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SPC Manual

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Keep It
Simple Statistically

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: INSTALLATION ............................................................ 3

Chapter 2: DIAGRAMS ................................................................ 5

Pareto Chart
Scatter Plot (with Regression)
Process Capability Measures (Cpk)
Ogive or Cumulative Distribution Function
Summary Stats

Chapter 3: CONTROL CHARTS ................................................... 20

X Bar R or X Bar S Chart
Individuals with Moving Range Chart
Run Chart
c Chart
p Chart
Multiple Series

Chapter 4: CUSUM CHARTS ....................................................... 30

Chapter 5: ANALYSIS TOOLS ..................................................... 33

Multiple Regression
Correlation Matrix
t Test Matrix
F Test Matrix
Independence Test Matrix

Chapter 6: SIX SIGMA REPORTS ................................................ 37

Chapter 7: DISTRIBUTIONS ........................................................ 41

Chapter 8: FMEA ................................................................... 44

Chapter 9: MSA (GAGE CAPABILITY) ........................................ 45

Chapter 10: TIPS ...................................................................... 46

Select your data first
Multiple selections of data
Copy and Paste
Changing items on finished diagrams or charts
Technical Support

Chapter 1: Installation

Before You Install an SPC KISS Upgrade

If you are installing a new version of SPC KISS over an existing one, you will need to remove the
first version from the list of Excel add-ins before you install the new version.
To do this, follow these directions:
1. From Excel's menu bar, select “Tools” then “Add-Ins”.
2. In the list of add-ins, uncheck SPC KISS (remove the check mark in the box to the left of SPC
3. Close Excel, and proceed with the installation of the new version as per the instructions on the
floppy disk and below.
Note: You must close Excel before you install the new version.

Installing and Running SPC KISS - Windows™

System Requirements
To use SPC KISS for Windows, you need a system capable of running Microsoft® Excel version 5.0
or higher.
Installing and Running SPC KISS
To install SPC KISS, insert the floppy into your floppy drive and launch Setup.exe. Follow the
instructions on the screen.
When the installation is complete, you will see a window containing the SPC KISS icons. To run SPC
KISS, double-click on the icon labeled SPC KISS.

You can also run SPC KISS from the Start menu in Windows 95 and Windows NT. The default
folder is SPC KISS.

Either of these methods will launch Microsoft Excel and SPC KISS. See the Program Overview
(following) for more information on how SPC KISS works.
Note: You will not see the SPC KISS menu option at the top of Excel unless you have a worksheet
open in Excel.
Adding In SPC KISS
If you would like to have access to SPC KISS at all times from Excel, you can manually add-in SPC
KISS to Excel's list of add-ins. To accomplish this, follow these directions:
1. Start Excel using the Excel icon.
Very Important: Do not for any reason start Excel using the SPC KISS icon for this
procedure! Be sure you start Excel using the normal Excel icon or from the Start menu at
Microsoft Excel. Do not launch any program or icon titled SPC KISS at this time!
2. From the Excel menu bar, select “Tools” then “Add-Ins”.
3. Use the Browse button to locate the directory in which SPC KISS is installed.
4. Select the file Spc97.xla, then OK.
5. SPC KISS 97 is now listed in the Add-Ins available window. Select OK to add-in SPC KISS and
return to Excel.
SPC KISS will now be available every time Excel is run.
Note: You should not start Excel from the SPC KISS icon after you add in SPC KISS. We
recommend that you delete the SPC KISS icon to avoid future confusion.
Installing to a Network version of Excel
If you are using a network version of Excel and you want all users to have access to SPC KISS,
simply install SPC KISS on the server. Each workstation will then have to create a shortcut to the file
Spc97.xla or add-in SPC KISS using the directions given above.
If you are using a network version of Excel and you do not want all users to have access to SPC
KISS, ensure the you install SPC KISS to each local hard drive.

Installing and Running SPC KISS - Macintosh®

System Requirements
To use SPC KISS for Macintosh, you need a system capable of running Microsoft Excel version 5.0
or higher.
Installing and Running SPC KISS
To install SPC KISS, open Setup. (Use the following instructions.)
1. Insert the SPC KISS installation disk into the floppy drive.
2. From the installation disk, launch the “Setup” program. This is done by double clicking on the
“Setup” icon.
3. Follow the installation instructions. You can accept the default directory destination, or change
the name of the destination folder.
When the installation is complete, you will see the SPC KISS menu item on Excel’s menu bar. (You
must have a worksheet open for the SPC KISS item to appear on the menu bar.)
Chapter 2: Diagrams

This section takes you step by step through the Diagram Expert, a four step process to select your
diagram type, enter your data range, select your diagram options, and title your chart. You may begin
with selecting your data range by clicking on the Excel cell in the upper left corner of your data and,
while holding the left mouse button down, drag the mouse down or down and to the right until you
have highlighted all of your data (release the mouse button). Then go to the “SPC KISS” pull-down
menu item and select “Diagrams”.

Step 1 of 4 - Selecting Your Diagram

You may choose from Pareto Chart, Histogram, Scatter Plot (with simple linear regression), Process
Capability Measures (Cpk), Ogive or Cumulative Distribution Function, or you can ask for the
Summary Stats for your data. Simply click on the diagram of your choice to proceed to the next step.

Step 2 of 4 - Selecting Your Data
This window allows you to select the range of data for your diagram. If you have already chosen the
correct data range (see the instructions in the Overview of this chapter), select Next to proceed.

If you need to change the range, simply select the new range of data using the mouse, then Next to
continue. (Drag the Step 2 dialog box out of the way to see all of your data if necessary.)
You may also type in the correct range in the edit box of the Step 2 window; be sure you input the
range in the proper format.
Example: $A$1:$B$13 denotes cells A1 through and including B13 on the worksheet. You can type
A1:B13 to specify that range.
Remember: Each diagram accepts data in a different format. For instance, some will accept rows or
columns, and some only one row or column. See the on-line help system or the appropriate sections
for information on a specific diagram’s data format.
Step 3 of 4 - Diagram Options
You have several options for viewing your data in the completed diagram. While each diagram has
its own set of options, the buttons at the bottom of the window are the same for all diagrams. The
following window is an example of the options for the Pareto diagram. Each button is explained

The Save Options button allows you to save the settings you have chosen in this
window so that each time you create the same type of diagram, you will automatically get the same
options. For instance, if you select a descending sort order and 2-D bars with a cumulative line (like
the example above), and then select Save Options, each time you create a Pareto diagram these will
be the default options. These options will be saved for the Pareto diagram only; if you create a
Scatter Plot next, you will get the Scatter Plot’s default options.

The Help button links you directly to the on-line help for the options of the diagram you
are creating.

The Cancel button stops the SPC KISS process and puts you back at your Excel sheet.

The Back button sends you back one step.

The Next button accepts the option settings and sends you forward one step.

The Finish button accepts the current option settings and ends the Diagram Expert
process without going on to any remaining steps. There will be titles on your diagram; however, you
won’t get the Step 4 Diagram Expert window allowing you to change the titles before the diagram is
Remember: Each diagram has its own set of options. (Summary Stats has no options.) See the on-line
help system or the appropriate sections for information on a specific diagram’s options.

Step 4 of 4 - Chart Titles

With SPC KISS, you have the ability to edit your diagram’s titles before the diagram is finished. This
window looks the same for each type of diagram; however, the default titles will be different. The
following is an example of the titles for the Pareto diagram.

Chart Title
You may change the title of your chart in the first edit box. The default chart title is the name of the
diagram you have chosen, unless you have created this diagram before and saved your titles using the
Save Options button.
Include Legend
You may decide whether or not to include a descriptive legend on your diagram. Even if in Step 3
you chose to use the first row as legend text, you could turn the legend off in Step 4.
Axis Titles
This allows you to change the title of the Category (X) axis and the Value (Y) axis.
The buttons at the bottom of the window are the same for each diagram type.

The Save Options button allows you to save the titles you have chosen in this
window. By selecting the Save Options button, you create new default titles for a particular diagram
type. For instance, each time you create a Pareto diagram these will be the default titles. These titles
will be saved for the Pareto diagram only; if you create a Scatter Plot next, you will get the Scatter
Plot’s default titles.

The Help button links you directly to the on-line help for chart titles.

The Cancel button stops the SPC KISS process and puts you back at your Excel sheet.

The Back button sends you back one step.

The Finish button accepts the title settings and ends the Diagram Expert process.

Remember: Each diagram has its own default titles to begin with, and you can change those defaults
by saving your chart titles with the Save Options button.
Pareto Chart
A Pareto chart is a bar chart for non-numerical categories in which the vertical axis is usually
frequency or monetary loss.
If you can identify all of the factors that cause a defect in a process, a Pareto chart will give you a
graphical representation of these factors and allow you to see which ones need attention first.
Example: You are examining the frequency of defects in the process of manufacturing IC boards. You
find the following information about the defect types and their frequency:

From this data, your Pareto chart would look like the example below. It is clear that the majority of
the defects occur in the soldering process.



Pareto Data Format

A Pareto Chart will accept data in one or two rows (or columns), and will use text and numeric data
when creating the diagram. The examples below show how data for a Pareto might look.
Data in one row:

In this example, the text in the first column would automatically be used as a legend on your
diagram. This text is optional.
When you have a combination of text and numeric data, the text needs to appear in the first column
or row to appear as labels for the X Axis. If any non-numeric data appears in the Y column or row,
SPC KISS will ask you to choose to abort the operation, re-enter your data range, or ignore the non-
numeric data when creating the Pareto diagram.
Data in two rows:

Data in two columns:

Pareto Charts will also accept non-contiguous rows or columns of data, as long as there are not more
than two rows or columns selected. For more information on making non-contiguous data selections,
turn to Chapter 10: Tips.

Pareto Options
Below is an example of the window that allows you to change the options for a Pareto diagram. Each
Pareto-specific option is explained here.

Data Series in Rows vs. Columns

SPC KISS detects whether your data appears in rows or columns on your worksheet. If there are
more rows of data than columns, your data is in column format. If there are more columns than rows,
your data is in row format. This option cannot be changed here, but will change if you alter the
format on your Excel worksheet.
Sort Order - Descending vs. Ascending
You can change the way your data is sorted in the Pareto Chart. Simply select the Descending or
Ascending option. When you make a selection, the change will be seen immediately on your chart.
Bar Type
You may change the type of bars used in the Pareto Chart by selecting one of these three options. The
change will be seen immediately on your chart in Excel.
Use first Row (Column) as legend text
If your data series is in Rows, this option will be set to use the first Column as legend text. Likewise,
if your data series is in Columns, this option will be set to use the first Row as legend text.
If this option is selected, whatever appears in the first row (or column) of your selected data, whether
it is text or numbers, will become the legend. If you uncheck this option, whatever is in the first row
will be added to the diagram, even if there is no numeric data associated with it. SPC KISS
automatically selects this option if the first row (or column) is non-numeric.

Pareto Chart Titles
Except for the name of the chart and the axis titles, this step is the same for all the diagrams. Please
refer to Step 4 of 4 - Chart Titles for more information.

Finishing the Diagram

Once you have selected your options in Step 3, and named your chart and the X and Y axis in Step 4,
you are finished creating your diagram. When you select the Finish button, you will be given a Pareto
diagram, based on the data set and options you just specified.
A Histogram is a bar chart for numerical intervals or categories. Its purpose is to summarize large
amounts of numerical data into a graphical distribution that is easier to understand.
Example: The gas mileage of 50 cars was measured and put into a spreadsheet.

The Histogram from this data (shown below) shows you pictorially the number of cars that fall within
each gas mileage range.




Histogram Data Format

A Histogram will accept data in any format. If any non-numeric data appears within the selected data
range, you will be given the choice to re-enter the data, cancel the operation, or create the Histogram
ignoring the non-numeric data.

You may use non-contiguous data in creating a Histogram. For instructions on selecting non-
contiguous data, see Chapter 10: Tips.

Histogram Options

Bar Type
You may change the type of bars used in the Histogram by selecting one of these four options. The
change will be seen immediately on your chart in Excel.
Anchor Point
The anchor point sets the left end point of the leftmost bar.
Class Width
This option defines the width of each bar.
Number of Classes
This option changes the number of classes shown on your Histogram. Use the up and down arrows to
increase or decrease the number of classes. The default number of classes is equal to the square root
of N, where N equals the number of data points.
Gap Between Bars
Change the amount of space between the bars of your Histogram using the up and down arrows to
widen or lessen the space. There are actually two gap values, one for 2 Dimensional plots and one for
3 Dimensional plots.
Regenerate Histogram
This option must be used when you change the anchor point or class width to update your chart in
Survey Data
This option is typically used for survey data where the width of each bar is one unit (e.g., a Likert
scale of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). In the example below, the gas mileage data shown previously was used to
create the Histogram. However, instead of a class width of six, the Survey Data option was selected.
This diagram shows how the previous example would be broken down.



Histogram Chart Titles

Except for the name of the chart and the axis titles, this step is the same for all the diagrams. Please
refer to Step 4 of 4 - Chart Titles for more information.
Scatter Plot (with Regression)
Scatter plots allow you to graphically depict ordered pairs (two numbers that go together) for the
purpose of determining a relationship between two variables.
Example: You are trying to determine if there is a correlation between the weight of a car and its
gasoline consumption (MPG). Your data might look like this:

... and the scatter plot of that data would look like this:



Scatter Plot Data Format

A Scatter Plot will accept numeric data in either one or two rows (or columns).
• If two rows or columns are used, SPC KISS plots the first group selected as the X values and the
second group as the Y values, considering them ordered pairs.
• If only one row or column is used, the data is assumed to be the Y coordinate, and the X
coordinate is assumed to be the order 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
The following example shows data in one row. These are assumed to be the Y coordinates; the X
coordinates will be plotted in numeric order.
Example: SPC KISS turns your data that looks like this:

Diameters” ...into this information for the scatter plot.
is legend
title and is

If, in your data, you put a text label at the beginning of the column or row, the text label at the top of
the Y coordinates will be used as legend text; any text for the X coordinate will be ignored.

If there is any text in the X coordinate column or row, your data will be plotted as though you
provided the Y coordinate only. SPC KISS will plot dates and times, and use them as labels for the X

Scatter Plot Options

Regression Line
You may choose to have a linear regression line, a quadratic regression line, a cubic regression line,
or no regression line at all on your scatter plot. You may have only one type of regression line at a
time. Regression is computed using the least squares method.
Forecasting allows you to extend your regression line forward or backward without the input of new
data. Care should be taken if assuming the actual process follows the predicted line.
Display Equation and R squared
By selecting this option, you can have the regression equation and R squared displayed on the

Scatter Plot Chart Titles

Except for the name of the chart and the axis titles, this step is the same for all the diagrams. Please
refer to Step 4 of 4 - Chart Titles for more information.
Process Capability Measures (Cpk)
This option lets you see how close your data is to the desired target and how much of your data is
likely to be outside the specification limits. It provides the Mean, Standard Deviation, Sigma Level,
Cpk, and Defects Per Million (D.P.M.). This option produces a bell curve for the given data,
assuming a normal distribution.
Process capability measures tell how well the data fits between the Upper and Lower Specification
Limits (USL and LSL).
Sigma level is the number of standard deviations between the process center and the nearest spec
Cpk is sigma level divided by 3.
Defects Per Million is a representation of how many products out of a 1,000,000 would be out of the
specification limits.

Defining the type of Process Capability Chart
SPC KISS can create two types of process capability charts. The difference is in how the mean and
standard deviation are obtained. You may use a range of data selected from a spreadsheet, or you
may use direct entry of the mean and standard deviation.

If you choose a range of data selected from a spreadsheet, you will be asked to select the range in
Step 2 of the Diagram Expert (see Step 2 of 4 - Selecting Your Data).
If you choose direct entry of the mean and standard deviation, you will be given the following
window. Simply type in the appropriate numbers for the mean and standard deviation. You may also
change the Lower and Upper Specification Limits here. Pressing the “Recompute Process Capability
Chart” button allows you to quickly compute the capability measures for any mean/standard
deviation/LSL/USL specified. Selecting OK completes the process.

Process Capability Measures (Cpk) Data Format

A Cpk diagram will accept data in any format, including non-contiguous data. If there is any non-
numeric data in the selected range, you will be informed and given the capability to re-enter the data,
cancel, or ignore the non-numeric data.
For instructions on selecting non-contiguous data on your Excel worksheet, please see Chapter 10:

Process Capability Measures (Cpk) Options

Lower & Upper Specification Limits (LSL & USL)

Many processes have only a unilateral specification. Simply select “No LSL” or “No USL” to remove
either of the specification limits. This changes both the diagram and the values of Cpk, Sigma level,
and D.P.M. When selecting a range of data to compute capability measures, the default values of LSL
and USL are the mean. You must then change the LSL and/or USL to obtain meaningful capability

Cpk Chart Titles

Except for the name of the chart and the axis titles, this step is the same for all the diagrams. Please
refer to Step 4 of 4 - Chart Titles for more information.
Ogive or Cumulative Distribution Function
An Ogive is a graphical depiction of a cumulative distribution for a large amount of numeric data.
Example: A teacher wants to see graphically how students fared on an exam. An Ogive shows the
cumulative distribution over the entire range of scores.




Ogive or Cumulative Distribution Function Data Format

An Ogive will accept data in any format. If you enter any non-numeric data, you will be given the
option to re-enter the data, cancel the operation, or create the Ogive while ignoring the non-numeric
Instructions for selecting a non-contiguous range of data on your Excel sheet are found in Chapter
10: Tips.

Ogive or Cumulative Distribution Function Options

Percentile line
Increase or decrease this number to effect the position of the percentile line on your diagram.
Display kth Percentile lines
This option displays the kth percentile line on your diagram.
Number of Classes
This option simply changes the number of classes or points shown on the Ogive. Use the up and
down arrows to increase or decrease the number of classes. The default number of classes is equal
to the square root of N, where N equals the number of data points.
Number of Rounding Digits
This option changes the number of significant digits in the numbers used to determine the start and
stop of each of the classes. SPC KISS makes an attempt to compute the optimal number for your

data set; however, you may change it for any reason. A positive number reflects the number of digits
after the decimal used in rounding. A negative number reflects the number of digits before the
decimal that are used to round. Use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the number.
Example: One of the classes was computed to be from 2387.289417 to 4376.673692. The table below
shows the actual values used to compute the upper and lower limits of that class.

Rounding digits From To

3 2387.289 4376.674
2 2387.29 4376.67
1 2387.3 4376.7
0 2387 4377
-1 2390 4380
-2 2400 4400
-3 2000 4000

Ogive or Cumulative Distribution Function Chart Titles

Except for the name of the chart and the axis titles, this step is the same for all the diagrams. Please
refer to Step 4 of 4 - Chart Titles for more information.
Summary Stats
Summary Statistics simply creates the following statistics of your data: Count, Mean, Median, Mode,
Maximum, Minimum, Range, Population Standard Deviation, Sample Standard Deviation,
Population Variance, Sample Variance, Kurtosis, and Skewness.

Summary Stats Data Format

Summary Stats will accept data in any format, including non-contiguous rows or columns. For
instructions on selecting a non-contiguous range of data on your worksheet, see Chapter 10: Tips.
There are no diagram options available for Summary Stats.

Chapter 3: Control Charts

This section takes you step by step through the Control Chart Expert, a three step process to select
your chart type, enter your data range, and select options for your chart. Begin with selecting your
data range by clicking on the Excel cell in the upper left corner of your data and, while holding the
left mouse button down, drag the mouse down or down and to the right until you have highlighted all
of your data (release the mouse button). Then go to the “SPC KISS” pull-down menu item and select
“Control Charts”.

Step 1 of 3 - Selecting Your Chart

You may choose from X Bar R, X Bar S, Individuals with Moving Range, Run Chart, p Chart, c
Chart, or Multiple Series. Select the control chart you want, then Next to proceed to the next step.

Step 2 of 3 - Selecting Your Data
This window allows you to select the range of data for your control chart. If you have already chosen
the correct data range (see the instructions in the Overview of this chapter), select Next to proceed.

If you need to change the range, simply select the new range of data using the mouse, then Next to
continue. (Drag the Step 2 dialog box out of the way so you can see all of your data if necessary.)
You may also type the correct range in the edit box of the Step 2 window; be sure you input the range
in the proper format.
Example: $A$1:$B$10 denotes cells A1 through and including B10 on your Excel worksheet. You
can type A1:B10 to specify that range.
Remember: Each control chart accepts data in a different format. For instance, some will accept rows
or columns, and some only one row or column. See the appropriate sections for information on a
specific diagram’s data format.

Step 3 of 3 - Control Chart Options

SPC KISS enables you to create three different kinds of control limits: Shewhart control limits,
control limits based upon standard deviations, and manual or user defined control limits. SPC KISS

also allows you to define a range other than the plotted range upon which to compute the control
limits (not applicable for user defined control limits).
Example: You may want a control chart of 40 samples, but want the control limits based on the first
20 samples only. Or perhaps you want to plot an X bar R chart of data from March, but want to base
the control limits on data from January.
Shewhart Methodology control limits: This option computes the standard Shewhart control limits
based on the data specified.
Standard Deviation control limits: Allows you to set the control limits based on any number of
standard deviations. Simply change the number of standard deviations by clicking on the arrows or
by typing in a new number.

User Defined control limits: There are two different ways to define these control limits. You can
either enter a “Manual Center Line” or have SPC KISS compute a “Mid Center Line”. If you select
manual center line, you will be prompted for the upper control limits, center lines and lower control
limits for both the X Bar and Range.
If you select “Mid Center Line”, SPC KISS will use the mid point of your UCL and LCL as the
center point.
Note: The user defined control limits are not computed from any data provided to the software. If
you use this option you must know what you are doing. Control limits are not the same as
specification limits; therefore, do not confuse the two.
Regardless of what kind of control limits you use, you can change the range of data on which the
control limits are based. For Shewhart control limits and Standard Deviations, you can enter a new
range in the Control Chart Options Window. The default range is the plotted range; however, you can
enter any range here. This can be done one of two ways:
1. Type in the new spreadsheet range. For example A1:B33.
2. Use the mouse and click on the old range. Select the new range on the spreadsheet using the

Other Options
Display Zones on Chart
SPC KISS will show the lines that delineate the three zones on the control chart.
Zones A, B, and C can be defined by dividing the area between the center and the upper control limit
(or the center and the lower control limit) into three equal parts. Zone C is nearest the center, with
Zone A nearest the UCL (or LCL). The illustration below shows just where Zones A, B, and C fall on
a control chart.


=RQH $

=RQH %

=RQH &


=RQH &

=RQH %

=RQH $


Exception: With the R chart and the S chart, when the lower control limit is zero, the zones below the
center line will be symmetrical to those above the center line.
Example: If the center line of an R chart is 10, the upper control limit is 40, and the lower control
limit is 0, then the zones above the center line will be as follows:
Zone C from 10 to 20 Zone B from 20 to 30 Zone A from 30 to 40.
The zones below the center line should be:
Zone C from 10 to 0 Zone B from 0 to -10 Zone A from -10 to -20.
However, since the lower control limit is set at zero, only Zone C will appear on the control chart.
Perform Out of Control Checking
Note: Out of control checking only has significance if your control limits make sense. If you have
entered manual control limits, SPC KISS will still perform out of control checking; however, if those
control limits are not valid, then the out of control checking will not be valid.
Out of control checking will examine your data to see if any of the following seven symptoms occur:
• One or more points are outside the control limits
• Seven or more consecutive points are on one side of the centerline
• Seven consecutive increasing or decreasing intervals
• Two out of three consecutive points fall in a specific Zone A or beyond
• Four out of five consecutive points fall in a specific Zone B or beyond
• There are 14 consecutive points that alternate up and down
• There are 14 consecutive points in either Zone C

If you choose to perform out of control checking, and some out of control symptoms are detected,
additional Excel sheets will be added that highlight each symptom found. You can access these sheets
by clicking on the new tabs found at the bottom of your workbook. An example of the tabs is below.

Depending on the out of control symptom, the names of the new sheets will be the name of the chart
followed by:
1. “... Out UCL or LCL” 5. “... 4 of 5 Zone B”
2. “... 7 Above or Below Mean” 6. “... 14 Alternating”
3. “... 7 Incr or Decr” 7. “... 14 Zone C”
4. “... 2 of 3 Zone A”
If none of these symptoms are found, SPC KISS will inform you in a dialog window.
Create Cpk Chart
If you check this box, SPC KISS will prompt you for specification limits. SPC KISS will then
compute the process capability of your data based upon the estimates for the mean and standard
deviation derived from the control chart that you have selected. This is especially helpful when
computing the process capability from p charts and c charts which are not based on the normal
X Bar R or X Bar S Chart
If you select an X Bar R Chart, SPC KISS will create two separate charts from your data: an X Bar
chart to show the average of each group, and an R chart to show the range of each group. Each chart
has its own tab in your Excel workbook.

If you select an X Bar S Chart, SPC KISS creates an X Bar chart to show the average of each group,
and an S chart to show the standard deviations of each group.

Example: You are measuring the salt content in soap. You have twelve subgroups of data which look
like the following:

The X Bar chart of the data is below.





Data Format
X Bar R and X Bar S charts accept data in either rows or columns, and allow non-contiguous data
(see Chapter 10: Tips). If your data is in only one row or column, you will see the following window
asking you to identify the size of the sample you are using.

If your data is in more than one row or one column, you will be asked if the subgroups are in rows or
columns. Make that designation in the following window.

Individuals with Moving Range Chart
An Individuals with Moving Range (IMR) Chart will plot your data and compute the center and
upper and lower control limits.
There will be two separate charts: an Individuals chart which will plot each data point, and a Range
Chart, which will plot the (moving) range between every two successive points on the Individuals



Individuals with Moving Range Chart Data Format
An Individuals with Moving Range Chart will accept data in one or two rows or columns only. If the
data is in two rows (or columns) the first row will be used as the labels for the “X-Axis”. The data
must be numeric; non-numeric data will be ignored, but a gap will be placed on the control chart
where the non-numeric data is found.
Data in one column: Data in two columns:

Data in two rows:

Run Chart
A Run chart plots some metric over time. The run chart will not place any control limits, center lines,
or zones on your chart.




c Chart
A c Chart plots the number of occurrences observed in an interval and computes the center, upper
control limit, and lower control limit. The c Chart shows the interval or sample number on the X axis,
and the number of occurrences for each interval on the Y axis. It assumes an underlying Poisson



Data Formats
The data formats for Run charts and c charts are identical to the format for the Individuals with
Moving Range Chart.
p Chart
A p Chart plots the proportion defective from your data and computes the center, upper control limit,
and lower control limit. The p Chart shows you the sample numbers across the X axis and the p value
on the Y axis. The p value is the proportion of defects in each sample displayed as a decimal fraction.
The p Chart assumes an underlying Binomial distribution.




p Chart Data Format
A p Chart will accept numeric data in two rows or two columns. The data may be contiguous or non-
contiguous (see Chapter 10: Tips). SPC KISS will determine which row or column contains the
sample size and which contains the number of defects (the larger value will be used as the sample
size). If either the sample size or the number of defects is left blank or is non-numeric, SPC KISS will
ignore that entry and leave a blank space on the control chart.

Multiple Series
Multiple Series will allow you to plot multiple run charts on the same chart.




Multiple Series Data Format

The data can be in rows or columns, contiguous or non-contiguous, and you can put labels in the first
row and/or the first column. If you omit data or include non-numeric data, a respective gap in that run
chart will be shown on the multiple series chart.

Chapter 4: Cusum Charts

This section takes you step by step through the Cusum Chart Expert, a three step process to select a
cumulative sum chart, enter your data range, and select options for your chart. Begin with selecting
your data range by clicking on the Excel cell in the upper left corner of your data and, while holding
the left mouse button down, drag the mouse down or down and to the right until you have highlighted
all of your data (release the mouse button). Then go to the “SPC KISS” pull-down menu item and
select “Cusum Chart”.

Step 2 of 3 - Selecting Your Data

This window allows you to select the range of data for your control chart. If you have already chosen
the correct data range (see the instructions in the Overview of this chapter), select Next to proceed.

If you need to change the range, simply select the new range of data using the mouse, then Next to
continue. (Drag the Step 2 dialog box out of the way so you can see all of your data if necessary.)
You may also type the correct range in the edit box of the Step 2 window; be sure you input the range
in the proper format.
Example: $A$1:$B$10 denotes cells A1 through and including B10 on your Excel worksheet. You
can type A1:B10 to specify that range.
Remember: Each control chart accepts data in a different format. For instance, some will accept rows
or columns, and some only one row or column. See the appropriate sections for information on a
specific chart’s data format.

Step 3 of 3 - Cumulative Sum Options

A Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) chart is used to find small shifts in the mean of a process. You have
the following options for the creation of a CUSUM chart.
Target Value - The target of your process.
Shift in Mean - The number of standard deviations you would like to detect.
Control Limit Options
Do Not Display Control Limits - Shows just the cumulative sum line without any V-Mask control
Display Control Limits Without Automatic Checking - Shows the cumulative sum line and the V-
Mask control limits; however, no out of control checking is accomplished.
Display Control Limits With Automatic Checking - Shows both the cumulative sum line and the V-
Mask control limits. It also checks each additional point to see if the point is out of control. If an
out of control point is found, that point will be made red and a new worksheet will be created
indicating the out of control condition.
Display Control Limits With Realtime Checking - This option is usually used for instruction. It
turns each point red to indicate that it is being checked to see if it is out of control. Out of
control points are handled identically to "Display Control Limits With Automatic Checking". If
you have a large number of data points, this option could be time intensive.
Advanced Button
If you press the advanced button you will be given the opportunity to change the Alpha and Beta
values for errors in detection.

Chapter 5: Analysis Tools

This section takes you step by step through the Analysis Tools. You may begin with selecting your
data range by clicking on the Excel cell in the upper left corner of your data and, while holding the
mouse button down, drag the mouse down and to the right until you have highlighted all of your data
(release the mouse button). Then go to the “SPC KISS” pull-down menu item and select “Analysis

Multiple Regression
This feature computes the multiple regression of a data set with up to 16 independent variables and
one dependent variable. The output is shown on a new Excel sheet titled “Multiple Regression”.

The output table includes the following information: Factor, Coefficient (Coef), Standard Error (Std
Error), t stat, p Value, R Squared, Adjusted R Squared (Adj R Sq), F Value, Sum of Squares
regression (SS reg), and Sum of Squares residual (SS resid).

Multiple Regression Data Format

Your data must be in column format and must be numeric. You must have at least two columns
selected (one independent variable and one dependent variable), but not more than 17 columns in all

(16 independent variables and one dependent variable). There is a high limit on the number of rows
of data you can have.
Note: The dependent variable must be in the right-most column in your data range.
If you name the variables on your Excel spreadsheet, those names will be used to identify the factors
in the regression output table.
Example: This table shows a data set with the independent variables named. The dependent variable,
Y, is in the right-most column.

If you do not name the factors, SPC KISS will assign each factor a sequential letter (A, B, C, D, etc.)
to be shown in the output.
If you use non-contiguous data, the last column you select will be used as the dependent variable. If
your last selection contains more than one column, the right-most column in that selection will be
used as the dependent variable.
The table above is an example of non-contiguous data.
The above input table of non-contiguous data would yield the following multiple regression output.

Correlation Matrix
The Correlation Matrix returns the correlation coefficient between every possible combination of
columns or rows.

Correlation Matrix Data Format

A Correlation Matrix will accept data in multiple rows or columns. You can label the rows or
columns if you wish; however, headings are not required.
Below is an example data set for a Correlation Matrix. If you label your columns or rows, those
labels will be used in the output to identify the factors. If you do not label your factors, SPC KISS
will identify them as A, B, C, etc., in the output table.

The Correlation Matrix output table is shown below.

The p value of a t Test gives the probability that two samples come from two underlying populations
that have the same mean.
SPC KISS always computes the two-tailed t Test, and assumes that the two samples have equal

t Test Data Format

t Test data format is identical to Correlation Matrix data format.
F Test Matrix
The F Test returns the one-tailed probability that the variances in two samples are not significantly

F Test Data Format
F Test data format is identical to Correlation Matrix data format.
Independence Test Matrix
The Independence Test allows you to test for independence between several random variables. This
feature will create a contingency table and the associated p value.

Independence Test Data Format

The data must be in table form and may include table headings.

The above table yields the following Independence Test output.

Chapter 6: Six Sigma Reports

This section takes you step by step through the Six Sigma Reports process. You can create Product
Reports and Process Reports.

Product Summary Report

A Product Summary Report is used to measure the capability of a product. Each product can have
more than one opportunity given. The creation of a product summary is very straightforward. Simply
enter some or all of the following requested data to create a product report.
Units - This is the number of units for which you are creating the report. You must select or
enter a range for the Units.
Defects - This is the total number of defects. You must select or enter a range for the Defects.
Characteristics - A characteristic is simply a name. This information is optional. If you do not
enter characteristic names, then the characteristics are numbered sequentially.
Opportunities - This is the number of possible defects per unit. This information is optional. If
you do not enter a number of opportunities, one (1) is automatically used.
Data Format
All of the ranges must be identical and they must only include numbers (no blank cells or non-
numeric cells).
To compute the product summary statistics, you must define the units and defects. Depending on
your product, the number of opportunities may be greater than one (if omitted, the number of
opportunities is assumed to be one). You may also designate a label or lot number using the
Example: You are a toy manufacturer and you make toy robots, dinosaurs and trucks. The robots are
capable of having three defects, the dinosaurs four, and the trucks five. The table below shows how
many toys you manufactured, the number of opportunities, and the number of defects for your toy
production this month.

The dialog below shows the ranges you would select to create the product summary for this data.

DPU is the number of Defects Per Unit.
DPO is the number of Defects Per Opportunity (note that if the # of opportunities is one, DPU
will be identical to DPO).
DPMO is the number of Defects Per Million Opportunities.
Sigma Capability is the Sigma Capability for that characteristic.

Process Summary Report

In a Process Summary Report, the chart type is automatically selected based upon the data. The rules
that govern the type of chart created are:
• If the data is in a single row or column (i.e., vector format) then an Individuals Moving
Range chart is created.
• If the data is in more than one row or column (i.e., set up for subgroups) then you will get a
XbarR or XbarS chart. If any data is missing (i.e., unequal subgroup sizes) or if the
subgroups n>=10, you will get a XbarS chart. Otherwise, a XbarR chart is created.
Output Format
After you input the range and control limits, a Xbar and R or S chart will be created with the R or S
chart directly under the Xbar chart. To the right will be a histogram of X and R or S.
Histogram Charts
The histogram chart has a bell curve over the histogram. For the histogram to the right of the Xbar
chart, the histogram is of the X values not the Xbars. The histogram of the R or S chart is of the
Ranges or Standard deviations.

Statistical Output
The statistics sheet that is created in addition to the charts includes two simple columns: one for long
term and one for short term. The Mean is the mean of the data (not Xbarbar or the target value) for
both Short and Long Term. The Standard deviation for short term is the estimate from the control
chart that was created (i.e., for IMR Rbar/d2); for long term it is the true standard deviation. The Cp
and Cpk use the control chart type standard deviation; they are for short term only. Pp and Ppk are
only for long term. Sigma Capability comes from the respective DPM.
In this example, you are the manufacturer of capacitors. The capacitors should hold a voltage
between 1.7 and 2.7 volts. The data below represents that last 60 measured observations coming from
your capacitors.

To analyze this data you would select “SPCKISS - Six Sigma Reports - Process Summary”. The
dialog below would appear and you would enter the range and specification limits.

From this you would receive output in both table and graphical format. The data from the above
example is shown below.

Chapter 7: Distributions

Discrete Distributions
There are six discrete distributions. When you select a discrete distribution, a new worksheet will be
added to the active workbook. This new worksheet will have the appropriate distribution ready for
your use. Below is an example of the binomial distribution.

If a trial is binary (i.e., pass/fail) and the probability of passing is (p), then the Binomial distribution
will give you the associated probabilities that the outcome of passing occurs (x) times in (n) trials
(assumes trials are independent and that (p) is constant).

Critical Binomial
Given the number of trials (n), the probability of success on each trial (p), and the criterion value (or
probability, such as 0.95), the Critical Binomial returns the smallest value (the critical value) for
which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value.
Example: Use the Critical Binomial distribution to determine the greatest number of defective parts
that are allowed to come off an assembly line run without rejecting the entire lot.

Given the population size (N), the sample size (n), the size of subpopulation of interest (D), and the
number of elements from the subpopulation of interest (x), the hypergeometric distribution will return
the probability of getting (x) items from (D).
Hypergeometric is used for problems with a finite population, where each observation is either a
success or a failure, and where each subset of a given size is chosen with equal likelihood.
Example: A box contains 20 items, of which five are defective. A sample of four items is selected.
What is the probability that two of the four are defective?

The Poisson distribution is used to calculate the probability that a certain number of random events
will occur in a specified interval. Its only parameter, lambda, represents the average number of
occurrences per interval. It can also be used to approximate the binomial distribution.

Negative Binomial
The Negative Binomial distribution returns the probability that there will be a certain number of
failures before a certain number of successes. This is similar to the Binomial distribution, except the
number of successes is fixed and the number of trials is variable. Like the Binomial distribution, the
trials are assumed to be independent.
Example: You need to find 20 people with blue eyes, and you know the probability that a person has
blue eyes is 0.3. The Negative Binomial distribution calculates the probability that you will find a
certain number of people without blue eyes before you find 20 people with blue eyes.

Given the upper and lower boundary limits, the Uniform distribution will find the probabilities
associated with the placement of (x) between those limits, assuming that each possible outcome is
equally likely.
Continuous Distributions
There are fifteen continuous distributions.

This returns the one-tailed probability of the Chi-squared distribution. It is associated with the Chi-
squared test. The Chi-squared test would be used to compare observed and expected values to
determine if the original hypothesis is valid.

Inverse Chi-squared
Instead of providing (x), the Inverse Chi-squared distribution allows you to provide the probability
and will compute (x).

The Exponential distribution models the time between events (i.e., how long an automated bank teller
takes to deliver cash). The Exponential distribution can be used to determine the probability that the
process takes at least one minute.

F Distribution
The F probability distribution can be used to determine whether two data sets have different degrees
of diversity.
Example: The F distribution can be used to tell if the variances between two different assembly lines
are different.

Inverse F Distribution
This is the same as the F distribution, but you provide the probability and the Inverse F distribution
computes the (x) value.

The Gamma distribution is used to study variables that may have a skewed distribution. It is
commonly used in queuing analysis.

The Lognormal distribution is used to analyze data that has been logarithmically transformed.

A Normal distribution is characterized by a smooth bell-shaped curve. This is similar to a standard
normal distribution, except that you can enter the mean and the standard deviation.

Inverse Normal
This is similar to a normal distribution, except that you enter the probability and the Inverse Normal
distribution computes (x).

Standard Normal
The Standard Normal distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. This function
is used in place of a table of standard normal curve areas.

Inverse Standard Normal

The Inverse Standard Normal distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one and
computes the (z) value for a given probability (p).

Student's t
The Student's t distribution is used in the hypothesis testing of small sample data sets. Given a test
statistic (t-value) and the appropriate number of degrees of freedom, it returns a probability.

Inverse Student's t
This returns the (t) value for a given probability (p).

Returns the probabilities associated with the continuous Uniform distribution.

The Weibull distribution is used in reliability analysis, such as calculating a device's mean time to

Chapter 8: Failure Mode & Effect Analysis

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a method to identify and prioritize potential failure
modes in a system. The numerical values of interest are severity, occurrence and detection. These are
usually scored using the following table.














When you select this option, a new worksheet will be added to the active workbook. The user inputs
the Severity, Occurrence and Missed Detection ratings based on the scale defined above, and SPC
KISS calculates the Risk Priority Number (RPN) for each failure mode/cause combination. A Pareto
of the RPNs can then identify high risk areas.

Chapter 9: MSA (gage capability)

Measurement system analysis (MSA) or gage capability is used to measure the variability in a
measurement system. MSA will produce an X bar R chart for each operator’s data set, as well as the
following statistics: Sigma Repeatability, Sigma Reproducibility, Sigma Measurement, Sigma Total,
Precision to Total Ratio, Precision to Tolerance Capability Ratio (if specification limits are entered).
The purpose of an MSA is to learn how much variability is in the measurement system itself
compared to the total variability in the measured product.

MSA Data Format

The data must be in columns (not rows) and each data set must contain at least two columns. One
data set might consist of the same operator measuring 20 different items (i.e., 20 rows) two times
each (i.e., 2 columns). A second data set might be another 20x2 matrix in the spreadsheet which
corresponds to a second operator’s measurements on the same 20 items the first operator measured.
Data sets normally correspond to different operators, different measuring devices with same operator,
or possibly different operator/measuring device combinations.

Chapter 10: Tips & Troubleshooting

Select your data first
One of the most important things you can do to make SPC KISS easier to use is to select your data
range before you start the program. Select your data by clicking on the Excel cell in the upper left
corner of your data and, while holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse down or down
and to the right until you have highlighted all of your data (release the mouse button). Then go to the
“SPC KISS” pull-down menu item and select the option you want.

Non-Contiguous data
Non-contiguous data is data that is not all located together on a continuous rectangular portion of the
worksheet. That is, you may want to skip over some rows or columns. To select non-contiguous data,
select the first group of data, then hold down the Control (Ctrl) key while you select the next group of
data. You may do this as many times as you wish (except with a Pareto chart, p Chart or a Scatter
Plot, which allow only two columns or rows to be selected). The example below shows three areas of
non-contiguous data selected.

All diagrams, charts and tools accept non-contiguous data selections, except the Individuals with
Moving Range Chart, Run Chart, and c Chart (those that allow only one column or row of data).

Copy and Paste

Copying Data
This Excel feature allows you to copy and paste data from one sheet to another or from one place to
another on the same sheet. Just select your data (highlight it using the mouse), select “Copy” from the
“Edit” menu, click with the mouse where you want to paste the data, and choose “Paste” from the
“Edit” menu.
Copying Diagrams or Charts
You can also copy and paste the SPC KISS diagrams and charts once they are completed. Make your
selection by clicking on it with the mouse, and choose “Edit-Copy”. Now click where you want to
paste the diagram, and select “Edit-Paste”.

Not only can you copy and paste within Excel, you can also copy and paste between most
applications. This is useful if you want to incorporate a diagram into your word processing document.
Follow the procedures outlined above, using the “Edit-Paste” command from the menu of your word
processing (or other) application.

Changing items on finished diagrams or charts

Once you have completed your diagram or chart, you may decide you want to alter the way it looks.
You may change any text that appears (including its location), resize axes, or change the chart's
background color or that of the lines used in the diagram.
Changing Text on a Chart

To select and edit or move the text, simply click once on it with the mouse and
begin typing. When you hit the Enter key, your changes will be made on the diagram. When the text
is marked with the box and handles as shown here, you can also move it anywhere on the diagram.
Just grab any side of the box with the mouse pointer and drag it to its new location.

If you want to change more than just the words of the text -- the size or color, for
instance -- you can highlight the text, or you can double-click on it. (If you double-click on the text, a
dialog box will appear in which you can make all changes to the text.) To highlight the text, click on
the text once with the mouse (you’ll get the box and handles). Position the mouse pointer over the
text. When the arrow pointer becomes the I-beam, you can drag it across the text to highlight it. Then
you can change the font, size, style, or color of the text, as well as the words themselves. Your
changes will be seen as you type.
Changing Graphical Items
To make any changes to the graphical elements of your chart or diagram, simply double-click on the
item you want to change. The following illustration shows the histogram bars selected, and the Excel
window used to change elements such as the weight and color of the border and the color of the area
of the bars. You can also change the X values, names and labels here.

Excel 97 Users
When opening SPC KISS you may see the following dialog box. To run SPC KISS, you must click
“Enable Macros”.

Windows Users
If SPC KISS and Excel do not start when you launch SPC KISS (using either method described in the
section “Running SPC KISS” in Chapter 1), you will need to manually add-in SPC KISS to Excel. To
do this, follow the directions in Chapter 1: Installation under Adding In SPC KISS.
Note: You should not start Excel from the SPC KISS icon after you add in SPC KISS. We
recommend that you delete the SPC KISS icon to avoid future confusion.

All Excel Users

1. Problem - Error message stating “Runtime Error 1005: Unable to set zoom properties of the
Windows Class”.
Solution - From Excel, select “Tools - Options - Chart” from the menu bar. The chart type must
be set to “Built-In”, not “MS Excel 4.0”.
2. Problem - Error message stating “Cannot find SPCDEF.XLS”.
Solution - Copy SPCDEF.XLS from the Excel directory to the XLSTART directory (probably
3. Problem - Error message stating “File format not supported”, “File Format No Longer
Available”, or “Cannot access file SPCKISS”.
Solution - Do a complete uninstall and reinstall of Excel.

Technical Support
Before you call for technical support, check the README file on your distribution disk for up-to-
date information. You may find the answer to your question there.
For installation or compatibility questions, call Digital Computations, Inc. at (719) 338-3793 or send
e-mail to DigitalC@ix.netcom.com. For other technical support, contact Air Academy Associates at
(719) 531-0777 or FAX (719) 531-0778.
Please have the following information available before calling for assistance:
• SPC KISS and Microsoft Excel version numbers
• Your operating system type and version number, plus any network information

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