National Open University of Nigeria: School of Science and Technology
National Open University of Nigeria: School of Science and Technology
National Open University of Nigeria: School of Science and Technology
CIT 311
National Open University of Nigeria
14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way
Victoria Island, Lagos
Abuja Office:
5 Dar–es–Salaam Street
Off Aminu Kano Crescent
Wuse II, Abuja
Published by
National Open University of Nigeria
Printed 2009
Reprinted 2014
ISBN: 978-058-848-X
Introduction…………………………………………….………… iv
What you will Learn in this Course................................................ iv
Working through the Course........................................................... iv
Assessment ..................................................................................... iv
How to Get the Most from this Course ............................................ iv
Summary ......................................................................................... v
This course will give you in brief what you need to know in Computer
Science and Technology. At the end of the course you will be an expert
of some sort in Computer Science and Technology.
Each module, each unit, in the course contains notes as well as set
exercises. The set exercises are listed in form of a table. The table has
two volumes. The last column contains the heading “what you do” while
the right column is headed “comments/prompts”. The left column
contains the steps that you must follow. The right column serves as
additional information.
The final grade in the course will have two components; continuous
assessment and final examination. Basically, the tutor-marked
assignment will form the continuous assessments while NOUN will
inform you about the final examination.
In distance learning, the study units replace the University lecturer. This
is one of the great advantages of distance learning, you can read and
work through specially designed study materials at your own pace, and
at a time and place that suits you best. Think of it as reading the lecture
instead of listening to a lecturer. Just as a lecturer might give you an in-
class exercise, your study units provide exercises for you to do at
appropriate points.
Working through the assignments and exercises will help you to achieve
the objectives of the unit and prepare you for the final examination. If
you run into trouble, arrange to meet your training tutor. Note the
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 What is a network?
3.1.1 Classification of networks
3.1.2 Local area network
3.1.3 Metropolitan area network
3.1.4 Wide area network
3.2 Computer network goals / motivation
3.3 Applications of networks
3.4 Types of networks
3.4.1 Point–to–Point network
3.4.2 Broadcast network
3.5 Reference model
3.5.1 OSI reference model The Physical Layer The Data Link Layer The Network Layer The Transport Layer The Session Layer The Presentation Layer The Application Layer
3.5.2 TCP Reference Model
3.5.3 Difference between OSI Reference Model and
TCP Reference Model
3.6 IEEE Standards for LANs
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignments
7.0 References/Further Reading
In the simplest form, data transfer can take place between two devices
which are directly connected by some form of communication medium.
But it is not practical for two devices to be directly Point–to–Point
connected. This is due to the following reasons:
3.1.1 Classification of Networks
(i) Size
(ii) Transmission technology, and
(iii) Topology
communication devices usually in combination, and span own unlimited
number of miles.
Generic application
There are basically two types of network based on whether the network
contains switching elements or not. These are Point–to–Point network
and Broadcast network.
intermediate router, till the output line is free and then forwarded. A
subnet using this principle is called Point–to–Point or Packet switched
3.5 Reference Model
The OSI model has seven layers shown in figure 2. The principles that
were applied to arrive at the seven layers are as follows:
Application Protocol
Application Application
Presentation Protocol
6 Presentation Presentation
Session Protocol
5 Session Session
4 Transport Transport
Communication Subnet Boundary
Network Network
Transmission medium
63 The Data Link Layer
The main task of the Data Link Layer is to provide error free
transmission. It accomplishes this task by having the sender break the
input data up into data frames, transmit the frames sequentially, and
process the acknowledgement frames sent back to the receiver.
The Data Link Layer creates and recognises frame boundaries. This can
be accomplished by attaching special bit patterns to the beginning and
end of the frame. If these bit patterns can accidentally occur in the data,
special care must be taken to make sure these patterns are not incorrectly
interpreted as frame delimiters
Whereas the Data Link Layer is responsible for end to end delivery, the
network layer ensures that each packet travels from its source to
destination successfully and efficiently. A key design issue is
determining how packets are routed from source to destination. Routes
can be based on static tables that are “wired into” the network and rarely
When a packet has to travel from one network to another to get to its
destination, many problems can arise. The addressing used by the
second network may be different from the first one. The second one may
not accept the packet at all because it is too large. The protocols may
differ, and so on. It is up to the network layer to overcome all these
problems to allow heterogeneous networks to be interconnected.
The basic function of the transport layer is to accept data from the
session layer, split it up into smaller units if need be, pass these to the
Network Layer, and ensure the pieces all arrive correctly at the other
end. Furthermore, all this must be done efficiently, and in a way that
isolates the upper layers from the inevitable changes in the hardware
64 The Session Layer
Session establishment
Session Release– Orderly or Abort
Data Exchange
Expedited Data Exchange.
Unlike all the lower layers which are just interested in moving bits
reliably from here to there, the presentation layer is concerned with the
syntax and semantics of the information transmitted.
composed of several simpler items. Different computers have different
codes for representing character strings, (e.g., ASCII and Unicode),
integers (e.g., one’s complement and two’s complement), and so on. In
order to make it possible for computers with different representations to
communicate, the data structure to be exchanged can be defined in an
abstract way, along with a standard encoding to be used “on the wire”.
The presentation layer manages these abstract data structure and
converts from the representation used inside the computer to the
network standard representation and back.
The Application Layer programs are intended to run directly over the
transport layer. Two basic types of services are offered in the transport
layer. The first service consists of reliable connection–oriented transfer
of a byte stream, which is provided by the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP). The second service consists of best–effort
connectionless transfer of individual messages, which is provided by the
User Datagram Protocol (UDP). This service provides no mechanisms
for error recovery or flow control. UDP is used for applications that
require quick but necessary or flow control. UDP is used for application
that require but necessarily reliable delivery layer.
Interface Layer
The TCP/IP model does not require strict layering. In other words, the
application layer has the option or bypassing intermediate layers. For
example, an application layer may run directly over the internet.
Machine A Machine B
Internet Internet
Layer Internet layer Layer
Network Network
Interface layer
Interface layer Interface layer
Network 1 Network 2
This approach provides a clear separation of the internet layer from the
technology dependent network interface layer. This approach also
allows the internet layer to provide a data transfer service that is
transparent sense of not depending on the details of the underlying
networks. The next section provides a detailed example of how IP
operates over the underlying networks.
Figure 5 shows some of the protocols of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The
figure shows two of the many protocols that operate over TCP, namely,
HTTP and SMTP. The figure also shows DNS and Real time Protocol
(RTP), which operate over UDP. The transport layer protocols TCP and
UDP, on the other hand, operate over IP. Many network interfaces are
defined to support IP. The salient part of figure 5 is that all higher–layer
protocols access the network interfaces through IP. This feature provides
the capability to operate over multiple networks. The IP protocol is
complemented by additional protocols (ICMP, IGMP, ARP, and RARP)
that are required to operate an internet.
3.6 IEEE Standards for LAN
Although there are many standards, we will configure here to just three
of them:
Depending on the area of coverage, a network can be classified as LAN,
MAN, or WAN. A network is required for better utilisation of expensive
resources, sharing information, collaboration among different groups,
multimedia communication and video conferencing.
Two different types of networking models OSI and TCP/IP exist. The
difference between these models was discussed in detail.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Transmission
3.1.1 Time Domain Concepts
3.1.2 Frequency Domain Concepts
3.1.3 Relationship between Data rate and Bandwidth
3.2 Analog and digital Data Transmission
3.2.1 Data
3.2.2 Signals
3.2.3 Transmissions
3.3 Transmission Media
3.3.1 Twisted Pair
3.3.2 Baseband Coaxial Cable
3.3.3 Broadband Coaxial Cable
3.4 Multiplexing
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
types of transmission
domain concepts – time and frequency
difference between analog & digital signal
type of transmission impairments
transmission media.
In both cases, communication is in the form of electromagnetic
With guided media, the waves are guided along a physical path.
Examples of guided media are twisted pair, coaxial cable, and optical
fibre. Unguided media provide a means for transmitting electromagnetic
waves but do not guide them; examples are propagation through air,
vacuum and seawater. In this unit, we will discuss about guided media
A transmission may be
Full duplex
In practice, an electromagnetic signal will be made up of many
It can be shown, using a discipline known as Fourier analysis, that any
signal is made up of components at various frequencies, in which each
component is sinusoidal.
So, we can say that for each signal, there is a time–domain function (t)
that specifies the amplitude of the signal at each instance of time.
Similarly, there is a frequency–domain function S(t) that specifies the
constituent frequency of the signal. The spectrum of the signal is the
range of frequencies that it contains.
3.2.1 Data
3.2.2 Signals
A digital signal is a sequence of voltage pulses that may be transmitted
over a wire medium; for example, a constant positive voltage level may
represent binary 1, and a constant negative voltage level may represent
binary 0.
3.2.3 Transmissions
The purpose of the physical layer is to transport a raw bit stream from
one machine to another. Various physical media can be used for the
actual transmission. Each one has its own niche in terms of bandwidth,
delay, cost, and ease of installation and maintenance. Media are roughly
grouped into guided media, such as copper wire and fibre optics, and
unguided media, such as radio and lasers through the air. We will look at
these in this section and next one.
twisted pair. A twisted pair consists of two insulated copper wires,
typically about 1mm thick. The wires are twisted together in a helical
form, just like a DNA molecule. The purpose of twisting the wires is to
reduce electrical interference from similar pairs close by. The common
application of the twisted pair is the telephone systems.
Twisted pairs can be used for either analog or digital transmission. The
bandwidth depends on the thickness of the wire and the distance
travelled, but several megabytes/sec can be achieved for a few
kilometres in many cases. Due to their adequate performance and low
cost, twisted pairs are widely used and are likely to remain so for years
to come.
Starting around 1988, the more advanced category 5 twisted pairs were
introduced. They are similar to Category 3 pairs, but with more twists
per centimetres and insulation, which result in less cross talk and a better
quality signal over longer distances, making them more suitable for
high–speed computer communication. Both of these wiring types are
often referred to as UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair, to contrast them with
the bulky, expensive, shielded twisted pair cables IBM introduced in the
early 1980s, but which have not proven popular outside of IBM
be used, to be widely used within the telephone systems but have now
largely been replaced by fibre optics on long–haul routes. In the United
States alone, 1000 km of fibre is installed every day (counting a 100 km
bundle with 10 strands of fibre as 1000 km). Sprint is already 100 per
cent fibre, and the other major carriers are rapidly approaching that.
Coax is still widely used for cable television and some local area
3.4 Multiplexing
In communication, multiplexing is a technique that transmits signals
from several sources over a single communication channel. So in order
to minimize the cost of communication bearer, various means of sharing
a communication channel between several users, have been devised;
these are known as multiplexing. In this section, we will discuss about
two multiplexing techniques: FDM & TDM.
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
In TDM, the users take turns (in a round robin), each one is periodically
getting the entire bandwidth for a little burst of time. Television
broadcasting provides an example of both kinds of multiplexing. Each
TV channel operates in a different frequency range, which is a portion of
the allocated spectrum, with the inter–channel separation great enough
to prevent interference. This system is an example of FDM. During the
transmission of any program (Serial/film), there is an advertisement as
well. These two alternate in time on the same frequency. This is an
example of TDM.
This unit covered topics relating to the physical layer, which comprises
the difference between data rate and bandwidth, analog and digital
transmission and characteristics of transmission media except wireless
Also, the unit has taken you through the types of transmission
impairments and how to minimize them.
Transmissions can take place through the media of guided and unguided
type and it can be simplex, half–duplex and full–duplex. In simplex, the
data/signals are transmitted in one direction by a station i.e., by the
sender; in half–duplex, the transmission can be done in one direction at a
time whereas in full–duplex, the transmission can take place in
directions. The concept of time domain and frequency domain deals
with the electromagnetic signals and components at various frequencies
spectrum. The concept of analog and digital transmission deals with data
signaling and transmission which can be analog data i.e., signal occupies
same spectrum and digital data are encoded using a modem to produce
analog signal. The other type of signal is digital, which uses a bit stream.
Media used in transmission are of the magnetic type and it is one of the
most common ways to store data physically on tapes, floppy disks and
hard disks. Twisted pairs are used both for analog as well as digital
transmission. Twisted pair can be Cat 3, or Cat 5. Both of them are UTP
cables. Baseband cable is used for longer distances at high–speed 50
ohm and 75 ohm are normally used. Broadband Coaxial cable refers to
anything wider than 4KHz. Broadband is divided into multiple channels
and each channel can be used for analog signal also. It is used for CD–
quality audio or a bit stream.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Data Link Layer
3.1.1 Services provided by Data Link Layer
3.1.2 Retransmission Strategies
3.2 Medium Access Control Sub Layer
3.2.1 Contention–Based Media Access Protocols
3.2.2 Polling Based Media Access Protocols
3.2.3 IEEE Standard 802.3 and Ethernet
3.2.4 IEEE Standard 802.4 Token bus
3.2.5 IEEE Standard 802.5 Token Ring
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
This unit introduces the design of Data Link Layer and its Medium
Access Control Sublayer. This includes various protocols for achieving
reliable, efficient communication. It also covers the study of nature of
errors, causes and how they can be detected and corrected.
The MAC sublayer contains protocols which determine who goes next
on a multi access channel.
standard interface and the physical layer to convert bits into electrical
signals and vice–versa.
This has certain limitations:
The Data Link Layer constitutes the second layer of the hierarchical OSI
Model. The Data Link Layer together with Physical Layer and the
interconnectivity medium provide a data link connection for reliable
transfer of data bits over an imperfect physical connection.
It accomplishes the task by having the sender break the input data up
into data frames, transmit the frames sequentially and process the
acknowledgement frames sent back by the receiver. It is up to the Data
Link Layer to create and recognise frame boundaries.
Another issue that arises in Data Link Layer is how to keep a fast
transmitter from overflowing a slow receiver in data.
The Data Link Layer incorporates certain processes, which carry out
error control, flow control and the associated link management
functions. The data block along with the control bits is called a frame.
3.1.1 Services Provided By Data Link Layer (Logical Link
Framing: Some control bits are added to the data packets from
network layer to mark the start and end of a frame. This is done
using character count, character or bit stuffing.
Flow Control: Flow Control deals with how to keep the fast
sender from overflowing a slow receiver by buffer at the receiver
sides and acknowledgement.
The sender allows one message to be transmitted, checked for errors and
an appropriate ACK (Positive Acknowledgement) or NAK (Negative
Acknowledgement) returned to the sending station. No other data
messages can be transmitted until the receiving station sends back a
reply, thus the same STOP & WAIT is derived from the originating
station sending a message, stopping further transmission and waiting for
a reply.
Its major drawback is the idle line time that results when the stations are
in the waiting period. If the ACK is lost, then the master station
retransmits the same message to the receiver side. The redundant
transmission could possibly create a duplicate frame. A typical approach
to solving this problem is the provision for a sequence number in the
header of the message. The receiver can then check for the sequence
number to determine if the message is a duplicate. The Stop and Wait
mechanism requires a very small sequence number, since only one
message is outstanding at any time. The sending and the receiving
station only use a one bit alternating sequence of 0 and 1 to maintain the
relationship of the transmitted message and its ACK/NAK status.
Sliding Window
The data control signals flow from sender to receiver in a more
continuous manner and several messages can be outstanding at any one
The transmitting station maintains a sending window that maintains the
number of frames it is permitted to send to the receiving station and the
receiving station also maintains a receiving window that performs
complementary functions. The two sides use the window to coordinate
the flow of frames between each other. The window wrap around is used
to reuse the same set of numbers for different frames. There are sliding
window techniques:
(1) Go Back N
(2) Selective Repeat
The following two diagrams (Figure 1 and Figure 2) explain the function
of Go Back N and Selective Repeat respectively.
GO Back N
| Time Period |
Figure 1: Go Back N
Selective Repeat
Figure 2: Selective Repeat
In any broadcast network, the key issue is how to determine who gets to
use the channel when there is competition for it. The protocols used to
determine who goes next on a multi–access channel belong to a sub–
layer of a Data Link Layer called MAC sublayer.
3.2.2 Polling–Based MAC Protocols
These are the two possibilities for the path of a message from source to
destination workstation:
Token Passing
3.2.4 IEEE Standard 802.4 Token Bus
It is a linear cable onto which the stations are attached. When the logical
ring is initialized, the highest numbered station may send the first frame
after it is done, it passes permission to its immediate neighbour by
sending the neighbour a special control frame called a token.
In a token ring, the token circulates around the ring whenever all stations
are idle. When a station wants to transmit a frame, it is required to seize
the token and remove it from the ring before transmitting. This action is
done by inverting a single bit in the 3–byte token which instantly
changes it into the first 3 bytes of a normal data frame. Because there is
only one token, only one station can transmit at a given instant, thus
solving the channel access problem.
Also, the unit has discussed issues relating to error handling methods.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Network Layer
3.1.1 Routing Algorithms Shortest path Routing Flooding
3.1.2 Congestion Control Algorithms
3.1.3 Comparison of Virtual Circuit and Datagram subsets
3.1.4 Internetworking Repeaters Bridges Routers
3.2 Transport Layer
3.2.1 Transport Service and Mechanism
3.2.2 Type of Service /Quality of Service
3.2.3 Transport Control Mechanism Addressing Flow Control and Buffering Multiplexing Connection Establishment and
Management Crash Recovery.
3.2.4 TCP/UDP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Format of TCP Header User Data Protocol (UDP)
3.3 Application Layer
3.3.1 The Domain Name System (DNS)
3.3.2 TCP/IP Internet Domain Name
3.3.3 Electronic Mail
3.3.4 World Wide Web (WWW)
3.3.5 Mail–Based Applications
3.4 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
3.5 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
3.6 Telnet
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
The network layer services have been designed with the following goals:
state routing. Most actual networks use one of these. Other important
routing topics are hierarchical routing, routing for mobile hosts,
broadcast routing, and multicast routing.
The function of the network layer is routing packets from the source
machine to the destination machine. In most subnets, packets will
require multiple hops to make the journey. The only notable exception is
for broadcast networks, but even here, routing is an issue if the source
and destination are not on the same network. The algorithms that choose
the routes and the data structures that they use are a major area of
network layer design.
90 Flooding
The situation in which when too many packets are present in the subnet,
performance degrades. This situation is called congestion.
Subnet can become congested, increasing the delay and lowering the
throughput for packets. Network designers attempt to avoid congestion
by proper design. Techniques include traffic shaping, flow
specifications, and bandwidth reservation. If congestion does occur, it
must be dealt with. Choke packets can be sent back, load can be shed,
and other methods applied.
Slow processors can also cause congestion. If the routers; CPUs
are slow at performing the book–keeping tastes required of them,
queues can build up, even though there is excess line capacity.
Similarly, low–bandwidth lines can also cause congestion.
Inside the subnet, several trade–offs exist between virtual circuits and
permanent virtual circuits, which are set up manually and last for
months or years, may be useful here.
3.1.4 Internetworking Repeaters
of cable. Repeaters can be used to increase the maximum
interconnection length and will do the following: Bridges
Bridges filter input and output traffic so that only packets intended for a
network are actually routed into the network and only packets intended
for the outside are allowed out of the network. Routers
Routers examine the network address field and determine the best route
for the packet. They have the great advantage that they normally support
several different types of network layer protocols.
Routers, which only read one type of protocol, will normally have high
filtering and forwarding rates. If they support multiple protocols, then
there is normally an overhead in that the router must detect the protocol
and look into the correct place for the destination address.
The Transport Layer provides reliable cost effective data transport from
the source machine to destination machine.
The Transport Layer provides various services, the most important being
an end–to–end, reliable, connection–oriented byte stream from sender to
receiver. It is accessed through service primitives that permit the
establishment, use and release of connections.
3.2.2 Types of Service/Quality of Service (QoS)
The need to define quality of service arises from the realisation that
users require different quality presentations at different times. The
different quality presentations map onto different parameter values.
When a multimedia presentation is transmitted via a network, it
translates into different requirements of network performance. To be
able to specify QoS aspects concisely and to request them of a network,
QoS must be specified as a set of parameters that can be assigned
numerical values. In a multimedia presentation, the ultimate user of the
system is a human being. Thus, the quality of the presentation is a matter
of the user’s perception, which is limited by the response of the human
vision and auditory senses. This perceptual nature of QoS makes it
subjective and difficult to quantify precisely. Thus, it is easier to specify
a range of values rather than a single value.
Environments in which they operate (at the data link layer, two
routers communicate directly via a physical channel, whereas at the
transport layer, this physical channel is replaced by the entire subnet. Addressing
95 Flow Control And Buffering
Flow control of transport layer is similar to that of Data Link Layer, but
in Transport layers, the number of connections open is numerous as
compared to Data Link Layer. Multiplexing
To bill the users based on the amount of data sent, not the
connection time.
96 Connection Establishment and Management
If host and routers are subject to crashes, recoveries from these crashes
become an issue. If the transport entity is entirely within the hosts,
recovery from network and router crashes is straightforward. If the
network later provides datagram services, the transport entity expects
lost TPDUs all the time and knows how to cope with them. If the
network layer provides connection–oriented service, then loss of virtual
circuits is handled by establishing a new one and then probing the
remote transport entity to ask it which TPDUs it has received and which
one it has not received.
3.2.4 TCP/UDP
97 Format of TCP Header
The sender’s TCP layer communicates with the receiver’s TCP layer
using the TCP protocol data unit. It defines parameters such as the
source port, destination port, sequence number and so on. Its
descriptions are given below:
Data offset – which is a 32–bit value and identifies the start of the
data, padded out to an even number of bytes if need be. It is optional and
stored as 0 if not computed.
section, a label. Thus, the domain name contains three
labels: CS, IGNOU, and ORG. Any suffix of a label in a domain name
is called a domain. In the above example, the lowest level domain is CS. (the domain name for ignou) and the top level domain is org.
As the example shows, domain names are written with the local label
first and the top domain last. As we will see, writing them in this order
makes it possible to compress messages that contain multiple domain
This is the most widely used service facilitating users to send and
receive messages electronically in a store and forward manner. Different
E–mail standards, viz., SMTP, UUCP and X400 Message Handling
system, are supported on ERNET.
E–mail is popular because it offers a fast, convenient method of
transferring information. E–mail can accommodate small notes or large
voluminous memos with a single mechanism. It should not surprise you
to learn that more users send files with electronic mail than with file
transfer protocols.
Plain–old mail
Auto–save and processing
News dissemination through LISTSRV
Archival search and retrieval
Access to network–wide news (bulletin boards)
The designers chose to build three independent pieces; the NFS protocol
itself, a general purpose Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism, and
a general purpose External Data Representation (XDR). Their intent was
to separate the three to make it possible to use RPC and XDR in other
software, including application programs as well as other protocols. For
example, a programmer can divide a program into a client side and a
server side that use RPC as the chief communication mechanism can one
of the client sides, the programmer designates some procedures as
remote, forcing the compiler to incorporate RPC code into those
procedures. On the server side, the programmer implements the desired
procedures and uses other RPC facilities to declare them to be part of a
server. When the executing client program calls one of the remote
procedures, RPC automatically collects values for argument, from a
message, sends the message to the remote server, awaits a response, and
stores returned values in the designated arguments. In essence,
communication with the remote server occurs automatically as a side–
effect of a remote call. The RPC mechanism hides all the details of
protocols, making it possible for programmers who know little about the
underlying communication protocols to write distributed programs.
The ftp protocol is used to access files by FTP, the Internet’s file
transfer protocol. FTP has been around more than two decades and is
well entrenched. Numerous FTP servers all over the world allow people
anywhere on the internet to log in and download whatever files have
been placed on the FTP server. The web does not change this; it just
makes obtaining files by FTP easier, as FTP has a somewhat arcane
3.6 Telnet
In this unit, you have been taken through Network Layer, Transport
Layer and Application layer. Also the various algorithms, mechanisms,
and protocols relating to each of these layers have been discussed.
In this unit, you have been introduced to the network, transport and
application layers, their features, services offered by them and the
algorithms used by them. Other concepts covered include
internetworking, repeaters, routes, bridges, multiplexing, addressing and
transport control mechanisms. Standards and definitions of commonly
used terms in Application Layer are covered briefly to familiarise you
with current trends.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Network Devices
3.1.1 Repeaters
3.1.2 Bridges
3.1.3 Switches
3.1.4 Hubs
3.1.5 Comparison of Switches and Hubs
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
In this unit, and the next unit, we will examine features of several
network devices.
3.1.1 Repeaters
When a signal is sent over a long network cable, signal gets weakened
due to attenuation. This results in some data getting lost in the way. In
order to boost the data signal, Repeaters are needed to amplify the
weakened signal. They are known as signal boosters or amplifiers. They
are physical layer devices. They are like small boxes that connect two
segments of networks, refine and regenerate the digital signals on the
cable and send them on their way.
This Ethernet cable and fibre optic cable: Token ring networks
translate between electrical signals on shielded or unshielded twisted
pair wiring and light pulse on fibre–optic cabling.
Figure 1 : Repeater Action
Bridges work at the Data Link Layer of the OSI model. Since bridges
work in the Data Link Layer they do not examine the network layer
addresses. They just look at the MAC addresses for Ethernet and Token
Ring, Token Bus and determine whether or not to forward or ignore a
Purpose of a Bridge
1. Isolates networks by MAC addresses
A bridge divides a network into separate collision domains (Fig. 2). This
reduces congestion as only frames that need to be forwarded are sent
across interfaces. All transmissions between nodes connected to same
segment are not forwarded and therefore, do not load the rest of the
Collision Collision
Domain A Bridge Domain B
For example, if you have one segment called 100: it has 50 users (in
several departments) using this network segment. The Engineering
Department is CAD (Computer–Aided Design)–oriented, while the
Accounting Department is into heavy number crunching (year end
reports, month end statements, etc.). On this network, any traffic
between clients of Accounting Department and the Accounting File
Server (in the Accounting Department) will be heard across the Segment
100. Likewise, any traffic between the Engineering Dept clients (to the
CAD File Server) will be heard throughout the Network Segment. The
result is that “Other” Departments accesses to the Generic File Server
are incredibly slow: this is because of the unnecessary traffic that’s
being generated from other departments (Engineering and Accounting).
2. Manages network traffic by filtering packets
Bridges listen to the network traffic, and build an image of the network
on each side of the bridge. This image of the network indicates the
location of each node (and the bridge’s port that accesses it). With this
information, a bridge can make a decision whether to forward the packet
across the bridge – if the destination address is not on the same port – or,
it can decide not to forward the packet (if the destination is on the same
The MAC layer also contains the Bus Arbitration method used by the
network. This can be CSMA/CD, as used in Ethernet, or Token Passing,
as used in Token Ring. Bridges are aware of bus arbitration and special
translation bridges can be used to translate between Ethernet and Token
4. Local Bridges
Local Bridges are used (as in the previous examples) where the network
is being locally (talking about physical location now) segmented. The 2
segments are physically close together: same building, same floor, etc.
Only one bridge is required.
5. Remote Bridges
Remote Bridges are used in pairs, and also used where the network is
remotely segmented (again, talking of physical locations). The two
segments are physically far apart: different buildings, different floors,
etc. 2 x half–bridges are required; one at each segment. The remote
bridges are half of a normal bridge, and may use several different
communications media in between.
6. Bridging Methodologies
side of the bridge. Manually building a routing table is called fixed or
static routing. Modern bridges are self–learning: they listen to the
network in promiscuous mode, meaning that they accept all packets,
regardless of the packets’ addressing. The bridge then looks up each
packet’s destination DLC Address in its internal tables to find out which
port the destination NIC is attracted to. Finally, it forwards the packet
onto only the necessary port. In the case of a broadcasting message, the
bridge forwards the packet onto every port except the port that the
packet came from. Promiscuous listening is the key to the bridge’s
transparent operation. Since the bridge effectively “hears” all packets
that are transmitted, it can decide whether forwarding is necessary
without any special behaviour from the individual stations.
Station B transmits a packet destined for station C. Since the bridge
doesn’t know what port station B is on yet, it puts the packet out onto
every port except Port 1 (the packet came from Port 1, so the bridge
knows that the packet has already been seen by stations on port 1). This
behaviour is known as flooding. The bridge also examines the source
address in the packet and determines that Station B is attached to Port 1.
It updates its stables to reflect this.
Now that the bridge knows where Station B is, it will forward packets
destined for Station B only onto Port 1. As stations transmit packets, the
bridge will learn the location of more and more stations until, finally, it
knows the location of every station that is attached to its ports. The
beauty of the system is that even if the bridge doesn’t know the location
of a station, packets still get sent to their destination, just with a tiny bit
of wasted bandwidth.
Finally, the bridge ages each entry in its internal tables and deletes the
entry if, after a period of time known as the aging time, the bridge has
not received any traffic from that station. This is just an extra safeguard
to keep the bridge’s tables up–to–date.
Can only work with one path between segments: loops are not allowed:
A loop would confuse the bridges as to which side of the bridge a node
was really on (i.e., local or remote)? Transparent Bridges are not
suitable for use on MANs on WANs, because many paths can be taken
to reach a destination. In a LAN, it is simple to determine that a loop
occurs, but in a large corporate network (with several hundred bridges),
it may be next to impossible to determine. As such, bridges are most
commonly used in LAN–to–LAN connectivity (and not in MANs or
and Electronic Engineers) committee formed the Spanning Tree
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) converts a loop into a tree topology
by disabling a bridge link. This action ensures that there is a unique path
from any node to every other node (in a MAN or WAN). Disabled
bridges are kept in a stand–by–mode of operation until a network failure
occurs. At a time, the Spanning Tree Protocol will attempt to construct a
new tree, using any of the previously disabled links.
Problems can arise where, for example, the Spanning Tree Algorithm
may select a path from Los Angeles to New York City – and back to San
Francisco rather than the preferred route of Los Angeles to San
However, if no response is received, the source station issues a route
discovery frame, which fans–out on every ring in the LAN segment. As
the frame is forwarded from one ring to another, each bridge updates the
routing information in the search frame. When the search frame reaches
the destination, it contains the route between the source and destination
stations. The destination station then sends a response frame to the
source station, with the routing information. Both stations then use the
routing information in each subsequent frame sent to each other.
These numbers generally range between 1 and FFF (hex). Each bridge is
assigned a bridge number, ranging between 0 and F (hex). The only
restriction when assigning bridge numbers is that parallel bridges
connecting identical rings, must have different bridge numbers. The
route between the source and the destination stations consists of LAN
numbers and bridge numbers. The route is obtained by thus: each bridge
which receives the route discovery frame adds to the existing route, its
number and the ring number that it forwards this frame to.
The Pseudo Code for Source Routing Bridges can be written as:
The host uses its known path to the destination if it has one that is
not old.
Else, the host sends a probe message.
The probe will be forwarded by every bridge that sees it, on every
LAN to which the bridge is attached (except the one the probe
came in on).
If the bridge sees its own ID already in the path the probe is
accumulating, it will drop the probe without forwarding it
(preventing a loop).
The probe will eventually get to the destination by every possible
path, including the shortest.
The destination will return the probe to the sender, using the
discovered route as its source routing path.
The source will then send its “real” message using the newly
discovered route.
3.1.3 Switches
They are technically called bridges. They move data without contention.
Ethernet switches provide a combinations of shaed/dedicated
10/100/1000 Mbps connection. Some E–net switches support cut–
through switching: frame forwarded immediately to destination without
waiting for assembling of the entire frame in the switch buffer. They
significantly increase throughput. It provides express lane for traffic.
3.1.4 Hubs
Hubs are used to provide a Physical Star Topology. At the centre of the
star is the Hub, with the network nodes located on the tips of the star.
Star Topology
The hub is installed in a central wiring closet, with all the cables
extending out to the network nodes. The advantage of having a central
wiring location is that it’s easier to maintain and troubleshoot large
networks. All of the network cables come to the central hub. This way, it
is especially easy to detect and fix cable problems. You can easily move
a workstation in a star topology by changing the connection to the hub at
the central wiring closet.
Backbone Networks
Hub’s Addressing
Because a Hub is just many repeaters in the same box, any network
traffic between nodes is heard over the complete network. As far as the
stations are concerned, they are connected on 1 long logical bus (wire).
Switching Hubs
Switching hubs are hubs that will directly switch ports to each other.
They are similar to full duplex hubs, except that they allow dedicated 10
Mbps channels between ports.
3.1.5 Comparison Of Switches And Hubs
1. Collision Domain Broadcast Domain
2. All of the parts on a hub are Each part on a switch may be
part of the same Ethernet regarded as a separate Ethernet
(but all are part of the same local
area network).
3. All parts on a hub share the Each part on a switch has its own
same 10Mb (100 Mb) 10Mb (100 Mb) bandwidth
4. Any frame appearing on one A directed frame appearing on one
port of a hub is repeated to part of a switch is forwarded only to
all other ports on the hub the destination port.
5. A sniffer on any hub port
can see all of the traffic on
the network
6. A hub will repeat defective Switched networks are difficult to
frames sniff.
This unit has exposed you to when and how to use any of these devices.
But you should note that all the network devices discussed in this unit
are used at physical layer and Data link layer.
Repeaters are used in long distance network cable to enhance the signals
that get weakened due to attenuation.
Bridges are used to interconnect multiple LANs two devices at the data
link layers of the OSI model.
Switches are used for performing the functions of bridges as well as
point–to–point dedicated connections.
Hubs are used to interconnect various incoming connections
with different outgoing connections at the Physical layer
of the OSI Model.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Network Devices
3.1.1 Routers
3.1.2 Comparison of Bridges & Routers
3.1.3 Gateways
3.1.4 Modems
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
In the previous unit, we studied some of the network devices which are
used at physical layer and data link layer. In this unit, we continue our
discussion about devices/operating at lower layers, and also look at
higher layer devices. Routers and Gateways work at network layers and
above, whereas modem work at a lower layer. We will also examine the
differences between bridges and routers.
3.1.1 Routers
also can determine the best path for sending data and filtering broadcast
traffic to the local segment. Such a device is called a Router.
Routers are both hardware and software devices. They can be cards that
plug into a collapsed backbone, stand–alone devices or software that
would run on a file server.
Purpose of Routers
Routers that only know Novell IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) will
not forward Unix’s IP (Internetwork Packet) PDUs, and vice versa.
Routers only see the Network Layer protocols that they have been
configured for. This means that a network can have multiple protocols
running on it (e.g., SPX/IP, TCPIIP AppleTalk, XNS, etc.).
For example, a Novell SPX/IPX router; only sees the Network Layer
protocol, IPX. This means that any TCP/IP PDUs will not pass through:
the router does not recognise the PDUs, and doesn’t know what to do
with them. Therefore, routers allow network traffic to be isolated – or
segmented – based on the Network Layer Protocol. This provides a
functional segmentation of the network.
Routers that can only see one protocol are called Protocol–Dependent
Routers. Routers that can see many different protocols (two or more) are
called Multi–protocol Routers.
Routing Protocols
Routing Protocols are a “sub–protocol” of the Network Layer Protocol.
They deal specifically with the routing of packets from the source, to the
destination (across an Internetwork). Examples of Routing Protocols are:
RIP, IGRP and OSPF. Let us look at each of these protocols in some
more detail.
The routers are updated every 30 seconds, when each router sends out a
RIP broadcast. This advertisement process is what enables RIP routing
to be dynamic. Dynamic routers can change routing tables on the fly (as
the network configuration changes). By using the Hop Count
information from their routing tables, routers can select the shortest path
(the least number of hops) to the destination.
This adds a good, bad or suspect route status indicator, depending on the
age of the route information.
Three commonest problems that can occur with RIP are shown below:
1. Routing loops
The router indicates that the shortest path is going back the way the
packet came from
2. Slow Route Convergence
Routers have delay timers that start counting after the RIP advertising
packet is broadcast. This gives the routers time to receive and formulate
a proper routing table from the other routers. If the delay timer is too
short, the routing table can be implemented with incomplete data
causing routing loops.
EGRP was created to solve many of the problems with RIP, and has
become the default routing protocol across the internet. EGRP is an
enhanced distance vectoring protocol; it uses up to5 metrics (conditions)
to determine the best route as shown below:
1. Bandwidth
2. Hop Count (Delay)–maximum of 255
3. Maximum Packet size
4. Reliability
5. Traffic (Load).
These routing metrics are much more realistic indicators (of the best
routes) than simple hop counts.
The top of the root is the Autonomous Router that connects to the
autonomous systems (the Internet). The next is the Backbone Routers,
the highest area in the OSPF system. Border routers are attached to
multiple areas and they run multiple copies of the routing algorithm.
Last are internal routers that run a single routing database for one area.
Basically, by dividing the network into a routing hierarchy, both
substantial reduction of routing update traffic and faster route
convergence – result on a local basis. Each level has a smaller routing
table and less to update.
3.1.3 Gateways
PCs Mainframe
Figure 1: Gateway
How Do Gateways Link Hosts and LANs?
X.25 Gateways
Remote LAN can also communicate with IBM mainframe viz., x.25
gateway. A gateway PC with an adapter card functions as a cluster
controller and runs special gateway software that Contains the QLLC
protocol, an IBM defined protocol that runs over the X.25 suite. The
other LAN workstations emulate IBM 3270 terminals. The IBM host
simply assumes it’s communicating with the remote cluster controller.
3.14 Modem
Modem standards
The CCIT (now known as ITU) has defined standards for modem
communication. Each uses v number to define their type.
Modem Commands
Modem can enter two states; the normal state and command state. In the
normal state, the modem transmits or receives characters from the
computer an in the command state, characters sent to the modem are
interpreted as commands. Once a command is interpreted, the modem
goes into the normal state. Any character sent to the modem is then sent
along with line. To interpret the modem or to end a connection so that it
goes back into command mode, three consecutive ‘+’ characters are sent
i.e. ‘+++’.
Modem Set Up
Modem Indicator
These are used to inform the user about current status of a connection.
Typically the indicator lights are:
The following table illustrates widely used modems with bit rates &
modulation techniques
Typical Modems:
Most modems operate with V .22 bis (2400bps), V.32 (9600bps), V.32
bis (14400bps) The V.32 and V.32 bis modems can be enhanced with
echo cancellation. They also typically have built–in compression using
either the V.42 bis standards or MNPC (Microcom Networking
Protocol) level 5.
In this unit you have been taken through network devices such as routers
and gateways that work at network layers and above, and modems that
work at a lower layer.
This unit has also exposed you to the differences between bridges and
In this unit, we have studied about some networking devices which are
used at higher layers of OSI model. The devices which were covered are
the following:
1. Router
Used to connect two devices at the network layer of the OSI Model
2. Gateway
3. Modem
Used to connect the computer with the telephone lines. A Modem can
convert digital signal of a computer to analog signals, so that it can be
transferred through the telephone lines.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Baseband and Broadband Communication
3.2 ISDN Services: BRI and PRI
3.3 Advantages of ISDN
3.4 ISDN Applications
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
fax, over a single line. Multiple devices can be attached to the
line and used as needed. That means an ISDN line can take care
of most people’s complete communications needs, without
forcing the purchase of multiple analog phone lines at a much
higher transmission rate.
ISDN supports data transfer rates of 64Kbps. Most ISDN lines offered
by telephone companies give two lines at once, called Bearer channels
or B–Channels.
B–channels: You can use one line for voice and the other for data, or
you can use both lines for data to give you data rates of 128 Kbps, three
times the data rate provided by today’s fastest modems. Some switches
limit B channels to a capacity of 56 Kbps. A data channel (D–channel)
handles signalling at 16Kbps, depending on the service type.
When the ISDN was originally designed, data rates of 64Kbps to 1.544
Mbps were sufficient to handle all existing transmission needs. As
application using the telecommunication network advanced, however,
these rates proved inadequate to provide for the needs of the next
generation of technology, called broadband. ISDN is under development
which uses broadband communication. The original version of ISDN
employs baseband transmission. Let us look at the difference between
the two.
Baseband Communication
Broadband communication
This is a standard for transmitting voice, video and data at the same time
over fibre optic telephone lines. Broadband ISDN can support data rates
of 1.5 million bits per second (bps), but it has not been widely
BRI consists of two 64kbps B – channels and one 16 kbps D – channel
for a total of 144 kbps. This basic service is intended to meet the needs
of most individual users. BRI service is by far the most common and is
typically found in homes and businesses alike.
H channels provide a way to aggregate B channels. They are
implemented as:
In BRI service at an office or a home, the ISDN line consists of the same
twisted pair of wires traditionally used for analog telephones. Numerous
ISDN devices can connect to this single line.
Up to eight ISDN devices can be connected to a single BRI line, and can
all share the B–channel and D–channel. Individual devices are
distinguished through the use of multiple subscriber numbers, with a
different ISDN number assigned to each device. D–channel signals
automatically route communications to the appropriate ISDN device.
64 kbps D–channel for a total of 1984 kbps. It is also possible to support
multiple PRI lines with one 64kbps D–channel using Non–Facility
Associated Signaling (NFAS)
phone jack, like you would an analog modem, and get a much faster
connection with no “line noise”.
Multiple Devices
Before the advent of ISDN, it was necessary to have a phone line for
each device that has to be used simultaneously. For example, one line
each was required for a telephone, fax, computer, bridge/router, and live
video conference system. Transferring a file to someone while talking
on the phone or seeing their live picture on a video screen would require
several potentially expensive phone lines. With ISDN, it has become
possible to combine many different digital data sources and have the
information routed to the proper destination. Since the line is digital, it is
easier to keep the noise and interference out while combining these
signals. ISDN technically refers to a specific set of digital services
provided through a single, standard interface. Without ISDN, distinct
interfaces are required instead.
Instead of the phone company sending a ring voltage signal to ring the
bell in your phone (“In–Band signal”), it sends a digital packet on a
separate channel (“Out–of–Band signal”). The Out–of–Band signal does
not disturb established connections, and call setup time is very fast. For
example, a V.34 modem typically takes 30–60 seconds to establish
connection, whereas an ISDN call usually takes less than 2 seconds. The
signaling also indicates who is calling, what type of call it is
(data/voice), and what number was dialled. Available ISDN phone
equipment is then capable of making intelligent decisions on how to
direct the call.
Internet Access
Video Conferencing
ISDN, along with new, lower–cost hardware, is changing that rapidly.
Both desktop video conferencing (where a participant joins from a PC
equipped with ISDN, a video camera, and a microphone), and
conference room video conferencing (where more sophisticated
equipment such as remote control cameras, allow group participation)
have become as easy to set up as voice conferencing. And because of
ISDN’s versatility, video conferences can include the sharing of
documents, images, and other files with all participants, through file
transfers or screen display. This capability is proving highly popular for
workgroup collaboration, telecommuting, security and surveillance, and
dozens of highly innovative applications.
For general business use, ISDN video conferencing can make meetings
much more practical and productive. There is far less travel time and
expense involved, as participants no longer need to physically
congregate. That also makes scheduling much easier. And since
participants are typically at their own offices, video conferencing means
everyone has access to their computers and file cabinets for information
during the meeting. Other people can also be called into the meeting as
with even the fastest modem takes several minutes. With ISDN’s faster
speed and compression, it takes seconds.
If you’ve ever encountered a web site that features a video clip you’re
supposed to watch on your screen, you will understand the limits of
modems in multimedia communications. With ISDN, however,
multimedia is going to be practical. Many organisations are beginning to
turn to imaging systems to store documents, rather than keeping endless
files of papers. Once a document has been scanned, it is a graphical file
that can be viewed on a computer screen. To transmit it to someone
requires the bandwidth of ISDN, and ISDN is becoming very popular
with publishers, banks, photo agencies, hospitals, Police departments,
manufacturers, government agencies, and countless other industry
segments that are driven by digitally stored documents that need to be
sent to others.
In this unit, you have been exposed to the concepts of baseband and
broadband communication; ISDN, types of ISDN services, advantages
of ISDN and its applications.
the most common and is typically found in homes and businesses
7. Primary Rate Interface is intended for users with greater capacity
requirements. Typically, the channel structure is 23 B–channels
plus one 64 kbps D–channel for a total of 1536 kbps. (In Europe,
PRI consists of 30 B–channels plus one 64 kbps D–channel for a
total of 1984 kbps. It is also possible to support multiple PRI
lines with one 64kpbs D–channel using Non–Facility Associated
Signaling (NFAS).
1. Define ISDN
2. Differentiate between baseband and broadband communication.
3. List a few applications of ISDN.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Switching – Techniques
3.2 How compatible is ATM as technology
3.3 ATM–Layered Architecture in comparison with OSI
3.4 How ATM Protocol Works
3.5 The ATM Network
3.6 The ATM Cell
3.7 ATM Classes of Service
3.8 ATM Traffic Control
3.9 Benefits of ATM
3.10 ATM Applications
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor–Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading
Circuit Switching
This was the first type of data transfer mechanism used. Circuit
switching is used in the telephone networks to transmit voice and data
signals. In a synchronous transmission, which involves transmission of
voice, a synchronized connection must be made between the sender and
receiver because there must be a constant time interval between each
successive bit, character, or event. To enable synchronized transmission,
circuit switching establishes a dedicated connection between the sender
and the receiver involved in the data transfer over the network. As a
result, the connection consumes network capacity whether or not there is
an active transmission taking place; for example, the network capacity is
used even when a caller is put on hold. For different applications,
utilisation of the line can vary enormously. However, there is little delay
and effective transparency for the user. It is very efficient for Constant
Bit Rate (CBR).
Packet Switching
bits are received. For normal voice and data communications, this is not
a problem, but for broadband signals, such as television, it is a huge
problem that causes the picture to jerk and the audio to be out of
synchronization with the picture. Data to be sent is broken down into
chunks or packets. Each packet contains data and header information for
control e.g., routing. At each node the packet is received, stored briefly
and passed on. At each node, the packets may be put on a queue for
further movement into the network.
1. Datagram, where each packet can take any path through the
network as long as they all reach the destination.
2. Virtual Circuit, where all the packets are routed through the
same path without having the path dedicated.
Frame Relay
modern high–speed communications systems. In old packet switching,
there was considerable overhead involved in error recovery, redundancy
enhancement and routing information. With Frame relay, the packets are
now of variable length and not fixed length, meaning that they were
designed to operate at up to 2Mbps. This was very good for VBR.
Cell Relay
3.3 ATM Layered Architecture in Comparison with OSI
ATM has a layered structure that is similar to the 7–layered OSI model.
However, ATM only addresses the functionality of the two lowest layers
of the OSI, i.e;
Apart from these two layers, all other layers of the OSI model are
irrelevant in ATM, as these layers are only part of the encapsulated
information portion of the cell which is not used by the ATM network.
Application Layer
User Layers
ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL):
Convergence sublayer
Segmentation and Reassembly sublayer
ATM Layer
Physical Layer
Transmission Convergence Sub layer
i) Physical Layer
The ATM form has left most of the specification for this level to the
ii) The ATM layer deals with cells and cell transport. It defines the
layout of a cell and tells what the header fields mean. The size of
a cell is 53 bytes (5 bytes of header and 48 bytes of payload).
Because each cell is the same size and all are relatively small,
delay and other problems with multiplexing different sized
packets are avoided.
End-to-end virtual circuit set up
Traffic management
The ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) maps the higher-level data into
ATM cells to be transported over the ATM network, i.e., this layer
segments the data and adds appropriate error control information as
necessary. It is dependent on the type of services (voice, data, etc.) being
transported by the higher layer.
This is the adaptation layer that divides all types of user data into 48–
byte cells. The ATM layer that adds the five–byte header information
to direct the user data to its destination.
1. AAL 1
2. AAL 2
3. AAL ¾
4. AAL 5
It is divided into two sublayers
This is the lower part of the AAL. The SAR sublayer breaks packets up
into cells on the transmission side and puts them back together again at
the destination. It can add headers and trailers to the data units given to
it by the CS to form payloads. It is basically concerned with cells.
Convergence Sublayer
When a user sends data over the ATM network, the higher–level data
unit is passed down to the Convergence Sublayer of the AAL Layer,
which prepares data for the ATM Layer according to the designated
AAL protocol. The data is then passed down to the Segmentation and
Reassembly sublayer of the AAL Layer, which divides the data unit into
appropriately sized segments.
These segments are then passed down to the ATM Layer, which defines
an appropriate cell header for each segment and encapsulates the header
and payload segment into a 53–byte ATM cell. The cells are then passed
down to the Physical Layer; which streams the cells at an appropriate
pace for the transmission medium being used, adding empty cells as
A virtual path consists of a set of these channels.
Each virtual channel and virtual path has an identifier associated with it.
Virtual path is identified by Virtual Path Identifiers (VPI) and a virtual
channel is identified by a Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI). All channels
within a single path must have distinct channel identifiers but may have
the same channel identifier as channels in different virtual paths.
3. The ATM switch then retransmits the cell on that outgoing link
with the appropriate connection identifiers.
The manner in which the local translation tables are set up determines
the two fundamental types of ATM connections:
not require the manual to set up PVCs and, as such, are likely to
be much more widely used.
ATM Network 1
ATM Network 2
User 2
exchanged across the UNI is that required to set up a Virtual Channel
for the transmission.
Communication across the NNI and the ICI will require signaling for
virtual–path and virtual–channel establishment, together with various
exchange mechanisms for the exchange of information such as routing
tables, etc.
Notice that only the user at either end of the transmission deal with the
48–byte information load within the cell. At each stage of the
transmission, the switch is only concerned with accepting the cell from
one port, changing the VPI/VCI according to its tables, and routing the
cell out the appropriate switch port.
5 48
Header User data
The structure of the header is different in UNI and NNI. In the network–
network interface, the virtual path identifier field is expanded from 8 to
12 bits.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Let’s now look at the characteristics of each of the fields of the header
format of an ATM cell.
The GFC field of the header is only defined across the UNI and does not
appear in the NNI.
The VPI is an 8–bit field for the UNI and a 12–bit field for the NNI
It is a 16–bit field used to identify a virtual channel. For idle cells, the
VCI is set to all 0’s.
The PTI field indicates the type of information in the information field.
The value in each of the three bits of PTI indicates different conditions.
Bits 2 is set to 1 to indicate that congestion was experienced by a data
cell in transmission and is only valid when bit 4 is set to 0.
The 1–bit CLP field is used for indication of the priority of the cell. It is
used to provide guidance to the network in the event of congestion.
When set to value 1, it indicates that the cell is subject to discard within
the network. When the CLP value is set to 0, it indicates that the cell is
of relatively high priority and should be discarded only in situations
when no alternative is available.
Each ATM cell includes an 8–bit HEC that is calculated based on the
remaining 32 bits of the header.
ATM is connection oriented and allows the user to specify the resources
required on a per–connection basis (per SVC) dynamically. There are
five classes of service defined for ATM (as per ATM Forum UNI 4.0
ATM Technical Parameters
Technical Definition
Cell loss CLR is the percentage of cells not delivered at their
ratio (CLR) destination because they were lost in the network due
to congestion and buffer overflow.
Cell transfer The delay experienced by a cell between network
delay entry and exit points is called the CTD. It includes
(CTD) propagation delays, queuing delays at various
intermediate switches, and service times at queuing
Cell delay CVD is a measure of the variance of the cell transfer
variation delay. High variation implies larger buffering for
(CVD) delay–sensitive traffic such as voice and video.
Peak cell The maximum cell rate at which the user will
rate (PCR) transmit. PCR is the inverse of the minimum cell
inter–arrival time.
Sustained This is the average rate, as measured over a long
cell rate interval, in the order of the connection lifetime.
Burst This parameter determines the maximum burst that
tolerance can be sent at the peak rate. This is the bucket–size
(BT) parameter for the enforcement algorithm that is used
to control the traffic entering the network.
3.8 ATM Traffic Control
The main purpose of UPC/NPC is to protect the network resources from
an overload on one connection that would affect the quality of service of
other already established connections.
Priority Control
Congestion Control
without creating a jittery picture of losing the synchronization of
the sound and picture.
3. ATM is also extremely fast and provides dynamic bandwidth for
bursty traffic.
4. AT&T has developed ATM switches capable of transmitting 20
gigabits of data per second (Gbps) and a shared switch that can
transmit up to 662 Gbps.
5. Telephone networks connect every telephone to every other
telephone using a dedicated path, but carry narrow bandwidth
signals. Cable networks carry broadband signals, but only
connect subscribers to centralised locations. To build a network
that would provide a dedicated connection between sender and
receiver for broadband communications would be prohibitively
expensive. For this reason, ATM seems to be the best hope since
it can use existing networks to deliver simple voice and data as
well as complex and time–sensitive television signals. ATM can
also handle bi–directional communications easily.
6. Unlike packet switching, ATM is designed for high–performance
multimedia networking.
ATM Services
Multimedia Virtual Private Networks and Managed Services
Frame–Relay Backbones
Internet Backbones
This unit has discussed the different types of switching techniques and
how the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) – layered architecture
compares with the OSI model.
Also, you have been taken through how the ATM protocol works,
together with a detailed discussion on the ATM network, the ATM cell,
the ATM traffic control and classes of services, benefits of ATM and its