Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson objective/s
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
understand variables need to be changed, measured and controlled in a fair test
plan and conduct an investigation into environmental effects on plant growth
Evidence of learning
Worksheet for light
Worksheet for salinity
Differentiation strategies
Groups are arranged with mixed ability
Website has voice over sections where some students could require further assistance
Position of groups who may require assistance are closer to teacher
Sentence starters where required
Use the information learnt over the last five lessons, students will discuss with
their elbow partner what question they want to investigate. Prior knowledge of
investigative questions in lesson two.
Discuss the process of variable in creating a fair test. Only one element can
change, all others will remain the same. Allow 5 minutes Elbow partner
From the question formed and variable decided, create a hypothesis. If this
changes I predict this will happen because.
Emphasise the importance of justifying their thoughts on why they believe this
will happen.
Students will collect the equipment and materials they will require for the
Concept explanation LINK
Lesson Conclusion
Concluding When you have taped your experiments write your two stars and a wish about
activities your science lesson. Remember the more honest you are with your feedback the
Summarizing the more your lessons are tailored to suit you.