Constitutionaldesign 150605114722 Lva1 App6892
Constitutionaldesign 150605114722 Lva1 App6892
Constitutionaldesign 150605114722 Lva1 App6892
Finally let us
turn to Jawaharlal
Nehru at the
stroke of midnight
on August 15 1947
Makers of the Constitution
Some of you may have noticed a
name missing from the sketches of
the makers of the constitution:
Mahatma Gandhi. He was not
member of the constituent
Assembly. Yet there were many
members who followed his vision.
Years ago, writing in his magazine
Young India in 1931, he had spelt
out what he wanted the
Constitution to do:
Philosophy of the Constitution
Values that inspired and guided the freedom struggle and
were in turn nurtured by it, formed the foundation for
India’s democracy. These values are embedded in the
Preamble of the Indian Constitution. They guide all the
articles of the Indian Constitution. The Constitution begins
with a short statement of its basic values. This is called the
Preamble to the constitution. Taking inspirations from the
American model, most counties in the contemporary world
have chosen to begin their constitutions with a preamble.
Let us read the Preamble of our
Constitution very carefully and
understand the meaning of each
of its key words. The Preamble of
the Constitution reads like a
poem on democracy. It contains
the philosophy on which the
entire Constitution has been
built. It provides a standard to
examine and evaluate any law
and action of government, to
find out whether it is good or
bad. It is the soul of the Indian
Institutional Design
A constitution is not merely a statement of values and philosophy.
As we noted above, a constitution is mainly about embodying these
values into institutional arrangements. Much of the document
called Constitution of India is about these arrangements. It is a very
long and detailed document. Therefore it needs to be amended quite
regularly to keep it updated. Those who crafted the Indian
Constitution felt that it has to be in accordance with people's
aspirations and changes in society. They did not see it as a sacred,
static and unalterable law. So, they made provisions to incorporate
changes from time to time. These changes are called constitutional
The Constitution describes the institutional arrangements in a
very legal language. If you read the Constitution for the first time,
it can be quite difficult to understand. Yet the basic institutional
design is not very difficult to understand. Like any Constitution,
the Indian Constitution lays down for choosing persons to govern
the country. It defines who will have how much power to take
decisions. And it its limits to what the government can do by
providing some rights to the citizen that cannot be violated.