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Learning Plan in Speech 9

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Learning Plan in Speech 9

First Quarter – Nature and Environment

Prepared by: John Michael L. Martinez
Vision: Moncada Catholic School is a catholic Christ-centered learning institution which nurtures total formation of the community.
Mission: Imbued with the Holy Spirit and animated by St. Dominic’s passion for truth and compassion for humanity, we commit ourselves to the transformation
of the human person thru academic excellence, productive learning and genuine service to life, neighbor and country.
Lesson 1

 Thoroughly comprehend the fundamental issues underlying effective oral communication and develop their communication skills to become effective
 Carry out techniques to reduce/deal with communication comprehension
 Listen to a variety of listening purposes including gathering information, understanding information, following directions, participating in discussions, and
forming opinions
 Use oral and nonverbal communication to effectively and positively express, ideas, solve problems, and transfer information
 Apply /illustrate the six steps involved in a communication cycle.


What is effective communication? Is it just talking and making gestures?


Activity No. 1
Explore the meaning of communication by doing the task, in groups of five, examine the images and discuss what image represents and conveys. Write your
answers on the grid.
Representation/ Symbolism Message Conveyed

With the same group, figure out among yourselves what effective communication is and why it is important. Write your answers in the table below.

Effective Communication Importance

Process Questions:
1. What is effective communication?
2. Why it is important?

Activity No. 2
Read the dialogue between Karl and his friend.

Process Questions:
1. What is the selection all about?
2. How will you apply the moral lesson in real life situation?

Activity No. 3 (Discussion )

Discuss the communication process

1. Source
2. Message
3. Channel
4. Receiver
5. Feedback
6. Noise
7. Context/Situation

Process Questions:
1. How is communication process being done?
2. What will you do to relay your message successfully?


Activity No. 4 (Think with a group)

As a group, discuss and infer on the possible ideas which may be exchanged between the two people.

Possible Ideas Conveyed Component Involved in the Exchange


Process question
1. How are you going to avoid misunderstanding in communication?
2. Why do you say so?

Activity No.5
Watch the video presentation entitled “RRR Teachnique- Public Speaking” by Charles decker.

Process Question:
1. How did the speaker deliver his speech?
2. Why is it important that you should pronounce the words correctly?

Activity No.6
Read the article “Dimensions of wellness” By Airman.

Process Question:
1. What is the main content of the article?
2. What is the importance of having Spiritual fitness?

Activity No. 7
Form a triad and do the following:
1,. Write three things that have learned about the nature of effective communication.

a. ________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________

2. Give two interesting things that you have understood from the topic.
Interesting Things Symbols
b. ________________________________________________

Process Questions:
1. What is the nature of effective communication?
2. What did you understand about the communication process?
Lesson 2

 Self-assess/evaluate the degree of their communication apprehension /anxiety.
 Discuss the common sources of their communication apprehension.
 Make a list of all the nervous symptoms they experience when communicating with others.
 Carry out techniques to reduce/deal with communication apprehension.
 Role-play situations on communication apprehension.
 Create an advertising slogan on a major issue.
 Write an epistolary essay.
 Design and write a newsletter.


How Similar?

How Different?

In Relation To:

What can you conclude from the information revealed in the graphs?

Activity No. 1 (Discussion)

1. Nature of Communication Apprehension
2. What is Communication Process?
3. Myths about communication apprehension
4. Two categories of communication apprehension
5. Symptoms of general communication apprehension/anxiety
6. Characteristic of people suffering from general communication apprehension/anxiety.
7. Effects/ impacts of severe communication apprehension on people.
8. Ways of reducing communication apprehension/anxiety.

Activity no. 2
Form groups of five members. Discuss among yourselves the common sources of your anxiety / apprehension. Consider how each contributes to the anxiety you
experience whenever you are called upon to speak before a group or a crowd.
Sources of Anxiety How it contributes to your Degree of seriousness Steps you can take to address and
experiences change patterns of behavior

Process Questions
1. What are the common sources of anxiety or communication apprehension?
2. How will affect your ability to speak before a group or a crowd?

Activity no. 3
Read the short report entitled An Athlete’s Approach to Anxiety: Kristi Yamaguchi below and answer the questions that follow.

Process Questions
1. What techniques does Kristi Yamaguchi do to deal with and manage her anxiety?
2. In your opinion, can these techniques be used by a public speaker? Support your answer.
3. What can you learn from the methods that famous athletes use to deal with?


Activity No. 4
Form groups of ten members. Read the script of the short play by Helen Lester entitled “Hooway for Woodney Wat.” After reading, present the play in Readers
Theater format.


Activity no. 5
Identify, discuss, and analyze some major issues/problems found in the selection. Use the I-SOLVE strategy by Forgan.
Identify the problem Solution to the problem Obstacles to the Look at the solution/s Validate by trying it Evaluate How the
problem Again Solution’s Work

Process Questions
1. Does the I-SOLVE format help you?
2. What way does it help?

Activity no. 6
Choose a major issue which is expressed in the story “Hooway for Wodney Wat”. Draw a symbol that you can as a logo for the issue you have selected.

Process Questions
1. What were the issues that you have identified?

 Assess the importance of listening
 Value the listening process
 Analyze the types of listening
 Classify the four types of listeners
 Avoid the barriers to effective listening

Indicate what you know about the concepts below?




Activity No. 1 (Listening Activity )

Find out the names of the Herbert’s children, their son-in-law, their daughter-in-law and their grandchildren. Indicate their correct names in the diagram:


Mr. Herbert Mrs. Herbert

Activity No. 2
Read the article Meet Marty Cooper – the inventor of the mobile phone by Tania Teixeira.
1. Give your opinion on the following questions.
Is a cell phone a necessity or a luxury in today’s society? At what age is it appropriate for children or teenagers
to have a phone?

Process Questions
1. How cellphone helps us in our daily life?
2. In a debate, what are the things you should remember in listening on someone’s opinion?


Activity No. 3
Do the following tasks:
1. Form groups of four.
2. Design and develop a communication gadget that is similar to a mobile phone?
3. Label its special features and provide instructions on how it works.

Process Question
1. How you can relate the mobile phone into listening process?
2. What are the features related to it?

Activity No. 4 (Role Playing)
You’re talking to your friend about your mother, whom you are angry with because she is consumed with work, is always at the office, and has missed several
important outings with you and the family. You’re feeling somewhat embarrassed and don’t really wish to “air your laundry” in public, but, at the same time you
feel need to talk about it.

Process Question
1. What do you think about listening?

Activity No. 5 (Comic illustration)

Make a creative activity to express your ideas/thoughts on any of the following topics:
a. Fake news
b. Amendment of Constitution
c. Disputed Island
In doing the activity, work using the following SPAM framework.


Assessment for SPAM Creative Work

1 2 3 4 5
Overall Impact

Process Questions
1. What do you feel about listening?
2. What do you do about listening?

 Discern the significance of words.
 Use the key components of the spoken word with care.
 Accomplish the self-assessment questionnaire.
 Express their ideas with tact and caution
 Interpret nonverbal cues.

What do you know about verbal and nonverbal communication?
Verbal Communication Nonverbal Communication
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.


Activity No. 1
Complete this self-assessment to help you understand your oral communication strengths and areas for improvement.

I can Yes Somewhat No

1. Ask routine questions to obtain information.
2. Leave brief phone messages.
3. Understand short messages and communicate the information to others.
4. Give simple instructions to others on a familiar topic.
5.Explain simple facts
6. Follow simple oral instructions.
7. Listen to others without interrupting.
8. Discuss work-related problems or issues in detail.
9. Ask complex questions to get the appropriate information.
10. Communicate with others to resolve minor conflicts.

Process Questions
1. How well you can complete the specific task indicated?


Activity No. 2
The dialogue below contains the first and final portions. With a partner, fill in the parts that are missing.

Gabbie: Hi, Gray, How are you?

Gray: Hello, Gabbie. I didn’t expect to find you here.
Gabbie: Well, after what happened yesterday, I just had to come.
Gray: Why?
Gabbie: ____________________________________________________________________________
Gray: ______________________________________________________________________________
Gabbie: ____________________________________________________________________________
Gray: ______________________________________________________________________________
Gabbie: I just hope I don’t have to go through that again.
Gray: Oh, you shouldn’t worry about it so much.

Activity No. 3 ( Collaborative skill )

Read the situation below carefully. Then together with a partner construct a meaningful dialogue.

1. William meets his friend Belle on the way home from school. She can’t stop to chat, and William asks her why she’s in such a hurry. She explains that she is
going to pick up her sister, Hannah, from the airport. She is arriving in one hour from China. William asks Belle to bring her sister along to a party he is giving on
Saturday night. Belle is delighted and says that she will also bring some refreshments.
Process Questions
1. What aspects of the spoken word determine whether one is involved in human interaction?
2. How does the spoken word evoke power?


Activity No. 4
Demonstrate the appropriate facial expressions or body language to convey the following feelings/emotions:\
1.desire 6. Boredom
2. rage 7. melancholy
3.agitation 8. thrill
4. concern 9. empathy
5. wonder 10. Indifference

Process Question
1. Why appropriate facial expression is a powerful tool in relationship building?

Activity No. 5
Cite the problems and indicate the specific things that you can do to help our country solve them.

Environmental Problem Action Plan

Process Questions
1. What are the most pressing problems that plague our country today?
2. What is the best way to address the problem?
Lesson 5

 Apply the guidelines in effective communication.
 Engage in a negotiating exercise
 Perform in a dramatic interpretative reading endeavor.
 Construct an alphabet table of the essential concepts of the communication cycle.
 Produce a portfolio on the different types of communication devices that have been invented through the years.

In triads, reflect on the nature and process of the communication cycle and write your insights/thoughts in the given concept framework:



Activity No. 1 (Collaborative skills)

Select a partner and accomplish the following activity:

1. Partner A (You): Take two minutes to share with Partner B what you consider to be his/her personal strengths, including the things you think he/she has done
well, thing she/she likes about himself/herself , and things he thinks others like about him/her.
2. Partner B (Partner): You share with Partner A any observations you have about his/her strengths and personal assets.
3. In each case, when you, Partner A, receive an item of feedback from Partner B, you respond by:
a. paraphrasing the feedback
b. stating what you think Partner B means
c. negotiating the meaning
4. Reverse roles and repeat the process.

Process Question
1. How communication cycle works in exchanging of thoughts?

Activity No. 2
Read the poem entitled If You Want To Know What We Are by Carlos Bulosan.

Process Questions
1. What is the subject of the poem?
2. In what context or situation was it written?
3. Why did the poet write the poem? What could have been his purpose?
4. What is the writer’s attitude toward the subject?
5. Do you agree with the views that the winter presents in this poem?


Activity No. 3
1. Form into groups of four, and read the story entitled “The Encoders.”
2. As a group, write out what Troy might say to Angle, Homer, and Dr. Manuel Victor.

Process Questions
1. What realities are significant for its attainment?
2. How can the communication cycle ensure a purposeful and meaningful human interaction?

Activity No. 4
1. From dyads
2. Together, recall all the concepts presented in this lesson.
3. Construct an alphabet graphic organizer or an alphabet table of all important things you have learned.

Process Questions
1. Why is body language and verbal communication a powerful tool in relationship building?
2. What aspects of the spoken word determine whether one is involved in human interaction?

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