51] [6.73] [6.78]
'Use Crankshaft End Clearance
10. Crankshaft End Clearance 0.022 0.007 0.017
End Clearance (lnstalled) [0.56] [0.18] [0.43]
11. Connecting Rod
Crankpin Bore 3.2722 3.2732 3.3157 3.3167
lnsido Diameter [83.114] [83.139] [84.219] [84.244]
Center to Center Length 11.998 12.000
[304.75] [30480]
Piston Pin Bushing 2.0022 2.0010 2.0015
lnside Diameter [50.856] [50.825] [50.838]
Table 1-1: Cylinder Block Specifications — inch [mm] (Reference Fig. 1-0) (Cont'd.)
2-1/2 lnch Cam Engines
Specifications not listed are the
2 Inch Cam Engines same as 2 Inch Cam Engines
Ref. Worn New New Worn New New
No. Measurement Limit Minimum Maximum Limit Minimum Maximum
Dowel Protrusion 0.220 0.250
[5.59] [6.35]
Dowel Press Fit ln Cap 0.0001 0.0006
[0.003] [0.015]
12. rision
Skirt Diameter 5.483 5.487 5.488
at 70 *F [21 *CJ [139.27] [139.37] [139.40]
Piston Pin Bore lnside 2.0000 1.9985 1.9990
Diameter at 70 "F [21 X] [50.800] [50.762] [50.775]
13. Piston Pin
Outside Diameter 1.9985 1.99875 1.9990
at 70 "F [21 *C] [50.762] [50.768] [50.775]
14. Piston Ring
Gap in Ring Travel Area
of Liner
Part Number Minimum Maximum
147670 0.023 0.033
[0.58] [0.84]
218025* 0.017 0.027
[0.43] [0.68]
3012331** 0.017 0.027
[0.43] [0.68]
132880*** 0.019 0.029
[0.48] [0.74]
214730 0.019 0.029
[0.48] [0.74]
216383* 0.020 0.030
[0.51] [0.76]
3012332 0.019 0.029
[0.48] [0.74]
218732 0.010 0.025
[0.25] [0.64]
Add 0.003 inch [0.08 mm] ring gap to new maximum limit for
each 0.001 inch [0.03 mm] wear in cylinder liner wall.
*NTC-475 only
"Big Cam ll only
***NTE Engine only
15. Camshaft Journal 1.996 1.997 1.998 2.495 2.496 2.497
Outside Diameter [50.70] [50.72] [50.75] [63.37] [63.40] [63.42]
Thrust Bearing 0.083 0.093 0.098
Thickness [2.11] [2.36] [2.49]
Support Bushing 1.370 1.3725 1.3755
lnside Diameter [34.80] [34.862] [34.938]
Outboard Bearing Support 1.757 1.751 1.754
lnside Diameter [44.63] [44.48] [44.55]
16. Gear Case Cover
Accessory Drive Bushing
Part No. 132770 Std. 1.571 1.565 1.569
lnside Diameter [39.90] [39.75] [39.85]
132771 0.010 [0.25] U.S. 1.561 1.555 1.559
lnside Diameter [39.65] [39.50] [39.60]
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Table 1-1: Cylinder Block Specifications - inch [mm] (Reference Fig. 1-0) (Cont'd)
2-1/2 Inch Cam Engines
Specifications not listed an the
2 lnch Cam Engines same as 2 Inch Cam Engines
No. Measurement Limit Minimum Maximum Limit Minimum Maximum
132772 0.020 [0.51] U.S. 1.551 1.545 1.549
lnside Diameter [39.40] [39.24] [39.34]
20822 Std. (NTA Series) 1.7585 1.7525 1.7565
Inside Diameter [44.666] [44.513] [44.615]
Cylinder Block
1-39/(1-40 Blank)
Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Cylinder Head
4. Put each valve, as it is removed, on a stand 5. Dry the cylinder head with compressed air.
that has numbers to show the cylinders of the Polish the surface with an orbital sander, Fig.
engine. 2-4.
5. lf the engine has oil seals for the intake valve To test the fuel passage with air
guides, remove the seals. Discard the seals. a. Install discarded injectors in the cylinder
6. Engines that are turbocharged have a 1/8 inch head.
pipe plug in the cylinder head vent hole.
Remove the pipe plug. Naturally aspirated
engines do not have a plug in the vent hole.
7. Remove the pipe plugs from the fuel holes ln
the number 1 and 3 cylinder head.
8. Remove the pipe plugs from the fuel passages
in each end of the cylinder head.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.Di Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 2-4 (N10290). Polish The Cylinder Head. Fig. 2-5 (N10278). Cross-Section Of The ST-1179 Injector Sleeve
Holding Tool.
b. Close the fuel outlet and install an air
c. lnstall air fittings to the fuel inlet and apply
air pressure of 80 to 100 psi [550 to 690 kPaj.
d. Close the air inlet valve and check the fuel
passage for leaks.
e. Check the air gauge. The pressure shown
on the gauge must not decrease for a
minimum of 15 seconds. Discard the
cylinder head with wear or damage.
Air Pressure Test the Cylinder Head
1. lnstall the Part No. ST-1179 Injector Sleeve
Holding Tool, or an injector that has been
Fig. 2-6 (N10282). The Cylinder Head Installed ln The ST-102.
discarded into the injector sleeve, Fig. 2-5.
2. Tighten the sleeve holding tool to hold the in with the holes in the plate. Tighten the
jector sleeve ln position. If an injector is used screw for the clamping assembly. Make
lnstead of the sleeve holding tool, tighten the sure the drain valve in the adapter plate is
hold-down capscrews to 10 to 12 Ft.-Lbs. [14 in the closed position.
to 16 N»m] torque.
c. Use the pins that are supplied with the
3. lnstall the cylinder head in the Part No. quadrant to fasten the clamping assembly
ST-1012 Hydrostatic Tester and the Part No. to the quadrant. Fasten the longer bracket
ST-1013 Base Plate, Fig. 2-6 of the quadrant to the bottom of the
a. lnstall the plates on the cylinder head. clamping assembly.
Engage the locating pins for the plates
d. Use a hoist to lift the assembly over a tank
with the holes ln the cylinder head.
filled with water. Connect the air hose to
b. lnstall the clamping assembly over the the fitting on either the top or bottom
plates on the cylinder head. Engage the plate. Adjust the air pressure regulator to
locating pins for the clamping assembly 30 to 40 psi [207 to 276 kPa].
Cylinder Head
e. Lower the assembly into the water until 1. Remove the keeper bar from the magnet
approximately 1/2 inch [12.7 mm] of water poles.
is over the cylinder head.
2. Put the magnet on the area to be inspected.
f. Rotate the cylinder head and check for
3. Use the powder bulb to spray the powder on
leaks. Be sure to check the upper and
the area to be inspected. Use compressed air
lower injector sleeve area for leaks.
with low pressure to remove excess powder
* g. Lift the assembly from the tank. Remove from the area. The remainder of the powder
the cylinder head from the ST-1012 and will be in the cracks and will show as a white
ST-1013. line, Fig. 2-7.
f. Tighten the T-handle to cause the extrac lnspect the Valve Seats
tor ln the puller to expand under the seat. 1. To find loose valve seat inserts, carefully hit
g. Hit the slide hammer against the top nut the head with a wood or rubber hammer. lf the
until the seat is removed. insert is loose enough so that it moves,
replace the insert.
h. Remove the seat from the puller by
rotating the T-handle counterclockwise. 2. Check the seat area width (2), Fig. 2-8. If the
width is more than 0.125 inch [3.18 mm] and
i. Repeat the procedure to remove the re cannot be cut narrower, replace the insert.
maining seats. Be sure to apply grease to
the tapered end of the shaft each time you 3. Use the following tools to cut the counterbore:
repeat the procedure. ST-257 Valve Seat lnsert Tool Kit
ST-662 Valve Seat lnsert Cutter
2. Use a vernier depth gauge or micrometer to ST-663 Valve Guide Arbor
check the height of the cylinder head. Do not
remove more than 0.005 inch [0.13 mm] a. lnstall the arbor into the valve stem guide.
material with each cut. The cylinder head Put the adapter sleeve from the Tool Kit on
height must not be less than 4.340 inch to the arbor.
[110.24 mm]. b. Loosen the clamp screws for the swivel
and the gear case. Remove the gear case
assembly. Install the base and swivel on
to the arbor and adapter sleeve. Make sure
the base is flat against the cylinder head.
c. Use a capscrew to fasten the base to the
cylinder head. Do not tighten the cap-
d. Use a seat driver from the Tool Kit. The
driver must have the same diameter as the
cutter. Install the driver over the arbor and
adapter sleeve and through the swivel,
Fig. 2-9.
e. Adjust the position of the base and swivel
1. Minimum Seat Width 0.063 inch [1.59 mm] so the driver will move freely on the arbor.
2. Maximum Seat Width 0.125 inch (3.18 mm] Tighten the capscrew to hold the base to
the cylinder head. Tighten the clamp
Fig. 2-8 (N10228). Cross-Section Of The Valve Seat Insert. screw for the swivel.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Visual lnspection
1. Clean the valves and polish them with a
crocus cloth. lf you clean the valves with glass
beads, do not let the beads hit the valve stem.
2. Check the valve head for damage. Use the Part
Fig. 2-13 (V40237). Measure The Outside Diameter Of The
No. 3375933 Valve Head Checking Tool to Valve Stem.
measure the thickness of the valve head rim
(A), Fig. 2-12. The rim must measure a 2. Valves that have two different metals can be
minimum of 0.105 inch [2.67 mm]. inspected by a magnetic method. At the point
3. Measure the outside diameter of the valve where the metals are welded, there will be a
stem, Fig. 2-13. Discard the valve if the stem is magnetic leakage. The leakage will show as a
damaged or, measures less than 0.449 inch wide pattern of magnetic particles. Magnetize
[11.44 mm]. the valves in a coil at 100 to 200 amperes,
then, inspect with residual magnaglo. A crack
4. Check the grooves in the valve stem for wear.
The valve spring collet must fit tightly in the at, or near, the weld will show as a bright line.
grooves. Discard the valve if the grooves are 3. Valves with only one type of metal must be
worn enough that the collet is loose. magnetized and inspected in two directions.
Magnetize the valves in a coil at 100 to 300
Magnetic lnspection amperes, then, inspect with residual
1. Make sure all grease and deposits are cleaned magnaglo. This will cause any defects to
from the valves. Use solvent or a cleaning show around the circumference of the valve.
machine that uses vapor to remove grease. Magnetize the valves again with a headshot at
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
500 to 700 amperes, then, inspect with residual face where the indicator shows the
magnaglo. This will cause any defects to show highest reading.
along the length of the valve.
d. Remove the vaive from the chuck. Turn the
4. The magnetic indications must be as follows: valve 180 degrees from the original posi
tion in the chuck. Put the valve in the
a. For area (1), Fig. 2-14 no indication longer
chuck and tighten the chuck.
than 1/2 inch [12.70 mm]. Also, no more
than 5 indications, or, indications spaced e. Repeat Steps (b) and (c). If the highest in
closer than 1/8 inch [3.18 mm]. dicator reading is the same and in the
same location of the face when the valve
b. The remaining areas (2, 3, 4 and 5) must
is positioned as in Steps (a) and (d), the
not have any magnetic indication or vis
valve is distorted. If the highest readings
ible indication.
are at different locations on the valve face
Note: "Visible" means that after you remove the in Steps (a) and (d), the chuck is not in
magnetic particle suspension, you can still see an alignment. The indicator must not show
indication while looking through a 3 power magni more than 0.001 inch [0.02 mm] difference
fying glass. around the circumference of the valve
5. Remove the magnetism from the acceptable
Use the valve facing machine to grind the
valve face. Make sure the coolant will spray on
the valve head, not on the grinding wheel.
Grind the valve face to an angle exactly 30
degrees from the horizontal position of the
Check the thickness of the valve head rim,
Fig. 2-12, to be sure that the rim thickness is
not less than 0.124 inch [3.15 mm]. Do not
repair any valve with cracks or other damage
or any valve whose rim thickness is less than
0.124 inch [3.15 mm].
Make sure the valve face has the correct con
tact against the valve seat. Put marks on the
valve face as shown In Fig. 2-15. lnstall the
Use the 3376256 or ST-684 Valve Facing Machine
to grind the fabe of the valve.
1. Check the setting on the facing machine by
using a new vaive and an indicator gauge.
a. Put the valve in the chuck of the machine.
Tighten the chuck on the guide area of the
valve stem.
b. Position the tip of the indicator against
the valve face.
c. Turn the valve. Put a mark on the valve Fig. 2-15 (N20217). Put
Cylinder Head
Replacement Replacement
Replace any valves which have any cracks or Replace any springs which do not meet the
damage or which do not have a rim thickness of at specifications ln Table 2.
least 0.124 inch [3.15 mm].
The Crosshead Guides
The Valve Springs Inspection
Inspection 1. Use micrometers to measure the outside
diameter of the crosshead guide. The
Weak valve springs can cause wear and damage
diameter must not be worn smaller than 0.432
to the valve and valve seat. Weak springs can also
change the valve timing and cause the valve to hit inch [10.97 mm].
the top of the piston. 2. Make sure the guide ls straight. The guide
must be at a right angle to the surface of the
1. Use the Part No. 33751b2 valve spring tester to cylinder head. Replace any guide that ls not
test the valve spring, Fig. 2-16. Compress the straight.
spring to the "working length" given ln Table
2. Check the amount of force required to com To Replace Crosshead Guides
press the spring, if not within the limits given
in Table 2, discard the spring. 1. Use the ST-1134 Dowel Puller to remove the
worn crosshead guides.
2. Use spacers under the valve spring when the
2. Use the ST-633 Crosshead Guide Spacer to in
valve and valve seat have had a total of 0.030
stall the crosshead guide.
Inch [0.76 mm] material removed. Do not use
more than two, Part No. 68803-A Spacers 3. If you do not have the guide spacer, use a
under a valve spring. press to install the crosshead guide. Make
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
1. Use a magnetic method to check the
crossheads for cracks. To repair the water holes, use the following tools
from the Part No. ST-1010 Water Hole Counter-
2. Check the inside diameter of the bore, Fig. boring Tool Kit.
2-17. Replace the crosshead if the bore is worn ST-1010-1 Bushing Plate
larger than 0.440 inch [11.18 mm]. ST-1010-2 Adapter Screw
3. Use a bore gauge to check the bore at four ST-1010-3
points spaced 90 degress apart to find if the ST-1010-5 Counterbore Cutter
bore is out-of-round. ST-1010-8 Drive Adapter
ST-1010-1 3 Locating Pin
4. Inspect the rocker lever contact surface (1), ST-1010-19 Allen Wrench
Fig. 2-17 and the valve stem contact surface ST-1010-20 Gauge Block
(2) for wear. Check the adjusting screw and
threads in the crosshead (4) for wear or 1. Adjust the depth of the counterbore cutter.
damage. a. Put the bushing plate on a flat surface
with the side of the plate marked "Top"
away from the surface.
b. lnstall the counterbore cutter in the 5/8
inch [15.8 mm] bushing. Make sure the
cutter is against the flat surface.
c. Slide the stop collar up on the counterbore
d. Put the gauge block on top of the bushing
plate. Hold the curve at the plate against
the cutter.
e. Slide the stop collar down against the
1. Rocker Lever Contact Area
2. Valve Stem Contact Area gauge block, Fig. 2-18. Tighten the set-
3 Crosshead Bore , screw in the stop collar.
4. Adjusting Screw Threads ■ (i)
f. Remove the cutter and gauge block from
Fig. 2-17 (N10299). Check The Crosshead For Wear. the bushing plate.
Cylinder Head
Fig. 2-18. Set The Depth Of The Cutter Fig, 2-20. Cut The Water Hole.
2. Put the bushing plate on the cylinder head 8. Engage the drill adapter with the counterbore
with the side of the plate marked "Top" away cutter, Fig. 2-20.
from the cylinder head.
9. Start the drill. Apply minimum downward
3. Fasten the bushing plate to the cylinder head.
force while cutting the hole.
lnsert the adapter screw through an injector
hole and through the bushing plate. lnstall the 10. Remove the counterbore cutter and bushing
adapter knob on the end of the adapter screw. plate from the cylinder head.
4. Insert the locating pin through the 5/8 inch
11. To install the Part No. 191078 water passage
bushing and into the water hole to be repaired.
Use your hand to tighten the adapter knob to
approximately 50 ft.-lbs. [68 N»m], Fig. 2-19. a. Make sure the hole is clean and all metal
5. Remove the locating pin. particles and sharp edges are removed.
6. lnstall the counterbore cutter in the bushing. b. Slide the sleeve into the end of the
bushing driver.
7. lnstall the drive adapter in an electric drill.
c. Apply a coat of sealant to the sleeve.
d. Align the sleeve with the water hole. Hit
the bushing driver with a hammer to install
the sleeve into the water hole.
e. Cut the sleeve so that it is even with the
surface at the cylinder head. Use a flat,
wide mill file to cut the sleeve. Be careful
and do not damage the surface of the
cylinder head when you cut the sleeve.
12. You can use copper tubing if the 191078
sleeve is not available. The tubing must have a
heavy wall and the outside diameter must be
0.002 to 0.005 inch [0.05 to 0.13 mm] larger
than the diameter of the hole. The length must
be 0.50 inch [12.7 mm] and the inside diameter
Fig. 2-19. Align The Bushing With The Water Hole. must be 0.437 inch [11.11 mm].
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
2-21. lnstall The Tool Into The Cylinder Head. Fig. 2-22 (V40244). The O-RIng
Cylinder Head
NT/NTA 855 C.l.D. Engine Shop Manual
Assembly and Testing 6. Install the lower guides for the valve springs
over the valve guides.
Caution: Make sun you use the correct valve
1. Install the pipe plugs, fuel inlet and fuel drain spring and valve spring guide. See the Parts Cata
fittings into the fuel passages. Make sure the log for the correct part numbers.
fittings and plugs are installed in the same
location as their original location. Apply 7. Valve guide seals for the intake valves are not
teflon tape or liquid lead compound to the installed on new engines. You can install valve
threads. Tighten the pipe plugs to the torque guide seals, but, do not install a seal instead
valve given in Table 3. of replacing the valve guide.
2. Apply a coat of 3375068 Expansion Plug 8. lnstall the valve spring, spring seat and, if
Sealant to the outside diameter of the expan required, spring spacer. lnstall the upper valve
sion plug. Apply a coat of the sealant to the spring guide. Compress the valve springs and
inside diameter at the water hole. install the valve spring collets. Always use
new valve spring collets.
3. Use the correct expansion plug driver listed in
Table 4 to install the expansion plug. 9. Cylinder heads that have two valve springs for
each exhaust valve require:
Note: If you do not have expansion plug drivers
you can use a mandrel of the correct size to install a. A heavy-duty spring guide at the top of the
the plug. lnstall the plug so it will be even with to springs.
0.090 inch [2.29 mm] below the chamfer, Fig. 2-25. b. Two spring wear plates at the bottom of
Do not push the plug to the bottom of the counter the springs.
c. See the Parts Catalog for the correct part
4. Make sure the vent hole is open in the cylinder numbers.
head for naturally aspirated engines. The vent
hole is located above the air intake port on top
The Valve Seating Test
of the cylinder head. Cylinder heads for turbo-
charged engines do not have vent holes. Use the ST-1257 Valve Vacuum Tester to check the
seal between the valve and the valve seat.
5. Apply clean lubricating oil to the valve stem.
lnstall the valves into the valve guides. Put the Caution: Never vacuum test a cylinder head with
cylinder head on a wood surface to prevent the Injectors installed. Installing the injectors can
damage to the surface of the cylinder head. cause the valves to be out of alignment and will
Cylinder Head
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
2-19/(2-20 Blank)
Rocker Levers
Rocker Levers
Rocker Levers and Housing 3. lf the housing has a breather vent hole (1,Fig.
3-2), make sure it is free of dirt or other
1. Mark each lever for the position it is in as
4. Check rocker lever shaft bore of housing in
removed. Remove the adjusting screws and
side diameter. The dimensions must be 1.1238
nuts from all the levers.
to 1.1246 inch [28.545 to 28.565 mm]. lf the
2. Remove the setscrew or the spray nozzle and shaft bore does not meet these dimensions,
jam nut which holds the shaft in the housing discard the housing. See the Parts Catalog for
(80 degree tilt engine). the correct part number.
4. Remove the O-rings from the solid plugs and Clean the levers thoroughly and dry with com
discard them. The solid plugs can be removed pressed air.
from the shaft by putting the plug in a vise and
then moving the shaft. Discard the plugs. Inspection
1. Use magnetic inspection to check the sur
Cleaning face. Use coil magnetization with amperage at
300 to 500 with residual Magnaglo. See Fig.
Clean the bore ln the shaft with a bottle brush. 3-3 for most likely areas of damage. Demagne
tize after checking.
2. Use a 1/4 inch radius gauge to check the bail
1. Visually inspect all the capscrew holes for end of rocker lever adjusting screw, Fig. 3-4.
damaged threads. lnspect all the levers, hous Replace the screw if the ball end is out of
ings and covers for damage. round or flat at the bottom. Check the thread
condition on all screws and in the levers.
2. lnspect the opening of the shaft bore for sharp
Check carefully for threaded distortion at the
edges or other change. The opening of the
assembly position of the locknut. Screws
bore should have a slight radius. Use 240 grit
must move freely through the levers.
aluminum oxide paper over a split rod, which
is rotating in an electric drill to remove sharp 3. inspect the sockets of the injector rocker lever
edges. for damage. Apply a bluing compound with
Rocker Levers
1. Replace sockets with unacceptable blue pat
terns. Drill a small hole in the lever above the
socket and push the worn socket out. Stake
the plug in the hole and replace the socket.
Fig. 3-3 (V40305). Areas To Check For Cracks. 2. Replace the bushings whose inside diameter
were more than 1.1286 inches [28.664 mm].
Use the ST-691 Mandrel and Block to remove
the bushing. See the Parts Catalog for the cur
rent replacement bushing part numbers.
3. lnstall the new bushing with the mandrel and
an arbor press. Fig. 3-6.
a. On injector and exhaust valve levers, in
stall the bushings so that the oil holes to
the crosshead nose or the injector link and
adjusting screw are open for oil flow.
b. On intake valve levers with the oil hole to
the end with the crosshead nose, install
the bushing so that the hole is closed.
Also the bushing "slot hole" must be in
line with the oil hole to the adjusting
Fig. 3-4 (N20305). Check The Ball End Of The Adjusting Screw. screw. Do not cut a bore in steel bushings.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
9 9 9
3-7 (N10326). The Rocker Lever Assembly. Fig. 3-8. Use The ST-1182 To Adjust The Spray Nozzles.
Rocker Levers
3-5/(3-6 Blank)
Cam Followers
Cam Followers
Cam Followers
2 " Cam
Push Rods
2 " Cam
Big Cam
Fig. 4-2, (N10421). Push Rods comparison.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
Cam Followers
remove the plug. lnstall a mandrel in a press. 3. Check the bushing in the cam follower lever
Push the mandrel against the shafts in the for scratches or other damage. Use inside
housing to move the plug out of the hole in the micrometers to measure the inside diameter
opposite end of the housing. of the bushing, Fig. 4-6. The bushing mu.it
measure 0.7501 to 0.7511 inch [19.053 to
4. Remove the cam follower levers from the
19.078 mm]. Replace the bushing if it
measures more than 0.752 inch [19.10 mm].
5. Put a mark on the cam follower levers to iden
4. Use a magnetic inspection method to check
tify their location in the housing as they are
the levers for cracks. Apply coil magnetization
to the lever. Use 300 to 500 amperes with
residual magnaglo. Fig. 4-7 shows the areas of
the lever to check carefully for cracks.
1. Put the cam follower shafts in a container of
5. Check the cup plug holes in the housing for
mineral spirits. Use compressed air to dry the
damage or sharp edges. Use 240 grit
aluminum oxide paper to remove any sharp
2. Clean the other parts with a cleaning solvent
and dry with compressed air.
Caution: Make sure the oil passages in the levers
are clean.
1. Use micrometers to measure the outside
diameter of the shaft, Fig. 4-5. The shaft must
measure 0.7485 to 0.7490 inch [18.012 to 19.02
mm]. Replace the shaft if it is damaged or the
outside diameter measures less than 0.748
inch [19.00 mm].
Note: On the part of the shaft for the lockscrew,
make sure that the grooves are clean.
2. lnspect the cam follower housing for cracks or
other damage. Discard if damaged or worn. Fig. 4-6 (N10402). Measure The Cam Follower Bushing.
Fig. 4-5 (N10411). Measure The Cam Follower Shaft. Fig. 4-7 (N10410). Check These Areas For Cracks.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
edges. Put the aluminum paper in a rod that 7. Remove the roll pins (5, Fig. 4-8), Roller pins
has a slot in the end to hold the paper. lnstall (4) and rollers (6) from the cam levers (2).
the rod in an electric drill. Start the drill and
push the paper through the hole. Make a 8. Inspect the rollers. Use a small bore gauge to
chamfer on the edge of the hole and remove measure the inside diameter of the rollers,
any sharp edges. Fig. 4-10. Check the rollers to be sure they are
not out-of-round. See Table 1 for the dimen
6. Check the lnsert in the cam follower lever (3, sions of the rollers. Use micrometers to
Fig. 4-8) for wear or damage. Use a new push measure the outside diameter at the roller,
rod ball or a 0.625 inch [15.88 mm] checking Fig. 4-11. The outside diameter of the roller
ball to check the insert. Apply a prussian blue must have a common center within 0.002 inch
compound to the ball. Put the ball into the in [0.05 mm].
sert in the lever and rotate the ball 180
degrees, Fig. 4-9. Replace the insert if it is 9. Use micrometers to measure the outside
damaged or has less than 80 percent contact diameter of the roller pins, Fig. 4-12. See Table
with the ball. 1 for dimensions of the roller pins.
Fig. 4-8 (N10412). Cam Follower — Exploded View. Fig. 4-10 (N10414). Measure The I.O. Of The Cam Roller.
Fig. 4-9 (N10413). Using A Push Rod To Check The Insert. Fig. 4-11 (N10415). Measure The O.D. Of The Cam Roller.
Cam Followers
10. Measure the roller pin bore ln the cam 2. Use compressed air to clean the oil passages.
follower lever. See Table 1 for dimensions. 3. Use the ST-249 to Install a new bushing in the
11. If the rollers are damaged, be sure to Inspect
the camshaft for damage. Replace any part
that is damaged or worn beyond the limits in
Table 1.
1. Replace the cam followers if they have any
damage or cracks.
2. Replace the cam followers if they are worn
beyond the limit.
1. Remove the bushing in the cam follower If the
Inside diameter of the bushing is more than
0.752 inch [19.10 mm]. Use the ST-249 Lever
Bushing Block and Mandrel to remove the
bushing, Fig. 4-13.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Caution: If a new socket Insert Is Installed In the 3. lnstall a temporary screw ln the shaft. This
lever, a new push rod must also be used. will prevent breakage of the lockscrew when
the plug is installed in the housing.
Assembly 4. Apply a light coat of sealant to the hole
1. Hold a 0.006 lnch [0.15 mm] feeler gauge be in each end of the housing. Use the ST-1053
tween the lever and roller. lnstall the roller pin Expansion Plug Driver to install the cup plug.
through the lever and roller, Fig. 4-14. Install Install the plug so it is at least even with the
the roll pins into the lever and roller pin. edge of the hole or not more than 0.010 inch
[0.25 mm] below the edge of the hole, Fig. 4-16.
2. Assemble the levers and shafts in the hous
ing, Fig. 4-15. Make sure the lever for the lnjec 5. Remove the temporary screws and lnstall the
tor is in the center position in each assembly. lockscrews in the shafts.
Cam Followers
Air flow to and from the actuator is controlled by a 2. Remove the spline coupling and seal.
solenoid valve mounted to the actuator. An elec
3. Remove the housing and seal to the right of
trical switch that senses a change in fuel
the center housing.
pressure, or engine load, opens or closes the
solenoid valve. The air for the actuator is supplied 4. Disassemble the actuator.
through a line from the dry air storage tanks of the
a. Remove the cap from the actuator.
vehicle. When the engine is started, and the air
system of the vehicle is less than 80 psi [551 Kpa], b. Remove the locknut and washers for the
the spring in the actuator holds the plunger in the spring retainer. Use the 3376021 Actuator
down position. When the plunger is in the down Adjustment Tool to hold the retainer while
position, the injection timing is retarded. When removing the locknut, put a mark on the
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
retainer and actuator housing to make 4. Remove the shaft and levers from the housing.
sure the retainer does not move.
5. Remove the eccentrics from the cam follower
c. Measure the distance from the top of the levers.
spring retainer to the top of the actuator
housing. This will help to find the correct Cleaning
injection timing when you assemble the
1. Put the cam follower shafts and actuator shaft
actuator. lf the retainer turned more than
in a container of mineral spirits. Use com
one-fourth of a turn when you removed the
pressed air to dry the shafts.
locknut, use the ST-593 lnjection Timing
Fixture to time the engine. 2. Clean the other parts with a cleaning solvent
and dry with compressed air. Make sure the oil
d. Remove the capscrew from the actuator
passages in the levers are clean.
shaft. Before you remove the capscrew, hit
the capscrew lightly with the handle of a Caution: Do not clean the solenoid coll.
hammer to make sure the plunger is down.
e. Remove the spring retainer and spacer.
1. Use micrometers to measure the outside
f. Remove the actuator housing and shaft
diameter of the shaft. See Table 2 for dimen
from the cam follower housing.
sions. Check the shaft and the teeth at the end
g. Remove the plunger and shaft from the of the shaft for wear or damage.
actuator housing.
2. Check the cam follower housings for cracks or
h. Remove the air filter and adapter from the other damage. Discard damaged or worn
solenoid valve. Discard the O-ring. parts.
i. Remove the jam nut. Remove the solenoid 3. Check the bushing in the cam follower levers
valve. for scratches or other damage. Use inside
micrometers to measure the inside diameter
j. Remove the solenoid stem and spring
of the bushings, Fig. 4-18. Replace the
from the housing. Use the 3376023 Sole
bushings if they are not within the limits given
noid Stem lnstallation and Removal Tool
in Table 2.
to remove the stem. Remove and discard
the sealing ring. 4. Use a magnetic inspection method to check
the levers for cracks. Apply coil magnetization
5. Remove the expansion plug from the cam
to the levers. Use 300 to 500 amperes with
follower housing.
6. Remove the setscrews from the injector cam
follower eccentric.
7. Remove the shaft, levers and gear from the
housing. Put a mark on the levers to identify
their location in the housing as they are
8. Remove the eccentric from the injector cam
follower lever.
End Housings
1. Remove the expansion plugs from the housings.
2. Remove the setscrews from the injector cam
follower levers.
3. Put a mark on the levers to identify the loca
tion of the levers in the housings. Fig. 4-18 (N10402). Measure The Cam Follower Bushing.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
residual magnaglo. Fig. 4-19 shows the areas to the ball. Put the ball into the insert and
of the lever to check carefully for cracks. rotate the ball 180 degrees, Fig. 4-20. Replace
the insert that is damaged or has less than 80
5. Check the cup plug holes in the housing for
percent contact with the ball.
damage or sharp edges. Use 240 grit
aluminum oxide paper to remove sharp edges. 7. Check the roller pins for wear or damage. Use
Put the aluminum paper in a rod that has a micrometers to measure the outside diameter
slot in the end to hold the paper. lnstall the rod of the pins. Replace the pin if it is damaged or
in an electric drill. Start the drill and push the worn beyond the limits in Table 2.
paper through the hole. Make a chamfer on
8. Check the rollers for wear or damage.
the edge of the hole and remove any sharp
Measure the inside diameter and the outside
diameter. Replace the roller if it is damaged or
6. Check the insert in the levers for wear or worn beyond the limits in Table 2. If the roller
damage. Use a new push rod ball or a 0.625
inch [15.88 mm] checking ball to check the in
sert. Apply a coat of prussian blue compound Table 2: MVT Cam Follower
Dimensions — Inch [mm]
Worn New New
Measurement Limit Mintmuni Maximum
Cam Follower Shaft 0.748 0.7485 0.7490
Outside Diameter [19.001 [19.01] [19.02]
Fig. 4-19 (N10410). Check These Areas For Cracks. Valve Cam Roller
lnside Diameter 0.503 0.5005 0.5015
[12.78] [12.71] [12.731
Outside Diameter 1.2485 1.2495 1.2505
[31.71] [31.73] [31.761
Roller Pin
Outside Diameter
Valve 0.497 0.4997 0.5000
[12.62] [12.692] [12.70]
lnjector 0.697 0.6997 0.7000
[17.70] [17.772] [17.78]
Diameter Of The Bore
For The Roller Pin
Valve 0.4990 0.4995
[12.67] [12.68]
lnjector 0.6992 0.6997
[17.76] [17.77]
Eccentric 1.3743 1.3748
Fig. 4-20 (N10413). Using A Push Rod To Check The Insert. Outside Diameter [34.90] [34.92]
Cam Followers
is damaged be sure to check the camshaft for 4. Cut a chamfer on each end of the bushing.
damage. Use a drill press operating at slow speed with
a chamfer tool that cuts a 60 degree angle
9. Measure the inside diameter of the roller pin
bore in the lever. Discard the lever if the roller
pin bore is worn beyond the limits in Table 2. 5. Put soap into the oil hole in the bushing. This
10. Check the cylinder of the actuator housing for will prevent metal particles from entering the
damage. lf the cylinder sleeve is damaged, oil hole.
remove the sleeve from the housing. Use the 6. Cut the bore in the bushing. See Table 2 to find
Part No. 3376025 Sleeve and Guide Removal the correct dimension for the bushings.
Tool and a press to push the sleeve and shaft
guide from the housing. 7. Use compressed air to remove the soap from
the oil holes. Wash the levers in cleaning sol
11. Check the actuator shaft for wear or damage. vent and dry with compressed air.
Check the teeth on the shaft for wear or
damage. Check the threads in the end of the 8. lf the socket insert was removed from the
shaft for damage. Replace the shaft if it is lever, use a press to install a new socket in
damaged. sert. Make sure the insert is installed tightly.
Caution: If a new socket insert Is installed in the
Repair cam follower lever, a new push rod must also be
Cam Follower Lever used.
1. lf the bushing in the cam follower lever is Assembly
beyond the limit in Table 2, Remove the
bushing. Use the ST-249 Lever Bushing Block The End Cam Follower Housings
and Mandrel to remove the bushing, Fig. 4-21. 1. Hold a 0.006 inch [0.15 mm] feeler gauge be
Use the 3376026 to remove the bushing in the tween the lever and roller. lnstall the roller pin
injector cam follower lever. through the lever and roller, Fig. 4-22. Remove
2. Use compressed air to clean the oil passages. the feeler gauge. Fasten the roller pin with a
roll pin.
3. Use the ST-249 to install a new bushing in the
lever. Make sure the oil hole in the bushing is 2. Apply a light coat of sealant to the cup plug
aligned with the oil hole in the lever. Use the hole in the housing. Use the ST-1053 Expan
3376026 to install the bushing in the injector sion Plug Driver to install the cup plug. lnstall
cam follower lever. the cup plug in the housing so it is even with
Fig. 4-21 (N10403). Remove The Bushing From The Cam Follower. Fig. 4-22 (N10406). Install The Roller And Roller Pin.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
the edge of the hole and not more than 0.010 Positioning Tool to adjust the shaft to the cor
inch [0.25 mm] below the edge of the hole. rect dimension, Fig. 4-24.
Note: The front and rear cam follower housings 8. Tighten the setscrews in the eccentrics to 45
are the same and require only one cup plug per to 55 ft.-lbs. [61 to 75 N»m] torque, Fig. 4-25.
housing. The end of the housing the plug is
9. Make sure the follower levers move freely on
installed into will determine if the housing is a
the shaft.
front or rear housing. The center housing does not
have a cup plug.
3. Use the 3376186 Expansion Plug Driver to
install an expansion plug into each end of the
cam follower shaft. Push the plug into the
shaft until the edge of the plug is even with
the end. of the shaft.
4. lnstall the eccentric into the bore of the injec
tor cam follower lever. lnstall the setscrew
into the eccentric to hold the eccentric in
position in the lever, Fig. 4-23. Make sure the
setscrew does not extend into the shaft bore
of the eccentric.
5. Put the valve follower levers and injector
follower levers in their correct location in the
cam follower housing.
6. lnstall the shafts for the end housings. Slide
the shaft through the bores in both the hous
ing and levers so that the spline end of the
shaft extends from the housing. Make sure the
flat part of the shaft aligns with the setscrews
in the eccentric.
7. Put the shaft so that the spline extends 0.915
to 0.935 inch [23.24 to 23.76 mm] from the
housing. Use the Part No. 3376185 Shaft
Cam Followers
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 4-29. Install The Sleeve Into The Housing. Fig. 4-32. Install The Spring Retainer.
Fig. 4-30. Install The Shaft Guide. Fig. 4-33. Install The Sealing Ring Into The Shaft Guide
Cam Followers
Fig. 4-34. Install The Actuator Shaft. Fig. 4-37. Install The Plunger And Spring Assembly.
Fig. 4-35. Install The Spacer And Retainer Capscrew. Fig. 4-38. Tighten The Plunger And Spring Assembly.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
213714 Filter
Fig. 4-40. Part No. 3028355 MVT Kit (Solenoid Valve)
Cam Followers
Note: install the capscrew with the cross-drilled pression release is actuated, the collar permits
head into the hole farthest from the gasket sur the push rod to be raised which opens the exhaust
face of the cam follower housing. valve. On engines without a compression release,
the exhaust push rod does not have a collar. The
e. Tighten the actuator shaft retaining
intake and exhaust pushrods are identical.
capscrew to 40 to 45 ft.-lbs. [54 to 61 N»m]
29. lnstall the Part No. 175836 Check Valve, the
1. Clean the push rods with mineral spirits or
Part No. 3028354 Vent Tube and the Part No.
cleaning solvent.
3015521 Steel Balls (2) from the MVT Kit into
the actuator cap. 2. Use a radius gauge to check the ball end of
the push rods, Fig. 4-43. The radius of the ball
a. Drill a hole through the center of the actu
end must be 0.619 to 0.625 inch [15.12 to 15.88
ator cap as shown in Fig. 4-42. Use a 0.339
mm]. Replace the push rod if the ball is
in. diameter ("R" drill) drill bit to drill the
damaged or less than 0.619 inch
hole. Tap the hole with a 1/8 x 27 NPT tap.
[15.72 mm].
Tap the hole to a depth of 0.400 to 0.500
inch [10.2 to 12.7 mm] as measured from
the top of the cap.
b. Enlarge the 1/8 inch diameter lockwire
holes that are in the top of the cap to a di
ameter of 0.1850 inch. Use a No. 13 drill bit
to enlarge the holes. Drill from each side
of the cap to a minimum depth of 0.1875
inch [4.76 mm] for each hole, Fig. 4-42.
c. Clean the cap to remove the metal parti
cles and oil.
d. lnstall one Part No. 3015521 Steel Ball into
the enlarged hole on each side of the actu
ator cap, Fig. 4-42.
e. Install the Part No. 175836 Check Valve in
to the actuator cap, Fig. 4-42. Tighten the
Fig. 4-43 (N20309). Check The Ball End Of The Push
check valve to 10 in.-ibs. [1.1 N»m] torque.
The outlet on the check valve must position
so that the vent tube will not be against
any part of the engine.
f. Install the Part No. 3028354 vent tube onto
the check valve, Fig. 4-42.
g. lnstall the copper washer, jam nut, second
copper washer and actuator cap onto the
spring retainer. Do not tighten.
Push Rods
Each cylinder of the engine requires an intake, ex
haust and injector pushrod. The injector push rod
is the largest of the three and fits into the middle
socket of the cam follower assembly. When the
engine has compression release, the exhaust
push rod is equipped with a collar. When the com Fig. 4-44 (N20310). Check The Socket End Of The Push
Cam Followers
4-19/(4-20 Blan
Fuel System
Fuel System
PT Fuel Pumps
Three models of PT fuel pumps are used: The PT
(type G), PT (type R) and PT (type G) AFC. The
PT (type G) indicates that fuel pressure regulation
is a part of the governor function. The PT (type R)
refers to fuel pressure regulation as a function of
a regulator assembly. The PT (type G) AFC fuel
pump indicates that the air fuel control is an
integral part of the fuel pump.
1. Repair of PT (type G and H) pumps and calibra
tion instructions is described in Bulletin No.
3379084 or revisions.
2. Bulletin No. 3379101 covers calibration and
rebuilding of the PT (type R) pumps as used
on Cummins engines.
3. Bulletin No. 3379068 covers calibration speci
fications of the PT (type G) pumps as used on
Cummins engines.
4. For Air Fuel Control, aneroid adjustment and
calibration refer to fuel pump Calibration
5. The CPL (Control Parts List) Manual, Bulletin
No. 3379133, is a listing of basic engine parts
and timing specifications which are neces
sary to produce a given engine performance.
By reference to CPL numbers stamped on
engine nameplate, this list may be used to
identify parts within an engine. These parts
then determine whether a fuel pump calibra
tion is suitable for that engine.
5-1/(5-2 Blank)
6-1/(6-2 Blank)
Lubricating System
Lubricating System
Service Tool List 2. Remove the idler gear from the idler shaft.
■j Remove the driven gear from the drive shaft
and gear. Use the Part No. 3375082 Gear Puller
Service Tools (Or Equivalent) Required to remove the part no. 143190 drive gear. Use
Service Tool Tool the Part No. 3375083 Gear Puller to remove the
Number Name part no. 125988 drive gear.
ST-994 Bushing Mandrel
ST-1157 Spacer Mandrel Note: Some double lubricating oil pumps have a
ST-1158 Bushing Mandrel scavenger pump body that must be removed after
337601 1 DFC Pressure Valve Fixture the drive shaft is pushed through the driven gear.
3375206 Boring Tool After removing the scavenger pump body, repeat
step 2.
Desirable (Or Equivalent) Service Tools 3. If the oil pump has a tube for piston cooling
ST-1134 Dowel Pin Extractor and the tube is damaged, push the tube from
ST-1160 Hose Assembly Tool Kit the inside part of the pump body to remove it.
ST-1218 Mandrel (O-ring)
ST-1223 Mandrel (O-ring) 4. Push the idler shaft from the pump body.
3375082 Gear Puller 5. Remove the cap, spring and plunger for the
3375083 Gear Puller
Tube Bundle Tester pressure regulator or pressure by-pass valve.
3375049 Oil Filter Wrench Make sure the plunger can move freely in the
3375301 Tube Cutter bore.
6. lf the mounting head for the oil filter has a by
pass valve, remove the valve.
The Lubricating Oil Pump
The same general methods are used to disassem
ble, inspect and assemble the lubricating oil
pumps for the NH and NT engines. 1. Check the idler shaft for damage.
2. Check the dowel pins in the pump body for
Put a mark on the parts such as the pressure
damage. Use the Part No. ST-1134 Dowel
regulator plunger, idler shaft, drive shaft and mark
Puller to remove damaged dowel pins.
the capscrew length, size and location, as they
are removed during disassembly. This will help 3. Check the drive shaft for damage. Check all of
you to correctly assemble the oil pump. the gears for worn or broken teeth.
Note: Full Flow Cooling (FFC) engines have a 4. Check the pump body for cracks or other
high pressure by-pass valve in the oil pump in damage. Make sure the threads are not
stead of a pressure regulator. The pressure damaged or distorted. Check the gasket sur
regulator for the FFC engine is located in the oil face for scratches, wear or damage.
cooler support. Use the same method to remove 5. lnspect the bushings in the pump body, cover
and install the high pressure by-pass valve in the and idler gear.
oil pump as you would use when the pressure
regulator is located in the oil pump. Check the
parts catalog to find the correct part number of
the spring for the by-pass valve and the pressure 1. Replace all parts that are damaged or worn
regulator. beyond the limits in Table 1.
Disassembly Repair
1. Follow these instructions to replace the
1. Refer to Fig. 7-0. Remove the capscrews and
lockwashers that hold the cover to the pump bushings.
body. Remove the cover. Hit the cover lightly a. Use the Part No. ST-1 158 Bushing Mandrel
with a rubber hammer to help remove the to push the worn or damaged bushing
cover from the dowels in the body. from the body, cover or gear.
Lubricating System
b. Use the ST-1158 to push new bushings 4) lnstall the boring tool into the guide
into the body, cover or gear. The bushings bushing. The tool bit must go through
must be even with or 0.020 inch [0.51 mm] the slot in the guide bushing. Do not
below the surface of the body, cover or gear. hit the tool bit against the bushing.
c. Use the Part No. 3375206 Lubricating Oil 5) Adjust the travel of the boring bar so
Pump Boring Tool to cut the bore in the the tool bit will go through the guide
bushings in the pump body. bushing but does not touch the bush
ing in the pump body.
1) Install the guide bushing into the gear
pocket, Fig. 7-1. Tighten the capscrew 6) Fasten the boring tool to the pump
against the side of the gear pocket to body with capscrews, Fig. 7-2. Rotate
hold the guide bushing in position. the shaft to make sure it will turn
Fig. 7-1. Install The Guide Bushing lnto The Gear Pocket.
Fig. 7-2. lnstall The Boring Tool.
2) lnstall the dial indicator into the set 7) Move the feed control lever to the "on"
ting block. Put the setting block on the position. This will prevent the drive
setting standard with the indicator tip shaft from moving down. Put the pump
on the diameter size of the bore to be and boring tool in a vertical position.
cut. See Table 1 for the correct size Make sure the boring tool can cut com
bore. Adjust the dial indicator. pletely through the bushing.
3) Install the tool bit into the boring bar. 8) Install the drive adapter into a heavy
Do not completely tighten the set- duty 3/8 inch electric drill. Engage the
screw. lnstall the tool bit adjusting adapter with the drive shaft of the bor
knob into the boring bar. Hold the set ing tool.
ting block and indicator against the
9) Start the drill and cut the bore in the
boring bar so the indicator tip will be
bushings. Make sure you cut the bore
over the tool bit. Turn the adjusting
in both bushings. Do not push down on
knob clockwise to push the tool bit
the drill. The feed mechanism in the
against the indicator tip. Adjust the
boring tool will move the boring bar.
tool bit until the indicator has the
same reading as when adjusted on the 10) Stop the drill. Move the feed control
setting standard. After the tool bit is lever to the "off" position. Pull up on
correctly adjusted, tighten the set- the drive shaft to remove the tool bit
screw and remove the adjusting knob. from the bore.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
1 1) Remove the boring tool from the pump 13) Remove the cover from the body.
body. Make sure the tool bit moves
through the slot in the guide bushing. 14) Remove the guide bushing. Clean all
metal particles from the body and
Do not hit the tool bit against the
guide bushing.
12) Remove the guide bushing. Clean the 15) Measure the inside diameter of the
metal particles from the pump body. bushing.
13) Measure the bore in the bushings. Table 1: Oil (Except DFC*)
d. Cut the bore in the bushings that are in the — Inch [mm]
1) Repeat Steps 1) through 3) for the
Single Oil
bushings in the body.
Bushing 0.6185 0.6165 0.6175
2) Install the pump cover to the body. lnside Diameter [15.710] [15.659] [15.684]
ldler and Drive 0.6145 0.615 0.6155
3) Put the pump on a work bench with the Shaft Outside Dia. [15.608] [15.62] [15.6341
cover down.
Single Oil Pump (Scavenge)
4) Install the boring tool to the pump Bushing 0.6185 0.6165 0.6175
body. Use the long capscrews and lnside Diameter [15.710] [15.659] [15.684]
nuts to fasten the tool to the body. ldler and Drive 0.6145 0.615 0.6155
Shaft Outside Dia. [15.608] [15.62] [15.634]
5) Install the boring bar through the
guide bushing. Do not damage the tool Single Oil Pump (Double Capacity)
bit. Bushing 0.879 0.8767 0.8777
lnside Diameter [22.33] [22.268] [22.293]
6) With the feed control lever in the "off" ldler- and Drive 0.874 0.8745 0.875
position, move the drive shaft down Shaft Outside Dia. [22.17] [22.212] [22.22]
until the tool bit touches the bushing
Double Oil Pump
in the cover.
Bushing 0.6185 0.6165 0.6175
7) Hold a new bushing and a 1/16 inch lnside Diameter [15.710] [15.659] [15.684]
[1.59 mm] feeler gauge against the ldler and Drive 0.6145 0.615 0.6155
drive shaft, at the top of the boring tool Shaft Outside Dia. [15.608] [15.62] [15.634]
body. Move the stop collar down Double Oil I
against the feeler gauge. Tighten the Bushing 0.841 0.840 0.8405
set screw in the stop collar. Move the lnside Diameter [21.36] [21.34] [21.349]
feed lever to the "on" position and ldler and Drive 0.838 0.8375 0.838
remove the feeler gauge and bushing. Shaft Outside Dia. [21.26] [21.272] [21.29]
8) Start the drill and cut the bore in the 'See Page 7-9 for DFC Specifications.
9) Stop the drill when the stop collar on Assemble the Oil Pump
the drive shaft is against the body of 1. Apply a coat of lubricating oil to the large out
the boring tool. side diameter of the idler shaft. lnstall the
10) Move the feed control lever to the "off" large outside diameter of the shaft, from the
position. gear pocket side of the body, into the bore in
the pump body. Use the Part No. ST-1157 Gear
11) Pull the drive shaft up to remove the
and Spacer Mandrel and an arbor press to
tool bit from the bushing. Move the
push the shaft into the bore. See Table 2 to
lever to the "on" position.
find the correct amount of protrusion the idler
12) Remove the boring tool from the pump shaft must have after it is installed in the
body. Do not damage the tool bit. pump body.
Lubricating System
Minimum Maximum
Single Scavenger and Double Scavenger Pump
Drive Shaft Protrusion ® 0.580 0.610
[14.73] [15.49]
Drive Shaft Protrusion ® 0.050 0.070
From Adapter [127] [1.78]
ldler Shaft Protrusion ® (Even with front
surface of the pump) w.W
Dowel Pin Protrusion © 0.990 1.010 I
From Adapter [25.15] [25.65] T7ii ■ ■
Drive Shaft End Movement
Single 0.004 0.010
[0.10] [0.25] [
Double 0.004 0.007
[0.10] [0.18]
2. Apply a coat of lubricating oil to the inside cooling oil and the tube was removed, install a
diameter of the driven gear. lnstall the gear on new tube into the body. Push the end of the
to the drive shaft. Use the ST-1157 and an arbor tube which is not beveled into the pump body.
press to push the gear onto the shaft. See Table Make sure the tube has 2.970 to 3.000 inch
2 to find the correct amount of protrusion the [75.44 to 76.20 mm] protrusion from the body.
shaft must have after the gear is installed.
6. lf the dowels were removed from the body,
3. lnstall the drive shaft, from the gear pocket install new dowels.
side of the pump body, into the bore in the
7. Apply clean lubricating oil to the gears,
pump body. Apply a coat of lubricating oil to
bushings and shafts.
the inside diameter of the drive gear. Put the
gear on the shaft on the side of the body op 8. lnstall the pressure regulator or pressure by
posite to the gear pockets, use an arbor press pass valve into the pump body. Tighten the cap-
to push the gear onto the shaft. There must screw to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40 to 47 N»m] torque.
not be more than 0.012 inch [0.30 mm]
clearance between the gear and the body. 9. lnstall the cover and a new gasket to the pump
body. Hit the cover lightly with a rubber ham
4. Apply lubricating oil to the inside diameter of mer to push the cover onto the dowels. Install
the idler gear. lnstall the idler gear onto the the capscrews and lockwashers so that the
idler shaft. cover is held to the body. Tighten the cap-
Note: For double lubricating oil pumps, install a screws to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40 to 47 N»m]
new gasket and the scavenger pump body to the torque. Turn the gears to make sure they move
oil pump body. Apply lubricating oil to the inside freely in the pump.
diameter of the driven gear for the scavenge 10. If the pipe plugs were removed, apply a seal
pump. Use an arbor press to push the gear onto ing compound or teflon tape to the threads.
the drive shaft. There must be 0.002 to 0.004 inch lnstall and tighten the plugs to the following
[0.05 to 0.10 mm] clearance from the bottom of the torque values.
gear pocket to the gear. Repeat Step 4 to install
1/2 inch pipe plug 30 to 40 ft.-lbs. [40 to 54 N»m]
the idler gear.
3/8 inch pipe plug 20 to 30 ft.-lbs. [27 to 40 N»m]
5. lf the oil pump requires a tube for the piston 3/4 inch pipe plug 45 to 55 ft.-lbs. 161 to 74 N»m]
Fig. 7-3. Demand Flow and Cooling (DFC) Oil Flow Schematic.
Lubricating System
Fig. 7-5. Measure The Outside Diameter Of The Drive Shaft. Fig. 7-8. Check The Movement Of The Plunger In The Bore.
Lubricating System
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
c. Install the large diameter end of the f. Remove the mandrel and locating plate
mandrel into the locating plate to put the from the pump body.
plate in the correct position on the body,
Fig. 7-9. Tighten the capscrews and then NTE Lubricating Oil Pump
remove the mandrel. (European Big Cam Engine)
d. Make sure the prongs of the disc are down Use the same procedures to disassemble, inspect
and the lip of the seat is up when you and assemble the NTE oil pump as are used for
install the bypass spring, washer, disc the other NH/NT oil pumps. The difference be
into the locating plate, Fig. 7-10. tween the NTE oil pump and the other pumps is
e. Install the small diameter end of the the type and location of the oil pressure regulator
mandrel into the locating plate. Push on and the amount of protrusion of the idler and drive
the mandrel with an arbor press until the shaft.
large end of the mandrel is against the The pressure regulator is a checkball valve and is
locating plate, Fig. 7-11. located in the front part of the pump body. It is
operated by oil pressure from the pump and oil
Table 4: DFC Shaft Protrusion — Inch [mm] pressure from the main oil passage (oil rifle) of
the engine. Fig. 7-12 (A) shows the position of the
ldler Shaft 0.705 0.735 regulator when the engine is first started and the
[17.9] [18.6] oil temperature If less than its normal operating
temperature. Fig. 7-12 (B) shows the position of
Drive Shaft
the regulator when the oil temperature is at nor
from Pump Body 1.990 2.010 mal operating temperature.
[50.5] [51.0]
from Pump Drive Gear 0.050 0.070 The regulator keeps the oil pressure in the engine
[1.27] [1.79] at a minimum of 10 psi [69 kPa] when the engine is
Lubricating System
lnspection Note: Use the parts catalog to find the correct part
1. Use a knife to cut the element. Remove the
element from the center spool. Full Flow Oil Filter (Spin-On)
2. lnspect the element for metal particles and
dirt, Fig. 7-13. lf metal particles are found in the
element, be sure to inspect all bearings in the 1. Use the Part No. 3375049 Oil Filter Wrench to
engine. Discard the element after inspection. remove the oil filter.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
2. Remove the capscrew and lockwasher that 2. The tee-handle of the hold-down assembly or
fastens the spin-on adapter to the filter head. the stand-pipe in the filter shell will have an
Remove the spin-on adapter and discard the orifice. The orifice controls the oil flow
O-ring. through the filter. Make sure the orifice is
Clean the spin-on adapter with cleaning solvent
and dry with compressed air. Check the hold-down assembly, filter shell and
cover for <
Lubricating System
to 149°C]. Do not use hoses that have the SAE has reached the bottom and is not pushing
specifications of 100R1 and 100R5. into the inside of the socket.
8. A hose with a teflon liner must have the ability 6. Put the socket and hose assembly in a vise.
to let oil flow at up to 450 °F [232 °C]. The hose Make sure the socket is clamped in the vise.
must have a stainless steel wire support for Apply lubrication to the nipple and the inside
the liner. Permanent fittings are to be used. of the hose, Fig. 7-15.
9. Make sure the clamps used to hold the hose in 7. Use the Part No. ST-1 160 Lube Hose Assembly
position will not damage the hose. Tool to install the nipple into the hose and
socket assembly, Fig. 7-16. The ST-1 160 in
To Assemble New Hoses cludes hose mandrels for the hose sizes 4, 5,
6, 8, 10, 12 and 16.
Replace the hose and fittings after either 100,000
to 200,000 miles [160,900 to 321,000 km] or 3200 to 8. After assembly, check the inside of the fit
6400 hours of engine operation. tings and the hose. Make sure the hose is not
damaged. Any damage to the hose liner can
Follow these instructions to make hose from bulk stop the oil flow.
1. Use a hacksaw to cut the hose to the correct
length. Make the cut square or straight within
5 degrees.
2. Do not compress the hose while cutting. This
can cause a restriction inside the hose.
3. Put the socket in a vise. Check all fittings to
make sure they fit correctly.
4. Hold the hose so that it enters straight into
the socket, Fig. 7-14. This will prevent a bad
connection in the socket. Turn the hose coun
terclockwise while you push the hose into the
5. Turn the hose until it comes in contact with
the bottom of the socket. Make sure the hose Fig. 7-15 (N10738). Lubricate The Nipple.
Fig. 7-14 (N10737). Install The Hose Into The Socket. Fig. 7-16 (N10739). Assemble The Hose Nipple And Socket
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Lubricating System
amount from the end of the dipstick that was position which allows approximately half of the
measured from the tube to the cap. oil flow through the cooler. When the oil
temperature is more than 230 °F [110°C], the valve
6. lnstall the dipstick all of the way into the tube. is in the open position which allows the full flow
Remove the dipstick and make a mark where of the oil through the cooler.
the oil level shows on the dipstick. The mark
must be 0.010 inch [0.3 mm] deep. Mark the
letter "L" above the first mark. Do not use a
Secondary Flow
chisel to make the mark. Cut the dipstick so it
has at least 1/2 inch [12.7 mm] of length below
the mark.
7. Add enough oil to the oil pan to equal the high
capacity shown in Table 7-5. lnstall the
dipstick into the tube. Remove the dipstick
and make a mark where the oil level shows on
the dipstick. Mark the letter "H" above this
The oil cooler for the DFC (Demand Flow and Disassembly (FCC and Big Cam)
Cooling) system has a bypass valve that controls
1. Remove the cooler support (8, Fig. 7-20) and
the oil flow through the cooler, Fig. 7-18. The
cover (3) from the housing (1).
temperature of the oil causes the bypass valve to
open and close. When the oil temperature is less 2. Remove and discard the gaskets (2 and 10)
than 230°F [110°C], the valve is in the closed and retainers (4).
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 7-19. The NTE Oil Flow Through The Oil Cooler.
Lubricating System
3. Remove and discard the O-ring (7). Be careful 2. Flush the tubes with a solution of alkaline.
and do not damage the element (6) when you After cleaning, flush several times with hot
remove the O-ring. water.
4. Remove oil and dirt from the housing. Flush 3. Put the element into a container of solution.
the oil passages with mineral spirits in the The solution is to be:
reverse direction of the oil flow. 1 part muriatic acid
5. Remove the element from the housing. Hit the 9 parts water
edge of the housing against a block of wood 1 lb. [0.5 kg] oxalic acid and 0.01 gal.
to remove the element from the housing. [0.038 L] of pyridene added to each
6. Remove and discard the O-ring (5). 5 gal. [18.9 L] of muriatic acid.
4. Remove the element when there are no foam
Cleaning or bubbles in the solution. The foam and bub
Cleaning the Element bles normally stop in 30 to 60 seconds.
5. Put the element into a container that has a 5
1. Put the element into a container of carbon
percent solution of sodium carbonate. Re
tetrachloride or trichlorethylene. Keep the ele
move the element when there are no bubbles
ment in the solution for several minutes. Then,
coming from the solution.
flush the solution around and through the
tubes in the element. 6. Flush the element with clean, warm water.
Warning: The fumes from the solution are
Cleaning the Housing
dangerous. Use the solution In open air or In a
room that has proper ventilation. Wear safety Use steam and cleaning solvent to clean the
glasses and gloves. housing.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
1. Check the cooler housing for cracks, damage
and corrosion.
2. Check the suport and cover for cracks,
damage and corrosion.
3. Check the cooler element for damage and
leaks. Use the Part No. 3375253 Tube Bundle
Tester to check for leaks. Follow these
a. Install the end plates to each end of the
b. Put the sliding plate of the fixture so that
the fixture will fit over the element and end
plates, Fig. 7-21. Fig. 7-22. The Element Installed Into The Bundle Tester.
lf less than 5 percent of the tubes in the element
have restrictions or are damaged, the element can
Fig. 7-21. Adjust The Length Of The Fixture be repaired. If more than 5 percent of the tubes
have restrictions, or are damaged, replace the
c. Put the element into the fixture. Put the element.
fixture so that the air connection fitting Caution: Never use a cooler element from an
goes through the notch in the fixture plate. engine that had a failure. When an engine has a
Install locking clips into the bars of the fix failure, metal particles enter the oil cooler. These
ture, Fig. 7-22. particles cannot be completely removed from the
d. Connect an air supply line that has a element and can cause damage to the engine.
quick-disconnect fitting to the air connec
To repair the damaged tubes:
tion fitting.
e. Use an air pressure regulator and a three 1. lnstall a new tube into the damaged tube. The
way air discharge valve to control the air CD. of the new tube must be smaller than the
pressure. I.D. of the tube you are repairing.
f. Apply 60 psi [414 kpa] of air pressure to 2. Cut the ends of the tube so it will be the same
the element. length as the other tubes. Make sure the ends
of the tube are flared.
g. Put the element and tool assembly into a
container of water. Make sure the water 3. Solder the ends of the tube to the element. Do
Lubricating System
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
1 Plug
2 Gasket
3 Valve Seat
4 Valve
5 Valve Spring
6 Washer
1. Clean the element and housing immediately
after disassembly. This will prevent hardening
and drying of foreign material in the element
and housing.
Fig. 7-30. Remove The Element From The Housing.
2. Use mineral spirits or equivalent to clean the
housing. Flush the oil passages in the reverse
direction of the oil flow.
3. Flush the element with hot water. Make sure
the water goes around and through the tubes
of the element. Dry with compressed air.
Cuatlon: Never use a cooler element from an
engine that had a failure. When an engine has a
failure, metal particles enter the oil cooler. These
particles cannot be completely removed from the
element and can cause damage to the engine.
1. Check the oil cooler element for damage and
leaks. To check the element for leaks:
Fig. 7-31. Remove The O-Ring From The Filter End Ot The a. Seal both ends of the element. One end
Housing. must have a fitting for an air connection.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
9. Tc push the element into position over the Table 7-1: Lubricating Oil Pump Specifications —
O-ring, evenly tighten four of the capscrews
Inch [mm] (Reference Fig. 7-0)
for the support.
Ref. Worn New New
10. Tighten all of the capscrews to 15 to 20 ft.-lbs. No. Measurement Limit Minimum Maximum
[20 to 27 N»m] torque, Fig. 7-36. Single Lubricating Oil Pump
11. Install the retaining plate with a retaining Bushings
Inside diameter 0.6185 0.6165 0.6175
screw, lockwasher and plain washer, Fig. 7-37. [15.710] [15.659] [15.684]
Tighten the screw to 5 to 6 ft.-lbs. [6 to 8 N»m] Idler and Drive Shaft
torque. Outside diameter 0.6145 0.615 0.6155
[15.606] [15.62] [15.634]
12. Apply a coat of Locktite 572 to the threads of Drive Gear to Body
the draincock. lnstall the draincock into the Clearance 0.012
element and tighten to 5 to 10 ft.-lbs. [6 to 13 [0.30]
N»m]. Drive Shaft
End Movement 0.002 0.005
[0.05] [0.13]
ldler shaft
Shaft Protrusion 0.720 0.740
lnside Body [18.29] [18.80]
Driven Gear/Drive Shaft
Shaft Protrusion 0.855 0.875
[21.72] [22.22]
Single (Double Capacity) Lub tcatlng OH Pump
Inside Diameter 0.879 0.8767 0.8777
[22.33] [22.268] [22.293]
Idler and Drive Shaft
Outside Diameter 0.874 0.8745 0.875
[22.17] [22.212] [22.22]
3. Drive Gear to Body
Clearance 0.012
Drive Shaft
End Movement 0.002 0.008
[0.05] [0.20]
ldler Shaft
Fig. 7-36. Tighten The Capscrews For The Cover. Shaft Protrusion
Above body to Cover Face 0.955 0.985
[24.26] [25.02]
Driven Gear/Drive Shaft
Shaft Protrusion 1.035 1.055
[26.29] [26.80]
Piston Cooling OH Tube
Protrusion Above Body 2.970 3.000
Mounting Face [75.44] [76.20]
Double Lubricating Oil Pump
lnside Diameter 0.6185 0.6165 0.6175
[15.710] [15.659] [15.684]
ldler and Drive Shaft
Outside Diameter 0.6145 0.615 0.6155
[15.608] [15.62] [15.634]
Drive Gear to Body
Clearance 0.012
Drive Shaft
End Movement 0.004 0.007
[0.10] [0.18]
Fig. 7-37. Install The Retaining Plate.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Table 7-1: Lubricating Oil Pump Specifications — Table 7-1: Lubricating Oil Pump Specifications —
Inch [mm] (Reference Fig. 7-0) (Cont.) inch [mm] (Reference Fig. 7-0) (Cont)
Ref. New New Ref. Worn New New
No. Measurement No. Measurement Minimum Maximum
Idler Shaft Load at 2.125 inch 45 50
Shaft Protrusion Above [53.98 mm] lb. [N] [200] [222]
Back Surface of Body 2.600 2.620 Recommended Oil 50 70
[66.04] [66.55] psi [kPa] [345] [483]
Idler Shaft FFC Lubricating Oil
Suffix Letter L 2.680 2.690 Free Length 2.500
[68.07] [68.33] [63.50]
Drive Gear/Drive Shaft Load at 1.780 inch 79 91
Shaft Protrusion 0.040 0.060 [45.21 mm] lb. [N] [351] [405]
[1.02] [1.52] Oil Pressure 130
Single psi [kPa] [896]
Bushii DFC Lubricating Oil I
lnside 0.6185 0.6165 0.6175
[15.710] [15.659] [15.684] 3.310
Outside Diameter 0.6145 0.615 0.6155 Load at 1.820 lnch 21.9 25.7
[15.608] [15.62] [15.634] [46.2 mm] lb. [N] [97.4] [114]
Idler Shaft Oil Pressure 40
Protrusion Flush with front surface of pump. psi [kPa] [275.7]
Driven ' DFC Lubricating Oil
Protrusion 0.580 .0610
[14.73] [15.49] Free Length 2.224
Protrusion Above 1.010 Load at 1.145 inch 59.2 72.4
Coupling Face [25.15] [25.64] 129.07 mm] lb [N] [263] [322]
Coupling/Drive Shaft Oil Pressure 150
Shaft Protrusion 0.050 0.070 psi [kPa] [1034]
[1-27] [1.78]
Drive Shaft Table 7-2: Hose
End Movement 0.004 0.010
[0.10] [0.25]
Turbocharger Oil No. 6
Full Flow Filter No. 16
lnside Diameter 0.841 0.840 0.8405 No. 16
[21.36] [21.34] [21.349]
Idler and Drive Shaft
Outside Diameter 0.837 0.8375 0.838 Table 7-3: Hose — Inch [mm] (Rubber-Lined)
[21.26] [21.272] [21.29] nose Inside Outside Minimum
Idler Shaft Size Diameter Diameter Bend Radius
Protrusion Flush with front surface of pump.
Driven Gear/Drive Shaft 4 3/16 [4.76] 31/64 [12.30] 2 [50.80]
Protrusion 0.580 0.610 5 1/4 [6.35] 35/64 [13.89] 2-1/4 [57.15]
[14.73] [15.49] 6 5/16 [7.94] 39/64 [15.48] 2-3/4 [69.85]
Coupling Dowels 8 13/32 [10.32] 47/64 [18.65] 4-5/8 [117.48]
Protrusion Above 0.990 1.010 10 1/2 [12.70] 53/64 [21.03] 5-1/2 [139.70]
Coupling Face [25.15] [25.65] 12 5/8 [15.87] 61/64 [24.21] 6-1/2 [165.10]
Coupling/Drive Shaft 16 7/8 [22.23] 1-13/64 [30.56] 7-3/8 [187.34]
Shaft Protrusion 0.050 0.070 20 1-1/8 [28.58] 1-31/64 [37.70] 9 [228.60]
[1.27] [1.78] 24 1-3/8 [34.93] 1-23/32 [43.66] 11 [279.40]
Drive Shaft
End Movement 0.004 0.007 Table 7-4: Hose Bends — Inch [mm] (Teflon-Lined)
[0.10] [0.25] Hose Inside Outside Minimum
FFC Filter/Cooler or Non-FFC Lubricating OH Size Diameter Diameter Bend Radius
Pump Pressure Regulator Spring
Free Length [86.36]
3.410 6 5/16 [7.94] 39/64 [15.48] 4 [101.60]
16 7/8 [22.23] 1-13/64 [30.56] 7-3/8 [187.33]
Lubricating System
Table 7-5: Oil Pan Capacity — U.S. Gallons [Litres] and Degrees of Angularity
Capacity Degrees of Angularity
F.P. Exhaust
Part Sump Front Pront Side Side
Number Location High Low Up Down Down Down
10451 Center 6-1/2 [25] 4 [15]
10474-2 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 21 35 35
10492-2 Rear 6-1/2 [25] 4 [15] 19 21 35 35
10668-1 Rear 8-1/2 [32] 5-1/2 [21] 16 16 16 16
10774 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 20 30 25
10777 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 40 45 35
10779 Rear 8-1/2 [32] 5-1/2 [21] 16 16 16 16
10809 Full 11 [42] 3 [11]
10811 Center 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 32 40 37 35
10850 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 14 12 45 20
10850-A Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 14 12 45 20
11055 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
11102 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
11150 Dry
11194 Dry
103949 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 15 35 35 35
110626 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
116916 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 20 15 37 35
118784 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 14 12 45 20
119330 Center 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 45 45 45 45
119382 Full 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 42 1 19 40
119586 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
120905 Center 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
121089 Front 6 [23] 4-3/4 [18] 15 30 30 30
121244 Front 6 [23] 4 [15] 36 45 45 40
121862 Center 6-1/2 [25] 4-1/2 (17] 22 24 40 40
121377 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 38 42 40
125318 Rear 6-1/2 [25] 4 [15] 28 15 38 38
126818 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
129434 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 38 42 40
133879 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 36 11 32 30
134070 Center ^ 6 [23] 4 [15] 35 33 35 35
134271 FTr.r" 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
134279 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 21 35 35
134283 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 20 30 25
137156 Full 7 [26] 4 [15] 45 8 42 40
139493 Front 6 [23] 4 [15] 36 45 45 40
139745 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 38 42 40
146866 Dry
148160 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 39 40 42
151079 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15]
152410 Rear 6 [23] 4-1/2 [17] 27 15 25 35
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Table 7-5: Oil Pan Capacity — U.S. Gallons [Litres] and Degrees of Angularity (Cont'd.)
Capacity Degrees of Angularity
Part Sump Front Front Side ^ide**
Number Location High Low Up Down Down
153729 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
154418 Full 6 [23] 4 [15] 15 15 15 15
161206 rroni 6 [23] 4 [15] 36 45 45 40
162377 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 45 38 42 40
164436 rroni 6 [23] 4 [15] 40 40 45 35
164776 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
167186 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
167429 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
169348 Front 6 [231 4 [15] 40 40 45 35
177155 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 39 40 42
181768 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 20 15 37 35
187756 Center 6-1/2 [25] 4 [151 24 24 32 30
189672 Full 12 [45] 3-1/2 [13]
193625 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 30
193629 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193631 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193634 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193635 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
1 93636 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193637 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193638 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193639 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
200787 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201836 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 [13] 27 15 25 35
201837 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 [13] 27 15 25 35
201839 Rear 7 [21] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201841 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 [13] 27 15 25 35
201842 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201843 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201844 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 [13] 27 15 25 35
202283 rroni 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
202284 rroni 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
203561 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
203563 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
203564 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
203841 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
3002151 Center 6-1/2! [25] 5-1/2 [21] 24 24 32 30
3002152 Center 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
3005178 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
3005179 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
3005181 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
3005183 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
Cooling System
Cooling System
1. Pipe Plug 7. Spacer 13. Water Pump Housing 19. Capscrew 25. Spacer
2. Pulley 8. Snap Ring 14. Pipe Plug 20. Washer 26. Snap Ring
3. Wear Sleeve 9. Ball Bearing 15. Carbon Face Seal 21. ldler Pulley 27. Capscrew
4. Grease Seal 10. Shaft 16. Adjusting Screw 22. ldler Shaft 28. Grease Seal
5. Snap Ring 11. Grease Seal 17. Seat 23. Ball Bearing 29. Lockwasher
6. Ball Bearing 12. Pipe Plug 18. lmpeller 24. "0" Ring 30. Spacer
31. Nut
Fig. 8-1 (N10894). FFC And Eccentric Water Pump — Exploded View. 8-1
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Service TooIs (Or Equivalent) Required Remove the huglock nut (14, Fig. 8-2) and the
Service Tool Tool washer (15). The huglock nut and washer are
Number Name
not used on the water pump with the short
ST-657 Bearing Mandrel shaft. Use the Part No. 3375265 Puller to
ST-658 Bearing Mandrel
ST-709 remove the pulley (1) from the shaft (7).
ST-1114 Bearing Separator Remove the large retaining ring (2).
ST-1154 Seal Mandrel
ST-1159 Wear Sleeve Driver Use the 3375265 Puller to remove the impeller
ST-1161 Seal Mandrel (13) from the shaft, Fig. 8-3. lf the pump has a
ST-1191 Seal Driver plastic (phenolic) impeller, the impeller does
3375110 lmpeller Support Plate not have holes for a puller. Use the Part No.
(Phenolic impellers only)
3375180 Oil Seal Pilot 3375110 Support Plate between the impeller
3375257 Pulley/lmpeller Puller and water pump housing. Use a press to push
3375265 Pulley/lmpeller Puller the shaft from the impeller, Fig. 8-4.
3375318 Bearing Mandrel
3375326 Bearing Separator Support the water pump housing on the pulley
3375448 Seal and Seat Mandrel side of the housing. Use a press to push the
3376081 Bearing Mandrel shaft and bearing assembly from the housing.
Apply the pressure to the impeller end of the
Standard Tools shaft.
Arbor Press Grease Gun
Bearing Packer Feeler Gauge Set Remove the cup seat (12, Fig. 8-2), face seal
0-1, 1-2, 2-3 Micrometers Telescoping Gauges (11), grease fittings (10), and relief fittings (8).
Snap Ring Pliers (Large and Small)
5/16-18, 3/8-16, 6/16-14 Taps Use the Part No. ST-1114 Bearing Disassembly
Fixture to support the bearing and spacer. Push
1. Water Pump Pulley 5. Retaining Ring 9. Water Pump Housing 13. lmpeller
2. Retaining Ring 6. Ball Bearing 10. Grease Fitting 14. Huglock Nut
3. Ball Bearing 7. Shaft 11. Face Seal 15. Washer
4. Spacer 8. Relief Fitting 12. Cup Seat
Fig. 8-2 (N10845). Eccentric Water Pump With Short Shaft And Eccentric Water Pump With Long Shaft.
Cooling System
1. Clean all parts with cleaning solvent. Dry with
compressed air.
1. lnspect the bearings. Check for damage or
wear to the races of the bearings. lf the bear
Fig. 8-4 (N10847). Using A Press To Remove The Impeller. ings are damaged or worn, be sure to check
the shafts and bore in the housing for damage
and wear. Discard the bearings.
2. lnspect the bearing spacer for wear or damage.
3. Check the water pump impeller for cracks or
4. Measure the bore of the impeller and the out
side diameter of the impeller and of the shaft.
The press-fit between the shaft and the im
peller bore must be a minimum of 0.001 inch
[0.03 mm]. Refer to Table 8-1, in the back of
this section, to find the correct dimensions of
the parts.
5. Check the shaft for wear and damage.
6. Check the grooves in the pulley for wear and
Fig. 8-5 (N10848). Push The Shaft From The Bearing. damage.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Replace any parts which are damaged or worn
beyond the specifications in Table 8-1.
1. Apply a coat of clean lubricating oil to the out
side diameter of the shaft. Support the new in
ner bearing with a Part No. ST-658 Mandrel.
Use a press to push the shaft into the bearing,
Fig. 8-8. Push the shaft into the bearing until
the bearing is against the larger diameter
(shoulder) of the shaft.
2. lnstall the small retaining ring on the shaft.
Make sure the ring is against the bearing. In
stall the bearing spacer onto the shaft. The Fig. 8-9 (N10852). Apply Loctite Onto The Bearings.
side of the spacer must be against the side of
the bearing. Caution: Do not support the housing on the thin
section of the Impeller cavity.
3. Support the new outer bearing with the
ST-658. Push the shaft into the bearing until 5. lnstall the larger retaining ring into the water
the bearing is against the spacer. Make sure pump housing. The flat side of the ring must
the bearings turn freely. be against the bearing.
Cooling System
(18, Fig. 8-15). Push the shaft from the bearing. A new belt, when pushed down into the
groove, must protrude 1/16 to 1/8 inch [0.06 to 0.13
10. Remove the pipe plug (2, Fig. 8-15) from the
mm] above the outside diameter of the pulley. The
idler pulley (4).
belt must not touch the bottom of the groove.
11. Remove the retaining ring (3, Fig. 8-15) from
5. Measure the bore in the drive and idler pulley.
the shaft (8).
Measure the outside diameter (pulley end) of
12. Use the 3375326 to support the idler pulley. the water pump shaft Measure the outside di
Push the shaft and bracket assembly (8, Fig. ameter (pulley end) of the idler shaft. The
8-15) from the pulley, Fig. 8-19. press-fit between the shaft diameters and
pulley bores must be a minimum of 0.001 inch
13. Remove the oil seal (7, Fig 8-15) and retaining
[0.03 mm].
ring (6) from the pulley. Use the flat end of a
punch to push the bearing (5) from the pulley, Check the wear sleeve (23, Fig. 8-15) for wear
Fig. 8-20. Discard the oil seal and bearing. or damage. To remove the sleeve, use a chisel
to cut a groove in the sleeve, Fig. 8-21. Be
careful and do not damage the pulley. Use a
Cooling System
Assemble the Idler Pulley and Bracket
1. Apply grease to the bearings. Make sure the
grease meets the specifications of MlL-
2. Use the Part No. ST-567 Bearing Mandrel to
push the bearing (5, Fig. 8-15) into the pulley (4).
Fig. 8-24 (N10867). The Seal Installed Into The Pulley. Fig. 8-25 (N10868). lnstall The Shaft Into The Bearing.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 8-28 (N 10871 ). Install The Shaft Assembly Into The Housing.
10. Install a new cup seat (14, Fig. 8-15) onto the
shaft. Use the 3375448 to push the cup seat
onto the shaft.
11. Apply one drop of Loctite 290 to the cup seat.
Put the Loctite between the shaft and the cup
seat as shown in Fig. 8-32.
Caution: Do not apply more than one drop of the
Loctlta 290. More than one drop will cause the
seal and cup seat to become fastened together.
12. Support the water pump on the pulley end of
the shaft. Push the impeller onto the shaft.
The minimum clearance between the vanes of
the impeller and the housing must not be less
Fig. 8-31 (N10873). Install The Seal Into The Housing. than 0.020 Inch [0.51 mm]. The maximum
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
1. Pipe Plug 7. Spacer 13. Water Pump Housing 19. Nut 25. Ball Bearing
2. Pulley 8. Retaining Ring 14. Pipe Plug 20. Spacer 26. ldler Shaft
3. Wear Sleeve 9. Ball Bearing 15. Face Seal 21. Grease Seal 27. Idler Pulley
4. Grease Seal 10. Shaft 16. Adjusting Screw 22. Retaining Ring 28. Washer
5. Retaining Ring 11. Grease Seal 17. Cup Seat 23. Spacer 29. Capscrew
6. Ball Bearing 12. Pipe Plug 18. lmpeller 24. O-Rlng
Fig. 8-34 (N10875). (FFC) Water Pump — Exploded View
Cooling System
b. Push on the shaft, from the impeller end, 7. Use the Part No. ST-1114 Bearing
to remove the impeller. Disassembly Fixture to support the outer
bearing (6, Fig. 8-34) and spacer (7). Push the
3. Remove the grease seal (4, Fig. 8-34) from the
shaft from the bearing and spacer, Fig. 8-38.
housing (13). Use a pry bar to remove the seal,
Fig. 8-36. Do not damage the bore. 8. Remove the retaining ring (8, Fig. 8-34). Use
the ST-1114 to support the bearing (9). Push
4. Remove the larger retaining ring (5, Fig. 8-34) the shaft from the bearing.
that holds the bearing and shaft in the housing.
9. Hold the spacer of the idler pulley assembly
5. Support the pulley side of the housing. Push with a vise. The jaws of the vise must have
on the impeller end of the shaft to remove the copper plates to prevent damage to the
bearings and shaft from the housing. spacer. Lightly hit the shaft with a plastic
6. Remove the cupseat (17, Fig. 8-34). Use a drift hammer to push the shaft from the spacer,
to push the grease seal (11) and face seal (15) Fig. 8-39.
from the housing as shown in Fig. 8-37. Dis 10. Remove the oil seal (21, Fig. 8-34) from the
card the cupseat and seals.
Fig. 8-39 (N10880). Remove The Pulley And Shaft From The
Fig. 8-37 (N10878). Remove The Seal From The Housing. Spacer.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Clean the parts with cleaning solvent. Dry with
compressed air.
1. Check the bearings for wear and damage. lf Fig. 8-40 (N10881). Remove The Bearing Assembly From The
the bearing races are damaged, be sure to Pulley.
check the outside diameter of the shafts and
the bearing bores for damage. Discard the
bearings after inspection.
2. Check the impeller for cracks, corrosion or
3. Measure the bore in the impeller. Measure the
outside diameter of the shaft at the impeller
end of the shaft. There must be at least 0.001
inch [0.03 mm] press-fit between the impeller
bore and outside diameter of the shaft.
4. Check the wear sleeve of the drive pulley for
wear or damage. Remove the wear sleeve if it
is worn or damaged.
a. Use a chisel as shown in Fig. 8-41 to cut a
groove into the wear sleeve.
b. Use a chisel to push the sleeve from the Fig. 8-41 (N 10882). Cut The Wear Sleeve.
pulley, Fig. 8-42.
above the outside diameter of the pulley. The belt
c. Use the Part No. ST-1159 Wear Sleeve must not touch the bottom of the groove.
Driver to install the new wear sleeve.
6. Check the shafts to make sure they are
5. Check the pulley grooves for wear or damage. straight and are not damaged.
Note: A new belt, pushed down into the groove, 7. Measure the bore in the drive pulley and idler
must protrude 1/16 to 1/18 inch [0.06 to 0.13 mm] pulley. Measure the outside diameters, at the
Cooling System
Fig. 8-42 (N10883). Remove The Wear Sleeve From The Pulley. 2. Apply a light coat of Loctite 601 to outside
diameter of the bearing. Use a press to push
the bearing and shaft into the pulley until the
bearing is against the buttom of the bore.
3. Install the retaining ring with the flat side next
to the bearing.
4. lnstall a clean grease fitting into the plug hole
in the pulley. lnstall grease, through the fit
ting, into the pulley until you can see the
grease through the bearing. Remove the fit
ting and install the plug.
5. lnstall a new grease seal, with the lip of the
seal toward the pulley, into the pulley bore.
6. Apply a light coat of clean lubricating oil to a
new O-ring. lnstall the O-ring into the groove
on the shaft.
Fig. 8-43 (N10884). Measure The Bore ln The Housing. 7. lnstall the spacer on the shaft. Push the
spacer over the O-ring until the spacer is
Assembly against the bearing, Fig. 8-45.
1. Apply a thin coat of clean lubricating oil to the 8. lnstall the idler pulley assembly to the water
outside diameters of the idler shaft. lnstall a pump housing.
new bearing onto the shaft. Use the Part No. 9. Support the impeller side of the water pump
ST-658 Mandrel to support the bearing, Fig. 8-44. housing. Put the rear grease seal (11, Fig.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 8-45 (N10886). Install The Spacer Onto The Idler Shaft.
Cooling System
Fig. 8-48 (N10889). Install The Pilot For The Oil Seal Onto The Fig. 8-49 (N10890). Install The Seal Into The Housing.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
The Fan
Check the fan blades to make sure they are not
bent, cracked or have any other damage. Replace
the fan if it has any damage.
Fig. 8-52 (UW102). Apply Loctlte I The Shaft And The Warning: Do not try to make any repairs to the fan.
Cup Seat
Use steam to clean the fan. Dry with compressed
20. Remove the grease fitting from the housing. air.
Install the pipe plugs in the housing.
21 . Apply a light coat of Loctite 601 to the bore in
The Fan Hub
the drive pulley. Push the water pump shaft in
to the bore until the pulley is against the Fan Hub with "Step-bore"
larger diameter (shoulder) of the shaft. (without bearing spacer)
Cooling System
Disassembly below the edge. Make sure the top of the seal
is toward the bearing.
1. Remove the pipe plugs, fan spacer (3, Fig.
8-53) and gaskets (4). 3. Apply a coat of clean lubricating oil to the in
2. Remove the cotter pin (5), locknut (6) and side diameter of the seal. Slide the shaft (12)
washer (7) from the shaft (12). through the seal and bearing.
3. Support the fan hub (9) with smaller end of the 4. Lubricate the front bearing (8) with grease. In
shaft up. Push the shaft from the hub. stall the bearing into the outer race. lnstall the
washer (7) and locknut (6) to the shaft.
4. Push the bearings (8 and 11) and oil seal (13)
from the shaft. 5. Slowly rotate the fan hub while you tighten the
locknut. Tighten the locknut until you can feel
5. Remove the bearing races from the shaft. light fricition against the fan hub.
Cleaning Note: The hub must be rotated while the nut is be
ing tightened to make sure the bearing is in the
Use cleaning solvent to clean the parts. Dry with correct position.
compressed air.
6. Loosen the locknut only enough to install the
Inspection cotter pin. Do not bend the cotter pin at this
time. lf a "huglock" nut is used, loosen the nut
1. Check the shaft for damage or wear.
approximately 30 degrees.
2. Check the fan hub and fan spacer for cracks.
7. Check the end movement (end clearance of
3. Check the pulley grooves in the fan hub for the fan hub. The clearance must be from 0.003
wear or damage. to 0.010 inch [0.08 to 0.25 mm]. lf the end
movement is more than 0.010 inch [0.25 mm],
Note: A new belt, when pushed down into the
remove the cotter pin. Tighten the locknut to
groove, must protrude 1/16 to 1 18 inch [0.06 to 0.13
the next position that will let the cotter pin go
mm] above the outside diameter of the pulley. The
through the locknut and shaft. lf the end
belt must not touch the bottom of the groove.
movement is less than 0.003 inch [0.08 mm],
support the fan hub. Loosen the locknut one
turn. Use an arbor press to push against the
Replace the shaft if it is damaged or worn. locknut end of the shaft. The force against the
Replace the fan hub or fan spacer if cracked or shaft must not be more than the force re
damaged. quired to push a bearing onto a shaft. Repeat
steps 5 and 6. Check the end movement of the
Assembly hub. Bend the cotter pin so it will stay in
Note: Apply grease to the bearings, before in
stallation, when they are installed into a fan hub 8. lnstall a clean grease fitting into the fan hub.
that does not use a grease seal with a lip. Install grease through the fitting until the fan
hub cavity is 60 to 70 percent full. Use grease
1. lnstall the outer races for the bearings (8 and that meets the specifications of MlL-G-3545.
11, Fig. 8-53) into the fan hub (9). Push the Do not use grease that has sodium or soda
outer race, with the cupped side up, into the soap thickeners.
hub until the race is against the smaller
diameter of the bore. 9. Remove the grease fitting. lnstaH the pipe
plugs. Tighten the pipe plugs to 5 to 7 ft.-lbs.
2. Lubricate the rear bearing (11) with grease. ln
[7 to 9 N»m] torque.
stall the bearing into the outer race. Push the
seal (13) into the bore. The seal must be in 10. Apply 0.2 to 0.3 oz. [6 to 9 g] of grease to the
stalled so it is even with the edge of the pulley outer bearing (8, Fig. 8-53]. lnstall a new
bore or, not more than 0.020 inch [0.51 mm] gasket (4) and the fan spacer (3).
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
3. lnstall the bearing spacer (4) into the fan hub. The Thermostat and Housing
lnstall the spacer from the fan spacer end of
Never operate the engine without the thermostat.
the hub. Make sure the holes in the spacer are
The thermostat helps control the temperature of
in alignment with the grease holes in the hub.
the combustion chamber in the engine.
4. lnstall the outer race of the bearing (3) into the
fan spacer end of the fan hub. Push the race Disassembly
into the bore until the race is against the bear 1. Remove the connection for the water outlet (7,
ing spacer. Do not damage the retaining ring Fig. 8-55) and the gasket (6).
when you push the race against the spacer.
2. Remove the front water manifold (1) and
5. Lubricate the rear bearing (10) with grease. In gasket (2).
stall the bearing into the outer race. Push the
seal (11) into the bore. The seal must be in 3. Remove the thermostat (3) and seal (4) from
stalled so it is even with the edge of the bore the housing (5).
or, not more than 0.020 inch [0.51 mm] below
the edge. Make sure the lip of the seal is
toward the bearing.
6. Apply a coat of clean lubricating oil to the in
side diameter of the seal. Slide the shaft (12)
through the seal and bearing.
7. Install the inner spacer (5) into the fan spacer
end of the fan hub. Slide the spacer over the
shaft and into the outer spacer (4).
8. Lubricate the front bearing (3) with grease. ln
stall the bearing into the outer race.
9. lnstall the washer and locknut (2) to the shaft.
Tighten the locknut to 145 to 155 ft.-lbs. [196 to
210 N»m] torque. Rotate the fan hub while
tightening the locknut.
Fig. 8-55 (N10814). The Thermostat Housing And Seal.
10. Check the end movement (end clearance) of
the fan hub. The fan hub must rotate freely Inspection
and the end clearance must not be less than 1. Check the connection, manifold and housing
0.003 inch [0.08 mm] or more than 0.016 inch for corrosion, cracks or other damage.
[0.41 mm].
2. Check the operation of the thermostat.
a. lf the end clearance is not correct, check a. Check the body of the thermostat to find
the width of the bearings (3 and 10). The at what temperature the thermostat is in
bearing width can be from 0.710 to 0.714 the open position.
inch [18 to 18.1 mm]. lf the bearing width is
more than 0.714 inch [18 mm], remove b. Put the thermostat and a thermometer into
material from the end of the bearing a container of water. Use a device to hold
spacer (4) to adjust the end clearance. the thermostat and thermometer so that
Remove material from the end of the they will not touch the container.
spacer that does not have grease holes. c. Heat the water. The thermostat must
begin to open when the temperature of the
11. Fill the fan hub with grease until it is 60 to 70 water is at the same temperature marked
percent full. on the body of the thermostat.
12. Install the pipe plugs. Tighten to 5 to 7 ft.-lbs. d. Continue to heat the water until the
[7 to 10 N»m] torque. temperature is 15° to 20 °F [8.3° to 11.1 °C]
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
more than the value marked on the ther 3. lnstall the front water manifold (1) and a
mostat. At this temperature, the thermostat gasket (2) to the thermostat housing.
must be fully opened. The thermostat is
4. lnstall the water outlet connection (7) and a
fully opened when there is at least a 0.375
new gasket (6) to the thermostat housing.
in. [9.5 mm] space between the seal sleeve
and the brass part of the thermostat.
The Raw Water or Sea Water Pump
Replace the thermostat if it does not operate in 1. Remove the pump drive gear or pulley. Use the
the correct temperature range. Part No. 3375257 Puller to remove the gear or
pulley. Remove the key (10, Fig. 8-56) from the
shaft (9).
1. lnstall the new seal (4, Fig. 8-55) into the ther
2. Remove the retaining ring (13). If the pump is
mostat housing (5). Use the Part No. ST-1225
driven by a belt, you must remove the rubber
Seal Mandrel to install the seal. Make sure the
seal (14) before you can remove the retaining
part number or metal side of the seal is
against the mandrel when you install the seal.
3. Remove the cover (1) and gasket (2).
Note: Make sure the seal is correctly installed. If
the rubber plug (3) and the impeller (4).
the seal is not correctly installed, engine coolant
can leak past the seal when the thermostat is in Note: lf the pump is to be installed in the original
the closed position. This can cause the engine position. Take notice of the direction of the im
temperature to be colder than normal. peller blades. This will help you to correctly
assemble the pump.
2. lnstall the thermostat into the housing. Slide
the sleeve of the thermostat through the seal. 4. Push the shaft (9) from the pump housing (7).
Clean all parts with cleaning solvent. Dry with
compressed air.
1. Check the impeller for scratches, cracks or
other damage.
2. Check the surfaces of the cam and wear plate.
The surfaces must be smooth.
Fig. 8-58 (N20806). Install The Shaft lnto The Housing.
3. Check the shaft for wear and damage.
4. Check the housing for cracks or other 4. Hold the rubber slinger (8) in the correct posi
damage. tion in the housing. lnstall the shaft into the
housing and through the slinger as shown in
Replacement Fig. 8-58.
Replace any damaged parts. 5. Push the bearing and shaft assembly into the
bore in the housing. Make sure you push
Assembly against the outer race of the bearing.
1. Apply lubricant to the shaft (9, Fig. 8-56). Push 6. Install the retaining ring (13, Fig. 8-56).
the bearing (12), with the part number up, onto
7. lnstall the seal gasket, seat, carbon seal,
the shaft. Push the bearing until it is against
O-ring, ferrule, washer and marcel washer
the larger diameter (shoulder) of the shaft.
(The Seal Assembly, 15, Fig. 8-56) onto the
2. Install the key (10) into the shaft. shaft and then into the housing bore.
3. Push the oil seal (11) into the drive side of the 8. Push the new oil seal into the housing bore.
housing as shown in Fig. 8-57. The lip of the seal must be toward the impeller.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. frdO (N20608). Install The Drive Gear Onto The Shaft. Fig. &62 (N20810). The Impeller Installed For Left Hand Rotation.
Table 8-1: Specifications — Inch [mm] Eccentric and FFC Water Pump
Ref. Dimension New New Worn
No. Locations Minimum Maximum Limit
Housing Bearing Bores 2.4408 2.4414 2.4494
[61.996] [62.012] [62.215]
Minimum Press-Fit
Shaft and lmpeller 0.001
Shaft and Pulley 0.001
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Table 8-1: Specifications — Inch [mm] Eccentric and FFC Water Pump (Cont'd.)
Ret. New New
Maximum Limit
Housing Bora 2.8345 2.8351 2.8431
Outer Bearing [71.996] [72.012] [7Z215]
2.0471 2.0477 2.0557
Inner Bearing [51.996] [52.0121 [52.215]
3. 0.872 0.878
Inner Seal [22.15] [22.30]
6. 1.1810 1.1814
P^ley^nd"1*' [29.997] [30.008]
Drive Units 9-1
Drive Units
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
The Bores In The Housing (11) from the shaft. lnstall the capscrew (12)
into the shaft after you have removed the
The bearings or bushings must not turn in the
housing retaining bore. lf the old bearing has
turned and ruined the housing, the housing must 2. Install the Part No. ST-1249 Coupling Puller
be discarded. The bore of the housing must be onto the coupling (10). Remove the coupling.
clean before you press the bearing in position. 3. Remove the washer (14).
Caution: LDL (Laydown Lip) TFE oil seals must be 4. Remove the thrust washers (6 and 9).
clean and dry when they are installed. Do not ap
ply lubricating oil to the seal or shaft 5. Remove the shaft and gear assembly (13 and
5) from the housing (7).
Thrust Washers 6. Remove the gear (5) from the shaft (13). Put
the housing side of the gear onto a support
On accessory drive units the grooved side of the
and use a press to push the shaft from the
washer is installed away from housing. The steel
gear. Remove the pulley key or pin from the
backing against the cast iron housing will keep
shaft before you push the shaft from the gear.
the thrust washers from turning. lncorrect in
stallation of these washers will result in ex
cessive wear and increased end play, which
causes early failure of the accessory drive Clean all the parts in an approved cleaning sol
assembly. vent and dry with compressed air.
1. Check the bushing in the drive housing. If the
bushing is worn larger than 1.321 remove and
discard the bushing.
2. Check the shaft for wear distortion or damage.
The outside diameter of shaft must not be
worn less than 1.310 inch [33.27 mm].
6. Apply a coat of lubricating oil to the rear remove all units from housing (14), separate
thrust washer (9). Install the thrust washer. drive gear (2) and support assembly from
The grooved side of the thrust washer must be reservoir (21); then remove drain plug,
away from the housing. dipstick, vent plug and elbow.
7. Install the clamping washer (14). 3. Remove the shaft locknut (22) and washer (23)
from the drive shaft (31). Use the ST-1249
8. lnstall the coupling (10). Use a press to push
Puller to remove the coupling (24). Lift the key
the coupling onto the shaft. Do not damage
out (30). Remove the spacer (25) and governor
the threads on the shaft.
drive gear (26).
9. Install the washer (11) and capscrew (12). 4. Press the small end of the shaft to remove the
Tighten the capscrew to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [41 to shaft from the support (3) and the large end of
47 N»m] torque. the shaft to remove the drive gear (2). Remove
Note: Check end clearance with unit assembled. keys (32) from the shaft keyway and snap ring
lt must be as listed ln Table 9-1. The dowel pin (27) from the support. Invert support and press
shaft can be used to replace the 121940 and out rear bearing (28) and oil seal (29).
199969 Accessory Drive Shafts.
Hydraulic Governor Drive 1. Check bearing for worn race or rough action,
Disassembly gears for chipped or broken teeth or uneven
wear and governor shaft housing oil holes to
1. Remove the governor drive assembly, snap make certain they are open.
ring (11, Fig. 9-3), ball key and collar (13).
2. Inspect support and reservoir for cracks,
2. Press the shaft (12) opposite gear end to breaks or rough mating surfaces.
Fig. 9-3 (N10912). Fuel Pump, Hydraulic Governor Drive (Woodward Governor).
NT7NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Drive Units
9-5/(9-6 Blank)
Air Intake System
Clean the intake manifold and the connection
with steam.
Check for cracks, distortions and damaged
Threads which are damaged can be repaired by in
stalling Heli-coils.
The Afftercooler
NT/NTA 855 C.l.D. Engine Shop Manual
2. Apply clean lubricating oil to the new O-rings 4. lnstall the water inlet connection (9) and new
(2). lnstall the O-rings to the inlet and outlet gasket (8) onto the inlet fitting of the element.
fittings of the element (1). lnstall the element Do not damage the O-rings. Use your fingers
into the housing. to tighten the capscrews.
Note: The element has a precision fit in the hous 5. lnstall a new gasket (3) and the aftercooler
ing. Move the element carefully as you install it cover (4) to the housing. Make sure the holes
into the housing. Check the clearance between in the gasket are aligned with the cover and
the element and housing. Hold the element housing. Use your fingers to tighten the
against one side of the housing to check the (7).
Air Intake System
10-3/(10-4 Blank)
Exhaust System
Exhaust System
Exhaust Manifolds
Dry Type
Inspect the exhaust manifold for cracks and
When ordering replacement parts, order same
part as presently used.
Wet Type
1. The exhaust manifold is a combination water
header and water-cooled exhaust manifold.
Clean as outlined in Group 0, Disassembly
and Cleaning. Water test at 30 to 80 psi [207 to
552 kPa]
2. Remove the inspection plate from the exhaust
manifold. lnspect for cracks and distortions.
Replace the manifold if it is damaged.
3. Install the inspection plate and gasket to the
exhaust manifold.
Caution: Do not run the engine without coolant in
a water-cooled exhaust manifold.
11-1/(11-2 Blank)
Air Equipment
Air Equipment
Air Compressor
Vacuum Pump
Cummins vacuum pump is an adaptation of the
compact Cummins air compressor and is covered
in Bulletin No. 3379056.
12-1/(12-2 Blank)
Electrical Equipment
Electrical Equipment
Wiring Diagram
Electrical Components
Complete instructions for testing, repairing and
adjusting alternators, generators, voltage regu
lators, cranking motors, batteries, electric cables
and connections are available from the local elec
trical equipment service distributor.
lf this service is not available, further specific in
formation can be obtained as follows:
Delco-Remy Equipment
Electrical Equipment Operation and Maintenance
Handbook DR-324-1 or -2, -3, -4 and Test Specifica
tions DR-324-S-1 may be purchased from the near
est United Motor Service Station, or the Service
Department, Delco-Remy Division, General Motors
Corp., Anderson, Indiana.
Leece-Neville Equipment
Operation and adjustment information may be ob
tained from the nearest Leece-Neville distributor
or the Service Department of the Leece-Neville
Co., 5109 Hamilton Avenue, Cleveland 14, Ohio.
13-1/(13-2 Blank)
Engine Assembly and Testing
1. Main Bearings
2. Connecting Rod
3. Crankshaft and G
4. Cylinder Liner
5. Connecting Rod/Piston
6. Camshaft Gear
7. Camshaft
8. Camshaft Bushings
9. Gear Cover
10. Water Pump/ldler
11. Fan Hub Assembly
12. Water lnlet 17. Lube Oil Cooler/Filter 23. Cylinder Head and 30. Lubricating Oil Pump
Connections 18. Rocker Levers/Shaft Gasket 31. Cam Follower/Push
13. Exhaust Manifolds 19. Water By-Pass Tube 24. Cranking Motor/Spacer Tubes
14. Fan Hub Mounting 20. Thermostat Housing 25. lntake Manifold 32. Fuel Pump
Bracket/Support 21. Water Manifold 26. Main Bearing Cap 33. Oil Pan and Gasket
15. Cylinder Liner Assembly 27. Cylinder Block 34. Thermostat
Packing Rings 22. Rocker Lever Housing 28. Rear Cover Assembly
16. Cylinder Liner Shim Cover/Cap 29^ Flywheel and Housing
Fig. 14-0 (N114235). Engine — Exploded View
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Engine Assembly
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Engine Assembly and Testing
, «j
21 is !\29 Ii313 i1
i£28 1
• ;» 27 3Q
i" 3" 1. «
Fig. 14-6. Tightening Sequence For The Main Bearing Fig. 14-7 (N1 14245). Measure The End Clearance Of The
Capscrews. Crankshaft.
to 250 to 260 ft.-lbs. [339 to 352.5 N»m] c. Follow the instructions in Step 10 to
torque. See page 18-5 for exceptions. tighten the capscrews.
b. Tighten the 1 inch capscrews, Part No. d. Check the end clearance.
105953, in steps of 100 ft.-lbs. [135.6 N»m]
torque until the capscrews are tightened to 14. Make sure the end clearance for a used
300 to 310 ft. lbs. [407 to 420 N»m] torque. crankshaft is not more than the worn limit of
0.022 inch [0.56 mm]. lf the clearance is more
c. Loosen all of the capscrews 3 to 5 threads. than 0.022 inch [0.56 mm], you must repair the
d. Repeat Step a. or b. crankshaft and use oversize thrust rings as
11. Check the crankshaft to make sure it rotates described in Section 1.
freely. Use your hands to rotate the crankshaft. 15. Bend the tang of the lockplates against the
12. Check the end clearance of the crankshaft. head of the capscrews.
The end clearance must be between 0.007
inch [0.18 mm] and 0.018 inch [0.45 mm] for Install the Cylinder Liners
new crankshafts and thrust rings. 1. Check the bore for the cylinder liner.
a. lnstall a dial indicator gauge to the rear
a. The bore must not have any sharp edges
face of the cylinder block. Put the contact
that would cut or damage the cylinder
tip of the gauge against the end of the
liner O-rings.
b. Push the crankshaft toward the front of b. The counterbore in the cylinder block and
the cylinder block. the cylinder liner flange must be clean and
free from oil. Use a hydrocarbon solvent to
c. Adjust the indicator to read "0" (zero). clean oil from the parts. You can use a sol
d. Push the crankshaft toward the rear of the vent such as Naptha, Methyl Ethyl Ketone
cylinder block, Fig. 14-7. Read the (MEK) or Trichlorethane 1,1,1 (Methyl
indicator to find the amount of end Chloroform).
Caution: Naptha and Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)
13. If the end clearance is less than 0.007 inch are flammable materials and must be used with
[0.18 mm]: care. Do not use starting fluid as a cleaning agent.
a. Loosen the capscrews one turn. 2. Install new O-rings and a crevice seal onto the
b. Push the^crankshaft toward the front and cylinder liner. lnstall the crevice seal into the
then toward the rear of the cylinder block. top groove. The chamfer on the crevice seal
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 14-12. Measure The Bore Of The Liner. 3. lnstall the upper bearing shell into the con-
Fig. 14-11. The amount of protrusion must No. 1 (Top) Ring Gap No. 4 (Bottom) Ring Gap
be from 0.003 inch [0.08 mm] to 0.006 inch
[0.15 mm].
7. Check the inside diameter of the bore in the
cylinder liner for an out-of-round condition. Fol
low the instructions given on pages 1-5 and 1-6.
Use a dial bore gauge to measure the bore, Fig.
14-12. Measure the bore at several points with
in the range of the piston travel. The bore must
not be out-of-round more than 0.003 inch [0.08
mm] in the top 1 inch [25.4 mm] of the piston
travel area, and not more than 0.002 inch [0.05
mm] in the crevice seal and O-ring area.
No. 3 Ring Gap -—"""^ No. 2 Ring Gap
Install The Pistons And Connecting Rods
1. lnstall the rings onto the piston. One side of Fig. 14-14. Alignment Of The Piston Rings.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
necting rod. The tang of the bearing shell apply a coat of oil to the piston and rings.
must be into the slot in the connecting rod, Remove the piston and ring assembly from
Fig. 14-15. Make sure the oil hole in the shell is the container. Use the Part No. 3375162 Ring
aligned with the oil hole in the connecting rod. Compressor to compress the rings. Make sure
that the piston rings are correctly located in
4. Follow the instructions in Step 3 to install the
the grooves in the piston.
lower bearing shell into the connecting rod cap.
The connecting rod caps do not have oil holes. 8. Install the piston and rod assembly into the
cylinder block.
5. Install the Part No. 3375601 Nylon Guide
Screws into the connecting rod, Fig. 14-16. a. Rotate the crankshaft so that the journal
for the connecting rod being installed is at
6. Apply a coat of clean 30W lubricating oil to the
bearing shells in the connecting rod and cap. bottom dead center.
b. Use the ring compressor to hold the piston
7. Put the piston and ring assembly into a con
and rod assemblly.
tainer of clean 30W lubricating oil in order to
c. Push the piston through the ring compres
sor and into the cylinder liner, Fig. 14-17.
Do not use a metal device to push against
the piston. Make sure the tang of the con
necting rod Is toward the camshaft side of
the cylinder block.
d. Push the piston until the top ring is into
the cylinder liner. The piston must move
freely from the ring compressor and into
the cylinder liner. lf the piston does not
move freely, remove the piston and check
for broken or damaged rings.
e. Use the nylon guide screws to pull the
connecting rode into position against the
crankshaft, Fig. 14-18.
Note: Guide the connecting rod onto the crank
Fig. 14-15 (N1 14248). Install The Upper Bearing Shell Into The shaft as you push the piston into the cylinder liner
Connecting Rod.
in order to prevent damage to the crankshaft.
Fig. 14-16 (N1 14249). Install The Guide Screws lnto The
Connecting Rod. Fig. 14-17. Install The Piston And Connecting Rod Assembly.
Engine Assembly and Testing
Fig. 14-18. Position The Connecting Rod Against The Crank Fig. 14-19. Measure The Side Clearance.
shaft Journal.
Make sure the bearing shells are the correct
9. Install the connecting rod cap. size. Check for dirt or damage.
a. Remove the nylon guide screws.
Install the Camshaft
b. lnstall the connecting rod cap so that the 1. lnstall the cup plug into the camshaft bore at
tang side of the cap is against the tang the rear face of the cylinder block. lf the bore
side of the rod. Make sure that you install measures 2.6245 to 2.6255 in. [66.662 to 66.688
the correct cap for the connecting rod. mm], use the Part No. 3375153 Cup Plug Driver
c. Apply a coat of clean 30W lubricating oil to install the plug. lf the bore measures 2.6865
to the threads of the capscrews or bolts. lf to 2.6875 in. [68.237 to 68.262 mm], use the
the connecting rod has bolts, apply a coat Part No. 3375708 Cup Plug Driver.
of HOW Lubricant to the washers. 2. Apply a coat of lubriplate to both sides of the
d. Tighten the capscrews or bolts evenly to thrust ring. lnstall the thrust ring onto the
push the cap onto the connecting rod. camshaft. Make sure that the oil grooves on
Table 2 gives the correct torque values and the thrust ring are toward the camshaft gear,
the correct sequence to follow. Fig. 14-20.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
Fig. 14-26 (N11427). The Tightening Sequence For The Cylinder Fig. 14-27 (N1 14258). Tighten The Screws For The Fuel
Head Capscrews. Crossover.
14-1 1
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Note: Make sure that the total gasket thickness 140W lubricating oil. Install the ball end of the
for the Small Cam engine is at least 0.014 inch push rod into the socket of the cam follower.
[0.36 mm] and not more than 0.125 inch [3.2 mm]. The outside diameter of the injector push rod
The total gasket thickness for the Big Cam engine is larger than the outside diameter of the valve
must be between 0.014 inch [0.36 mm] and 0.080 push rod. The push rods for the intake and ex
inch [2.0 mm]. haust valves are the same. lnstall the injector
push rod into the middle cam follower.
3. lnstall the cam follower assembly. Hit the
housing with a plastic hammer to push the Note: The outside diameter of the injector push
housing onto the dowel pins. rod will be either 0.750 inch [19.05 mm] or 0.656
inch [16.67 mm]. The outside diameter of the valve
4. Install the capscrews and lockwashers. push rod is 0.625 inch [15.88 mm]. (0.656 in. [16.66
Tighten the capscrews to 15 ft.-lbs. [20 N»m] mm] for the Big Cam NTC-400 only) The valve push
torque. Then, tighten the capscrews to 30 to rod is 0.007 inch [1.78 mm] longer than the injector
35 ft.-lbs. [41 to 47 N»m] torque. Follow the se push rod. See Table 5 to find the difference in
quence in Fig. 14-29 to tighten the capscrews. length between the push rods for the Big Cam en
Lubricate the ball end of the push rods with gine and the push rods for the Small Cam engine.
Engine Assembly and Testing
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Injection Timing
For Small Cam and Big Cam Engines
Use the cylinders No. 1 , 3 and 5 to check the injec
tion timing of the Small Cam and Big Cam
Engines. Use the Part No. 3375522 Injection Tim
ing Tool to check the timing. The timing tool is
ued to check the timing of all Cummins engines
and can be used with the rocker levers installed
on the engine.
Follow these instructions to check the timing.
1. lnstall the support bracket for the push rod
adapter (5, Fig. 14-31) into the slot nearest the
clamp handle (4).
2. lnstall the piston plunger rod (1, Fig. 14-31) in Fig. 14-32 (V31435). Injection Timing Procedure Diagram.
to the injector sleeve of the No. 1 cylinder. To
fasten the timing tool to the cylinder head, in push rod. Tighten the clamp handle. Loosen
stall the adapter screws through the mounting the support bracket (5). Slide the bracket
foot (2) and into the holes for the injector hold- down until the adapter (6) engages the push
down plate. Use the tightening rod (3) to rod. Then, compress the tension spring for the
tighten the adapter screws. adapter approximately 0.50 inch [12.7 mm].
Tighten the support bracket. Make sure the
3. Loosen the clamp handle (4, Fig. 14-31) and
support bracket is aligned with the vertical
align the push rod adapter (6) with the injector
line on the clamp handle bracket.
4. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of
engine rotation to the Top Dead Center (TDC)
position of the compression stroke for the No.
1 cylinder, (1) Fig. 14-32. Loosen the thumb
screw for the piston travel gauge. Move the
gauge so that the stem of the gauge is in the
center of the piston plunger rod. Lower the
gauge against the piston plunger rod until the
stem is fully compressed, then raise the
gauge approximately 0.025 inch. Tighten the
thumbscrew to hold the gauge in position.
Rotate the crankshaft 2 or 3 degrees clock
wise and counterclockwise to make sure the
piston is at TDC. Loosen the setscrew for the
gauge dial and turn the dial so that the In
dicator is at zero. Tighten the setscrew.
Note: Each gauge for the Timing Tool has a total
travel of 1.0 inch. One revolution of the indicator
needle equals 0.100 inch travel of the indicator
stem. When the stem of the gauge is compressed,
the indicator turns clockwise and the revolution
counter turns counterclockwise. Be sure to note
the reading on the revolution coiunter at TDC.
This will help you find 0.2032 inch Before Top
Fig. 14-31. The Part No. 3375522 Injection Timing Tool. Dead Center (BTDC).
Engine Assembly and Testing
5. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of Table 6: Injection Timing Codes and
engine rotation to 90 degrees After Top Dead Push Rod Travel
Center (ATDC), (2) Fig. 14-32. Loosen the
Push Rod Travel (2) Advanced
thumbscrew for the push rod travel gauge. Timing (1) (lnches) Timing
Move the gauge so that the stem of the gauge Code Fast Slow MVT Only
is in the center of the push rod adapter. Lower A - 0.0395 -0.0435
the gauge against the adapter until the stem C -0.0315 - 0.0355
is fully compressed. Then raise the gauge ap D -0.034 -0.038
proximately 0.025 inch. Tighten the thumb E - 0.028 -0.030
Z -0.024 - 0.028
screw to hold the gauge in position. Loosen AA -0.030 -0.032
the setscrew for the gauge dial. Turn the dial AC - 0.027 -0.029
so that the indicator is at zero. Tighten the AF - 0.044 -0.046
setscrew. AH -0.034 -0.036
AK -0.040 -0.042
6. Rotate the crankshaft in the opposite direc AN - 0.045 -0.047
AQ -0.041 -0.043
tion of engine rotation, until you reach TDC. AS -0.035 - 0.037
a. Always rotate the crankshaft slowly. AU - 0.048 -0.050
AV -0.049 -0.051
b. Watch the piston travel indicator as you AW - 0.059 -0.061
AX -0.054 -0.056
rotate the crankshaft. AY - 0.039 -0.041
AZ -0.058 -0.060
c. Continue to rotate the crankshaft past BA - 0.027 -0.029
TDC until the indicator shows 0.225 inch BC -0.023 - 0.025
(two and one-fourth revolutions of the in BH - 0.051 -0.053
BM -0.052 -0.054
dicator needle past TDC, (3) Fig. 14-32). BS -0.071 -0.073
This step is necessary to take up the gear BT -0.080 -0.082
lash in the engine. BU -0.064 -0.066
BV -0.061 -0.063
7. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of BW -0.066 -0.068
engine rotation until the piston travel gauge is BY -0.069 -0.071
CB (3) -0.104 -0.106 -0.065 ±0.005
at 0.2032 inch BTDC (4) Fig. 14-32. CC (3) -0.114 -0.116 -0.062 + 0.005
CD -0.073 -0.075
Note: The engine must be on the compression CE - 0.025 - 0.027
stroke. When the crankshaft is rotated to TDC on CF -0.037 -0.039
the compression stroke, the indicators on both CH - 0.051 - 0.053
gauges will move in the same direction. lf they do CM (3) -0.099 -0.101 -0.060 ±0.005
CN (3) -0.104 -0.106 -0.065 ±0.005
not, rotate the crankshaft one complete revolu CO -0.0625 - 0.0645
tion and repeat Step 5. CP (3) -0.119 -0.121 -0.060 ±0.005
CR (3) -0.109 -0.111 -0.067 ±0.005
8. Read the push rod travel gauge. The push rod (1) Check the engine dataplate to find the Timing Code.
travel must be within the limits given in Table 6. (2) Measure the push rod travel when the piston is at
0.2032 inch Before Top Dead Center.
Note: Never change the cam follower gaskets to (3) Timing Code for Mechanical Variable Timing (MVT).
correct the injection timing until you check the
following: 9. Follow Steps 4 through 8 to check the lnjec
a. That the Timing Tool is correctly installed. tion Timing of cylinders No. 3 and 5.
b. That the gauges are correctly adjusted. 10. lf the reading on the push rod travel gauge is
not within the limits given in Table 6, increase
c. That the crankshaft has been rotated in or decrease the thickness of the cam follower
the correct direction. gaskets to correct the injection timing.
d. That the capscrews for the cam follower a. lncrease the thickness of the gaskets to
housings are tightened to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. Advance the injection timing of Right Hand
[41 to 47 N»m] torque. rotation engines.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.O. Engine Shop Manual
b. Decrease the thickness of the gaskets to a. Loosen the spring retainer locknut.
Retard the injection timing of Right Hand b. Rotate the spring retainer to adjust the in
rotation engines. jection timing. Use the Part No. 3376021
Retainer Adjusting Tool to rotate the
c. lncrease the thickness of the gaskets to
spring retainer, Fig. 14-33. Rotate the re
Retard the injection timing of Left Hand
rotation engines. tainer counterclockwise to advance the
timing. Rotate the retainer clockwise to
d. Decrease the thickness of the gaskets to
Advance the injection timing of Left Hand
rotation engines.
Table 7: Cam Follower Gasket Specifications
11. See Table 7 to find the thickness of the cam Change In
follower gaskets and the amount of change in Gasket Thickness Push Rod Travel
the push rod travel for each gasket. Part No. Inch [mm] ■■■■ill
incn run I1
immj 1 iibiHm mIIii™
Note: Do not increase the total gasket thickness 0.006 to 0.008 0.0015 to 0.002 Big Cam
to more than 0.125 inch [3.2 mm] for the Small [0.15 to 0.20] [0.04 to 0.05]
Cam engine or more than 0.080 inch [2.0 mm] for 0.014 to 0.020 0.0035 to 0.005 Big Cam
the Big Cam engine. The Small Cam and Big Cam [0.36 to 0.51] [0.09 to 0.13]
engines must have at least 0.014 inch [0.3 mm] 3020003 0.020 to 0.024 0.005 to 0.006 Big Cam
[0.51 to 0.61] [0.13 to 0.15]
total gasket thickness.
3020004 0.027 to 0.033 0.007 to 0.008 Big Cam
12. lf you cannot correct the injection timing by [0.69 to 0.84] [0.18 to 0.20]
increasing or decreasing the thickness of the 0.006 to 0.008 0.0015 to 0.002 Small Cam
gaskets, install an offset camshaft key. See [0.15 to 0.20] [0.04 to 0.05]
Table 8 to find the correct key. Follow the in 0.014 to 0.020 0.035 to 0.005 Small Cam
structions in Group 1 to remove and install a [0.36 to 0.51] [0.09 to 0.13]
camshaft key. 3011272 0.020 to 0.024 0.005 to 0.006 Small Cam
[0.51 to 0.61] [0.13 to 0.15]
The MVT Injection Timing 120819 0.027 to 0.033 0.007 to 0.008 Small Cam
[0.69 to 0.84] [0.18 to 0.20]
1. The MVT system must be completely retarded 3011273 0.037 to 0.041 0.009 to 0.010 Small Cam
when you check the timing. [0.94 to 1.04] [0.23 to 0.25]
a. Remove the actuator cap and check the 'Must not be used alone.
actuator plunger to make sure it is all of
the way down in the housing.
b. If the plunger is not in the down position, Table 8: Timing Key Information
rotate the crankshaft two complete revolu Equivalent
tions. This will cause the plunger to move Gasket
down in the housing. Stack
V* Inch 1 Inch Thickness
2. lnstall the Part No. 3375522 lnjection Timing Key Key Offset Timing Change
Part No, Part
art No.
Nc Inch [mm] Change Inch [mm]
Tool into the injector sleeve of the No. 3
cylinder. Follow the instructions given for the 3021601 69550 None None
3021595 200722 0.0060 [0.15] Retard 0.012 [0.30]
Small Cam and Big Cam engines to install the 3021593 200712 0.0075 [0.19] Retard 0.015 [0.38]
Timing Tool. 3021592 200707 0.0115 [0.29] Retard 0.023 [0.58]
3. Check the retard injection timing. Follow the 3021594 200713 0.0185 [0.47] Retard 0.037 [0.94]
3021596 200723 0.0255 [0.65] Retard 0.051 [1.30]
instructions given for the Small Cam and Big 3021598 208746 0.0310 [0.79] Retard 0.062 [1.57]
Cam engines to check the timing. 3021597 202600 0.0390 [0.99] Retard 0.078 [1.98]
3021600 3012307 0.0510 [1.30] Retard 0.102 [2.59]
4. The push rod travel must be within the limits 3021599 3012328 0.0115 [0.29] Advance 0.023 [0.58]
given in Table 6. 3022352* 0.0185 [0.47] Advance
5. Follow these instructions to adjust the injec 3022353* 0.0310 [0.79] Advance
tion timing: 'For Mechanical Variable Timing (MVT) Engines)
Engine Assembly and Testing
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
Engine Assembly and Testing
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
Fig. 14-41 (N11440). The Camshaft Thrust Plate. Fig. 14-43 (N1 14268). Measure The Clearance For The Bearing
Engine Assembly end Testing
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
3. Rotate the flange approximately 1/8 of a turn. 3. Install the retainer and -capscrew to hold the
Remove the flange. flange onto the crankshaft. Tighten the Part
No. 140410 capscrew to 180 to 200 ft.-lbs. [244
4. Check the pattern of blue compound on the in
to 271 N»m] torque. Tighten the Part No.
side diameter of the flange. The pattern must
196653 capscrew to 250 to 270 ft.-lbs. [339 to
show, at the larger diameter of the crankshaft,
366 N»m] torque.
the flange has 100 percent contact with the
crankshaft. The 100 percent contact must ex 4. lnstall the vibration damper to the mounting
tend at least 1/2 inch [12.7 mm] toward the flange. Install the capscrews with new lock-
end of the crankshaft. The remainder of the plates. Bend the ends of the lockplates
flange must have at least 70 percent contact against the head of the capscrews. Tighten
with the crankshaft. the capscrews to 55 to 60 ft.-lbs. [74.5 to 81
5. Clean the blue compound from the flange and N»m] torque.
the crankshaft. 5. Measure the movement of the circumference
6. Use Magnaglo inspection to check the flange and the face of the vibration damper.
for cracks. a. Install the dial indicator gauge to the gear
7. lf the flange does not fit onto the crankshaft cover as shown in Fig. 14-47. Position the
correctly: tip of the indicator on point "A". Rotate
the crankshaft. The total indicator reading
a. Make sure that the inside diameter of the must not exceed 0.003 inch [0.08 mm] per
flange and the outside diameter of the 1.0 inch [25.4 mm] of vibration damper
crankshaft are free of damage or rough diameter.
b. Measure the movement of the face of the
b. Apply a coat of Grade A (280 grit) lapping
vibration damper. Put the tip of the indi
compound to the inside diameter of the
cator on point "B" (Fig. 14-47). Rotate the
flange. crankshaft. The crankshaft must be at the
c. Put the flange onto the crankshaft. Rotate front or rear of the thrust clearance when
the flange one-half turn in each direction you measure the movement. The total indi
until the flange fits onto the crankshaft cator reading must not exceed 0.0025 inch
correctly. [0.064 mm] per 1.0 inch [25.4 mm] of the
d. Clean the lapping compound from the radius (as measured from the center of the
flange and the crankshaft. vibration damper).
Caution: Make sure that none of the lapping com
pound gets onto the crankshaft seal or Into the
e. Follow Steps 1 through 5 to make sure that
the flange fits correctly onto the crankshaft.
Engine Assembly and Testing
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
3. Install the belt onto the water pump pulley and belts. Tighten the belts so that they have
accessory drive pulley. Tighten the belt so 100 to 110 lbs. tension. Use the Part No.
that it has 90 to 110 lb. [400 to 489 N] belt ten ST- 1274 Belt Tension Gauge to check the
sion. Put a large screwdriver into the slots in belt tension, Fig. 14-53.
the pump body and turn the body counter
c. Tighten the locknut for the idler pulley
clockwise to tighten the belt. Use the Part No.
shaft to 45 to 55 ft.-lbs. [61 to 74 N»m] torque.
ST-1138 Belt Tension Gauge to check the belt
tension. d. Check the belt tension again after you have
tightened the locknut. The belt tension must
4. Tighten the capscrews for the fan bracket or
be 120 to 140 lbs. [534 to 623 N]. If the ten
clamp ring. Follow the tightening sequence
sion is not correct, loosen the locknuts and
shown in Fig. 14-50. Tighten the capscrews to
repeat steps a, b and c.
12 to 15 ft.-lbs. [16 to 20 N»m] torque.
4. Install the fan hub bracket to the water pump
The Water Pump with Idler Pulley housing. Tighten the capscrews to 70 to 80
ft.-lbs. [95 to 108 N»m] torque.
1. lnstall the water pump and idler assembly and
a new gasket to the cylinder block, Fig. 14-51.
Fig. 14-52. The Tightening Sequence For The Water Pump With
Idler Pulley.
Fig. 14-51 (N114271). Install The Water Pump And Idler Pulley.
Install the Rear Cover and Oil Seal 7. lnstall the seal assembly tool onto the
crankshaft. Put the largest inside diameter
1. Make sure that the oil seal area on the
crankshaft is clean and dry. Use a crocus part of the tool toward the cylinder block.
cloth to polish the crankshaft. Use a clean Note: "LDL TFE" (Lay-down Lip, Teflon) oil seals
cloth to clean the crankshaft. for service replacement have an assembly tool
2. lnstall the rear cover and a new gasket to the which protects the seal lip during shipment and
cylinder block. Tighten the capscrews only
enough to hold the rear cover in position. Caution: The "LDL TFE" oil seal must be Installed
3. Install the Part No. ST-997 Oil Seal Driver onto with the lip of the seal and the crankshaft clean
the crankshaft and into the bore of the rear and dry. Do not use any kind of lubricant.
cover. Use the ST-997 to align the rear cover 8. Push the oil seal from the assembly tool onto
with the crankshaft. The ST-997-6 Buttons the crankshaft. Remove the assembly tool.
must be removed from the ST-997 Driver.
9. lnstall the oil seal into the rear cover. lnstall
4. Check the alignment of the rear cover with a the ST-997-6 Buttons into the ST-997 Seal
dial indicator gauge, Fig. 14-54. Driver. Use the seal driver to push the oil seal
into the rear cover, Fig. 14-55.
Fig. 14-54 <N1 14273). Check The Alignment Of The Rear Cover.
a. The rear cover must be on a common Fig. 14-55 (N1 14274). Install The Oil Seal.
center with the crankshaft within 0.010 Install the Flywheel Housing
inch [0.25 mm] total indicator reading.
The Dry Flywheel Housing
b. The rear cover must be square to the
centerline of the crankshaft within 0.010 1. Make sure that the mounting surface of the
inch [0.25 mm] total indicator reading. flywheel housing is clean and free from
c. The rear cover must be within 0.004 inch
[0.10 mm] of being flat with the oil pan 2. lnstall a new camshaft bore gasket onto the
flange of the cylinder block. flywheel housing. Use gasket cement to in
stall the gasket to the housing. The cement
d. Tighten the capscrews to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. must be completely dry before you install the
[40.6 to 47 N»m] torque. flywheel housing.
5. Remove the ST-997 from the crankshaft. Note: The 2Vt inch cam (Big Cam) engines use a
6. Cut off the excess gasket material so that the cup plug seal in the rear camshaft bore. These
gasket is even with and not more than 0.010 engines do not require a camshaft bore gasket in
inch [0.25 mm] above the oil pan flange. the flywheel housing.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop
3. Remove the dowels when you install a new fly 5. Check the circumference of the bore. The total
wheel housing. Remove the dowels if they are indicator reading must not exceed the limits
damaged or the outside diameter of the dowels given in Table 11.
measure less than 0.5005 inch [12.71 mm].
6. After the readings are within the limits,
4. Install two studs into the cylinder block to tighten the capscrews in the sequence given
support the flywheel housing. in Fig. 14-57 to 140 to 160 ft.-lbs. [190 to 217
N»m] torque.
5. lnstall the flywheel housing. Tighten the
capscrews to 10 to 20 ft.-lbs. [13.5 to 27 N»m]
6. Remove the studs. Install and tighten the re
maining capscrews.
Engine Assembly and Testing
3. Rotate the crankshaft and check the align the flywheel housing. Tighten the Nylok cap-
ment of the face of the flywheel housing. screws to 2 to 3 ft.-lbs. [2.7 to 4 N»m] torque.
Make sure that the crankshaft is pushed
6. Check the alignment of the seal carrier. Align
toward the front of the engine as you check the seal carrier so that it is on a common
the alignment. center with the crankshaft within 0.008 inch
4. The total indicator reading must not exceed [0.20 mm] total indicator reading.
the limits given in Table 11. 7. Tighten the capscrews to 8 to 9 ft.-lbs. [10.8 to
12.2 N»m] torque.
The Dowel Pins
Caution: Never operate the engine without clutch
1. lf the dowel pins were removed from the oil in the housing. Operating without clutch oil wil
cylinder block, use a drill and reaming fixture damage the clutch seal and clutch.
to ream the dowel holes to the next oversize.
Install the Flywheel
2. lnstall the dowel pins. The dowels must be
even with or 0.010 inch [0.25 mm] below the Note: When you install a new flywheel, remove the
surface of the housing that is closest to the dowels.
flywheel. 1. lnstall two guide studs that have 5/8-18
threads and are 6 inches [152 mm] long into
The Flywheel Housing with Wet Clutch Seal the crankshaft flange.
lf the engine is to be tested with a dynamometer, 2. lnstall the flywheel onto the studs. Align the
do not install the wet clutch seal until after the dowel holes in the flywheel and crankshaft.
engine is tested. Any usage without clutch oil will
3. lnstall and tighten the capscrews.
destory the clutch seal.
a. Lubricate the threads of the capscrews
1. lnstall the housing and a new O-ring onto the ' and the face of the hardened washers with
cylinder block. 30W oil.
2. Check the location of the bore and the align b. Use the sequence shown in Fig. 14-59 and
ment of the face. Use the same procedure to tighten the capscrews until the flywheel is
check the location and alignment as for the flat against the crankshaft flange.
dry flywheel housing.
c. Remove the guide studs and install the re
3. Use the same procedure to install oversize maining two capscrews.
dowel pins as for the dry housing.
d. Tighten the capscrews that use the
4. Install a new seal into the seal carrier. The lip hardened flatwashers to 200 to 220 ft.-lbs.
of the seal must be toward the flywheel. Use [271 to 298 N»m] torque.
the parts catalog to find the correct seal part
e. Tighten the capscrews that have safety
number. wire holes in the head of the capscrew to
5. Install the seal carrier and new gasket onto 190 to 200 ft.-lbs. [258 to 271 N»m] torque.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Fig. 14-59 (N11451). Tightening Sequence For The Flywheel Fig. 14-61 (N114139). Check The Alignment Of The Face.
b. Rotate the crankshaft and read the indicator.
The total indicator reading must not ex
ceed 0.0005 inch [0.013 mm] per 1 inch
[25.4 mm] of flywheel diameter.
Fig. 14-60 (N1 14138). Check The Location Of The Bearing Bore.
4. Check the location of the pilot bearing bore.
a. Install the ST-1325 attachment and
3376050 gauge onto the flywheel housing.
Put the trip of the indicator in the position
shown in Fig. 14-60.
b. The total indicator reading must not ex
ceed 0.005 inch [0.13 mm] in one complete
revolution of the flywheel.
5. Check the alignment of the clutch face of the
flywheel. The crankshaft end movement will
change the indicator reading. Make sure that
the crankshaft is moved all of the way toward
the front of the engine.
a. Move the indicator so that it is positioned Fig. 14-62. Install Two Capscrews Into The Buttress End Of The
Oil Pan.
as shown in Fig. 14-61.
Engine Assembly and Testing
Fig. 14-63. Install The Capscrews Into The Oil Pan. Use your hand to tighten the -tube nut on the
oil pan suction flange. Tighten the capscrews
3. Use the following sequence to tighten the that hold the suction flange to the oil pan to 30
capscrews. This will prevent damage to the oil to 35 ft.-lbs. [41 to 47 N»m] torque. Tighten the
pan or flywheel housing. tube nut until it is against the stop on the suc
tion flange.
a. lnstall and tighten the middle capscrew in
each of the two buttresses on the flywheel
housing, Fig. 14-62.
b. Tighten two capscrews on each side of the
oil pan flange. Tighten the capscrews that
are located halfway between the front and
the rear of the oil pan, Fig. 14-63.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
b. Use the Part No. 3375161 Injector Puller to Note: Engines equipped with Jacobs Brake use
special crossheads for the exhaust valves. See
install the top stop injectors. Use the
Group 20.
same procedure as for the PT (type D)
injectors. 4. Hold the crosshead down against the valve
stem that is nearest to the push rod. Use light
4. Install the hold-down plate, with the counter-
pressure to hold the cross head. Turn the ad
bore up, onto the injector.
justing screw in until it touches the valve
5. lnstall the plunger link into the injector. stem, Fig. 14-66.
Tighten the capscrews for the hold-down plate
in increments of 4 ft. -lbs. [5 N»m] torque until 5. Hold the crosshead adjusting screw in posi
they are tightened to 10 to 12 ft.-lbs. [14 to 16 tion and tighten the locknut. Tighten the lock-
N»m] torque. Tighten the nylok capscrews to nut to 25 to 30 ft.-lbs. [34 to 41 N»m] torque.
12 to 14 ft. lbs. [16 to 19 N»m] torque. Note: When the Part No. ST-669 Torque Wrench
6. Check the injector plungers for free move Adapter is used, tighten the locknut to 22 to 26
ft.-lbs. [30 to 35 N»m] torque.
ment after you tighten the hold-down plate. lf
the plunger does not move freely, loosen the 6. Check the clearance between the crosshead
capscrews then tighten to the correct torque. and valve spring retainer, (1 and 2) Fig. 14-67.
Check the injector plungers for the top-stop Use a wire gauge to check the clearance. The
injectors. The lnjector plunger must rotate clearance must be a minimum of 0.025 inch
freely. [0.64 mm].
Engine Assembly and Testing
Fig. 14-66 (N1 14279). Adjust The Crosshead. Fig. 14-68. The Correct Position For The Adjusting Screw.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Install the Fan Hub and Pulley e. When identical belts are installed on a
pulley, the protrusion of the belts must not
1. Tighten the capscrews for the fan bracket
vary more than 1/16 inch [1.59 mm].
brace to 70 to 80 ft.-lbs. [95 to 108 N»m] torque.
f. Make sure that the belts do not touch or
2. lnstall the fan hub assembly onto the fan hub
hit against any part of the engine.
2. To adjust the belts.
a. Install the fan hub adjusting screw.
a. Use the Part No. ST-1 274 Belt Tension
b. lf capscrews fasten the assembly to the Gauge to check the tension of belts that
bracket, tighten the capscrews to 3 to 5 are from 3/8 to 1/2 inch [9.53 to 12.70 mm]
ft.-lbs. [4 to 7 N»m] torque. wide. Use the ST-1 138 gauge to check
c. If a Marsden nut is used to fasten the belts that are from 11/16 to 7/8 inch [17.46
assembly to the bracket, tighten the nut to to 22.23 mm] wide. Use the ST-1 293 gauge
45 to 55 ft.-lbs. [61 to 74 N»m] torque. to check the "Poly-V" belts.
3. Loosen the adjusting screw so that the fan b. Tighten the 3/8 to 1/2 inch [9.53 to 12.70
hub is in its lowest position. mm] wide belts until a reading of 120 to
140 lbs. is indicated on the gauge. Tighten
4. lnstall new belts onto the fan hub pulley and the 11/16 to 7/8 inch [17.46 to 22.23 mm]
accessory drive pulley. wide belts until a reading of 90 to 110 lbs.
5. Tighten the fan hub adjusting screw until the is indicated on the gauge. Tighten the
belts have 90 to 1 10 lbs. [400 to 489 N] tension. "Poly-V" belt until a reading of 140 to 160
Use the ST-1 138 gauge to check the belt tension. lbs. is indicated on the gauge.
6. Tighten the capscrews or Marsden nut to the c. After the engine has been running for at
correct torque value. least 1 hour, stop the engine and check
the belt tension. If the tension is less than
a. Tighten the capscrews to 70 to 80 ft.-lbs.
the value given in Step b, adjust the belt to
[95 to 108 N»m] torque.
the correct value.
b. Tighten the Marsden nut to 400 to 450
ft.-lbs. [542 to 610 N»m] torque. Install the Engine Brake
7. Loosen the fan hub adjusting screw 1/2 turn. Install the engine brake or Jacobs Brake if the
engine is so equipped. Follow the instructions
Belt Installation and Tension given in Group 20.
1. To install the belts. Adjust the Valves and Injectors
a. When two or more identical belts are used The valves and injectors must always be in the cor
on the same pulley, all of the belts must be rect adjustment for the engine to operate efficiently.
replaced at the same time.
The adjustment value for the injectors is determined
b. Make sure the distance between the by which type of rocker lever housings are used
pulley centers is as short as possible on the engine. See Table 14 to find the correct
when you install the belts. Do not roll the value for the aluminum and the cast iron rocker
belts over the pulley. Do not use a tool to housings.
pry the belts onto the pulley.
Note: When you adjust the valves and injectors for
c. The pulleys must not be out of alignment a left hand rotation engine, make sure that you
more than 1/16 inch [1.59 mm] for each 12 use the correct sequence shown in Table 12.
inches [30.5 cm] of distance between the
pulley centers. The Dial Indicator Method to Adjust the Injectors
d. The belts must not touch the bottom of the Caution: Do not use this method to adjust the top-
pulley grooves. The belts must not pro stop Injectors.
trude more than 3/32 inch [2.38 mm] above 1. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of en
the outside diameter of the pulley. gine rotation. Align the "A" or "1-6 VS" mark
Engine Assembly and Testing
Fig. 14-70 (OM1050L). Align The Timing Marks With Pointer On The Gear Cover.
1-6 TC
A Of C or
1-6 vsN 3-4 VS
o X
0 J
B or
2-5 VS
Fig. 14-71 (N 114230). The Timing Marks On The Accessory Fig. 14-72 (OM1051 L). Check The Travel Of The Injector Plunger.
Drive Pulley.
valves are closed, the rocker levers for cyl
on the accessory arive pulley with the pointer inder number 5 will be loose. lf they are not,
on the gear cover, Fig. 14-70 and Fig. 14-71. rotate the crankshaft 360 degrees and align
2. When the "A" or "1-6 VS" mark is aligned with the marks on the pulley with the pointer.
the pointer, the intake and exhaust valves for Note: The instructions using cylinder No. 3 to
cylinder number 5 must be in the closed posi begin the injector adjustments are for illustration
tion. The injector plunger for cylinder number purposes. You can begin the adjustments with
3 must be at the top of its travel. When the any of the cylinders as shown in Table 12.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Table 14: Adjustment Limits 3. Use the Part No. 3375842 lnjector Adjustment
Using Dial Indicator Method — Inch [mm] Kit to check the travel of the injector plunger.
OH Injector Plunger Valve Clearance Install the dial indicator and support so that
Temp. Travel Intake Exhaust the extension for the dial indicator is against
the injector plunger, Fig. 14-72. Make sure that
Aluminum Rocker Housing the extension is correctly installed into the in
Cold 0.170 ± 0.001 0.011 0.023 dicator stem and that it does not touch the
[4.32 ± 0.03] [0.28] [0.58]
0.011 rocker lever.
Hot 0.170 ± 0.001 0.023
[4.32 ± 0.03] [0.28] [0.58] 4. Actuate the rocker lever to push the injector
Cast Iron Rockor Housing plunger to the bottom of its travel. Use the
Cold 0.175 ± 0.001 0.013 0.025 ST-1193 Rocker Lever Actuator from the
[4.45 ± 0.03] [0.33] [0.64] 3375842 Adjustment Kit to actuate the rocker
Hot 0.170 ± 0.001 0.011 0.023 lever, Fig. 14-73. Let the plunger rise to the top
[4.32 ± 0.03] [0.28] [0.58] of its travel. Actuate the lever again and set
NTE-8SS (European Big Cam Only) the indicator at zero as you hold the plunger at
0235 0.011 0.023 the bottom of its travel.
[5.72] [0.28] [0.58]
NT-8SS (Australian Big Cam Only) 5. Tighten the rocker lever adjusting screw until
0.228 0.011 0.023 the injector plunger has the correct travel as
[5.79] [0.28] [0.58] shown in Table 14.
6. Hold the adjusting screw in position and
Note: Always check the engine dataplate for the tighten the locknut to 40 to 45 ft.-lbs. [54 to 61
injector and valve adjustment values. N»m] torque. Actuate the rocker lever two or
three times to make sure that the adjustment
Definition of "Cold" is correct. When you use the ST-669 Adapter
The engine must be at any stabilized water to tighten the locknut, tighten the locknut to
oerature of 140 °F [60 °C] or below. 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [41 to 47 N»m] torque.
Engine Assembly and Testing
Adjust the Valves 2. Loosen the iocknut for the rocker lever ad
justing screw. Tighten the adjusting screw until
After you adjust the injector, the valves must be ad
all of the clearance is removed from between
justed for the cylinder shown in Table 12 before you
the rocker lever and injector link. Then tighter
rotate the crankshaft to the next adjustment mark.
the adjusting screw one additional turn.
1. Make sure that the locknuts for the adjusting 3. Loosen adjusting screw until the spring washer
screws are loose. is against the stop of the injector, Fig. 14-75.
2. Put a feeler gauge between the rocker lever
and the contact surface of the crosshead, Fig.
14-74. See Table 14 to find the correct thick
ness of the feeler gauge.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Valve Adjustment
4. Tighten the adjusting screw to 5 to 6 in.-lbs.
[0.56 to 0.68 N»m] torque. Use the Part No. When using the Torque Method, the valves and in
3375232 Torque Wrench to tighten the screw, jector are adjusted on the same cylinder before
Fig. 14-76. If you do not have a torque wrench, rotating the crankshaft for the next cylinder. See
tighten the screw until there is light pressure Table 16 to find the correct valve clearance.
against the injector link. The link must be free Tighten the locknuts to 40 to 45 ft.-lbs. [54 to 61
enough that you can rotate it with your hand. N»m] torque.
5. Hold the adjusting screw in position and
Table 16: Valve Clearance
tighten the locknut to 40 to 45 ft.-lbs. [54 to 61 (Torque Method) — Inch [mm]
N »m] torque. When you use the ST-669 Adapter
Intake Valves Exhaust Valves
tighten the locknut to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [41 to 47 Cold Set Hot Set Cold Set Hot Set
N»m] torque.
Aluminum Rocker Housing
0.014 0.014 0.027 0.027
The Torque Method to Adjust the Injectors [0.36] [0.36] [0.69] [0.69]
1. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of Cast Iron Rocker Housing
engine rotation. Align the mark on the pulley 0.016 0.014 0.029 0.027
with the pointer on the gear cover. Check both [0.41] [0.36] [0.74] [0.69]
cylinders indicated on the pulley (Fig. 14-71)
to see which valve rocker levers are loose. Ad Install the Rocker Housing Covers
just the injector of the cylinder in which the
1. Install the rocker housing covers and new
rocker levers are loose.
gaskets onto the rocker housing.
2. Loosen the adjusting screw locknut. Tighten
a. Tighten the capscrews for the aluminum
the adjusting screw until the injector plunger
cover to 12 to 17 ft-lbs. [16 to 23 N»m] torque.
is at the bottom of its travel. Tighten the ad
justing screw an additional 15 degrees to b. Tighten the capscrews for the steel cover
remove all of the oil from the injector cup. to 10 to 15 ft.-lbs. [14 to 21 N»m] torque.
Loosen the adjusting screw one full turn. c Tighten the capscrews for the aluminum
3. Use a torque wrench that is calibrated in inch- cover that uses gaskets made of cork and
lbs, to adjust the injectors. The torque wrench rubber to 75 to 95 in.-lbs. [8.5 to 10 N»m]
must have a screwdriver adapter. Tighten the torque.
adjusting screw to the correct torque value
Note: Refer to the parts catalog to find the correct
shown in Table 15. Loosen the adjusting screw
gasket to use.
and adjust it to the torque value two or three
times to make sure that it is correctly adjusted.
Install the Intake Manifold or Aftercooler
1. Put new manifold gaskets onto the intake
Table 15: Injector Adjustmcint (Torque Method) ports of the cylinder heads. Use a small
Cold Set Hot Set amount of Lubriplate to hold the gasket
Cast Iron Rocker Housing against the cylinder head.
48 inch-lb. 72 inch-lb. 2. Follow these instructions to install the intake
[5.4 N»m] [8.1 N»m] manifold.
Aluminum Rocker Housing
a. Install a capscrew and washer assembly
72 inch-lb. 72 inch-lb.
[8.1 N»m] [8.1 N»m] into the bottom capscrew hole of each in
take port on the cylinder head. Tighten the
capscrews 3 to 5 turns.
4. Hold the adjusting screw in position and
tighten the locknut to 40 to 45 ft.-lbs. [54 to 61 b. lnstall the manifold with slots onto the
N»m] torque. When you use the ST-669 capscrews and washers. Make sure that
Adapter, tighten the locknut to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. the washers are not between the cylinder
[41 to 47 N»m] torque. head and manifold.
Engine Assembly and Testing
c. Install the remaining capscrews and gine as when it was removed. Tighten the cap-
washers into the manifold and cylinder screws to 25 to 30 ft.-lbs. [34 to 40.6 N»m] torque.
heads. Tighten the capscrews to 20 to 25 2. Install the filter head on to the bracket.
ft.-lbs. [27 to 34 N»m] torque. Tighten the capscrews to 15 to 20 ft.-lbs. [20 to
3. Follow these instructions to install the after- 27 N»m] torque.
cooler. 3. Apply a light coat of lubricating oil to a new
a. lnstall a guide pin Into a capscrew hole in cartridge seal and to the gasket of a new car
the intake port of each cylinder head. tridge. lnstall the seal and cartridge onto the
b. lnstall the aftercooler onto the guide pins. filter head. Use your hand to tighten the car
tridge. Tighten the cartridge until the gasket is
c. Install the capscrews and washers. Remove against the filter head and then tighten the
the guide pins and install the remaining cap- cartridge an additional one-half turn.
screws and washers. Tighten the capscrews
to 20 to 25 ft.-lbs. [27 to 34 N»m] torque. 4. Install the fuel line from the fuel pump to the
filter head. lnstall the line to the connection
4. lnstall the air inlet connection and a new gasket that is marked "OUT".
onto the intake manifold. Tighten the cap-
screws to 20 to 25 ft.-lbs. [27 to 34 N»m] torque. The Filter Element
5. lnstall the front and the rear water crossover 1. lnstall the mounting bracket and filter head to
tubes to the aftercooler. Make sure that the the engine. lnstall the bracket to the same lo
hoses for the water crossover tubes are not cation on the engine as when it was removed.
damaged. Tighten the hose clamps to 35 to 45 2. Check the connections in the filter head for
in.-lbs. [4 to 5 N»m] torque. leaks. Make sure that the connections are tight
ened to 30 to 40 ft.-lbs. [41 to 54 N»m] torque.
Install the Aneroid Control
3. lnstall a new gasket to the filter head. lnstall a
1. lnstall the aneroid control and bracket new element into the filter shell. lnstall the
assembly, if the engine is so equipped, to the element and shell assembly onto the filter
fuel pump side of the engine. Tighten the cap- head. Tighten the center bolt to 20 to 25 ft.-lbs.
screws to 25 to 30 ft.-lbs. [34 to 40.6 N»m] torque. [27 to 34 N»m] torque.
2. Install the fuel pressure line, from the bottom 4. lnstall the fuel line from the fuel pump to the
of the fuel pump, to the connection on the filter head. lnstall the line to the connection
aneroid that is marked "lN". lnstall the fuel that is marked "OUT".
return line from the fuel inlet connection on
the aneroid that is marked "OUT". Remove the Engine from the Stand
3. Install the air line to the top of the aneroid and 1. lnstall the lifting fixture to the engine.
to the intake manifold. 2. Remove the capscrews that hold the engine to
4. Tighten the 1/4 inch tube nuts to 10 to 15 the stand.
ft.-lbs. [13.5 to 20 N»m] torque. Tighten the Caution: Make sure that the lifting fixture Is cor
5/16 inch tube nuts to 15 to 20 ft.-lbs. [20 to 27 rectly Installed to the engine.
N»m] torque. 3. lnstall the front and rear supports onto the
engine. Lower the engine until it is supported
Install the Fuel Filter
by the front and rear supports.
The Filter Cartridge 4. Remove the lifting fixture.
Note: All construction engines and engines that 5. Remove the engine stand support plates. ln
have a rating of above 350 horsepower must be stall the cover plates and new gaskets to the
equipped with dual fuel filters, install the filter water header.
cartridges to a dual cartridge filter head.
1. Install the mounting bracket for the filter. In Install the Exhaust Manifold
stall the bracket to the same location on the en 1. lnstall new exhaust manifold gaskets onto the
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Engine Assembly and Testing
the cylinder block. Tighten the capscrews for Install the Water Inlet Connection
the bracket to the following values: lnstall a new gasket and the water inlet connec
a. 3/8 inch capscrews — 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40.6 tion onto the water pump. Tighten the capscrews
to 47.4 N»m] torque. to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40.6 to 47.4 N»m] torque.
b. 7/16 inch capscrews — 50 to 55 ft.-lbs. [68
to 74.5 N»m] torque. Install the Air Compressor Water Lines
c. 1/2 inch capscrews — 75 to 85 ft.-lbs. 1. lnstall the water inlet and outlet lines to the
[101.7 to 115 N»m] torque. air compressor, the cylinder block and the
water bypass connection.
6. lnstall the water transfer tube into the rear of
the cooler housing and onto the connection 2. Tighten the tube nuts to the following values:
on the rear water header cover. Tighten the a. 1/2 inch — 10 to 15 ft.-lbs. [14 to 20 N»m]
hose clamps to 35 to 45 in.-lbs. [4 to 5 N»m] torque.
b. 7/8 inch — 15 to 20 ft.-lbs. [20 to 27 N»m]
7. lnstall new O-rings onto the water transfer torque.
tube. Install the tube into the thermostat hous
ing and the oil cooler. Tighten the retaining c. 1-1/4 inch — 20 to 25 ft.-lbs. [27 to 34 N»m]
capscrew to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40.6 to 47.4 N»m] torque.
torque, Fig. 14-80.
Install the Alternator or Generator
1. Follow those instructions to install the alter
nator/generator that uses the spool type of
mounting bracket.
a. lnstall the mounting bracket onto the cyl
inder block. Do not tighten the capscrews
at this time.
b. Align the alternator/generator mounting
holes with the mounting holes of the
bracket. Put the hardened washers or
spacers between the mounting lugs of the
alternator/generator and the mounting
bracket. lnstall the bolt onto the mounting
holes in the alternator/generator and the
mounting bracket. Do not tighten the bolt
at this time.
Fig. 14-80. Install The Water Transfer Tube.
c. lnstall the adjusting link onto the cylinder
8. Apply a coat of clean oil to the sealing gasket block.
of the oil filter element. lnstall the oil filter. d. lnstall the belt(s) onto the alternator/gen
a. Use the installation instructions that are erator pulley and the pulley on the engine.
printed on the spin-on filter cartridge in Check the alignment of the pulleys. The
order to install it. pulleys must be aligned within 0.062 inch
[1.57 mm] for each 12.0 inches [305 mm] of
b. lnstall the element and filter shell distance between the centers of the pul
assembly onto the filter head. Tighten the leys. Move the mounting bracket until the
center bolt to 25 to 35 ft.-lbs. [34 to 47.4 alignment is correct. Then tighten the cap-
N»m] torque. screws for the mounting bracket.
Note: Make sure that there is a minimum of 0.250 e. Adjust the belt(s) to the correct tension.
inch [6.3 mm] clearance between the filter and the Use a pry bar to push the alternator/gen
oil pan flange of the cylinder block. erator away from the cylinder block to
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
tighten the belt(s). Tighten the capscrews Table 17: Torque Values (To Adjusting Link)
for the adjusting link. See Table 17 to find
the correct torque value. Ft-Lb.]N»m]
f. Tighten the alternator/generator mounting 5/16 15 to 19 [20 to 26]
bolt. See Table 18 to find the correct 7/16 25 to 30 [34 to 41]
torque value. 1/2 50 to 55 [68 to 75]
2. Follow these instructions to install the alter
nator/generator that uses a two-lug type of Table 18: Torque Values (To Bracket)
mounting bracket: Torque
a. lnstall the mounting bracket onto the Ft-Lb.[N»m]
cylinder block. Do not tighten the cap- 3/8 29 to 31 [39 to 42]
screws at this time. 7/16 63 to 65 [85 to 88]
1/2 77 to 80 [104 to 108]
b. Align the mounting holes as described in
Step 1b. lnstall the mounting bolts so that
the nuts for the bolts are toward each other.
c. Follow the procedures in Steps 1c, 1d and (Pulley to Alternator or
1e to install the adjusting link, to check Nominal BoH Size Torque
the alignment and to tighten the belt(s).
1/2 50 to 60 [68 to 81]
d. Tighten the alternator/generator mounting 5/8 55 to 65 [75 to 88]
bolts. Tighten the bolt nearest to the pul 3/4 90 to 100 [122 to 126]
ley first. Then use a hammer to hit the head
of the bolt in the opposite end of the alter
nator/generator. Hit the bolt until the Note: Exceptions to the above limits
bushing that is in the mounting hole of the Peteo flamy Torque
alternator/generator is against the mount Alternators R.Lb.]N»ml
ing bracket. Tighten the bolt. See Table 18 10 DN 150 70 to 80 [95 to 108]
to find the correct torque value. 25 SI
3. Follow the same instructions to install the CAV
alternator/generator that uses the fabricated
steel mounting bracket. AC 5 40 to 42 [54 to 57]
AC 7 60 to 70 [81 to 95]
4. When you install a pulley onto the alternator/ AC 90 60 to 70 [81 to 95]
generator, always use the locknut and hardened
washer that are supplied with the alternator/
1. Install the starting motor and if used, the spacer
generator. Tighten the locknut to the torque onto the mounting pad of the flywheel housing.
value given in Table 19. Make sure that the starting motor drive gear will
engage with the flywheel ring gear when the
Install the Breather Tube starting motor is activated.
1. lnstall the breather tube, if the engine is so Note: When the engine is equipped with a wet
equipped, onto the crankcase breather. Be clutch, use a new gasket and nylok capscrews to in
sure to install a new O-ring for the breather tube. stall the starting motor.
2. Use a tube clamp to fasten the tube to the 2. Tighten the capscrews to 150 to 170 ft.-lbs. [203
cylinder block. to 230 N»m] torque.
Engine Assembly and Testing
Install the Water Filter a. Align the tube with the connection in the
1. Install the bracket and filter head onto the bearing housing and the connection in the
cylinder block. lnstall the bracket and filter cylinder block.
head at the same location on the engine as b. Tighten the tube nut to 50 to 60 ft.-lbs. [68
when it was removed. Tighten the capscrews to 81 N»m] torque.
to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40.6 to 47.4 N»m] torque.
c. Tighten the hose clamps to 35 to 45 in.-ibs.
2. lnstall the valves and hoses to the filter head. [4 to 5 N»m] torque.
3. Apply a light coat of oil to the sealing gasket d. If the drain tube uses a "Flex" type of tube
of a new filter cartridge. nut, tighten the nut until it is against the
4. lnstall the new filter cartridge onto the filter stop.
head. Tighten the cartridge until the sealing
e. Tighten the hose swivel nut to 50 to 60
gasket touches the filter head. Then, tighten
ft.-lbs. [68 to 81 N»m] torque.
the cartridge an additional one-half to three-
fourth turn. Note: The centerline of the oil drain hole must be
Caution: Do not use a wrench to tighten the car within 30 degrees of vertical when the turbo
tridge. Over-tightening can damage the threads charger is installed onto the engine. lf you loosen
and the seal. the Vee clamps of the housing to align the oil
drain hole, tighten the clamp nuts to 32 to 36
Install the Turbocharger in.-ibs. [3.6 to 4.1 N»m] torque. Then, use a plastic
hammer to lightly hit around the circumference of
To Install the Single Turbocharger
the clamps. Tighten the clamp nuts again to 32 to
1. Apply a coat of anti-sieze compound to the 36 in.-ibs. [3.6 to 4.1 N»m] torque.
threads of the turbocharger mounting studs.
5. lnstall the oil supply hose to the connections
2. lnstall a new turbocharger gasket onto the ex in the top of the turbocharger and on the oil
haust manifold. The raised bead on the gasket cooler. Tighten the swivel nuts to 19 to 26
must be toward the turbocharger. ft.-lbs. [25.7 to 35 N»m] torque.
3. lnstall the turbocharger onto the exhaust 6. lnstall the air intake crossover onto the turbo
manifold. Tighten the mounting nuts to 20 to charger and the air intake manifold or the after-
25 ft.-lbs. [27 to 34 N»m] torque, Fig. 14-81. cooler, Fig. 14-82. Use a new rubber tubing
4. lnstall the oil drain tube or hose onto the con connection and new gasket. Tighten the cap-
nection in the bottom of the bearing housing. screws into the air intake manifold or after-
Fig. 14-81. Install The Turbocharger Onto The Exhaust Manifold. Fig. 14-82. Install The Air Intake Crossover.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
1. Apply a coat of anti-sieze compound onto the 1. Install the LP. Turbocharger (1, Fig. 14-84) and
threads of the mounting studs that are in the a new gasket (2) onto the exhaust connection
exhaust manifold. (7). The bead on the gasket must be toward
the turbocharger. Tighten the capscrews and
2. lnstall a new gasket (9, Fig. 14-84) for the H.P. nuts to 5 to 10 ft.-lbs. [6.8 to 13.5 N»m] torque.
Turbocharger (10) onto the exhaust manifold.
The raised bead on the gasket must be toward 2. lnstall the oil drain tube onto the turbo
the turbocharger. charger. Tighten the capscrews for the tube
flange to 5 to 10 ft.-lbs. [6.8 to 13.5 N»m] torque.
3. Install the H.P. Turbocharger (10) onto the ex
haust manifold. Tighten the nuts to 5 to 10 Note: The centerline of the oil drain hole must be
ft.-lbs. [6.8 to 13.5 N»m] torque. within 30 degrees of vertical.
4. lnstall the supports (3) onto the exhaust mani 3. Install the air connection (16), hose (14) and
fold. Tighten the nuts to 5 to 10 ft.-lbs. [6.8 to clamps (15) onto the LP. Turbocharger (10).
13.5 N»m] torque. 4. lnstall the air crossover, air inlet pipe (12) and
5. lnstall the oil drain tube onto the turbo new O-rings (11) onto the H.P. Turbocharger.
charger. Tighten the capscrews for the tube Install the retaining braces (13) onto the H.P.
flange to 5 to 10 ft.-lbs. [6.8 to 13.5 N»m] torque. Turbocharger.
6. lnstall a new gasket (8) and the exhaust outlet 5. lnstall the oil drain tubes into the hose con
connection (4) onto the turbocharger. lnstall nections on the cylinder block. Tighten the
the gasket so that the bead is toward the hose clamps to 30 to 35 in.-lbs. [3 to 4 N»m]
turbocharger. torque.
Engine Assembly and Testing
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
6. Align and tighten the parts. Use the following percent of the maximum engine horsepower. If
torque values. the capacity is not enough, the testing proced
a. Tighten mounting capscrews and nuts for ures must be changed to prevent damage to the
the turbocharger to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40.6 to dynamometer.
47.4 N»m] torque. Caution: Make sure the dynamometer can operate
b. Tighten the capscrews for the oil drain at engine speeds. The couplings must have the
tube flange to 30 to 35 ft.-lbs. [40.6 to 47.4 centrifugal forces balanced.
N»m] torque.
c. Tighten the clamps for the air connection
1. Use the correct lifting device to put the engine
to 65 to 75 in.-lbs. [7.3 to 8.5 N»m] torque.
on the dynamometer test stand.
d. Tighten the capscrews for the retaining
braces to 15 to 20 ft.-lbs. [7.3 to 8.5 N»m] 2. Install and fasten the engine to the supports.
torque. 3. Put the dynamometer drive shaft flange onto
7. lnstall the oil supply hoses onto both of the the engine flywheel. Use the correct flywheel
turbochargers. Tighten the swivel nuts to 19 to adapter flange for the flywheel capscrew holes.
26 ft.-lbs. [25.7 to 35 N»m] torque. 4. Check for correct alignment.
8. Install the clamps to hold the oil hoses as a. lf the drive coupling is direct or flexible,
shown in Fig. 14-85. lnstall the hoses onto the put an indicator holding fixture on the face
connections In the oil cooler and filter head as of the flywheel housing. Put the pointer of
shown in Fig. 14-85. Tighten the hose nuts to 5 the indicator on the hub of the adapter
to 10 ft.-lbs. [6.89 to 13.5 N»mJ torque. flange. Rotate the engine to get a reading.
The flywheel adapter flange must be to the
center of the flywheel and the flywheel
housing within 0.002 inch [0.05 mm]. Move
the flange hub on the flywheel as needed
and tighten the capscrews. On direct
coupling dynamometers, measure from
the face of the flywheel housing to the
outer edge of the dynamometer drive
flange. When the dynamometer is turned
one revolution the reading must not ex
ceed 0.003 inch [0.08 mm].
b. lf a universal drive coupling is used, the
drive flange on the flywheel must be to the
center within 0.003 inch [0.08 mm]. The
drive flange on the dynamometer must
also be to the center within .003 inch [0.08
Fig. 14-85. Location Of Hose Clamps And Oil Connections. mm]. Measure the center of these flanges
as described in "a" above. Install the
To Test the Engine engine so that the center of the engine
The run-in period of the engine is completed dur crankshaft and the center of the dyna
ing the testing of the engine. It is necessary to mometer drive shaft are out of alignment
test the engine to find errors that can occur during by 1/4 inch [6.35 mm] to 1/2 inch [12.7
the assembly process. Testing also lets you make mm]. Fasten the flywheel to the drive flange.
final adjustments and check the performance.
Preparation for Starting
Engine Dynamometer Test Before priming the fuel and the lubricating
Check the dynamometer capacity. Make sure the systems, remove and fill all the filters with the cor
capacity is enough to permit testing at least 96 rect fluid.
Engine Assembly and Testing
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Engine Assembly and Testing
Table 20: Mechanics Specifications Handbook Step 3, 1600 rpm and 65% of rated load for five
Engine Build Use Bulletin No.
Date Step 4, Nominal torque peak rpm* and full load
•1976 for four minutes.
1977 3379138-00 Sfep 5, Rated speed and full load for four
1978 3379156-00 minutes.
1979 3379212-00
•For engines built prior to 1976 use Bulletin No. *100 rpm below torque peak rpm.
3379116-00. 2. Chassis dynomometer run-in schedule.
a. Use the engine dynomometer run-in sched
the year that the engine was built. See ule, but multiply the load values by 0.8 (to
Table 20 to find the correct Mechanics compensate for lower drive line efficiency)
Specification Handbook. for a readout on the chassis dynomometer
load scale.
5. Leakage lnspection.
3. ln-chassis run-in schedule.
a. After each run-in step has been com
pleted, carefully inspect the engine for a. Operate the engine on the torque curve at
fuel, oil, water, air, or exhaust leaks and less than rated speed for the first 50 to 100
correct as necessary. miles after rebuild (e.g. pulling a loaded
trailer at 1500 to 1800 rpm in high gear).
6. Engine is shutoff.
Note: Do not idle the engine for more than five
a. After the run-in has been completed, allow minutes at any one time during the first 100 miles
the engine to run at low idle for a minimum of operation.
of three minutes before stopping the engine.
4. Blow-by measurement.
Note: Do not stop the engine immediately after
a. lf the engine is naturally aspirated, plug
the last run-in step is completed as serious
the breather holes in the cylinder heads.
engine damage can result.
Remove the plugs after the blow-by check
has been completed.
Maintenance of Dynamometer
Note: Do not plug the cylinder head breather
Follow the manufacturer's maintenance instructions
holes in engines equipped with a wet flywheel
to get the best service from the dynamometer.
housing (labyrinth type rear seal covers). lf this is
done, an oil leak will result.
Calibration of Instruments
b. Put a plug in the crankcase breather vent.
1. Keep the scales properly calibrated. Remove the "bottle stopper" oil filler cap
2. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations and replace it with the blow-by tool con
when calibrating is necessary. taining a 0.302 inch [7.67 mm] diameter
orifice, Part No. 3375150. Connect the
3. If the instruments need adjustment, follow the blow-by tool to the blow-by gauge.
manufacturer's instructions.
Note: Do not attempt to contain the blow-by gases
NH/NT-855 Engine Run-in Test when a labyrinth type seal cover is used.
Refer to "General Test Procedures" section c. Referto the "Blow-by Measurement" section
before beginning run-in. of the "General Test Procedures" for the
actual measurement-recording procedure.
1. Engine dynomometer run-in schedule:
d. lf a sudden increase in blow-by occurs, or
Step 1, 1200 rpm and 25% of rated load until if blow-by exceeds the maximum allowable
water temperture reaches 160 °F [71 °CJ. limit listed in (e.) during any run-in step,
Step 2, 1200 rpm and 40% of rated load for two return to the previous step and run the en
minutes. gine an additional 15 minutes. When blow
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
by reaches an acceptable level, proceed to of the coolant must not exceed 200 "F [93 °C] or be
the next step and continue the run-in. less than 160 °F [71 °] during operation of the engine.
Note: lf blow-by does not reach an acceptable
level after repeating the previous step for 15 min
utes, discontinue the run-in and determine the The overspeed stop is used to shut off the fuel
cause of the excessive blow-by. supply when the engine speed is approximately
e. Maximum allowable blow-by during run-in: 15 percent in excess of the maximum rated en
gine speed. lf the engine is equipped with an over-
Naturally aspirated 8 inch H20 speed stop and the overspeed stop has become
Turbocharged 12 inch H20 activated, correct the cause and reset the over-
speed stop.
Checks During the Engine Run-in Test
During the engine run-in test, make the following Fuel Pressure and Fuel Rate
checks frequently: Refer to the Fuel Pump Calibration Manuals to
find the values for the fuel pressure and fuel rate
Lubricating Oil and for the adjustment procedure. Check the en
1. After the lubricating oil has reached normal gine dataplate to find the fuel rate and the year
operating temperature, the oil pessure must that the engine was built. Check the fuel pump
not change while the engine is operating at a nameplate to find the fuel pump calibration code.
given RPM and load. See Table 21 to find the See Table 22 to find the correct manual. Use the
correct oil pressure limits. Part No. ST-1 190 or 3376375 Fuel Measuring lnstru
ment to measure the rate of fuel consumption.
a. If the oil pressure is above the limit, check
for restrictions in the oil lines.
b. If the oil pressure is below the limits, check Table 21: Fuel Pump Calibration and
for restrictions in the oil supply line to the oil Instructions Manuals
pump or damaged bearings in the engine.
No. Title Year
2. Check the temperature of the oil in the oil pan.
lf the oil temperature rises above 225 °F 3379077 PT (type G) Calibration Values 1963-1969
[107 °C], stop the engine and make the 3379068 PT (type G) Calibration Values 1970-1975
3379182 PT (type G) Calibration Values 1976-1980
necessary corrections. 3379101 PT (type R) Rebuild and All
Calibration instructions
3379084 PT (type G & H) Rebuild and All
Table 21: Lubricating Oil Pros sure for Calibration Instructions
New or Rebuilt Engines
Oil Pressure At Oil Pressure At Torque Converter Governor — PT (type R) Fuel Pump
Engine Idle Speed Rated Speed
Series PSl [kPa] PSI [kPa] Refer to the PT (type R) Fuel Pump Manual,
Bulletin No. 3379101 to find the correct procedure
NH/NT and 1S „m. 50 to 70 [345 to 483]
Big Cam 15 11031 to adjust the engine governor and torque con
verter governor.
Big Cam 1 ^
NTE 10 [69] 35 to 45 [241 to 310]
Aneroid Control Adjustment
Note: Measure the oil pressure when the Refer to the Fuel Pump Manual, Bulletin No.
temperature of the oil in the oil pan is at 200 to 3379068 to find the correct procedure to adjust
225 °F [93 to 107 °C]. the aneroid control.
Engine Assembly and Testing
2. Put tape over all openings that must not be running at idle, move the fuel line to the con
painted. tainer with the preservative oil. Operate the
engine five to ten minutes on the preservative
3. Put tape over all belts or remove them.
oil. Stop the engine and reconnect the fuel
4. Protect the fuel pump dataplate, engine data- lines to the supply tank.
plate and other dataplates on the engine from
4. The oil sump, fuel filters and fuel tank, must
be drained and the drain plugs installed. New
5. Exposed threads, wire terminals and hose fit oil can be added.
tings must be protected with tape. Pipe open 5. Remove the intake hose from between the air
ings, fuel pump drain, fuel manifold drain and cleaner and the intake manifolds.
oil cooler openings must have a cap installed.
6. Disconnect the electrical wiring. Turn the
6. Protect the clutch contact surface of the fly shutoff valve on the fuel pump counterclock
wheel with a rust preventing compound if the wise so that the engine will not start. Rotate
engine is not going into immediate service. the crankshaft of the engine while applying a
7. Apply a coat of primer to the outside surfaces spray of 10W oil into the intake manifold and
of the engine. the air compressor.
8. Apply enamel paint to the outside surfaces of 7. Put tape over all the intake manifold openings
the engine after the primer is dry. to keep out dirt and moisture.
8. Put tape over all the engine openings, includ
Engine Storage ing the coolant inlets, cylinder block, oil
All surfaces of an engine will rust or corrode if breather and crankcase.
they are not protected. Make sure all outside sur 9. Drain the coolant from the cooling system,
faces are painted before the engine is put in unless it is a permanent antifreeze with a rust
storage. Protect the inside of the engine during inhibitor added.
storage as described below.
10. Put the engine in a place protected from the
Temporary Storage weather where the air is dry and the tempera
ture is even.
lf an engine remains out of service for three or
four weeks (maximum six months), take steps to 11. Rotate the engine crankshaft two or three rev
prevent rust. The operations listed below are re olutions each three to four weeks.
quired to prevent damage to engines in temporary
storage. Long Term Storage
1. The engine must be started and the speed 1. When an engine is to be in storage for six
gradually increased to 1200 rpm with no load. months or more, it must be protected against
Operate the engine until the water tempera rust and corrosion.
ture is at least 160 °F [71 °C]. 2. The engine must be started and the speed
gradually increased to 1200 rpm with no load.
2. Disconnect both fuel lines at the fuel supply
Operate the engine until the water tempera
tank. Fill two portable containers, one with
ture reaches 160 "F [71 8C]. Stop the engine
diesel fuel and a second with preservative oil
and drain the old oil.
U.S. Military Specification MlL-L-644 Type P-9.
Preservative oil to this specification is Dau- 3. Fill the crankcase to the full mark on the
bert Chemical Co., Nox-Rust No. 518. Daubert dipstick with preservative oil, U.S. Military
Chemical address is 2000 Spring Road, Specification MlL-L-21260, Type P-10, Grade 2,
Chicago, Illinois. SAE 30. This specification can be obtained as
3. Start the engine with the fuel inlet line pulling Shell Brand Code 676202 or Texaco Preserva
tive Oil 30.
fuel from the can with the diesel fuel. Let the
drain line flow into the container with the 4. Disconnect both fuel lines at the fuel supply
diesel fuel. After the engine is started and is tank. Fill two portable containers, one with
NT/NTA 855 C.I.O. Engine Shop Manual
diesel fuel and the second with preservative 14. Put a tag on the engine to show the following:
oil U.S. Militry Specification MlL-L-644, Type a. The engine has been prepared for storage.
P-9. Preservative oil to this specification is
Daubert Chemical Co., Nox-Rust No. 518. Dau- b. The coolant has been removed.
bert Chemical address is 2000 Spring Road, c. The crankshaft must not be rotated.
Chicago, lllinois.
d. The date the engine was prepared for
5. Start the engine with the fuel inlet line pulling storage.
fuel from the can with the diesel fuel. The in
e. The compound used for storage must be
jector drain line can flow into the container
removed before running the engine.
with the diesel fuel. After the engine is started
and is running at idle, move the fuel inlet line 15. Put the engine in a place protected from the
to the container with the preservative oil. Op weather and where the air is dry and the tem
erate the engine five to ten minutes on the perature is even.
preservative oil. Stop the engine and recon Note: After the engine has been in storage for 24
nect the fuel lines to the supply tank. months, flush it with solvent and repeat the prep
6. The fuel tank must be drained and the drain aration for storage.
plug installed. Make a cover for the filler vent 16. Keep all rust preventing compounds clean.
with tape.
Preparing an Engine from
7. Drain all the pumps, compressors, coolers,
Storage to Service
filters and the crankcase. Replace all the
plugs after draining. When an engine is removed from storage and put
into service, the operations listed below must be
8. Remove the intake and exhaust manifolds. completed. lnspections will be limited to opera
Apply the preservative oil in a spray into the tions indicated for the length of the storage time.
intake and exhaust parts of the engine. Also
apply it into the intake part of the air compres Clean the Engine
sor. lnstall the intake and exhaust manifolds.
1. Remove all dirt from the outside of the engine.
9. lnspect the coolant in the cooling system. If
2. Remove all the paper covers and tape.
the coolant contains rust, drain and flush the
system. Then fill it with a rust preventing com 3. Use solvent to remove rust preventing com
pound. Drain the system while it is hot and pound from the surfaces of the engine.
then replace the plug. Use an oil which has 4. Fill the crankcase with clean oil.
rust inhibitors that will mix with the water.
Flush the cooling system before returning it to 5. Flush the cooling system.
10. If an air starter is used, remove the exhaust
plate from the top of the starting motor. Pro 1. Engines in storage six months or less must
tect the air starter with a spray of preservative have the adjustment of the injectors, valves
oil into the exhaust part. Install the exhaust and the belts checked. Also check the oil fil
plate. Loosen the tension on the V-belt. ters, air filters, connections and the torque of
the cylinder head capscrews.
11. Make sure all outside surfaces of the engine
are painted. 2. When an engine has been in storage for six
months or more, the following inspection pro
12. Remove the valve covers and apply preserva cedure must be followed:
tive oil to the rocker levers, valve stems,
springs, guides, crossheads and push tubes. a. Flush the fuel system with fuel oil until the
lnstall the covers. fuel system is clean.
13. All engine openings must have a cover of b. Remove the plug from the oil filter head
heavy paper and tape. and run hot, light mineral oil through the
NT/NTA 855 C.l.D. Engine Shop Manual
1. Too much oil in the combustion chamber can
cause a hydraulic lock. Damage to the engine
will occur if it is started before the oil is
2. When returning an engine to service from
storage, make sure all foreign matter is re
moved from the screens and strainers.
3. Apply oil under pressure to the lubricating
system before starting the engine.
4. The engine is now ready to start.
Caution: Always check with the nearest Cummins
Distributor for the correct perservatlve oil for the
14-51/(14-52 Blan
Mounting Adaptations
Mounting Adaptations
c. Spray the powder onto the area to be in 1. Use an oven to heat the ring gear to 600 °F
spected. Use low pressure air to remove [316°C].
the excess powder. The powder will show a. If an oven is not available, use a heating
the cracks as a white line. torch. Do not use a cutting torch. Apply
the heat to the inside diameter of the ring
Warning: Never use a flywheel that has cracks in
gear. Use a 600 °F [316 °C] tempilstlck
the bolt circle (mounting) area.
crayon or an equivalent to find the temper
2. lnspect the clutch face of the flywheel. Heat ature of the ring gear. Apply the crayon to
from operation of the clutch can cause small the ring gear. When the temperature is cor
cracks or marks on the clutch face of the fly rect, the chalk mark left by the crayon will
wheel. You can use a machine to remove the become a liquid. Do not overheat the ring
cracks or marks. gear, this will change the hardness of the
Warning: Do not machine the flywheel unless the
equipment In the shop can keep the factory stan 2. After the ring gear has been heated to the cor
dards for flywheel dimensions and static balance. rect temperature, quickly install it onto the fly
The clutch face of the flywheel must not be ma wheel.
chined to less than 0.625 Inch [15.87 mm] thick. Warning: Always wear protective gloves when
Do not machine the flywheel within a 4.0 inch
handling parts that have been heated.
[101.6 mm] radius of the center of the flywheel.
The static balance of the flywheel must be 2 Inch
ounces [1440 g mm] or less.
16-1/(16-2 Blank)
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
NT/NTA 855 C.l.D. Engine Shop Manual
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Wear Limits. Specifications and Torque
4. Drive Shaft
End 0.004 0.007
[010] [0-181
ldler Shaft
Shaft Protrusion
of Body 2600 2.620
[66.04] [66.55]
0.580 .0610
[14.73] [15.49]
Protrusion Above 0.990 1.010
Coupling Face [25.15] [25.64]
Coupling/Drive Shaft
Shaft Protrusion 0.050 0.070
[1-27] [178]
Drive Shaft
End Movement 0.004 0.010
[0.10] [0-25]
Inside Diameter 0.841 0.840 0.8405
[21.36] [21.34] [21.349]
Idler and Drive Shaft
Outside Diameter 0.837 0.8375 0.838
[2126] [21272] [2129]
Protrusion Flush with front surface of pump.
Driven Gea
Protrusion 0.580 0.610
[14.73] [15.49]
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Free Length 3.310
Load at 1.820 inch 21.9 25.7
[46.2 mm] lb. IN] l»7«3 H™]
Oil Pressure
psiTKPa] *275-7!
"Jf -— —1 " n niA
Free Length
Load at 1.145 incti 59.2 72.4
[29.07 mm] lb [N] [263] 1322]
Oil Pressure
psi [kPa] t1034?
Group 7: NTE Oil Pump Specifications — Inch [mm]
worn M—
nww Mann
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
Group 7: Oil Pan Capacity — U.S. Gallons [Litres] and Degrees of Angularity
Capacity Degrees of Angularity
F.P. Exhaus
Part Sump Front Front Side Side
Number Location High Low Up Down Down Down
10451 Center 6-1/2 [25] 4 [15]
10474-2 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 21 35 35
10492-2 Rear 6-1/2 [25] 4 [15] 19 21 35 35
10668-1 Rear 8-1/2 [32] 5-1/2 [21] 16 16 16 16
10774 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 20 30 25
10777 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 40 45 35
10779 Rear 8-1/2 [32] 5-1/2 [21] 16 16 16 16
10809 Full 11 [42] 3 [11]
10811 Center 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 32 40 37 35
10850 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 14 12 45 20
10850-A Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 14 12 45 20
11055 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] •
11102 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
11150 Dry
11194 Dry
103949 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 15 36 35 35
110626 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
116916 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 20 15 37 35
118784 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 14 12 45 20
119330 Center 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 45 45 45 45
119382 Full 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 42 1 19 40
119586 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
120905 Center 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21]
121089 Front 6 [23] 4-3/4 [18] 15 30 30 30
121244 Front 6 [23] 4 [15] 36 45 45 40
121862 Center 6-1/2 [25] 4-1/2 (17] 22 24 40 40
121377 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 38 42 40
125318 Rear 6-1/2 [25] 4 [15] 28 15 38 38
126818 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
129434 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 38 42 40
133879 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 36 11 32 30
134070 Center 6 [23] 4 [15] 35 33 35 35
134271 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
134279 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 21 35 35
134283 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 20 30 25
137158 Full 7 [26] 4 [15] 45 8 42 40
139493 Front 6 [23] 4 [15] 36 45 45 40
139745 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15] 45 38 42 40
146866 Dry
148160 , Rear 8 [23] 4 [15] 45 39 40 42
151079 Rear 6 [23] 4 [15]
152410 Rear 8 [23] 4-1/2 [17] 27 15 25 35
153729 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
154418 Full 6 [23] 4 [15] 15 15 15 15
161206 Front 6 [23] 4 [15] 36 45 45 40
162377 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 45 38 42 40
164436 Front 6 [23] 4 [15] 40 40 45 35
164776 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
167186 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
167429 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 40 25 45 19
169348 Front 6 [23] 4 [15] 40 40 45 35
177155 Rear 8 [23] 4 [15] 45 39 40 42
181768 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 20 15 37 35
187756 Center 6-1/2 [25] 4 [15] 24 24 32 30
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Group 7: Oil Pan Capacity — U.S. Gallons [Litres] and Degrees of Angularity (Cont'd.)
Capacity of Angularity
F.P. Exhaust
N8rtbe Sump Front Front Side Side
Location High Low Up
189672 Full 12 [45] 3-1/2 [13]
193625 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193629 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193631 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 .35 39
193634 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193635 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193636 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193637 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193638 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
193639 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
200787 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201836 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 113] 27 15 25 35
201837 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 [13] 27 15 25 35
201839 Rear 7 [21] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201841 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 [13] 27 15 25 35
201842 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201843 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 16 12 35 39
201844 Rear 5 [19] 3-1/2 [13] 27 15 25 35
202283 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
202284 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
203561 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
203563 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
203564 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
203841 Front 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 10 35 40 40
3002151 Center 6-1/2 [25] 5-1/2 [21] 24 24 32 30
3002152 Center 7 [261 5-1/2 [21]
3005178 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
3005179 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
3005181 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
3005183 Rear 7 [26] 5-1/2 [21] 19 12 25 25
Group 7: Hose Size Group 7: Hose Bends — Inch [mm]
Location Minimum Hose Size (Rubber-Lined)
Turbocharger Oil Supply No. 6 Hose lnside Outside Minimum
Full Flow Filter No. 16 Size Diameter Diameter
Turbocharger Oil Drain No. 16 4 3/16 [4.76] 31/64 [12.30] 2 [50.80]
Group 7: Hose Bends — Inch [mm] 5 1/4 [6.35] 35/64 [13.89] 2-1/4 [57.15]
6 5/16 [7.94] 39/64 [15.48] 2-3/4 [69.85]
(Teflon-Lined) 8 13/32 [10.32] 47/64 [18.65] 4-5/8 [117.48]
Hose Inside Outside Minimum 10 1/2 [12.70] 53/64 [21.031 5-1/2 [139.70]
Size Diameter Diameter Bend Radius 12 5/8 [15.87] 61/64 [24.21] 6-1/2 [165.10]
16 7/8 [22.23] 1-13/64 [30.56] 7-3/8 [187.34]
6 5/16 [7.94] 39/64 [15.48] 4 [101.60] 20 1-1/8 [28.58] 1-31/64 [37.70] 9 [228.60]
16 7/8 [22.23] 1 -13/64 [30.56] 7-3/8 [187.33] 24 1-3/8 [34.93] 1-23/32 [43.66] 11 [279.40]
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
NT/NTA 855 C.I.O. Engine Shop Manual
Caution: If replacement capscrews are of a higher grade than the original capscrew, tighten the replace
ment capscrew to the torque value used for the original capscrew.
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
Water, and Sediment Not to exceed 0.1 volume The amount of water and solid debris in the fuel is gener
(ASTM D-1796) percent ally classified as water and sediment. It is good practice to
filter fuel while it is being put into the fuel tank. More water
vapor condenses in partially filled tanks due to tank
breathing caused by temperature changes. Filter ele
ments, fuel screens in the fuel pump and fuel inlet connec
tions on injectors must be cleaned or replaced whenever
they become dirty. These screens and filters, in performing
their intended function, will become clogged when using a
poor or dirty fuel and will need to be changed more often.
Carbon Residue Not to exceed 0.25 mass The tendency of a diesel fuel to form carbon deposits in
(Ramsbottom, ASTM D- percent on 10 volume an engine can be estimated by determining the Ramsbot
524 or Conradson, ASTM percent residuum. tom or Conradson carbon residue of the fuel after 90 per
D-189 cent of the fuel has been evaporated.
Flash Point At least 125°F[52°C] or The flash point is the fuel temperature when enough vola
(ASTM D-93) legal temperature if tile material evaporates so that a combustible mixture of
higher than 125°F [52 °C]. fuel and air is formed above the fuel.
density 42° to 30° APl gravity at Gravity is an indication of the high density energy content
KASTM D-287) 60 "F [0.816 to 0.876 g/cc of the fuel. A fuel with a high density (low APl gravity) con
at 15*C]. tains more BTU's per gallon than a fuel with a low density
(higher APl gravity).
Cloud Point 10"F [6"C] below lowest The cloud point of the fuel is the temperature at which
(ASTM D-97) ambient temperature at crystals of paraffin was first appear. Crystals can be
which the fuel is detected by a cloudiness of the fuel. These crystals will
expected to operate. cause filters to plug.
Ash Not to exceed 0.02 mass The small amount of non-combustible metallic material
(ASTM D-482) percent. found in almost all petroleum products is commonly called
Distillation The distillation curve At least 90 percent of the fuel should evaporate at less
(ASTM D-86) should be smooth and than 680 "F [360 °C]. All of the fuel should evaporate at
continuous. less than 725 *FpeVci
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Wear Limits, Specifications and Torque
Table 7: Corrosion Resistor Cartridges for Extended Maintenance Intervals — Miles [Kilometers]
Cooling System Capacity Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion
Resistor Resistor Resistor
Part No's. Part No's. Part No's.
U.S. Imperial 10,000 - 14,000 DCA 15,000 - 19,000 DCA 20,000 - 25,000 DCA
Gallons Gallons Liters [16,000 - 22,500] Units [24,000 - 30,500] Units [32,000 - 40,225] Units
0-10 0-8 0-38 3305366 2 3305366 2 3305367 4
(WF-2050) (WF-2050) (WF-2051)
101 - 150 84 - 125 382 - 568 3305371 23 (2) 3305371 23 each (2) 3305371 23 each
(WF-2055) (WF-2055) (WF-2055)
or or or
(2) 3305370 15 each (4) 3305370 15 each (4) 3305370 15 each
(WF-2054) (WF-2054) (WF-2054)
(4) 3305369 8 each
18-25/(18-26 Blank)
Vehicle Braking
Vehicle Braking
The Compression Brake exhaust system and energy is not returned to the
(Jacobs Engine Brake) engine through the power stroke.
The Method of Operation of the The following describes the process of opening
Compression Brake the exhaust valves to release the compressed air
from the cylinder. Refer to the diagram shown in
When the compression brake is energized, it
Fig. 20-1 to help you to understand the process.
causes the engine to perform like a power absorb
ing air compressor. The brake opens the exhaust 1. When you energize the solenoid vaive, engine
valves before the compression stroke is complete lubricating oil flows under pressure through
and combustion does not occur in the cylinder. the control valve. Then, the oil fiows to both
The compressed air is released into the engine the master piston and the slave piston.
Fig. 20-1. Schematic Diagram Of The Compression Brake (Jacobs Engine Brake).
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engim Shop Manual
Vehicle Braking
Fig. 20-7. Install The Rubber Seal Into The Jacobs Brake Unit.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Vehicle Braking
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
1. lnstall the control valve into the bore.
2. lnstall the springs into the bore.
3. Install the cover plate.
NT/NTA 855 C.I.D. Engine Shop Manual
Vehicle Braking
lash adjuster. Do not make any changes to these h. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions
adjusting screws. Any changes can cause damage for the installation, operation, adjustment
to the engine. and maintenance of the exhaust brake.
4. Before you install any new exhaust brake,
The Exhaust Brake
write or call the Cummins Application Engi
1. When an exhaust brake is installed, the neering Department for more details.
engine can be used to reduce the speed of the
vehicle and prevent wear on the mechanical The Air Intake Suppressor
brake system. The exhaust brake operates by
When the engine is equipped with an exhaust
controlling the flow of the exhaust gas from
brake, pulsations can occur in the air intake
the exhaust manifold. On turbocharged en
system. This is caused by the combination of
gines, the exhaust flow is controlled after the
cylinder pressures and the intake valves opening
exhaust flows through the turbocharger. This
during the braking period. The pulsations can
action applies more pressure against the
damage the element and cause the dirt to move
engine piston, which reduces the rotation of
through the element and enter the engine.
the crankshaft and slows the vehicle.
The air intake suppressor can help to prevent this
2. The exhaust brake can generate carbon
deposits in applications where braking is re
quired for extended periods of time. Hydraulic The air intake suppressor must be installed into
or electric retarders can be used for these the air intake system, between the engine and the
applications. air cleaner. lnstall the suppressor as close to the
engine as possible. Use the following to help you
3. The following conditions are acceptable for
to determine the need for a suppressor.
the use of exhaust brakes:
1. Air intake suppressors are required for
a. The maximum pressure in the exhaust sys
naturally aspirated engines that use a dry ele
tem must never exceed 45 psi [310 kPa].
ment air cleaner.
b. Heavy duty valve springs, Part No. 178869,
2. Check the design of the air cleaner to find if
and valve guides, Part No. 170296, must be
an air intake suppressor is necessary.
installed into the cylinder heads.
3. Oil bath air cleaners must have a seal be
c. The damper plate for the exhaust brake
tween the oil sump and the air cleaner body.
must be fully open when the engine is ac
celerating or pulling a full load. Note: Use the Part No. 147706 air intake sup
pressor with 4.0 inch [101.6 mm] diameter air in
d. When the engine is at idle speed and the
take tubing. Use the Part No. 147707 air intake
exhaust brake is in the closed position. The
suppressor with 5.5 inch [139.7 mm] diameter air
damper plate must be adjusted to permit a
intake tubing.
small amount of exhaust flow through the
e. For naturally aspirated engines, install an
air intake suppressor into the air intake
system to prevent dirt from going through
the air cleaner and into the engine. The air
cleaner can be used without a relief valve
when the engine has an exhaust brake.
f. The air intake suppressor can be used for
turbocharged engines.
g. The Cummins warranty does not include
■damage caused by the installation and
use of the exhaust brake.
20-9/(20-10 Blank1
01 Exhaust System
02 Cooling, System
Adjustment 14-32
Crankcase Pressure (Blow-By) 14-47
lnstallation 14-32
Valve Springs
lnspection 2-11
lnstallation 2-11
Removal 2-11
Testing 2-11
Water Filter
lnstallation 14-41
Removal 0-4
Water Manifold
lnstallation 14-30
Removal 0-11 .
Water Pump
Assembly 8-4, 8-9 & 8-15
Disassembly 8-2, 8-6 & 8-12
lnspection 8-3, 8-8 & 8-14
Installation 14-23
Removal 0-9
TM 5-2815-233-14
Brigadier General, United State* Army
The Adjutant General
To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-25A, Operator, Organizational
Direct and General Support Maintenance Requirements for Locomotive, Diesel-Elec,
0-4-4-0 Wheel, 80-T, 420/550 HP, Models NHBIS 600 & 112-5708 (Domestic Service)
TM 55-2210-208 Series)
The Metric System and Equivalents
Temperature (Exact)