Bridges: Djlee B Richmond
Bridges: Djlee B Richmond
Bridges: Djlee B Richmond
20.1 Plan of work 20/3 20.4 Stress concentrations 20/33
20.4.1 Shear lag due to concentrated loads 20/33
20.2 Economics and choice of structural system 20/3 20.4.2 Changes in thickness and cut-outs 20/33
20.3 Characteristics of bridge structures 20/17 20.5 Concrete deck slabs 20/34
20.3.1 Theory of suspension bridges and arch
bridges 20/17 20.6 Skew and curved bridges 20/35
20.3.2 Bridge girders of open section 20/21 20.6.1 Skew 20/35
20.3.3 More general behaviour of suspension 20.6.2 Curved in plan 20/35
bridges and arches 20/22
20.3.4 Single-cell box girder 20/24 20.7 Dynamic response 20/36
20.3.5 Boxes with discrete diaphragms 20/25
20.8 Appendix: Movable bridges 20/38
20.3.6 Box beams with continuous
diaphragms 20/26 20.9 Items requiring special consideration 20/38
20.3.7 Box girders with cantilevers 20/27
20.3.8 Multiple web girders of open cross- References 20/40
section 20/27
20.3.9 Multiple single-cell box beams 20/29 Bibliography 20/41
20.3.10 Multicellular bridge decks 20/31
20.3.11 Symmetrical loading 20/31
20.3.12 Antisymmetrical loading 20/31
20.3.13 Design curves 20/32
Multiple multiple web multiple box
(M-1) (M-2) (M-3) etc
Quadruple quadruple web quadruple box quadruple triple
(Q-1) (Q-2) (Q-3)
triple web triple box triple-triple
(T-1) (T-2) (T-3)
double web double box double triple
(D-1) (D-2) (D-3)
single web single box single triple single-quadruple multicellular voided slab
(S-D (S-2) (S-3) (S-4) (S-M)
the box system is perhaps a misleadingly simple description of Table 20.1 The world's leading suspension bridges
the general range of structures.
The most basic structural dimension for a given span affect- Name oj bridge Year Main Cable Span/
ing both the least-cost and the least-weight methods of measur- span sag sag Location
ing efficiency is the effective lever arm of the structure for (m) (m)
resisting bending moments resulting from the vertically acting
forces from self-weight and imposed loads and vertical compo- Humber 1981 1410 125 11.3 Humber River
nents of the support reactions. In bridges which depend on Verrazano
horizontal reactions from the ground, this distance is the rise of Narrows 1964 1298 117 11.0 New York
an arch above its foundations, or the dip of a suspension cable Harbor
between towers. If the supports are at different levels, the dip or Golden Gate 1937 1280 145 8.8 San Francisco
rise is measured vertically from the chord joining the supports. Mackinac Straits 1957 1158 108 10.76 Michigan
The high strength: weight ratio of steel wire and favourable Minami Bisan-
price:strength ratio results in dip:span ratios of 0.1 being Seto (Road/Rail) u.c.
suitable for even the longest suspension bridges (Table 20.1). (1988) 1100 Inland Sea of
The shallow cable has a higher tension which improves its Japan
capacity for carrying uneven loads without large deflection and 2nd Bosphorus 1988 1090
increases its natural frequency of vibration. The cost of the cable Bosphorus 1973 1074 93.4 11.5 Ortakoy, Turkey
alone is not, however, sufficient to reach conclusions on eco- George
nomics, since the cost of foundations to anchor the cables is Washington 1932 1067 96 11.1 Hudson River,
substantial and varies with the ground conditions. New York state
The lower strength-.weight ratios of steel in compression and Tagus 1966 1013 106 9.5 Lisbon
concrete combined with the destabilizing effect of the compres- Forth 1964 1006 91 11.0 Queensferry
sive force of the thrust lead to the rise:span ratios being Kita Bisan-Seto
considerably higher on average (Tables 20.3 and 20.4). Good (Road/Rail) u.c.
foundations and the requirements of local topography may lead (1988) 990 Inland Sea of
to reduced ratios, and arches - such as at Gladesville,5 which are Japan
in flat country and yet have the roadway running above the arch Severn 1966 988 82 12.0 Beachley, UK
rib - and the requirement for a low rise to minimize the cost of Ohnaruto 876 Naruto, Japan
approach embankments. Tacoma Narrows
The depth between compression and tension flanges is the II 1950 853 87 9.8 Puget Sound,
lever arm of a simply supported beam structure, such as a truss, Washington
plate girder or box girder. If the structure is continuous at both Lions Gate 1938 846 Vancouver
ends, the sum of the depths at the centre span and one of the
supports is the lever arm (Tables 20.6 and 20.7). u.c. = under construction
Table 20.2 Leading cable-stayed bridges
Name Location Year Main span Span Cables Material Function Special notes
length (m) arrange-
Planes Arrangement
Name Location Year Main span Span Cables Material Function Special notes
length (m) arrange-
Planes Arrangement
Name Location Year Main span Span Cables Material Function Special notes
length (m) arrange-
Planes Arrangement
Ass - asymmetric; C - concrete; DF - double fan; Eq - two equal; F - multiple fan; H - harp; MF - modified fan; S - single; St - steel;
ST - star; St/C - composite steel and concrete; Sym - symmetric; u.c. - under construction
Table 20.3 The world's leading steel arch bridges RiodasAntas 180 28.0 0.156 1953 Brazil
Traneberg 178 26.2 0.147 1934 Stockholm,
Name of bridge Span Rise Rise Sweden
(m) (m) span Year Location Plougastel
(Albert Louppe) 173 33 0.190 1930 Elorn River,
River Gorge 518 1977 West Virginia, France
US Selah Creek 168 1971 Yakima,
Bayonne 504 81 0.161 1931 New York, New Washington, US
York, US Bobbejaans 165 1983 Cape Province,
Sydney Harbour 503 107 0.212 1932 Sydney, Australia South Africa
Fremont* 383 u.c. Portland, La Roche-Guyonl61 23.0 0.143 1934 France
Oregon, US Cowlitz River
Port Mann* 366 76 0.208 1964 Vancouver, Bridge 158 Mossyrock,
Canada Washington, US
Thatcherf 344 1962 Balboa, Panama Caracas-
Laviolettef 335 1967 Trois Rivieres, La Guaira 152 39.0 0.257 1952 Caracas,
Canada Venezuela
Zd'akov 330 42.5 0.129 1967 Lake Orlik, Puddefjord 145 1956 Norway
Czechoslovakia Podolska 145 1942 Czechoslovakia
Runcorn-Widnes 330 66.4 0.202 1961 Mersey River,
England Other concrete arch bridges of interest
Birchenough 329 65.8 0.200 1935 Sabi River,
Rhodesia Revin-Orzy 120 10.0 0.083 Meuse River,
Glen Canyon 313 1959 Arizona, US France
Lewiston- Glemstal 114 27.1 0.238 Stuttgart,
Queenston 305 48.4 0.159 1962 Niagara River, W. Germany
N. America Slangsboda 111 12.0 0.108 1961 Stockholm,
Hell Gate 298 1917 New York, New Sweden
York, US
Other steel arch bridges of interest u.c. = under construction
Rainbow 289 45.7 0.158 1941 Niagara Falls, N. Table 20.5 The world's leading truss bridges
Fehmarnsund* 249 43.6 0.175 1963 Fehmarnsund, Name of bridge Span (m) Year Location
W. Germany
Adomi (Volta) 245 57.4 0.234 1957 Adomi, Ghana Quebec Railway 549 1918 Quebec, Canada
Kaiserlei* 220 1964 Frankfurt-am- Forth Railway 2 x 5 2 1 1890 Queensferry, Scotland
Main, Minato 510 1974 Japan
W. Germany Delaware River 501 Chester, Penn-Bridgeport,
New Jersey, US
u.c. = under construction Greater New
*Tied arch tCantilever arch Orleans 480 1958 New Orleans, Louisiana, US
Howrah 457 1943 Calcutta, India
Table 20.4 The world's leading concrete arch bridges Transbay 427 1936 San Francisco, California,
Name of bridge Span Rise Rise Baton Rouge 376 1968 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US
(m) (m) span Year Location Tappan Zee 369 1955 Tarrytown, New York, US
Longview 366 1930 Columbia River,
Krk II 390 1980 Adria, Washington, US
Yugoslavia Queensboro 360 1909 New York, US
Gladesville 305 40.8 0.134 1964 Sydney, Australia I Carquinez
Rio Parana 290 53.0 0.183 1965 Parana River, Strait 2x335 1927 San Francisco, California,
Brazil-Paraguay US
Bloukrans 272 1983 Cape Province, II Carquinez
South Africa Strait 2x335 1958 San Francisco, California,
Arrabida 270 51.9 0.192 1963 Portugal US
Sando 264 40.0 0.151 1943 Angerman River, Second Narrows 335 1960 Vancouver, Canada
Sweden Jacques Cartier 334 1930 Montreal, Canada
Shibenik 246 1967 Krka River, Isaiah D. Hart 332 1967 Jacksonville, Florida, US
Yugoslavia Richmond-San
Fiumarella 231 66.1 0.286 1961 Catanzaro, Italy Rafael 2 x 326 1956 San Pablo Bay, California,
Novi Sad 211 1961 Danube River, US
Yugoslavia Grace Memorial 320 1929 Cooper River, South
Linenau 210 1967 Bregenz, Austria Carolina, US
Van Stadens 200 1971 Van Stadens Newburgh- 305 1963 Hudson River, New York,
Gorge, S. Africa Beacon US
EsIa 192 1942 EsIa River, Spain Auckland
Groot River 189 1983 Cape Province, Harbour 244 1959 Auckland, New Zealand
South Africa
Table 20.6 Some of the world's leading steel girder bridges
Name of bridge Span (m) Depth (d) at Depth (d2) d,+d2 Year Type Location
midspan (m) at pier (m) Span
Name of bridge Span (m) Depth (d) at Depth (d2) d, + d 2 Year Type Location
midspan (m) at pier (m) Span
Figure 20.4 Steel girder bridge, Rio-Niteroi, Brazil. (Courtesy: Redpath Dorman Long and the
Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co. Ltd)
Figure 20.5 Concrete cable-stayed bridge, Tempul Aqueduct, Spain. (Courtesy: Torroja Institute,
Table 20.8
Depth 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.8
Af 0.25/ 0.2/ 0.15/ 0.125/ 0.1/
Section modulus Z 0.167/ 0.180/ 0.187/ 0.1875/ 0.187/
Af = bf x tp
(t,tc, tb are small)
Af - bbx tb
Figure 20.6 Steel trussed cable-stayed bridge. Batman Bridge, Figure 20.7 Concrete-arched bridge, Gladesville, Sydney.
Tasmania. (Courtesy: Maunsell and Partners) (Courtesy: G. Maunsell and Partners)
Figure 20.8 Number suspension bridge. (Courtesy: Freeman Fox and Partners)
Figure 20.9 Annacis cable-stayed bridge, Vancouver. (Courtesy: Buckfand and Taylor Ltd)
support the structures with complex plan forms that are now
In simple right spans, the system chosen, apart from span, common.
depends on construction depth limitations, difficulties of access The standard concrete beams are essentially a series of
and, of course, prevailing prices. For example, the top hat beam elements that can be placed across the complete span, requiring
system6 is suitable for restricted access and small construction only simple shuttering to support the transversely spanning top
depths. The U-beam system7 is suitable for similar conditions slab. Diaphragm beams at the supports are required and
but requires an increased depth. At the greater depth it is more occasionally intermediate diaphragms may be provided.
economical. An advantage of torsionally stiff structures of this Steel beams can be used as an alternative form of construction
type, particularly when they are designed to be spaced apart in in the same span range. Either a series of !-sections or small box
the transverse direction, is that they can readily be fanned out to girders can be used.
Table 20.9 Precast concrete bridge beams
Type of beam Name of beam Classification Span (m) Beam section
(as Figure 20.1)
Structural slab
20 standard sections
Holes for transverse
reinforcement provided at
30-50 mm centres
7 standard sections
/n situ concrete (Tl-TT)
In situ topping 12 standard
(Ul-U 12)