Nature of Problem Based Learning
Nature of Problem Based Learning
Nature of Problem Based Learning
• she d e s c r i b e d P B L a s a p r o c e s s t h a t i s u s e d
to identify problems with a scenario to
increase knowledge and understanding.
presentation of the
solution to the learning
Brower, Hedberg
and Kruswara ❑stress that technology is simply the
mediator for collaboration and
(2010) representation and that it is the
type of task and thinking process in
which students engage that
determine the quality of learning
Role of technology
Kung (2018)
❑Found that advanced
language learners had Web 2.0, term devised to differentiate the
post-dotcom bubble World Wide Web with
positive perception about the its emphasis on social networking, content
use of Web. 2.0 Technology generated by users, and cloud computing
in writing instruction. from that which came before.
Productivity Tools
❑ Such as those for
✓ writings,
✓ presentation,
✓ spreadsheets,
✓ calendars,
✓ organizers,
✓ citations, and others
are also available to assist learners and teachers in
accomplishing required task and outputs from a PBL
❖ This creative tool is
excellent for creating
There are free tools
digital posters and other
multimedia projects. than can be
FotoBabble downloaded for
❖ a tool used to record a
voiceover for an image in mobile phones,
a slideshow format. It’s
great for collaborative
projects telling a story of
laptops or desktops.
a photo or an event.
Makers Empire
❖ This is a great design and creation
tool that teachers and students can
use to be innovative and share
ideas with a vibrant community of
Things to remember when using the PBL approach