Mock 3R - Biology - Q
Mock 3R - Biology - Q
Mock 3R - Biology - Q
14. In a plant cell, where are the ATP synthase complexes 22. Succession is
found? a. series of physical changes that occur in an area
a. thylakoid membrane b. development of biotic communities on a bare area
b. plasma membrane c. series of biotic communities that appear in a previously
c. inner mitochondrial membrane bare area
d. A and C d. replacement of old individuals by new individuals of a
15. The main difference between primary and secondary
succession is that… 23. Which of the following is an example of a
a. primary succession occurs in the year before secondary characteristic of life known as metabolism found in plants?
succession a. A plant produces seeds, perpetuating the species.
b. primary succession occurs on barren, rocky areas and b. An unattended potted plant that gets knocked over in
secondary succession does not the greenhouse produces a shoot that bends toward the
c. secondary succession ends in a climax species while light and away from the pull of gravity.
primary succession ends in a pioneer species c. Cell division occurring in the apical meristem of the
d. secondary succession occurs on barren, rocky areas and stem and root extends the length of these modules.
primary succession does not. d. Sunlight energy is captured by a plant leaf through the
process called photosynthesis.
16. Which of the following does not represent a potential
threat to biodiversity? 24. Where does a plant obtain the carbon that contributes
a. Importing a European insect into the Philippines to to its mass?
control an undesirable weed a. The carbon enters the roots in solution.
b. Letting previously used farmland go fallow and begin to b. The carbon is taken up from soil particles.
fill with weeds and shrubs c. The carbon is fixed by symbiotic bacteria.
c. harvesting all of the oysters from an oyster bed off the d. The carbon enters the leaves as a gas.
Atlantic coast
d. Shooting wolves because they pose a threat to cattle 25. A population of horses is split into two populations by
farmers a new riverbed that forms after a flood. After many
generations, the river changes course and the populations
17. Whether a land area supports a deciduous forest or mix again. Which of the following indicates that the two
grassland primarily depends on… populations have formed two separate species?
a. changes in temperature a. The populations refuse to cross the dry riverbed to
b. latitude north or south of the equator interbreed.
c. consistency of rainfall from year to year b. The populations mix and mate and offspring are
d. changes in length of the growing season produced, although they are sterile.
c. One population has twice as many horses with white
18. Sexually reproducing species can have a selective spots as the other.
advantage over asexually reproducing species because d. Both populations are primary consumers.
sexual reproduction.
a. is more energy efficient. 26. Which of the following factors does not help determine
b. allows for more genetic diversity. biotic potential?
c. decreases the likelihood of mutations. a. maximum number of offspring
d. always decreases an offspring’s survival ability. b. number of times that a species reproduces each year
c. favorable light and temperature conditions
19. Which of the following would not qualify as an d. number of offspring that reach reproductive age
ecosystem service?
a. rain falling on land 27. Biologist Charles Darwin emphasized that evolution
b. squirrels burying acorns can be best be explained as a consequence of natural
c. leaves falling on the forest floor selection. Which of the following statements correctly
d. blowfly larvae infesting a dear carcass describes Darwin’s “Natural Selection”?
a. Chance events results in a change of allele frequencies.
20. Under water stress, the leaves of plants are found to b. As the conditions of nature change, individuals that are
contain higher concentrations of fittest and most adaptable will survive and evolve.
a. Giberillin c. Cytokinins c. Populations exchange members to converge toward one
b. Auxin d. Abscissic Acid another.
d. As the organism continues to use a certain part of its
21. The carrying capacity of a population is defined as: body, it enlarges or elongates.
a. the maximum number of individuals that can be
supported indefinitely in an ecosystem 28. Growth pattern in pollen tube is similar to that of
b. the maximum number of offspring a species could fungal hyphae or root hairs in exhibiting
produce if resources are unlimited a. oscillated elongation of tube
c. the nutrient that is in the least supply and limits the b. tip-oriented growth
population size c. multiple-oriented growth
d. the limited range of abiotic factors range within which d. predetermined path of growth
an organism can survive
29. The increased productivity of lakes and streams 37. All plants exhibit alternation of generations. This
brought about by nutrient enrichment is known as means their life cycle
a. greenhouse effect c. eutrophication a. includes both haploid and diploid gametes.
b. biomagnification d. bioaugmentation b. shows only asexual reproduction.
c. has both a multicellular haploid stage and a multicellular
30. Competition is the most severe between two diploid stage.
a. closely related species growing in different niches d. does not include meiosis
b. closely related species growing in the same habitat
c. distantly related species growing in the same habitat 38. A tree’s growth in uniform environmental conditions
d. distantly related species growing in different niches such as those which grow near the equator throughout
the year will
31. Primary productivity is likely to be lowest in which a. not show secondary growth
biome? b. not reveal annual rings with distinct spring and autumn
a. Desert b. Forest c. Grassland d. Lake wood
c. have annual rings which can be used to date the tree
32. The energy pyramid shows the decreasing pattern of d. have only phloem formed by the activity of the
energy from producers to consumers and from one trophic cambium
level to another. Producers are placed at the base of the
pyramid because _____________. 39. Development of shoot and root is determined by:
a. they are used up at a faster rate a. Cytokinin and auxin ratio c. Enzymes
b. they have the most amount of energy available b. Temperature d. Plant nutrients
c. they can be found in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem
d. they have pigments available in producing their own 40. Students were asked to collect data on the plant
food Trifolio petalia. Two students reported finding a plant with
flowers having four petals instead of the usual 3. Which of
33. Fifteen years ago, your parents hung a swing from the the ff. explains this observation?
lower branch of a large tree growing in your yard. When a. Unusual findings such as this usually occurs and can
you go and sit in it today, you realize it is exactly the easily be disregarded
same height off the ground as it was when you first sat in b. All plants having 3 petals produce some flowers with 4
it 15 years ago. The reason the swing has not grown taller petals
as the tree has grown is that c. These flowers are actually the result of a new species
a. the tree trunk is showing primary growth. and in a few years, this group of plants will have formed 2
b. the tree trunk shows primary apical growth of the plant, species.
but apical elongation should not occur in that part of the d. Slight variation in the number of petals may occur due
tree. to accidental changes during development
c. trees lack apical meristems and so do not get taller.
d. you are hallucinating, because it is impossible for the 41. When O2 is released as a result of photosynthesis, it is
swing not to have gotten taller as the tree grew a byproduct of which of the ff.?
a. reducing NADP+
34. Mosses are thought to resemble the primitive plants b. splitting of H2O molecules
that first inhabited the land. Interestingly, these plants c. the electron transfer systems of Photosystem I and II
lack a vascular system. Therefore they should lack d. chemiosmosis
a. mesophyll cells. c. shoots.
b. phloem. d. collenchyma. 42. All of the following statements regarding
characteristics of predator-prey relationships are correct
35. Ecological pyramids can be inverted when.. EXCEPT:
a. they represent number of organisms a. A rise in the population of prey is often followed by a
b. they represent energy content of organisms rise in population of predators.
c. they represent biomass of organism b. A rise in the population of predators is followed by a
d. both a and c are correct decrease in the population of prey.
c. Camouflage is an adaptation that protects prey.
36. In the angiosperms, the d. The population of predators most often eliminates the
a. gametophyte is prominent, and the sporophyte is population of prey.
dependent upon the gametophyte.
b. sporophyte is prominent, with the sporophyte and 43. A few seconds after touching the Mimosa pudica plant,
gametophyte living independently. its leaflets fold together. It takes about 10 minutes or
c. sporophyte is prominent, and the gametophyte is more for the plant to region and restore the natural form
dependent upon the sporophyte. of the leaf. A good explanation for this is:
d. gametophyte is prominent, and the sporophyte stage a. Cells suddenly become flaccid after stimulation because
has disappeared. of the loss of K+
b. Cells suddenly become turgid after stimulation because
of loss of Na+
c. Cells suddenly become flaccid after stimulation because
of the loss of Na+
d. none of these
44. A food chain includes oak trees squirrels foxes -
mushrooms. Which role is unfilled in this chain?
a. secondary consumer
b. tertiary consumer
c. primary consumer
d. decomposer