BommerAcevedo JEE 2004
BommerAcevedo JEE 2004
BommerAcevedo JEE 2004
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Imperial College London, South Kensington campus,
London SW7 2AZ, UK
The increasing availability of strong-motion accelerograms, and the relative ease with
which they can be obtained compared to synthetic or artificial records, makes the use of
real records an ever more attractive option for defining the input to dynamic analyses
in geotechnical and structural engineering. Guidelines on procedures for the selection
of appropriate suites of acceleration time-series for this purpose are lacking, and seis-
mic design codes are particularly poor in this respect. Criteria for selecting records in
terms of earthquake scenarios and in terms of response spectral ordinates are presented,
together with options and criteria for adjusting the selected accelerograms to match
the elastic design spectrum. The application of both geophysical and response spectral
search criteria is illustrated using compatible scenarios, and the selected records are
analysed and adjusted to produce suites of acceleration time-series suitable for dynamic
analyses. The paper concludes with suggestions for making use of real records in engi-
neering analysis and design, and recommendations are given for improving the current
guidelines provided in seismic design codes.
1. Introduction
For earthquake-resistant design and for seismic assessment of existing structures,
the earthquake-induced ground shaking is generally represented in the form of a
response spectrum of acceleration or displacement. The spectrum used as input to
equivalent lateral force or spectral modal methods of analysis is usually obtained by
scaling an elastic spectrum by factors that account for, amongst other phenomena,
the influence of inelastic structural response. There are, however, situations in which
the simulation of structural response using a scaled elastic response spectrum is not
considered appropriate, and fully dynamic analysis is required. These situations may
include the following: buildings designed for a high degree of ductility; structures
with configuration in plan or elevation that is highly irregular; structures for which
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
higher modes are likely to be excited; critical structures, the failure of which would
cause unacceptable harm or disruption; structures with special features, such as
base isolation. Faced with these special situations, the engineer will generally have
to employ time-history analysis, for which the requirements are an appropriate non-
linear model for the structure and a suitable suite of accelerograms to represent the
seismic excitation.
A workshop on improving the characterisation of earthquake ground motion
held in 1997 [ATC, 1999] reflected the importance of the issue of defining accelero-
grams for engineering design in its first conclusion, which recommended to “develop
guidelines for generating and selecting time histories that can be used by the prac-
tising engineer in seismic analysis and design of facilities”. Nonetheless, there is
relatively little published technical literature on the subject of selecting and scaling
real strong-motion records for design, and this paper therefore attempts to present
the issues involved and offer some insights as well as some guidance for engineers.
There are three basic options available to the engineer in terms of obtaining
acceleration time-series. The first is to use artificial spectrum-compatible accelero-
grams generated using programs such as SIMQKE [Gasparini and Vanmarcke,
1979]. The approach employed in SIMQKE is to generate a power spectral den-
sity function from the smoothed response spectrum, and then to derive sinusoidal
signals having random phase angles and amplitudes. The sinusoidal motions are
then summed and an iterative procedure can be invoked to improve the match with
the target response spectrum, by calculating the ratio between the target and actual
response ordinates at selected frequencies; the power spectral density function is
then adjusted by the square of this ratio, and a new motion generated.
The attraction of such an approach is obvious because it is possible to obtain ac-
celeration time-series that are almost completely compatible with the elastic design
spectrum (Fig. 1), which in some cases will be the only information available to the
design engineer regarding the nature of the ground motions to be considered. How-
ever, it is now widely accepted that the use of such artificial records, particularly for
non-linear analyses, is problematic. The basic problem with spectrum-compatible
artificial records is that they generally have an excessive number of cycles of strong
motion and consequently they possess unreasonably high energy content. Here it
is necessary to discuss terminology, since the adjective “artificial” is also applied
(sometimes with the additional qualifier of “intelligent”) to the outcome of applying
selective adjustments to real accelerograms, using techniques that are discussed in
Sec. 4.2. In this paper, the term “artificial” is used exclusively for records such as
those shown in Fig. 1. These types of records are not considered to be suitable for
use in non-linear analyses. In addition to the problems associated with how these
artificial records are generated, there can also be difficulties that arise from match-
ing the acceleration time-series to the entire elastic design spectrum. The latter
will generally be a uniform hazard spectrum (UHS), including in seismic design
codes, obtained from probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA), and there-
fore enveloping the ground motions from several seismic sources [e.g. Reiter, 1990;
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
Average of time-series
Code spectrum
Spectral acceleration (g)
0 1 2 3 4
Period (seconds)
Acceleration (g)
0 5 10 15 20
Acceleration (g)
0 5 10 15 20
Acceleration (g)
0 5 10 15 20
Time (seconds)
Fig. 1. Artificial accelerograms generated to match the S1 soil category elastic response spectrum
from the French seismic design code; the uppermost plot compares the average ordinates of the
three spectra with the code spectrum.
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
Bommer et al., 2000]. Naeim and Lew [1995] assert that: “To generate an accelera-
tion time-history to be compatible to a PSHA-generated design spectrum is neither
reasonable nor realistic”. Certainly it is the case that if the UHS is strongly influ-
enced by more than one source of seismicity, for example by small, local earthquakes
and by distant, large magnitude events, spectrum-compatible artificial records will
tend to be particularly unrealistic.
The second category of ground-motion records available to the engineer is syn-
thetic accelerograms generated from seismological source models and accounting
for path and site effects. These models range from point source stochastic simula-
tions through their extension to finite sources, to fully dynamic models of stress
release, although the latter are still under development. Programs for some of the
many methods of ground-motion generation that have been developed [e.g. Zeng et
al., 1994; Beresnev and Atkinson, 1998; Boore, 2003] are freely available, but their
application, in terms of defining the many parameters required to characterise the
earthquake source, will generally require the engineer to engage the services of
specialist consultant in engineering seismology. The determination of the source
parameters for previous earthquakes invariably carries a high degree of uncertainty,
and the specification of these parameters — to which the resulting ground motions
can be highly sensitive — for future earthquake scenarios can involve a significant
degree of expert judgement.
The third category of records is real accelerograms recorded during earthquakes,
which by definition are free from the problems associated with artificial spectrum-
compatible records. Real strong-motion records are now easily accessible in large
numbers and their retrieval and manipulation is relatively straightforward, whence
the design engineer will often be able to prepare a suite of records without the ser-
vices of an engineering seismologist. This paper provides an overview of the issues
involved in preparing suites of real records for use in dynamic analyses, and exam-
ines different procedures for the selecting and scaling of the records. The following
section provides an overview of the sources from which strong-motion data are now
available, including some assessment of the coverage of different earthquake scenar-
ios and the ease with which each source allows the user to perform searches. The
two sections that follow deal with the issues of how records are selected and how
they can be scaled to match, in some specified sense, the elastic design spectrum.
The penultimate section of the paper then explores all of these issues through two
approximately compatible searches, one using an earthquake scenario and the other
using direct matching to a code spectrum, and through the application of differ-
ent selection and scaling procedures to the suites of accelerograms obtained from
each search. The paper closes with simple guidelines for the selection and scaling
of real strong-motion records, and discusses how these might be incorporated into
seismic design codes.
Before closing this section, mention should be made of synthetic accelerograms
generated using empirical Green’s functions, which are effectively a hybrid of the
second and third categories of acceleration time-series.
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
from a particular earthquake, such as the 1999 Chi-Chi event in Taiwan [Lee et al.,
2001]. The USGS (United States Geological Survey) issued an important collection
of almost 1500 accelerograms from 500 earthquakes recorded by ground-level in-
struments in North and Central America between 1933 and 1986, with information
regarding the earthquake and recording station provided in the header of each com-
ponent file. The project was presented as an update and consolidation of the work
originally made available via the CALTECH volumes [Seekins et al., 1992]. The
global strong-motion databank compiled by the National Geophysical Data Center
(NGDC), which was distributed as a 3-volume CD-ROM in 1996, contains 15000
individual component records from about 1000 earthquakes around the world up
to 1994 [Row, 1996]. Although the NGDC databank makes a very large number of
records available to users, the parameters in the database have not been uniformly
re-evaluated and this limits its use as a selection tool: only epicentral distances are
given for the records and various magnitudes are reported, with a quarter of the
earthquakes having either a magnitude of zero (presumably implying no value is
available) or a value on an unspecified scale.
In this respect, some smaller collections of data may be of greater use simply
because they provide more complete and more uniformly determined source, path
and site parameters for the accelerograms. Work has been ongoing for many years to
determine uniform parameters associated with strong-motion records from Europe
and the Middle East [Ambraseys and Bommer, 1990, 1991] and in 2000 a CD-ROM
of European Strong-Motion Data was issued and distributed as a result of a Eu-
ropean Union-funded project [Ambraseys et al., 2000]. The CD-ROM includes just
over 1000 accelerograms from more than 400 earthquakes, with a database of associ-
ated parameters including uniformly calculated Joyner-Boore distances [Abraham-
son and Shedlock, 1997] for nearly all records from earthquakes of magnitude 6 or
greater; for smaller earthquakes, generally only epicentral distance is provided, but
for such events the two measures are comparable. The style-of-faulting is known for
more than half of the records, and the site classification for more than 80% of the
records, although the reliability of the information on which the latter is based is
highly variable. The CD-ROM allows the user to search records in terms of different
combinations of parameters such as magnitude, distance and site classification, and
peak ground acceleration (PGA) can also be used as a search parameter. Another
useful collection, in which the data (exclusively from soft rock and stiff soil sites in
western US) has effectively been pre-searched to be presented in magnitude-distance
bins, is available on the CD-ROMs accompanying NUREG/CR-6728 [McGuire
et al., 2001].
networks maintain their own web sites, in some cases allowing users to download
digitised records. An excellent Internet site for obtaining Japanese strong-motion
data is the K- Net site at en.shtml. There
are also a number of sites that provide data from several networks, although these
vary in the degree of access that they actually provide to the digital strong-motion
records. The NGDC site ( ) allows users to search the
database mentioned in the previous sub-section, but the records can only be ob-
tained from the CD-ROM collection. The databank of accelerograms from Eu-
rope and the Middle East, containing almost three times as many records as
were available on the CD-ROM described above, can now be searched via the In-
ternet Site for European Strong-Motion Data (ISESD) launched in March 2002
( ) [Ambraseys et al., 2003]. Figure 2 shows the distri-
bution of the strong-motion records in the European Internet site with respect to
magnitude, distance and site classification; it can be appreciated that although the
databank is extensive, the majority of the records actually correspond to earth-
quakes that are unlikely to be of engineering significance, given that the threshold
magnitude considered worthy of consideration for engineering purposes is generally
taken to be about 5.
Two other important websites for accessing strong-motion data are COSMOS
and PEER. The COSMOS website ( contains a databank
of more than 4000 freely available records from around the world, 40% of which are
from western US, 20% from Japan and about 18% from New Zealand, the main
objective of the website being to make as many records as possible available to
users [Stepp, 2000]. Simple searches can be performed in terms of ranges of mag-
nitude, distance and PGA, as well as by region. Moment magnitudes are provided
for almost half of the earthquakes in the database; distances can be searched as
hypocentral or distance from the fault rupture, but the latter is provided for a
much smaller proportion of the data. Advanced searches can be performed in terms
of several other parameters, including mechanism, rake angle, site geology, peak
ground velocity (PGV), and spectral ordinates at a few response periods, although
these parameters are not provided for all records.
The PEER databank ( includes 1557 records
from 143 earthquakes in tectonically active regions, for which the time-histories
and response spectra for different damping ratios can be downloaded. The distribu-
tion of the records in the PEER databank with respect to magnitude, distance and
site classification is shown in Fig. 3. The PEER database reports Mw , Ms and ML
for earthquakes, with 90%, 85% and 78% of the records having a value on each of
the scales, respectively. Distances are reported using three different metrics, these
being the closest distance to the fault rupture, hypocentral distance and the Joyner-
Boore distance. The proportions of the records for which each distance is given are
80% for Rrup , 15% for Rhyp and 48% for Rjb (see Abrahamson and Shedlock [1997]
for distance definitions). The site geology at the recording stations is classified ac-
cording to two different schemes, one attributed to the USGS, using four classes
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
2 rock
stiff soil
soft soil
1 10 100
Distance (km)
Fig. 2. Distribution of European strong-motion databank with respect to magnitude, source-to-
site distance, and site classification.
whose limits are defined by Vs,30 values of 750, 360, and 180 m/s, which are the
values used by Boore et al. [1997] based on the NEHRP classification scheme, and
the other being either the Geomatrix scheme or the CWB classification for stations
in Taiwan; the Geomatrix scheme includes five categories, the stiffest with shear
wave velocities above 600 m/s, the softest those with less than 150 m/s [Abraham-
son and Silva, 1997]. 65% of the records are classified in terms of USGS scheme,
and 84% in terms of the Geomatrix or CWB schemes.
The PEER database lists some earthquakes for which the digitised records are
not actually available at the site, most of these corresponding to European events.
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
Magnitude 7
1 10 100
Distance (km)
Fig. 3. Distribution of PEER strong-motion databank with respect to magnitude, source-to-site
distance, and site classification. Magnitude is assigned according to the following order of priority:
Mw , Ms , ML , and distances as Rrup , Rjb , Rhyp . Rock sites are those classified as USGS or
Geomatrix class A or CWB class 1, intermediate sites are class B or C or 2 in the CWB scheme,
and others are soft.
The COSMOS site also includes very few accelerograms from Europe, which makes
the ISESD a useful complement to the COSMOS and PEER sites.
Using the PEER database, searches can be performed in terms of magnitude,
distance, site classification, rupture mechanism, PGA, PGV and peak ground dis-
placement (PGD), or alternatively in terms of the maximum spectral acceleration
in a user-specified period range. In terms of search capabilities, provided one has
access to a large databank, the optimum approach — as illustrated in Sec. 5 —
can be to use both seismological and response spectral criteria simultaneously. In
a follow-up to the ISESD website, a new CD-ROM is to be distributed in early
2004, which will allow users to execute searches using a wide range of possible
combinations of parameters related to the characteristics of the earthquake source,
the source-to-site path, and the site itself, as well as in terms of strong-motion
parameters, including response spectral ordinates [Ambraseys et al., 2004].
A final point worthy of note with regard to the strong-motion records that can
be obtained either from CD-ROM collections or downloaded from Internet sites, is
with respect to the processing applied to the signals. The problems associated with
distortion of high-frequency components of motion due to instrument response, and
more importantly with baseline errors and long-period noise in digitised analogue
strong-motion recordings, are well known [Trifunac et al., 1973; Hudson, 1979].
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
The problems are reduced with digitally recorded accelerograms, but by no means
eliminated [e.g. Boore et al., 2002]. For any application that requires displacement
time-series, such as asynchronous analysis of bridges, and the analysis of long-
period structures, the issues of baseline errors and long-period noise can become
particularly significant. The COSMOS site offers records as contributed by net-
work operators, in uncorrected and/or corrected format, but often no details are
provided of the correction procedures applied. Important exceptions to this are
records supplied by the USGS and CSMIP (Californian Strong-Motion Instrumen-
tation Program), for which processing details are contained in the record headers.
Nearly all records on the ISESD site are available in both uncorrected and cor-
rected formats, except for those cases where only corrected records were provided
by the network operators. The remaining records have all been corrected by the
subtraction of a linear baseline and band-passed filtered using an elliptical filter
[Sunder and Connor, 1982] with cut-off frequencies of 0.25 and 25 Hz; no instru-
ment correction has been applied. Where uncorrected records are available, users
may apply their own preferred correction procedures. The accelerograms available
at the PEER web site are all in corrected format, with most of the records having
been individually processed by Dr. Walter Silva, using a causal Butterworth filter,
with cut-off frequencies based on inspection of the Fourier amplitude spectrum and
the integrated displacement time-series, and a correction for instrument response.
For applications where long-period response and ground displacements are impor-
tant, the PEER records are likely to be an attractive choice since there is some
degree of confidence in the displacement records (reflected in the fact that PGD
is offered as a search parameter), which may not be true for the corrected records
from the COSMOS and ISESD sites.
Fig. 4. Overview of the options available for selecting accelerograms to be used in engineering
analysis and design.
required”. All codes that discuss the application of acceleration time-histories allow
the use of real records, with the exception of the Portuguese code that specifies only
spectrum-compatible artificial motions. Some codes, amongst them UBC 1997 and
IBC 2000, favour real records but allow the design engineer to supplement these
with simulated motions when sufficient suitable real records cannot be found.
More than half of the design codes reviewed do not specify the critical issue of
the number of records to be selected; amongst those that do, the most commonly
encountered figure is three. This is the number specified both in UBC 1997 and
IBC 2000, but both of these codes have the provision that if only three records are
used in the analyses, the maximum structural response must be used, whereas if
seven or more are used, the average response may be used; the same specification is
made in EC8. Other variations exist, such as the stipulations presented in ISO/DIS
19901-2 [ISO, 2003] for the seismic design of offshore structures, which specifies
that a minimum of four time-histories should be used “to capture the randomness
in a seismic event” and that the structure must be demonstrated to survive under
four or half of the time-histories, whichever is the greater. The issue of the number
of records to be used in dynamic analyses is discussed further in Sec. 4.1.
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
the average root-mean-square deviation of the observed spectrum from the target
design spectrum:
uN 2
1 uX SAo (Ti ) SAs (Ti )
Drms = t − , (1)
N i=1 PGAo PGAs
where N is the number of periods at which the spectral shape is specified, SAo (Ti )
is the spectral acceleration from the record at period Ti , SAs (Ti ) is the target
spectral acceleration at the same period; PGAo and PGAs are the peak ground
acceleration of the record and the zero-period anchor point of the target spectrum,
respectively. The smaller the value of Drms the closer the match between the shape
of the record and target spectrum; the value specified will depend on the extent of
the databank being accessed and the number of records required. Smaller values
of Drms can be specified if the spectral matching is being done at short rather
than longer spectral response periods. Making searches on a database of about
7000 accelerograms held in the Imperial College London strong-motion archive,
it was found that to return less than about 30 accelerograms, values of Drms of
the order of 0.15 were needed for matching ordinates in the period range of 0.4–
0.8 second, whereas values as low as 0.06–0.07 could be used for matching the
spectral ordinates from 0.1 to 0.3 second [Bommer et al., 2003a]. By simultaneously
specifying an acceptable match with the design PGA, the search then matches the
record and target spectrum in the specified period range. This procedure is superior
to matching on the basis of spectrum intensities (area below the response spectrum)
in the specified period range, because a good match in that case could easily be
obtained with the record having ordinates significantly above the target spectrum
at one period and significantly below at another. The procedure proposed effectively
limits the maximum deviation of individual peaks or troughs on the spectrum from
the target ordinates.
The most serious limitation with any selection procedure based solely on the
ordinates of the elastic spectrum is that the records obtained can have very different
durations. If the starting point for the selection is a seismic design code, in which the
earthquake actions are represented by an elastic response spectrum of acceleration,
the duration of the design ground motions will generally not be specified. Amongst
the 33 seismic design codes reviewed by Bommer and Ruggeri [2002], only six
specify duration criteria, and only two of these — the codes of France and Turkey
— actually specify how the duration is to be measured, an important issue given
that there are more than 30 different definitions of strong-motion duration in the
technical literature [Bommer and Martı́nez-Pereira, 1999, 2000]. This problem is
not easily overcome because no code currently includes a map of hazard in terms
of duration of shaking and without knowledge of earthquake magnitude, it is very
difficult to estimate this parameter. The absence of suitable criteria can also lead to
unrealistic specifications. One code that provides a great deal of information about
the criteria that the records should fulfil is the 1990 French code, although these are
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
the selected records will generally need to be scaled or adjusted to match the design
spectrum, as discussed in the next section.
Clearly, if a search is carried out in terms of an exact match with the design
scenario, for example a normal-faulting earthquake of magnitude Ms 6.4 recorded
at 12 km on a site with a Vs,30 of 470 m/s, it is very unlikely to yield any records.
Therefore, the search must be performed with less restrictive criteria, and for this
reason it is important to decide which parameters should be included in the search
(apart from the tectonic criteria discussed earlier), and for each parameter how
much tolerance should be allowed in the degree of matching between the record
and the scenario.
1.2 1.2
Ambraseys et al. (1996) Campbell (1997)
1 1
SA(T) / SA(0.2)
SA(T) / SA(0.2)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 M7
M 5.5
0.2 0.2 M 5.5
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
SA(T) / SA(0.2)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 M7 0.4
M 5.5
0.2 0.2
M 5.5
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Krinitzsky and Chang [1977] proposed that if scaling factors of 4 or more needed
to be applied to accelerograms, then the records should be rejected, although no
justification was given for this assertion. Subsequently Vanmarcke [1979] proposed
reduction of the limits on scaling to a factor of 2 for liquefaction analysis, although
the limit of 4 was upheld for linear elastic systems. Vanmarcke [1979] based his con-
clusions on a study of inelastic spectra and of correlations amongst different strong-
motion parameters, using a dataset of 70 accelerograms. The dataset only included
12 accelerograms that had horizontal peak accelerations of at least 0.2 g and 41 of
the accelerograms had PGA values below 0.1 g. Despite the limitations of the data
and the analyses underlying the conclusions, the recommendations from these two
studies are frequently used as a rule-of-thumb in practice: Malhotra [2003] finds a
scaling factor of 5.84 is required for one record used in his study and concludes
that this “is higher than the normally accepted upper limit of 4”. Presumably, the
rationale behind imposing limits on scaling is to avoid creating unrealistic ground
motions, since this would undermine the inherent value in using real accelerograms
in the first place. However, it is not clear that such severe restrictions on scaling
values are justified, since over the distance ranges for which spectral shapes are
depicted in Fig. 6, amplitudes of ground motion can vary significantly: from 5 to
1.2 1.2
SA(T) / SA(0.2)
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
SA(T) / SA(0.2)
50 km
0.6 5 km
5 km
20 km 0.2
0.2 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Ambraseys et al. (1996)
SA at 5 km / SA at 50 km
Campbell (1997)
Abrahamson & Silva (1997)
15 Boore et al. (1997)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period (seconds)
Fig. 7. Ratios of spectral ordinates for a magnitude 7 earthquake at 5 and 50 km from the
earthquake source, calculated from the median spectra shown in Fig. 6. The mean of the four
ratios shows very little variation with period.
10 7
0 20 40 60 80 100
Closest Distance (km)
Fig. 8. Predicted median values of significant duration (5–75% of Arias intensity) at rock sites
from the equation of Abrahamson and Silva [1996].
EC8) either side of the classification of the site under consideration. This approach
is far from ideal and it is not intended to discount the vital importance of site effects
in ground-motion estimation, but it reflects a pragmatic attitude towards the data
about site geology and site response generally available.
Fig. 9. Overview of the options available for scaling selected accelerograms match the ordinates
of the elastic response spectrum specified for design. The box marked “selection” is expanded in
Fig. 4.
The dispersion of the results of dynamic analyses has been shown to be inversely
proportional to the square root of the number of records used. Shome et al. [1998]
demonstrated that seven is a suitable number to produce acceptably low dispersion
in the results, although other studies have found that to obtain a stable mean in
the results of the structural analyses at least 10 records are required [A. Pecker,
personal communication, 2003]. As well as ensuring a stable mean of the results,
consideration should also be given to the maximum spectral exceedance of any
of the individual records [McGuire et al., 2001] since even if the average of the
scaled record spectra match the target spectrum, there may be individual records
imposing exceptionally high demands on the structure. Selection procedures that
include criteria such as the Drms residual, as described previously, will help to avoid
these problems. As noted in the next sub-section, spectral matching techniques can
also remove pronounced peaks and troughs from the selected records.
A final issue to also be considered is the issue of the two horizontal components of
motion from each triaxial accelerogram. For any analysis requiring two orthogonal
components of horizontal motion to be used, careful consideration must be given to
the selection and scaling of the two acceleration time-histories, an issue addressed by
Malhotra [2003]. The guidelines for seismic design of bridges (Part 2) in Eurocode 8
expressly, and quite correctly, forbids the use of the same acceleration time-history
simultaneously in both horizontal directions. When the two components of one real
accelerogram have been chosen, it is recommended that their average ordinates be
used in deriving the scaling factor by comparison with the design spectrum and
the factor then applied to the two components separately in order to conserve their
differences, particularly for those cases where there is fault-normal and fault-parallel
polarisation [Stewart et al., 2001]. The definition of the horizontal component of
motion used in deriving the design spectrum should also be kept in mind when
deriving the scaling factors, since ground-motion prediction equations use a variety
of definitions, the most popular being the larger of the two horizontal components
and their geometric mean [Douglas, 2003].
Acceleration (g)
-0.15 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0.15 0.02
RASCAL 0.015
0 0.01
Target (EC8)
-0.05 Original
0.005 RASCAL
-0.15 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0.15 0.15
Arias Intensity (m/s)
Acceleration (g)
0.05 0.1
-0.05 0.05
-0.15 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig. 10. Modification of the Corralitos record (top left) of the 1984 Morgan Hill earthquake using
RASCAL (middle left) and RSPMATCH (bottom left), to match the EC8 acceleration spectrum
(top right). The resulting velocity spectra (middle right) and Husid plots (bottom right) are also
should be based on the acceptable balance between the realistic nature of the input
motions and the number of analyses that can be performed. Surprisingly, despite
being matched to the elastic design spectrum over a wide period range, adjusted
records can sometimes produce lower structural demands than linearly scaled real
accelerograms, especially if the latter have been matched to the target spectrum in
log space and include significant exceedances of the target spectrum [N.A. Abra-
hamson, personal communication, 2003].
focus is on scaling to match the target spectrum across a period range around the
fundamental period of the structure being analysed.
The present paper is considered to be complementary to these earlier studies
rather than to supersede them or to contradict their conclusions, for the simple
reason that the focus herein is largely on the selection of the records, which was
not a key issue addressed in the previous papers. Nau and Hall [1984] used only 12
ground-level records obtained on various different sites from both crustal and sub-
duction earthquakes with a large range of magnitudes. Matsumura [1992] also used
only 12 components from US and Japanese accelerograms, the magnitude, distance
and site classifications not even being mentioned. Martı́nez-Rueda [1998] used both
horizontal components from a total of 50 accelerograms recorded at epicentral dis-
tances of up to 400 km from crustal and subduction earthquakes with magnitudes
ranging from Ms 5.4 to 8.1; soft soil, stiff soil and rock site recordings were included.
The importance of selecting records on a consistent basis is implicitly recognised,
however, in the example application presented by Martı́nez-Rueda [1998], for which
10 Californian accelerograms obtained at distances of less than 30 km from crustal
earthquakes with magnitudes in the range 6.4–7.2; all but two of the records are
obtained from stiff soil sites.
The problem of defining appropriate input to dynamic structural analyses ulti-
mately involves aspects of both engineering seismology and structural dynamics; the
studies cited above have generally placed greater emphasis on the latter, whereas
the current study primarily addresses engineering seismological aspects. Kappos
and Kyriakakis [2000] used 11 records from 11 Greek earthquakes, and another 13
records from eight US earthquakes, both data sets being approximately divided
between recordings from rock and soil sites; the authors claim that the “compi-
lation of records permits consideration of the effect of soil conditions (inevitably
in a rough way) as well as of the tectonic regime”. The Greek records are filtered
with a low-frequency cut-off at 1 Hz, whence the elastic and inelastic displacement
spectral ordinates at longer periods, discussed at some length in the paper, should
really have been neglected. Differences in the characteristics of the two data sets
are instead attributed to other factors including “the deeper deposits in some Cal-
ifornian sites (e.g. the Bay area)”, despite the fact that two of the three records
obtained in the San Francisco Bay Area are from rock sites and the third (Parking
Garage, Stanford) is not located on Bay mud. As in other studies, the dispersion
of structural responses is measured by the coefficient of variation (COV), which is
the standard deviation divided by the mean. Kappos and Kyriakakis [2000] find
that for inelastic spectral responses the COV increases with increasing ductility
factors, but this may simply be due to the large range of magnitudes — and hence
durations — in their data sets. A major conclusion of their study is that the COV
is higher for the rock data sets than for the alluvial (soil) data sets, which they
attribute to the different site classifications. However, it is also possible that the
difference was mainly due to the different ranges of magnitude in the data sets: for
the US data, the maximum differences in magnitude amongst the soil records was
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
1.4 as opposed to 1.8 for the rock data, and for the Greek records the magnitude
variation amongst the soil site recordings was just 1.3 compared with 2.1 for the
rock site accelerograms.
Amongst the studies cited above, the one which did give careful consideration
to seismological and geophysical selection criteria was Shome et al. [1998], who
used records selected in magnitude-distance bins from stiff soil sites, excluding
accelerograms with near-source forward directivity pulses. As mentioned previously,
however, the study concluded that if the records are then individually scaled to
match the predicted median elastic spectral acceleration ordinate corresponding to
the scenario at the centre of the bin, careful selection in terms of magnitude and
distance becomes unnecessary. This critically important point is re-visited in the
final section of this paper.
5. An Illustrative Example
The possibilities for using real accelerograms as input for engineering analysis and
design, and the issues involved, are best illustrated by practical examples. In this
section two approximately compatible data searches are defined, one based on the
parameters of an earthquake scenario, the other on the ordinates of the elastic
design spectrum. The suites of records obtained from both searches are examined
and from each, using careful selection and adjustment of the records, appropriate
input for dynamic analysis is prepared.
Design scenario (M6.4, 10 km, 0.6 sigmas)
Eurocode 8
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Period (seconds)
Fig. 11. Response spectra corresponding to criteria used for strong-motion data searches: EC8
class B spectrum anchored to 0.3 g in bedrock (thick line), and a scenario represented by M s 6.4,
a stiff soil site at a distance of 10 km, and 0.6 standard deviations above the median motions (thin
ordinates of the code and scenario spectra, which is to be expected; the spectral
shape in EC8 was calibrated to normalised spectra from European accelerograms
from earthquakes with magnitudes in the range from Ms 6 to Ms 7, but with a
strong bias towards the larger values [Rey et al., 2002]. The search performed on
the basis of matching, in an average sense, the ordinates of the EC8 spectrum in
Fig. 11 yielded 40 strong-motion records from 22 earthquakes.
The second search is performed on the basis of an earthquake scenario chosen to
be representative of the results that might be yielded from a disaggregation of the
500-year hazard in the seismically active parts of Europe. The scenario is defined
by a surface-wave magnitude Ms of 6.4, a source-to-site distance of 10 km, and an
exceedance of the median values of spectral acceleration of about 0.6 standard
deviations; this value of 0.6 for ε corresponds to the 73-percentile ground motion.
As for the Eurocode 8 spectrum, the site is characterised by stiff soil with a Vs,30
in the range from 360 to 800 m/s.
The spectral ordinates for this scenario, obtained using the prediction equations
of Ambraseys et al. [1996] — after smoothing the coefficients with a 1/4-1/2-1/4
running average — are shown in Fig. 11.
As shown in Sec. 3.2, the most important geophysical parameter for selecting
records is earthquake magnitude, and therefore the search was designed to have a
small window on magnitude and a larger window on distance. Table 1 shows the
number of records recovered from different M-R search windows, including the effect
of adding the site classification as a third search parameter, for searches performed
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
Distance Ms Ms Ms Ms
Ranges 6.0–6.8 6.1–6.7 6.2–6.6 6.3–6.5
d: 0–50 km 377 (121) 315 (106) 213 (76) 72 (28)
d: 0–30 km 229 (58) 186 (47) 114 (25) 40 (13)
d: 0–20 km 157 (37) 121 (30) 69 (15) 26 (10)
d: 5–15 km 94 (21) 72 (17) 37 (9) 12 (6)
on the Imperial College strong-motion data archive, which contains about 7000
records. The final search window, which yielded 55 ground-motion records from 16
earthquakes, was defined by the following limits: 6.2 ≤ Ms ≤ 6.6, 0 ≤ Rjb ≤ 40 km,
and stiff soil.
An initially surprising result of the two searches is that there was not a single
accelerogram common to the two sets. However, if the basis of the selection criteria
are carefully considered, this result is perhaps less unexpected: unless an elastic
design spectrum has been obtained from a DSHA using median values from ground-
motion prediction equations, the scenario will always include an ε term that will
be responsible for an appreciable proportion of the spectral amplitudes. For PSHA
in which no truncation is applied to the scatter in the ground-motion prediction
equations, the contribution from ε will grow with the return period [e.g. Restrepo-
Vélez & Bommer, 2003]. Only one earthquake was common to the results obtained
from the two searches (the 15 October 1979 Imperial Valley, California, main shock)
but each search picked up different records from this event. The M-R distributions,
and the site classifications for the records obtained by spectral matching, are shown
in Fig. 12.
The objective of the exercise is to produce an optimal suite of 10 accelerograms
from each dataset, for which there is a good match with the elastic spectral ordinates
specified for design, and for which there is low variability amongst the spectral
ordinates of the scaled records; an additional, but less critical objective, is to obtain
the suite with the least amount of scaling possible. The match is defined by the
average ordinates of 10 scaled spectra not being below the target spectrum in the
period range from 0.1 to 0.4 seconds. To begin with, there is as many as five times
the required number of records in each data set, so some preliminary “manual”
pruning of the selections can be applied. This is done for each data set, and then
the reduced data sets are examined in order to perform further selection and then
to scale to the design spectrum; for both cases, the ordinates of the Eurocode 8
spectrum are taken as the target.
For simplicity, it is assumed that only a single horizontal component of motion
is required for each dynamic analysis. An additional clarification is required at this
point, related to the definition of the horizontal component of motion, as noted in
Sec. 4.1. Spectral ordinates predicted by the equations of Ambraseys et al. [1996]
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
Magnitude (Ms)
5.5 soft soil
stiff soil
5 alluvium
0 25 50 75
Distance to surface projection of rupture (km)
Magnitude (Ms)
0 25 50 75
Distance to surface projection of rupture (km)
Fig. 12. Magnitude-distance distributions of records recovered from searches by matching to
ordinates of code spectrum (upper ) and by use of a magnitude-distance window and specification
of the site classification (lower ).
correspond to the envelope of the two horizontal components and the calibration
of the Eurocode 8 spectrum used a similar definition. For the records obtained
from the search in terms of magnitude, distance and site classification, the larger
component is chosen on the basis of the larger spectrum intensity; in most, but not
all, cases this is also the component with the larger PGA. For the search performed
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
in terms of spectral ordinates, individual components are returned hence the issue
of selecting components does not arise.
soft soil
0.05 stiff soil
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
relatively high average residuals and ratios significantly different from unity are
eliminated. On this basis, three records with average residuals greater than 0.078
and PGA ratios smaller than 0.8 are removed from the suite. The cluster of three
records with similarly high residuals but with PGA residuals above 1.2 are not
removed for the following reason: the ultimate goal is a suite of 10 records whose
average spectrum does not fall below the target EC8 spectrum in the period range
from 0.1 to 0.4 seconds. Since in both plots of Fig. 13 there are far more points
with ratios lower than unity than greater than one, it is decided to retain these
three records with rather high ratios of PGA and spectrum intensity, since they
may contribute to finding a good average match with the target spectrum without
scaling. This is done herein in order to reflect current code procedures.
The reduced data set now consists of 26 component records from 17 earthquakes.
The next step is to find the average spectral ordinates of groups of 10 records in
order to identify if there are combinations that will produce a mean spectrum
whose ordinates in the range 0.1–0.4 s are always equal to or greater than those
of the EC8 spectrum. It is found that in fact there are several sets of records
whose mean ordinates, in the period range of interest, are always above the EC8
spectrum ordinates, hence no scaling is required at all (in fact, scaling factors of
less than unity could be applied to reduce the amount by which the ordinates of
the design spectrum are exceeded). Figure 14 shows the mean ordinates of 10 of the
records compared with the elastic design spectrum. All of the combinations that
produce mean spectral ordinates above the target spectrum include no fewer than
six records from a suite of 10 that from amongst the 26 that have particularly high
EC8 spectrum
Spectral Acceleration (m/22)
Mean of 10 records
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Period (seconds)
Fig. 14. Mean ordinates of a suite of 10 accelerograms compared with the EC8 target spectrum;
for this combinations of records, no scaling or adjustment is required.
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
amplitudes. All but one of these 10 records are from earthquakes of magnitude 6.6
or greater, with four coming from events of magnitude of 7.2 or above. The single
record from a smaller magnitude (Ms 5.9) earthquake was recorded at 5 km on
soft soil. In conclusion, this exercise reinforces the fact that selecting in terms of
matching to elastic spectral ordinates only is unlikely to result in accelerograms that
are consistent with the underlying design earthquake scenario (which, it is recalled,
in this case is Ms 6.4 at 10 km and a stiff soil site). This is the fundamental problem
in the specification of acceleration time-series in current seismic design codes, as
discussed previously.
Average Normalised Residual reverse
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Record-to-Target PGA Ratio
Average Normalised Residual
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Record-to-Target Spectrum Intensity Ratio
Fig. 15. Measures of matching between the record and target spectra for the accelerograms
selected on the basis of geophysical parameters.
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
larger component of each accelerogram is selected on the basis of the larger value
of spectral intensity in the 0.1–0.4 s range, which in all but a few cases is also
the component with the larger value of PGA; it is found that for those situations
where this is not so, the two PGA values are generally quite similar. The ratios
of the record PGA and SI to those of the target spectrum are plotted against the
normalised average residual, as was done previously for the other data set.
Comparison of Figs. 13 and 15 shows that the agreement with the target spec-
trum for the records selected on the basis of the earthquake scenario is much poorer,
with only two records in the residual-ratio space covered by the records selected
by spectral matching. This result, however, is hardly surprising, since most of the
selected records are from much longer distances than the target of 10 km (Fig. 12)
and since the target spectrum corresponds to the 73-percentile motions, only one-
in-four of the records obtained at the scenario distance would be expected to match
the target spectrum. Therefore, it can be concluded at this point that it is very
unlikely that a suite of records can be found whose mean ordinates will match the
elastic design spectrum without some form of scaling being applied to the records.
Average Normalised Residual
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 16 shows the spectrum intensity ratios and average normalised residuals,
without distinction by style-of-faulting, for only those records recorded within 25 km
of the source. Comparison of Figs. 15 and 16 shows that the use of a smaller
window on distance mainly removes the very low amplitude records, although a few
records with favourable characteristics have also been lost. Nonetheless, this reduced
selection of 17 records is retained since it has been obtained in a fashion that is likely
to be followed in routine data searches. The 17 records come from nine earthquakes,
and two of them are recordings from one station of two consecutive events separated
by a few hours (each shown as an asterisk in the plot). Immediately there is the
issue that in selecting the final 10 records it is desirable not to have any one event or
station contributing excessively to the suite of accelerograms, whence the different
symbols used in Fig. 16. Application of a minimum average normalised residual of
0.18 — double that used in the spectral matching selection described previously —
reduces the number of accelerograms to 13 records from nine earthquakes, with one
station represented twice and one earthquake represented four times.
The basic characteristics of the 13 selected records are presented in Table 2.
One additional record is also brought into the selection at this stage, bringing the
total number to 14. This record is from a distance of 37 km, and therefore was
excluded by the limit of 25 km used to reduce the data set. However, as can be
appreciated from Table 2, despite the distance, the record displays high values of
PGA and SI (0.392 g and 9.88 cm, respectively); these values are close to the target
values of 0.36 g and 10.45 cm. This record is included to illustrate the point made
Table 2. Records selected by magnitude (Ms 6.2–6.6), distance less than 25 km except No. 14
(see text), and stiff soil sites.
in Sec. 3.2 regarding the recommendation to impose strict limits of magnitude but
not necessarily on distance. This record is assigned the identifier no. 14; application
of the minimum Drms value of 0.18, discussed above, would not have removed this
record from the dataset.
The variation in spectral amplitudes amongst the selected records is very large.
The largest ordinates correspond to the recording of the 1995 Aegion earthquake in
Greece (No. 5), which is a clear case of forward rupture directivity [Lekidis et al.,
1999], and the recording of the 1992 Big Bear earthquake in California (No. 13),
which produced ground motions that were on average twice as high as expected for
an earthquake of this magnitude in California [Cramer and Darragh, 1994]. The
lowest amplitudes correspond to the recordings of the 1979 Montenegro earthquake
in Yugoslavia (Nos. 7–10), all of which were obtained in the backward directivity
zone according to the orientation of the fault rupture plane [Boore et al., 1981].
As before with the records selected on the basis of spectral ordinates, groups of
10 accelerograms were selected from amongst the 14 candidate records in Table 2
and their mean ordinates compared with the ordinates of the design spectrum.
For each grouping, the scaling factor required to bring the minimum ordinate of
the average spectrum to the level of the EC8 spectrum was calculated; although
strict limits on scaling are generally not warranted, as discussed previously, it would
nonetheless be desirable to have a scaling factor as close to unity as possible. Fig-
ure 17 shows the mean spectra of a suite resulting in a low scaling factor of just
1.158. Figure 18 shows a suite that includes record No. 14, which allows an even
lower factor (1.138) to be applied. However, in both cases this is achieved through
the inclusion of records Nos. 5 and 13, which exceed appreciably the target spec-
trum and whose ordinates will be raised even higher by the application of the scaling
In general, discussions of the issue of scaling suites of record have focused on
identifying the scaling factor required to ensure that the average ordinates do not
fall below the target spectrum and then applying this factor to each of the records.
An alternative is to find the optimum combination of records and individual scaling
factors to simultaneously consider the very important criterion of minimal disper-
sion amongst the spectral ordinates of the scaled records; an algorithm could be
developed to at least partially automate this process but for illustrative purposes
herein a suite of individually scaled records has been prepared manually. Several of
the selected records in Table 2 have response spectra that are in good agreement
with the target EC8 spectrum shown in Fig. 11, hence these are retained without
scaling. Some of the stronger records are then added to the suite, and their ordi-
nates reduced by applying scaling factors of less than unity. Finally, other records
are added in, scaled up from their original amplitude, to achieve the required match
with the target spectrum. Table 2 presents one such combination and the scaling
factors applied; Fig. 19 compares their average spectral ordinates with the EC8
target spectrum. More optimal combinations of records and scaling factors could
be identified (the search is time-consuming if not automated), but even the results
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Period (seconds)
Fig. 17. Combination of 10 records whose mean ordinates are close to the target spectrum, using
only records from less than 25 km.
Spectral Acceleration (m/s2)
EC8 spectrum
Average of 10 records
10 Scaled (1.138)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Period (seconds)
Fig. 18. Combination of records whose mean ordinates are close to the target spectrum, including
record No. 14 (see Table 2).
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Period (seconds)
Fig. 19. Comparison of average spectral ordinates with EC8 target spectrum and the suite of 10
individually scaled records identified in Table 2.
Coefficient of Variation
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Period (seconds)
Fig. 20. Comparison of coefficients of variation, against period, for the suites of 10 records whose
average ordinates are presented in Figs. 14, 18 and 19.
May 18, 2004 10:44 WSPC/124-JEE 00159
in Table 2 are encouraging: as many as four of the 10 records are retained at their
natural scale, and, as noted below, a relatively low level of dispersion is achieved.
As has been mentioned previously, a key issue in compiling a suite of records
to be used in dynamic analysis is the dispersion amongst the scaled records. In
fact, the real issue is the dispersion in the inelastic structural responses, but this is
dependent upon the specific structural model employed and is therefore beyond the
scope of this study. Figure 20 shows the variation of COV (coefficient of variation)
with response period for the suites of scaled records whose average spectral ordinates
are shown in Figs. 14, 18 and 19. The lowest dispersion is clearly that of records that
were selected on the basis of matching spectral ordinates (Fig. 14). This does not,
however, militate against the use of seismological criteria for the selection of records
since the dispersion of the inelastic responses obtained using the latter records may
well be higher due to the greater variation in the strong-motion durations. However,
it would still be desirable to reduce the COV values for the records selected on the
basis of seismological and geophysical parameters. Figure 20 clearly shows that the
dispersion of the records that are individually scaled after selection by seismological
criteria is not much larger than that associated with the records selected on the basis
of matching the target spectrum, with the advantage of more consistent durations.
Of course, even lower COV’s could be obtained using the adjustment procedures
described in Sec. 4.2, but at the expense of creating less realistic ground motions.
the structure. Such a conclusion will depend on large numbers of studies considering
a wide range of realistic structural models. Martı́nez-Rueda [1998] urges caution in
extrapolating his conclusions, which are based on inelastic analysis of SDOF models,
to MDOF structures. Kappos and Kyriakakis [2000] examine more realistic MDOF
structural models, but as has been pointed out in this paper, their analysis has
some shortcomings in terms of the characterisation of the input. The conclusions
made by Shome et al. [1998] are also based on analysis of MDOF structural models,
but only one model is used, representing a steel structure — which can be expected
to be less affected by duration than a reinforced concrete structure [e.g. Jeong and
Iwan, 1988] — of 5 storeys, and for the damage metric based on dissipated energy
their conclusion of duration exerting a negligible influence did not hold. Bommer et
al. [2004] studied the inelastic response of a series of masonry structures to a large
suite of strong-motion accelerograms and correlated the damage, measured in terms
of the loss of initial strength, with the average ordinate of the elastic acceleration
spectrum from initial period of the structure to a period about three times greater.
The study showed that some of the scatter in this correlation could be explained
by differences in the strong-motion duration of the records. However, that study
was focused on the assessment of existing vulnerable building stock rather than the
earthquake resistant-design of new constructions.
sub-sets of records, and the application of individual scaling factors, can result in
a good match with the target spectrum and reduced dispersion amongst the scaled
records, as well as allowing many of the records to be used either at natural scale or
with only limited adjustment of their original amplitudes. It must be pointed out,
however, that this will not hold for situations with very high amplitudes of design
motions that may arise for the low annual frequencies of exceedance specified for
critical projects.
Executing fully dynamic non-linear structural analyses is time-consuming (and
therefore costly) in engineering practice and the use of spectrum-compatible records,
which allow fewer runs to be made, will often be preferred by design engineers. Our
recommendation is that in such cases use should be made of “intelligent artificial”
records — obtained by adjusting real accelerograms (see Sec. 4.2) — rather than
artificial time-series generated from white noise. In such cases, the guidelines pre-
sented in this paper are still applicable for selecting the seed accelerograms from
which the intelligent artificial records will be produced.
The authors firstly wish to express their gratitude to Dr John Douglas for his
interest in the work and for providing us with the current statistics of the European
strong-motion database. Additional thanks are due to Dr Douglas for carrying out
the data searches using the beta-version of his CD-ROM based search tool; the
opportunity to employ this facility before its general release is greatly appreciated.
We also express our thanks to Dr Rui Pinho and Dr Alain Pecker who read and
commented constructively on an early version of the manuscript. The second version
of the paper was further improved by very helpful comments from Edmund Booth
and Jonathan Hancock; particular thanks are due to Juliet Bird and Luis Fernando
Restrepo-Vélez, who both provided useful reviews of two different versions of the
manuscript. Very thorough reviews by Dr David Boore, Dr Norm Abrahamson and
an anonymous reviewer, all of which significantly improved the paper, are also noted
with special gratitude. The first author also wishes to acknowledge the insights
obtained from discussions of the issues addressed herein with Dr Paul Somerville.
We are also grateful to Dr Walt Silva, for providing us with the RASCAL
computer code, and to Dr Norm Abrahamson, for providing the RSPMATCH code.
We also extend our thanks to Melinda Squibb for providing us with information
about the COSMOS database.
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