The Darkest Night: A Christmas Adventure For Fifth Edition
The Darkest Night: A Christmas Adventure For Fifth Edition
The Darkest Night: A Christmas Adventure For Fifth Edition
Background................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Starting Out.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Encounter 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Encounter 2.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Encounter 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Author: Shawn Ellsworth
Graphic Design: Dave Jumaquio
Poem: Edward McCulloch
The Darkest Night A Christmas Adventure for Fifth Edition 2.0 published by (Innovaworks Inc.);
Copyright 2016-2019 Shawn Ellsworth.
has a much different plan for this year’s Kringlefest. Krampus
has enchanted Kringle and his helpers and is forcing them
to build an army of toys. This year, Krampus will finally return
Far to the north, the thriving mining town of Iceville survives
Iceville to the darkness that existed before his defeat to
long, cold and dark winters. When the nights are longest, the
Kringle centuries ago.
people of Iceville light up the darkness with candles, song
and the exchange of gifts during Kringlefest. The celebration
is named after the mysterious Kringle, who long ago brought Introduction and Hooks
light to Iceville, after the dark days. But Kringle is most loved,
for giving every child in town a gift during Kringlefest, that he The adventurers can arrive in Iceville the day of this year’s
made in his magical workshop. It is believed by many, that Kringlefest, or they can be locals from Iceville. Either way,
Kringle travels into town on a red sleigh full with presents, the adventurers should learn Kringle’s story from a bard
drawn by eight flying reindeer. Kringle silently enters each performing at the inn’s tavern, or in the town square. The
house without ever being seen by children, or their parents. song/story should detail the exploits of Kringle long ago and
In exchange for the gifts, the children leave treats for Kringle, his workshop full of magical wonders. The name of the evil
which are always gone when they awaken to find their gift. should be kept a secret from the players. Use the adventure
Kringle is actually a benevolent gnome, named Nicholas background as a base for your song/story.
Kris Klaas Kringle, who has made it his life’s work to bring One of the following hooks can be employed to entice
light to the people of Iceville. For nearly 500 winters, this your adventurers into action.
ancient gnome has spent each year creating gifts in his • A young gnome (one of Kringle’s helpers named Holly),
workshop with his helpers. Kringle’s workshop is said to be wearing a pointy green hat, red coat and green tights,
full of clockwork wonders and magical treasures, but it’s exact and red shoes, has stumbled into town and collapses at
location is a secret. the feet of the adventurers. She is in bad shape from the
Over the years, Kringle put on lots of extra padding, cold and only able to whisper “Must save Kringle” and
thanks to the treats, and he is no longer the young hero who points north, before collapsing unconscious to 0 HP. If
saved Iceville nearly five centuries ago. This year, an ancient the adventurers can stabilize Holly, one chance at DC 10
enemy has finally gained back his strength and decided it is Wisdom (Medicine), she stabilizes – otherwise she dies.
time for the darkness to return. Krampus, a monstrous evil,
Starting Out
Senses Blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 8
Languages Understands languages of its creator but can’t
A DC 15 Intelligence (History) check with allow your players speak
to also find out that 480 years ago Kringle defeated a demon Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
that enslaved the people of Iceville. The unspeakable evil Snow Drift. The snow people gain advantage when hiding in
had placed Iceville under a spell of eternal darkness, allowing a snowy environment. Once hidden, a snow person effectively
becomes invisible and can drift up to 15 feet per round as part
it to feed off the fear and sadness of the people. The
of its move until it surfaces. While drifting, a snow person can
monster’s name has been lost to time. If their check is a close not attack.
failure, let them know the same details, just don’t specifically
mention the monster is a demon.
Ice Claw. Melee Attack: +4 to hit, Hit: 8 (1d6+4) slashing
Encounter 1 Snowball. Range Attack: +2 to hit, Hit: 5 (1d4+2), Range
30’/60’ bludgeoning damage
As you leave town, you find the winding path through a pine
forest to Kringle’s Workshop. After traveling through scattered
pine woods for an hour, the forest thins and you enter a large
clearing lit by the partial moon. Suddenly four piles of snow start
to rise into humanoid shapes that are 30 feet in front of you.
Intelligence (Arcana)
• DC 13 The guards are actually toy soldiers animated by
transmutation magic.
Intelligence (Investigation)
• DC13 Four of the toy soldiers appear to be patrolling the
building in a clockwise fashion at regular intervals.
Wisdom (Perception)
• DC13 The figures appear to be soldiers. Two of them are
guarding the front door.
• DC15 The figures are actually toy soldiers.
If they do not find a way to avoid a head-on battle, have
them face six toy soldiers. The toy soldiers should simply
attack their closest enemy or continue to patrol. The toy
soldiers will detect anything that comes within 60 feet using
their blindsight.
The monster turns and looks right at your group and lets out a
huge roar. The roar extinguishes the candles and plunges the
large workshop into near darkness.
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The Darkest Night A Christmas Adventure for Fifth Edition 2.0 published by (Innovaworks Inc.); Copyright 2016-2019 Shawn Ellsworth.