Anukwu 2017
Anukwu 2017
Anukwu 2017
P-ISSN : 2503-216X
Journal of Geoscience,
Engineering, Environment, and Technology
Vol 02 No 02 2017
This study utilizes the electrical resistivity values obtained using 2-D Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) technique to
evaluate the subsurface lithology across different geological units. The primary objective was to determine the effect of
subsurface lithology on the integrity of a road pavement, which had developed cracks and potholes at various locations. The
dipole-dipole configuration was utilized and a total of nine traverses were established in the study area, whose geology cuts
across both the basement and sedimentary complexes. The inverted resistivity section obtained showed significant variation
in resistivity along established traverses and also across the different rock units, with the resistivity value ranging from about
4 ohm-m to greater than 7000 ohm- m. The lithology as interpreted from the resistivity section revealed the presence topsoil,
clay, sandy clay, sand, sand stones/basement rocks, with varying vertical and horizontal arrangements to a depth of 40m.
Results suggest that the geologic sequence and structure might have contributed to the observed pavement failure. The
capability of the 2D ERI as an imaging tool is observed, especially across the transition zones as depicted in this study. The
study further stressed the ability of this technique if properly designed and implemented, to be capable of providing a wealth
of information that could complement other traditional geotechnical and geologic techniques.
1. Introduction
1.1 Sub Introduction
As a means of ensuring the continuous integrity by the geophysical techniques is that they are
of engineering structures long after their generally non-invasive, non-destructive and of
completion, it is important that the subsurface on better spatial coverage (Sobreira et al 2010,
which such structures are built upon is properly Emujakporue, 2012). Some of the geophysical
considered. The presence of potholes, cracks, techniques that can be employed to achieve the
bulges/and or depressions are common occurrence desired information for investigating subsurface
along roads in southern part of Nigeria. Various conditions are: seismic refraction, seismic
factors have being attributed to the probable cause reflection, MASW, ReMi, Ground Penetrating Radar;
of failure which include poor quality construction, Electromagnetic Method; Electrical Resistivity,
improper design and specification, poor drainage Magnetic, (Wightman et al 2004; Anderson, 2008).
and improper usage, poor soil properties (Onuoha Electrical resistivity techniques have been
et al 2014). Most times, adequate attention is not successfully applied in characterizing the
given to the fact that the subsurface that provides subsurface for many years with applications
the needed support for the road can be a major ranging from hydrogeological, archeological,
cause of failure. Research have however shown that environmental and engineering studies (Adepelumi
there is need to put into consideration the geology and Olorunfemi, 2000; Rizzo et al 2005; Alaia et al
and geomorphology of the underlying earth 2007; Ariyo and Adeyemi, 2012).The electrical
materials as they can greatly affect the integrity of method makes use of the response of the subsurface
any road (Ajayi, 1987; Olorunfemi and Meshida, to current introduced into the ground via
1987; Momoh et al 2008 and Adiat et al 2009; electrodes. The measurements obtained can be used
Ayolabi and Adegbola, 2013, Igwe, 2015). to obtain apparent resistivity of the subsurface
To obtain a proper understanding of the materials, from which the true resistivity can be
characteristics of the underlying earth materials, implied. The resistivity distribution observed thus
various approaches can be adopted; one of such is forms the basis for identifying the earth materials
the geophysical techniques. The advantages offered present in such geologic environments. Resistivity
Fig. 1. Map of the study area showing traverses and geologic boundary
Table 2.
Apparent resistivity range across the study area
Traverse 4 was taken as control for other a resistivity value above 100 ohm-m is observed,
traverses, for as at the time of this study, this followed by an approximately 20m thick low
traverse length showed no visible crack or any form resistivity zone (less than 25 ohm-m). This layer can
of failure. The lowest resistivity value is 91.90 ohm- be inimical to the stability of structures, as field
m with the inverted resistivity section of this observation of the pavement revealed the presence
traverse (fig. 3.) showing a relatively higher of potholes along this section of the road. Below this
resistivity value for approximately the top 10m layer are layers with resistivity values greater than
(weathered layer). The lithology of this traverse 400 ohm-m an indication of a sandy/sandstone
comprises of four layers. The first is the topsoil, materials (Table 1).
followed by high resistivity layer, which we have As part of the objective of this study is to have a
inferred as probably sandstones. The third layer better understanding of the geology of subsurface,
shows a resistivity of less than 537 ohm-m, this is the 2-D ERI was capable of imaging the lithological
we have inferred to be the saturated unit, while the sequence as we transit from the geological
basement closely follows at a depth of occurrence of formation to the next. Although quite a number of
38m and resistivity value of about 1875 ohm-m. The variables are responsible for any resistivity
stability of the pavement along this traverse is signature observed, this study has shown that the
attributed to the absence of an expansive low technique is capable of distinguishing between
resistivity zone and possible deep occurrence of the geologies, especially as we observed a progressive
weathered layer. The resistivity section for the decrease in bedrock resistivity as we approached
traverse that falls on the sedimentary complex the sedimentary complex boundary. The bedrock
(Traverse 8) is shown in fig. 4a, with an inferred five structures is clearly imaged by this technique and it
layer lithology (Table 1). It can be observed on the can provide a potent way by which the bedrock, as
section that the layering, as expected for sediments well as geological boundaries can be effectively
is seen, which is absent from previous resistivity mapped.
sections. From the surface to a depth of about 10m,