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Option Dvb-S2 Sat Receiver: QG924.400.030 Rev. A

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QG924.400.030 Rev. A

PCM SAT QG924.400.030 REV. A 24/03/2014 1

DVB-S2 SAT views
Front view: standard, see PCM handbook OI924500926.
Rear view:

Monitoring Monitoring
Out 1 Out 2 Sat input

Monitoring Out 1 = This monitoring can be set by the DVB web page, as shown below.

Monitoring Out 2 = Monitoring of the RF output signal.

Upper view:

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ASI satellite contribution is a PCM option.
Use PCM OI924500926 handbook to preset the Web navigation.
Than open “Setup/Options Management” page:

Now verify that the “DVB-S/S2 Receiver” option is enabled.

Open “DVB/Input” page.

Inside the page check that in “Input Switch Settings” Input Mode is set to “Auto”. 1
Than you can select the “Source Input 2” with SAT input , see 2 below:

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Input monitoring selection.
Inside the “Input” page in “Monitor Output Settings” box, “ASI: output” field select the desired input
monitoring, for example DVB.S/S2 Rx.

Figure 1 Input page

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DVB-S2/Configuration page

Figure 1 Configuration page

The parameters to be configured are the following:
Tuner Configuration
 Frequency: input the frequency (in MHz). Limits are a function of the local oscillator used (see below)

 Local Oscillator: local oscillator frequency (to obtain the desired IF ).

 For example if the RF descent of the satellite dish are standard we can have the values: 9750 or 10600, so setting a
frequency equal to 11431,8 MHz with Local oscillator 9750 we will have a IF of 1681.8 Mhz.

 Polarization: in case the PCM supplies the satellite dish you can select between 13 V (for vertical polarization) or 18 V
(for horizontal polarization), otherwise you must set it OFF.
Demodulator Configs
 Symbol Rate: input the symbol rate in kilobit settings from 0 to 45000.

 S/N Threshold : threshold value for the S/N measurement. Under this value a warning is activated (see DVB-S2/Status
page). Reference value 7 dB.

 BER Th : threshold value for the BER measurement. Under this value a warning is activated (see DVB-S2/Status) Default
value is 10 e-3

 Loop Enable : pop up menu selection.

o On: enables the PLS code search between three possible values (PLS code 1-2-3). The search is automatic
between the values selected, you will select (if available) the one on witch MPEG is synchronized.
o Off: “Select PLS” selection is activated and you must input manuallly one of the three codes.
 Select PLS : from the pop up menu you can select one of the PLS codes.

 PLS code 2 : Client property code.

Transport Stream Configuration
 CAM enable: (read only)On-CAM enabled (present). Off-CAM disabled (missing or not phisically present).

 Service Auto-update: automatic upgrade of the service list loaded inside the transport stream.

 Input Stream ID : input multistream number that you want obtain (in case of single stream there is only one).

 TS ID: transport stream identification, it must be equal to the transport stream ID obtained by the demodulator that is
indicated in the “Status” page. If the two values are not identical the equipment will be muted.  

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Alarm config
 Empty list: if any descrambling service is selected, than the “Empty list” signal becomes active. This can be masked only
as an alarm, otherwise you can decide to mute the equipment.

 CAM absent: CAM presence/absence, if mask on the related alarm is not displayed, if “mask” off it can set if in case of
alarm the transmitter is muted or not with the selection “mute” on or “mute” off.

 Expired Rights: smart card rights expired (if “mask” on the related alarm is not displayed, if “mask” off you can select if
in case of alarm the transmitter is muted or not with the selection “mute” on or “mute” off.

 Decript Alarm : Decryption failure (for example the smart card does not support the transport stream cripting) ,if “mask”
on the related alarm is not displayed, if “mask” off you can select if in case of alarm the transmitter is muted or not with the
selection “mute” on or “mute” off.

 Store Config
 Save: saves on USB the rx-sat configuration and the list of services that must be decrypted.

 Load: loads the selected configuration in selct folder (from USB key).

Status page
Tuner/demodulator status display page, there are also resets for the satellite receiver.

Figure 3 Status page

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“Service list” page
The “Service List” page is used to display the transport stream list of available services.
 Service name

 Service ID

 PMT pid

 Add service: the flag of this option enables the descrambling that is executed only if the smart card is inserted
and if the rights are correct and valid.

 CA status, error ID: descramblig status (possible, not possible, active, failure)

See below for the error codes description:

Figure 4 Service list page

We have the following error codes:

 0 - RET_OK

Indicates that there are not failures and that the command has been executed correctly;

 -1 – RET_ERR

Indicates the presence of a generic failure;


Detected an error in dynamic memory allocation;

 -3 – RET_I2C_ERR

Detected a failure in I2C interfacing with CiMAX;


Refferred to CAM option;


Referred to CAM option

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Rererred to CAM option

 -8 – RET_CAM_ERR

Referred to CAM option


Referred to CAM option

 -10 – RET_CAM_NO_DVB

Referred to CAM option


Syncronization error during the initialization of the internal working data structures;


Errore nella trasmissione di un TPDU


Errore nella ricezione di un TPDU


Ricevuto un TPDU non atteso


Il bit FR (FREE) dello Status Register della Command Interface segnala sempre cam busy


Richiesto il comando ADD_PMT ma il numero di tabelle in de-scrambling e’ pari al massimo consentito (24)


Il ca_system_id estratto dalla “Transport Stream program map section” non e’ compatibile con la lista dei
ca_system_id letta dalla memoria di configurazione della cam: il de-scrambling non e’ possibile


Errore Elementary Streams. Dall’analisi della “Transport Stream program map section” non risulta la presenza
di Elementary Streams


Failure in “Transport Stream program map section”. The Message Size length is more then the maximum
allowed (1024 byte)

 -21 – RET_CRC_ERR

The crc calculated by the “Transport Stream program map section” is different crc presente


Richiesto uno dei comandi di gestione de-scrambling ma la cam non e’ ancora stata correttamente inizializzata


Richiesto un codice comando sconosciuto


timeout su richiesta comando ADD_PMT con “query”

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CAM option module not present.


Referred to CAM option


Referred to CAM option


Referred to CAM option


Referred to CAM option

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