University of Mumbai: (With Effect From The Academic Year 2012-2013)
University of Mumbai: (With Effect From The Academic Year 2012-2013)
University of Mumbai: (With Effect From The Academic Year 2012-2013)
Scheme of Examination
Total Credits = 48
Syllabus for Post Graduate Diploma
PG Diploma in Horticulture and Landscape designing
Water, Garden pool, Stream, Waterfall, Fountain, Rocks, Roads, Walks, Pavements and Steps,
Walls fences and Gates, Hedges, Edges, Arches, Pergolas, Screens and Bridges, Lawns, Flower
beds, Borders, Carpet bedding, Shrubberies, Plant containers & raised beds, Statues, Towers,
Plant stands, Green House, Conservatories, Night-lights
3) Specialized Gardens:
Herb garden, Rose garden, Bog garden, Sunken garden, Topiary garden, Kitchen garden, Paved
garden, Dish garden, Rock garden, Terrace garden, Water garden & Bottle garden (Terrarium).
4) Nursery production and management:
Scope, Site, Soil, Environment, Layout, Manure, Fertilizers, Maintenance, Garden tools, Culture
and Garden calendar, Types, Nursery beds, Pest & Disease management. Hi-tech Nursery.
5) Propagation of ornamental plants by seeds, layering, cuttings, grafting, budding & tissue culture.
6) Plant disorders including nutrition, pests and diseases, and chimaeras
7) Trees and their significance in garden and landscape designing
8) Concept of container / pot garden and designs
9) Ground cover plants
10) Ornamental ferns and their propagation
11) Herbaceous perennials
12) Annuals & Biennials: Important Genera and Species, their importance in garden designs
13) Orchids: Environment, propagation, potting & compost, nutrient supply, watering, important species
14) Morphology of root, stem, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seeds of plant
15) Vegetative propagation techniques: Cutting and its types, Budding and its types, Grafting and it
16) Propagation of bulb plants: Scaling, Scooping, Bulbils, Division, Cutting
1) Landscape Design: Definition, objectives and scope, Landscape elements of construction and
designing of Residential, Commercial, Bungalow, Public area, Hotel, Educational Institute and religious
2) Computer application in landscape
3) Palms and Cycas: Characteristics, propogation, culture, pest and disease, importance and uses, genera
and species of palms and Cycas.
4) Bamboo and conifers: Genera, species and varieties
5) Shrubs: Different types
6) Climbers and Bougainvillea: Different types
7) Hedges for gardens & farms
8) Lawns & Grasses: Planting methods, maintenance, pest management
9) Ornamental succulents, Cacti and Aquatic plants
10) Polyhouse technology: Scope and objectives of floriculture.
7. Identification of plant diseases and pests: viral ( leaf curl, yellow mosaic), bacterial ( wilt and
cankers), fungal ( rust, smut, wilt, blight, powdery mildew), non insect pests ( nematodes and
10. Soil tests: Types of soil, water holding capacity, field capacity, Electrical conductivity, pH.
1. Landscape designing
Field Visit: Visit to various gardens (public and private) and plant nurseries
2. Bailey L H 1901. The Standard cyclopedia of Horticulture, volume 1,2 and 3 Macmillan