Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Close your eyes and recall how your parents communicated when they were your
age. How are you communicating in a different way today than they did?
The dramatic changes in media and communication technologies over the years
have profoundly transformed how we communicate and share knowledge and
information. The new communication landscape brought about by the
development of computers and other technological devices has changed the
way we design, negotiate, disseminate and make meaning.
As a student, technology is undoubtedly an integral part of your personal and
school life. A research assignment that might have been impossible to be done
in one day for students years ago is now possible for you because of the
advanced technology that you have at hand. Your smart phones and the Internet
have become your constant companion from the time you wake up in the
morning till the time you go to bed at night.
This chapter will focus on how technology has drastically changed how you
approach your school activities and projects because of your access to the online
community, media production tools and applications. To demonstrate what you
have learned, you will be asked to propose a cause-oriented activity and present it
using the concept of multimodality.
Learning Outcomes
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Study the picture below. What message do you think is the poster trying to
convey? Who do you think the audience is? In your opinion, what makes the
poster effective or ineffective?
Source: https://wellnesskeen.com/anti-smoking-slogans
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Learning Objectives
Presentation of Content
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/aismultimodaltext/1-what-is-multimodal-text
Source: https://www.setonschoolsafety.com/no-parking-with-graphic-mini-school-traffic-
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Study the sample multimodal materials below and answer the following
1. What message do you think is each material trying to convey?
2. What mode/s of communication is/are used to deliver the message? How
did they help to effectively deliver the message?
1. 2.
1. https://venngage.com/blog/what-is-an-infographic/
2. https://www.mediaupdate.co.za/publicity/97344/cricket-south-africa-supports-
3. http://tewelebrhanselemun123.blogspot.com/2016/05/axe-advertisement.html
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
2. Audio
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
3. Visuals
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Learning Objectives
Presentation of Content
The manner by which you will create your multimodal text largely depends on
how you will effectively and creatively convey your message through the various
modes which you will use in the text and how these multiple modes work
together to convey the story that you intend to communicate. The combination of
mode which you may opt to use greatly depends on the purpose of the text, its
subject matter, audience and mode or media of presentation.
Purpose: Inform? Inspire? Persuade?
Subject matter: The actual text you compose
Audience: Fellow students? Parents? Teachers?
Mode: Video? Live presentation? Poster?
By this time, you may have already created your own posters, brochures and
videos in one of your subjects using software and mobile apps; you may have
even uploaded your media to different social networking sites. As a college
student, you might have given in to the idea that at some point, you need to
be tech-savvy to survive the challenges of your academic requirements.
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
1. Headlines
Summarize your poster title in one headline.
Your headline is the first thing that your audience will notice; keep
it short and concise.
Highlight your poster headline and tagline
Look at how the headline and tagline are well-styled in the example below:
Source: https://dribbble.com/shots/4079655-Ping-Pong-Flyer-Template
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
2. Details
Include only the essential details.
Be smart with the amount of information you add to your design.
In the example below, notice how things are kept clean and minimal. Only the
most important information is written in large font while the less important
information is in smaller font. The features of the apartment are simply
presented in bullet form.
Sorce: https://www.dotproperty.com.ph/condo-for-rent-in-sambag-i-
3. Call-to-Action
This encourages your audience to take the next step after seeing your
poster. Do they need to buy a ticket? Reserve a place? Register early?
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
4. Typography Hierarchy
This refers to the visual placement of text with different font
size according to its importance on the poster
This helps your audience understand the flow of information easily
Source: https://piktochart.com/blog/how-to-make-a-poster/
Applying hierarchy to the presentation of text in your poster will not only
harmonize its appearance, it will also help convey its message clearer.
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
5. Photography
to boost the visual appeal of your poster, use stunning and
appropriate photographs.
Ensure that the photo will maximize the space in your poster
See to it that the photo works well and complement the text
Source: https://piktochart.com/blog/how-to-make-a-poster/
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
audience need to know to make them think, feel and act that way. This
is the core message of your video.
5. Develop the Creative Approach
This is the idea or concept of your video content
Use your insight of your audience to create a unique way of presenting
your core message
6. Write a Script
Your script should be:
Engaging and emotive
Interesting to your target audience
Easy to understand
Short but concise
Convey your core message
7. Create a Storyboard
This will help you visualize how your video will be shot
It contains a series of thumbnails that shows the flow of the video,
illustrating the key scenes — how will the setting look? Who will
be present? What actions will take place?
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Source: https://mooc.employid.eu/storyboarding-tutorial/
9. Shoot the Footage
Make sure that:
Everyone is present
The video is well-lit, well-shot and well-framed
Enough footage is filmed to make the editing process easier
The script and storyboard are closely followed
10. Edit the Video Content
Choose the best takes to be used in the final video
Cut the film together according to the script and storyboard
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Tip: You can also create other multimodal materials using your smart phones.
You may download the following apps for free:
Voice Recorder Pro - Voice Record Pro is a professional voice
recorder. Record voice memos and sounds (unlimited length). The
recorded audio files can be saved into your camera roll or to a
host of cloud-based websites such as OneDrive, Google drive, and
Dropbox for insertion into other iPad projects.
Tellagami - Tellagami allows you to talk or tell a story via the on-
screen avatar. Use your own background image or one for the
gallery. Finished Tellagamis can be saved to your camera roll.
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Imagine that you are a part of an international youth organization. One of your
group’s advocacies is to raise awareness in the international community the
significance of respecting and preserving cultural diversity in the global
society. Your group agreed to launch a poster exhibit for this purpose. Work
with a partner and create a poster about cultural diversity. Be ready to present
your output in the class.
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Points to Consider:
Paper Size: 8.5” x 13”
Font Size: 12
Font Style: Times New Roman
Spacing: 1.5
Margin: one (1) inch all sides
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
This unit gave you an idea on how to produce effective multimodal materials.
You have learned that:
A multimodal text is a combination of two or more communication system
like linguistic, visual, audio, gestural and spatial
Multimodal text can be digital, paper, live or transmedia
In preparing your multimodal material, you need to consider your
purpose, subject matter, audience and the mode by which you will deliver
your message
In creating an effective poster, you need to consider the following:
o Headline or title
o Details
o Call to Action
o Typography Hierarchy
o Photography
To produce an effective video, you need to:
o Solidify your objective
o Research your audience
o Decide on your core message
o Write a video production brief
o Develop the creative approach
o Write a script
o Create a storyboard
o Plan and schedule the shoot
o Shoot the footage
o Edit the video content
o Add graphics and special effects
o Mix music and soundtrack
o Record the voice-over
Think about your previous experiences of producing and presenting
multimodal materials, are there aspects of your material which you could have
done better? How would you improve your material/s using what you have
learned in this unit?
Unit 3: Communication Aids and Strategies Using Tools of Technology
guide https://piktochart.com/blog/how-to-make-a-poster/
Africa A. C. (2018). Purposive Communication in the Now. Books Atbp.
Publishing Corp