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User Manual: Couple Tank Experiment

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Couple Tank Experiment

Set Up and Configuration


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1 Presentation 4
1.1 Coupled-Tank: System Description 4
1.2 Coupled-Tank: Control Challenges 4

2 Coupled-Tanks System 7
2.1 Component Nomenclature 7
2.2 Component Description 10

3 Coupled-Tank
Model Parameters 11

4 Wiring Procedure for the Coupled-Tank System 12

4.1 Cable Nomenclature 12
4.2 Typical Connections 13
4.3 Wiring the Coupled Tanks 14

5 Configuring the Coupled-

Tank System 15
5.1 Main Water Basin 15
5.2 Flexible Tubing and Outlet Typical Setup 15

6 Water Level Sensor

Calibration 17
6.1 Calibration Circuit Board Nomenclature 17
6.2 Calibration Procedure 18

7 Technical Support 19

8 Appendix A. Quadruple-Tank Setup Procedure 20

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

1.1 Coupled-Tank: System Description
The typical Coupled-Tank plant is depicted in the Figure
1.1. The Coupled-Tank specialty module is a bench-
top "Two-Tank" plant consisting of a pump with a water
basin and two tanks of uniform cross sections. Such
an apparatus forms an autonomous closed and re-
circulating system. The two tanks, mounted on the front
plate, are configured such that flow from the first (up-
per) tank can flow into the second (lower) tank. Flow
from the second tank flows into the main water reser-
voir. In each one of the two tanks, liquid is withdrawn
from the bottom through an outflow orifice (i.e. outlet).
The outlet pressure is atmospheric. Both outlet inserts
are configurable and can be set by changing inserts that
screw into the tapped holes at the bottom of each tank.
In order to introduce a disturbance flow, the first tank is
also equipped with a drain tap so that, when opened,
flow can be released directly into the water basin. The
pump thrusts water vertically to two quick-connect ori-
fices "Out1" and "Out2", which are normally closed.
For configurability purpose, these two orifices, or inlets,
have different diameters. Rubber tubing with appropri-
ate couplings is supplied to enable the pump to feed wa-
ter into one or both tanks. The selection of outputs from
the pump controls the flow ratio between the two outlets
"Out1" and "Out2". The water level in each tank is mea-
sured using a pressure-sensitive sensor located at the
bottom of the tank. As detailed later in this manual, both
offset and gain potentiometers of each pressure sensor
are readily available for proper calibration.

Additionally, a vertical scale (in centimeters) is also

placed beside each tank for visual feedback regarding
each tank's water level.This single system can be con-
figured into three main types of experiments, as listed in
Table 1.1 below. Each of which can be configured with
diverse parameter values (e.g. outlet diameters).

This single system can be configured into three main

types of experiments, as listed in Table 1.1 below. Each
of which can be configured with diverse parameter val- Figure 1.1: Coupled Tanks Plant
ues (e.g. outlet diameters).

1.2 Coupled-Tank: Control Challenges

As illustrated in Figure 1.1, the purpose of the coupled-tank experiment is to design a control system that regulates
the water level in a multiple coupled-tank system. The controller can then track the liquid level to a desired trajectory.

The system is supplied with different feedback-plus-feedforward controllers tuned through pole placement but, of


course, you may design any other controller you wish. The complete mathematical modelling and system parameters
are provided to streamline the implementation of the control theory of your choice. A single Coupled-Tank system
can be configured into three types of experiments, as illustrated and described in Table 1.1, below. Each of the
resulting control challenges can then be configured with various system parameters.

Configuration #1 Configuration #2 Configuration #3

Single Input Single Output State-coupled SISO system. State-coupled and input-coupled
(SISO) system. SISO system.
The pump feeds into Tank 1. The pump feeds into Tank 1, The pump feeds into Tank 1 and
Tank 2 is not used at all. which in turn feeds into Tank 2. into Tank 2 using a split flow.
Tank 1 also feeds into Tank 2
A controller is designed to regu- A controller is designed to regu- A controller is designed to regu-
late or track the level in Tank 1. late or track the level in Tank 2. late or track the level in Tank 2.
Different inlet and outlet diame- Different inlet and outlet diame- Different inlet and outlet diame-
ters in Tank 1 can be set up and ters in Tank 1 and Tank 2 can be ters in Tank 1 and Tank 2 can be
tried. set up and tried. set up and tried.

(a) Configuration #1 (b) Configuration #2 (c) Configuration #3

Table 1.1: Coupled-Tank Water Level Control Configuration

Additionally, two Two-Tank plants can also be used simultaneously and coupled to obtain more complex Multi-Input-
Multi-Output (MIMO) experiment. For example, Figure 1.2 below illustrates the quadruple-tank process described
in the following publication: K. H. Johansson. The Quadruple-Tank Process: A Multivariable Laboratory Process
with an Adjustable Zero. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 8(3):456-465, 2000 ([?]) Appendix A
describes how to setup two Coupled-Tank systems to be used in a quadruple-tank experiment. It can be shown that
the four-interconnected-tank system has an adjustable zero, which can be moved along the real axis in the left- or
right-hand-side of the s-plane. Therefore by changing the system parameters, the multivariable zero dynamics can
be configured to be either minimum phase or non-minimum phase.

Caution: This equipment is designed to be used for educational and research purposes and is not
intended for use by the general public. The user is responsible to ensure that the equipment
will be used by technically qualified personnel only.

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

Figure 1.2: Quadruple-Tank System consisting of two Coupled-Tank Plants


2.1 Component Nomenclature
As a quick nomenclature, Table 2.1, below, provides a list of all the principal elements composing the Coupled-
Tank Specialty system. Every element is located and identified, through a unique identification (ID) number, on the
Coupled-Tank plant represented in Figure 2.1, Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3, below.

ID Component ID Component
1 Coupled-Tank Overall Frame 12 Medium Outlet Insert (9/16" Hexagonal Nut)
2 Tank 1 13 Large Outlet Insert (9/16" Hexagonal Nut)
3 Tank 2 14 Plain Outlet Insert (i.e. Plug)(9/16" Hexagonal Nut)
4 Main Water Basin (a.k.a. Reservoir) 15 Disturbance Tap
5 Pump 16 Flow Splitter
6 Flexible Tubing (in rubber) 17 Pressure Sensor
7 Quick-Connect Inlet Orifice "Out1" 18 Calibration And Signal Conditioning Circuit Board
8 Quick-Connect Inlet Orifice "Out2" 19 Pump Motor 4-Pin DIN Connector
9 Quick-Connect "Out1" Coupling And Hose 20 Pressure Sensors Cable 6-Pin-Mini-DIN Connector
10 Quick-Connect "Out2" Coupling And Hose 21 Tank Level Scale (in cm)
11 Small Outlet Insert (9/16" Hexagonal Nut)

Table 2.1: Coupled-Tank Component Nomenclature

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

(a) Front (b) Back

Figure 2.1: Front Back and Base of the Coupled Tank


Figure 2.2: Base of the Coupled Tank

(a) Quick-Connect "Out1" (b) Quick-Connect "Out2"

Figure 2.3: Quick Connect Couplings

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

2.2 Component Description

2.2.1 Overall Frame (Component #1)

The Coupled-Tank overall frame is made of Plexiglas. Its external dimensions are shown in Table 2.2, below.

Description Value Unit

Overall Frame Height 0.915 m
Overall Frame Width 0.305 m
Overall Frame Depth 0.305 m

Table 2.2: Coupled-Tank Frame Overall Dimensions

2.2.2 Tanks (Component #2 and #3)

The system's two water tanks are made out of Plexiglas tubes of uniform cross section.

2.2.3 Pump (Component #5)

The Coupled-Tank pump is a gear pump composed of a DC motor rated for 12 V continuous and 22 V peak with
heat radiating fins. The materials that come into contact with the fluid being pumped are: two molded Delrin gears
in a Delrin pump body, stainless steel shafting, a Teflon diaphragm and a Buna N seal. It is also equipped with 3/16"
ID hose fittings.

Caution: Input +/- 24 V, 5 A peak, 3 A continuous.

2.2.4 Pressure Sensor (Component #17)

Each tank's actual liquid level is measured through a pressure sensor. Such a level sensor is located at the bottom
of each tank and provides linear level readings over the complete liquid vertical level. In other words, the sensor
output voltage increases proportionally to the applied pressure. Its output measurement is processed through a
signal conditioning board (component #18) and made available as 0 to 5V DC signal. Its measurement sensitivity
is given in Table 3.1, below. Moreover, as detailed in a following section, calibration of each pressure sensor's
offset and gain potentiometers is required to keep level measurements consistent with the type of liquid used in the
coupled-tank experiment.

Caution: Make sure the circuit board (component #18) does not get wet.

Caution: Depending on the duration of your experiment, the pump might get hot.

COUPLED TANKS User Manual 10

Table 3.1, below, lists and characterizes the main parameters (e.g. mechanical and electrical specifications, con-
vertion factors, constants) associated with the two-tank specialty plant. Some of these parameters can be used
for mathematical modelling of the Coupled-Tank system as well as to obtain the water level's Equation Of Motion

Symbol Description Value Unit

KP Pump Flow Constant 3.3 cm3 /s/V
VP max Pump Maximum Continuous Voltage 12 V
VP peak Pump Peak Voltage 22 V
DOut1 Out 1 Orifice Diameter 0.635 cm
DOut2 Out 2 Orifice Diameter 0.47625 cm
L1max Tank 1 Height (i.e. Water Level Range) 30 cm
Dt1 Tank 1 Inside Diameter 4.445 cm
KL1 Tank 1 Water Level Sensor Sensitivity (Depending on the 6.1 cm/V
Pressure Sensor Calibration).
L2max Tank 2 Height (i.e. Water Level Range) 30 cm
KL2 Tank 2 Water Level Sensor Sensitivity (Depending on the 6.1 cm/V
Pressure Sensor Calibration).
L2max Tank 2 Height (i.e. Water Level Range) 30 cm
Vbias Tank 1 and Tank 2 Pressure Sensor Power Bias +/-12 V
Prange Tank 1 and Tank 2 Sensor Pressure Range 0 - 6.89 kPa
DSo Small Outflow Orifice Diameter 0.31750 cm
DM o Medium Outflow Orifice Diameter 0.47625 cm
DLo Large Outflow Orifice Diameter 0.55563 cm
g Gravitational Constant on Earth 981 cm/s2

Table 3.1: Coupled-Tank System Model Paremeters

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

This section describes the standard wiring procedure for the Coupled-Tank specialty plant. The following hardware,
accompanying the Coupled Tanks, is assumed:

1. Power Amplifier: Quanser VoltPAQ, or equivalent

2. Data Acquisition Board: Quanser Q2-USB, Quanser Q1-cRIO, Q8-USB, QPID, or equivalent.

4.1 Cable Nomenclature

Table 4.1, below, provides a description of the standard cables used in the wiring of the Coupled-Tank system.

Cable Type Description

2xRCA to 2xRCA This cable connects an analog output of the
Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device to the power
module for proper power amplification.

(a) RCA Cable

4-pin-DIN to 6-pin- This cable connects the output of the power
DIN module, after amplification, to the desired ac-
tuator (e.g. gear pump).

(b) "To Load" Cable

6-pin-mini-DIN to This cable carries analog signals from one
6-pin-mini-DIN or two plant sensors (e.g. pressure sensors)
to the amplifier, where the signals can be ei-
ther monitored and/or used by an analog con-
troller. The cable also carries a ±12VDC line
(c) "From Analog Sensors"
from the amplifier in order to power a sensor
Cable and/or signal conditioning circuitry.
5-pin-DIN to This cable carries the analog signals, previ-
4xRCA ously taken from the plant sensors (e.g. pres-
sure sensors), unchanged, from the amplifier
to the Digital-To-Analog input channels on the
Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device.

(d) Analog-To-Digital" Cable

Table 4.1: Cable Nomenclature

COUPLED TANKS User Manual 12

4.2 Typical Connections
Table 4.2, below, sums up the electrical connections necessary to run the Coupled-Tank system.

Caution: If you are using the Quanser VoltPAQ, make sure the gain on the amplifier is set to 3!

Cable From To Signal

1 Analog Output AO #0 Amplifier "Command" connector Control signal to the amplifier.
2 Amplifier To Load con- Coupled-Tank's "Pump Connector" Power leads to the gear pump.
nector connector
3 Amplifier "To ADC" Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device: Tank 1 and tank 2 level feedback sig-
nals to the Data Acquisition (DAQ) De-
1. S1 (yellow) to Analog Input AI #0 vice, through the amplifier.
2. S2 (white) to Analog Input AI #1

4 Coupled-Tank's "Pres- Amplifier "S1 & S2" Liquid level feedback signal to the am-
sure Sensors Connector" plifier.
5 Power Supply Outlet #1 Amplifier Power Socket Amplifier Power Supply.

Table 4.2: Coupled-Tank Wiring Summary

Figure 4.1 shows the Data Acquisition Device, the back of the Coupled-Tank plant, and the amplifier, all connected
with the necessary cabling to interface to and use the Coupled-Tank plant.

Figure 4.1: Coupled Tank Wiring Diagram

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

4.3 Wiring the Coupled Tanks
1. Connect the "RCA Cable" #1:
Using the "RCA cable" cable described in Table 4.1, connect one end of this cable to the Analog Output
0(i.e. AO # 0) of your Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device and its other corresponding side to the socket labelled
"Command" on the amplifier. These two connections are illustrated by cable #1 in Figure 4.1.

2. Connect the "To Load" Cable #2:

The "To Load" cable is the 4-pin-DIN-to-6-pin-DIN cable described in Table 4.1. First, connect the cable 4-
pin-DIN connector to the Coupled-Tank's Pump connector, which is shown as component #19 in Figure 2.1b
and Figure 2.1a. Then connect the cable 6-pin-DIN connector to the amplifier socket labelled "To Load". The
connection to the amplifier is illustrated by cable # 2 in Figure 4.1
3. Connect the "Analog-To-Digital" Cable #3:
The "To Analog-To-Digital" cable is the 5-pin-DIN-to-4xRCA cable described in Table 4.1. First, connect the
cable 5-pin-DIN connector to the amplifier socket labelled "To ADC", as illustrated by cable #3 in Figure 4.1.
The other end of the cable is split into four RCA connectors (yellow, white, red and black). This four RCA
connectors correspond to the analog sensor signals passing through the amplifier, namely S1-yellow, S2-
white, S3-red and S4-black. In order for the analog signals to be used in software, you should then connect
the RCA connectors to the analog input channels of your Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device. Specifically, connect
S1 (yellow) to Analog Input 0 and S2 (white) to Analog Input 1, S3 (red) and S4 (black) are not used in
this experiment, but you can connect them to Analog Inputs 2 and 3 of your acquisition card terminal board, if
it has that capability. See cable #3 in Figure 4.1.
4. Connect the "From Analog Sensors" Cable #4:
The "From Analog Sensors" cable is the 6-pin-mini-DIN-to-6-pin-mini-DIN cable described in Table 4.1. First
connect one end of the cable to the Pressure Sensors Connector, located at the back of the Coupled-Tank
and which is shown as component #20 in Figure 2.1b. Then connect the cable's other end to the amplifier
socket labelled "S1 & S2", which is contained inside the amplifier "From Analog Sensors" front panel. These
connections are illustrated by cable #4 in Figure 4.1.

In other words, the liquid level in tank 1 is sensed using A/D #0 through the amplifier analog channel S1, and the
liquid level in tank 2 is sensed using A/D #1 through the amplifier analog channel S2.

Caution: If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by
the equipment may be impaired.

COUPLED TANKS User Manual 14

5.1 Main Water Basin
1. Fill the Coupled-Tank water basin up to 3/4 of its height.
2. Insert the basin inside the bottom of the Coupled-Tank frame, as illustrated in Figure 2.2

3. Ensure that the pump inflow flexible tube is located inside the water basin.
4. Setup the configuration 1, 2, or 3. Table 5.1 details the inlet and outlet sizes for the three standard configura-

Note: It is recommended to use distilled water (i.e. without mineral salts) to fill up the main basin. This is to avoid
stains on the system's Plexiglas tubes and structure as the water dries out.

5.2 Flexible Tubing and Outlet Typical Setup

As previously mentioned, a single Coupled-Tank system can be configured into three different types of experiments,
corresponding to the system's configurations #1, #2, and #3 as illustrated and described in Table 1.1, above. Each
configuration results in a distinct control challenge and can also be modified by using different values for the system
parameters. However, the default water level controllers supplied with the Coupled-Tank plant have been designed
for the standard three system's configurations described hereafter.

A system configuration is defined in terms of each tank inflow and outflow characteristics, as well as the desired
control variable. Table 5.1, below, details the Coupled-Tank setup for the three standard configurations.

Configuration #1 Configuration #2 Configuration #3

Tank 1 Inflow From "Out 1". From "Out 1" From "Out 1"
Tank 1 Outlet Insert Size Medium Medium. Small
Tank 2 Inflow From Tank 1 Outflow. From Tank 1 Outflow. From Tank 1 Outflow and
From "Out 1"
Tank 2 Outlet Insert Size Medium. Medium. Large .
Control Variable Tank 1 Level Tank 2 Level Tank 2 Level

Table 5.1: Coupled-Tank Default Setup For Configurations #1, #2, and #3

In other words, Table 5.1, above, indicates the appropriate exit orifice and the appropriate feed from the pump to
use for the three configurations corresponding to different experiments.

For all three configurations make sure:

1. The disturbance tap, directly connecting tank 1 to the main water basin, is closed.
2. The drain tap is identified by component #15 in Figure 2.1a and Figure 2.2, above. For the tap to be closed,
its flap should be horizontal.
3. Configuration 1 and 2 Figure 5.1a, illustrates the Coupled-Tank system setup in configurations #1 and #2.
Note that the quick-connect "Out 1" coupling and flexible hose, depicted by component #9, is used to transport
the water from the inlet orifice "Out 1" to Tank 1.

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

(a) Coupled-Tank Configurations #1 and #2 (b) Coupled-Tank Configurations #3

Figure 5.1: Configurations 1, 2 and 3

4. Configuration 3 Figure 5.1b, illustrates the Coupled-Tank system setup in configuration #3. This time note
that the quick-connect "Out 1" coupling and flexible hose, depicted by component #9, is used to transport the
water from the inlet orifice "Out 1" to Tank 2. Similarly, the quick-connect "Out 2" coupling and flexible hose,
depicted by component #10, is used to transport the water from the inlet orifice "Out 2" to Tank 1.

Note: When putting the output tube from the pump into the water tank, ensure that the water discharge to the water
column occurs at atmospheric pressure. In other words, the hose tip should stand above the tank water level (e.g.
above the 25-cm mark).

COUPLED TANKS User Manual 16

The pressure-proportional water level voltage should be zero when the tank is empty, while it should be between
4.0 Volts and 4.2 Volts when the tank water level is at 25 centimeters (as seen on the tank scale).

Note: The pressure-sensitive water level sensor is calibrated at the factory but may need re-adjustment when you
receive it, or under different water characteristics (depending on the kind of liquid used).

6.1 Calibration Circuit Board Nomenclature

To calibrate both pressure sensors signals, the bottom part of the Coupled-Tank apparatus houses a signal condi-
tioning circuit board, depicted by component #18 in Figure 2.1, above. As a quick nomenclature, Table 6.1, below,
provides a list of the different signal conditioning potentiometers to be tuned during sensors calibration. Addition-
ally, every potentiometer is located and identified, through a unique identification (ID) number, on the circuit board
close-up represented in Figure 6.1, below.

ID Component
23 Tank 1 Sensor Offset Potentiometer
24 Tank 1 Sensor Gain Potentiometer
25 Tank 2 Sensor Offset Potentiometer
26 Tank 2 Sensor Gain Potentiometer

Table 6.1: Coupled-Tank Component Nomenclature

Figure 6.1: Coupled-Tank Calibration Potentiometer

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

6.2 Calibration Procedure
The calibration procedure detailed in the following subsections is to calibrate the circuit board's four potentiometers,
which are namely "Offset 1", "Gain 1", "Offset 2", and "Gain 2", as depicted in Figure 6.1, above, as components
#23, #24, #25, and #26, respectively.

In order to successfully run the calibration procedure:

1. Ensure that the Coupled-Tank system is wired as previously described.

2. Setup the Coupled-Tank apparatus to configuration #2 with the appropriate exit orifices and the appropriate
feed from the pump, as previously summarized in Table 5.1 and illustrated in Figure 5.1a, above.
3. Power up the amplifier, you are now ready to proceed.

Note: Make sure the flexible tube from "Out 1" is inserted into tank 1. Do not connect a tube to "Out 2".

6.2.1 Zero "Offset" Potentiometer Calibration: With No Wa-


To calibrate the offset to zero to 0V for both tank pressure sensor readings do the following:

1. Ensure the Pump is OFF and tank is empty.

2. Run the supplied calibration software files keeping the Pump OFF.
3. Measure tank #1 voltage on Analog Input Channel #0. For tank #2, use Analog Input Channel #1.
4. Adjust the pots using a potentiometer adjustment tool (i.e. a small flat-end screwdriver), manually adjust tank
1 Offset potentiometer screw (i.e. components #23 and #25), if necessary, in order to obtain 0.0 Volts for both
readings. Turning the Offset potentiometer screw clockwise increases the voltage and vice-versa.
5. This Voltage can be monitored in the display found in the calibration software.

When both zero-Volt offsets are achieved, you can move on the next section to calibrate the gain potentiometers.

6.2.2 "Gain" Potentiometer Calibration: At a 25-cm Water


The calibration of each one of the two gain potentiometers is performed with the corresponding tank containing water
up to the 25-centimeter scale mark.

1. Fill up the water tank to the 25 cm mark. Plug the tank 1 outlet with your finger and apply a pump voltage using
the supplied calibration software files.
2. When the 25-centimeter level mark is attained, stop the pump feed.
3. Measure tank #1 voltage on Analog Input Channel #0. For tank #2, use Analog Input Channel #1.
4. Using a potentiometer adjustment tool (i.e. a small flat-end screwdriver), manually adjust tank 1 gain poten-
tiometer screw (i.e. component #24 in Figure 6.1 ) to obtain anywhere between 4.0 and 4.2 Volts. Turning
the gain potentiometer screw clockwise increases the voltage and vice-versa.
5. This Voltage can be monitored in the display found in the calibration software.

Repeat procedure to tank 2.

COUPLED TANKS User Manual 18

To obtain support from Quanser, go to http://www.quanser.com/ and click on the Tech Support link. Fill in the form
with all the requested software and hardware information as well as a description of the problem encountered. Also,
make sure your e-mail address and telephone number are included. Submit the form and a technical support person
will contact you.

Note: Depending on the situation, a support contract may be required to obtain technical support.

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

Figure 8.1 shows a generic Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device, the back of the Quadruple-Tank plant, and the amplifier,
all connected with the necessary cabling to interface to and use the Quadruple-Tank plant.

Figure 8.1: Quadruple Tank Wiring Diagram.

COUPLED TANKS User Manual 20

Table 8.1 sums up the electrical connections necessary to run the Quadruple-Tank system.

Cable From To Signal

1 Analog Output AO #0 Amplifier 1 "Command" connector Control signal to the amplifier.
2 Amplifier 1 To Load con- Coupled-Tank's "Pump" connector Power leads to the gear pump.
3 Amplifier 1 "To ADC" Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device: Tank 1 and tank 2 level feedback
signals to the Data Acquisition
1. S1 (yellow) to Analog Input AI #0 (DAQ) Device, through the am-
2. S2 (white) to Analog Input AI #1

4 Coupled-Tank's "Pres- Amplifier 1 "S1 & S2" Liquid level feedback signal to
sure Sensors" Connector the amplifier.
5 Analog Output AO #1 Amplifier 2 "Command" connector Control signal to the amplifier.
6 Amplifier 2 To Load con- Coupled-Tank's "Pump" Connector Power leads to the gear pump.
7 Amplifier 2 "To ADC" Data Acquisition (DAQ) Device Tank 3 and tank 4 level feedback
signals to the Data Acquisition
1. S1 (yellow) to Analog Input AI #3 (DAQ) Device, through the am-
2. S2 (white) to Analog Input AI #4

8 Coupled-Tank's "Pres- Amplifier 1 "S1 & S2" Liquid level feedback signal to
sure Sensors Connector" the amplifier.
Power Supply Outlet #1 Amplifier Power Socket Amplifier Power Supply.
Power Supply Outlet #2 Amplifier Power Socket Amplifier Power Supply.

Table 8.1: Quadruple-Tank Wiring Summary

A system configuration is defined in terms of each tank inflow and outflow characteristics, as well as the desired
control variable. Table 5.1 details the Coupled-Tank setup for the three standard configurations, whereas Table
8.2 indicates the appropriate exit orifice and the appropriate feed from the pump to use for the Quadruple-tank
Note: Ensure that the disturbance tap, directly connecting tank 1 and 3 to the main water basin, is closed. The
drain tap is identified by component #15 in Figure 2.1a and Figure 2.2. For the tap to be closed, its flap should be

Configuration #4
Tank 1 Inflow From "Out 1" of Pump 1
Tank 1 Outlet Insert Size Medium
Tank 2 Inflow From Tank 1 Outflow.
Tank 2 Outlet Insert Size Medium
Control Variable Tank 2 and 4 Level
Tank 3 Inflow From "Out 1" of Pump 2
Tank 3 Outlet Insert Size Medium
Tank 4 Inflow From Tank 3 Outflow
Tank 4 Outlet Insert Size Medium

Table 8.2: Coupled-Tank Default Setup for Configurations #4

COUPLED TANKS User Manual v 1.0

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