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E Learning Deaf People

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An e-Learning System for the Deaf people

Conference Paper · August 2005

DOI: 10.1109/ITHET.2005.1560236 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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4 authors, including:

Athanasios Drigas John Vrettaros

National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos


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ITHET 6th Annual International Conference, July 7 - 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic, TC2-17Session T1A

An e-Learning System for the Deaf people

A.S.Drigas1, D.Kouremenos2, S. Kouremenos3 and J. Vrettaros4

Abstract – This paper presents a Learning System (LS) possible for a student with ‘less’ measured hearing to actually
which offers Greek Sign Language videos in be able to understand what is being said better than another
correspondence to every text in the learning environment. student who has ‘more’ measured hearing. Hearing disability
The system is designed notably for deaf adults for the can change over time, and can also involve tinnitus (‘hearing
purpose of their lifelong vocational and educational ‘internally generated’ sounds) or additional disabilities [1]
training. In the LS, the special needs of Deaf learners are (e.g. visual).
satisfied, e.g. bilingual information (text and sign GSL [4] is a natural visual language used by the members
language), high level of visualization, interactive and of the Greek Deaf Community with several thousands of
explorative learning, and the potential of learning in peer native or non-native signers. Research on the grammar of GSL
groups via video conferencing. In this environment, for the per se is limited; some work has been done on individual
first time, Greek signers are able to learn in their own aspects of its syntax negation [11], morphology [12], as well
language, the sign language. In addressing the above as on applied and educational linguistics including comparison
context, the LS is adapted to the specific learning problems with spoken language [15]. It is assumed that GSL as we now
of the target group, i.e. deaf adolescents and young adults. know it is a combination of the older type of Greek sign
The provided content is bilingual. Bilingual experiments language dialects with French sign language influence [13, 14,
(spoken and signed language) in schools of the deaf and 15].
hearing impaired have shown that the use of sign language This paper presents a learning system (LS) which offers
in the classroom enhance reading competence significantly. Greek Sign Language videos in correspondence to every text
The basic objective of the present e-learning environment in the learning environment. The system is designed notably
is the support of the equal rights of Deaf people for their for deaf adults for the purpose of their lifelong vocational and
access and real attendance in the vocational and educational training. In the LS, the special needs of deaf
educational training. The development of LS and this learners are satisfied, as e.g. bilingual information (text and
paper has been supported by Leonardo Da Vinci sign language), high level of visualization, interactive and
Framework Program, “DELFE” project, of European explorative learning, and the possibility of learning in peer
Union. groups via video conferencing. In this environment, for the
first time, Greek signers are able to learn in their own
Index Terms – e-learning, sign language, video, e-content, language, the sign language.
vocational training, deaf people.
WITH HEARING DISABILITY At the web site of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) we
drew useful information that has to do with the creation of
During the last ten years a tremendous application of ICT and accessible html pages for the Deaf and hard hearing persons.
e-content has been remarked on the European VET sector For any time-based multimedia presentation, synchronize
(Vocational and Educational Training). A variety of target equivalent alternatives with the presentation. A time-based
groups, that were facing inclusion problems in the labour presentation can include any form of multimedia, such as a
market, have set the motivation for the realization of projects movie, animation or slide show. Equivalent alternatives to
and strategies aiming at the rehabilitation of the certain these types of presentations are captions (which provide
population. This context has been mainly addressed by actions access to audio tracks) and audio descriptions (which provide
of e-learning and e-content development. However, few of the access to visual tracks). They have already explained the need
above actions have been devoted to the learning and inclusions to provide a textual transcript for any audio track or video
problems Deaf people are facing. track, and a textual description of the video track. However, it
It is important to note that every student has his or her must be admitted that a text transcript alone is not the ideal
own individual needs. Although it is possible to ‘measure’ and method for providing an equitable experience for persons with
describe a person’s hearing ability in a variety of ways, disabilities. It is widely accepted that on-screen captioning
understanding speech is a very complex process that can allows Deaf and hard-of-hearing people to more fully
involve the eyes as well as ears and brain. It is therefore appreciate the experience of a movie or multimedia

Dr. Drigas Athanasios, Coordinator of Net Media Lab, NCSR Demorktos, dr@imm.demokritos.gr
Mr Kouremenos Dimitris, Computer Engineering M.Sc., Net Media Lab, NCSR Demokritos, dkourem@imm.demokritos.gr
Mr Kouremenos Stylianos, Computer Engineering, Net Media Lab, NCSR Demokritos & Technical University of Athens, skourem@imm.demokritos.gr
Mr John Vrettaros, Project Manager, Net Media Lab, NCSR Demokritos, jvr@imm.demokritos.gr
0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference, July 7 - 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic, TC2-17Session T1A
production. A separate textual transcript that must be read In addressing the above context, the LMS is adapted to
after the fact does not provide an equivalent experience [2]. the specific learning problems of the target group, i.e. deaf
The Access Board is an independent U.S. Federal Agency adolescents and young adults. The provided content is
charged with developing accessibility requirements and bilingual. Bilingual experiments (spoken and signed language)
guidelines, assisting in the implementation of accessible in schools of the deaf and hearing impaired have shown that
solutions, and enforcing accessibility standards for federally the use of sign language in the classroom furthers reading
funded facilities. In 1998, Congress amended the competence significantly. The basic objective of the present e-
Rehabilitation Act to include Section 508, requiring all U.S. learning environment is the support of the equal rights of Deaf
Federal Agencies to make their electronic information people for their access and real attendance in the vocational
accessible to people with disabilities. Compliance with the and educational training.
requirements set out by the Access Board in Section 508 is The above context is further verified by a requirements’
usually referred to as "ADA Compliant." analysis study performed in the DELFE project [8]. For the
At this point, it must be noted that the presented e- purpose of this study, we wrote a questionnaire concerning the
learning system, namely DELFE [8], is compliant to the familiarization of the Deaf students with the new technologies
Section 508 [3] for technology-related programs and activities. and their possible technological knowledge. The title of the
questionnaire was ‘‘the diagnosis of educational needs of the
USERS’ REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS hearing impaired on the new technologies’’. In the paragraph
The Greek Sign Language (GSL) is a natural visual language to follow, we present some statistical results that were derived
used by the members of the Greek Deaf Community with from a certain question (see Table 1, figure 1). The question
several thousands of native or non-native signers. According was the following: ‘‘would you like to have more friendly
to the Office for the Disabled people in Greece there are Information in Internet? Please describe how you would like
100000 people with special needs in Greece. About 10000 of it?’’
them are Deaf and hard of hearing. Unfortunately, the
statistics show that the unemployment increasing rate of the STATISTICAL RESULTS FOR THE DEAF PEOPLE
disabled people in Greece are three to four times higher than
the corresponding rate of the remaining population. Two main
Not at all A bit A lot Uninterested
reasons can be identified for these special employment 14 19 15 1
conditions: One, an inadequate estimate of the performance Text
3 8 37 1
abilities of the deaf, and, secondly, the communicative More pictures and
problems between deaf and hearing colleagues [4, 5]. Animation
The internet has proven to be a boon for people with Sign Language 1 9 31 8
disabilities. But just as it is important to design buildings with 1 6 39 3
Sign Language and
accessibility in mind, the same is true for the internet.
Flexibility is the key to accessibility. It's important to keep in
mind that people will be using a variety of technologies to E-MATERIAL FOR DEAF
access your home page. Keeping your page accessible mean
keeping such options open. In an age of intelligent Sign Language and Text
Sign Language
HTTP/WWW servers that can query clients about their
More pictures and Animation
feature-lists [6]. Text
The choice of the technical advanced video in the e-
learning system plays an important role. Video technologies
offer great possibilities for better telecommunication between
Deaf Students

the Deaf people whose first language is the sign language.

When selecting or developing systems for communication in
sign language, a method is needed for determining the
usefulness of a given system. Video communications offer
great possibilities for better telecommunications for deaf
However, sign language poses great demands on the
moving image. Especially, for sign language traffic sequences Not at all A bit A lot Uninterested
have different characteristics (exhibiting a higher video bit FIGURE 1
rate and frame rate) from those of typical head&shoulders STATISTICAL RESULTS FOR THE DEAF PEOPLE
sequences. The picture quality (frame size) and frame rate are
both important factors in sign language perception. The In Table 1, the numbers of answers per category are
resolution of the hands must be high enough to support finger presented. As concluded by these results, the majority of the
spelling, while the resolution of the face is also important students (more than 90%) selected that they preferred the
since facial affect may convey syntactic information [7]. content to be presented in the Greek Sign Language and to be
0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference, July 7 - 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic, TC2-17Session T1A
consisted mainly of images and videos. This result is certainly scenarios. We can see the site map of the e-learning platform
in conformance with the national ideas and research results at the figure 3.
concerning the requirements of accessible content.
We produced a prototype e-learning system, which satisfies
the needs of the Deaf and hard of hearing people. The basic
aim of this project was to include all multimedia and
hypermedia elements and mainly video in GSL into the
electronic learning material. According to the analysis of the
specification of the DELFE project (questionnaires) [7], we
designed a user interface prototype of the on the web, which is
suitable for the certain target group.
As depicted in Figure 2, the user interface is divided into
various sections-frames. On the left hand side we put the video
window of the sign language interpreter, which in detailed
reflected what the reader said. Above the video window we
placed the title of the current lesson and chapter.
At the top of the user interface we put the basic buttons of
using the e-learning system. We are trying as much to use as
less buttons with large icons and font text size.

For the video clip we took into account certain criteria for
the quality of video, like CIF video format and the speed of
128-384Kbps. In this case the details in motion can be
reproduced so that fingers, eyes and mouth are distinguishable
even for signs consisting of both hands and arms moving with
all fingers displayed.
Finally, we present the student tools of the system where
all the included features can be seen.
The system provides the following features that are
properly adapted to the users’ special requirements:
• Search: tool of content retrieval according to search FIGURE 3
• Site map: a map of the site links and structure.
1.1 User Level
• Glossary: a glossary with the main terms of ICT in Sign
Language. There are three user levels in the system, namely, teacher,
• Content extraction: tool of content extraction for further student and administrator.
study at home. 1.2 Teacher
• My tracker: a tracker of the statistics of the student
activities in each course. This tool helps the teacher track • The teacher is provided the ability of announcing the new
the student progress. course via e-mail (electronic post), or via web bulletin
• My tests & Surveys: Evaluation of the student’s board (newsgroup - team of discussions).
progress via asynchronous tests from the teacher. • Moreover, the teacher is able of escaping from the frames
of the course and via special link to browse additional
The system gives the choice of selecting the speed of the material for better and more thorough understanding.
video depending on the line capacity allocated to the student. • He/she has also the ability of separating the class in
This is performed through the selection of the quality of smaller teams at the duration of the course for the
graphics and video. The system also allows the off-line realisation of small work and then of linking the class.
downloading of the Sign language content for better real time He/she can pose tests or questions of consolidation and
quality. assign homework.
Now, we may turn our discussion to the e-learning models • Finally, the teacher may answer and announce the
supported by our system. The system is based on questions of the students via asynchronous means of
asynchronous surveillance of the educational process and communication (web bulletin board, e-mail, chat).
synchronous communication through chat. In the paragraphs
to follow, we present the users of the system and some usage

0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic

ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference, July 7 - 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic, TC2-17Session T1A
1.3 Student The educational content help the student interact with the
educational process. This is achieved through exercises of
• The student is able of registering in a series of courses searching and inquiring information, of application, critical
and of acquiring of a password and tracking system. and of creativity.
• The student is able of posing questions via functional web Through proper exercises the student evaluates the
forms to the teacher or to the administration for any knowledge acquired in order to proceed in further study.
technical details with regard to the operation of system.
• He/she may access a web-based help of the e-learning PRINCIPLES AND E-LEARNING PROCEDURES
• If the instructor uses some difficult to understand terms or The analysis of needs and the description of services that is
terminologies, the student has the potential to search via provided are impressed in three phases of educational process
special links in a special dictionary for concise reports [14]: Preparation of visual class. (Asynchronous phase),
and explanations of corresponding term or corresponding Activities: Planning and parameterizations of interactive
terminology. environment of courses via the internet with the use of special
program of Reader of Web pages (Web Browser). The
• Each question or query that the student submits, will be
complete material of courses of distance education is stored in
communicated via special web based bulletin board to all
a local or removed (network) base from where the user might
the members that participate in the self-learning. Thus, the
draw the information according to planning of environment of
instructor is not forced to repeat the question of the
the distance education. Also the possibility of communicating
with experts and announcing the course and the availability of
• The student has the potential of drawing selective
material was given to the instructor. In the educated persons it
information from the course, creating him his own total of
gives the possibility of studying in first phase the under
personal notes of electronic form with links.
representation material and of submitting the first questions.
• It gives him the potential to attend the course and keep Operation of visual order (Modern phase), Activities: At
selective notes. Also, he can store and use links (links the duration of course the professor via the system of
notebook) and go back to already existing material, which videoconference, multipoint [16] video/audio, via text chat,
is stored to a local or remote database. shared whiteboards, web based pre-, post -, in class interactive
• Ability of submission of questions to the professor via program of interpellations, presents the material and the
special web forms. But also participation in discussions educated participate actively and can collaborate at teams.
between educated via web bulletin board. The student can Also the system via network refers the educated in additional
bring to the surface a new subject or answer in an already material. Also all the process is recorded for future report by
existing subject. the instructor but also by educated.
• The student can monitor his progress with simple and Operation of review (Asynchronous phase / Post - class),
small tests via web forms. The results are evaluated later Activities: The review of class concerns the part of activity as
by the instructor for further evaluation. the modern phase of visual class is completed. Naturally it can
• For the students, there is always the possibility of access have a lot of phases at units and courses. The material that has
to more material and electronic libraries for furthermore been already presented in the visual order is accessible. There
research regarding their work and their course. were questions of understanding the course, multiple test, so
1.4 Administrator as to be a complete picture of progress of understanding the
course from the educated.
The administrator coordinates and manages the e-learning Self - education (Asynchronous phase), Preparation of the
application via the administration tools. The administrator Self-education: The self- education [15] is totally found in
determines which user level-group has the permission to use asynchronous phase. The educated have access (search and
the corresponding ‘‘informative’’ and ‘‘communication’’ recuperation) in training and informative material, connected
tools. Moreover, the administrator can communicate with the with the base of material, for various cognitive and more
instructor in order to be kept informed about the progress of general subjects that interest him. Thus we use all the
the instructors’ courses. possibilities of visual class that are used in asynchronous
phase. We have access (search and recuperation) in training
E-CONTENT and informative material for various cognitive and more
The development of the educational material has been done general subjects that interest teachers.
with respect to the following questions and principles: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
• How does the student learn, what are the student’s needs
and special characteristics? The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of all groups
• How does the professor teach? involved in the implementation of the discussed platform:
• How is the educational process evaluated? computational linguists, computer scientists, GSL specialists,
• What will the student be supposed to do in order to learn? and the representatives of the Greek Deaf Community, acting
as our informants.

0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic

ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference, July 7 - 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic, TC2-17Session T1A
REFERENCES [8] This article has been supported by “DELFE” project which is an
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0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic

ITHET 6th Annual International Conference

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