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Requirements For Heavy Wall Chrome-Molybdenum Pressure Vessels

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GP 05-01-03 Requirements for Heavy Wall Chrome-Molybdenum Pressure Vessels June 2009

Requirements for Heavy Wall

Chrome-Molybdenum Pressure
GP 05-01-03

1) This Global Practice (GP) is intended to be used for heavy wall Cr-Mo Vessels over 2 in. (50 mm) in
thickness, operating below the creep range.
2) [I] This GP covers the mechanical design, inspection, testing, and shipment requirements, in addition
to those in GP 05-01-01, and supplements the materials and fabrication requirements of the API
Recommended Practices listed below:
a) API RP 934-A for 2 1/4Cr-1Mo and 3Cr-1Mo conventional and advanced steels
b) API RP 934-C for 1 1/4Cr-1/2 Mo steels
3) It is the intent of this GP that all of the requirements and practices in the above API Recommended
Practices apply unless amended by the User Design Specifications, Purchase Order, or the additional
requirements outlined in this GP.

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Copyright Waiver
ExxonMobil Development Company and ExxonMobil Pipeline Company hereby license the use of ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System (EMEPS) Global Practices (GPs) for
use by any ExxonMobil division, subsidiary, or more-than-50%-owned affiliate. The GPs may be downloaded and modified as necessary for project and affiliate use. Written
permission from ExxonMobil Development Company or ExxonMobil Pipeline Company is not required. However, any modified GPs must be renumbered to a project-specific or
affiliate-specific number to distinguish them from the GPs on the EMEPS web site. ExxonMobil operated joint ventures may utilize GPs to create project-specific or location-specific
specifications. It is the responsibility of individual affiliate or joint venture to ensure that the use of GPs and their derivatives is limited to joint venture related business and not
disclosed or used outside the JV without appropriate EM management approval.
GP 05-01-03 Requirements for Heavy Wall Chrome-Molybdenum Pressure Vessels June 2009

Table of Contents

Table of Figures...............................................................................................................4

Table of Tables.................................................................................................................5

1. Required References...............................................................................................6
1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices.....................................6
1.2. API–American Petroleum Institute..................................................................6
1.3. ASME–American Society of Mechanical Engineers.......................................6
1.4. TEMA–Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association.................................7
1.5. WRC–Welding Research Council...................................................................7
2. Definitions................................................................................................................7

3. Documentation.........................................................................................................7
3.1. General...........................................................................................................7
3.2. Material Specifications....................................................................................8
3.3. Procedures......................................................................................................8
3.4. Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP)..................................................................9
3.5. Documentation Requirements for Shipment..................................................9
3.6. Final Data Book............................................................................................10
4. Materials.................................................................................................................12
4.1. Base Metal Requirements............................................................................12
4.2. Integral Bonded Clad Plates.........................................................................13
5. Design.....................................................................................................................13
5.1. General.........................................................................................................13
5.2. Analysis.........................................................................................................13
5.3. Heads and Transition Sections.....................................................................13
5.4. Vessel Support..............................................................................................14
5.5. Design Loads................................................................................................15
5.6. Load Combinations.......................................................................................15
5.7. Erection.........................................................................................................15
6. Nozzles and Manways...........................................................................................16
6.1. Inside Corner Radii.......................................................................................17

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7. Bolting.....................................................................................................................18

8. Attachments...........................................................................................................18
8.1. Major Load Bearing Attachments.................................................................18
8.2. Minor Load Bearing Attachments.................................................................18
8.3. Additional Requirements...............................................................................19
8.4. Temporary Attachments...............................................................................19
8.5. Lifting Attachments.......................................................................................19
9. Fabrication.............................................................................................................20
9.1. Welding.........................................................................................................20
9.2. Weld Overlay................................................................................................21
9.3. Weld Repairs................................................................................................21
9.4. Surface Finish...............................................................................................22
9.5. Thermal Treatment of Welds........................................................................22
10. Examination and Testing......................................................................................24

11. Shipment and Storage...........................................................................................24

11.1. General Requirements..................................................................................24
11.2. Design...........................................................................................................25
11.3. Shipping........................................................................................................25
11.4. Storage.........................................................................................................27
Appendix A: Testing Summary Tables: 1 ¼ Cr – ½ Mo............................................28

Appendix B: Special Requirements for 2 ¼ Cr – ½ Mo and 3 Cr – 1 Mo

Conventional and Advanced Steels–Testing Summary Tables.......................33

Appendix C: Recommendations for Advanced 2-1/4Cr-1 Mo Vessels.....................39

Appendix D: FEA Specifications.................................................................................40

Record of Change..........................................................................................................48

Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions......................................................................49

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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Skirt-to-Shell Attachment............................................................................14

Figure 2: Hot Box..........................................................................................................15

Figure 3: Local PWHT Minimum Band Widths...............................................................23

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Table of Tables

Table 1: Nozzle Configurations...................................................................................16

Table A–1: Plate and Forging Testing Summary.......................................................28

Table A–2: Procedure Qualification Testing Summary............................................30

Table A–3: Production Testing Summary..................................................................31

Table B–1: Plate and Forging Testing Summary.......................................................33

Table B–2: Procedure Qualification Testing Summary............................................35

Table B–3: Production Testing Summary.......................................................................36

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GP 05-01-03 Requirements for Heavy Wall Chrome-Molybdenum Pressure Vessels June 2009

1. Required References
1) This Section lists the Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall be used
with this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.
2) [I] The Practices and Standards in this section shall be used with this Global Practice to supplement
the Required References sections of GP 05-01-01.

1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices

GP 04-01-03 Design Loads for Structures
GP 05-01-01 Pressure Vessels
GP 18-07-01 Welding Procedures
GP 18-10-01 Additional Requirements for Materials
GP 18-12-01 Positive Material Identification
GP 19-03-02 Refractory Linings for Pressure Vessels and Piping

1.2. API–American Petroleum Institute

API RP 934-A Materials and Fabrication of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo, 2 1/4Cr-1Mo-1/4V, 3Cr-
1Mo, and 3Cr-1Mo-1/4V Steel Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels for High-
temperature, High-pressure Hydrogen Service
API RP 934-C Materials and Fabrication of 1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo Steel Heavy Wall Pressure
Vessels for High-pressure Hydrogen Service Operating at or Below 825
Degrees F (441 Degrees C)

1.3. ASME–American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
ASME B18.2.2 Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series)
ASME B30.20 Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
ASME SEC II D BPVC Section II D - Materials Part D - Properties
ASME SEC VIII D1 BPVC Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels -
Division 1
ASME SEC VIII D2 BPVC Section VIII - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels -
Division 2 Alternative Rules

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1.4. TEMA–Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association

TEMA BOOK OF Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association

1.5. WRC–Welding Research Council

WRC BUL 429 3D Stress Criteria Guidelines for Application

2. Definitions
[I] The following are technical and project procurement definitions related to construction carried out in
accordance with this Practice.

Term [I] Description

Manufacturer The successful Vessel Bidder, the firm, or organization, receiving the
Purchase Order (P.O.) to design and fabricate the vessels.
Subsupplier Firm or organization, acceptable to the User, that supplies materials
and/or subcontracted services to the Manufacturer in conjunction with
design or fabrication of the vessels.
The ASME Code The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Transportation The firm or organization responsible for safely transporting the vessel.
User The organization that purchases the finished pressure vessel for its own
use or as a designated agent for that organization.
Vessel Bidder The firm or organization that receives the Request for Quotation to bid
on design and fabrication of the vessels.

3. Documentation
3.1. General
1) [I] The Manufacturer's drawings, calculations, engineering data, and other documents submitted to
the User shall be in either U.S. Customary or SI units and in accordance with the construction Code
(see ASME SEC VIII D1, Appendix GG, "Guidance for the Use of U.S. Customary and SI Units in
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code," and ASME SEC VIII D2, Part 1.4, "Units of
Measurement") or other Company-approved code. Text in the language of the Manufacturer may be
used, provided that the English translation is also shown. Dual dimensioning is acceptable. Design
calculations and drawings shall be in a consistent set of units.

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2) [A] [I] Electronic PDF documents are preferred and if used shall be legible in 11 X 17 inch size.
Documents shall be signed as checked prior to submittal. Unchecked data will not be accepted for
review. The Manufacturer shall not proceed with fabrication until authorized by the User.
3) [I] The User's P.O. Number and the Equipment Item Number shall be shown on each document.
4) [I] Review of the Manufacturer's data and documents by the User does not relieve the Manufacturer
of the accuracy of any shop dimensions, or of the responsibility for compliance with the applicable
Codes and Standards or the User's drawing(s) and Specifications.
5) Overall fabrication plan shall be provided.

3.2. Material Specifications

[A] [I] Manufacturer shall supply materials purchase specifications for review prior to materials
procurement. Mill test reports and testing requirements shall be provided by the Manufacturer for review
by the User prior to the start of fabrication.

3.3. Procedures
1) [I] Manufacturer shall submit all fabrication, examination, and testing procedures necessary to fully
document the work required to comply with the requirements of this GP and the governing sections of
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
2) [A] [I] All procedures shall be submitted to the User for review prior to the commencement of any
work that is the subject of the procedure.
3) These procedures shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
a) Welding procedures, including weld maps.
b) Liquid penetrant (PT) examination procedures.
c) Magnetic particle (MT) examination procedures.
d) Radiographic (RT) examination procedures.
e) Ultrasonic (UT) examination procedures of base material, including clad plate, forgings, and
f) Repair procedures.
g) Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) procedures, including local PWHT, Dehydrogenation Heat
Treatment (DHT), and Intermediate Stress Relief (ISR) procedures.
h) Hardness testing procedures.
i) A positive materials identification (PMI) program including testing and welding consumables
control in accordance with GP 18-12-01 requirements.
j) Weld overlay and back cladding chemistry and ferrite examination testing per GP 18-07-01,
Appendix B, "Weld Overlay and Clad Restoration."
k) Hydrostatic testing procedures.
l) Painting procedures.
m) Cleaning procedures, including pickling and passivation, if applicable.
n) Shipping preparation procedures, including nitrogen purging and blanking, if applicable.

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o) Shop inspection quality control manual and "hold point" documentation and management
p) Step Cooling Procedures, if applicable
q) Lifting Procedures

3.4. Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP)

1) [A] Manufacturer is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive Inspection and
Testing Plan (ITP) in conformance with the requirements of the P.O. and the construction codes. The
ITP shall be submitted to the User for review and comment prior to any pre-inspection meetings that
cover the subject matter of the Plan.
2) The Inspection and Testing Plan shall cover all aspects of P.O. execution, including the following:
a) Material procurement
b) Vessel fabrication and testing (including an integrated sequence identifying fabrication and
testing steps)
c) A system for defining User and Code inspector "hold points"
d) Miscellaneous piping component fabrication and testing
e) Internals procurement, fabrication, and testing
f) Internals installation
g) Painting/coating
h) Shipping preparation

3.5. Documentation Requirements for Shipment

[A] The Manufacturer shall submit the following additional engineering documents for review based
upon the Shipping Category designated for each vessel in the User's P.O. The documents and information
listed for each Shipping Category below are considered as minimums and the Manufacturer shall develop
and submit any and all documentation necessary to meet the User's requirements for shipping and storage.

3.5.1. Shipment by Land

Documentation required for vessels designated to be shipped by land shall include the following:
1) Drawings
a) General shipping arrangement showing the vessel center of gravity location.
b) Locations of shipping supports (saddles, cribbing, and/or bolsters).
c) Dimensional details of shipping supports.
d) Vessel orientation during shipment.
e) Details of special crates for large and/or special configuration ship-loose items.
f) Location, size, and color marking of all temporary shipping clips, braces, and bolting, both
internal and external.
g) Allowable and actual shipping envelope diagrams.
h) Lashing diagram and diagram of points restricted from use in lashing by others.
i) Location and size of desiccant bags and containment baskets (if applicable).

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2) Calculations. Shipping and transportation calculations shall include the following:

a) Shipping weight and center of gravity.
b) Analysis of vessel stresses during transportation and loadout, considering the maximum
anticipated lateral, vertical, and longitudinal accelerations provided by the Transportation
c) Design/analysis of shipping saddles.
d) Analysis of installed internals (trays, decks, pipes, frames, etc.) and any attached external parts or
piping during transportation.
e) Design of temporary shipping clips, braces, and bolting.
3) Procedures
a) Cleaning and closing.
b) Shipping and storage.
c) Removal of temporary shipping devices.
4) Shipping list for spare and ship-loose parts, including quantity, description, material, end use, and
shipping crate location of each part.

3.5.2. Shipment by Water

[A] Vessels designated to be shipped by water require a nitrogen purge during transportation. In addition
to the requirements for shipment by land, the following documents and information shall be submitted for
1) Drawings
a) Schedule of temporary shipping covers, gaskets, and bolts, including dimensions, drilling, and
Bill of Materials.
b) Detailed layout of nitrogen purge system (if applicable), including Bill of Materials and locations
of valves, regulators, gauges, fittings, piping or tubing, and cylinder banks.
c) Additional required vessel markings, including size, position, and color of markings.
2) Calculations
Design of temporary shipping covers for vessels shipped with a nitrogen blanket.
3) Procedures
Nitrogen purging and blanketing, including units of measure for procedures and gauges, blanket
maintenance during shipment, and blanket removal at erection site.

3.6. Final Data Book

[A] [I] The Manufacturer shall submit the following documentation as part of each Data Book. All
documents are subject to review by the User for accuracy and completeness.
1) Certified Manufacturer's Data Report and Manufacturer's Partial Data Report in accordance with the
applicable code.
2) Time/temperature DHT, ISR, and (PWHT) chart(s).
3) Time/pressure hydrostatic test chart.

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4) Rubbing or photocopy of the ASME Code nameplate and any supplementary nameplates attached to
the vessel.
5) National Board registration number, if applicable.
6) Material Record.
a) Outline sketch of the vessel showing the location of pressure components. As a minimum, this
sketch shall include the following components and they shall be included in the tabulated
Material Record:
i) Shell rings
ii) Heads
iii) Conical reducing sections
iv) Skirt
v) Special forgings
vi) Each heat, batch, or lot of welding filler materials
b) The following components need not be shown on the material outline sketch; however, these
components must be included in the tabulated Material Record and clearly identified by mark
number, component, and/or location.
i) Nozzle necks
ii) Nozzle flanges
iii) Nozzle forgings
iv) Nozzle or manway blind flanges
v) External and Internal welded attachments
vi) Base ring
vii) Anchor bolt assembly / anchor bolt chairs
c) A copy of each Certified Material Test Report or Certificate of Compliance for every item shall
be included in the tabulated Material Record. Certified Material Test Reports shall include, but
shall not be limited to, the following:
i) Name of all material Subsuppliers
ii) Results of a chemical analysis
iii) Results of mechanical testing
iv) Any heat treatments, repairs, and/or Nondestructive Examination (NDE) performed on the
base material
d) Non-pressure-retaining internal components shall be included in a separate tabulated Material
7) Certified As-Built drawings.
8) Manufacturer's Design Report.
9) Charpy impact test reports.
10) Hardness test reports.
11) PMI test reports, including backup raw inspection data and PMI inspection point mapping, including
all repair locations.
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12) Chemistry and ferrite examination reports for weld overlay and/or back cladding.
13) Detailed mapping of weld repair locations.
14) Nondestructive Examination Reports.
a) Test reports and/or certificates shall be provided for all in-process fabrication nondestructive
examination (NDE), including those for the following:
i) Magnetic particle examination (MT)
ii) Liquid penetrant examination (PT)
iii) Radiographic examination (RT)
iv) Ultrasonic examination (UT)
b) A suitable cross-referenced table or map shall be provided for each type of fabrication NDE
clearly showing the location and extent of examination.
c) Test reports required by SA-388 and/or SA-578, with a certified statement that the material has
been ultrasonically examined, and that no indications were found in excess of the acceptance
d) A map of temporary attachment welds (refer to Section 8.4, Item (3)).
15) Hydrotest water analysis report.
16) Step Cooling test results.
17) A completed and signed copy of the ITP with Manufacturer Quality Control (QC), Contractor Quality
Assurance (QA), jurisdictional/Code QA and User QA signoffs.

4. Materials
4.1. Base Metal Requirements
All Base Materials shall comply with API RP 934-A, API RP 934-C, and ASME SEC VIII D2,
whichever is more stringent, and with the following:
1) [A] The Manufacturer is responsible for selecting heat treatments (austenizing, tempering, etc.) to
produce the required properties. Heat treatment procedures shall be submitted to User with the bids
and additionally for approval prior to material procurement.
2) [A] Prior to material procurement, the Manufacturer shall submit specific heat treat cycle calculations
and the basis for determining the minimum and maximum qualified PWHT times required for
material certification to the Owner for review.
3) For 2 ¼ Cr - 1 Mo and 3 Cr - 1 Mo Conventional and Advanced Steels, step cooling tests are required
(exemption per API RP 934-A –, "Step Cooling Tests") if the vessel thickness is greater than 4
in. (100 mm) and the maximum operating temperature is greater than 750°F (400°C). For each
Supplier of base metal, the Manufacturer shall perform one step cooling test for the heat with the
highest J-Factor. Step cooling tests shall be performed for each lot of filler metals and each
combination of filler metal lot and batch of flux for Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) consumables
when the maximum operating temperature is greater than 750°F (400°C), regardless of thickness.

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4) Material testing for ring forgings in accordance with ASME SEC VIII D2, Part d,
"Forgings," is not permitted.

4.2. Integral Bonded Clad Plates

1) Clad Plates shall also comply with GP 05-01-01 and GP 18-07-01.
2) Integral bonded clad plates for vessel shell and head components shall be produced by mechanical
roll-bonding or explosive bonding in accordance with the requirements of SA-263 and SA-264.

5. Design
5.1. General
1) [*] The vessel shall be designed for all loadings and design conditions outlined in the User's Design
Specification (UDS), the User's drawings, and in the User's P.O.
2) [*] Thicknesses shown on User's vessel outline drawings or sketches are minimum thicknesses
including corrosion allowance and are based on internal pressure requirements only. The
Manufacturer is responsible for confirming that all minimum thickness requirements of the ASME
Code are satisfied and that the supplied thickness satisfies the loading conditions specified in the
3) The thickness of any alloy overlay, cladding, or other lining shall not be considered when
determining required vessel thickness.

5.2. Analysis
1) [R] Thermal Stress—When thermal gradients exceed 150F (65C) in a distance equal to Rt ,
where R and t are the mean radius and nominal thickness of the vessel component in question, a
thermal stress analysis shall be performed in accordance with the applicable design code. If the
design code used does not contain procedures for thermal analysis, the procedures of ASME SEC
VIII D2 may be used.
2) [R] Fatigue Analysis—Unless otherwise exempted in the "UDS", Fatigue Analysis shall be
performed if required by ASME SEC VIII D2, Part 5.5, "Protection Against Failure From Cyclic
Loading 5.5.1 Overview." When a fatigue analysis is required, the procedures of ASME SEC VIII
D2, Part 5.5 may be used for the analysis.
3) [R] For vessels in cyclic service operation, all butt welds, both inside and outside, on pressure-
retaining parts shall be ground smooth and flush unless the fatigue analysis includes the appropriate
stress concentration factors at the welds. Any vessel subject to more than 10,000 cycles in its design
life shall have all welds ground smooth and flush regardless of stress concentration factors used in

5.3. Heads and Transition Sections

1) [R] Formed heads shall be 2:1 elliptical or hemispherical.
2) [R] Cylinder-to-cone transitions shall be toriconical sections.

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3) [R] Corner Joints—Pressure-retaining corner joints (where a head, shell, or connection is welded
directly to a flat, pressure-retaining plate, such as a tubesheet) are not permitted, except on air cooled
exchanger header boxes.

5.4. Vessel Support

1) [R] Skirt supported vessels (excluding internally refractory-lined vessels) that meet one of the
conditions below shall have the skirt-to-shell attachment made by means of a forged head ring with
stub or by means of weld build-up on the shell (as shown in Figure 1):
a) Skirt thickness greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm)
b) In cyclic service
c) Fabricated from an advanced 2 ¼ Cr - 1 Mo or 3 Cr - 1 Mo steel, regardless of skirt thickness
2) [A] If the weld build-up method is used, its design details shall be approved by User's Engineer. The
welded joint between the shell and skirt shall merge smoothly with the shell.

Figure 1: Skirt-to-Shell Attachment

Vessel Shell

Blend Grind
Toe of Weld

Forged Head Ring

Skirt to Shell

1 in. (25 mm)

Minimum Radius,
See Note (1)
1 in. (25 mm)
Minimum Radius,
See Note (1) Support Skirt
Support Skirt
(1) If approved by the Owner’s Engineer, the radius may be
reduced, based on a detailed stress analysis.

Forged Head Ring Weld Build-Up

5.4.1. Hot Box Design

1) [R] Hot Box—For vessels with design temperatures above 500F (260C), excluding internally lined
vessels, a support skirt "hot box," as shown in Figure 2, shall be provided at the vessel-to-skirt
junction regardless the type of construction (Forged Head Ring/Weld Build-Up).

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Figure 2: Hot Box

(Not to Scale)
Skirt to Shell Attachment
(Weld Build-up Method Shown)


Insulation Continuous Ring

Jacket (Welded or Bolted

18 in. (450 mm)

Gunite per GP 14-03-01
Gunite per GP 14-03-01
Insulation Support/
Weather Shield Support Skirt

2) [R] For lug-supported vessels with design temperatures above 500F (260C), excluding internally
lined vessels, a thermal stress analysis shall be performed of the lug-to-vessel attachment.

5.5. Design Loads

1) [*] Wind and Earthquake Loading shall be in accordance with GP 04-01-03.
2) [*] Platform Clip Loads/Pipe Support Loads/Pipe Guide Loads—The Manufacturer's final vessel
design calculations shall include local stress analyses at all platform clip, pipe support, and guide
locations based on the loads provided in the UDS.

5.6. Load Combinations

1) Loading conditions for equipment and foundations shall be according to GP 04-01-03 and qualified
local/national Codes and standards. Loadings to be considered in designing a vessel shall be
according to ASME SEC VIII and shall include erection loadings.
2) [A] Design should be based on the load combination causing the most unfavorable effect. When
excluding loads other than dead loads results in a more critical loading condition, then such exclusion
shall be considered. Load factors and combinations are subject to User's approval.

5.7. Erection
[*] The Manufacturer shall provide lifting and tailing lugs as required by the User's vessels drawings and
purchase documents. Erection loadings and analysis shall conform to the following requirements:
1) Lifting
[*] The design of all of lifting elements, lifting attachments, and attachment welds shall comply with
the requirements of ASME B30.20 and User's Rigging Specification. Lifting and tailing attachment
configurations shall conform to the drawings as specified; however, the Manufacturer is responsible
for ensuring the adequacy of the designs and shall provide final calculations verifying that each
device (tailing lug vs. tailing frame) meets all specified loading requirements.

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2) [R] Reactions and Stresses During Lifting

Allowable Stresses in vessel shells, heads, or skirts caused by lifting lugs, trunnions, or other lifting
attachments shall be analyzed in accordance with ASME SEC VIII D2, Part 4, 4.5.15, "Local Stresses
in Nozzles in Shells and Formed Heads from External Loads," as applicable. Local
distortion/deformation of the vessel and subsequent stress redistribution during lift is not permitted.
Allowable stresses shall be as follows.
a) Allowable Stresses shall be categorized per ASME SEC VIII D2, Part 5, "Design by Analysis
b) Local membrane stress (PL) shall be limited to 1.5 times the material's allowable stress.
c) Local membrane plus secondary membrane, plus bending stress intensities (PL + Q) shall be
limited to 3 times the material's allowable stress.

6. Nozzles and Manways

1) Nozzle Design
[A] Nozzles shall be integrally reinforced forgings unless otherwise approved by the User. Nozzle
flanges shall be either of the following:
a) Integral to the nozzle forging
b) A separate weld neck flange
2) Nozzle Configuration
Nozzle configurations shall be as shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Nozzle Configurations

Nozzle NPS, Figure Reference From Indicated Division of the ASME Code Section VIII
in. (mm)
(Note 1)
Division 1 Division 2
Fig. UW 16.1 (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) Part 4, Table 4.2.10, Notes: (1) (2)
Notes: (1) (2)
> 4 (100) Fig. UW 16.1 (f-1), (f-2), (f-3), (f-4), Part 4, Table 4.2.13 Notes: (3) (5)
Notes: (3) (4)

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Notes to Table 1:
(1) In all cases, nozzle configurations that are acceptable for diameters over NPS 4 (100 mm) may be
used for smaller diameters as well.
(2) Backing strips, if used, shall be removed after welding.
(3) [A] Proposals to use alternative design details, which will permit either 100% radiographic or
ultrasonic examination of the nozzle to shell weld, shall be submitted to User for approval by User's
(4) [A] Figure UW 16.1 (g) may be used at design temperatures equal to or less than 850°F (450°C), if
approved by User's Engineer.
(5) [A] Table 4.2.10, Detail 9 may be used at design temperatures equal to or less than 850°F (450°C),
if approved by User's Engineer.

3) Flange Calculations
a) Special flange design shall account for any applied external piping loads (as applicable) using the
"equivalent pressure" method of analysis.
Below is a formula for converting external forces and moments on a flanged joint to equivalent
Peq = (16*M)/(pi*G^3) + (4*F)/(pi*G^2)

Peq = equivalent pressure (psig)
M = bending moment applied to joint due to weight & thermal expansion, (in-
F = axial force applied to joint due to weight & thermal expansion (lbf)
G = diameter at location of effective gasket load reaction (in.)

Peq would be added to design pressure to determine the appropriate flange design pressure.
b) Flange rigidity requirements and TEMA Table D-5 minimum bolt spacing requirements shall be
followed. In addition, the Flange Rigidity Index, "J", shall be less than or equal to 0.9 in all

6.1. Inside Corner Radii

The minimum inside corner radius for all openings shall be no less than the smaller of the following:
1) /4 of the vessel thickness at the attachment.
2) /4 of the finished inside diameter of the opening.
3) ¾ in. (19 mm).

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7. Bolting
1) Bolt sizes, threads, and marking shall conform to the requirements of ASME B1.1. Thread fit shall
be Class 2A for external threads and Class 2B for internal threads.
2) Bolts 1 in. (25 mm) in diameter and smaller shall be coarse thread series (UNC). Bolts over 1 in. (25
mm) in diameter shall be 8 Thread Series (8 UN).
3) All external bolting for blinded nozzles and nozzles supplied with mating connections shall be stud
bolts, supplied with a heavy hex nut on each end.
4) Dimensions of heavy hex nuts shall comply with ASME B18.2.2.
5) Bolting for top or bottom head flange lifting lugs used to lift the vessel during shipment or erection
shall not be reused for operation. The Manufacturer shall supply one complete bolting set for
erection purposes for each top or bottom head flange lifting lug in addition to the complete bolting set
required for normal operation.
6) Heavy hex nuts shall be hot-forged material to SA-194.

8. Attachments
Attachment requirements are not intended for pass partition plates in Heat Exchangers.

8.1. Major Load Bearing Attachments

1) The following internal structural attachments (such as beam seats, gussets, and support rings) are
classified as Major load bearing attachments:
a) Thickness greater than 0.5 in. (13 mm) for 1 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo and 2 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo & 3 Cr – 1 Mo
conventional steels
b) Thickness greater than 0.5 in. (13 mm) for 2 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo and 3 Cr – 1 Mo advanced steels
c) Stress intensity at attachment welds greater than 5000 psi.
2) The structural attachments for catalyst bed support shall be considered a major load bearing
3) All major load bearing attachments shall be welded directly to the base metal.

8.2. Minor Load Bearing Attachments

1) The following internal structural attachments (such as positioning clips, thermocouple support frame
clips, and support rings) are classified as Minor load bearing attachments:
a) Thickness ≤ 0.5 in. (13 mm) for 1 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo and 2 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo & 3 Cr – 1 Mo conventional
b) Thickness ≤ 0.5 in. (13 mm) for 2 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo and 3 Cr – 1 Mo advanced steels
2) These may be attached to the vessel's clad or overlaid surface, where applicable. Clips shall be sized
so that the local stress intensity due to loading at the attachment is less than or equal to 5000 psi (34.5

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x 106 Pa). The Manufacturer shall submit calculations to confirm that this requirement is met under
all anticipated loading conditions, including operating, transportation, and erection.

8.3. Additional Requirements

1) Internal and external attachments welded directly to the vessel base material shall be fabricated of the
same nominal material chemistry as the vessel. In addition, at least the first 24 in. (610 mm) of the
vessel support skirt beyond its attachment weld to the vessel shall also meet this requirement. For
vessels fabricated from vanadium modified steels, the welding of internal and external attachments
directly to the base metal shall be avoided.
2) The weld metal used for fabricating weld built-up support rings or for buttering the vessel surface
prior to the attachment of beam seats, gussets, or support rings shall meet the same chemical and
mechanical requirements as that used for all pressure-retaining welds and structural attachments.
3) Unless otherwise specified, minor attachments to clad or overlaid surfaces (if applicable) shall meet
the same chemical and mechanical requirements of the cladding or overlay.
4) Certified material test reports (CMTRs) for skirt and base ring materials shall confirm that minimum
specified material properties are met or maintained after exposure to heat treat cycles during vessel

8.4. Temporary Attachments

1) Material and Weld Metal
The material and weld metal used for temporary attachments welded to the vessel during fabrication
shall be of the following nominal chemical composition:
a) Attachments welded directly to the base metal shall match the nominal base metal chemistry.
b) Attachments welded to overlay or cladding shall match the nominal overlay or cladding
2) Procedure Requirements
a) All temporary attachment welds shall be made using an approved welding procedure.
b) The Manufacturer shall strictly adhere to any material preheat requirements.
3) Mapping Locations
[A] A map of all temporary attachment locations shall be created by the Manufacturer, maintained
current throughout fabrication, and included with the final Code data package. Proposals to utilize
some alternative means other than mapping that is specifically designed to identify and record the
locations of temporary attachments shall be submitted to the User for review.
Note: Temporary Attachments shall be minimized for advanced 2 ¼ Cr – 1 Mo or 3 Cr – 1 Mo alloy

8.5. Lifting Attachments

1) All lifting attachment welds shall be made using ASME Code qualified welders and welding
2) Visual examinations shall be performed to ensure that joint preparation, fit-up, and initial weld passes
comply with approved welding procedures.

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3) Completed welds shall be visually examined to ensure that all weld dimensions are correct and that
there are no weld discontinuities that require repair.
4) For lifting of vertical vessels over 100 tons in weight, the top manway lifting cover is preferred.

9. Fabrication
9.1. Welding
1) Welding after PWHT
Welded minor attachments to the carbon steel section of the vessel skirt may be made after final
2) Stamping after PWHT
[A] Stamping or other indentations shall not be made directly on the vessel after PWHT; however, if
required, low stress stamping and vibratory etching may be performed with the User's approval.
3) Shell Section
a) Each shell section formed by plate shall be completely welded longitudinally and corrected for
out-of-roundness and peaking of the weld seam prior to assembly. Dimensional corrections shall
not be made until the welds have received a ISR for conventional and vanadium modified steels.
Likewise, all re-rolling or re-forming of the shell sections shall be completed prior to RT and UT
examination of the welds.
b) When a difference in thickness exists between shell plates or plates and heads or forgings, the
inside diameter shall be held.
4) Forming of Shell Sections and Heads
Vanadium modified steel shell sections that require more than one plate to form a complete ring shall
be rolled into "clam shell" sections prior to assembly.
5) Support Skirt
[*] All longitudinal and circumferential welds in the vessel support skirt shall be full penetration
double-V butt welds. The skirt-to-baseplate joint shall be a continuous fillet weld inside and outside,
as required by the User's drawings. For skirt base rings and top rings constructed in segments, full
penetration butt welds shall be used between ring sections. All butt welds in the vessel base ring shall
be ground flush on the bottom side of the ring. All butt welds on the top ring shall be ground flush on
the top side where required to avoid interference with the anchor bolt nuts and washers. Anchor bolt
holes or sleeves shall be laid out to avoid passing through any base or top ring butt welds.
6) Fabrication of Load Bearing Internal Attachments
Major load bearing internal attachments (as defined in Section 8.) shall be one of the following
a) Built up from weld metal deposited directly on the base metal.
b) Integral ring formed by machining of a forging.
c) Fabricated from separately attached rings or ring sections welded directly to the base metal using
full penetration welds excluding those attached to vanadium modified steels.

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9.2. Weld Overlay

1) Any localized rust blooms that may appear on the base metal after surface preparation but prior to
overlay welding shall be removed by grinding.
2) Overlay must be free from overlaps, undercuts, notches, and other flaws that would act as stress
risers. Overlay shall be relatively smooth (waviness is permissible).
3) [A] Disbonding tests shall be performed to determine the susceptibility of the weld overlay to
disbonding for vessels where the maximum operating conditions fall within the A, B, or C domains as
defined in API RP 934-A. A disbonding test shall be carried out for each welding procedure
specification used in depositing the weld overlay. Previously tested welding procedures may be
submitted for approval provided they have been qualified using the test conditions of the same or
more severe domain as the vessel being fabricated.

9.3. Weld Repairs

[A] All materials and weldments that do not meet the requirements of the ASME Code and this GP are
subject to rejection.
1) [A] If in the opinion of the User's representative any welds fail to meet the applicable acceptance
criteria, they shall be repaired. Each repair shall be re-inspected using the original inspection method
or an equivalent method acceptable to the Construction Sections of the ASME Code (ASME SEC
VIII D1, UG-78, "Repair of Defects in Materials," and UW-38, "Repair of Weld Defects," or ASME
SEC VIII D2, Part 6.2.7, "Repair of Weld Defects") and the User. All weld repairs to base material,
weld joints, weld overlay and back cladding shall be performed using qualified repair welding
procedures that have been approved.
2) All weld repairs shall be considered as new and separate welds for purposes of applying the NDE
requirements of this GP, including UT, RT, MT, PT, and PMI. The location of all weld repairs shall
be mapped, and the repair map included with the final vessel Code Data Book. Repair maps shall
include sufficient dimensional information to relocate the repair at any time, and any repairs to
pressure-boundary welds shall include notation indicating whether the repair was performed from the
inside or outside surface.
3) [A] The User's authorization is required prior to beginning repairs in the following situations:
a) The weld repair is classified as a major repair as defined in Item (4) below.
b) The repair is for defects in the base material.
c) More than one repair is required of the same defect.
d) The repair is required after PWHT or pressure testing.
4) [A] Major repairs require approval by the User before the repair can be made. Major repairs, whether
in the parent material or welds, are defined as follows:
Defect depth exceeding the lesser of the following:
a) ¼ in. (6 mm) for up to 4 in. (100 mm) in thickness and 1 in. (25 mm) for 4 in. (100 mm) or
greater in thickness
b) Defect width exceeding 3 in. (75 mm)
c) Defect length exceeding 32 in. (800 mm)

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5) [*] Minor indications may be repaired by grinding or, provided the User's Inspector concurs, with
prior approved weld repair procedures.
6) Repairs to base material requiring an excavation 3/8 in. (10 mm) or less in depth shall be magnetic
particle examined according to the appropriate specification. Repairs deeper than 3/8 in. (10 mm)
shall be examined by magnetic particle and radiography according to the appropriate specification.
Ultrasonic examination, according to the appropriate specification, may be used when radiography is
not practical. Accurate records of the location of all repairs shall be made for future reference.

9.4. Surface Finish

1) The top surfaces of the finished beam seats and support rings, whether bare or weld overlaid, shall be
finished as required to provide the requisite flatness, smoothness, and straightness necessary to
facilitate gasket sealing and proper load transfer, and to fit with companion parts as specified.
2) The bottom surface of distributor tray support rings shall be finished as required to permit edge
clamping of tray panels and support beams.
3) When machining, milling, or grinding of weld overlaid internal support surfaces is required to comply
with the finish requirements outlined above, the Manufacturer shall provide additional overlay
material as necessary to meet the requirements of this GP in the "as-machined," "as-milled," or "as-
ground" condition.

9.5. Thermal Treatment of Welds

1) Intermediate Stress Relieving (ISR) heat treatments shall be performed on highly restrained welds,
including but not limited to nozzle welds, weld built-up rings and fabricated heads for all vessels
fabricated using vanadium modified steel and for conventional steels > 8 in. (200 mm) thick. ISR on
conventional steels < 8 in. (200 mm) thick is permitted based on fabricator experience. ISR heat
treatments shall be performed in a furnace. Local ISR heat treatments are not permitted.
2) ASME lower permissible stress relieving temperatures may not be used to lower the PWHT
temperatures used in fabrication.
3) Thermocouples shall be firmly attached to the vessel at a minimum of l5-foot (4.5 m) intervals in both
the longitudinal and circumferential directions to ensure that the vessel is being heated and cooled
evenly during the heat treatment operations in the furnace. For field and localized PWHT, the vessel
wall shall be heated from one side by contact resistance pads, with one thermocouple required for
each contact resistance pad, both inside (far side) and outside (near side).
4) [A] All PWHT and ISR heat treatment procedures shall be submitted for User's review and comment
prior to implementation. Heat treatment procedures shall include the following:
a) Support types, number, and locations
b) Thermocouple types, number, method of attachment, locations, and calibration method
c) Heating and cooling methods
d) Nominal heating and cooling rates, based on the requirements outlined in ASME SEC VIII D2,
Part 6.4, "Preheating and Heat Treatment of Weldments."
e) Rate tolerances on heat-up and cool-down, based on the Manufacturer's normal practices
f) Required holding times and temperatures
g) Tolerance on holding times, based on the Manufacturer's normal practices

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h) Allowable number of hours at both intermediate and final stress relief temperatures and total
number of hours for each pressure containing weld
i) Furnace atmosphere (if applicable)
j) Location and width of heating elements (if applicable)
k) Location, thickness, and extent of thermal insulation (if applicable)
5) [A] Local Post Weld Heat Treatment requirements shall be identified and details shall be furnished
during the proposal stage for review and comment. Soak Bands shall be sized by requirements of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or other User-approved code. Minimum size of the soak
band width plus 2.5 Rt on either side of the soak band is recommended for sizing the Heated Band.
A minimum gradient control band of 2.5 Rt on either side of the heated band is recommended.
As shown in Figure 3 below, the temperature should be:
a) Maintained constant throughout the soak band.
b) Controlled so that the temperature decays to no less than ½ (TPWHT + TAMB) at a distance of
2.5 Rt beyond the edge of the soak band (R=vessel radius, t=nominal thickness in weld area).
c) Allowed to decay gradually to ambient conditions over the next 2.5 Rt .

Figure 3: Local PWHT Minimum Band Widths

W 2.5 Rt 2.5 Rt
T pwht

1/2 (T pwht + T amb)

T amb

Insulation t
Butt Weld Heating Elements

Soak Gradient Control Band
Heated Band
Band (GCB)

6) Control of Fabrication Heat Treatment

a) The Manufacturer shall manage and control actual fabrication heat treatments so that all vessel
components in the completed vessel have been subjected to a total heat treat time that is
i) No less than the certified Minimum PWHT time; as required by API and
ii) No more than the certified Maximum PWHT time

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b) [*] The Manufacturer shall immediately advise the User if, during execution of any PWHT
activities, these requirements cannot be maintained. The Manufacturer shall submit a proposal
outlining an appropriate re-testing program (to re-certify the material) that would provide the
User with the available number of future heat treat cycles.

10. Examination and Testing

Examination and Testing shall be in accordance with API RP 934-A, API RP 934-C, related ASME
Codes, and this GP. Testing summaries have been compiled in a tabular form in Appendix A and
Appendix B for reference.

11. Shipment and Storage

11.1. General Requirements
1) Vessels shall be furnished weather tight.
2) [A] All vessels shall be furnished with shipping supports (saddles, cribbing, and/or bolsters) and
designated tie down attachment points. Shipping supports shall be attached to the vessel either by
removable straps or bolted to temporary shipping clips of design acceptable to the User.
3) Flanges, other than those furnished with permanent blind flanges, shall be covered with a 1/2 in. (13
mm) (minimum) thick plywood or 1/8 in. (3 mm) (minimum) thick painted steel cover plate no smaller
than the flange O.D. and secured with 4 or more 1/2 in. (13 mm) minimum diameter bolts. Except for
permanent blind flanges, service bolts shall not be used for shipping.
4) All weld-prepped ends shall be provided free of burrs and sharp edges and shall be provided with
steel weld bevel protectors.
5) [A] All carbon and low alloy steel machined surfaces (including flange faces), threads, and weld
preps shall be coated with a heavy rust preventative grease of a type: (1) to provide protection during
outdoor storage for a period of 12 months when exposed to a normal industrial environment; and (2)
to be removable with mineral spirits. The Manufacturer shall submit Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDSs) for all proposed protection materials to the User for review prior to application.
6) Special vessel openings shall be provided with suitable closures designed by the Manufacturer.
7) All components shipped or stored loose from the vessel (except spare bolts, nuts, and gaskets) that
will be installed by others in the field shall be shop fit-up by the Manufacturer prior to shipment or
8) All temporary shipping components, including bolting, covers, clips, supports, braces, etc., shall be
painted bright orange or bright yellow to facilitate identification for removal in the field.
9) Spare gaskets and spare bolting hardware and all parts shipped loose shall be enclosed in plastic
wrapping adequate to prevent weather damage and further enclosed in wood containers adequate to
prevent physical damage during shipment. All containers shall be marked with the User's P.O.
number, vessel item number, and unique identifying number cross-referenced to the spare parts/loose

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parts shipping list. All containers shall be securely attached to the vessels or otherwise specifically
included on packing lists and shipped separately.
10) For additional requirements for vessels with austenitic stainless steel lining or internal components,
see Section 11.3.3 below.

11.2. Design
1) [*] Vertical vessel shells shall be designed such that the structural integrity is maintained during
shipment and storage when supported on saddles or bolsters. The most restrictive dimensional
tolerances of the ASME Code, User, or Manufacturer requirements shall apply to the vessel after
removal from the horizontal supports.
2) [R] All internal or external parts and piping that are shipped in place shall be suitably supported and
adequately braced to withstand all anticipated loads and to prevent shifting and/or damage during
handling and transportation.
3) [*] Unless otherwise noted in the User's P.O., the Transportation Contractor shall be responsible for
the following:
a) [A] Determining all loads on the vessel during transportation, such as acceleration factors, and
providing the information to the User.
b) [A] Determining the size, quantity, and location of all permanent and temporary external
attachments to the vessel necessary to withstand the anticipated loads during transportation and
providing the information to the User.
c) Providing and utilizing all necessary lashings, hold-downs, tie-downs, etc., to ensure the vessel is
properly lashed and stabilized during transportation.
4) Transportation loads shall be considered as environmental loads for the selection of load factors or
safety factors in the applicable load combinations.
5) [A] Acceleration factors and other transportation loads for equipment shipped by water shall be based
on the most extreme conditions from a minimum 10 year seasonal storm for the worst part of the
actual transportation route. Roll, pitch, and heave motion responses of the barge or ship shall be
developed by the Transportation Contractor and provided to the User.

11.3. Shipping
11.3.1. Shipment by Land
[*] Vessels shall meet the general requirements of Section 11.2, above, and any additional requirements
shown on the User's vessel drawings or included in the P.O.

11.3.2. Shipment by Water

[*] Vessels shall meet the general requirements of Section 11.2, above, any additional requirements
shown on the User's vessel drawings or included in the P.O., and the special shipping requirements listed
1) [*] Manufacturer shall provide a marine survey if required by the User's P.O.
2) Spare parts and parts shipped loose shall be enclosed in fully watertight barrier material adequate to
prevent external moisture from contacting the contents and further enclosed in wood containers as
detailed in Section 11.2 above.
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3) Flanges, other than those provided with permanent blind flanges, shall be covered with a 1/8 in. (3
mm) thick neoprene gasket and a 1/2 in. (13 mm) (minimum) thick steel plate no smaller than the
flange OD and secured with full bolting. Flanges drilled for bolting larger than 3/4 in. (19 mm) in
diameter may be secured with 3/4 in. (19 mm) diameter bolts and suitably sized washers.
4) All vessels and ship-loose components with fully enclosed air volumes shall be purged with dry air
prior to closing and provided with stainless steel baskets welded to non-permanent blinds. Each
basket shall contain desiccant, packaged so as to prevent direct contact with the vessel interior
surface. The Manufacturer shall strictly adhere to the Desiccant Manufacturer's recommendations
when determining the amount and disbursement of the desiccant.
Note: As an alternate to the dry air purge and desiccant basket requirements for vessels outlined
above, the following requirements shall apply:
a) The Manufacturer shall provide a nitrogen blanket on the vessel during transportation with an
initial pressure from 2 to 10 psig. A positive pressure must be maintained in the vessel
throughout shipment using nitrogen cylinders and pressure regulators.
b) Nitrogen Purge Requirements
i) Welding grade nitrogen (99.9 percent pure) shall be introduced at or near one end of the
vessel and the exiting gas properties monitored at a point at or near the opposite end of the
vessel. The purging operation shall continue until the oxygen content measured in the exiting
gas is less than 1.5 percent.
ii) The Manufacturer shall measure the moisture content of the exiting gas, as well as the
environmental relative humidity, and report this data for information purposes.
c) At least one connection with valves, piping or tubing, and pressure gauges shall be provided at
each end of the vessel for purging and nitrogen filling.
d) [S] The Manufacturer shall paint the following warning in 2 in. (50 mm) high yellow letters
adjacent to each vessel manway:


5) [*] The Transportation Contractor shall provide a daily update of the nitrogen system to the User
throughout the duration of shipment. The update shall include the following:
a) Blanket pressure on the vessel
b) Status (condition) of the pressure seal
c) Nitrogen supply (pressure) in each cylinder bank
This information shall be recorded in a daily log and provided to the User upon final delivery of the

11.3.3. Additional Shipping Requirements for Austenitic Stainless Steel

The following additional requirements shall apply to vessels internally lined with austenitic stainless steel
overlay or cladding, and vessels with austenitic stainless steel internals that are shipped in place.
1) All nozzles and openings, other than those provided with permanent blind flanges, shall be adequately
blanked to prevent ingress of moisture. Acceptable blanking methods include the following:

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a) A 1/8 in. (3 mm) thick neoprene gasket and a 1/8 in. (3 mm) thick steel cover plate no smaller than
the flange O.D. secured with 4 or more ½ in. (13 mm) minimum diameter bolts.
b) [A] A 10 mil thick black polyethylene sheet secured with tape.
Alternative blanking methods shall be submitted to the User for review.
2) Stainless steel equipment or components shall not be exposed to salt water or salt spray. Components
shipped outside of the vessel shall be adequately packaged in containers so as to avoid contact with
sea water, and the containers shall be clearly identified as containing stainless steel materials.
3) Stainless steel shall not be stored outdoors in direct contact with, or within 12 in. (300 mm) of, the
soil, or in contact with porous or moisture retaining supports such as raw wood.

11.4. Storage
[*] When extended storage of a vessel is required by the User's P.O., the vessel shall meet the
requirements of Sections 11.3.2, above, as well as any additional requirements shown on the User's vessel
drawings or included in the P.O.

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Appendix A: Testing Summary Tables: 1 ¼ Cr – ½ Mo

[A] NOTE: If there is a discrepancy among API RP 934-C, Appendix A of this GP, and the ASME Code,
contact the User's Engineer.

Table A–: Plate and Forging Testing Summary

SA-387 Gr. 11 Cl. 2 SA-182 & SA-336 Gr. F11 Cl. 3
LOCATION Transverse, 1/4 T Tangential, 1/2 T
Dia. <= 30 in. O.D.: 1 per forging of
each size in each heat and heat
TENSILE treatment charge.
NUMBER OF TESTS 1 per plate
Dia. > 30 in. I.D.: 2 per forging
(taken 180 degrees apart)
ACCEPTANCE Y.S. = Min. 45 ksi Y.S. = Min. 45 ksi
CRITERIA T.S. = 75-100 ksi T.S. = 75 - 100 ksi
HEAT TREATMENT Minimum / Maximum PWHT Minimum / Maximum PWHT
TEST TEMP Lower of MDMT or 0F (-18C) Lower of MDMT or 0F (-18C)
Normal to direction of greatest
LOCATION Transverse, 1/2T
elongation, 1/2 T
1 set of 3 specimens per test
NUMBER OF TESTS 1 set of 3 specimens per test condition
ACCEPTANCE 40 ft-lbs (54 J) average; 20 ft-lbs 40 ft-lbs (54 J) average; 20 ft-lbs (27 J)
CRITERIA (27 J) minimum minimum
HEAT TREATMENT ----------------------- Minimum PWHT
NUMBER OF TESTS ----------------------- Each tensile specimen
HARDNESS Prior to tensile testing using Brinell,
TEST TEST PROCEDURE -----------------------
Vickers, or Rockwell methods.
ACCEPTANCE Max. 225 HBW or equivalent per
ULTRASONIC Plate 2" (50 mm) and thicker and
all integrally bonded clad plate.
ASME Sect. II Part A, and SA-578 ASME Div. 2, Part 7, 7.5.4

ACCEPTANCE SA-578, Level A & SA-578, S7 ASME Div. 2, Part 7, 7.5.4

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SA-387 Gr. 11 Cl. 2 SA-182 & SA-336 Gr. F11 Cl. 3
EXTENT OF TESTING ----------------------- All forgings

MAGNETIC APPLICABLE ASME Div. 2, 7.5.6. All accessible

PARTICLE surfaces shall be examined
----------------------- ASME Div. 2, 7.5.6
EXTENT OF TESTING ----------------------- All machined surfaces
----------------------- ASME Div. 2, 7.5.7
----------------------- ASME Div. 2, 7.5.7


Per GP 18-12-01 Per GP 18-12-01
Per GP 18-12-01 Per GP 18-12-01

Table A–: Procedure Qualification Testing Summary

1 1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo
HEAT TREATMENT Maximum PWHT -----------------------
LOCATION Full Thickness -----------------------
NUMBER OF TESTS 2 -----------------------
ACCEPTANCE Y.S. = Min. 45 ksi
CRITERIA T.S. = 75-100 ksi
HEAT TREATMENT Minimum / Maximum PWHT -----------------------
TEST TEMP Lower of MDMT or 0F (-18C) -----------------------
Deposit: /2 T, 1/4 T
IMPACT LOCATION -----------------------
NUMBER OF TESTS 3 specimens per location -----------------------
ACCEPTANCE 40 ft-lbs (54 J) average; 20 ft-lbs (27 J)
CRITERIA minimum

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HEAT TREATMENT Minimum PWHT -----------------------

HARDNESS Use API RP 934-C specifications,
LOCATION -----------------------
TEST Section 7.2
(also for
Max. 235 HV10 -----------------------

Macro HEAT TREATMENT Minimum PWHT -----------------------

HARDNESS LOCATION Weld metal, GP 18-10-01 -----------------------
(also for ACCEPTANCE 225 HBW
forgings) -----------------------
CRITERIA Per GP 18-10-01, ref. NACE
LOCATION Full Thickness Full Thickness
4 Side bend & 2 longitudinal face bend
NUMBER OF TESTS 4 Side bend specimens
LOCATION ----------------------- /16" (1.5 mm) below overlay surface
NUMBER OF TESTS ----------------------- 1
TEST ACCEPTANCE Per API RP 934-C specifications,
CRITERIA Section 7.4.1

Table A–: Production Testing Summary

1 1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo
HEAT TREATMENT Maximum PWHT -----------------------
LOCATION Full Thickness -----------------------
NUMBER OF TESTS 2 -----------------------
Y.S. = Min. 45 ksi
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA -----------------------
T.S. = 75-100 ksi
HEAT TREATMENT Minimum / Maximum PWHT -----------------------
TEST TEMP Lower of MDMT or 0F (-18C) -----------------------
Deposit: 1/2 T, 1/4 T
IMPACT LOCATION -----------------------
NUMBER OF TESTS 3 specimens per location -----------------------
40 ft-lbs (54 J) average; 20 ft-lbs (27 J)
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA -----------------------
HARDNESS HEAT TREATMENT Minimum PWHT -----------------------
LOCATION Use API RP 934 specifications -----------------------
(also for
Forgings) ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Max. 225 HBW -----------------------

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1 1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo
LOCATION Full Thickness Full Thickness
BEND TEST 4 Side bend & 2 longitudinal face bend
NUMBER OF TESTS 4 Side bend specimens
LOCATION 100% -----------------------
PMI NUMBER OF TESTS Per GP 18-12-01 -----------------------
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Per GP 18-12-01 -----------------------
All shell & head seams: 100% before
PWHT. All radiographable Category C
and B welded nozzles: 100% before
PWHT. Welds on SA-387 skirt & skirt
RADIO- EXTENT OF TESTING -----------------------
to vessel weld: 100%. Other butt welds
GRAPHY in skirt: spot and must include all
intersections. Repairs to base material
per Section 9.3 of this GP
APPLICABLE SPEC. ASME Section VIII -----------------------
All butt welds in head and shell: 100%
after final PWHT. All nozzle-to-shell
or head welds: 100% after final PWHT. After 1st layer & ISR: 4 strips 3" (75 mm)
EXTENT OF TESTING All build-ups for skirt or internals wide at 90 degrees Azimuths. After hydro.:
ULTRA- attachment: 100% after an ISR. Repairs 2%
SONIC TEST to base material per Section 9.3 of this
ASME Section VIII ASME Section II SA-578 Level C
All plate and forging edges after
beveling, but prior to welding. All
backgouging of shell, head and skirt-to-
shell seams, and nozzle root areas. All
areas where temporary clips or
MAGNETIC EXTENT OF TESTING attachments are removed. All inside -----------------------
PARTICLE weld surfaces to be covered by weld
TEST overlay. All outside weld surfaces prior
to PWHT and after hydrotest. Repairs
to base material per Section 9.3 of this
ASME Section VIII -----------------------
After 1st layer: 10%. After 2nd layer: entire
LIQUID EXTENT OF TESTING ----------------------- overlay. After hydro.: over each pressure-
PENETRANT containing weld.
----------------------- ASME Section VIII

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1 1/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo
LOCATION ----------------------- /16" (1.5 mm) below overlay surface
NUMBER OF TESTS ----------------------- -----------------------
Automatic ----------------------- 1 per girth section & equipment component
Manual ----------------------- 2 per girth section & equipment component
TEST 1 per each 24 diametral-inch (600
Back Clad Seams -----------------------
diametral-mm) or part thereof
ACCEPTANCE Per API RP 934-C Specification,

Appendix B: Special Requirements for 2 ¼ Cr – ½ Mo and 3

Cr – 1 Mo Conventional and Advanced Steels–Testing
Summary Tables
[A] NOTE: If there is a discrepancy among API RP 934-A, Appendix B of this GP, and the ASME Code,
contact the User's Engineer.

Table B–: Plate and Forging Testing Summary

Per API RP 934-A Specification, Per API RP 934-A Specification,
Section 5.5 Section 5.5
Per API RP 934-A Specification, Per API RP 934-A Specification,
Section 5.5 Section 5.5
Dia. <= 30 in. O.D.: 1 per forging of
TENSILE each size in each heat and heat
NUMBER OF TESTS Per SA 20 treatment charge.
Dia. > 30 in. I.D.: 2 per forging (taken
180 degrees apart)
ACCEPTANCE Per applicable material Per applicable material specification
CRITERIA specification and API RP 934-A and API RP 934-A
IMPACT Per API RP 934-A Per API RP 934-A
TEST For conventional steels that will not For conventional steels that will not
undergo step cooling tests, undergo step cooling tests, maximum
maximum PWHT condition PWHT condition
TEST TEMP -20F (-29C) –20F (–29C)
LOCATION Transverse, 1/2 T Normal to direction of greatest

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elongation, 1/2 T
NUMBER OF TESTS 1 set of 3 specimens per test
1 set of 3 specimens per test condition
(Non-Step Cooled) condition
For each heat, 1 set of 3 for each of For each heat, 1 set of 3 for each of the
NUMBER OF TESTS the 8 selected test temperatures in 8 selected test temperatures in both
(Step Cooled) both minimum PWHT and step minimum PWHT and step cooled
cooled conditions conditions
40 ft-lbs (54 J) average; 35 ft-lbs 40 ft-lbs (54 J) average; 35 ft-lbs (47 J)
(Non-Step Cooled) (47 J) minimum minimum

Transition temperature of <50F Transition temperature of <50F (10C)
(Step Cooled) (10C) per API RP 934-A per API RP 934-A

HEAT TREATMENT ----------------------- Minimum PWHT

NUMBER OF TESTS ----------------------- Each tensile specimen
TEST TEST PROCEDURE ----------------------- Brinell, Vickers or Rockwell equip.
----------------------- API RP 934-A
Plate 2" (50 mm) and thicker and
REQUIRED FOR: All forgings
all integrally bonded clad plate.
ASME SEC VIII D2, Part 7, 7.5.4
Unclad plate: ASME SEC V SA-
578, Level A
TEST Clad plate: ASME SEC V SA-578,
Supplement S7
ASME SEC VIII D2, Part 7, 7.5.4
CRITERIA All areas within two plate
thicknesses from the location of a
major load bearing attachment weld
or corner type joint: ASME SEC V
SA-578 Level B
Per API RP 934-A, Section 8.0 Per API RP 934-A, Section 8.0
Per API RP 934-A, Section 8.0 Per API RP 934-A, Section 8.0
APPLICABLE Per GP 18-12-01 Per GP 18-12-01

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Per GP 18-12-01 Per GP 18-12-01

Table B–: Procedure Qualification Testing Summary

3 Cr - 1 Mo Conventional and

HEAT TREATMENT Per API RP 934-A -----------------------

LOCATION Full Thickness -----------------------
TEST NUMBER OF TESTS 2 -----------------------
ACCEPTANCE Per applicable materials spec and
API RP 934-A
HEAT TREATMENT Minimum and Maximum PWHT -----------------------
TEST TEMP –20F (–29C) -----------------------
Deposit: ½ T, ¼ T
LOCATION -----------------------
HAZ: ½ T
NUMBER OF TESTS 1 set of 3 specimens per test
(NON-STEP COOLED) condition
For each heat, 1 set of 3 for each of
IMPACT the 8 selected test temperatures in
both minimum PWHT and step -----------------------
cooled conditions per
API RP 934-A.
40 ft-lb (55 J) average; 35 ft-lb
CRITERIA (NON-STEP -----------------------
(47 J) minimum

ACCEPTANCE Transition temperature of <50F

CRITERIA (STEP (10C) per API RP 934-A, -----------------------
COOLED) Section 6.2.3
HEAT TREATMENT Minimum PWHT -----------------------

HARDNESS LOCATION Per API RP 934-A -----------------------

Per API RP 934-A -----------------------
LOCATION Full Thickness Full Thickness
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3 Cr - 1 Mo Conventional and
Advanced Steels

4 Side bend & 2 longitudinal face bend

NUMBER OF TESTS 4 Side bend specimens
LOCATION ----------------------- /16" (1.5 mm) below overlay surface
NUMBER OF TESTS ----------------------- 1
Chemical Compositions shall be used to
calculate the ferrite content.

Table B–: Production Testing Summary

3 Cr - 1 Mo Conventional and

HEAT TREATMENT Maximum PWHT -----------------------

LOCATION Full Thickness -----------------------
TEST NUMBER OF TESTS 2 -----------------------
ACCEPTANCE Per applicable materials spec and
IMPACT HEAT TREATMENT Minimum and Maximum PWHT -----------------------
TEST TEMP –20F (–29C) -----------------------
Deposit: 1/2 T, 1/4 T
LOCATION -----------------------
HAZ: 1/2 T
NUMBER OF TESTS 1 set of 3 specimens per test
(Non-Step Cooled)
For each heat 1 set of 3 for each of
NUMBER OF TESTS the 8 selected test temperatures in
(Step Cooled)
both minimum PWHT and step
cooled conditions
ACCEPTANCE Per API RP 934-A -----------------------
(Non-Step Cooled)
ACCEPTANCE Transition temperature of <50F -----------------------

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3 Cr - 1 Mo Conventional and
Advanced Steels
(Step Cooled)
(10C) per API RP 934-A

HEAT TREATMENT After final PWHT -----------------------

MICRO LOCATION API RP 934-A -----------------------
TEST ACCEPTANCE 235 HV10 for Conventional Steels
248 HV10 for Advanced Steels
HEAT TREATMENT Minimum PWHT -----------------------

MACRO Weld Metal Per API RP 934-A,

LOCATION -----------------------
HARDNESS Section 7.4.2
ACCEPTANCE 225 HBW for Conventional Steels
CRITERIA 235 HBW for Advanced Steels
LOCATION Full Thickness Full Thickness
BEND TEST 4 Side bend & 2 longitudinal face bend
NUMBER OF TESTS 4 Side bend specimens

LOCATION 100% See Chemical Analysis Tests below

NUMBER OF TESTS GP 18-12-01 See Chemical Analysis Tests below
GP 18-12-01 See Chemical Analysis Tests below
All shell & head seams: 100%
before PWHT. All radiographable
Category C and D welded nozzles:
100% before PWHT. Welds on
SA-387 skirt & skirt to vessel weld:
EXTENT OF TESTING -----------------------
RADIO- 100%. Other butt welds in skirt:
GRAPHY spot and must include all
intersections. Repairs to base
material per paragraph 9.3 of this
ASME SEC VIII -----------------------

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3 Cr - 1 Mo Conventional and
Advanced Steels
All butt welds in head and shell:
100% after final PWHT. All
nozzle-to-shell or head welds:
After 1st layer & ISR: 4 strips 3" (75
100% after final PWHT. All build-
EXTENT OF TESTING mm) wide at 90 degrees Azimuths.
ULTRASONIC ups for skirt or internals
After hydro.: 2%
TEST attachment: 100% after an ISR.
Repairs to base material per
paragraph 9.3 of this GP.

All plate and forging edges after

beveling, but prior to welding. All
back-gouging of shell, head and
skirt-to-shell seams and nozzle root
areas. All areas where temporary
clips or attachments are removed.
MAGNETIC EXTENT OF TESTING -----------------------
All inside weld surfaces to be
PARTICLE covered by weld overlay. All
outside weld surfaces prior to
PWHT and after hydrotest. Repairs
to base material per paragraph 9.3
of this GP.
ASME SEC VIII -----------------------

After 1st layer: 10%. After 2nd layer:

LIQUID EXTENT OF TESTING ----------------------- entire overlay. After hydro.: over each
PENETRANT pressure-containing weld.
----------------------- ASME SEC VIII
LOCATION ----------------------- /16" (1.5 mm) below overlay surface
NUMBER OF TESTS ----------------------- -----------------------
Automatic ----------------------- Per GP 18-07-01
CHEMICAL Manual ----------------------- Per GP 18-07-01
TEST Back Clad Seams ----------------------- Per GP 18-07-01
ASME SEC IX and Attachment 2
ACCEPTANCE Chemical Compositions or Ferrite
CRITERIA Gauges may be used to calculate the
ferrite number.

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Appendix C: Recommendations for Advanced 2-1/4Cr-1 Mo

When purchasing heavy wall Advanced 2 1/4 Cr-1 Mo vessels, it is recommended to require the following:
1) Gleeble testing shall be performed on each combination of welding flux batches and heats of filler
metals for the SAW process.
2) Testing should be done within the temperature range of 590C to 670°C in 20-degree increments.
The strain rate, sample dimensions, and acceptance criteria should be developed and agreed to at the
time of testing.
3) Inspection of welds shall be carried out as specified in Appendix A of API RP 934-A. The 10 percent
weld examination shall be carried out on every weld that undergoes an intermediate stress relief in
excess of 600°C and then again on all welds after final postweld heat treatment.

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Appendix D: FEA Specifications

D–1. Documentation Requirements

1) [A] A preliminary document, that describes the objectives of the Finite Element Analysis (FEA),
methodologies, and FEA Program to be used in the assessment, shall be submitted to User's Engineer
for review after the model is built but before the analysis has started. This document shall include a
description of the model with appropriate figures showing applied loads and boundary conditions,
modeling assumptions and simplifications, analysis methods, and element technology to be
employed. The document shall include a description of input load cases and output results evaluation
2) The final documentation shall include:
a) Drawings, sketches, and tables of information provided by the user shall be included as an
Appendix of the report.
b) Calculations required for any analysis data shall be included in an Appendix to the report. These
calculations shall include, but not be limited to, hand calculations of input quantities, such as film
coefficients, loads, boundary conditions, and modifications to material properties. When input
quantities are extracted from references available in the open literature, these references shall be
clearly indicated and included in the References section of the report.
c) All figures shall be logically grouped together at the end of the report and clearly identified with a
title and sequentially numbered. The title shall indicate the content of the figure. Color figures
shall be available for review and prepared as part of the final documentation. All legends,
notation, and text on the figure shall be clear and legible. All quantities displayed in the figure
shall be defined.
d) All tables shall be grouped together at the end of the report and be clearly identified and
sequentially numbered. Each table shall include a title indicating the content of the table. All
rows and columns in the table shall be labeled with an identifier and units, if appropriate.
3) The report shall include the following:
a) Introduction—Identifying the equipment and components under analysis. Detailed explanation of
the objectives for the analysis.
b) Nomenclature—Documentation shall include a section for nomenclature listing all variables with
associated units. A consistent set of units shall be used.
c) Summary—Key findings of the analysis with regard to the objectives included in the
d) Analysis Approach—This section shall discuss the approach used to solve the problem.
Typically, this will include the computer programs used both for data generation and analysis and
the analysis type. This section shall have subsections that cover the following information.
i) Model—Figures indicating the geometry and extent of the model and the mesh used. This
section shall include a description of the elements used in the model and the assumptions
embedded in those elements, e.g., displacement interpolation level, integration scheme, and
various numerical controls. An element description from the program manual may provide

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all the information that is needed. The model section shall also include assumptions made
that distinguish the model from the actual geometry.
ii) Material Properties—Include assumptions on material properties, temperature dependency,
material axes orientations, etc. Reference and include any outside source of material
information. Include any calculations in an Appendix to the report. List and justify any
assumptions made in representing the material properties used in the analysis.
iii) Boundary Conditions—Specify all boundary conditions used in the analysis simulation,
including conditions required to eliminate rigid body motion. List and justify any
assumptions made in representing the boundary conditions. If calculations for displacement
and/or temperature boundary conditions are required, these calculations shall be contained in
an Appendix to the report. Include graphical display of boundary conditions in the "Figures"
section of the report.
Figures shall include:
1. Displacement boundary conditions.
2. Pressure or distributed boundary conditions.
3. Applied forces and moments.
4. Multi-point constraints (MPC), constraint equations, or specialized connector elements.
Include details documenting the constrained Degree of Freedoms (DOFs) and equation
5. Initial and applied temperature magnitude.
6. [A] Applied thermal convection coefficients and sink temperatures. For thermal
properties of AIR (stagnant or forced convection) use: DP XVI-16B. User's Engineer
shall approve properties for other materials. Basis for sink temperatures shall be
provided in the documentation.
7. [A] Radiation emissivity coefficients. Typical emissivity value for oxidized steel
surfaces is 0.90 and for non-oxidized steel surfaces emissivity is 0.45. User's Engineer
must approve properties for other materials. Stefan-Boltzman constant and absolute
zero temperature in the chosen units shall be included.
8. Heat fluxes with magnitude.
9. Body forces or gravity loads, including acceleration magnitude.
10. Contacting points and surfaces shall be clearly defined. The extent of contacting areas
shall be shown.
 Design and Operating Conditions—Include current design and operating
condition for the component under analysis. This shall include pressure,
temperature, wind loads etc.
 Loads—Include a description of all loads to be considered in the analysis and the
associated temperature condition. If this is a thermal analysis for temperatures,
the loads shall include film coefficients, environment or sink temperatures,
radiation data, etc. If calculations for loads are required, these calculations shall
be contained in an Appendix to the report. Include graphical display of load
application areas and magnitude in the "Figures" section of the report.

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 Load Case—Each load case represents a set of analysis results. Each load case
shall be described in terms of the boundary conditions and loads that pertained to
that load condition. The objective of the load case shall be clearly defined.
 Analysis Assumptions—Include the type of analysis (linear, nonlinear). If the
analysis is nonlinear, include the source of the nonlinear behavior and rationale
why it is needed in the analysis. If there is an assembly of components under
analysis, indicate the underlying assumptions used to tie the various components
together. Include kinematic and contact constraint conditions and the
rationale/assumptions for the constraints.
e) Applicable Codes & Guidelines—Cite all applicable references for the analysis procedure and
the evaluation of the results. Include these in the References section and reference appropriately
in the body of the report. Define the criteria that will be used to evaluate the results.
f) [*] Results Evaluation—Focus on the results that support the summary. Relegate interesting but
less relevant results to an Appendix. The results shall be presented in the context of satisfying the
established criteria for acceptance. Use tables and figures liberally to illustrate acceptability.
Limit discussion to providing user with what is happening under the various loads and boundary

D–2. Analysis Requirements

[A] Analyses shall be conducted using linear static/steady-state solution procedures unless required or
approved by the User's Engineer.
1) Material and/or geometric nonlinear solution, or transient solution procedures may be used when
approved by the User's Engineer. Large deflection theory shall be considered for large Diameter-to-
Thickness ratios, especially when Diameter-to-Thickness ratio is larger than 400.
2) The User's Engineer shall approve the use of submodeling, super-elements, or substructures.
3) Boundary element or finite difference stress analysis techniques shall not be used unless approved by
the User's Engineer.
4) The analyst must be experienced in the application of FEA and competent in shell theory and pressure
vessel design and analysis technology.
5) For Hot Box analysis, the following details shall be included:
a) Full length of the vessel skirt, fixed in the vertical and radial direction on the free edge unless
approved by the User's Engineer.
b) Insulation support rings only if they are integrally welded to the vessel or skirt. Support ring may
be neglected if and only if the support ring attached to the skirt by lugs, slots are provided, and
the bolts are fastened in a non-grip manner.
c) For the vertical cylinder, include at least 5.0* Rt away from the skirt to shell junction with
appropriate free edge boundary condition.
d) For the bottom head, include complete bottom head at least 5.0* Rt away from the skirt-to-
shell junction with appropriate bottom free edge boundary conditions.
e) The thermal convection boundary condition within a vessel skirt shall consider that it is a
confined space with limited forced convection. Typically, this area has a temperature higher than

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ambient without any wind acting on the surfaces. Documentation shall include basis for thermal
boundary conditions.
6) Analysis shall be conducted in the corroded condition.
7) Insulation shall be modeled with heat transfer elements when the difference between the outside and
the inside surface area is more than 10 percent.

D–3. Material and Contact Surface Properties

1) [A] Provide tables showing all material properties in consistent set of units used in the analysis,
a) Modulus of elasticity: For Pressure Vessel and Piping ferrous and non-ferrous materials use
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II Part D (ASME SEC II D) where applicable.
For refractory materials, use GP 19-03-02. User's Engineer shall approve alternative properties
and properties for other materials.
b) Thermal expansion coefficient with reference temperature: For Pressure Vessel and Piping
ferrous and non-ferrous materials, use ASME SEC II D, where applicable. For refractory
materials, use GP 19-03-02. User's Engineer shall approve alternative properties and properties
for other materials.
c) Thermal conductivity properties: For Pressure Vessel and Piping ferrous and non-ferrous
materials use ASME SEC II D. For refractory materials, use GP 19-03-02. For insulating
materials, use DP XVI-A. User's Engineer shall approve alternative properties and properties for
other materials.
d) Specific Heat: For Pressure Vessel and Piping ferrous and non-ferrous materials, use ASME SEC
II D. For refractory materials, use GP 19-03-02. User's Engineer shall approve alternative
properties and properties for other materials.
e) Densities.
f) Applied thermal convection coefficients and sink temperatures shall be clearly documented and
g) Radiation emissivity coefficients shall be clearly documented and defined.
2) [A] Temperature dependent material properties shall be used when the change in temperature of the
model is greater than 250F (121C) unless approved by User's Engineer.
3) [A] Nonlinear material responses such as deformation plasticity or creep shall not be included unless
approved by the User's Engineer.
4) [A] Material damping shall not be included unless approved by the User's Engineer
5) Othrotropic material properties may be used as an approximate method to model regions of vertical
slots in an axisymmetric analysis.
6) Contact surface properties and basis shall be documented including
a) Any automated dimensional adjustments that define, adjust, or preserve the initial gap
b) Tangential behavior, including friction coefficients
c) Normal behavior, including surface overclosure response

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d) Damping coefficients
e) Gap thermal conductance
f) Gap thermal radiation

D–4. Element Type and Mesh Density

Element type and mesh density shall meet the requirements stated below.
1) All element types shall be documented. Documentation shall include assumed displacement/stress
field approximation, number of nodes, and numerical integration schemes.
2) [A] Element technologies not prescribed below can be used but must be approved by the User's
3) [A] Quadrilateral and hexahedral elements are favored over triangular and tetrahedral. Triangular,
wedge, tetrahedral elements may be used to transition from coarse to fine mesh of regularly shaped
quadrilateral elements. The use of triangular, wedge, and tetrahedral elements shall be minimized but
their use is favored over severely distorted quadrilateral or hexahedral elements. The User's Engineer
shall approve widespread use of triangular or tetrahedral elements. Some distortion of quadrilateral
and hexahedral elements beyond the limits shown below is allowed for mesh refinement. The
distorted elements shall be far from areas where the bending stress is greater than 1.1 times the
membrane stress.
4) [A] For 2-dimensional axisymmetric analyses, second order isoparametric quadrilateral elements with
reduced integration are preferred.
a) Axisymmetric continuum elements shall be used in area of the skirt-to-knuckle unless approved
by User's Engineer.
b) First order isoparametric axisymmetric continuum elements shall not be used unless the
formulation includes incompatible deformation modes and is approved by the User's Engineer.
c) Second order Isoparametric elements with full integration shall not be used unless approved by
the User's Engineer.
d) Axisymmetric elements with asymmetric deformation may be used for selected load cases.
e) For regions where the bending stress is greater than 1.1 times the membrane stress, there must be
at least 8 first order elements or 4 second order elements through the thickness. Fewer elements
may be used in areas away from the location of interest or if approved by the User's Engineer.
f) Continuum quadrilateral elements shall have aspect ratios less than 5 where bending stresses are
1.1 times greater than the membrane stress.
g) Continuum quadrilateral elements shall have face corner angles greater than 30 and less than 140
degrees. These limits shall be enforced in areas where stress results are reported.
5) [A] For 3 dimensional analyses, second order isoparametric elements with reduced integration are
preferred for areas where the geometric requires geometric detail such as notches or prescribed radii.
a) First order isoparametric continuum elements shall not be used unless the formulation includes
incompatible deformation modes and is approved by the User's Engineer.
b) Second order isoparametric elements with full integration shall not be used unless approved by
the User's Engineer.

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c) For regions where the bending stress is greater than 1.1 times the membrane stress, there must be
at least 8 gauss points through the thickness. Fewer elements may be used if approved by the
User's Engineer.
d) Continuum hexahedral elements shall have aspect ratios less than 5 where bending stresses are
1.1 times greater than the membrane stress.
e) Continuum hexahedral elements shall have face corner angles greater than 30 and less than 140
degrees. These limits shall be enforced in areas where stress results are reported.
6) [A] Shell Elements can be used provided the following criteria are met:
a) For Hot box analysis, shell elements can be used in areas that are at least 2.5(Rt) away from the
discontinuities of interest on in areas where the bending stress is less than 1.1 times the
membrane stress or when approved by the User's Engineer.
b) Composite shell elements shall not be used unless approved by User's Engineer.
c) Three dimensional shell elements must have a doubly curved formulation. Second order
elements shall be used instead of first order.
d) Thin shell elements shall not be used for where the D/t ratio is less then 20.
e) Shell elements shall have aspect ratios less than 5 where bending stress is greater than 1.1 times
the membrane stress.
f) Shell elements shall have face corner angles greater than 30 and less than 140 degrees. These
limits shall be enforced in areas where stress results are reported.
g) Shell elements shall have warp angles less than 15 degrees.
h) Shell elements shall have 7 or more section layers when nonlinear material properties are used.
7) [A] Mesh density/node spacing shall be tested for convergence. Vendor shall propose convergence
tests for review by User's Engineer.

D–5. Analysis Load Cases

1) [A] Load cases shall be tabulated and sequentially numbered with a description of the analysis
conditions. When there are multiple design conditions that consider different operating scenarios,
each condition shall be listed in table and include the design and operating temperatures and
a) When analyzing the load case, the design pressure shall be used in lieu of the load case operating
pressure unless approved by the User's Engineer.
b) When analyzing the load case, the design temperature shall be used in lieu of the load case
operating pressure unless approved by the User's Engineer.
2) Load cases shall include the following loadings:
a) Pressure Only
b) Pressure + Dead Weight
c) Pressure + Weight + Thermal
d) Pressure + Weight + Occasional Loads
e) Pressure + Weight + Thermal + Occasional Loads

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3) [A] The critical exposure temperature (CET) shall be used as the initial temperature unless approved
by the User's Engineer.
4) [*] Non-axisymmetric loads may be applied to axisymmetric models using approximate techniques
such as an additional thrust load for bending. The results can be used to assess condition of
overstress but may not assess the condition of failure by buckling. When applying approximate non-
axisymmetric loads to axisymmetric model, loading scheme shall be submitted for User's Engineer's

D–6. Results
1) Temperature contour plots for each temperature load case with the following detail:
a) Magnified view of the skirt-to-shell junction including the hot box.
b) Include X-Y graph of temperature as a function of distance along the vessel skirt. The distance
shall include the full length of the hot box plus an additional 5.0* Rt where R is the skirt
outside radius and t is the skirt thickness.
c) Magnified view of any location where the gradient is greater than 100F/in.
2) [*] Provide contour plots for each load case of Criterion per applicable code.
a) Provide a magnified view of each area where a Stress Categorization Line will be drawn.
b) Provide a magnified view of any area where the bending stress is greater than 1.1 times the
membrane stress.
c) For Hot Box Analyses, provide a magnified view of the skirt-to-shell junction including the hot
3) Hydrostatic stress contour plot for each load case.
a) Magnified view of any area where the sum of the principal stresses is greater than 1/3 the
allowable membrane stress.
b) Magnified contour plot view of this location of each principal stress component.
4) The location of maximum peak stress shall be contoured and the value of peak stress reported.
5) For analyses that include a vessel skirt, provide a table showing the total radial reaction force at the
skirt anchor location.

D–7. Evaluation
1) [*] Results shall be evaluated per ASME SEC VIII D2, Part 5, "General Requirements," or applicable
Company-approved Code. Linearized membrane, bending, and secondary stresses shall be evaluated
per ASME SEC VIII D2 Part 5 using the allowable design stress from the code of construction when
the 1.5 times the allowable stress is less than the yield stress at the temperature. When 1.5 times the
allowable stress is greater than the yield stress at temperature, consult the User's Engineer for
assessment criteria.

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2) [*] Stress Linearization shall be per "Linearization of Stress Results for Stress Classification," ASME
SEC VIII D2, Part 5. Guidelines for application of stress linearization are found in WRC BUL 429.
3) [A] Each Stress Classification Line (SCL) shall be composed of at least 5 nodes or points unless
approved by User's Engineer.
4) At least one SCL shall be selected for each component. Multiple SCLs may be needed for a
component that has more than one branch. SCLs will be located where the bending stress is the
greatest, peak stress is the greatest, and thickness is the thinnest.
5) For each SCL, the following data shall be presented in a tabular form in the final report:
a) Node Number
b) Original radial and axial coordinates of node or position along the SCL
c) Temperature at node or position along the SCL
d) Stress components at node or position along the SCL.
6) For each SCL, a summary of the stresses, including the membrane and membrane plus bending or
membrane plus bending plus secondary stresses shall be provided with its classification. The
summary shall include the peak stress component for information. The summary shall also include
the applicable maximum allowable membrane and membrane plus bending, or membrane plus
bending plus secondary stress limit.

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GP 05-01-03 Requirements for Heavy Wall Chrome-Molybdenum Pressure Vessels June 2009

Record of Change
Version 1.0.0 Date: 06/09
Location Action Description
Initial Publish.

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Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions

Code Description

* Assigned to paragraphs that require the Owner's Engineer to provide additional information or
make a decision.
A Assigned to paragraphs that require approval from the Owner's Engineer before the work may
proceed or the design is finalized.
C Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is reduced costs. Reduced cost in this context
refers to initial investment cost and does not include life cycle cost considerations. Life cycle
cost considerations are captured under reliability, maintainability, or operability purpose codes.
E Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is driven by environmental considerations.
Environmental considerations typically include specifications intended to protect against
emissions/leakage to the air, water, and/or soil. Deviations from the specifications contained
in such paragraphs require formal review and approval according to local environmental
I Assigned to paragraphs that provide only clarifying information, such as Scope statements,
definitions of terms, etc.
M Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to provide for maintainability of equipment
or systems. Maintainability provisions are those that facilitate the performance of maintenance
on equipment/systems either during downtimes or during onstream operations.
O Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to assure operability of equipment or
systems. Operability is the ability of the equipment/system to perform satisfactorily even
though conditions are off-design, such as during start-ups, process swings, subcomponent
malfunction, etc.
R Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to improve or assure the reliability of
equipment or systems. Reliability is a measure of the ability of equipment/systems to operate
without malfunction or failure between planned maintenance interventions.
S Assigned to paragraphs containing specifications/guidance where the primary purpose is the
avoidance of incidents impacting personnel safety, process safety, and the public in general
and/or involving responses to emergency situations. Any deviation from the specifications
contained in such designated paragraphs requires formal review and approval according to
local safety policy.
Personnel Safety: Refers to the prevention of incident-related personnel injuries or illness,
e.g., burns, cuts, abrasions, inhalation of or exposure to dangerous
substances, etc., that could result in medical treatment, restricted work,
lost-time incidents, or fatalities.
Process Safety: Refers to the prevention and control of process releases, fires, and/or
explosions that could result in damage to equipment, process disruption,
or personnel injury or illness.

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