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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(39), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i39/101475, October 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

CFD Analysis with Solidworks Simulation on FPC

with Various Design Parameters
Sandeep Kumar*, Supriya Kajla and Satbir Singh Sehgal
Mechanical Engineering Department, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali - 140413, Punjab, India;
er.sandip@rediffmail.com, supriyakajla23@gmail.com, drsatbirsehgal@gmail.com

Objectives: The main objective was to computationally model various flat bed solar collector with various inlet and outlet
designs with solidworks simulation to investigate the effects of change in diameter of the tubes on pressure drop and
temperature differences. Methods: With use of solidworks 2012 software designing of seven different type of flat plate
collector has been made as 1. Normal design in which flow run conditions of the normal water which been used is set at
a temperature of 18.7 °C, the pressure conditions which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as
22.4. The inlet flow rate condition for the diverge-3 design is maintained at 0.05 Kg/sec. 2. Converge-1 in which Flow run
conditions of the normal water which been used is set at a temperature of 38.15 °C, the pressure condition which is taken
in whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as 3.64. 3. Converge-2 in which Flow run conditions of the normal water
which been used is set at a temperature of 37.82 °C, the pressure condition which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the
experiment is taken as 2.74 4. Converge-3 in which Flow run conditions of the normal water which been used is set at a
temperature of 38.49 °C, the pressure condition which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as 3.35
5. Diverge-1 in which Flow run conditions of the normal water which been used is set at a temperature of 37.85 °C, the
pressure condition which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as 4.49 6. Diverge-2 in which Flow
run conditions of the normal water which been used is set at a temperature of 38.39 °C, the pressure condition which is
taken in whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as 3.67. 7. Diverge-3 in which Flow run conditions of the normal
water which been used is set at a temperature of 38.41 °C, the pressure condition which is taken in whole of the CFD run of
the experiment is taken as 2.14. Where the inlet flow rate condition for the diverge-3 design is maintained at 0.05 Kg/sec
same for all designs. Findings: All the designs are used to establish the input parameters with analyzing of performance of
(FPC) Flat Plate Collector. In the CFD analysis findings the maximum temperature rise up has been found in converging 3
design in which Flow run conditions of the normal water which been used is set at a temperature of 38.49 ° C, the pressure
condition which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as 3.35 and effective minimum pressure drop
has been found in the diverging 3 type of design in which Flow run conditions of the normal water which been used is
set at a temperature of 38.41 °C, the pressure condition which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken
as 2.14. Where the inlet flow rate condition for the diverge-3 design is maintained at 0.05 Kg/sec same for all designs.
Important thing was that if the mass flow rate increases, corresponding temperature decreases. Material properties also
play an important role in the performance of solar flat bed collector. Further improvements can be made by designing
more complex designs for CFD analysis so that a better efficient FPC can be made. Application: All of design conditions
in solidworks simulation are developed to make a effective flat plate collector in which maximum heat may be stored and
large temperature conditions on the outlet may be achieved. More designs of different shapes may also be developed in
other design softwares also. Applications of these effective designs after their fabrication may be in domestic water heating
purposes and in large industrial facilities where large temperature conditions of water may be required.

Keywords: CFD, FPC (Flat Plate Collector), Solidworks

*Author for correspondence

CFD Analysis with Solidworks Simulation on FPC with Various Design Parameters

1. Introduction that eventually solar cells could become competitive with

fossil fuels15–17. By the 1990s, the reality was that the costs
of solar energy had dropped as predicted and the huge PV
1.1 Solar Flat Bed Collector market growth in Germany and Japan from the 1990s to
Solar 1–5 FPC is a device used for capturing solar radia- the present has boosted the solar industry18 who are creat-
tion. Sun emits electromagnetic radiation with an average ing steadily lowering costs. The heating of water by solar
irradiance of 1353 W/m2 on the earth’s surface. Solar energy is an increasingly cost effective means of lowering
energy is the most considerable energy source in the gas and electricity demand19,20.
world. Sun, which is 1.495x1011 m far from the earth and
has a diameter of 1.39x109 m. The world receives 170 tril- 1.2 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
lion kW solar energy and 30% of this energy is reflected Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is an efficient
back to the space, 47% is transformed to low temperature numerical solution of the partial differential equations
heat energy, 23% is used for evaporation/rainfall cycle in that describe fluid dynamics21–24. CFD techniques are used
the Biosphere and less than 0.5% is used in the kinetic to analyse fluid behaviour. Numerical analysis applied to
energy of the wind, waves and photosynthesis of plants. fluid flow and heat transfer problems.
Solar energy is the radiation produced by nuclear fusion Numerical models made possible to find and opti-
reactions in the core of the sun. This radiation travels to mise solutions without creating a large and expensive
Earth through space in the form of energy called pho- series of models25. The design of thermal equipment must
tons6–8. Even though only 30% of the solar power actually focus on a combination of numerical and experimental
reaches the Earth, every 20 minutes the sun produces techniques. A model for virtual prototyping of thermal
enough power to supply the Earth with its needs for an equipment must be detailed enough in order to consider
entire year. Unfortunately, the atmosphere and clouds all the main physical phenomena that are taking place as
absorb a large amount of this sunlight. So the amount of well as giving results in a reasonable computational time26.
light that reaches any point on the ground depends on Consequently, a compromise needs to be made between
the time of day, the day of the year, the amount of cloud detailed simulations of CFD models and a fast resolution.
cover, and the latitude at that point, with the solar focus CFD use made feasible to analyse more complex geome-
directly dependent on three of these factors. The history tries and designs within a reasonable computational time.
of using the sun for energy goes way back to the Ancient Investigations in to solar thermosiphon systems have
Greeks and Romans as their buildings were constructed been conducted, but they are limited to a small range of
such that the rays of the sun provided light and heat for heat exchanger configurations, flow visualisation and heat
indoor spaces. The Greek philosopher Socrates wrote, “In transfer. CFD models are even fewer in the case of flat
houses that look toward the south, the sun penetrates the plate solar water collectors. Initially, only low Rayleigh
entrance in winter”9. Romans advanced this art by cov- numbers and small aspect ratios were investigated.
ering the openings to south facing building with glass, Attempts had been made to develop models to describe
in order to retain the heat of the winter sun. The his- the physical and geometrical complexity of the system
tory of utilising solar energy in recent times dates from more accurately. The models were fitted to a set of mea-
1861 when Mouchout developed a steam engine pow- sured data and the resulting collector parameters were
ered entirely by the sun and in 1883 American inventor compared. The total daily energy yield predicted by the
Charles Fritts described the first solar cells made of sele- models for a number of days of different weather condi-
nium wafers10,11. Throughout the 20th century, scientists tions was calculated using a reference collector parameter
developed large cone-shaped collectors that could boil set. Specially designed mantle tanks have been evalu-
ammonia for refrigeration. In the United States, John ated using a transient three dimensional CFD model27,28.
Ericsson designed the “parabolic trough collector” a tech- CFD calculations made easy to illustrate the fluid thermal
nology which functions more than a hundred years later behaviour and the fluid dynamics in the mantle and in
on the same basic design12–14. In the 1970’s it was thought the inner tank29. A solar collector is basically a flat box
that through massive investment in funding and research, and is composed of three main parts. 1) A transparent
solar photovoltaic costs could drastically reduced, such cover 2) Tubes which carry a collant 3) An insulated back

2 Vol 9 (39) | October 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sandeep Kumar, Supriya Kajla and Satbir Singh Sehgal

plate which works on natural thermosyphone or forced system more effective as well as the amount of intensity of
circulation30. Model of FPC on which i had worked is sim- radiation falling over the surface. Mass flow rate is another
ulated in SolidWorks Software 2012 having 6 header pipes important factor for the calculation of performance of flat
and whole of the system has to undergo certain radiation bed solar collector. The given designs are of seven type are
of 800 Watt31. Design types of 7 type namely 1. Normal made to undergo seven different temperature conditions
Design 2. Converging a, b and c type 3. Diverging a, b and given mainly to normal design as 18.7 °C, to converging 1
c type are designed in Figure 1. as 38.15 °C, to converging 2 as 37.82 °C , to converging 3
as 38.49 °C , to diverging 1 as 37.85 °C , to diverging 2 as
38.39 °C , to diverging 3 as 38.41 °C . Pressure conditions
which the simulated FPC has to undergo were as firstly to
the normal design as 22.4, to converging design 1 as 3.64,
to converging design 2 as 2.74, to converging design 3 as
3.35, to diverging design 1 as 4.49, to diverging design 2
as 3.67, to diverging design 3 as 2.14.

4. Analysis
The analysis part consists of 7 design conditions which
are designed in solidworks software and CFD analysis is
done: -

4.1 Normal Design

In the present paper the analysis is represented in the
Table 1. Solidworks computer software is used to simulate
the design parameters of the flat plate collector. First type
Figure 1.1 Flat plate collector.
of the design which is made is named as normal design.
The main feature of the design is that the inlet and out-
let pipe diameter is kept same. The hose pipes which are
2. Research Objective taken six in number are also been kept at same diame-
ter and length. Flow run conditions of the normal water
The main objectives of this work are as follows:
which been used is set at a temperature of 18.7 °C, the
1.To model computationally the flat bed solar collec-
pressure condition which is taken in whole of the CFD
run of the experiment is taken as 22.4. The inlet flow rate
2.Establish the input parameters and analyze the per-
condition for the diverge-3 design is maintained at 0.05
formance of flat-bed solar collector.
Kg/sec shown in Table 2. Inlet flow temperature of water
3.To find appropriate outlet temperature for varying
as fluid in pipes is at temperature of 20 °C. Heat source
inlet temperatures at a given flow rate and with given
radiation is made to emit 800 Watt.
intensity of radiation.
4.To analyse the performance of the flat bed solar
collector with water as a fluid with different designs in 4.2 Converge
simulation. 1 Design: In converge-1 design the analysis is represented
in the Table 1. Solidworks computer software is used to
simulate the design parameters of the flat plate collec-
3. Methodology tor. Second type of the design which is made is named as
The efficiency of solar collector mainly depends on the Converge - 1 design shown in Table 1. The main feature
fluid that is absorbing the heat. The fluid that is passing of the design is that in lower hose the inlet pipe fluid flow
through the collector plays an important role to make the diameter is made of converge type-1 as left entry with

Vol 9 (39) | October 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
CFD Analysis with Solidworks Simulation on FPC with Various Design Parameters

Table 1. Design analysis report with temperature and pressure

1 18.7 22.4 NORMAL

2 38.15 3.64 CONVERGE 1

3 37.82 2.74 CONVERGE 2

4 38.49 3.35 CONVERGE 3

4 Vol 9 (39) | October 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sandeep Kumar, Supriya Kajla and Satbir Singh Sehgal

5 37.85 4.49 DIVERGE 1

6 38.39 3.67


7 38.41 2.14 DIVERGE 3

Table 2. Simulated designed model analysis results

1 NORMAL DESIGN 0.05 Kg/sec 20° C 800 Watt
2 CONVERGENT 1 0.05 Kg/sec 20° C 800 Watt
3 CONVERGENT 2 0.05 Kg/sec 20° C 800 Watt
4 CONVERGENT 3 0.05 Kg/sec 20° C 800 Watt
5 DIVERGENT 1 0.05 Kg/sec 20° C 800 Watt
6 DIVERGENT 2 0.05 Kg/sec 20° C 800 Watt
7 DIVERGENT 3 0.05 Kg/sec 20° C 800 Watt

Vol 9 (39) | October 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
CFD Analysis with Solidworks Simulation on FPC with Various Design Parameters

widen diameter on left side and upper hose outlet pipe in upper hose section outlet pipe diameter is made of nor-
diameter is made of normal diameter on both left and mal diameter on right end with widen diameter on left
right sides. The hose pipes which are taken six in num- end of pipe. The hose pipes which are taken six in num-
ber are also been kept at same diameter and length. Flow ber are also been kept at same diameter and length. Flow
run conditions of the normal water which been used is run conditions of the normal water which been used is
set at a temperature of 38.15 °C, the pressure condition set at a temperature of 38.49 °C, the pressure condition
which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the experi- which is taken in whole of the CFD run of the experi-
ment is taken as 3.64. The inlet flow rate condition for the ment is taken as 3.35. The inlet flow rate condition for the
diverge-3 design is maintained at 0.05 Kg/sec shown in diverge-3 design is maintained at 0.05 Kg/sec shown in
Table 2. Inlet flow temperature of water as fluid in pipes is Table 2 (Simulated designed model analysis results). Inlet
at temperature of 20 °C. Heat source radiation is made to flow temperature of water as fluid in pipes is at tempera-
emit 800 Watt. The colour contours shown in the Table 1. ture of 20 °C. Heat source radiation is made to emit 800
shows the temperature and pressure variations occurred Watt. The colour contours shown in the Table 1 shows
during CFD analysis in running software. the temperature and pressure variations occurred during
CFD analysis in running software.
4.3 Converge
2 Design: In converge-2 design the analysis is represented 4.5 Diverge
in the Table 1. Solidworks computer software is used to 1 Design: In diverge-1 design the analysis is represented
simulate the design parameters of the flat plate collec- in the Table 1. Solidworks computer software is used to
tor. Second type of the design which is made is named as simulate the design parameters of the flat plate collec-
Converge - 2 design shown in Table 1. The main feature tor. Second type of the design which is made is named as
of the design is that the inlet pipe fluid flow diameter is diverge - 1 design shown in Table 1. The main feature of
made of converge type - 2 with left entry as widen diam- the design is that at lower hose where the fluid enters the
eter and normal diameter at right end in the upper hose section the diameter is taken as normal on left entry with
right side outlet pipe diameter is made of widen diameter right end with widen diameter and at upper hose section
with left end with normal diameter. The hose pipes which outlet pipe diameter is made of normal diameter. The
are taken six in number are also been kept at same diam- hose pipes which are taken six in number are also been
eter and length. Flow run conditions of the normal water kept at same diameter and length. Flow run conditions
which been used is set at a temperature of 37.82 °C, the of the normal water which been used is set at a tempera-
pressure condition which is taken in whole of the CFD ture of 37.85 °C, the pressure condition which is taken in
run of the experiment is taken as 2.74. The inlet flow rate whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as 4.49.
condition for the diverge-3 design is maintained at 0.05 The inlet flow rate condition for the diverge-3 design is
Kg/sec shown in Table 2. Inlet flow temperature of water maintained at 0.05 Kg/sec shown in Table 2. Inlet flow
as fluid in pipes is at temperature of 20 °C. Heat source temperature of water as fluid in pipes is at temperature
radiation is made to emit 800 Watt. The colour contours of 20 °C. Heat source radiation is made to emit 800 Watt.
shown in the Table 1 shows the temperature and pressure The colour contours shown in the Table 1 shows the tem-
variations occurred during CFD analysis in running soft- perature and pressure variations occurred during CFD
ware. analysis in running software.

4.4 Converge 4.6 Diverge

3 Design: In converge-3 design the analysis is represented 2 Design: In diverge-2 design the analysis is represented
in the Table 1. Solidworks computer software is used to in the Table 1. Solidworks computer software is used to
simulate the design parameters of the flat plate collec- simulate the design parameters of the flat plate collec-
tor. Second type of the design which is made is named as tor. Second type of the design which is made is named as
Converge - 3 design shown in Table 1. The main feature Diverge - 2 design shown in Table 1. The main feature of
of the design is that the inlet pipe fluid flow diameter is the design is that in lower hose section at the inlet pipe
made widen of converge type-3 at left side of section and fluid flow diameter is made of diverge type-2 i.e. of nor-

6 Vol 9 (39) | October 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Sandeep Kumar, Supriya Kajla and Satbir Singh Sehgal

mal diameter with right end of pipe widen diameter and 2. If the mass flow rate increases, corresponding tem-
in upper hose outlet pipe diameter is made of normal perature decreases and vice-versa.
diameter with widen diameter on the left hand side. The 3. Outlet temperature also depends upon fluid under
hose pipes which are taken six in number are also been consideration and also its thermal properties.
kept at same diameter and length. Flow run conditions 4. Material properties also play an important role in
of the normal water which been used is set at a tempera- the performance of solar flat bed collector.
ture of 38.39 °C, the pressure condition which is taken in 5. In the above analysis maximum temperature rise
whole of the CFD run of the experiment is taken as 3.67. up has been found in converging 3 design and effective
The inlet flow rate condition for the diverge-3 design is minimum pressure drop has been found in the diverging
maintained at 0.05 Kg/sec shown in Table 2. Inlet flow 3 type of design.
temperature of water as fluid in pipes is at temperature
of 20 °C. Heat source radiation is made to emit 800 Watt.
The colour contours shown in the Table 1 shows the tem-
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