Activity Sheet For English 8 Quarter 4 - MELC 5
Activity Sheet For English 8 Quarter 4 - MELC 5
Activity Sheet For English 8 Quarter 4 - MELC 5
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Welcome to English 8!
The English 8 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.
Date: _________________________________
I. Learning Competency
Deliver a self-composed speech using all the needed speech conventions
This time we are going to learn and apply later the conventions of
delivering the speech. In delivering your self-composed speech, you
can refer to the following speech guides:
A. Guides for Good Voice.
1. Speak loudly enough to reach your most distant listener. Well-
trained speakers always “talk to the back row.”
2. Hold down your volume in smaller groups. Bellowing at listeners
who are close to you only pains them.
3. Keep your head up. Send the sound out toward your hearers, not
down toward the ground.
4. Stand upright, not bent over but don’t be a tin soldier. Be relaxed,
not stiff or rigid.
5. Pause for a breath in natural breaks between phrases. Remember
that your voice travels on air.
6. Learn to use the muscles of your abdomen, below your ribs, for
the deep breathing required for good speech.
7. Open your mouth and keep your lower jaw and lips flexible. Your
voice will be held back if your jaws barely move apart.
8. Keep your throat relaxed to avoid strained quality.
9. Aim in general to keep your voice at medium pitch.
10. However, to prevent monotony, occasionaly vary your pitch,
loudness, tempo and tone. Express your feellings in the sound of
your words.
B. Guides for Clear Speech.
1. Open your mouth.
2. Speak each syllable distinctly.
3. Take time to form each sound distinctly.
4. Use the tip of your tongue and your lips. Keep them lively not
5. Finish each word. Enunciate the final sound clearly.
6. Avoid adding, omitting, or substituting sounds.
7. Pronounce words correctly. Use the dictionary if you are not
sure of a pronunciation.
8. Listen to the enunciation and pronunciation of well-trained
professional speaker. Follow good models.
● Salamida, Annabelle E. (2016). English -8 Learning Plan. Reevee Book Supply. Malate Manila
IV. Activities
Instruction: Write a 3 paragraph speech. Choose any topic from the list (choose
only one [1] ). Follow the correct structure in writing your speech, given in this
activity sheet. Then, deliver your speech to your learning facilitator/ a teacher if
available, or any adult member of your family. Let them listen to you and use
the checklist that follow to evaluate your delivery. Pass your self-composed
speech on the scheduled time together with the accomplished checklist.
Choose from here:
1. Is the sound of my voice pleasant to others?
Signature _______________________________________________________
V. Reflections:
Instructions: Complete the following statements and write the answer in your
journal/English notebook.
Answer Key:
Answers Vary