1 EM Tensor Comparison: X y Z X Z y y Z X Z y X
1 EM Tensor Comparison: X y Z X Z y y Z X Z y X
1 EM Tensor Comparison: X y Z X Z y y Z X Z y X
EM Tensor Comparison
Notice that this is the contravariant form of the EM field tensor (in both
indices), so the first thing to check when making comparisons between
texts is that you’re using the same form with respect to contravariant
and covariant indices.
In Griffiths’ Introduction to Electrodynamics, the doubly contravariant
EM field tensor is presented as
0 Ex /c Ey /c Ez /c
−Ex /c 0 Bz −By
F µν = −Ey /c −Bz
0 Bx
−Ez /c By −Bx 0
2 EM Tensor Comparison
which differs by a minus sign from the version presented in SGVT. This
difference is attributable to the fact that Griffiths uses the sign conven-
tion of placing a minus sign on the time component and a plus sign on
the spatial components of four-vectors, and the opposite convention is
used in SGVT.