Technical Specifications (Civil, Structural Works)
Technical Specifications (Civil, Structural Works)
Technical Specifications (Civil, Structural Works)
A-01 General
a. The work consists of furnishing all labor and supervision, equipment and tools
and performing all operations In connection with the demolition, excavation and
the removal from site of all surplus excavated dismantled materials and debris, in
accordance with the requirements of the drawings and subject to the terms and
conditions of the Contract.
b. Specifically and without prejudice to the tenor or generality of the foregoing, the
work consists of the following:
1. Excavations shall be done to the depths indicated in the plans referred to the
existing ground line. Depths indicated are the minimum requirement and
additional depth of excavation shall not be done without the approval of the
Soils Engineer. Structural excavations shall be such as to allow for the proper
erection and dismantling of forms and for access to inspection. The
Contractor shall control the grading such that surface water does not run into
the excavations. Water that accumulates inside excavations shall be removed
by pumping or other efficient methods. Adequate protection for adjacent
pavements, structure and utilities shall be provided by the Contractor.
2. Excess materials including existing concrete foundations shall be removed
and disposed of by the Contractor to a site at the discretion or as designated
by the Implementing Agency/Owner.
3. The Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to protect third parties
and shall provide the necessary temporary wall or enclosures to seal off the
affected areas as demolition progresses.
A-02 Pumping
b. The pumps shall have the sufficient capacities to dispose of the water in order to
avoid delays in construction operations. Adequate catch basins shall be
maintained to prevent the sand from mixing with the water being discharged into
sewer lines.
c. Adequate sumps shall be provided to keep the bottom of the excavation free from
water during pouring operations.
a. Excavated materials shall include clay, silt, sand, gravel, hardpan, sandstone,
siltstone, rock, adobe, loose shale, loose stone in masses and any other soil
materials of any class found within the excavations.
a. Existing drainage systems, water and sewer lines and other existing utilities shall
be adequately protected by the Contractor. In case of damage to same, repair
shall be done by the Contractor without cost to the Implementing Agency/Owner.
b. Adequate warning signs, lights, barricades and other measures shall be put up by
the Contractor for the safety of pedestrians and motorists.
c. Relocation of existing drainage pipes shall be done by the Contractor, the cost of
which shall be negotiated with the Implementing Agency/Owner.
a. Contractor shall stake out the building accurately and shall establish lines and
grades. The Implementing Agency/Owner shall approve the layout before any
excavation work is started.
b. Permanent basic reference marks for batter boards shall be erected at such
places as to make them visible and accessible and undisturbed during the
duration of the construction.
A-06 Excavation
b. Where, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, the soil bearing pressure at the level
indicated in the plans, is not attained, the Contractor shall extend the excavation
until the soil bearing pressure is satisfied as per assessment of the Soils Engineer.
Such extra excavation and any additional materials, equipment and labor caused
by the over-excavation shall constitute additional work for the Contractor. Any
adjustment thereby shall be based on until prices for additive work as per
Contract Documents.
c. Under any circumstances, no footings shall rest on fill. Proper allowance shall be
made for the installation of damp proofing, waterproofing or pressure-relieving
devices or under drains as called out in the plumbing/drainage plans. Bottoms of
excavations shall be approximately level, clear of loose and deleterious materials.
d. Tree stumps, roots and weathered rock at the footing levels shall be removed and
the cavities cleaned and filled with lean concrete.
e. Where in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, the soil at the designated depth is not
capable of sustaining the maximum soil bearing pressure used in the design of
the foundations, the Structural Engineer shall be notified and he shall revise
foundation details as required. All extra work incurred by such changes shall be
for the account of the Implementing Agency/Owner on the basis of the unit
prices agreed upon.
f. Where walls or footings are to be poured without forms, trench sides shall be
vertical and true. Concrete hollow blocks may be used in lieu of forms with all
cells filled with concrete grout. Allowance shall be made for waterproofing or
core drains, if required.
i. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, the bottom of all excavations shall be
poured with lean concrete with a minimum thickness of 100mm before the
installation of the reinforcing bars.
a. Materials
1. Material for fills, shall consist of acceptable material as hereinafter specifies,
obtained from the required excavation on site, or from borrow sources.
All material shall be reviewed by the Contractor's Testing Laboratory
and the Structural Engineer.
2. General fills shall be sand, gravel, friable earth, or clays of low plasticity,
subject to approval of the Architect/Engineer based on the reports of the
Testing laboratory. Fill and backfill material shall be free of organic
material, cinders, trash or rubble and stones having maximum dimension
greater than 150mm: The top 450mm of the subgrade fill under
b. Placing Fill
1. Before placing any fill, the depositing surface shall be cleared of all bushes,
roots, vegetable matters and debris, scarified and thoroughly wetted to insure
good bond between the earth and the fill materials.
2. After removal of forms for footings, pedestals, foundation or basement walls,
etc. and when the concrete work is hard enough to sustain pressure resulting
from fill or at least 48 hours after the removal of forms, the materials from
excavation shall be used for backfilling around them.
3. Filling shall be placed in layers not exceeding 150 millimeters in thickness,
each layer to be thoroughly compacted and rammed by wetting, tamping or
rolling to 95% of normal density by Proctor Compaction until the correct
grade is attained. Voids caused by removal of sheeting, shoring and bracing
shall be filled with sound materials.
4. Compaction shall be verified by a reputable Geotechnical Laboratory.
c. Gravel Bedding
1. Garden Roof System with groundcovers/ shrubs on concrete deck shall have
lightweight plastic drainage sheet (garden roof material): For Garden Roof
above Stairs.
2. Refer to Section C: Moisture and Thermal Protection (Waterproofing and
Insulation, Item C-02: Material Requirements for Garden Roof‟s Geo-textile,
Drainage Core/ Panel System and waterproofing requirements.
a. Cement
1. Portland Cement shall conform to ASTM C250 Latest Revision for Type 1
b. Concrete Aggregates
3. The minimum size of gravel shall not be larger than one-fifth (1/5) of the
narrowest dimensions between forms and not larger than three-fourth (3/4) of
the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing bars or bundles of
bars, and in no case larger than 50mm in diameter except that larger diameter
may be allowed in massive concreting with written permission from the
Structural Engineer.
4. Fine Aggregate (Sand): Fine Aggregate shall be well graded sand free from
organic substances, hard particles conforming to ASTM C33 Latest Revision
c. Water:
1. Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious
amounts of oils, acids, alkali, organic materials or other substances that may
be deleterious to concrete or steel. Preferably, the water should be potable.
d. Reinforcing Steel
1. All reinforcing steel bars used shall be new and free from rust, oil, defect,
greases, kinks and other physical defects. They shall conform to the latest
2. All rebars shall be deformed and deformations shall conform to ASTM
3. All rebars shall be of weldable quality with a tensile to yield ratio of not less
than 1.25.
4. Rebars that are intended to be welded shall be of such quality that no pre-
heating, interpass heating nor post-heating is required in the welding process.
Proof of weldability shall be obtained from chemical analysis and the
determination of the carbon equivalent.
5. Water-quenched, thermo-mechanically-treated, or “Tempcore” quality bars
should not be used unless explicity and formally approved by the Structural
6. Unless approved by the Structural Engineer, contact welding of stirrups, ties
or other bars is prohibited.
a. For each batch of delivery of reinforcing steel bars, three (3) samples for each
size of bar shall be taken by the Contractor and tested by a third party laboratory
acceptable to the Implementing Agency/Owner. Such tests shall be in accordance
with ASTM standards and other specific requirements of these Specifications.
a. Unless otherwise called out in the structural plans, the 28-days compressive
cylinder strength of structural concrete shall be ,
c. Use non-load bearing masonry units. (f'c= 2.76 MPa or 400 psi).
a. The proportions of aggregate to cement for any concrete mix shall be such as to
produce a mixture which will work readily into the corners and angles of the
forms and around reinforcement with the method of placing employed on the
work, but without permitting the materials to segregate, or excess free water to
collect on the surface. The combined aggregates shall be such composition of
sizes that when separated on the No.4 standard sieve, the weight passing the
sieve (fine aggregate) shall not be less than thirty percent nor greater than fifty
percent of the total.
b. The method of measuring concrete materials shall be such that the proportions
can be accurately controlled and easily checked at anytime during work.
Measurement of materials for ready-mixed concrete shall conform to the
(ASTM C94 Latest revision) where applicable.
Concrete with slump in excess of the above shall be rejected and discharged
elsewhere inside the plant as directed by the Structural Inspector.
c. The first batch of concrete materials placed in the mixer shall contain a sufficient
excess of cement, sand and water to coat the inside of the drum without reducing
the cement content of the mix to be discharged.
b. Placing of concrete with a free drop or fall of more than 1.5meters shall not be
allowed, except when approved sheet metal conduits, pipes, or “elephant trunks”
are employed. Where employed, these devices shall be kept full of concrete and
the ends kept buried in the newly placed concrete as pouring progresses.
e. When stoppage of concreting operations occur for any reason, construction joints
shall be placed either horizontally or vertically as indicated by the Structural
Engineer and provided with shear keys and dowels to develop shear and bond.
f. Before concreting is resumed, the face of the existing concrete shall be cleaned of
all laitance and the aggregates exposed. Such surface shall further be thoroughly
wet and grouted before placing new concrete.
B-10 Forms
a. The Contractor shall provide forms that will produce correctly aligned concrete.
Plastering, in general, shall not be allowed so that extra care shall be exercised by
the Contractor in choice of fitting, and rigidly supporting the forms. Plywood,
metal or surfaced lumber form shall be used for all exposed concrete.
d. Forms and shoring shall stay in place until the concrete is adequately set and
strong enough to withstand anticipated loadings, and in no case less than two (2)
days after pouring. Forms and shorings may be removed earlier than specified by
standard specifications provided that test samples of concrete are taken and are
shown to be adequately strong to carry safely dead and construction live loads.
a. Out of Plumb
i. In the lines and surfaces of columns, piers, walls and arises:
6mm In 3.00 meters
25mm Max. for entire length
ii. For exposed corner columns and or piers, control joint grooves and other
conspicuous lines:
6mm In any 6.00m length
12mm Max. for entire length
b. Variation from the level or from the grades specified in the contract documents:
i. In slab soffits, ceilings, beam widths and in arises, measured before
removal of supporting shores:
6mm In any 3.00m length
12mm In any 6.00m length
20mm Max. for entire length
c. Variation of linear building lines from established position iin plan and related
position of columns, walls and partitions:
12mm In any bay or 6.00m length
25mm Max. for entire length
d. Variation in the sizes and location of sleeves, floor and wall openings:
Plus or minus 6mm
f. Footings
i. Variation in dimensions in plans:
12mm Minus
50mm Plus
iii. Thickness
Decrease in specified thickness 5%
Increase in specified thickness No limit
Tolerances apply to concrete dimensions only, not to the
positioning of reinforcing bars, dowels or embedded items.
g. Variation in steps
i. In a flight of steps
6mm Rise
3mm Tread
ii. In Consecutive steps
1.5mm Rise
3mm Tread
Regardless of the tolerances listed in above, no portion of the
building shall extend beyond the legal boundary of the project.
a. All rebars shall be placed in accordance with the structural plans. In case of any
doubt or ambiguity in the placing of steel, the Contractor shall consult with the
Structural Engineer whose decision shall be final in such cases.
b. All loose rust or scale, all adhering materials, and all oil or other materials which
tend to destroy bond between the concrete and the rebar shall be removed before
placing the steel and before concreting begins.
d. Rebars at the time concrete is placed shall be free from rust scale or other
coatings that will destroy or reduce the bond. Bends for stirrups and ties shall be
made around a pin having a diameter not less than six (6) times the diameter of
the bar, except that for bars larger than 25mm, the pin shall not be less than eight
(8) times the diameter of the bar. All bars shall be bent cold.
e. All concrete spacers shall have a compressive strength equal to the specified
compressive strength of the concrete. Each spacer shall have a GI wire for fixing
to the reinforcing bar. Cylinder samples shall be taken for testing.
g. For columns or walls supporting vertical anchor plates, the anchor dowels shall
be given the right-of-way. If necessary, the vertical reinforcement shall be
b. Welded splices for Grade 40 rebars shall be allowed only upon presentation of
evidence that the rebar is of weldable quality as determined in accordance with
these Specifications. Welding procedures shall be in accordance with the
provisions of AWS D1.4 latest edition.
c. Lap splices on columns shall be located within the middle third of the clear
height of the column. Adjacent bars shall not be spliced at the same elevation.
Not more than 50% of the bars shall be spliced at a particular elevation. Each
spliced bar shall be staggered a minimum distance of 600mm to the adjacent bar.
e. Where changes in the cross-section of a column occur, the longitudinal bars shall
be offset in a region where lateral support is afforded. Where offset, the slope of
the inclined portion of the bar with the axis of the column shall not be more than
one in six and in the case of tied column, the ties shall be spaced not over 75mm
on center for a distance of 300mm below the actual point of offset, unless
otherwise specified in the plans.
b. If one (1) to one and one-half (1-1/2) percent by weight of calcium chloride is
used as additive, minimum continuous moist curing for forty-eight (48) hours
after placing concrete may be allowed without additional subsequent curing.
c. Concrete shall be cured using burlap and water. For vertical members such as
piers, columns, pedestals or walls, burlap shall be wrapped around the vertical
surface, tied with GI wire and covered by plastic material.
b. Drypack filling of non-shrink or expansive grout shall be used for holes having at
least one surface dimension less than the depth of the hole; for holes left by
removal of fasteners from the ends of form tie rods: for grout and pipe recesses,
and for narrow slots cut for repair of cracks.
c. Drypack shall not be used for filling behind reinforcement, for filling holes that
extend completely through the concrete. Expansive mortar filling placed under
impact by the use of a mortar gun, shall be for holes too wide for drypack filling
and too shallow for concrete filling and no deeper than the far side of the
reinforcement nearest the surface.
d. Concrete filling shall be used for holes extending entirely through the concrete,
for holes which are greater in area than 1,000 square centimeters and deeper than
10 centimeters and for holes in reinforced concrete which are greater in area than
500 square centimeters and which extend beyond reinforcement. Epoxy bond
shall be applied to inside surface of the hole.
e. All non-shrink or expansive filling concrete and mortar shall have a minimum
strength not less than the specified strength of the concrete for the particular
member. Actual confirmatory tests shall be submitted.
a. The Contractor shall note carefully the specified floor finishes and prepare the
slabs suitable in surface and elevation to receive said finishes.
b. Where plain cement floor finish is specified, these floor finishes shall be bonded.
The slab shall be brought to a true surface 20mm below finished floor elevation
and it shall be roughened by being raked as it sets. At a later date, when it is time
to apply the finish, the slab shall be thoroughly cleaned by brushes and with a
small jet from a high pressure hose. All dirt shall be removed from crevices and
depressions. After the surface has been wet, it shall be grouted with 1:1 grout.
Then 20mm sand finish composed of 1 part of cement and 2-1/2 parts of sharp
clean sand mixed with 2 to 3 gallons of water per bag of cement shall be applied,
rammed, screeded and floated. This shall be trowelled when sufficiently dry to a
smooth hard finish using a light dusting of cement only.
d. Where type is not specified, the surface of the base shall be given a float finish.
a. Calcium chloride in the amount of not more than one and one-half (1-1/2) pounds
per 94 lbs sack of cement may be used as accelerator and curing agent with the
previous approval of the Structural Engineer.
b. The use of any additive does not relieve the Contractor of the obligation to
produce the concrete strengths required under these Specifications.
a. The Contractor shall provide three (3) specimens for test purposes taken from
each 50 cubic meters or fraction thereof, of each day‟s pour, whichever is less, of
each class of concrete placed. The testing for each of the three samples shall be at
7, 14, and 28 days.
b. After 24 hours and before the specimens are immersed in water for curing, the
top of the concrete cylinders shall be marked and initialled by the Project
Structural Inspector, for identification purposes, in the presence of the Resident
Structural Inspector.
c. Before capping of the cylinder for testing, the same Project Structural Inspector
shall transfer the same mark and his initial on the body of the cylinder, in the
presence of the Resident Structural Inspector of the Contractor.
g. Should the tests fail to give the required strength, the Implementing
Agency/Owner or Structural Engineer shall have the right to order a change in
the proportions or in the procedures of curing of the concrete for the rest of the
h. Samples taken shall be identified with the concrete actually poured. A record and
a “map” of the floor being poured shall be prepared and linked to the concrete
specimens taken for testing. This document shall be part of the quality assurance
records of the project.
a. In any case of failure to meet specified strength, the Contractor may, at his
expense, and with written approval from the Structural Engineer, may undertake
non-destructive tests, such as rebound test or pulse velocity test, in accordance
with the provisions of the ACI Code. The number and location of the tests shall
be as directed by the Structural Engineer.
b. In case, non-destructive tests failed, at his own expense, the Contractor shall
obtain concrete core samples from the poured concrete in accordance with the
provisions of the ACI Code. The corings shall be taken at locations that will not
impair the safety of the structure and can be satisfactorily replaced. The
compressive strength of same as determined by a competent testing authority,
shall be taken as conclusive evidence of concrete strength and integrity.
c. In case of failure of core tests, a load test may be undertaken at the expense of the
Contractor, and with the approval of the Structural Engineer; otherwise the low-
strength concrete shall taken out by controlled demotion methods acceptable to
the Structural Engineer.
B-20 Inspection
a. Concrete shall be proportioned, mixed and placed only in the presence of the
Supervising Engineer and/or Structural Inspectors. Ample notice shall be given
before the commencement of the work.
b. As required by the NSCP, a minimum of two (2) full time Structural Inspectors
shall be assigned for the duration of the project as follows:
i. One (1) Inspector shall be under the employ of the Implementing
Agency/Owner or Project/Construction Manager.
ii. The other Inspector shall be under the employ of the Prime/General
iii. Both Inspectors shall be registered Civil Engineers and with a minimum
of five (5) years experience in structural concrete inspection and
acceptable to the Civil-Structural Engineer of Record.
There shall be as many Resident Structural Inspectors as there are Contractors for
structural concrete works.
e. Access to places where materials are being stored or fabricated and or erected
shall be provided for the purpose of inspection. Likewise, safe scaffolds and
temporary stairs or ladders shall be provided for the safety and convenience of
the Inspectors. The Inspectors shall have the right to refuse to inspect in the
absence of such safety measures.
B-21 Waterstops
b. Joints at intersections and at ends of pieces shall be made in the manner most
appropriate to the material being used. Joints shall develop effective
watertightness fully equal to that of the continuous waterstop material, shall
permanently develop not less than 50% of the mechanical strength of the parent
section, and shall permanently retain their flexibility.
c. All construction joints for mats, basement walls, cistern and septic vault walls
shall be provided with waterstops.
d. Preferably all waterstops shall be at or near the middle of the thickness of the
slab, wall or beam.
b. All construction joints of slabs thicker than 300mm and on beams shall be
provided with a key and shear bar dowels, in accordance with the instructions of
the Structural Engineer. Likewise, epoxy bond shall be applied to the joint
c. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, the width of the key shall be 50% of the
thickness of the slab, wall or beam. The protrusion shall be 25% of the thickness
of the slab, wall or beam.
e. Construction joints exposed to the weather shall be grooved and sealed with an
elastic epoxy based sealant.
a. Slab and wall openings shall be provided with trimmer bars as called out in the
Construction Notes. Openings beyond the intent of the Construction Notes shall
be provided with special reinforcement as specified by the Structural Engineer.
c. Larger penetrations beyond the diameter of standard pipes shall be provided with
the reinforcement specified or approved by the Structural Engineer.
d. Pipe sleeves and their anchor dowels, for pits, trenches and footing beams,
exposed permanently to the soil and the elements, shall be galvanized.
f. Holes of any shape, larger than the spacing of the main reinforcement of slabs
and walls, shall not be permitted after the slab or wall has been poured.
a. Top openings for pits and trenches shall be provided with top corner edging
angles for pits and trenches without cover.
b. Edge corner angles shall be provided for top of pits and trenches with cover.
Corner angles shall be provided at floor level and under the cover.
c. Edging angles shall be provided with anchor dowels 10mm dia. Spaced at
300mm on center inclined 45 degrees with the horizontal, 150mm long,
excluding 50mm hook at ends.
e. Horizontal corners (at the intersection of walls and bottom slab) and vertical
corners (at intersection of walls) shall have a fillet of 100mm.
f. Pits, cisterns and trenches below basement floor level shall be waterproofed, by
wrapping around with plastic sheet and waterstops at construction joints.
a. The bottom slab for basement, pits and trenches shall be sloped for gravity
drainage towards the nearest floor drain, interceptor or sump.
a. Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, the slope shall be not less than two
percent (2%).
a. The Concrete Contractor shall install the anchor bolts or anchor plates.
b. The setting shall be inspected jointly by the Structural Inspectors of the Concrete
Contractor and Structural Steel Contractor, before pouring of the concrete.
c. After concrete pouring , the setting shall be jointly inspected by the same
Structural Inspectors for verification.
d. The Structural Steel Contractor shall take note of the deviations from specified
locations, and he shall make the necessary rectification of the holes on the base
plate of columns or the connection detail for anchor plates.
e. Construction joints shall not intersect anchor bolt and/or anchor plate dowel
f. Construction joints below ground level shall be located as to clear the flaps or
wings of waterstops by 50mm.
1. The work consists of the fabricating and erecting all structural steel, together
with the necessary labor and supervision, equipment and tools, and incidental
materials to complete that part of the work as shown and noted on the
Structural drawings, unless otherwise noted, and as hereinafter specified,
whenever applicable.
4. Two (2) print copies of each of the detailed shop drawings shall be submitted
to the Structural Engineer for review and approval. If there are any
corrections to be made, re-approval of the corrected detailed drawings shall
be required.
Barangay Bacao II, General Trias, Cavite December 2018
5. Shop or field fabrication shall not commence until final approval of the shop
drawings. Review and approval shall be limited to the structural aspects and
not to dimensional accuracy of the structural member and its connections. All
fabrication shall be done at the shops. Field fabrication shall have the prior
approval of the Structural Engineer.
7. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct fitting of all structural
members and for the elevation and alignment of the finished structure.
8. Field modifications due to fit-up errors shall have the prior approval of the
Structural Engineer.
10. “As-built” drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the
Implementing Agency/Owner prior to the acceptance of the structure. The
drawings shall be signed by the Structural Inspectors of the Implementing
Agency/Owner and the Contractor before final signing of the Structural
Engineer .
B-28 Materials
b. Bolts
1. Temporary (for erection or fit-up only) bolts shall be ordinary strength bolts
to ASTM A307.
2. Unless called out in the structural drawings, permanent bolts shall be high
strength bolts to ASTM A325 or their JIS or BS equivalents.
3. Hi-strength bolts, if not provided with integral tension-limiting devices, shall
be tightened with a calibrated torque wrench, which shall be verified and
re-calibrated, if necessary, before the start of the tightening work.
c. Welding Electrodes
1. Electrodes shall be E70 series from Lincoln.
d. Paint
Barangay Bacao II, General Trias, Cavite December 2018
1. Prior to painting, the steel surface shall be cleaned by wire-brushing and
accepted by the Structural Inspectors.
2. Two (2) coats of shop primer paint shall be applied. The first coat shall be
red lead, unless otherwise shown in the plans, to be applied immediately
after sand-blasting.
3. The second coat of primer paint shall be applied after all rectification works
are done, if any, and/or after inspection and approval by the Project and
Resident Structural Inspectors.
4. Two (2) coats of finish paint shall be applied after erection of the steelwork.
The color of the finish coating shall be in accordance with the
Implementing Agency/Owner‟s preference.
5. Each coat of paint shall have a dry film thickness of 70microns. Thickness
verification tests shall be conducted by a third party agency, as directed
by the Structural Inspectors and shall be for the account of the
e. Fireproofing
1 For floor framing, beams and other exposed steel, fireproofing shall be
sprayed-on cementitious mineral fiber conforming to UL fire rating
f. Grout
1. Grouting material for base plates shall be non-shrink grout approved by the
Structural Engineer. The mixing procedure, application and clearance
requirements shall be in accordance with the recommendation of the
2. For large base plates and as required by the Structural Engineer, actual
prototype tests shall be conducted to prove that voids cannot occur under
the base plates.
3. Grouting shall be done only after verification of the alignment and
plumbness of the structure, which shall be documented by the issuance
of a Certificate of Structural Inspection.
4. Grouting shall be done in the presence of the Structural Inspectors. Only one
type of grout shall be used for the structure.
5. Three (3) cube specimen shall be taken for every grouting work and tested
for actual compressive strength, which shall not be less than the specified
concrete strength.
6. Sampling and testing shall be witnessed by the Structural Inspectors.
Identification of samples shall be similar to the testing of concrete
cylinder specimens.
B-29 Fabrication
Barangay Bacao II, General Trias, Cavite December 2018
a. General
1. Preparation of shop fabrication drawings and fabrication and standards of the
AISC 9th Edition. Fabrication shall start only upon final approval of the
Shop +Drawings by the Structural Engineer.
2. Members to be milled shall be completely assembled and welded before
milling. Bearing of end columns shall be milled otherwise, same shall be
welded with full penetration welds.
3. Component plates for welded built-up sections shall not be gas cut
intermitently, but cut continuously for the entire length of the plate.
4. Unless approved by the Structural Engineer, fabrication shall be done
indoors and inside a fabricating shop or plant.
5. A record shall be prepared and kept on file, such that all component plates
for built-up sections and other detail materials used in the project can be
traced to the particular mother plate stock material.
b. Connections
1. Type of beam connections shall be as shown or noted on the Structural
drawings. Connections not shown on the drawings, or modification of
connections shown on the drawings, will not be permitted unless reviewed
and approved by the Structural Engineer.
2. All specific connection details are not shown by the structural drawings.
General or standard connections shall be designed and detailed by the
structural steel detailer. Connection design and details are subject to
Structural Engineer‟s review.
3. Connections either bolted or welded shall be as recommended in AISC
Manual of Steel Construction 9th Edition.
4. Girder to column connections for moment, frames shall develop the full
plastic capacity of the girders without exceeding the allowable elastic
stresses on the connection materials. Connections shall be welded with full
penetration welds or with the high strength bolts.
5. Connections for braces and hangers shall develop a strength equal to 100%
of the connected member in tension.
6. Sequence of welding in assembling shall be such that warping of the finished
product is prevented.
c. Welding
1. All welders shall be certified, by an approved testing laboratory, to make
groove and fillet welds in all positions. Testing and certification shall be
in accordance with the AWS D1.1:2000. Certificates should not exceed
two (2) years old. Certificates shall be submitted upon mobilization.
2. Weld joints design and workmanship shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1:
3. No welding is to be done on metal which is wet, exposed to rain, nor when
the welders are exposed to inclement conditions.
4. Welding techniques and procedures, minimum preheat and interpass
temperatures shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1: 2000. When the
base metal is below the temperature listed for the welding process being
used and the thickness of material being welded, it shall be preheated for
all welding (including tack welding) in such manner that the surfaces of
the parts on which weld metal is being deposited are at or above the
specified minimum temperature for a distance equal to the thickness of
the part being welded, but not less than 75mm, both laterally and in
advance of the welding. Preheat temperature shall not exceed 400
degrees F.
d. Painting/Galvanizing
The steelwork shall be painted and/or galvanized as called out in the structural
1. All steel shall be thoroughly cleaned by sand or grit blasting, all rust and mill
scale removed, and shall receive two (2) shop coats of primer paint. The
steel work shall receive two (2) finish coats. Areas within 50mm of field
welds shall be left unpainted as well as columns or beams to be encased
in concrete.
2. After erection, all abrasions, bolt heads and surfaces left unpainted for
welding shall be painted as required above.
3. Steel surfaces which will be inaccessible after erection shall receive two shop
coats of paint. Each coat of paint shall be of a different color. The inside
of box columns, sealed permanently, shall be exempted from this
4. All ferrous metal excluding concrete embedded parts shall be hot-dipped
galvanized (if required) and shall conform with ASTM A123, for
structural Sections and ASTM A153 for small accessories.
5. For 3mm and 5mm thick materials, average thickness shall be 87.23 micron
(610 gm/sq.m.). One gram of zinc per sq.m. of surface equals 0.143
6. All surfaces affected by field welding shall be made good by grinding and
subsequent application of galvanizing compound.
7. Bolts and nuts shall be spun galvanized. Excessive zinc shall be removed
from the threaded part. Nuts and lock nuts shall be checked to be capable
of being threaded throughout the whole threaded length after
a. Storage of fabricated steel at the job site shall be the responsibility of the
b. Temporary bracing, fittings and guy lines shall be provided to adequately protect
all persons and property and to insure proper alignment.
c. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate setting and leveling of all
bearing plates or setting plates. Bearing plates or setting plates shall be leveled
on steel wedges or shims or as otherwise detailed and then grouted in place.
d. The center to center distance between adjacent exterior columns shall not vary
more than 3mm from the theoretical dimension at any point.
e. No final or full welding shall be done until as much of the structure as will be
stiffened by the welding/permanent bolting has been properly aligned.
f. Drift pins shall not be used to enlarge unfair holes in main material. Holes that
must be enlarged to admit bolts shall be reamed.
g. Burning and drifting may be used to align unfair holes in secondary beams and
bracing members only upon approval of the Structural Engineer.
j. A complete set of erection drawings shall be issued to the Erection Group prior
to the delivery of the fabricated steel.
l. Upper tier of columns or succeeding upper floor framing shall not be erected
unless the adjacent lower tier or floor has been inspected and approved for
alignment and verticality by the Structural Inspectors.
B-32 Inspection
a. Safe access to places where materials are being stored or fabricated and or
erected shall be provided for the purpose of inspection.
b. The Structural Engineer reserves the right to reject any material, at any time
before final acceptance, which does not conform to all of the requirements of the
drawings and these Specifications.
e. All shop welds shall be visually inspected and 25% of the welds shall be tested
by NDT methods, for the account of the Contractor. If the acceptance for the
initial testing is below 70%, then 50% of the welds shall be tested. If the
acceptance for the second round of testing is below 70% , then 100% of the
welds shall be tested.
g. All field welds shall be inspected and NDT tested 100%, for the account of the
i. In accordance with the provisions of the NSCP, two (2) full time Structural
Inspectors shall be assigned for the duration of the project as follows:
1. One (1) Inspector shall be under the employ of the Implementing
Agency/Owner or Project/Construction Manager
2. The other Inspector shall be under the employ of the Prime/General
3. Both Inspectors shall be licensed Civil Engineers and with a
minimum of five (5) years experience in structural steel inspection
and acceptable to the Civil-Structural Engineer of Record.
a. Anchor bolts shall be set strictly in accordance with the Anchor Bolt Setting
Plan, preferably with the metal templates and rigidly fixed either to the pedestal
reinforcement or forms, to prevent dislocations during the pouring of concrete.
b. Anchor bolts with calculated tension shall be cast with the concrete.
c. Anchor bolts without calculated tension may be set in anchor bolt pockets
provided non-shrink (expansive) and non-metallic grout is used for final setting.
Strength of the grout must be equal or greater than the concrete strength.
d. Before and after pouring of the concrete, setting of anchor bolts shall be
inspected and verified, jointly by the Structural Inspectors of the Implementing
Agency/Owner and Steel Contractor.
e. Any deviations shall be noted by the Steel Contractor, and remedial measures has
to be implemented in the shops or during erection to accommodate said
a. Scope of Work
b. Mortar
Cement mortar shall be one (1) part Portland cement and three (3) parts of sand by
Re-tampering is not permitted. No mortar that has stood for more than one (1) hour
shall be used. Works shall not be permitted on mortar that has reached its initial set.
Concrete hollow blocks shall have a minimum compressive strength of 350 psi
computed from the average of five (5) units based on the average gross area and a
minimum of 300 psi for individual unit. Samples shall be taken at random for every
batch/ delivery of at least 2,000 pieces and upon the discretion of the Architect/
Do not wet blocks before using. Blocks must be dry when laid.
The first row of blocks must be thoroughly anchored to concrete walls, columns or
slabs. Courses shall be laid straight and uniform with regular running bond and
vertical faces truly vertical and set true to line. Each block shall be adjusted to its
position in the wall while the mortar is still soft and plastic enough to ensure good
bond. The position of the block shall never be shifted after the mortar has stiffened.
No re-alignment of a block shall be attempted after a higher or following course has
been laid.
All horizontal and vertical reinforcing bars shall be anchored 20 diameters into the
concrete walls, columns and slabs.
Dowel bars properly spaced are placed into walls, columns or slabs during pouring
and hooked to the vertical bar, leaving bar diameter exposed to splice with the
reinforcing bars of the hollow block walls during construction.
All units shall be laid with mortar composed of one (1) part Portland cement and
three (3) parts of sand. Unless otherwise specified or detailed on the drawings,
horizontal and vertical joints shall be 10mm thick with full mortar coverage on the
face shells and on the web surrounding the cells to be filled.
Reinforcing bars shall have a lap of 40 bar diameters. All horizontal reinforcement
must be tied to the vertical reinforcement at their intersection.
After each day‟s work, uncompleted wall shall be covered with waterproof materials
to keep the inside of the blocks dry in case of rain.