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Flasher St7

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Programming tool for

ST7 series of microcontrollers
with on-chip flash

Software version 2.00

Hardware rev. 2
Manual rev. 2


A product of SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG
2 FLASHER ST7 Manual
FLASHER ST7 Manual 3

Content ....................................................................................................................................................................3
Applicable microcontroller........................................................................................................................................4
Working environment...............................................................................................................................................4
Connecting FLASHER to PC ...................................................................................................................................4
Using FLASHER PC program..................................................................................................................................6
Programming Option Bytes......................................................................................................................................7
Remove Readout Protection of ST7 CPU ...............................................................................................................7
Clock options of ST7 CPU .......................................................................................................................................8
Using the serial link to program in circuit .................................................................................................................8
Serial programming, technical details......................................................................................................................8
Operating FLASHER in stand-alone mode..............................................................................................................8
Remote control of FLASHER ST7 ...........................................................................................................................8
Target system interface for ST7 ..............................................................................................................................9
Error messages .....................................................................................................................................................11
Trouble shooting ....................................................................................................................................................13
Support ..................................................................................................................................................................13
Using Flasher in batch mode .................................................................................................................................14
How to start Flasher program in batch mode.....................................................................................................14
General rules......................................................................................................................................................14
List of commands ...............................................................................................................................................14
Return values .....................................................................................................................................................15
Examples ...........................................................................................................................................................15
4 FLASHER ST7 Manual

Applicable microcontroller
Serial mode:
ST72F26x series ST72F260G1, ST72F262G1, ST72F262G2, ST72F264G2,
ST72F324 series ST72F324J6, ST72F324J6T, ST72F324K6, ST72F324K6T, ST72F324J4,
ST72F324K4, ST72F324J2, ST72F324K2
ST72F324L series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST72F324L series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST72F324 series ST72F321R4, ST72F321R5, ST72F321R6, ST72F321R7, ST72F321R9,
ST72F321AR4, ST72F321AR5, ST72F321AR6, ST72F321AR7, ST72F321AR9,
ST72F321M6, ST72F321M7, ST72F321M9, ST72F321R9, ST72F321J7,
ST72F325 series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST72F32A series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST72F34x series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST72F521 series ST72F521R6, ST72F521AR6, ST72F521M7, ST72F521R7, ST72F521AR7,
ST72F521M9, ST72F521R9, ST72F521AR9
ST72F561 series ST72F561J4, ST72F561J6, ST72F561J7, ST72F561K4, ST72F561K6,
ST72F561R6, ST72F561R7, ST72F561R9
ST7DALI series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7FLCD1 series ST7FLCD1
ST7FMC1 series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7FMC2 series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7FOX series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7LITE0 series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7LITE1 series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7LITE1xB series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7LITE2 series ST7Lite20, ST7Lite25, ST7Lite29, ST7DALI
ST7LITE3 series Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7SUPERLITE Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html
ST7ULTRALITE Look at http://www.segger.com/flasher-st7-supported-microcontrollers.html

• Easy to use windows program
• Serial in target programming using ICC protocol
• Programming / Clearing / Verifying / Read back supported; High speed programming
• 512KByte FLASH to store target program
• PC Program for batch mode processing, allowing usage in automated test systems.
• Once set up, Flasher can be controlled without the use of PC program.

Working environment
Flasher has been designed for use in a lab or production environment.
Host System
IBM PC/AT or compatible. CPU: 486 (or better) with at least 8Mb of RAM, running Windows 95 / 98 / 2000
or NT. It needs to have an RS232 interface available for communication with FLASHER.
Power supply
Flasher requires 16 - 18V DC, min. 40mA. You may use the power supply which comes with the tool.
Flasher is protected against polarity reversion on the supply input. Please avoid excess voltage.
Please note: For ST7 targets requiring programming voltage of 12V, the minimum supply voltage is 16V,
ST7 XFlash devices may be handled with Flasher supply voltage of 8V or above.
Installing the FLASHER PC-software
The PC software FLASHER.EXE is distributed on the accommodating 3.5“ floppy disk; the latest version
can be downloaded from our website: http://www.segger.com/flasherst7.html. In order to use the software,
simply copy it onto your hard drive and start the executable which will guide you through the installation

Connecting FLASHER to PC
PC <-> FLASHER interface cable
A standard serial interface cable (null modem) can be used to connect FLASHER to the PC. The pin as-
signment of the 9 pin SUB-D male RS-232 interface connector is as follows:
FLASHER ST7 Manual 5

Pin no. Signal Function Host-Signal

2 RxD Serial async. data input Serial data output (TxD)

D-Sub 9, female

D-Sub 9, female
2 2
3 3

3 TxD Serial async. data output Serial data input (RxD) 5 5

5 GND Signal ground Signal ground

Getting started:
1. Connect FLASHER to a PC running Windows 95/98/2000 or NT using the NULL-modem cable and run
2. Connect FLASHER to the power supply.
3. Select COM port via Options | Communication menu.
4. Set up the device via Options | Device menu of PC program.
5. For in-circuit programming: Connect FLASHER to target system via customized interface cable.
Before connecting the target system to Flasher, ensure, there is no ground potential difference
between target and Flasher, otherwise the Flasher may be damaged.
6 FLASHER ST7 Manual

Using FLASHER PC program


Flasher comes with an easy to use Win-

dows program. It allows reading of pro-
gram files in motorola or intel hex format.
The following is a screenshot of
FLASHER.EXE with loaded target pro-

Communication between PC and FLASHER

Make sure the power supply is connected (one of FLASHERs LEDs should be illuminated) and FLASHER
is connected to your PC with a NULL-modem cable as supplied. If the PC-program displays anything other
than "No communication" under flasher status, the communication between Flasher and your PC is func-
First time setup of FLASHER
When using Flasher for the first time, please select the menu point Options | Device. You will see the follow-
ing dialog box:
First carefully select the correct target device. A false selection may
damage your target! Then select the chip area you would like to
access, the sectors of the on chip-flash and the interface you
would like to use. Choose one of the following options:
Start/Endbank to select adjacent banks.
Individual banks to select individual non adjacent banks.
For targets running at low frequencies, it may be necessary to set
the speed option to Slow.

Now you should be able to blank check, clear, program, verify or read the target chip in serial mode (if your
target is properly connected to FLASHER). The first time you program or verify, the PC downloads all de-
vice settings and your target program to FLASHER, where it is stored in the on board FLASH chip for pro-
gramming or verification. The PC-Program stores all setup information in the registry; when you start the
program the next time, it will start with the same settings.
Programming / clearing / verifying / blank check
Select one of the com- A modal dialog box will
mands in the TARGET indicate the state and
menu to start the operation. progress of the opera-
Note that some of the menu tion; the operation can
points may be grayed if be canceled hitting the
connection to target is not CANCEL button.
established, or no file is
The operating mode of FLASHER may be changed using
the Setup dialog from the Options menu.
Power up mode, Power down mode and Reset mode should
not be changed for normal operation. Setting of Power down
mode has no effect on FLASHER ST7.
You may change the reset active and reset inactive time if
required by your target hardware.
You may select reset output mode as Push-Pull output or
Open Drain.
All setup settings are stored permanently in FLASHER after
pressing ‘Save setup’ button.
FLASHER ST7 Manual 7

Additional options
The Filling & Misc. Options from the Options menu may be altered
if required.
Normally there is no need to change any of these settings.
The fill byte is automaically programmed to all memory locations
not defined in your target hex file. You should not modify the default
value of 0xFF.
When programming blank (virgin) CPUs ‘Automatic clear before
program’ is not required, so this feature can be disabled to speed
up programming procedure.
Detailed errorlevel on return option may be used to return a de-
tailed errorlevel to the calling program when Flasher is used in

Caution: Any setting of fill byte other than 0xFF will be programmed in option bytes if your target file does not
contain data at address 0x10000 and 0x10001 and option byte sector is enabled for your target CPU.

Programming Option Bytes

ST7 CPUs require option byte programming to setup various important CPU functions.

FLASHER ST7 defines an additional FLASH memory sector for two Option Bytes.
This sector is located at address 0x10000 to 0x10001.
To access Option Bytes of target CPU, this additional sector has to be enabled.

First you should create a HEX file which contains your Option Bytes.
This can easily be done using Flasher PC software as described below.

To create an Option Byte file and program Option Bytes, proceed as follows:

• Open device dialog by menu “Options | Device”

• Select your target CPU from the device list.
• Choose last memory bank only. (Start Adr = 0x10000; End Adr 0x10001)
• Connect your target CPU and start “Target | Read memory”
• Choose menu “View | Dump mode” which enables editing the two bytes in the data window of
Flasher PC program.
• Edit the Option bytes to fit your needs:
Option Byte 1 is located at address 0x10000
Option Byte 2 is located at address 0x10001
• Save your Option bytes by menu “File | Save as”. The Option byte file may be helpful for later use.
• Choose menu “File | Merge” to add your application program to your Option Bytes.
• Save the resulting file containing your application and Option Bytes for later use.
• Select “Options | Device” and set the target address range to fit your application program plus Op-
tion Bytes.
• Finally program your target.

When Option byte settings have to be changed, just merge the Option byte file created under point 7 to your
application program and edit the Option Bytes.
To program another application with the same Option Bytes, just open your application program and merge
the Option Bytes file.

ST7 XFLASH and ST7Lite CPUs offer the choice of write protection by Option Byte settings. This protection
can not be removed! So be careful editing your Option Bytes.

Remove Readout Protection of ST7 CPU

ST7 CPUs may be set to read out protection mode by programming Option Bytes.
If target CPU is read out protected, the Flash memory can not be read back by FLASHER ST7.
FLASHER ST7 will respond with error 85: “Target is read protected”.
To remove readout protection, the whole target CPUs memory has to be programmed to all zeroes and
then it has to be erased inclusive erasure of Option Bytes.

FLASHER ST7 offers the additional function “Clear readout protection” under menu “Target” to remove
the readout protection.
Older version of PC program offers the function “Clear All” which also clears readout protection for ST7 tar-
get CPUs.
8 FLASHER ST7 Manual

Clock options of ST7 CPU

ST7 CPUs require CPU clock to enter ICC mode after reset.

There are two different ways to invoke ICC communication:

• Enter ICC mode and do not take into account option byte settings. (OPT disabled)
This mode always requires external clock supplied to target CPU.
The clock might be supplied by any external oscillator (not crystal or resonator).
Flasher delivers approximately 11 MHz clock at OSC_CLK (pin 9) which has to be connected to the clock
input of target CPU, if external oscillator is not available on target board.

• Enter ICC mode and take into account option byte settings. (OPT enabled)
This mode activates CPUs internal oscillator, if option bytes are set up to activate internal oscillator.
Connection of OSC_CLK is not required in this case and Flasher will not deliver any clock signal on pin 9.

To select between the two different modes, you have to select the correct device from menu Device.
The device names in the list are followed by
“OPT disabled” to enter ICC mode without option byte settings (1.)
“OPT enabled” to enter ICC mode and take into account option byte settings (2.)

Special consideration for ST7Lite2 CPUs:

External clock has to be connected to PB4 in case virgin CPUs should be programmed and “OPT disabled”
is used as ICC entry mode.

Using the serial link to program in circuit

FLASHER can be used for in circuit programming Basic configuration for serial programming
of ST7 CPUs, which incorporate built in firmware
for serial update of user flash. The target system Clock
Target system
has to be designed to support this mode of opera- RS232
tion. Refer to target specific connection diagrams Standard

or Users manuals of your target CPU. cable

Serial programming, technical details

Serial programming of ST7 microcontrollers uses ICC protocol. The commands which are used are de-
scribed in the ST manual. In general, the sequence is as follows:

• Flasher resets the target CPU and then sets up the target to enter ICC mode
• Flasher downloads an application program (RAMCODE) to target CPU
• Flasher starts the target RAMCODE
• RAMCODE accepts commands from Flasher to read, clear or program the target CPU.

Operating FLASHER in stand-alone mode

After download, the target program and all settings are stored in FLASHERs on board FLASH memory.
Any number of microcontrollers may be now programmed by FLASHER (one at a time) without the need of
a host PC, by simply pressing the start button. FLASHER will use the settings which have been made in the
PC-program. This includes the selection of target address range as well as any options. Whether the target
CPU will be erased before programming depends on setting of option “Automatic clear before program”.
Progress and result of the operation is indicated by the LED:

Status of LED Meaning

GREEN, flashing Erasing / Programming / Verifying operation in progress
GREEN Programming operation successful
RED Programming operation failed

Remote control of FLASHER ST7

FLASHER ST7 can be remote controlled by automated testers without the need of a connection to PC and
Flashers PC program. Therefore FLASHER ST7 is equipped with additional hardware control functions,
which are connected to the SUBD9 male connector, normally used as RS232 interface to PC.
The following table shows the pin functions of remote control circuitry of FLASHER:
FLASHER ST7 Manual 9
Pin No. Function Description
1 START A positive pulse of any voltage between 5 and 30V with duration of min. 30 ms starts
“Auto” function (Clear / Program / Verify) on falling edge of pulse. Whether Clear is
executed depends on Options | Filling & misc. | Automatic clear before program.
4 BUSY As soon as Auto-Function is started, BUSY becomes active, which means that tran-
sistor is switched OFF.
7 OK This output reflects result of last action. It is valid after BUSY turned back to passive
state. The output transistor is switched ON to reflect OK state.
5 GND Common Signal ground

Shown below is a timing chart of remote control function:

The following diagram shows the internal remote control circuitry of FLASHER ST7:

Target system interface for ST7

Target interface pin description
The ICC interface from Flasher to target system is built by a 10 pin dual in line pin connector,(pin1 is
marked at the connector) at the front of FLASHER.
Flasher for ST7 uses the standard interface cable connection as described in the ST7 data sheets.

Pin no. Signal Function for ST7 target CPU Specification / remarks
1 GND Common supply and signal ---
2 ICCDATA Data signal for ICC protocol FLASHER Input / Output, CMOS open drain
communication driver via 220 Ohms with active Pull-Up
3 GND Common supply and signal ---
4 ICCCLK Clock signal for ICC protocol FLASHER Input / Output, CMOS open drain
communication driver via 220 Ohms with active Pull-Up
5 GND Common supply and signal ---
6 RESET Target CPU reset FLASHER output (Note 1)
7 VDD Target supply voltage Has to be connected to Flasher as this sup-
plies Flashers target interface.
8 ICCSEL/VPP Programming voltage 12V programming voltage output, also used to
enter ICC mode
9 OSC_CLK Target CPU OSC clock input Clock output from Flasher to target, CMOS
driver via 220 Ohms.

10 -- -- Not used for ST7, leave open

10 FLASHER ST7 Manual

Note 1:
If RESET of target system is driven by a reset circuitry with active high driver, RESET output of FLASHER
must not be connected directly to CPU reset of target.
For ST7 CPUs PUSH/PULL Reset output mode is recommended due to critical timings during initialization.

Note 2:
Clock output of Flasher (Pin 9, Signal OSC_CLK) does not need to be connected under the following cir-
• Target CPU is clocked by any external clock oscillator (not crystal, not resonator) on the target board.
• Target CPU uses internal oscillator by option byte settings and Flasher is set up to take into account
option bytes of target CPU during ICC communication (refer to chapter “Clock options for ST7 CPU”).
Clock output of Flasher has to be connected, if option bytes of target CPU are programmed to use external
clock. As this may happen accidentally, it is a good idea to connect OSC input of target CPU to Flasher in-
Note that virgin ST7Flite CPUs may require external CPU clock at Port B4 instead of OSC1 input.

Before connecting the target with Flasher, ensure that there is NO difference in the ground potential
between Flasher and target.
When the Flasher is connected to a PC via RS232C cable, ensure that the PC and the target operate on
the same ground potential.
Connect the ground lines from PC and your target before connecting the Flasher to the target.
If a ground potential difference between Flasher and target exists, the Flasher may be damaged.
FLASHER ST7 Manual 11

Error messages
The following error messages can occur during operation of FLASHER ST7 (shown in red on your PC) or
returned as errorlevel when operated from batch file and “Detailed errorlevel on return” option is set.

Code Error message Meaning / remedy

1 Erase failed Erase operation has failed
2 Write failed Write operation has failed
3 Verify failed Verification failed. Loaded Program and contents of the flash-memory
are not identical.
4 Blank check failed Chip is not blank
5 Flash write/erase Could not write into flash memory, the max. waiting time has been
timed out exceeded
7 Canceled Last operation has been canceled by user.
43 Timeout of target Target command Clear, Program or Verify could not be finished within
expected time. Please report this error.
55 CRC check in pro- Integrity of target data held in FLASHERs internal memory is lost.
grammer failed. Download new data to FLASHER.
56 Internal Vcc drop A voltage drop on Flashers internal supply was detected. Internal data
during operation may be damaged.
58 DAC for Vpp not FLASHER lost calibration data for Vpp generation circuit. Please return
calibrated FLASHER to factory, as calibration can not be done by user.
60 Unsupported inter- FLASHER is requested to access a target CPU that is not supported by
face, check device Flasher. Normally this fault should not occur. Ensure that Flasher PC
setting software version fits to Flasher firmware version
61 Unsupported command FLASHER received a command that is not supported. Ensure that
Flasher PC software version fits to Flasher firmware version.
62 No target data, please FLASHER 5 never received valid data for target, therefore target can
download not be programmed. Download target data.
63 FLASHER lost Setup Setup data for Flasher invalid. Please run Option | Setup. and Option |
75 RAMCode does not After download to target the RAMCode did not respond to Flasher.
work Check device configuration.
76 RAMCode does not RAMCode did not respond to Flashers command.
respond command Reset target and retry operation.
80 Could not enter ICC Target did not enter ICC mode.
mode Check configuration and device settings.
Check target connection.
81 Timeout during se- Target did respond in specified time.
rial data transfer Check configuration and device settings.
Check target connection.
82 Option byte read Retry operation.
failed Check configuration and device settings.
Check target connection.
83 Option byte pro- Retry operation.
gramming failed Check target connection.
If target was read protected, Option bytes can not be modified.
Select "Clear All" function first.
84 Program All func- "Clear All" function terminated in error. Retry operation.
tion failed Check target connection.
85 Target is read pro- Target could not be read, because target is read-protected by option
tected byte settings.
87 Device file for ST7 Device file for ST7 CPU contains invalid parameter. Do you use a
invalid Flasher with firmware version different to PC program version?
88 Target is write ST7 target CPU was set write protected by option byte setting. This
protected protection can not be removed. Target CPU can not be reprogrammed
or erased.
202 Blank check failed Target CPU is not blank.
203 Verify failed Verification failed. Loaded Program and contents of target CPUs flash-
memory are not identical.
204 Clear target failed Erase operation has failed.
205 Target auto func- Any error occurred during “Auto” function (Clear / Program / Verify)
tion failed
206 Programming target An error occurred during programming of target. If target was not blank
failed before, ensure that target is erased before programming. Retry.
207 Reading target An error occurred during reading of target. Retry operation. Check
12 FLASHER ST7 Manual
failed connection to target.
210 Could not open The source file given as parameter could not be opened. Check file
source file name or path.
211 Invalid Parameter. Invalid command line parameter found.
212 Invalid parameter Check parameter. Refer to command description.
213 Invalid command Check parameter. Refer to command description.
214 Firmware mismatch PC software version differs from firmware version of Flasher.
Download new firmware via Options menu. Otherwise proper function
can not be guaranteed.
215 The selected target Check and setup device settings.
chip is not sup-
ported by the con-
nected programmer.
216 Session mismatch. It seemed, that Flasher was disconnected during communication be-
Resetting connec- tween Flasher and PC. Try an other COM port.
217 Flasher refuses Did you select a chip which is not supported ? Check device settings.
218 None of the se- PC program could not open selected COM-Port. Select an other COM
lected com ports is port.
219 Error in HEX file The HEX file for target could not be read. Check file format.
220 Invalid file exten- You tried to open or save a Hex file with unsupported file extension.
sion, use .MOT,
.HEX or .BIN
221 Invalid file name You tried to Open or merge a file that could not be found. Check file
name or path.
222 Error in Protocol PC program internal error. Restart program.
223 VCCS > VCCSmax Supply voltage of target exceeds max value defined for selected de-
(Target supply vice. Check device settings, connection to Flasher and target supply. If
voltage too everything is correct, Flashers voltage measurement circuitry seems to
high...) be damaged and has to be repaired.
224 VCCS < VCCSmin Supply voltage of target is lower than min value defined for selected
(Target supply device. Check device settings, connection to Flasher and target supply.
voltage too low If everything is correct, Flashers voltage measurement circuitry seems
...) to be damaged and has to be repaired.
225 Flasher Input volt- Flashers supply voltage is lower than required to generate program-
age too low ming voltage of connected target CPU. Check supply voltage.
226 Assertion PC program internal error. Restart and try again.
227 Invalid default Your registry contained invalid data about Flasher PC program. Setup
program settings device and other options.
found. Please setup
228 Flasher not ready ! Setup data could not be sent to Flasher. Is a Flasher connected to your
PC? Check COM port.
229 Invalid commandline Your command line parameter contains a command which is not sup-
option ported.
230 Flasher defect !!! Target interface of FLASHER not found during initialization. Flasher
Target interface has to be repaired.
does not work.
FLASHER ST7 Manual 13

Trouble shooting
Proper operation of FLASHER ST7 depends on your target system. If you have any trouble operating
FLASHER ST7, please:
a) Check your target hardware,
b) Check the connecting cable,
c) Use an oscilloscope to check the state of all signals on the target connector, especially to check if the
target CPU is RESET properly and Programming voltage output, OSC_CLK, ICCDATA and ICCCLK
signals work properly,
d) Make sure FLASHER firmware version matches the PC software version, if not choose Menu | Options |
Download Firmware.

For support questions, please consult our website at www.segger.com. If this does not answer your ques-
tions, please send an email to support_flasher@segger.com.
14 FLASHER ST7 Manual

Using Flasher in batch mode

Flasher.exe supports command line options to enable automated programming of targets. This document
describes the supported commands and their respective parameters.
Flasher PC software version 1.72b or above replaces FlasherPro, which is not delivered anymore.

How to start Flasher program in batch mode

To use Flasher in batch mode, just call Flasher.exe directly from DOS-Box or start any batch file which calls
Flasher.exe, To start any action, parameter may be passed as command line options.

General rules
• The first parameter specified must be the file to load, if download is required.
• The return code is 0 if all operations have been executed successfully, !=0 otherwise.
• All commands are identical to the corresponding commands in the menu bar.
• All commands are processed from left to right.
• If “-exit” is specified as the last command, the program will terminate as soon as any error occurs or af-
ter all commands have been executed.
• If one parameter contains a space use quotation marks for this parameter.

List of commands
The following commands are currently supported as parameter when Flasher is called in batch mode:

Command Description
-download Downloads the loaded hex file into Flashers memory without
starting any additional action.
-checkblank Checks if target is blank
-verify Verifies loaded data against contents of target
-clear Clears target memory area that is currently selected by de-
vice settings
-clearall Removes readout protection of ST7 target CPU and clears
entire chip regardless of target memory area currently se-
lected by device settings
-programverify Programs & verifies target
-program Programs loaded data into target
-readback Reads target area into PC
-start Starts application program
-com<PORT> Sets COM-port of PC(1..4).
-saveas<FILENAME.EXT>[,FIRST-LAST] Saves the file currently in PC memory. The extension needs
to be “MOT”, “HEX” or “BIN” and determines the filetype.
The optional range is used for files in BIN-format.
-merge<FILENAME.EXT> Merge specified file to current data
-delrange<FIRST-LAST> Deletes the specified range of data
-relocate<OFFSET> Relocates current data by offset
-selbanks<START,END> Sets the numbers of start and end bank. The numbers has
to be the same as in the selection box shown under Op-
-seldevice<DEVICENAME> Selects the desired device. The name of the device has to
be exactly the same as in the selection box shown under
Options/Device. If device name is composed from multiple
words, use apostrophes as shown below:
“-seldeviceST72F521R9 OPT enabled”
-exit Finish execution after performing all commands
-help Displays available commands.
-? The same as –help
To open a HEX file, just place the file name as first parameter just behind the call of Flasher.exe.
FLASHER ST7 Manual 15

Return values
The following return values are sent as errorlevel unless “Options | Filling & misc. | Detailed errorlevel on re-
turn” is selected:

Value Meaning
2 Target not blank
3 Verify error, Contents of target data not identical to FLASHERs internal data.
4 Erase error. Target CPU could not be erased.
5 Error during Program & Verify function
6 Error during programming of target CPU
7 Error during target readback.
8 Error during “Start application”.
9 Timeout error.
10 HEX file could not be opened.
>10 Corresponds to error number which would normally shown on PC screen when program was
used in normal mode.

When “Detailed errorlevel on return” is set as option, the returned value equals to error codes described un-
der chapter “Error messages”.

Program and verify
In the following example the software
• reads the file TEST.MOT
• tells the Flasher to program and verify,
• exits.

Flasher.exe test.mot -programverify -exit

Programming using specified com port

In the following example the software
• reads the file TEST.MOT
• sets the COM-port of the PC to Port 2,
• tells the Flasher to program,
• exits.

Flasher.exe test.mot -com2 -program -exit

Usage in production environment

This example shows a batch file that executes a download to Flasher once. After the first call of Flasher the
batch file runs in a loop that programs the last downloaded file continuously after pressing a key. After every
execution of Flasher the return code is evaluated.

NOTE: Evaluating the return code only works under WindowsNT or Windows2000. If you use Windows9x
Flasher will be started in a new task and you can’t evaluate the return code from the DOS-box from which
you started Flasher, because your DOS-Box will not halt execution until FLASHER finished!

@echo off

rem The first call of Flasher loads the the HEX file

Flasher test.mot -program -verify -exit

goto checkerror

rem Loop for repeated programming without download

Flasher -program -verify -exit

rem Check errorlevel if succeed

16 FLASHER ST7 Manual
if errorlevel 1 goto ERROR_%errorlevel%

echo Operation successfully finished

goto loop

rem handle errors

echo Undefined error
goto end
goto end
goto end
goto end
goto end
goto end
goto end
goto end
goto end
goto end

echo Operation canceled

Relocate, delete, merge and save

The following example shows a batch file, where the software
• reads file A.HEX,
• deletes the range 0xC000..0xFFFF,
• moves the remaining bytes 0x4000 bytes up,
• saves the memory contents as B.MOT,
• reads the file A.HEX again,
• deletes the range 0x1000..0xBFFF,
• moves the remaining bytes 0xB000 bytes down,
• saves the memory contents as C.MOT,
• merges the files B.MOT and C.MOT
• and save the new file as RESULT.BIN.

Flasher A.HEX -delrangeC000-FFFF -relocate04000 -saveasB.MOT -exit

Flasher A.HEX –delrange1000-BFFF –relocate-B000 -saveasC.MOT -exit
Flasher B.MOT -mergeC.MOT -saveasRESULT.BIN,1000-FFFF -exit

Selecting device
The following example shows a batch file, where the software
• selects a device,
• reads the contents of the device.

Flasher “–seldeviceST72F521R9 OPT enabled” -readback

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