MTCC5008 Soil Mechanics and GeoSciencesv2.3
MTCC5008 Soil Mechanics and GeoSciencesv2.3
MTCC5008 Soil Mechanics and GeoSciencesv2.3
Title Session 2016
Department Civil Engineering Scheduled Hours 64
Assessment Board MTCCiv
Module TBA
Module Lecturer(s)
Co-ordinator Dr. Sokrates Ioannou
JACS External
Subject/Code TBN TBN Examiner TBN
Named Awards Using this Module Code Type Block
This course provides students with an understanding of the processes underlying the formation of rocks
and the cycle of change that leads to the development of the different classifications of soils. Students will
also develop an understanding of the use and relevance of the different types of rocks and soils that are
available to the civil engineering team as a resource or as a foundation material. Students will use soil-
testing laboratory equipment, evaluate conditions and perform relevant calculations to determine the
strength of cohesive and non-cohesive soils.
Contribution to UK-Spec Learning Outcomes: SM2i, EA1i, EA2i, EP2i, EP3i, EP4i, EP7i
Contribution to RICS competencies: T013
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MTC Module Descriptor
Requisites Statement
Completed and passed Engineering Mathematics 2 (MTCA4001) or equivalent level.
Completed Materials and Construction Technology (MTCC4014) or equivalent level.
Learning Outcomes (10 max.) – On successful completion of this module, students should be
able to:
1 Explain the basic geological processes involved in the formation of rocks and soils.
2 Interpret underlying rock structures from geological maps.
4 Use geotechnical laboratory test results to write industry style geotechnical technical reports.
Syllabus (10 max)- The Topics covered in the module will include:
1 Introduction to the geological features of Oman. Soil constituents & classification, Voids ratio,
Water content, Unit weights
2 Folds, Faults, Engineering problems, geological mapping and map interpretations
3 Particle size distribution. Soils classification systems
4 Soil compaction and theory of compaction, Laboratory/Field compaction report
5 Normal and shear stresses; pore-water pressure, effective/in-situ stresses.
Stress strain behavior & shear strength, Laboratory and field measurement of shear strength
6 Permeability, Horizontal /Vertical flow in layered soils, Laboratory & field measurements of
permeability. Seepage, Flow of water through saturated porous media
7 Stress distribution, Mohr’s circle of stresses, stress paths, Elastic stress-strain theory
8 Consolidation, Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation, Laboratory measurement of consolidation,
Coefficient of consolidation
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MTC Module Descriptor
The module will be delivered through lectures, tutorials and laboratory work.
The lecture programme will cover the module content and prepare the students for weekly tutorials and
laboratory work will allow ideas to be clarified and for report writing. Laboratory reports will provide analysis
of tests and cover field measurements as well. The delivery of the course material through the lectures will
cover topics and methods of analysis employed in practice.
Formative assessment, with feedback, will be given throughout the module to help the student to develop
theoretical and practical knowledge of the subject area.
The module will be assessed by an individual laboratory report and a final summative exam.
Formative assessment may include quiz and open book test to provide guidance and feedback to the
student on progress. The marked formative test will be returned to students and feedback will be given to
enable personal improvement.
Students will be required to submit a technical written report on geotechnical laboratory testing [LO4].
The end of module final summative examination will be by a 2 hour written paper covering LOs [1, 2, 3, 5].
Students with valid extenuating circumstances (ECs) with respect to coursework will be allowed an
extended submission period, as described in the Examination and Assessment Regulations.
Appropriate laboratory data will be provided to enable assessment of the use of experimental results.
Students with valid ECs with respect to the examination will be able to take a 2 hour new examination
paper to cover LOs [1, 2, 3, 5].
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MTC Module Descriptor
Item Assessment Weighting Assessment Type Final Pass Description
Artefact Mark
2 hour
2 End of module 60% Written exam Yes 40% Summative
Summative Exam Examination
Indicative Reading
Soil Mechanics. Craig, R.F., (8th Ed, 2012) Spon Press, ISBN: 9780415561266
Soil Mechanics Fundamentals (1st Ed., 2015), Muni Budhu, Wiley Blackwell, ISBN 9781119019657
Soil Mechanics Principle and Practice (3rd Ed., 2010) Graham Barnes, Macmillan, ISBN: 9780230578904
Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour (3rd Ed., 2013) James K. Mitchell and Kenichi Soga, Wiley Blackwell, ISBN:
Elements of Soil Mechanics (9th Ed., 2014) Ian Smith, Wiley Blackwell, ISBN: 9780470673393
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering (7th Ed., 2013) B. M. Das, Cengage Learning Engineering, ISBN:
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