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Operation Guide 3189/3252

About This Manual Contents
• Depending on the model of your watch, display text General Guide ......................................................................................................... E-4
appears either as dark figures on a light background or
light figures on a dark background. All sample displays Timekeeping ............................................................................................................ E-6
in this manual are shown using dark figures on a light Data Bank .............................................................................................................. E-11
World Time ............................................................................................................ E-17
• Button operations are indicated using the letters shown
in the illustration. Day Counter .......................................................................................................... E-19
• Each section of this manual provides you with the Alarms .................................................................................................................... E-23
information you need to perform operations in each
mode. Further details and technical information can be Stopwatch .............................................................................................................. E-28
found in the “Reference” section. Countdown Timer ................................................................................................. E-30
Reference .............................................................................................................. E-32
Specifications ....................................................................................................... E-35

E E-1

Procedure Lookup To set the target date ............................................................................................ E-20

The following is a handy reference list of all the operational procedures contained in To set an alarm time ............................................................................................. E-24
this manual.
To test the alarm ................................................................................................... E-25
To set the time and date ......................................................................................... E-7
To turn an alarm on and off ................................................................................. E-26
To input a new Data Bank record ........................................................................ E-12
To turn the Hourly Time Signal on and off ......................................................... E-27
To recall Data Bank records ................................................................................ E-15
To use the countdown timer ................................................................................ E-30
To edit a Data Bank record .................................................................................. E-16
To set the countdown start time .......................................................................... E-31
To delete a Data Bank record .............................................................................. E-16
To turn the button operation tone on and off ..................................................... E-32
To view the time in another city code ................................................................. E-17
To toggle a city code time between Standard Time and
Daylight Saving Time ........................................................................................ E-18

E-2 E-3

General Guide • If you do not perform any operation for a few minutes while a setting screen (with
flashing digits) is on the display, the watch exits the setting screen automatically.
• Press C to change from mode to mode. • If you do not perform any operation for a few minutes in the Alarm Mode, Day
• Pressing L in any mode illuminates the display. Counter Mode, or Data Bank Mode, the watch reverts to the normal timekeeping
screen automatically.

Timekeeping Mode Data Bank Mode World Time Mode Day Counter Mode Alarm Mode Stopwatch Mode Countdown
Timer Mode
Press .

E-4 E-5

Timekeeping To set the time and date

1. While in the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the second’s digits flash on the
Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current display, which indicates the setting screen.
Day of week time and date. 2. Press C to move the flashing in the sequence shown below.
Year Month – Day • Pressing A in the Timekeeping Mode will display the
currently selected Home City. Seconds DST City code Hour
• Press D to toggle between 12-hour and 24-hour
formats. Day Month Year Minutes
• With 12-hour format, times between midnight and noon
are indicated by A (am), while times between noon and
midnight are indicated by P (pm).
• The A and P indicators do not appear when you are
using 24-hour format.

Hour Minutes
PM indicator Seconds

E-6 E-7

3. While the seconds setting is selected (flashing), press D to reset it to 00. If you • The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month
press D while the seconds setting is in the range of 30 to 59, the seconds are lengths and leap years automatically. Once you set the date, there should be no
reset to 00 and 1 is added to the minutes. If the seconds setting is in the range of reason to change it except after replacement of the watch’s battery.
00 to 29, the minutes count is unchanged. * See “Daylight Saving Time (DST) Setting” (page E-18) for details about the DST
• While the DST* setting is selected (DST on indicator is flashing), press D to setting.
toggle it on (On) and off (OF).
• The DST on/off setting you select for the Timekeeping Mode affects the World
Time Mode.
• While the city code setting is selected, use D and B to scroll through the
available codes until the one you want to use as your home time city is displayed.
• For full information on city codes, see the “City Code Table” at the back of this
4. While any other setting is selected (flashing), press D to increase it or press B to
decrease it. Holding down D or B scrolls at high speed.
5. Press A to exit the setting screen.
• The day of the week is set in accordance with the date automatically.
• The date can be set within the range of January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2099.

E-8 E-9
Operation Guide 3189/3252
Backlight Precautions Data Bank
The backlight uses an EL (electro-luminescent) panel that causes the entire display to
glow for easy reading in the dark. Mode indicator Name area
In any mode, press L to illuminate the display for about two seconds.
Alternate at
• The electro-luminescent panel that provides illumination loses power after very long the 1-second
use. interval.
• The illumination provided by the backlight may be hard to see when viewed under
direct sunlight.
• The watch may emit an audible sound whenever the display is illuminated. This is
due to vibration of the EL panel used for illumination, and does not indicate
• The backlight turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds. Remaining free records Number area
• Frequent use of the backlight shortens the battery life. The Data Bank Mode lets you store up to 25 records, each with a name (up to eight
characters) and a phone number (up to 12 digits). Entering the Data Bank Mode displays
a screen that shows the mode name (DB) and remaining memory capacity (number of
records) for a few moments. After that, the record you were viewing the last time you
exited the Data Bank Mode will appear. Anytime you input a new record, all records will
be sorted automatically into alphabetic sequence on the name.*
* A to Z, 0 to 9, symbols (, or -)
E-10 E-11

To input a new Data Bank record 4. When the character you want is at the current cursor position, press C to move the
1. In the Data Bank Mode, use D (+) and B (–) to scroll through the Data Bank cursor to the right.
records and display the one you want to input data.
2. Hold down A until a cursor appears on the name area. Press .
3. Use D and B to scroll through characters at the current cursor position. 1st digit 8th digit Name area
Characters scroll in the sequence shown below.
12th digit 1st digit Number area
Press .
5. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 to input the rest of the characters.
• You can input up to eight characters for the name, though only three characters
(Space) A to Z 0 to 9 . (Period) - (Hyphen)
are visible at a time.
• If the name you input has fewer than eight characters, use C to move the cursor
Press . to the eighth space (which means you would press C three times after inputting
a five-character name).
• Holding down D or B scrolls at high speed.
6. After you input the name, use C to move the cursor to the number area.
• Pressing C while the cursor is located at the eighth character of the name area
advances to the number area. Pressing C while the cursor is located at the 12th
digit of the number area returns to the name area.

E-12 E-13

7. Use D and B to scroll through characters (hyphen, numbers, space) at the 10. After inputting the name and number of the record, press A to store it and exit
current cursor position on the number area. Characters scroll in the sequence the setting screen.
shown below. • The display can show only three name characters at a time. Longer names scrolls
continuously from right to left. The symbol “ ” indicates that the character to the
Press . left is the last, and the character to the right is the first.

- (Hyphen) 0 to 9 (Space) To recall Data Bank records

In the Data Bank Mode, use D (+) and B (–) to scroll through Data Bank records on
the display.
Press . • Holding down B or D scrolls at high speed.
• Holding down D or B scrolls characters at high speed.
8. When the character you want is at the cursor position, press C to move the cursor
to the right.
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to input the rest of the numbers you want.
• You can input up to 12 digits for the number.

E-14 E-15

To edit a Data Bank record World Time

1. In the Data Bank Mode, scroll through the records and display the one you want to edit.
2. Hold down A until the cursor appears in the display. World Time shows the current time in 30 cities (29 time
3. Use C to move the cursor to the character you want to change. Mode indicator zones) around the world.
4. Use D and B to change the character. City code • All of the operations in this section are performed in the
• See step 3 of “To input a new Data Bank record” for information on inputting name World Time Mode, which you enter by pressing C
characters, and step 7 for inputting number characters. (page E-4).
5. After making the changes that you want, press A to store them and exit the setting
screen. To view the time in another city code
In the World Time Mode, press D to scroll through city
To delete a Data Bank record codes (time zones) to the east or B to scroll to the west.
1. In the Data Bank Mode, scroll through the records and display the one you want to • For full information about city codes, see the “City Code
delete. Table” at the back of this manual.
Current time in the zone
2. Hold down A until the cursor appears in the display. of the selected city code
• If the current time shown for a city is wrong, check your
3. Press B and D at the same time. The message “CLR” appears in the display, Timekeeping Mode time and Home City code settings
indicating that the record was deleted. and make the necessary changes.
• After the record is deleted, the cursor appears in the name area, ready for input.
4. Input a new record or press A to exit the setting screen.

E-16 E-17

Daylight Saving Time (DST) Setting Day Counter

Daylight Saving Time (summer time) advances the time setting by one hour from
Standard Time. Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight The Day Counter Mode lets you count the number of days
Mode indicator from the Timekeeping Mode’s current date to a specific
Saving Time.
DAYS indicator target date.
To toggle a city code time between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time This watch has five day counters. You can assign text
Text titles up to eight characters long to each of the five Day
1. In the World Time Mode, use B and D to display the
DST indicator city code (time zone) whose Standard Time/Daylight Counters. Whenever the date specified by any one of the
Saving Time setting you want to change. day counters matches the date of the Timekeeping Mode
2. Hold down A for about one second to toggle between (regardless of the day counter’s year setting), the DAYS
Daylight Saving Time (DST indicator displayed) and indicator flashes on the Timekeeping Mode screen. In the
Standard Time (DST indicator not displayed). Day Counter Mode, the DAYS indicator flashes on the
screen of the particular day counter whose date matches
Year – Month – Day the date of the Timekeeping Mode.
• The day counter on the display when you exit the Day
• The DST indicator will appear on the display whenever you display a city code for Target date Counter Mode appears first the next time you enter the
which Daylight Saving Time is turned on. Numbers of days Day Counter Mode.
• Note that the DST/Standard Time setting affects only the currently displayed city
code. Other city codes are not affected.
E-18 E-19
Operation Guide 3189/3252
Recalling Day Counter Data 4. While the cursor is in the text area, use D and B to scroll through characters at
In the Day Counter Mode, use D (+) and B (–) to scroll through the day counters. the current cursor position. Characters scroll in the sequence shown below. Holding
down D or B scrolls at high speed.
To set the target date
1. In the Day Counter Mode, use D (+) and B (–) to Press .
display the day counter you want to set.
2. Hold down A until the flashing cursor appears in the (Space) A to Z 0 to 9 . (Period) - (Hyphen)
text area. This indicates the input screen.
3. Press C to move the flashing in the sequence shown Press .
5. While the cursor is in the date area, press D and B to scroll through digits at the
Press . current cursor position. Holding down D or B scrolls at high speed.
1st digit 8th digit • Press B and D at the same time, and the message “CLR” will appear in the
display. The characters in the text area are cleared and today’s date is set as the
Day Month Year target date. You then can make any changes in the date you want.

E-20 E-21

6. After you make the settings you want, press A to exit the input screen. Alarms
• The date can be set within the range of January 1, 1950 to December 31, 2049.
• The text area display can show only three characters at a time. Longer text scrolls You can set five independent Daily Alarms. When an
continuously from right to left. The symbol “ ” indicates that the character to the Mode indicator alarm is turned on, the alarm tone sounds when the alarm
left is the last, and the character to the right is first. Alarm on time is reached.
indicator You can turn on an Hourly Time Signal that causes the
watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.
• There are six screens in the Alarm Mode. Five are for
daily alarms (indicated by numbers from x1 through
x5), and one is for the Hourly Time Signal (indicated by
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the
Alarm Mode, which you enter by pressing C (page
Alarm time
(Hour : Minutes) E-5).

Alarm number

E-22 E-23

To set an alarm time 4. While a setting is flashing, use D (+) and B (–) to change it.
1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to scroll through the alarm screens until the one whose • When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time
time you want to set is displayed. correctly as a.m. (A indicator) or p.m. (P indicator).
5. Press A to exit the setting screen.
Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3 Alarm 4
Alarm Operation
:00 (Hourly Time Signal) Alarm 5 The alarm sounds at the preset time for about 10 seconds, regardless of the mode the
watch is in.
• To set a one-time alarm, display one of the screens indicated by an alarm number • To stop the alarm tone after it starts to sound, press any button.
from x1 through x5.
2. After you select an alarm, hold down A until the hour setting of the alarm time To test the alarm
starts to flash, which indicates the setting screen. In the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.
• This operation turns on the alarm automatically.
3. Press C to move the flashing between the hour and minute settings.

E-24 E-25

To turn an alarm on and off To turn the Hourly Time Signal on and off
1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to select an alarm. 1. In the Alarm Mode, use D to select the Hourly Time
Alarm on indicator 2. Press B to toggle it on (the alarm on indicator Hourly time Signal ( ).
displayed) and off (the alarm on indicator not signal on indicator 2. Press B to toggle it on (the hourly time signal on
displayed). indicator displayed) and off (the hourly time signal on
• Turning on a daily alarm (x1 through x5) displays the indicator not displayed).
alarm on indicator on its Alarm Mode screen. • The Hourly Time Signal on indicator is shown on the
• In all modes, the alarm on indicator is shown for any display in all modes while the Hourly Time Signal is
alarm that is currently turned on. turned on.

E-26 E-27

Stopwatch Elapsed time measurement

The stopwatch lets you measure elapsed time, split times,
Mode indicator and two finishes. Start Stop Re-start Stop Clear
• The display range of the stopwatch is 23 hours,
59 minutes, 59.99 seconds. Split time measurement
• The stopwatch continues to run, restarting from zero
after it reaches its limit, until you stop it.
• The stopwatch measurement operation continues even Start Split Split release Stop Clear
(SPL displayed)
if you exit the Stopwatch Mode.
Hours : Minutes • Exiting the Stopwatch Mode while a split time is frozen
on the display clears the split time and returns to Split time and 1st-2nd place times
elapsed time measurement.
1/100 second • All of the operations in this section are performed in the Start Split Stop Split release Clear
Stopwatch Mode, which you enter by pressing C (page First runner Second runner Display time of
E-5). finishes. finishes. second runner.
Display time of
first runner.

E-28 E-29
Operation Guide 3189/3252
Countdown Timer • Press D while a countdown operation is in progress to pause it. Press D again to
resume the countdown.
The countdown timer can be set within a range of • To stop a countdown operation completely, first pause it (by pressing D), and then
one minute to 24 hours. An alarm sounds when the press B. This returns the countdown time to its starting value.
countdown reaches zero.
• The countdown operation continues even if you exit the To set the countdown start time
Countdown Timer Mode. 1. In the Countdown Timer Mode, hold down A until the
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the hours of the countdown start time start to flash, which
Countdown Timer Mode, which you enter by pressing indicates the setting screen.
Hours Seconds C (page E-5). 2. Press C to move the flashing between the hours and
Minutes To use the countdown timer 3. While a setting is flashing, use D (+) or B (–) to
Press D while in the Countdown Timer Mode to start the change it.
countdown timer. • To set the starting value of the countdown time to
• When the end of the countdown is reached, the alarm 24 hours, set 0:00.
sounds for 10 seconds or until you stop it by pressing 4. Press A to exit the setting screen.
any button. The countdown time is reset to its starting
value automatically after the alarm stops.

E-30 E-31

Reference • Holding down C to turn the button operation tone on or off also causes the watch’s
current mode to change.
This section contains more detailed and technical information about watch operation. • The mute indicator is displayed in all modes when the button operation tone is
It also contains important precautions and notes about the various features and turned off.
functions of this watch.
Button Operation Tone The B and D buttons are used in various modes and setting screens to scroll
The button operation tone sounds any time you press one through data on the display. In most cases, holding down these buttons during a scroll
Mute indicator of the watch’s buttons. You can turn the button operation operation scrolls at high speed.
tone on or off as desired.
• Even if you turn off the button operation tone, the alarm, Initial Screens
Hourly Time Signal, and Countdown Timer Mode alarm When you enter the World Time or Alarm Mode, the data you were viewing when you
all operate normally. last exited the mode appears first.
To turn the button operation tone on and off
In any mode (except when a setting screen is on the
display), hold down C for about three seconds to toggle
the button operation tone on (mute indicator not
displayed) and off (mute indicator displayed).
E-32 E-33

World Time Specifications

• The seconds count of the World Time is synchronized with the seconds count of the
Timekeeping Mode. Accuracy at normal temperature: ±30 seconds a month
• All World Time Mode times are calculated from the current Home City time in the Timekeeping: Hour, minutes, seconds, a.m. (A)/p.m. (P), day, day of the week,
Timekeeping Mode using UTC time offset values. month, year
• The UTC offset is a value that indicates the time difference between a reference Time system: Switchable between 12-hour and 24-hour formats
point in Greenwich, England and the time zone where a city is located. Calendar system: Full auto-calendar pre-programmed from the year 2000 to 2099
• The letters “UTC” is the abbreviation for “Coordinated Universal Time”, which is the Standard time/Daylight saving time
world-wide scientific standard of timekeeping. It is based upon carefully maintained Other: Home City code (can be assigned one of 30 city codes); Daylight Saving
atomic (cesium) clocks that keep time accurately to within microseconds. Leap Time (summer time)/Standard Time
seconds are added or subtracted as necessary to keep UTC in sync with the Earth’s Data Bank: 25 records (8-character name, 12-digit number)
World Time: 30 cities (29 time zones)
Other: Daylight Saving Time/Standard Time
Day Counter
Number of days between current date and a target date
Memory capacity: 5 counters (8-character text, target date (year, month, day))
Target date setting range: January 1, 1950 to December 31, 2049

E-34 E-35

Other: Day counter alarm (DAYS indicator flashes on the display when a target date
is reached regardless of year.)
Alarm: 5 Daily Alarms, Hourly Time Signal
Measuring unit: 1/100 of a second
Measuring capacity: 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds
Functions: Elapsed time, split time and two finishes
Countdown Timer
Measuring unit: 1 second
Input range: 1 minute to 24 hours (1-minute increments and 1-hour increments) City Code Table
Other: EL backlight, Button operation tone on/off
Battery: One lithium battery (Type: CR1616)
Battery life
3 years under the following conditions
• 2 seconds of backlight operation per day
• 10 seconds of alarm operation per day

E-36 L-1

City Code Table • Based on data as of July 2010.

• The rules governing global times (UTC offset and GMT differential) and summer time are
City UTC Offset/ City UTC Offset/ determined by each individual country.
City City
Code GMT Differential Code GMT Differential * In December 2007, Venezuela changed its offset from –4 to –4.5. Note, however, that
PPG PAGO PAGO –11 JED JEDDAH +3 this watch displays an offset of –4 (the old offset) for the CCS (Caracas, Venezuela) city

L-2 L-3

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