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Pras Na Wealth Career

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Praçna for Wealth and Career

SJC America Conference, 2006

Thursday, August 3: AM (9 - 12)
Sanjay Rath
Praçna chart
• Praçna refers to question or query and is the horary chart made for
the moment the astrologer sets about the task to determine answers
to a genuine query.
• The time the astrologer starts to work, and the station of the
astrologer are the important factors that decide the moment or
‘query time and place’.
• That’s because the Vedic astrologer is called a Saàvatsara (reference
to the Solar year starting from Mesha saìkränti or solar ingress of
– In this the Vedic astrologer is reflected as a smaller version of Viñëu or
– Jupiter takes 12 years to go around the zodiac and thus, the zodiac
represents Kälapuruña of time personified as God with 12 body parts.
– The Sun takes 12 months to go around the zodiac which represents the
saàvatsara as well.
• So, take your time and make a prayer before starting this task of
doing praçna or horary charts. Since you, the Vedic astrologer has
to represent the omniscient Sun God (like Brahma Prajäpati), recite a
mantra for proper guidance. One that you have practiced earlier.
Two types of Avasthä (state)
STATUS (Natural relations only) ENERGY (based on combustion)
1. Baby (atibälya) – Neutral sign 1. Baby (atibälya) – 1 day after
(sama räçi) combustion
2. Child (bälya) – Friendly sign 2. Child (bälya) – 7 days after
(mitra räçi) combustion
3. Adolescence (kumara) – Own 3. Adolescence (kumara) – Until
sign - home (svakñetra) it becomes stationary
4. Youth (yauvana) –Own sign - 4. Youth (yauvana) – stationary
office (mülatrikoëa) till it begins retrogression
5. King (bhupa) – Exaltation sign 5. King (bhupa) – during
(uccha räçi) retrogression
6. Old (vriddha) – Enemy sign 6. Old (vriddha) – 7 days before
(satru räçi) combustion
7. Dead, smashed, burnt (mrita) 7. Dead, smashed, burnt (mrita)
– Debilitation sign (nica räçi) – during combustion
Natural Relationships, exaltation etc.
Body Svakñetra Mülatrikoëa Exalt Deb Friend Enemy Neutral
Home Office
Sun 20-30 Le 0-20 Le Aries Li Mo, Ma, Ju Ve, Sa Me
Moon Cn 3-30 Ta 0-3 Ta Sc Su, Me Ma, Ju,
Ve, Sa
Mars Sc 0-12 Ar Cp Cn Su, Mo, Ju Me Ve, Sa
12-30 Ar
Merc 20-30 Vi 15-20 Vi 0-15 Vi Pi Su, Ve Mo Ma, Ju,
Ge Sa
Jup 10-30 Sg 0-10 Sg Cn Cp Su, Mo, Ma Me, Ve Sa
Ven 15-30 Li, 0-15 Li Pi Vi Me, Sa Mo, Su Ma, Ju
Sat 20-30 Aq 0-20 Aq Li Ar Me, Ve Su, Mo, Ma Ju
Rähu Aq Vi Ge Sg Su, Mo, Ma Ve, Me Ju, Sa
Ta Sc
Ketu Sc Pi Sg Ge Mo, Ju Su, Ma Ve, Me,
Combustion (General rules)
Combustion occurs when a planet is within close proximity
of the Sun whereas that of the Sun occurs during an

Planet Combustion Days

Direct Retro Direct Retro
Moon 12° 2
Mars 17° 118
Mercury 14° 12° 11-20 21-33
Jupiter 11° 28
Venus 10° 8° 53 5
Saturn 15° 57
Illustration: Determine Avasthä

Tithi: Krishna Pratipäda (Su)

Praçna Date: June 22, 2005 Day: Wednesday (Me) Sunrise: 5:24:47 am
Time: 4:20:08 pm Nakñatra: Mülä (Ke) Sunset: 7:21:30 pm
Place: 77 E 12' 28 N 36' Yoga: Sukla (Mo) Janma Ghäöi: 27.3059
New Delhi, India Karana: Balava (Mo) Ayanäàça: 23-55-54.6
Previous Solar eclipse: 9 April Praçna tithi: Kåñëa 1
2005, Sun & Moon in Revaté Status: Youvana; Youth
Next Solar eclipse: 3 October PAÏCÄËGA
2005, Sun & Moon in Hasta
nakñatra • Tithi: Kåñëa 1 (Su) (67.79%
Intervening period: 178 days or 5
months 25 days • Day: Wednesday (Me)
Date of Praçna : 22 June 2005 • Nakñatra: Mülä (Ke)
Days from eclipse: 75 days • Yoga: Sukla (Mo)
Sun is in 4th sign from Rähu: • Karana: Balava (Mo)
Youvana or Youth energy state
is indicated
Avasthä Table
Body Char Longitude Rasi Status Energy
Sun GK 7 Ge 11' Ge N Atibalya Baby Youvana Youth
Moon PK 11 Sg 03' Sg N Atibalya Baby Youvana Youth
Mars MK 13 Pi 12' Pi F Bälya Child
Mercury AmK 27 Ge 08' Ge H Kumara Adolescence
Jupiter BK 15 Vi 26' Vi E Vriddha Old
Venus AK 29 Ge 02' Ge F Bälya Child
Saturn DK 3 Cn 03' Cn E Vriddha Old
Rahu 25 Pi 15' Pi N Atibalya Baby
Ketu 25 Vi 15' Vi N Atibalya Baby

F: Friend, E: Enemy, N: Neutral, E: Exaltation, D: Debility,

H: Home – svakñetra, O: Office – mülatrikoëa
Q1: Can you fill in the blanks under energy? Check the angles between the
Sun and the planets and work this out from the given table.
Q2: Does any software give this information?
Naväàça & Drekkäëa
Body Char Longitude Naväàça Status Drekkäëa Status
Sun GK 7 Ge 11' Sg
Moon PK 11 Sg 03' Cn
Mars MK 13 Pi 12' Li
Mercury AmK 27 Ge 08' Ge
Jupiter BK 15 Vi 26' Ta
Venus AK 29 Ge 02' Ge
Saturn DK 3 Cn 03' Cn
Rahu 25 Pi 15' Aq
Ketu 25 Vi 15' Le

1. F: Friend, E: Enemy, N: Neutral, E: Exaltation, D: Debility, H: Home –

svakñetra, O: Office – mülatrikoëa …write these values for naväàça and
drekkäëa columns
2. Fill in the blanks under Status? Check the angles between the Sun and the
planets and complete this table.
3. Why is Energy column not included in divisional charts like naväàça or
drekkäëa etc?
Praçna Kriyä
1. Six signs are to be examined thoroughly
(1) Lagna, the ascendant
(2) Äruòha, the äruòha lagna or praçna äruòha.
(3) Naväàça Lagna,
(4) Janma räçi or Moon sign,
(5) Chattra räçi (umbrella shaped like mushroom symbolizing
shelter – refer to Çré Vämana or Jupiter incarnation of
Bhagavän) and
(6) Spåñöäìga räçi (spåñöa – touched by hand, aìga – body part) or
Nimitta räçi, the sign/planet indicating an omen or symbolic of
an omen occurring during the praçna.
2. The three divisions –
1. Räçi indicates one year from praçna date
2. Drekkäëa or D3 chart (preferably Jagannäth drekkäëa is
normally used as taught in tradition and given in candrakalä
näòi) indicates the past
3. Naväàça or D9 chart indicates the future
Chattra räçi – Shelter or umbrella sign
1. Path (véthi räçi): The three steps of Viñëu as Vämana
avatar are represented by the first three signs – Aries,
Taurus and Gemini. These are called the véthi or path
– Aries véthi (path): Sun in four signs – Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,
– Taurus véthi (path): Sun in four signs – Virgo, Libra, Pisces,
– Gemini véthi (path): Sun in four signs – Scorpio, Sagittarius,
Capricorn, Aquarius
2. Count from äruòha sign to lagna (or from praçna
äruòha to lagna)
3. Count as many signs from Path sign (véthi räçi). The
sign arrived at is the Chattra räçi or the Shelter sign.
Spåñöäìga räçi (or Nimitta, Omen sign)
• Spåñöäìga räçi is the sign which indicates the body part touched by
the questioner at the time of making the query OR it can be the sign
which indicates a nimitta (omen)
• The twelve signs given by Varähamihira and Paräsara are

Sign Varäha Paräsara Sign Varäha Paräsara

Aries Head Head Libra Abdomen Sex organ
Taurus Face Face Scorpio Sex organs Genitals,
Gemini Chest Arms Sagittarius Thighs Thighs
Cancer Heart Chest Capricorn Knees Knees
Leo Belly Abdomen Aquarius Buttocks Cnemis, Ankle
Virgo Waist Waist, Back Pisces Feet Feet
Illustration: Äruòha räçi & degree
Determine Praçna äruòha räçi for the following question
was asked by a questioner for Praçna 1 (pre-page):
Q: What is the best career path for me and will I attain
financial success and personal satisfaction from it? How
can I best bring that into fruition and are there other
career alternatives? 68
A: The question is actually composed of FOUR questions
and not one. These are separated by ‘and’ and a full stop.
Q1: What is the best career path for me?
Q2: Will I attain financial success and personal satisfaction from it?
Q3: How can I best bring that into fruition?
Q4: Are there other career alternatives?
The number given is ’68’. Divide number by 12 and
determine remainder: 68 ÷ 12 = 5 + 8/12. ‘8’ or Scorpio is
the Praçna äruòha and its longitude is to be taken as the
same as lagna which is 28°30’ in Praçna 1.
Illustration: Chattra räçi
1. In Praçna 1 the Sun is in Gemini implying Aries véthi (path)
2. Praçna äruòha we have found to be in Scorpio and Praçna Lagna is
3. Count from Äruòha to Lagna – we get 12 signs
4. Count as many signs from Aries which is the véthi (path) – counting
12 signs from Aries we arrive at Pisces which is the Chattra räçi or
shelter/umbrella sign.
5. However, note that the native actually asked ‘four’ questions
instead of one. These questions will be ruled in the order of (1st)
Lagna, (2nd) Moon, (3rd) Sun. So the Chattra räçi for each of these
questions will have to be calculated using the same praçna äruòha
and Aries véthi.
Q Body Sign From SC [PA] Chattra Räçi CR
Q1 Lagna Libra 12 CR1: Pisces
Q2 Moon Sagittarius 2 CR2: Taurus
Q3 Sun Gemini 8 CR3: Scorpio
Q4 Do not answer more than 3 questions for one äruòha.
Draw Chart with PA & CR: Praçna 1

Try answering the questions: - Praçna Äruòha: Scorpio

Q1: What is the best career path for me? [ Lag, CR1: Pisces]
Q2: Will I attain financial success and personal satisfaction from it? [
Moon Lagna, CR2: Taurus]
Q3: How can I best bring that into fruition? [ Sun Lag, CR3: Scorpio]
Q4: Are there other career alternatives? [ Just ignore this question]
The four factors
Intelligence, Life

Third Eye awake

when focus is on mind
and direction of life

Äruòha Sun
Social position etc Wealth, Resources

Third Eye asleep when

Moon the focus is on wealth
Longevity, Mind and social position
Lagna & Äruòha
• Success in life and victory is sure to follow if the lagna
lord has is strong. If it has digbala, propitiate the deity
of the direction for assuring this success and victory.
1. Sun 10th house– Indra, East: Worship Iñöa devatä
2. Venus 4th house– Agni, SE; Måtyunjaya homa or mantra
3. Mars 10th house– Yama, South; Pitås or manes to be propitiated
4. Rähu 7th house– Nirriti, SW; Brahma-Räkçaça çänti
5. Saturn 7th house– Varuëa, West; Rudräbhiçeka (water, oil, ghee)
6. Moon 4th house – Väyu, NW; ornament decoration, perfume etc
7. Mercury 1st house – Kubera, North; worship on birthday (tithi)
8. Jupiter 1st house – Çiva, NE; Bhajan, scripture reading
• A person is favored by the deity of the planet in lagna.
• Wealth is sure to flow from directions of planets having
digbala from äruòha Sources of wealth are of the
planets strong in the 1st or 7th from äruòha. If none then
the eleventh will give the indication.
Praçna 2

Q: People feel my lawyer because he is social with my husbands lawyer is not a

good one to use. My lawyer says I cannot get alimony even after 33 years of
marriage! Should I change my lawyer?
Simple rules for judgment
1. If the äruòha and lagna are occupied by evil planets, then diseases
or wounds are indicated in the body parts governed by these signs.
If the tenth house is afflicted then the work and reputation suffers.
2. Consider the lords of the signs occupied by
1. Lagna for intelligence and well-being
2. Äruòha for status and fortune
3. Moon for health and longevity
4. Sun for wealth and finances
3. If these lords are exalted or well placed in the -
1. Naväàça, they vouchsafe the future,
2. Drekkäëa, they show a good past
3. Räçi, they hold promise for the year
4. If these lords are debilitated or in inimical signs, they show a status
that was fallen or will fall in future.
5. If combust, then energy/life force is destroyed.
6. The results for the 12 houses are seen from the lagna and äruòha.
Similar houses reckoned from the Sun are seen for father, Moon for
mother and other significators for the other relations.
Twelve houses
The twelve houses signify the following: -
1. Body/health
2. Wealth/financial resources
3. Abilities, skills, tools and weapons as well as short leave
4. Vehicles, office and work environment
5. Subordinates, authority and diplomacy
6. Servants, physical work, enemies, diseases
7. Communications, partners If the lord of a house is well placed
from it then the house flourishes,
8. Longevity, chronic diseases whereas if it is well placed from lagna
then it is well experienced.
9. Mind and spirituality
(1) Vargottama & Exaltation, (2) Own
10. Work, trade, commerce sign, (3) Inimical sign and (4) Debility
11. Income are the four states of a planet in
naväàça which give it guëa which
12. Expenditure decides its benevolence.
Judgment of houses
1. Houses thrive if
– They are associated with lords of trines (even if malefic) or
quadrants, exalted or strong planets or benefic planets like
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus or their own lords.
– They have benefic planets in quadrants (4, 7, 10) or in subha
(auspicious) yoga i.e. 2/12 house reckoned from the house.
2. Houses are destroyed if
– They are conjoined the lord of a dusthäna (6th, 8th or 12th) or
– Their lords associate with the lord of a dusthäna or
– Their lords are in a dusthäna or
3. Houses are weakened if
– The house, its lord or käraka (significator) is weak or afflicted
– Evil planets occupy the sukha trikoëa (4, 8, 12) and/or koëa (5,
9) from the house
– The daçä of such evil planets will damage the said houses.
Praçna 3

Q: What should I do to get blessed with a fulfilling and

meaningful career ? 35.
Examine praçna 3 räçi chart
1. Lagna in Virgo: Is there a blessing? She wanted to know
about it.
2. Lagna Lord Mercury in 11H and retrograde.
3. Praçna Äruòha in Aquarius and its lords Saturn & Rähu
4. Moon in Libra and Subhapati (Moon sign Lord) Venus
in 12th house in Leo
5. Sun in Cancer and Äditya (Sun sign lord) Moon in Libra
6. The lords of the 10th house from Lagna, äruòha, Sun
and Moon
7. The 10th house from Lagna, äruòha, Sun and Moon
8. Païcäëga: Tithi: Çukla Saptamé (Sa); Vedic Weekday:
Thursday (Ju); Nakñatra: Sväté (Ra); Yoga: Subha (Su);
Karaëa: Garija (Ju); Käla Lord: Saturn
Praçna 3: Drekkäëa

1. How are the lords of Lagna, Äruòha lagna, Moon sign and Sun sign
placed in the drekkäëa?
2. How are the lords of the 10th houses or planets in the 10th house
from these signs in the räçi chart placed in the drekkäëa?
3. Does this drekkäëa correctly reflect the past? Try the next
Praçna 3: Jagannäth Drekkäëa

Statement: “My employment opportunities start off with a bang and then over
a couple of years, I find myself in a dead-end job without much growth
prospects. The other colleagues who had started off with me 10 years ago
are in much higher positions than me.”
Which drekkäëa reflects this accurately? How has her career been in the past?
Praçna 3: Naväàça

1. How are the lords of Lagna, Äruòha lagna, Moon sign and Sun sign
placed in the naväàça?
2. How are the lords of the 10th houses or planets in the 10th house
from these signs in the räçi chart placed in the naväàça?
3. Comment on exalted Jupiter and also predict the future.
Niti - methodology
1. The four means to be employed in matters of money
and career for overcoming enemies and obstacles as per
Artha çästra and other well known scriptures are säma,
däma, daëòa and bheda.
1. Säma – Compromise: Brähmaëa; Jupiter & Venus
2. Däma – Bribe, Buy: Vaiçya; Moon & Mercury
3. Daëòa – Punishment: Kñatriya; Sun & Mars
4. Bheda – Split, Betray: Sudra; Saturn & Rähu
2. Only choose a planet based on its position in Lagna,
Upacaya (3, 6, 10, 11) or Kendra (1, 4, 7, 10) for
prescribing a methodology, provided it is strong or
3. The methodology adopted by enemy is from similar
houses from the sixth bhäva.
4. The lord of the day is the strongest in winning the battle
while the lord of the horä is the one that can turn tables.
Murder Praçna: Räçi

1. What is the questioner worried about?

2. Who was murdered and why?
3. What is the correct method (niti) for him to follow?
Murder Praçna Naväàça
Murder Praçna Drekkäëa
Dealing in metals
• The four principal metals are from the four yuga räçi –
Aries: Gold (Satya Yuga); Cancer: Silver (Treta Yuga);
Libra: Copper (Dvapara Yuga) and Capricorn: Iron (Kali
– Gain of gold if Sun in 1st + Venus in 2nd whereas Venus in lagna
and Sun in 12th causes loss of gold
– Gain of iron if Saturn in 1st + Mercury in 2nd whereas Mercury in
1st and Saturn in 12th causes loss of iron
– Gain of copper if Venus in 1st + Mars in 2nd whereas Mars in 1st +
Venus in 12th causes loss of copper
– Gain of wealth if Mars is in 1st + Saturn in 2nd whereas Saturn in
1st + Mars in 12th causes loss of wealth
Test Praçna: Räçi

Question 1: What business line would suit me? Would I be really successful in
astrology or as a share broker? 3
Question 2: Would this current business of mine continue? 21
Question 3: Would I really make it big? 30.
Test Praçna: Drekkäëa (Paräsara)

1. Does this reflect his past career as an accountant?

2. How did he do in his career?
3. Project the past on a time frame reckoned from birth.
Test Praçna: Drekkäëa (Jagannäth)

• Does this reflect his past career as an accountant?

• How did he do in his career?
• Project the past on a time frame reckoned from birth.
Test Praçna: Naväàça

1. Predict the future

2. What advise would you give about long term prospects
of current business?
3. What advise would you give about future business?

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