The State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana under the aegis of the Department of
Technical Education, Telangana regularly reviews the Curricula in tune with the developments both in
academic and industry side. However, recognizing the changing needs as stated by the catchment industries,
the Board has decided to bring about the revision of curriculum. Thus, the Board, with the assistance of senior
faculty of the branches concerned, has reviewed C-16/C-16S Curriculum in force. On finding the merits and
shortcomings of C-16/C-16S Curriculum, the faculty has made a thorough assessment of the curricular changes
that have to be brought in. It was felt that there is an urgent need to improve hands-on experience among the
students pursuing diploma courses. Further, the urgency of enhancing communication skills in English has
also been highlighted in the feedback and suggestions made by the user industries. Keeping these in view, a
number of meetings and deliberations were held at State level, with experts from industry, academia and senior
faculty of the department. The new Curricula for the different diploma courses have been designed with the
active participation of the members of the faculty teaching in the Polytechnics of Telangana, besides
reviewed by Expert Committee constituted with eminent academicians.
The new C-18 curriculum is designed, duly taking into consideration the Outcome Based Education
model as per NBA norms and Credit system has also been introduced.
This new Curriculum has taken the Telangana State Industrial Policy in the course of Industrial
Management and Entrepreneurship. Skill Upgradation is given importance by allotting 2.5 grade points per
The primary objective of the curriculum change is to produce best technicians in the country by
correlating growing needs of the industries with the academic inputs.
The revised New Curriculum i.e., Curriculum – 2018 or C-18 is planned and designed by making 6
months industrial training is mandatory.
Salient Features:
Course structure contains 5 theory courses and 5 Laboratory courses per semester
All theory courses will be of Lecture -Tutorial-Practicals (L:T:P) pattern
In order to ensure continuous evaluation, total course content is divided into 3 parts i.e., Mid
Semester- I should be conducted for 20 marks from part I and Mid Semester- II should be conducted
for 20 marks from part II, End Examination shall be conducted for 40 marks of which 20 marks
should be covered from part III, 20 marks covered from overall course content.
The sessional marks of 20 are assigned to slip tests, assignments, seminars, quiz etc.
The question paper pattern is comprising of short answer questions, Essay questions, Application
based Questions covering the attributes of understanding, remembering and Application.
Scoring of the candidate in the examination is reflected in terms of grade points blending with
relative grade point award system.
2. Keeping in view the increased need of communication skills that is playing a vital role in the success of
Diploma Level students in the Industries, emphasis is given for learning and acquiring listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills in English. Communication Skills lab and Life Skills lab are therefore introduced
in III Semester and Advanced Communication Skills lab and Life Skills lab as lab electives from IV
Semester for all the branches.
3. Latest topics relevant to the needs of the industry and global scenario suitable to be taught at Diploma level
are also incorporated in the curriculum.
4. CAD specific to the branch has been given more emphasis in the curriculum. Preparing drawings using
CAD software has been given more importance.
5. Every student is exposed to the computer lab at the 1 styear itself in order to familiarize himself/herself with
skills required for keyboard/mouse operation, internet usage and e-mailing.
6. The number of teaching hours allotted to a particular topic/chapter has been rationalized keeping in view the
past experience.
7. Upon reviewing the existing C-16 curriculum, more emphasis is given to the practical content of Laboratories
and Workshops, thus strengthening the practical skills in C-18 Curriculum.
8. With increased emphasis for the student to acquire Practical skills, the course content in all the courses is
thoroughly reviewed and structured as outcome based than the conventional procedure based. While the
course content in certain courses felt overloaded is reduced, in rest of the courses the content has been
enhanced as per the need.
9. Curriculum of Laboratory and Workshops have been thoroughly revised based on the suggestions
received from the industry and faculty, for better utilization of the equipment available at the
Polytechnics. The experiments /exercises that are chosen for the practical sessions are identified to
conform to the field requirements of industry.
10. The course of skill up-gradation in each semester is incorporated in the time table for one complete
day consisting of 7 periods..
11. The student shall be awarded satisfactory through RUBRICS only if he/she puts in at-least 75%
attendance in the skill up-gradation course apart from the satisfactory performance in the activities
12. The activities suggested for skill up-gradation in the curriculum at the end of each course will be
assessed by the respective course teacher through RUBRICS and duly certified by the HOS/Principal.
13. The Members of the working group are grateful to Sri Navin Mittal I.A.S., Commissioner of
Technical Education & Chairman, S.B.T.E.T.(TS) for his constant guidance and valuable inputs in
revising, modifying and updating the curriculum.
14. The Members acknowledge thanks for cooperation and guidance extended by Sri. U.V.S.N. Murthy,
Secretary and his team of SBTET, Telangana, Dr C. Srinath, Additional Secretary, SBTET and Sri A.
Pullaiah, RJD and other officials of Directorate of Technical Education and the State Board of
Technical Education, Telangana.
15. The Members acknowledge thanks for cooperation and guidance extended by Dr.Uma Shanker
Sahu of NITTTR, Hyderabad and experts from industry, academia from the universities and
higher learning institutions and all teaching fraternity from the Polytechnics who are directly and
indirectly involved in preparation of the curricula.
A cumulative / academic record is to be maintained of the Marks secured in sessional work and end
examination of each year for determining the eligibility for promotion etc., a Permanent Identification
Number (PIN) will be allotted to each candidate, which is computer generated so as to facilitate this
work and avoid errors in tabulation of results.
a). The Academic Year for all the Courses usually shall be from June 1 st week of the year of admission to
a). A candidate shall be permitted to appear for the end examination in all courses, if he or she has
attended a minimum of 75% of Instructional working days during the Semester.
b). Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate upto 10% (65% and above and below 75%) in
each semester may be granted on medical grounds.
d). Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not eligible to take their
end examination of that class and their admissions shall stand cancelled. They may seek re-admission
for that semester when offered next.
e). A stipulated fee shall be payable towards condonation for shortage of attendance.
Readmission shall be granted to eligible candidates by the respective Principal of the institutions
concerned. 10% of approved intake are eligible for Readmission and preference will be given to first-
cum-first-serve basis, while according permission for re-admission of the Diploma candidates:-
1. The percentage of attendance to a readmitted candidate is to be calculated from the first day
of beginning of the class work of that year / semester, but not from the date, a readmitted
candidate reports for class work, after given readmission.
No. of working
No. of working
S No. of days required
Year/Semester days required for
No Working days for 65%
75% attendance
Any Semester
1 (Except for 90 67.5 58.5
Industrial Training
2. The Principals of all Polytechnics shall ensure that the readmission cases should considered
and granted:-
the course from the date of the first admission, otherwise he/she will forfeit the claim for qualifying for
the award of Diploma.
Total course content shall be divided into three parts as Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Mid sem 1 Exam should be conducted from Part 1
Mid sem II Exam should be conducted from Part 2
End Examination to be conducted for 40 marks of which
20 Marks should be covered from Part 3
Remaining 20 marks covered from over all course contents
The tutorial/sessionals shall consist of following marks division
1. Slip test 1 -- 5 marks
2. Slip test 2 -- 5 Marks
3. Assignments -- 5 Marks
4. Seminar/paper presentation/group discussion -- 5 Marks
II. Mid semester Question paper pattern
Part A shall consist of ‘Remember’ based questions
Part B shall consist of ‘Understanding’ questions
Part C shall be of ‘Application’ based Questions
III. Semester End Examination:
1. Marks : In order to ensure continuous evaluation the examination pattern is formulated as:
Theory Practical
End Examination 40 marks End Examination 40 marks
Mid Sem-I 20 marks Mid Sem-I 20 marks
Mid Sem-II 20 marks Mid Sem-II 20 marks
Internal 20 marks Internal 20 marks
Total marks 100 Marks Total marks 100 Marks
Min of
C 5 > 40 to < 50% > 55 to < 60% Min of Top 6/8 Abs. or Rel. grade %
Min of
D 4 > 35 to < 40% > 50 to < 55% Min of Top 7/8 Abs. or Rel. grade %
E 0 Rest of the Candidates
Based on the minimum of Absolute Grade cut off and Relative Grade cut off, a Hybrid grade cut off
shall be arrived and the appropriate grade shall allotted to the student and based on the Grade, a Grade point
shall be allotted in each subject provided the Candidate passes in the subject.
Pass Criteria for Regular Candidate: The Candidate is declared pass only if he/she secures above
the Hybrid Grade cut off of ‘D’ grade and 35% or above in Theory Examination and 50% or above in
Practical and Drawing Examinations, as per the formula below in Sem End Examination:-
End semester marks secured X 100
End semester Topper marks
Grades for backlog subjects : The Candidate shall be awarded ‘P’ or ‘F’ Grade based on ‘Pass’ or
‘Fail’ respectively in the Backlog Subjects. The ‘P’ or ‘F’ Grade has no Grade point but P grade will count
towards credits earned for awarding Diploma. The Candidate shall get P Grade if he/she secures 35% or
above in Theory Examination and 50% or above in Practical and Drawing Examinations, as per the formula
below in End Sem Examination:-
End semester marks secured X 100
End semester Topper marks of Regular exam of that batch
VI. Credits:
For theory courses-- 3 Credits
For Laboratory courses- 1.5 Credits
Skill up-gradation 2.5 Credits
Total credits per semester 25 Credits
CGPA will be calculated for Regular Examinations only and not for backlog exams.
Backlog exams will count for credits.
Skill up gradation course will not count for CGPA but for Credits.
Minimum credits for obtaining Diploma are 130 out of 150
VII. Electives:
Specialized electives related to V semester course contents offered in MOOCs, like
b) The student has to complete one Project in V Semester
Industrial assessment at Industry : 600 marks (in two spells of 300 marks each)
Assessment parameters at Industry
Sl No II (Second
Learning Parameter (First
1 Attendance and punctuality 20 20
3 Engineering skills 50 50
6 Professionalism/Professional ethics 20 20
8 Communication skills 20 20
9 Supervisory skills 50 50
The assessment at the institute level will be done by a minimum of three members i.e. Internal
Faculty, Industrial Experts/External Examiner and H.O.D. and the shall be averaged
a) Theory Courses: Theory Courses carry 20 marks for Mid Sem I and 20 marks for Mid Sem II and 20
marks for Tutorials which consists of Slip Test-I 5 Marks, Slip Test-II 5 Marks, Assignment-5 Marks
and Seminar -5Marks. Mid Sem examinations will be conducted on the dates specified by SBTET.
The remaining 40 marks of theory will be conducted as End Semester Exam.
b) Practicals: Student’s performance in Laboratories / Workshop shall be assessed during each semester
of study for 40 marks in end practical course and internal assessment carries 20 marks for Mid Sem I
and 20 marks for Mid Sem II and 20 marks for Tutorials. Each student has to write a record / log book
for assessment purpose. In the course of Drawing, which is also considered as a practical paper, the
same rules hold good. Drawing exercises are to be filed in seriatim.
c) Internal assessment in Labs / workshops / Survey field etc., during the course of study shall be done
and sessional marks shall be awarded by the concerned Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Workshop
superintendent with the concurrence of concerned HOS as the case maybe.
d) For practical examinations, there shall be two examiners. External examiner shall be appointed by
the Principal in consultation with respective head of the department preferably choosing a person
from an Industry/Academician. At least one External Examiner from Industry should be
appointed for core labs.The Internal examiner shall be the person concerned with internal
assessment as in (c) above. The end examination shall be held along with all theory papers in
respect of drawing.
e) Question Paper for Practicals: Question paper should cover all the experiments / exercise
f) Records pertaining to internal assessment marks of both theory and practical courses are to be
maintained for official inspection.
g) In case of D.C.C.P., though the pass mark for typewriting and short hand is 50% in the end
examination, equivalency will be given for the students who got 45% with the examinations held by
3.1 For Diploma Courses for 1st ,2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5thand 6thSemesters:
1. A candidate shall be permitted to appear for first Semester examination provided he / she puts the
required percentage of attendance (i.e., 75%) and pays the examination fee. However, attendance can
be condoned by the Principal on Medical grounds upto 10% (i.e. attendance after condonation on
Medical grounds should not be less than 65%) and he/she has to pay the condonation fee along with
examination fee as prescribed by SBTET from time to time.
2. A candidate shall be promoted to 2ndsemester if he/she puts the required percentage of attendance (i.e.,
75% in general and 65% on medical grounds) in the first semester and pays the examination fee. A
candidate who could not pay the first semester examination fee has to pay the promotion fee as
prescribed by State Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time before
commencement of 2nd semester.
A candidate is eligible to appear for the 2nd semester exam if he/she puts the required
percentage of attendance (i.e., 75% in general and 65% on medical condonation) in the 2nd semester.
3. A candidate shall be promoted to 3rdsemester if he/she puts the required percentage of attendance
(i.e., 75% in general and 65% on medical grounds) in the 2nd semester and pays the examination fee
and earned more than 25 credits (upto regular End Semester Exams of 2 nd semester). A candidate who
could not pay the 2nd semester examination fee has to pay the promotion fee as prescribed by State
Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time before commencement of 3rd semester.
A candidate is eligible to appear for the 3rd semester exam if he/she puts the required
percentage of attendance (i.e., 75% in general and 65% on medical condonation) and pays the
examination fee in the 3rd semester and earned 25 credits up the end of 2nd Semester.
4. A candidate shall be promoted to 4th semester provided he/she puts the required percentage of
attendance (i.e., 75% in general and 65% on medical condonation) in the 3rdsemester and pays the
examination fee and earned 25 credits up the end of 2 nd Semester. A candidate, who could not pay the
3rdsemester exam fee but fulfilling all other conditions has to pay the promotion fee as prescribed
by State Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time before commencement
of 4th semester. IVC pass out students admitted into 3 rd semester through lateral entry shall be
promoted to 4th Semester, if he/she Puts the required percentage of attendance (i.e., 75% in general
and 65% on medical grounds) and pays examination in the 3rd semester.
5. A candidate shall be promoted to 5thsemester provided he / she puts the required percentage of
attendance (i.e., 75% in general and 65% on medical grounds) in the 4 thsemester and pays the
examination fee and earns 75 Credits (upto regular End Semester Exams of 4 th semester). A candidate,
who could not pay the 4thsemester examination fee but earned 75 credits has to pay the promotion fee
as prescribed by State Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time before
commencement of 5thsemester as the case may be.
6. A candidate shall be promoted to 6thsemester provided he / she puts the required percentage of
attendance (i.e., 75% in general and 65% on medical grounds) in the 5 thsemester and pays the
examination fee and earned 75 credits upto the end of 4 th Semester. A candidate, who could not pay
the 5thsemester examination fee, has to pay the promotion fee as prescribed by State Board of
Technical Education and Training from time to time before commencement of 6thsemester as the case
may be.
(a) A candidate is eligible to appear for the 6th semester (Theory) exam if he/she
i) Puts the required percentage of attendance in the 6th semester
ii) Should have appeared for 5th semester examination.
(b) A candidate is eligible to appear for 6th (Industrial Training) semester examination if he/she
i) Puts the required percentage of attendance i.e., 90% in 6thsemester (Industrial Training)
ii) Should have completed the Industrial Training
iii) Should have submitted Industrial Training assessment report.
(c) In case a candidate does not successfully complete the Industrial training, he / she will have
to repeat the training at his / her own cost.
Promotion rules for C-18
S From To Cumulative
Attendance Remarks
No. Sem Sem Credits
1 I II -
(65% on medical grounds)
Cumulative credits are
2 II III -do- 25
applicable from the
3 III IV -do- 25
A.Y. 2021-22 onwards
4 IV V -do- 75
5 V VI -do- 75
Note: Ineligible candidates are not permitted to next higher semester classwork till he/she fulfills the
above eligibility criteria.
Sem Sem Credits
75% (65% IVC candidates should be
1 III IV on medical - allotted 50 credits during
grounds) admission into 3rd semester
2 IV V -do- 75 From A.Y. 2021-22
3 V VI -do- 75 -do-
Note: Ineligible candidates are not permitted to next higher semester classwork till he/she fulfills the
above eligibility criteria.
If any candidate resorts to any Mal Practice during examinations, he / she shall be booked and the
Punishment shall be awarded as per rules and regulations framed by SBTET,TS from time to time.
Any Discrepancy regarding results etc., shall be represented to the Board within one month from the
date of issue of results. Thereafter, no such cases shall be entertained in any manner.
In general there is no equivalency of CGPA and marks percentage:
However : 60% is insisted a CGPA of 6.50
55% is insisted a CGPA of 6.00
50% is insisted a CGPA of 5.50
With respect to the intermediate vocational candidates, who are admitted directly into diploma course
at the 3rdsemester (i.e., second year) level, the CGPA over 4 semesters shall alone be taken into
consideration for award of Diploma.
If the candidate desires for a duplicate certificate of Diploma, he/she may obtain on payment of
prescribed fee, duly following the procedure.
The Board on payment of prescribed fee will issue these certificates for the candidates who intend to
pursue Higher Studies in India or Abroad.
i. The Board may change or amend the academic rules and regulations or syllabi at any time and
the changes or amendments made shall be applicable to all the students, for whom it is
intended, with effect from the dates notified by the competent authority.
ii. All legal matters pertaining to the State Board of Technical Education and Training are within
the jurisdiction of Hyderabad.
iii. In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the decision of the Secretary,
SBTET (TS) is final
Diploma in Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Instruction Total Continuous internal Semester end examination
Periods per Periods evaluation
Course week per Min
Course Name Max
Code Internal Total marks for
Mid Mid marks
L T P Evaluatio Mark passing
Sem1 Sem 2 Min
n s including
18EI- 14
1 Basic English 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100 35
18EI- Basic Engineering 14 35
2 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
102F mathematics
18EI- 14 35
3 Basic Physics 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
18EI- General Engineering
60 3 20 20 20 40 14 100 35
4 3 1 0
104F Chemistry
7 2.5 -
11 Academic activities 0 0 105 0 0 Rubrics --
Basic English
: Lecture + Tutorial
At the end of the course, the students will have the ability to:
101.1 communicate effectively, express their likes, dislikes and feelings and
make requests
2. Classroom English
3. Expressing Feelings
5. Making Requests
UNIT - 2: LISTENING Duration: 6 Periods
6. Describing Words
9. Tenses
11. Voice
communicate fluently.
use dictionary
Internal evaluation
Self introduction
Talking about routines
Role Plays
Describing people
Describing places
Describing events
Creating Advertisements
Interpreting advertisements
Using a dictionary
Vocabulary games
2. A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English by J. Sethi and P.V Dhamija
4. Games for Language Learning by Andrew Wright, David Betteridge and Michael Buckby
CO-PO Matrix
101.1 2 1 1 - - 2 - 3 3 3 1,2,3,6,8,9,10
101.2 2 2 -- 2 -- 2 -- 3 3 3 1,2,4,6,8,9,10
101.3 2 2 -- -- 1 1 2 3 3 3 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10
101.4 2 2 2 -- 2 1 2 3 3 3 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10
101.5 2 2 -- -- 2 -- 2 3 3 3 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10
101.6 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- 3 3 3 1,2,8,9,10
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Remembering (R) 1 Mark
Legend: Understanding (U) 3 Marks
PART - A 1X4=4
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each carries one mark.
1. Rewrite the following as requests.
PART - B 2X3=6
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks
b). Write three situations in which you feel the following emotions.
6. a) Identify the describing words in the following sentences.
Harry Potter series is very interesting and popular. He is very sensitive and brave. The
author was once poor. But now she has become rich.
b) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words of description given below in brackets.
The Sun was shining brightly. It was a ___ day. The sky was ___. There were no clouds in
the sky. A __ girl came out of her house. She was very ___. Suddenly a ___ cloud loomed over.
PART-C 2 X 5 = 10
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks.
(spacious, big, beautiful, narrow, clean, dirty, wide, small, tall, polluted)
PART - A 1X4=4
1. Use the following pair of homonyms in your own sentences to bring out the difference in meaning.
a. Watch
b. Watch
PART - B 2X3=6
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks
b). Fill in the blanks with the appropriate homophones given below in brackets.
I tell _______ (stories, storeys) to my friends. My hobby is to tell _______ ( tales, tails) with animal
characters in them. _______ (Two, Too) of my friends like to listen to my stories always. I told them a
story about a ______(bear, bare). I bought it for them at a _______ (fair, fare). I became very
_______ (week, weak) as I suffered from fever.
One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty was presented to the
the people of France. It took ten years to complete it. It was made of copper with a metal frame to
support it. The sculptor Auguste Bartholdi made it.
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks.
i. Son, Sun
v. Air, Heir
8 a). Write five sentences about your childhood using past tense.
i. S.V.
ii. S.V.O.
iii. S.V.SC.
iv. S.V.O.OC.
v. S.V.IO.DO.
PART – A 8 X 1 = 08
3. Write at least four supporting sentences for the following topic sentence:
a. S V IO DO
b. S V SC
5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
a) How should the technician develop his ability of communication?
PART- B 4 X 3 = 12
b). Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Jalagam Vengal Rao open caste mine is located in Sathupally in Khammam district. When coal
deposits were discovered in Sathupally, it was tested by its owners – Singareni Collieries Company
Limited, to determine the quality. Surveys showed that coal available underneath Sathupally area
would last for about 50 years.
The farmers who had to leave their lands were compensated with lands elsewhere
and some of them were given jobs in mines. Open cast mining started at Sathupally in 2005.
Almost all the work at this mine are done using machines such as bulldozers, motor
graders, shovels, drills, water sprinklers, tipper trucks, dumpers and different trucks which can carry
heavy loads of coal. Shovel and bulldozers are first used to remove top soil or overburden and rocks.
Then a series of benches are made (benches are vertical sections of a mine from where the coal or
overburden is removed). Roads have been laid in the mining area all the way down to the bottom of
the mine, connecting all the benches. Over burden and waste rocks are removed from sides of benches
by blasting. Coal blasted in benches is then lifted using shovels and dumpers and transported through
tipper trucks. Coal is transported to the coal handling plant and through railway wagons to power
plants, cement factories and other industries. Every day, about 10,000 tonnes of coal is mined and
transported from JVR Open Cast Mine.
b) Why were the farmers compensated with land or given jobs in mines?
10 a). Rewrite the following sentences changing the voice.
b) Write a letter to your principal requesting him to issue a duplicate hall ticket.
11 a). Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
Subhash Chandra Bose was born on 23 January 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa. He studied in Cuttack and
then moved to Presidency College in Calcutta for further studies. He did his B.A. in Philosophy and
went to England to appear for the Civil Services examination Although he did well in the exam he
soon resigned from the services because it meant working against the interests of his country. .He
returned to India and started a newspaper called Swaraj. His mentor Chittaranjan Das was active and
open in his criticism of British rule. Bose followed his footsteps and was arrested and sent to prison in
Mandalay. He joined the Indian National Congress. Later he parted ways with the Congress. He
revived the Indian National Army. He is believed to have coined the slogan Jai Hind.
b) Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
What influenced Asuthosh most was the company of the brilliant friends of his father. They were
eminent men in their several walks of life, and they fired the boy’s ambition. He was especially
impressed by Mr. Justice Dwarka Nath Mitter who often visited their house. In his heart he wanted to
emulate him in all ways. Thus at a very early age Asutosh formed the ambition of being a judge of the
Calcutta High Court. He also wanted to be a scholar and win the Premchand Roychand Studentship
which is held to be the most coveted academic distinction in Bengal. It will be seen later how he was
able to realize both his ambitions.
But he had to cut his studies short because he fell seriously ill. The doctors said that he suffered
from palpitation of the heart and advised him to have a complete rest and change. His father sent him
to Muttra for a holiday. The change had a very beneficial effect on him, for Muttra had a fine climate
and beautiful scenery, and Autosh returned fully restored in health and sprits.
Mathematics attracted Asutosh most, and he came to be looked upon as a prodigy in this subject.
One day one of his teachers thought of testing his ability in mathematics and set the class very difficult
problem. All the other students looked blank on reading the problem, but not so Asutosh. He solved it
correctly in a few minutes and showed it to the teacher, who was amazed at the evidence of his ability.
As time went on he developed much originality in solving other mathematical problems.
Library in our polytechnic – a big hall – several tables and chairs – newspapers – journals – visiting
hours – two computers with internet – three cards to each student – 20000 books – many reference
b). Write a letter to your friend describing your first day in your institute.
PART-C 4 X5 = 20
13 a). List any five problems you face in learning English and suggest solutions.
b). Read the following paragraph and answer the question given below it.
In1920, the Congress meeting was held at Nagpur under the leadership of Gandhiji. It was attended by
15000 delegates and the Congress Constitution was amended and resolutions were taken to fight for
Swaraj by nonviolent methods and undo the injustice done to Punjab and Turkey.
In Kerala, a rebellion broke out by Mophlah peasants and it was suppressed
brutally. Though Gandhiji warned the people many times not to resort to violent methods, on 5th
February, 1922 in Chauri-Chaura in Uttar Pradesh people resorted to violence. When policemen
opened fire on peaceful demonstrations, the angry people set ablaze the police station and 22 policemen
were killed. Gandhiji stopped the movement because it lost its nonviolent nature. On 10th March, 1922
Gandhiji was arrested for six years.
b). Write a letter to the Principal of your institute requesting him to provide you admission into
It was way back in 1972 that NASA began developing a space shuttle that could launch like a rocket
but fly and land like an airplane—a unique transportation system for deploying satellites and payloads
into outer space. It was indeed a technological wonder as it was reusable unlike the earlier , one shot
disposable rockets, which were used to place astronauts and equipment into the Earth's orbit.
Basically , a space shuttle consists of an orbiter that carries astronauts and payload attached to solid
rocket boosters and an external fuel tank.To lift the space shuttle , weighing about 2 million kg, from
the launch pad to its orbit that is about 185 to 643 km above the Earth , the shuttle uses two poweful
solid rocket boosters, which provide a thrust of about 11.7 million N. In addition the SRB's support the
entire weight of the space shuttle orbiter and fuel tank on the launch pad.
c) What are the functions of the solid rocket boosters?
e) Find one word in the passage that means throw away after use.
b). Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below it.
Another important environmental movement is the Chipko Movement which started in the early 1970s
in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand by Sunderlal Bahuguna. Like the tribal people of Narmada
valley, the forests are a critical resource for the subsistence of people in hilly and mountainous areas.
This is both because of their direct provision of food, fuel and fodder and because of their role in the
stabilizing soil and water resources. As these forests were being increasingly felled for commerce and
industry, villagers sought to protect their livelihoods through non-violent resistance. The name of the
movement comes from the word ‘chipko’ meaning ‘embrace’: the villagers hugged the trees, saving
them by interposing their bodies between them and the contractors’ axes. Village women were the
main force of this movement. It inspired many people to look closely at the issue of environment
16 a). Write a letter to your uncle about your plan to visit his place during summer.
b). Write a paragraph in 150 words about the importance of following traffic rules.
Program : Common to all Engineering Diploma Programs
Pre requisites :
This course requires the basic knowledge of Algebra, Trigonometry in Mathematics at Secondary
school level
At the end of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Course Content:
1. Logarithms:
Definition of logarithm and its properties, natural and common logarithms; the meaning of e and
exponential function, logarithm as a function and its graphical representation – Solve some simple
2. Partial Fractions:
Rational, proper and improper fractions of polynomials. Resolving rational fractions in to their partial
fractions covering the types mentioned below:
f ( x) f ( x)
i) ii) 2
( x a)( x b)( x c) ( x a ) ( x b)( x c)
f ( x) f ( x)
iii ) 2
( x a )( x b) ( x a)( x 2 b) 2
4. Compound angles: Formulae of Sin (A±B), Cos (A±B), Tan (A±B), Cot(A±B), and related
identities with problems - Derive the values of sin150, cos150 , sin750 , cos750 , tan 150 , tan750 etc.-
Derive identities like sin(A+B) sin(A-B) = sin 2 A –sin2 B etc.,
5. Multiple and sub multiple angles: Trigonometric ratios of multiple angles 2A,3A and submultiples
angle A/2 with problems - Derive useful allied formulas like
sin 2 A= ( 1−cos2 2 A ) etc., - Solve simple problems using the above formulae
6. Properties of triangles: Statements of Sine rule, Cosine rule, Tangent rule and Projection rule
8. Complex Numbers: Definition of a complex number, Modulus and conjugate of a complex number,
Arithmetic operations on complex numbers, Modulus- Amplitude (polar) form, Exponential (Euler)
form of a complex number.
Algebra & Trigonometry
Simple problems - Solve problems by applying these formulae to sum or difference or product of three
or more terms.
10 Inverse trigonometric functions: Define inverses of six trigonometric functions along with their
domains and ranges - Derive relations between inverse trigonometric functions so that given A=sin-1x,
express angle A in terms of other inverse trigonometric functions - with examples - State various
properties of inverse trigonometric functions and identities like sin x+cos x = 2
-1 -1
etc - Derive
x+ y
−1 −1
formulae like tan x + tan y=tan
( 1−xy ) where x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0 , xy <1 etc., and solve simple problems.
11.Solution of Simultaneous equations using Matrices & Determinants.: System of linear equations
in 3 Variables-Solutions by Cramer’s rule, Matrix inversion method – Examples- Elementary row
operations on Matrices -Gauss-Jordan method to solve a system of equations in 3 unknowns.
12. Solutions of triangles: Solve a triangle when (i) three sides (SSS) (ii) two sides and an
Included angle (SAS) (iii) one side and two angles are given (SAA) - Simple problems.
Suggested Learning Outcomes
1. Rational
2. Proper and
3. Improper
2.2 Explain the procedure of resolving rational fractions of the type mentioned below
into partial fractions
f ( x) f ( x)
i) ii) 2
( x a )( x b)( x c) ( x a ) ( x b)( x c)
f ( x) f ( x)
iii ) 2
iv )
( x a )( x b) ( x a )( x 2 b) 2
3.2 State various types of matrices with examples (emphasis on 3rd order square
3.7 Resolve a square matrix into a sum of symmetric and skew- symmetric matrices
with examples in all cases.
3.8 Define minor, co-factor of an element of a 3x3 square matrix with examples.
3.12 Define multiplicative inverse of a matrix and list properties of adjoint and inverse.
4.1 Define compound angles and state the formulae of sin(A±B), cos(A±B), tan(A±B)
and cot(A±B)
4.2 Give simple examples on compound angles to derive the values of sin150, cos150 ,
sin750 , cos750 , tan 150 , tan750 etc.
5.0 Solve problems using the formulae for Multiple and Sub- Multiple Angles
5.1 Derive the formulae of multiple angles 2A, 3A etc and sub multiple angles A/2 in
terms of angle A of trigonometric functions.
5.2 Derive useful allied formulas like sin A= (1- cos2A)/2 etc.,
6.0 Appreciate Properties of triangles
6.1 State sine rule, cosine rule, tangent rule and projection rule.
7.1 Define Sinh x, cosh x and tanh x and list the hyperbolic identities.
8.1 Define complex number, its modulus, and conjugate and list their properties.
8.4 Represent the complex number in various forms like modulus-amplitude (polar)
form, Exponential (Euler) form – illustrate with examples.
9.1 Derive the formulae on transforming sum or difference of two trigonometric ratios
in to a product and vice versa- examples on these formulae.
9.2 Solve problems by applying these formulae to sum or difference or product of three
or more terms.
10.2 Define inverses of six trigonometric functions along with their domains and ranges.
10.3 Derive relations between inverse trigonometric functions so that given A= sin-1x,
express angle A in terms of other inverse trigonometric functions - with examples.
10.4 State various properties of inverse trigonometric functions and identities like
sin-1x+cos-1 x = 2 etc.
x y
1 xy
, where x 0, y 0, xy 1
12.1 Solve a triangle when (i) three sides (SSS), (ii) two sides and an included
angle(SAS), (iii) one side and two angles are given(SAA).
1. Student visits Library to refer Standard Books on Mathematics and collect related material.
2. Quiz
3. Group discussion
4. Surprise tests
5. Seminars
6. Home Assignments.
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 Mapped
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO6 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Understanding (U) 3 Marks
Application (A) 5 Marks
Code: C18-Common-102F
[ 1 2¿]¿¿¿
3. If A= ¿ Compute 3A+ 5B.
5(a) Resolve: in to partial fractions
( x−1 ) ( x−2)
5(b) Find the value of log 2 16 + 3log 8 32
2 1 2
6 (a) If
( 1 3 2 )
1 4 1 , then Compute A2 +2 A−3 I , where I is a unit matrix of order 3 .
1 0 0
6 (b) Find x , if
| 2 3 4 =48
5 −6 x |
Resolve into Partial fractions: ( x 1)( x 2)
7 a).
75 5 32
7b) . Prove that log −2 log +log =log 2
60 9 243
1 1 2 2
8 a). If A=
3 [ ] −1
2 1 −2 , then show that A = A
−2 2 −1
b +c a a
8 b). Show that
| b
c +a
c a+ b |
b =4 abc .
Code: C18-Common-102F
4. Find the Modulus of 3 2i
cos 12+sin 12
5 a) Show that = Tan570
cos 12−sin 12
5 b) Prove that Cos200 Cos300 Cos400 Cos800 = 16 .
6 b) Find the modulus of z=
2+4 i
1 1 π
7a). If TanA= ∧TanB= then show that A +B=
2 3 4
8 b) Express the complex number in Exponential form
Code: C18-Common-102F
−1 3
6. Ifsin =A then find cotA.
8. What is the formula for the solution of triangle ABC when three sides are given
Instructions: 1. Answer any FOUR questions 04 X 03 = 12
9 (a) Resolve: into partial fractions.
( x+1 ) ( x+ 3 )
sin 8 A+sin 6 A
9(b). Prove that =tan 7 A
cos 8 A+cos 6 A
10(a). Express in the form of a+ib .
4+ 3i
−1 2 1 17
11(b) Prove that tan +tan −1 =tan−1 .
7 5 33
12 (b) Find the angle C in any triangle ABC if b=√ 2 ,c =√3 , B=450 .
1 2 2
13(a) Find the inverse of the matrix 2 1 2
2 2 1 [ ]
0 0 0 0 1
14 (a) Prove that cos 20 cos 40 cos 60 cos 80 = .
15(a) In any triangle ABC prove that sin 2 A +sin 2 B+sin 2 C=4 sinAsinBsinC .
Basic Physics
Course Objectives: After studying this course, the student will be able to understand and appreciate
the role of Physics in different areas of engineering and technology.
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the student will have the ability to attain
below Course Outcomes (CO):
Course Contents
Physical quantity - Fundamental and derived quantities – Unit –definitions - S.I units - Advantages of
S.I. units - Dimensions and dimensional formula - definitions-units and dimensional formula for
physical quantities - Principle of homogeneity - Applications of dimensional analysis–Friction –
causes - types of friction - Normal reaction - Laws of static friction - coefficients of friction -
expression-rough horizontal surface - expressions for Acceleration, Displacement, Time taken to come
to rest and Work done - Advantages and disadvantages of friction - Methods to reduce friction –
Problems on friction only.
Scalar and vector quantities – definitions and examples –Graphical representation of a vector -
Classification of vectors (Proper vector, Unit vector, Equal vector, Negative vector, Collinear vector
and Position vector) Resolution of a vector - Triangle law of vector addition – Parallelogram law of
vectors – statement- expression for magnitude and direction of resultant vector –derivation-
illustrations (working of sling and flying bird) - Representation of a vector in unit vectors i, j and k–
Scalar product of vectors-definition- application to work done by force – properties of scalar product -
Vector product of vectors –definition – Right hand thumb rule and right hand screw rule - application
to moment of force - properties of vector product - area of parallelogram and triangle in terms of
vector product - related problems
Projectile motion – definition - examples - Horizontal projection – Time of flight and Horizontal range
– derivations - Oblique projection – Expression for path of a projectile in oblique projection -
derivation– Maximum height, Time of ascent, Time of descent, Time of flight, Horizontal range and
maximum horizontal range - derivations – Circular motion, angular velocity, time period and frequency
of revolutions–Definitions– Relation between linear velocity and angular velocity - derivation–
centripetal force – centrifugal force – definitions and expressions only- application (banking of curved
path) - angle of banking- expression only - related problems
Elasticity and plasticity- definitions – examples - Stress and Strain – definitions and expressions -
elastic limit - Hooke’s law – statement - modulus of elasticity - Young’s modulus – Derivation –
Cohesive and adhesive forces - Surface tension - Illustrations - Capillarity –angle of contact –
definition- examples for capillarity- Formula for Surface tension based on capillarity (no derivation) –
Viscosity - Illustrations of viscosity - Newton’s formula for viscous force – derivation - Coefficient of
viscosity - Poiseuille’s equation - Effect of temperature on viscosity of liquids and gases– streamlines -
laminar flow - turbulent flow - Reynold’s number - equation of continuity – statement - related
Heat – expansion of gases - Boyle’s law –concept of absolute zero - Absolute scale of temperature –
Charles’ laws - Ideal gas equation – derivation - value of universal gas constant ‘R’ –Isothermal and
Adiabatic processes - Differences between isothermal and adiabatic processes - Internal energy and
external work done – Expression for work done – derivation – first law of thermodynamics –
application of first law to isothermal and adiabatic processes - second law of thermodynamics –
specific heat of a gas – molar specific heat of a gas – definitions – derive relation between C P and Cv -
related problems.
Work and Energy - Potential Energy and kinetic energy–examples – expressions for PE and KE
- derivations - Work-Energy theorem – derivation – Law of conservation of energy – examples - Law
of conservation of energy in the case of freely falling body – proof – Illustration of conservation of
energy in the case of simple pendulum– Non renewable and renewable energy sources – definition and
applications (solar cooker, wind mill and biogas) – Green house effect - related problems
1. Engineering. Physics by R.K. Gaur, S.L. Gupta, Dhanpatrai Publications, New Delhi.
1.1 Define Physical quantity, fundamental quantity and derived physical quantities
1.13 Derive expression for acceleration of a body moving on rough horizontal surface.
1.14 Derive expressions for displacement and time taken to come to rest and work done in the
2.3 Classify types of vectors – Proper vector, Unit vector, Equal vector, Negative vector, Collinear
vectors and Position vector.
2.4 Resolve a vector – Vector and Scalar components and relation between them.
2.6 State Parallelogram law of vectors – derive expressions for magnitude and direction of resultant
2.13 Explain Right hand screw rule and right hand thumb rule.
2.15 Expressions for area of parallelogram and triangle in terms of cross product.
3.2 Define Horizontal projection – Derive expressions for (a) Time of flight and (b)
Horizontal range
3.3 Define Oblique projection- Derive expression for path of a projectile in oblique projection.
3.4 Derive expressions for (a) Maximum height (b) Time of ascent (c) Time of descent
(d) Time of flight (e) Horizontal range and (f) maximum horizontal range in oblique
3.6 Define angular velocity, time period and frequency of revolutions in circular motion.
3.7 Derive the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity.
3.10 Explain banking of curved path and write the expression for angle of banking.
4.3 Define elastic limit and state Hooke’s law.
4.11 Write the formula for Surface tension based on capillarity (T = ½ hdgr). Explain the terms.
4.19 State equation of continuity and explain the terms with diagram.
5.3 Explain concept of absolute zero using the relations Pt=P0(1+t/273) and Vt=
V0(1+ t/273)
5.8 State gas equation in terms of density.
5.11 Explain the terms internal energy and external work done.
5.12 Derive the expression for work done by the gas [W=P(V2-V1)].
6.3 Derive the expressions for Potential energy and Kinetic energy.
6.6 Prove law of conservation of energy in the case of a freely falling body.
6.8 Define non renewable and renewable energy sources. Give examples.
Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Remembering (R) 1 Mark
Legend: Understanding (U) 3 Marks
Important Note: Wherever any question has choice, marks will be allotted only to first attempted
question. No marks will be allotted for extra questions answered
PART - A (4x1 = 4M)
Note: Answer ALL the questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
The length of the answer shall not exceed 1/4 of page
1. Define unit.
2. State principle of homogeneity.
3. Define vector quantity.
4. Define position vector.
PART- B (2 x 3 = 6M)
8 (a). Derive the expression for magnitude of resultant of two vectors using parallelogram
law of vectors.
^ ^j+5 k^ ∧⃗
A=2 i+3
⃗ ^
B =2 i−3 ^j + k^ as two adjacent sides.
C-18 COMMON-103F
Important Note: Wherever any question has choice, marks will be allotted only to first attempted
question. No marks will be allotted for extra questions answered
1. Define projectile.
2. Define centripetal force.
3. Define stress.
4. Write the formula for surface tension based on capillarity.
PART- B (2 x 3 = 6M)
Note: Answer the following questions. Each question carries 3 marks.
The length of the answer shall not exceed 1 page
5 (a). A body is projected into air with velocity of 20 ms-1 at an angle 300 with the earth surface. Find
the maximum height reached.
PART-C (2×5=10M)
(b). Derive the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity.
Course Objectives: After studying this course, the student will be able to understand and appreciate
the role of Chemistry and environmental studies in different spheres of industries.
Course Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will have ability to attain
below Course Outcomes (CO):
Atomic Structure: Introduction – Atomic number – Mass number- Bohr's Atomic theory - Aufbau
principle - Hund's rule - Pauli's exclusion Principle- Orbitals, shapes of s, p and d orbitals - Electronic
configuration of elements
Chemical Bonding: Introduction – Electronic theory of valency - Types of chemical bonds - Ionic,
covalent and co-ordinate covalent bond with examples - Properties of Ionic and Covalent compounds
Introduction - theories of acids and bases and limitations - Arrhenius theory-Bronsted -Lowry theory -
Lewis acid base theory - Ionic product of water - pH and related numerical problems - Buffer solutions-
buffer action - applications of buffer solution.
Introduction -soft and hard water - causes of hardness – types of hardness -disadvantages of hard water
- degree of hardness (ppm) - softening methods - permutit process - ion exchange
process - drinking water - municipal treatment of water for drinking purpose - Osmosis, Reverse
Osmosis - advantages of Reverse osmosis – Desalination by Electro -dialysis – Defluoridation –
Nalgonda technique.
Reference Books:
1.2 State the postulates of Bohr's atomic theory and its limitations
1.3 Explain 1.Aufbau's principle, 2.Hund's rule and 3.Pauli's exclusion principle with examples.
1.10 Define and explain three types of Chemical bonding viz., Ionic, Covalent, Coordinate
1.13 Explain covalent bond formation in Hydrogen molecule, Oxygen molecule, and Nitrogen
1.14 List the Properties of Covalent compounds.
2.3 Calculate Molecular weight and equivalent weights of acids, bases and salts.
3.4 State the limitations of Bronsted - Lowry theory of acids and bases.
3.10 Define buffer solutions and give examples of acidic and basic buffers.
3.11 State the applications of buffer solutions.
4.5 Explain renewable (non-conventional) and non renewable (conventional) energy sources
with examples.
4.9 Explain the uses of forests and over exploitation of forest resources and deforestation.
5.2 Define the terms soft water and hard water with examples
5.5 List the usual chemical compounds causing hardness (with Formulae)
5.7 Define Degree of hardness, units of hardness in ppm (mg/L) and numerical problems related to
5.8 Explain the methods of softening of hard water: a) Permutit process b).Ion-Exchange
6.1 Define the terms1. Conductor, 2. Insulator, 3.Electrolyte and 4.Non - electrolyte
6.2 Types of electrolytes - strong and weak electrolytes with examples.
6.3 Distinguish between metallic conductors and Electrolytic conductors.
6.4 Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation
6.5 Explain electrolysis of fused NaCl and aqueous NaCl
6.6 Applications of Electrolysis- Electroplating-Electrolytic refining of metal (Copper)
6.7 Explain Faraday's laws of electrolysis
6.8 Define chemical equivalent, electrochemical equivalent.
6.9 Relationship between chemical equivalent and electrochemical equivalent
6.10 Solve the Numerical problems based on Faraday's laws of electrolysis
Suggested Student Activities or Induction Program:
Forenoon Afternoon
Day1 Registration Class work as per Time table
Day2 Rules and Regulations Chemistry Lab practice classes may
Day3 Getting acquainted with Head and be conducted
Day4 Familiarization with Institutional
Day5 Interaction with Class teacher and
Day6 Introducing the mentor
Day7 Parent –Teacher meeting
Suggested Student Activities
1. Student visits Library to refer to Text books, reference books and manuals to find their specifications
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Chemistry Lab to familiarize with them.
3. Quiz
4. Group discussion
5. Seminar
6. Surprise test
E - learning links:
Blue Print
11(b) 15(b)
10(b) 14(b)
8. a. Define Molarity. Find the weight of H2SO4 required to prepare 400 ml of 0.5M solution.
b. Define Normality. Calculate the normality of 500 ml solution containing 0.53 grams of
General Engineering Chemistry
Sub. Code: 18Common-104F
Time: 1 Hour Max.Marks : 20
Instructions: i. Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark. 4 X 1 = 4 marks
1. What is conjugate acid base pair?
2. Define ionic product of water.
3. Define an ecosystem.
4. What is threshold limit value?
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks 2 x 3 =6
5. a. What are the limitations of Arrhenius theory of acids and bases?
b. Explain the neutralization according to Lewis theory of acids and bases with an example.
6. a. Explain the terms producers, consumers and decomposers with example.
b. What are renewable and non renewable energy sources? Give examples.
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks 2 x 5 =10
7. a. Define pH. Find the pH of 0.5M NaOH solution.
b. What are buffer solutions? State the applications of buffer solutions.
8. a. What is Biodiversity? Explain any two threats to biodiversity.
b. What is deforestation? What are its consequences?
General Engineering Chemistry
Time: 2 Hours Max.Marks: 40
Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark.
8 X 1 = 8 marks
1. Define atomic mass number.
2. What is biodiversity?
3. Define degree of hardness of water.
4. What are buffer solutions?
5. Define soft water and hard water.
6. Name the salts responsible for temporary hardness of water.
7. Define the terms conductor and insulator.
8. What is an electrolyte?
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks
4 x 3 =12 Marks
9. a. State and explain Hund’ rule.
b. Write any six essential qualities of drinking water.
10. a. Explain the terms producers, consumers and decomposers with example.
b. What are strong and weak electrolytes? Give examples.
11. a. Define reverse osmosis and state its advantages.
b. Explain defluoridation of water by Nalgonda technique
12. a. Distinguish between metallic and electrolytic conductors.
b. State Faraday’s Laws of electrolysis.
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks
4 x 5 =20 Marks
13. a. Find the molarity and normality of the solution containing 10.6 grams of Na2CO3 in 2 litres of
solution. .
b. Calculate the temporary and permanent hardness of water containing the following salts per
i. Ca(HCO3)2 =32.4 mg, ii. Mg(HCO3)2 = 29.2 mg, iii. CaSO4 =13.6 mg, iv. MgCl2 =
19 mg
14. a. Explain Lewis theory of acids and bases.
b. Explain the process of electrolysis of fused NaCl.
15. a. Explain the permutit process of softening of hard water with a neat diagram.
b. What are the disadvantages of using hard water in industries?
16. a. Explain the process of electrolytic refining of copper.
b. Calculate the weight of Al deposited on the cathode if 0.5 amperes of electric current is
passed through AlCl3 solution for 1 hour.
Department of Technical Education
Teaching Scheme in
45:15:.0 Credits :3
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of high school Basic Physics and Mathematics.
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Distinguish between DC and AC power and its units and relation between the terms.
CO2 : Compare Electrostatic and Electromagnetic fields and solve simple problems.
CO3 : Classification and identification of various Switches and Relays, Preparation of PCBs.
Classify Resistors and Capacitors, Select the correct components for a low power, medium
CO4 :
and High power application and Use them for a given real time application.
Identify the types of Inductors and Transformers. Interpret their specifications and select
CO5 :
the correct value and type for a given application.
Course Content and Blue Print of Marks for SEE
Total 60 8 8 8
UNIT Contents
1 –Fundamentals of Electricity Duration: 8 Periods (L: 4.8
Define Current, Voltage, Ampere and Potential Difference. Ohm’s Law and its Limitations and simple
problems. KVL, KCL and simple problems. AC generation- Cycle, Time period, Frequency,
Amplitude, Instantaneous value, different forms of emf equation - Average value, RMS value, Form
factor and Peak factor for sine wave. Phase and Phase difference.
DC generation, Primary and Secondary cells, Lead acid batteries and Nickel Iron batteries and their
comparison. Maintenance free batteries.
UNIT 2- Electrostatics & Electromagnetism Duration: 12 Periods (L:10– T:2)
Electric charge, Electric field, Electric flux, EMF, Electric flux density, Field strength, Coulomb’s laws
of electrostatics, Lenz’s laws, Right hand thumb rule, Laplace law (Biot- savart’s Law), Fleming’s left
hand rule.
Magnetism-Magnetic flux leakage, Magnetic flux leakage coefficient, Relative permeability, absolute
permeability, Lifting power of magnet, MMF, Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, Curie
point. Field patterns due to straight current carrying conductor, Solenoid and Toroid. Magnetic
materials - classifications, properties.
Unit-5 Inductors and Transformers Duration: 12Periods (L:9– T:3)
Problems on ohms law, Coulomb’s law –KVL, KCL, calculation of instantaneous value, average value
form factor, peak factor of sine wave. Comparison -electric and magnetic circuits, problems on
faradays laws. Series and parallel combination of resisters, capacitors, inductors (series aiding /
opposition and parallel aiding / opposition). Effects of temperature on resistance, Problems on absolute
and relative primitivity and their relation. Calculating the values of R & C using colour coding.
Problems on self-inductance, Mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling. Determination of fuse ratings,
choice of types of fuse per different applications. Selection of Relay for an application, Relay circuit
for controlling AC/DC load, Selection of PCBs
Recommended Books
1.1 Define the terms current, voltage, ampere and potential difference
1.2 Define ohms law and mention its applications and limitations.
1.9 Give the formula for the instantaneous value in terms of maximum value, frequency and time.
1.10 Solve simple problems to calculate Amplitude, Frequency and Time Period.
1.11 Define the average value, R.M.S. value, form factor and peak factor for sine wave.
1.13 Explain the concept of “leading”, “lagging” and “in phase” with the help of waveforms.
1.17 Explain the constructional details of lead acid and nickel iron cells.
2.0 Compare Electrostatic and Electromagnetic fields and solve simple problems.
2.1 Define the Electric charge, Electric field, Electric flux, EMF, Electric flux density, Field
2.3 Define the Magnetic field, Magnetic flux, Magnetic flux density, MMF,
2.4 State the Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction
2.5 State the Lenz’s laws, Right hand thumb rule, Laplace law (Biot- savart’s Law), Fleming’s left
hand rule,
2.12 List the important magnetic materials used in the Electrical &Electronic industry.
3.0 Classification and identification of various Switches and Relays, Preparation of PCBs.
3.3 Sketch the ISI symbols for SPST, SPDT, DPST, DPDT, Multi-pole multi-throw.
a) Toggle Switch
c) Rotary Switch
d) Slider Switch.
3.16 List the methods of transferring lay out on the copper clad sheet.
4.0 Classify Resistors and Capacitors, Select the correct components for a low power, medium
and High power application and Use them for a given real time application.
4.7 Calculate equivalent resistance when given resistors are connected in series and
4.9 Compare the features of carbon film, metal film and wire wound resistors.
4.10 Describe the constructional features of carbon and wire wound potentiometers
4.22 State the properties, range and applications of paper, mica, glass, ceramic and electrolytic
4.23 Sate the different types of variable capacitors and mention their applications.
4.25 Find the equivalent capacitance of capacitors connected in series and parallel and simple
5.0 Identify the types of Inductors and Transformers. Interpret their specifications and select the
correct value and type for a given application.Define inductance, mutual inductance and
coefficient of coupling.
5.5. Draw the symbol of iron core, air core and ferrite core inductors.
5.6. Find equivalence inductance when inductors connected in series (aiding and
opposing), parallel(aiding and opposing)
5.8. Describe the constructional features and applications of A.F and R.F chokes
6.0 Solve simple problems in electrical circuits; suggest correct electronic components required
for simple electronic circuits including their specifications.
6.4 Problems on calculation of instantaneous value, average value form factor, peak
factor of sine wave.
6.11 Determination of fuse ratings, choice of types of fuse per different applications.
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to identify the components
5. Quiz
6. Group discussion
7. Surprise test
CO-PO Mapping Matrix
Basic knowledge
Lifelong learning
Engineering Tools
Linked PO
sustainability Environment &
practice Experiments and
Knowledge Discipline
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CO1 2 2 2 1,2,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,6,7
CO3 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO4 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,7
CO5 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO6 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,7
Internal evaluation
Assignment 1 5
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
1 Unit-I 1,2 5(b) 7(b)
2 Unit-II 3,4 6(a) 8(a)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a
page,1 page and 2 pages respectively
Unit No Questions to be set for SEE
I Q1 Q9(a) Q13(a)
III Q2 Q10(a) Q14(a)
V Q5,Q6 Q9(b), Q13(b),
Q11(a), Q11(b) Q15(a), Q15(b)
Q10(b), Q14(b),
VI Q7,Q8
Q12(a), Q12(b) Q16(a), Q16(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
1. Define current and voltage.
2. State Kirchhoff’s current law.
3. What is EMF (electro motive force)?
4. State Lenz’s law.
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries three marks.
MARKS: 2X3 =06
5.(a) State ohm’s law and give the limitations.
5.(b) Classify cells.
6.(a) State the faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
6.(b) Distinguish between soft and hard magnetic materials.
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries five marks MARKS: 2X5=10
7. (a) Explain the construction of lead acid battery.
7. (b) Explain the method of generation of DC current.
8. (a) Give the classification and properties of the magnetic materials.
8. (b) Draw and explain the field patterns due to straight current carrying conductor,
10.(a) Explain the constructional details of wire wound potentiometers and give its
10.(b) A light bulb has a current of 1 A when 110 volts is applied. What is the resistance of
the bulb filament?
12.(a) Two cells having emf of 10 V and 8V, and internal resistance of 1 Ω(each) are connected as
shown with an external resistance of 8 Ω. Find the current flowing through the circuit.
12.(b) Two point charges, QA = +8 μC and QB = -5 μC, are separated by a
Answer FOUR questions. Each question carries five marks. 4 x 5 = 20
13.(a) Give the classification and properties of the magnetic materials.
13.(b) Explain the constructional features and applications of AF chokes.
14.(a) Explain about the measurement of resistance using colour code.
14.(b) Three capacitors, C1 = 2 μF, C2 = 4 μF, C3 = 4 μF, are connected in series and
parallel. Determine the capacitance of a single capacitor that will have the same
effect as the combination.
16.(a) Find the capacitance of a capacitor if the area of the plates is 10mm2 , distance
between the plates is 2mm and permittivity is 1.
16.(b) A sinusoidal alternating current is represented by i=30sin30t. Find
a) Maximum value
b) Current when t=0.002sec passing through zero in positive direction.
c) RMS value of current.
Course Title : Course Code 18EI-106P
Semester I Course Group Practical
Teaching Scheme 15 : 00:30 Credits 1.5
in Periods (L :P)
Total Contact
Methodology Lecture + practice 45
CIE 60 Marks SEE 40 Marks
***This Course is Common to all Programs of Diploma in Engineering Offered by State Board of
Technical Education –Telangana State.
This Course is aimed at developing basic graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in
preparation of engineering drawings, their reading and interpretation.
Prerequisites: Enthusiasm to learn this course and requires basic knowledge of Mathematics.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain the following Course
Outcomes (CO):
Course Outcome
Appreciate the usage of engineering curves for tracing the paths and surface profile of the
machine components such as gear profile from involute and cycloid.
Realize the concept of projection and attain visualization projection of points, Lines and
CO3 Planes. The student will also be able to draw the views related to projection of Points, Lines
and Planes.
Realize the concept of orthographic projections and student will be able to draw orthographic
views of an object from its pictorial drawing.
Course Contents
2. A - 3 Size Drawing Sheets are to be used for all Drawing Practice Exercises.
Explanation of the scope and objectives of the subject of Engineering Drawing Its
importance as a graphic communication -Need for preparing drawing as per standards – (SP-46 –1988)
– Mention B.I.S - Role of drawing in -engineering education – Link between Engineering drawing and
other subjects of study.
Engineering drawing Instruments
Classifications: Basic Tools, tools for drawing straight lines, tools for curved lines,
tools for measuring distances and special tools like mini drafter & drafting machine – Mentioning of
names under each classification and their brief description - Scales: Recommended scales reduced &
enlarged - Lines: Types of lines, selection of line thickness - Selection of Pencils -Sheet Sizes: A0, A1,
A2, A3, A4, A5, Layout of drawing sheets in respect of A0, A1, A3 sizes, Sizes of the Title block and
its contents, Care and maintenance of Drawing Sheet,
Practicing of letters & numbers of given sizes (7mm, 10mm and 14mm)
Division of a line: to divide a straight line into given number of equal parts internally examples in
engineering application. Construction of tangent lines: to draw tangent lines touching circles internally
and externally.
a) To draw tangent arc of given radius to touch two lines inclined at given angle (acute, right and
obtuse angles).
b) Tangent arc of given radius touching a circle or an arc and a given line.
c) Tangent arcs of radius ‘R’, touching two given circles internally and externally.
Construction of polygon: construction of any regular polygon of given side length using general
Conical Curves: Explanation of Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola, as sections of a double cone and a loci of
a moving point, Eccentricity of above curves – Their Engg. application viz. Projectiles, reflectors, P-V
Diagram of a hyperbolic process.
General Curves: Involute, Cycloid and Helix, explanations as locus of a moving point, their
engineering application, viz, Gear tooth profile, screw threads, springs etc. - their construction
Projecting a point on two planes of projection -Projecting a point on three planes of projection
-Projection of straight line.
Meaning of orthographic projection -Using a viewing box and a model – Number of views obtained on
the six faces of the box - Legible sketches of 3 views for describing object -Concept of front view, top
view, and side view for sketching these views of engg objects - Explanation of first angle projection. –
Positioning of three views in First angle projection - Projection of points as a means of locating the
corners of the surfaces of an object – Use of miter line in drawing a third view when other two views
are given -Method of representing hidden lines -Selection of minimum number of views to describe full
Reference Books
Engineering Drawing by Kapildev – (Asian Publisher)
1.2 State the necessity of B.I.S. Code of practice for Engineering Drawing.
1.3 Explain the linkages between Engineering drawing and other subjects of study in diploma
1.5 Select the correct instruments and draw small and large Circles.
1.6 Select the correct instruments for measuring distances on the drawing.
1.7 Use correct grade of pencil for different types of lines, thickness and given function.
1.9 Identify different drawing sheet sizes as per I.S. and Standard Lay- outs.
2.1 Write titles using sloping lettering and numerals of 7mm, 10mm and 14mm height
2.2 Write titles using vertical lettering and numerals of 7mm, 10mm and 14mm height
2.3 Select suitable sizes of lettering for different layouts and applications
2.4 Practice the use of lettering stencils.
3.4 Identify the system of placement of dimensions in the given dimensioned drawing.
3.5 Dimension a given drawing using standard notations and desired system of
3.8 Identify the departures if any made in the given dimensioned drawing with reference to SP-
46-1988, and dimension the same correctly.
4.1 Divide a given line into desired number of equal parts internally.
5.0 Apply Principles of Projection of points, lines and planes (06 Hours)
5.5 Draw the projections of straight lines with respect to two reference
Planes (up to lines parallel to one plane and inclined to other plane)
5.6 Draw the projections of planes (up to planes perpendicular to one plane and
inclined to other plane)
6.2 Draw the orthographic view of an object from its pictorial drawing.
6.3 Draw the minimum number of views needed to represent complete engineering
Linked Program
Course Outcome Cognizant Level Objectives
Acquire the knowledge on Importance of
CO1 R 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
Engineering drawing and instruments.
CO2 Practice free hand Lettering in different styles. R/U 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
Acquire the knowledge on different styles of
CO3 R/U 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
dimensioning systems.
Appreciate the usage of engineering curves for
tracing the paths and surface profile of the machine
CO3 R/U/A 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
components such as gear profile from involute and
Realize the concept of projection and attain
visualization projection of points, Lines and
CO3 Planes. The student will also be able to draw the R/U/A 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
views related to projection of Points, Lines and
Realize the concept of orthographic projections
CO4 and student will be able to draw orthographic R/U/A 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
views of an object from its pictorial drawing.
Course-PO Attainment Matrix
This course requires the Basic Computer Skills and Practice concepts of engineering drawing
Course Outcomes
Importance and advantages of CAD. Set drawing area and draw geometric shapes and
modify as per requirement
CO2 Add text with required font and size and also dimension by various methods
CO3 Generate isometric model and draw circle on three iso planes
CO4 Create 2D drawings with front, side view with all above features
Course Content
1.3 Use of viewing tools of CAD & Use of coordinate systems of the drawing
Drawing of lines, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, rays and infinite lines.
Creating and editing of point entities. Drawing of shapes like rectangles, polygons, polylines, Splines,
donuts, and adding of hatch pattern
Entity selection and de selection methods, the Deletion of entities. Copying of entities within a
drawing, between drawings, parallel copies, mirroring entities and arraying entities. The Rearranging of
entities by Moving, Rotating and Reordering. The Resizing of entities by Stretching, Scaling,
Extending, Trimming, and editing the length. The Braking and joining of entities. Editing of polylines:
The Exploding of entities, the Chamfering and Filleting of entities
1.6 Use the drawing information retrieving tools Measure, Divide, Calculate and Display
Measuring the intervals on entities, dividing the entities in to segments. Calculation
of areas of defined by points, closed entities, and combined entities, calculate the distance and angle
between the entities. Displaying the information about the entities and drawing status.
2.1 Use the Text tool to create and formatting the various types of text Fonts and its styles
The creating, naming and modifying the text fonts, the Creation of line text, paragraph text, setting of
line text style and its alignment. The Setting of Paragraph text style and its alignment, and modifying
the text.
2.2 Use Dimensioning concepts to create dimensions, Edit dimensions, Control dimension styles
& variables and Adding geometric tolerances
The creating of linear, Angular, Diametric, Radial, Ordinate dimensions. The creating leaders and
annotations, making dimensions’ oblique, Editing the dimension text, controlling of dimension arrows
and format. The Controlling of line settings and dimension text, the Controlling of dimension units, and
dimension tolerance.
3 Isometric Views
Setting of isometric grid – change of iso planes, drawing straight line and circle
2D Drawings
Recommended Books
1. Auto cad by George Omura
Practice the setting up a drawing
Working with drawing
Practice the Entity
Use Scroll bar, pan command, and rotating
to move around within drawing
a) Viewing drawing
Control visual elements like Fill, Text, Blips
3 Line weight
Use Two dimensional coordinates and Three
dimensional coordinates
b) Working with coordinates Use right-hand rule
Use filters in two and three dimensions
Define user coordinate system
Draw the simple shapes like lines, circles, arcs
Creating simple and complex
4 and complex shapes like polygons, planes etc.,
Practice adding of hatch pattern
Measure the intervals and distance between
5 Getting Drawing information Divide the entities in to segments
Calculate the areas defined by points, of closed
entities, and Combined entities
Calculate the areas defined by points, of closed
entities, and Combined entities
Use the Text tool to create
Use filters in two and three dimensions
6 various types of text fonts and
Draw the simple shapes like lines, circles, arcs
its styles
and complex shapes like polygons, planes etc.,
Practice the adding of hatch pattern
Practice the Controlling of dimension
properties like arrow types, size, dim line
adjustment, dim offset, text size , primary and
7 Dimensioning drawing
secondary units and format
Practice the Controlling of dimension units,
and dimension tolerance
8 Isometric Views Use Iso snap command to create Isometric views
1 Upon completion of the course the student shall be able to Understand about the Computer
Aided Drafting and its software
1.2 List the Advantages of CAD and also various CAD software’s
1.4 Explain the features of Graphic Work station
2.5. Practice the Creating the drawing, saving the drawing with .drawing extension and Opening
Existing drawing
2.6. Practice the setting up a drawing with drawing limits and drawing units.
2.7. Practice the setting and changing the grid and snapping alignment
3 Use viewing tools of CAD & Use coordinate systems of the drawing
3.1. Practice the use of Scroll bar, pan command and rotating view to move around within drawing
3.5. Practice the Two dimensional coordinates such as Absolute Cartesian, Relative Cartesian, Polar
3.7. Practice to draw with other drawing commands like circle, polygon and other.
4.1. Draw the lines, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, rays and infinite lines and shapes like
Rectangles, Polygons, Polylines, Splines, donuts
4.2. Practice the adding of hatch with required pattern and adjusting line angle and line space.
5.1. Practice the various methods of entity selection like window, cross window, fence, last and
5.5. Practice the making of parallel copies, Mirroring entities and Arraying entities
5.8. Practice the Editing of polylines: Opening, Closing, Curving, Decurving, Joining, Changing
6. Use the drawing information retrieving tools Measure, Divide, Calculate, Display, and
6.2. Calculate the areas defined by points, of closed entities, and combined entities
6.5. Display the information about the entities and drawing status
7. Use the Text tool to create and formatting the various types of text fonts and its styles
7.1. Practice the creating, naming and modifying the text fonts
7.3. Practice the Setting of line text style and its alignment
7.4. Practice the Setting of Paragraph text style and its alignment
8 Use Dimensioning concepts to create dimensions, Edit dimensions, Control dimension styles
8.1. Practice the creating of linear, Angular, Diametral, Radial, Ordinate dimensions
8.5. Practice the Controlling of dimension properties like arrow types, size, dim line adjustment, dim
9 Create 2D Drawings
Course Outcomes CL Linked PO
Importance and advantages of CAD. Set drawing
CO1 area and draw geometric shapes and modify as U/A 1,2,3,9,10 15
per requirement
Add text with required font and size and also
CO2 U/A 1,2,3,9,10 9
dimension by various methods
Generate isometric model and draw circle on
CO3 U/A 1,2,3,9,10 6
three iso planes
Create 2D drawings with front, side view with all
CO4 A 1,2,3,10 15
above features
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Remembering (R) 1 Mark
Legend: Understanding (U) 3 Marks
Pre requisites
Course outcomes
Course Contents
6. Identify the mains supply Phase ,Neutral ,Ground By observation and testing
8. Identify and Draw the electrical symbols of the corresponding component /item
9. Make simple switch connections using low voltage transformer and 12V lamp
Electronic components
13. Verify Ohms Law and Kirchhoff’s laws
15. A) Verify the laws of Resistance using a nichrome wire and Multimeter
16. A) Verify voltage and current relationship in series and parallel resistive circuits.
B) Connect Resistors in series and parallel combination to get the required value and Verify with
Basic Science Lab Practice (Physics Lab + Chemistry Lab)
Pre requisites: Knowledge of basic concepts of High School Science, Basic Mathematics
Course objectives: To provide practical knowledge about the basics of Physics instrumentation
and calculations/measurements.
5. Write the procedure of the experiment before the commencement of each experiment.
On successful completion of the course, the student will have ability to:
1. Use Vernier caliper to determine the volumes of objects like cylinder and sphere.
2: use Screw gauge to determine thickness /diameter of small objects like glass plate
and wire.
3: prove Boyle’s law employing Quill tube.
4: determine the viscosity of liquid using capillary method.
5: verify the parallelogram law and triangle law of forces.
List of experiments
Semester I
2. Screw gauge - determine thickness of a glass plate and cross section of a wire.
Course Delivery:
The course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction, group discussions, graded
exercises, demonstration and practice.
Student must perform experiment individually under the supervision of the lecturer-in charge.
On successful completion of the course, the student will have the ability to attain below Course
outcomes (CO):
Course Outcomes CL Linked Teaching
POs Periods
1. Hands on practice on Vernier Find the Least count Read the scales
Calipers – Cylinder and sphere Fix the specimen in position Calculate the volume
Read the scales of given object
Calculate the volume of given
2. Hands on practice on Screw Find the Least count Read the scales
gauge – Wire and glass plate Fix the specimen in position Calculate thickness
Read the scales of given glass plate
Calculate thickness of glass Calculate cross
plate and cross section of wire section of wire
3. Boyle’s law verification – Note the atmospheric pressure Find the length of air
Quill tube column
Fix the quill tube to retort stand
Find the length of air column Find the pressure of
enclosed air
Find the pressure of enclosed
air Find the value P x l
Find and compare the
calculated value P x l
Find the least count of vernier
Find the pressure
Fix the capillary tube to
aspiratory bottle
Calculate rate of
Find the mass of collected water
4. Coefficient of viscosity by volume of liquid
Find the pressure head
capillary collected
Calculate rate of volume of
Method - water Find the radius of
liquid collected
capillary tube
Find the radius of capillary tube
Calculate the
Calculate the viscosity of water viscosity of water
using capillary method
5. Verification of Parallelogram Fix suitable weights Find the angle at
law of forces and Triangle law Note the positions of threads on equilibrium point
of forces drawing sheet Constructing
Find the angle at equilibrium parallelogram
point Construct triangle
Construct parallelogram Compare the ratios of
Compare the measured force and length
Construct triangle
Find the length of sides
Course Objectives:
To provide practical knowledge about the basics of preparation of chemical solutions and volumetric
analysis of chemical compounds.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will have ability to attain CO:
U = Understand, A = Application
Course Delivery:
The course will be delivered through lectures, classroom interaction, group discussion, demonstration
and practicals.
Student must conduct experiment individually under the supervision of the staff-in-charge.
Lecture and Demonstration: 1 Period
5. Write the procedure of the experiment before the commencement of each experiment.
6. Strict following of instructions given from time to time by the staff-in- charge.
Course content
List of experiments:
4. Estimation of sulphuric acid present in 250ml of solution by using standard sodium hydroxide
standard sodium carbonate solution.
3. Estimate sodium hydroxide present in the given volume of solution by using standard
hydrochloric acid solution.
4. Estimate sulphuric acid present in the given volume of solution by using standard sodium
hydroxide solution.
5. Determine the total hardness of water sample by using 0.02N EDTA solution.
Reference Books:
1 Identification of apparatus/equipment/chemical 2
2 Writing Procedure 5
3 Conducting of experiment 4
5 Viva-voice 3
Total 20
C-18 COMMON-109P
Instructions: (1) Answer both PART-A AND PART-B on separate answer sheets.
(2) Each question carries TEN marks.
4. Find the cross sectional area of given wire using Screw gauge.
6. Estimate the amount of hydrochloric acid present in 500 ml of the given solution using 0.02M
sodium carbonate solution.
7. Estimate the amount of hydrochloric acid present in 250 ml of the given solution using 0.05M
sodium carbonate solution.
C-18 COMMON-109P
Instructions: (1) Answer both PART-A AND PART-B on separate answer sheets.
(2) Each question carries TEN marks.
C18 – COMMON 109P
Course Outcome
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain below Course Outcome
Course Contents
3. State the configuration of a computer system
12. Exercise on creation of shortcut to files and folders (in other folders) on Desktop
15. Change resolution, colour, appearance, screen server options of Display, date and time
24. Apply formulas in table & sort the table
26. Insertion of new rows and columns in the existing table and changing background colour in
30. Insert objects into the document like pictures, shapes, charts, and word-art.
33. Create a letter and send to multiple users using mail merge tool of MS-word
34. Create a Simple Newsletter with minimum three columns. Insert a Clip Art in the
36. Create the Cover Page of a Project Report (use Word Art, insert Picture Image).
Software Tool
Questions for CIE and SEE will be designed to evaluate the various educational components
(Bloom’s taxonomy) such as:
Sl. Bloom’s Category %
1 Remembrance 20
2 Understanding 20
3 Application 60
Student Activity
3. Collection of data
Internal Assessment
Activity Marks
Writing the experiment, record evaluation 30
Execution of the given experiment 20
Viva-voce 10
Total 60
Model Question Bank
2. Demonstrate Internal and External DOS Commands and differentiate between them.
4. Create a directory and copy a file inside the directory using DOS Commands.
6. Create two file in a folder and place the shortcut of these files on the desktop.
11. Using Word Processor Application create a Simple Newsletter with minimum of threecolumns.
Insert a Clip art in the newsletter.
12. Using Word Processor Application create a Resume for a Job application.
13. Using Word Processor Application create the cover page of a Project Report (use
15. Prepare the class time table for your class using Word Processor Application.
16. Create a directory and copy a file inside the directory using DOS Commands.
24. Demonstrate the basic formatting features in Text Editors
25. Create two file in a folder and place the shortcut of these files on the desktop
26. How to use Recycle Bin and what is the advantage of recycle bin.
36. Create an E-mail account and change the current password of your account
37. How do you check your received emails , drafts ,outbox and spam mails
40. Discard drafts in your email ,and delete outbox and spam mails
a. Insert 3 new rows and 2 new columns in the existing table and
b. change background colour in Table
52. Find the given word in a document and replace it with other meaningful word
53. Insert objects into the document like pictures, shapes, charts, and word-art.
55. Tell about the different print views of a document and Demonstrate about page Layout.
60. Create a Simple Newsletter with minimum three columns and insert a clipart.
61. Using Word Processor Application create a Resume for a Job application.
62. Create the Cover Page of a Project Report (use Word Art, insert Picture Image).
63. Prepare the class time table of your class using Word Processor Application.
(1) Along with every activity the rubrics table should be given to the student
for his information about the criterion of assessment.
(2) As a record of the activity at least Rubric sheet for each student For every
activity at least Rubric sheet for each student as be preserved as a document.
Text is appropriate in paragraphs, background, contrasting
length for the target color or busy overuse of bold colors, poor
audience and to the point. background or lack of use of
detracts and appropriate headings,
The background and colors does not indentations of subheadings,
enhance the readability of enhance text. indentations, or
text. readability. bold
Images are large/small in content.
proper size, size.
Images are
poorly cropped
or the
is fuzzy.
1. Visit the College library and prepare a list of at least 10 text books available in the
library with author name and publishing company for each subject of the semester. The
student should submit a handwritten report. (POs 8,10)
3. Prepare a model to carry out the purification of water supplied in the college. (POs 1,
5. Read out a selected text from a newspaper depicting an incident to enhance the reading
skills (POs 8)
6. Read aloud the selected text with proper pronunciation and intonation to improve the
accent of the language. (POs 8)
8. Visit the library to refer Standard Books on Mathematics and collect related material
pertaining to a concept in mathematics. (POs 8, 10)
9. Visit the library to refer Standard Books on Mathematics and collect related material
pertaining to a concept in Physics. (POs 8, 10)
10. Visit the library to refer Standard Books on Mathematics and collect related material
pertaining to a concept in Chemistry. (POs 8, 10)
11. Student observes the available equipment in the Physics Laboratory and prepares a hand
written report on functioning of the equipment and accessories along with the details
regarding repairs to be carried out. (POs 4, 8)
12. Student observes the available equipment in the Chemistry Laboratory to familiarize
with the methods of preparing standard solutions for specific experiments and prepares a
hand written report. (POs 4, 8)
13. Do a power point presentation on Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law and Faraday’s law.
Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9)
14. Do Market survey on List of Electrical equipment in your home available and collect the
information like name of the equipment specifications, Price etc. The student should
submit a handwritten report. (POs 8, 9)
15. Do Market survey on List of Electronic equipment in your home available and collect
the information like name of the equipment specifications, Price etc. The student should
submit a handwritten report. (POs 8, 9).
Model Rubrics
clearly based on data and activity effectively
the data and
1. Mathematical concepts
2. Procedure
3. Explanation
5. Mathematical errors
2. Prepare a list of articles purchased from a super market and arrange in a matrix form to
5. List the methods to solve system of equations using Matrices and Determinants. Describe
their features.
6. Visit the library, refer books on Mathematics and collect the detailsrelated to 2 Mathematicians.
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO6 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO7 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Working with Student was an Student was an Student Student did not
Others engaged partner, engaged partner cooperated with work effectively
listening to but had trouble others, but with others.
suggestions of listening to others needed
others and and/or working prompting to stay
working cooperatively. on-task.
Mathematical 90-100% of the Almost all (85- Most (75-84%) of More than 75%
Errors steps and 89%) of the steps the steps and of the steps and
solutions have no and solutions solutions have no solutions have
mathematical have no mathematical mathematical
errors. mathematical errors. errors.
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
LEVEL 2: Methodology/procedure
LEVEL 3: Analysis/experiment
LEVEL 4: Interpretation/inference/evaluation.
Bridge activity: - Visiting your college Library:
(A) Prepare a list of available reference books in Physics with details such as author,
publisher, edition etc.
(C) Prepare a log book of your visits to college library with brief description.
2. Visit your College Physics laboratory. Collect equal amounts (mass in gm) of water and
mercury. Calculate the density of each in CGS units. Express them in SI system of units using
dimensional analysis. Infer the result.
3. Identify the bodies which have rolling objects like wheels, ball bearings. Prepare a chart with
drawings and explain the importance of rolling friction.
4. Identify the objects where you apply various methods of reducing friction. Make each method
as a module to one individual. Integrate all modules and generate a chart with brief explanation
by the use of drawings.
5. Take two vectors with varying angles of inclination. Find the resultant using triangle law of
vector addition by drawing the vectors in each case on a graph paper. Draw the conclusions.
Correlate the result using parallelogram law of vector addition.
6. Three forces F1, F2 and F3 are acting on a body with an angles θ1, θ2, and θ3 with the
horizontal respectively. Calculate the resultant force acting on that body. Draw the diagram.
7. Survey the places where curved paths are banked. Take photographs and reconstruct on the
chart. Prepare a report.
8. Verify Hooke’s Law by performing experiment using weights, spring and ruler.
9. Explore the internet. Prepare a power point report on surface tension and wetting.
10. Construct a model thermometer having centigrade scale and absolute scale with the help of
available simple objects. Formulate the method of development.
11. Debate on green house effect and global warming. Justify the advantage of green house effect.
Prepare a video clip and power point report with diagrams.
NOTE: The above activities are indicative. The teacher may assign any other activity relevant
CO10 Construct a model thermometer having
centigrade scale and absolute scale. Formulate PO1, PO2, PO4 3
the development.
CO11 Debate on green house effect and global
warming. Advantage of green house effect -
PO6, PO7 3
justification. Prepare a video clip and power
point report with diagrams.
CO12 Design a wind mill as an application of
PO1, PO2,PO10 3
conversion of energy
Type of
4 3 2 1
All Data/Material All Data/Material All All
was collected one was collected more Data/Material Data/Material
time than one time was collected was collected
independently. independently. several times several times
independently. with assistance.
Procedures were Procedures were Procedures Procedures that
outlined in a step- outlined in a step- were outlined were outlined
by-step fashion by-step fashion that in a step-by- were
that could be could be followed step fashion, incomplete or
followed by by anyone without but had 1 or 2 not sequential,
anyone without additional gaps that even after
additional explanations. require Expert feedback
explanations. Expert help was explanation had been given.
needed to even after
accomplish this. expert
Quality of Skill is Skill is mastered to Skill is present Skill needs
high. the level of but with errors improvement.
expectation. and omissions.
Student provided a Student provided a Student No conclusion
detailed somewhat detailed provided a was apparent.
conclusion clearly. conclusion clearly. conclusion
with some
NOTE: The above types of skills are indicative. The teacher may change the skills
depending on type of activity.
S. Course Outcomes (Skill Activities)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Activity – 1
Oral/Power point presentation on the different types of orbitals and electronic configuration:
Step-1: Data collection on orbitals and rules to be followed to write the electronic
configuration .
Step -2: Prepare for a oral/power point presentation on shapes of orbitals and electronic configuration
Step-3: Explain the electronic configuration with oral presentation or power point presentation
Activity – 2
Step -2: Prepare for a oral/power point presentation on ionic and covalent bonding
Step-3: Explain the ionic and covalent bonding with oral presentation or power point presentation
Preparation and study of physical properties of True Solution, Colloidal Solution, and
Step -3: Preparation/ collection of true solution, colloidal solution and suspention
Step-4: Recording of observations and comparison of physical properties like Nature of the solutions,
Diffusion of the solution, Sedimentation, Visibility of particles, Tyndall effect.
Activity – 4
Study of the acidic, basic or neutral nature of water sample collected from various sources.
Step-4: Recording the pH values of different water samples by using universal indicator, pH paper, pH
meter etc.
Activity – 5
Step -3: Comparison of renewable and non renewable energy sources available.
Step-4: Identify the advantages of renewable energy sources over non renewable energy sources in
protecting the environment.
Activity – 6
Study and analysis of ecosystem (lake, pond etc) existing in your surroundings.
Step-2: Summarization of data/ literature collected.
Step -3: Study of the biotic and abiotic components and effect of the pollutants if any on them.
Step-4: Prepare a report on the selected ecosystem and suggest measures to protect it from pollution.
Activity – 7
Step -3: Study of the biodiversity in your surroundings, understand its advantages and threats that
Step-4: Prepare a report on the selected bio diversity and suggest measures to protect it.
Activity – 8
Step-4: Prepare a report on the forest selected and report its importance and resources.
Activity – 9
Step -3: Demonstrate the process of osmosis and reverse osmosis by using any semi permeable
membrane .
Activity – 10
Step -3: Explanation of the process through oral presentation or power point presentation
Activity – 11
Oral/Power point presentation on the softening of water by different methods and comparison.
Step -3: Explain the process and compare them with the help of power point presentation.
Activity – 12
Step -3: Differentiate the electrolyte from non electrolyte through the process of electrolysis.
Note: Any other skill upgradation activity related to the course may be taken up.
Mapping of POs to Skill Upgradation Activities
Model Rubrics
S Sub Performance
. activity excellent Good Satisfactory Need
N improvement
1 Step-1 Data was Data was Data was Data was
collected from collected from collected from collected only
more than four three to four two sources. one source.
sources. sources
2 Step-2 All materials and Almost all The materials The materials
data required for materials and data and data and data
the activity were required for the required for the required for
accurately activity were activity were the activity
prepared based on accurately accurately were
the data collected prepared based on prepared based inaccurately
independently. the data collected on the data prepared
independently. collected with
the help of
3 Step-3 Procedures were Procedures were Procedures that Procedures that
outlined in a step- outlined in a step- outlined were outlined were
by-step fashion by-step fashion, complete with 1 not sequential,
that could be require or 2 gaps and & performed
followed by explanation & require the activity in a
anyone & performed the explanation & poor way
performed the activity performed the
activity effectively. activity
effectively. normally
4 Step-4 Presented/ Presented/ Presented/ Presented/
explained the explained the explained the explained the
information about information about information information
the activity in the activity in about the about the
logical, logical sequence activity in activity
interesting with visuals or logical sequence without
sequence with diagrams. with less visuals sequence and
attractive visuals or diagrams. visuals or
or diagrams. diagrams.
5 Conclusi Provided a Provided a Student Conclusions
on / detailed conclusion / provided a /summary was
summary conclusion/ summary clearly conclusion/ not relevant.
summary clearly based on the data summary less
based on the data and activity effectively
and activity
Diploma in Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
5 Semi Conductor Devices 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 14 100 35
7 2.5 -
11 Academic activities 0 0 105 0 0 Rubrics --
Advanced English
Lecture + Tutorial
At the end of the course the students will have the ability to:
201.1 communicate effectively in English
201.2 listen for specific details and use prepositions appropriately.
201.3 learn vocabulary and use them in professional interaction
201.4 analyse errors and make communication flawless
201.5 comprehend central idea and minute details
201.6 make notes, write resumes, prepare cover letters and draft reports
CO-PO Matrix
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 Mapping POs
201.1 2 2 2 -- 1 -- -- 3 3 3 1,2,3,5,8,9,10
201.2 2 2 1 2 -- -- -- 3 3 3 1,2,3,4,8,9,10
201.3 2 2 -- 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
201.4 2 2 2 2 1 -- 2 3 3 3 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10
201.5 2 2 2 -- 1 -- 2 3 3 3 1,2,3,57,8,9,10
201.6 2 2 -- -- -- -- -- 3 3 3 1,2,8,9,10
1. Expressing Obligation
3. Extending and Accepting Invitations
4. Giving Instructions
9. Reported Speech
Internal evaluation
Part C 2 essay questions with internal choice
Assignment One assignment per one 5 Different group assignments of higher order
semester questions that develop problem solving skills
and critical thinking should be given
Seminars One seminar per one 5 Oral presentations using audio –visual
semester equipment, charts, etc.
Total 60
Group Discussions
Review a movie
Review a book
Narrating a story
Chain stories
Picture description
Writing a recipe
Describing a process
Filling forms
e-mail etiquette
8. Hello English(app)
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Time : 1 Hour Total Marks: 20 Marks
PART-A 4X1=4
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark.
1. I strongly recommend you to read this novel. (Rewrite the sentence using suitable words of obligation).
PART-B 2X3=6
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks.
5. a) Extend an invitation to your friend to attend your brother’s marriage and write
b) Give directions to your sister on how to reach the nearest branch office of State Bank of India from your
6. a) Give directions to your house from polytechnic using at least three prepositions.
We went _____the zoo ____ Sunday. We saw a python ____ a branch of a tree. There were several parrots
_______ the cages. In the zoo, we boarded a train that passed __________ a tunnel. There we saw a lion going
______ its cave.
PART-C 2 X 5 = 10
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks.
7. a) Write on how to send an image from your mobile to another mobile number using WhatsApp.
10.00 a.m.
Time : 1 Hour Total Marks: 20 Marks
PART - A 4X1=4
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark.
5. Write the synonym and antonym of lazy.
6. Write any two different forms of the word, ‘beauty’.
8. Change as directed.
b) He told me that she was going to market. (Change it into direct speech.)
PART - B 2X3=6
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks
My friend Rani is young and attractive. She is very sharp and loves to eat fresh food.
i. He said to her, “I will teach you Chemistry today.” (Change it into Reported speech)
ii. She said to him, “Take me to Central Library now.” (Change it into reported speech)
PART-C 2 X 5 = 10
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks.
11. a) What are the five aspects you learn when you learn a new word?
ii. Amala said that she would visit us the next day. (Change to direct speech).
iii. She said that their team had won the match. (Change to direct speech).
Time : 2 Hours Total Marks: 40 Marks
PART-A 8X1=8
Instructions: Answer all questions.
Each question carries one mark.
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
a) They went___ a walk.
b) He went to college____bus.
2. Write one word substitutes for the given meanings.
a) Study of planets.
Mammals are among the most successful animals to have lived. Because they are warm blooded, they can
survive in almost any environment. To take advantage of different environments mammals have evolved
different body shapes.
About 40 million years ago new kinds of primates — monkeys and apes—- began to take over lemurs. Today,
there are two groups of monkeys: the old world monkeys which live in Africa and Asia and the New world
monkeys which live only in Central America.
1. Write a short paragraph based on the
flowchart given.
Part -B 3 X4 = 12
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks.
9.(a) Invite a celebrity to your college sports day. The celebrity accepts your invitation. Write a conversation.
There are almost 2,400 species of snake. From the 20 cm long thread snake to the gaint anaconda, which can
reach 36 feet. Snakes have many colours, patterns and ways of killing their prey. They eat everything from ants,
eggs , snails to animals as big as goats.
10 (a). Write three things you learn when you learn a new word?
10 (b) Write a paragraph based on the tree diagram
11. (a). Read the following passage and answer the questions given in 11 a or 11 b
Humans communicate with each other everyday using sounds and body movements .Most commonly , we share
information about the world around us through spoken languages. These are in special sounds we make to
represent objects, actions, numbers, colours and other features. We use our brains to remember words, put them
in the correct order and make the larynx, or voice ,box,produce the correct sounds. If a person is unable to speak
they can communicate by using sign language. We also have written and pictorial languages.
Sleep is as important to healthy life style as eating and exercising. On an average healthy adult requires just
over eight hours of sleep at night. Yet polls show that the increasing numbers of people are suffering from sleep
disorder or significant sleep loss. A study shows that 29% of Indians sleep only after midnight and 61% slept for
seven hours or less. Sleep is crucial to maintain one’s health. Without it, you increase your susceptibility to a
wide range of health problems .including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and depression. Not sleeping
enough can affect the immune system. The immune system works when you are asleep. That is when natural
killer cells are generated in the bone marrow. These killer cells help in protecting the body against the viruses,
bacteria and even cancer.
Part-C 5X4=20M
Reading skills are considered the most important tools for academic success. Printed materials serve as a
source of information and entertainment. Reading is an important activity in life with which one can update
one’s knowledge . Speech precedes reading and reading is the input for writing. Reading is an active process
which involves recognition and comprehension. A reader can understand a text only when he or she uses his or
her mental faculties. A reader should have the knowledge of the writing system, the knowledge of the language ,
the ability to interpret , the knowledge of the world, a reason for reading and a reading style.
4. He is running daily.
5. This is the boy which won the race.
(b) Write a cover letter applying for the post of a software engineer at an MNC.
The first elephants were pig-sized creatures without tusks or trunks that lived in Northern Africa about 150
million years ago. Today there are only two species of elephant: the Indian Elephant and the African elephant -
the largest mammal living on land. Both species live in family groups, which sometimes join to from herds of
hundreds of animals. Elephants spend upto twenty on hours a day eating as much as 320kgs of leaves ,bark , fruit
and grass. An adult elephant needs to drink 90 litres of water a day. Elephants travel through forests on
traditional paths called elephants’ roads .These intelligent animals have good memories and can live for more
than 60 years. Both Indian and African elephants are endangered because humans take over their habitats for
farming and poachers kill them for their tusks.
16 (a). Write your resume for the post of an Assistant Engineer at TESCO Company.
SEMESTER : II Course Group : Foundation
Teaching Scheme ( L : T : P ) : 45 :15 : 0 ( in
Credits : 3 Credits
Periods )
Methodology : Lecture + Tutorial Total Contact Periods : 60
CIE : 60 Marks SEE : 40 Marks
Programme : Common to all Engineering Diploma Programmes
Pre requisites:
This course requires the basic knowledge of Algebra, Trigonometry in Mathematics at Secondary school level
and Basic Engineering Mathematics at Diploma 1st Semester level
At the end of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Course Contents:
Co-ordinate geometry
1. Straight lines: Write the different forms of a straight line – point slope form, two point
form, intercept form, normal form and general form - Find distance of a point from a line, acute angle between
two lines, intersection of two non-parallel lines and distance between two parallel lines - perpendicular distance
from a point to a line - Solve simple problems on the above forms
2. Circle: Define locus of a point, circle and its equation. Find equation of the Circle given (i) Centre and radius,
(ii) two ends of a diameter (iii) Centre and a point on the circumference (iv) three non collinear points and (v)
Centre and tangent equation - general equation of a circle - finding Centre, radius - tangent, normal to circle at a
point on it - simple problems.
3. Conic Sections: Define a conic section, focus, directrix, eccentricity, axes and latus rectum – Find equation of
a conic when focus directrix and eccentricity are given. Properties of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola - standard
forms with Vertex (Centre) at the Origin and Axis (Axes) along Co – Ordinate Axes only – Simple Problems.
Differential Calculus
4. Functions & Limits : Concept of Limit- Definition- Properties of Limits and Standard Limits ( without
1 x
xn an sin x tan x a x 1 ex 1 1
lim , lim , lim , lim , lim , lim (1 x ) x , lim 1
proof ) - x a x a x 0 x x 0 x x 0 x x0 x x 0 x x - Simple
a x2 b x c f ( x)
lim 2 lim
x l x x x g ( x )
Problems . Evaluate the limits of the type and
f ( x h) f ( x )
5. Differentiation – I : Concept of derivative - definition from first principle as h0 h -
n x x
different notations - derivatives of elementary functions like x , a , e , log x, sin x, cos x, tanx, Secx, Cosecx
and Cotx. Derivatives of sum, product, quotient, scalar multiplication of functions - problems. Derivative of
function of a function (Chain rule) with illustrative examples such as
2 x
t2 2 2 log sin(cos x)
(i) t (ii) x sin 2 x (iii) x 1 (iv) .
Unit – IV
6. Differentiation – II: Derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of a function with respect to
another function, derivative of parametric functions, derivative of hyperbolic, implicit functions, logarithmic
differentiation – problems in each case. Higher order derivatives - examples – functions of several variables –
partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem-simple problems.
Applications of Derivatives:
7. Geometrical Applications: Geometrical meaning of the derivative, equations of Tangent and normal to a
curve at any point on the curve. Lengths of tangent, normal, sub tangent and subnormal to the curve at any point
on it. Angle between two intersecting curves - problems.
8. Physical Applications: Physical applications of the derivative – Explain the derivative as a rate of change
in distance-time relations to find the velocity and acceleration of a moving particle with examples. Explain the
derivative as a rate measure in the problems where the quantities like volumes, areas vary with respect to time-
illustrative examples– Simple Problems.
9. Maxima & Minima: Applications of the derivative to find the extreme values – Increasing and decreasing
functions, finding the maxima and minima of simple functions - problems leading to applications of maxima and
Coordinate Geometry
Unit – I
1.1 Write the different forms of a straight line – point slope form, two point form, intercept form, normal
form and general form
2.3 Write the general equation of a circle and find the centre and radius.
2.4 Write the equation of tangent and normal at a point on the circle.
2.5 Solve the problems to find the equations of tangent and normal.
Unit – II
3.2 Understand the terms focus, directrix, eccentricity, axes and latus rectum of a conic with illustrations.
3.3 Find the equation of a conic when focus, directrix and eccentricity are given
Differential Calculus
lim f ( x) l
4.1 Understand the concept of limit and meaning of and state the properties of limits.
xn an sin x tan x a x 1 ex 1
lim , lim , lim , lim , lim ,
xa x a x0 x x 0 x x 0 x x0 x
4.2 Mention the Standard limits
1 x
lim (1 x) x , lim 1
x 0 x x (All without proof).
4.3 Solve the problems using the above standard limits
a x2 b x c f ( x)
lim lim
x l x2 x x g ( x)
4.4 Evaluate the limits of the type and
5.1 State the concept of derivative of a function y = f(x) – definition, first principle as
f ( x h) f ( x )
h0 h and also provide standard notations to denote the derivative of a function.
5.3 Find the derivatives of elementary functions like x n , ax, ex, log x, sin x, cos x, tanx, Secx, Cosecx and
Cot x using the first principles.
5.4 Find the derivatives of simple functions from the first principle.
5.5 State the rules of differentiation of sum, difference, scalar multiplication, product and quotient of
functions with illustrative and simple examples.
5.6 Understand the method of differentiation of a function of a function (Chain rule) with illustrative
examples such as
2 x
t2 2 log sin(cos x)
(i) t (ii) x sin 2 x (iii) x2 1 (iv) .
Unit – IV
6.2 Understand the method of differentiation of a function with respect to another function and also
differentiation of parametric functions with examples.
6.4 Explain the procedures for finding the derivatives of implicit function with examples.
6.5 Explain the need of taking logarithms for differentiating some functions with examples like [f(x)] g(x).
6.6 Explain the concept of finding the higher order derivatives of second and third order with examples.
6.7 Explain the concept of functions of several variables, partial derivatives and difference between the
ordinary and partial derivatives with simple examples.
6.9 Explain Euler’s theorem for homogeneous functions with applications to simple problems.
Applications of Differentiation
7.1 State the geometrical meaning of the derivative as the slope of the tangent to the curve y=f(x) at any
point on the curve.
7.2 Explain the concept of derivative to find the slope of tangent and to find the equation of tangent and
normal to the curve y=f(x) at any point on it.
7.3 Find the lengths of tangent, normal, sub-tangent and sub normal at any point on the curve y=f(x) .
7.4 Explain the concept of angle between two curves and procedure for finding the angle between two given
curves with illustrative examples.
Unit – VI
8.1 Explain the derivative as a rate of change in distance-time relations to find the velocity and acceleration
of a moving particle with examples.
8.2 Explain the derivative as a rate measurer in the problems where the quantities like volumes, areas vary
with respect to time- illustrative examples.
9.2 Explain the conditions to find points where the given function is increasing or decreasing with
illustrative examples.
9.3 Explain the procedure to find the extreme values (maxima or minima) of a function of single variable -
simple problems yielding maxima and minima.
9.4 Solve problems on maxima and minima in applications like finding areas, volumes, etc.
1. Student visits Library to refer Standard Books on Mathematics and collect related material.
2. Quiz
3. Group discussion
4. Surprise tests
5. Seminars
6. Home assignments.
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 Mapped
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO6 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Remembering (R) 1 Mark
Code: C18-Common-202F
2. Write the equation of circle whose centre (h,k) and radius r given.
x2 y2
4. Find the Length of major and minor axes of the Ellipse + =1
16 9
6 a) Find the vertex , focus ,equation of directrix and length of latus-rectum of the parabola
y2 = 20x
x2 y2
6 b) Find the centre, vertices and foci of Ellipse + =1
25 16
7b) Find the equation of the Circle passing through the points (0, 0), (1,0) and (0,2)
8 a) Find the equation of the Parabola with focus at (2 , -3 ) and whose directrix is
3x – 4y + 16 = 0
8 b) Find the Centre,Vertices, Eccentricity, Foci, Lengths of axes, Length of Latus Rectum,
x2 y2
and equations of directrices of the Hyperbola − =1
16 9
Code: C18-Common-202F
2 x 3 −3 x 2 +1
Lt 9 x 2 + 8 x +7
1. Evaluate x →0
4. Find if U=x 3 + y 3
5 b). If y = ex.cotx , find dx
6 a). Find if x=at 2 , y=2 at .
6 b) If x2 + y2 + 3xy = 7, then find dx
dy 1+ x 2
7 a). Find dx , If y = 1−x 2
7 b) Differentiate log[log(logx)] w. r. t. x
x 2 + y2 ∂u ∂u
8 b) If U =sin−1 ( x+ y ) t h en prove t h at x
C18-common SUB.CODE:202F
x 3−8
10. Evaluate lim
x →2 x−2
11. Write the conditions for an increasing function and a decreasing function of f (x) in the interval [ a , b ]
15. Write the conditions for a point to be a maximum point on the curve y=f ( x ) .
16. Write the quantities to denote the rate of change of volume and area with respect to t.
9(a). Find the perpendicular distance of the point (2, 4) from the line 4 x−3 y−6=0.
9(b). Find the length of the tangent to the curve y=x 2 +2 x+1 at (1,4).
1 3 2
10 (b). A particle is moving along a line such that s= t −3t +8 t +5. Find its velocity and acceleration at
t=2 sec .
11 (a). Find the equation of the normal to the curve y 2=16 x at (2,4).
11 (b). Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y=x 3−2 x +5 at (1,4).
12 (a). Find the rate of change of Area of the circle with respect to the radius when r =6 cm.
13(a). Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is the point (3, -4) and directrix is the
line x− y +5=0.
13 (b). Find the angle between the curves y 2=2 x , x + y = 8 at their point of intersection
(2, 2)
14 (a). Find , if x=a ( θ−sinθ ) , y=a ( 1−cosθ ) .
14 (b). The sum of two numbers is 24. Find them if their product is maximum
15(a). Find the lengths of the normal, subtangent and subnormal to the curve
2 k
15 (b). show that the curves y =x∧ y = cut at right angles if 8 k 2−1=0.
16 (a). A circular metal plate expands by heat so that its radius is increasing at the rate of 0.02 cm/sec. At what
rate its area is increasing when the radius is 10 cms.
16 (b). A wire of length 40 cm is bent so that to has to form a rectangle. Find the maximum area that can be
enclosed by the wire.
Applied Physics
Course Objectives: After studying this course, the student will be able to understand and appreciate the role of
Physics in different areas of engineering and technology.
Course outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the student will have the ability to attain below
Course outcomes (CO):
Course Outcomes Linked POs Teaching
Course Contents
Wave motion – definition and characteristics – audible range – infrasonic and ultrasonic – longitudinal
and transverse waves – examples – Relation between wavelength, frequency and velocity of a wave – derivation
–stationary waves- beats - applications of beats - Doppler effect – list the applications – ultrasound and radar in
medicine and engineering as special emphasis- echo –definition - applications - relation between time of echo
and distance of obstacle –derivation- Reverberation and time of reverberation - Sabine’s formula - Free and
forced vibrations - Resonance - Conditions of good auditorium - noise pollution – definition – causes, effects
and methods to minimize noise pollution - problems
Periodic motion - Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)– definition - examples - Conditions for SHM –Projection of
circular motion on any diameter of a circle is SHM - Expressions for Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
of a particle executing SHM – derivations - Time period, frequency, amplitude and phase of a particle in SHM -
Ideal simple pendulum – time period of simple pendulum –derivation - laws of simple pendulum-Seconds
pendulum- problems.
Magnetic field - magnetic lines of force -properties - Uniform and Non-uniform magnetic field –
Magnetic length, pole strength – magnetic induction field strength- definition - Coulomb’s inverse square law of
magnetism - expression for moment of couple on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field – derivation -
expression for magnetic induction field strength at a point on the axial line of a bar magnet –derivation - Dia,
Para and Ferro magnetic materials – examples - related problems.
Ohm’s law – Ohmic and non ohmic conductors – examples - Temperature dependence of resistance –
coefficients of resistance with examples - Specific resistance – units – conductance- series and parallel
combination of resistors - moving coil galvanometer - conversion of galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter
with diagram (qualitatively) – Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws in electricity – Expression for balancing
condition of Wheatstone’s bridge – derivation – Meter bridge –working with neat diagram –Superconductivity-
definition-superconductors - definition and examples – applications - related problems.
Solids – definition – energy bands in solids- valence band, conduction band and forbidden band – Energy band
diagram of conductors, insulators and semiconductors – concept of Fermi level - Intrinsic semiconductors -
examples - Concept of holes in semiconductors - Doping - Extrinsic semiconductor - P-type and N-type
semiconductors - PN Junction diode – Forward Bias and Reverse Bias - Applications of PN diode - Diode as
rectifier – principle – principle of Light Emitting Diode and solar cell.
5. Engineering Physics by R.K. Gaur, S.L. Gupta, Dhanpatrai Publications, New Delhi.
6. ISC Physics, Book I&II, P. Vivekanandan, DK Banerjee, S Chand, New Delhi.
1.1 Define wave. Explain the characteristics of a wave (frequency, wavelength, amplitude, time
1.4 Define longitudinal and transverse wave motion. Write examples for each. Distinguish between
1.5 Derive the relation between wavelength, frequency and velocity of a wave (v ꞊ nλ)
1.9 Application of Doppler Effect in medicine and engineering - ultrasound and radar.
1.11 Derive the relation between time of echo and distance of obstacle.
1.18 List the causes, effects and methods to minimize noise pollution.
2.6 Define the terms time period, frequency, amplitude and phase of particle in SHM.
2.7 Derive the expressions for Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration of a particle executing in SHM.
2.8 Define Ideal simple pendulum and derive the expression for time period of simple pendulum.
3.3 State Einstein’s photo electric equation and explain the terms.
4.5 Define the terms magnetic length and pole strength of a bar magnet.
4.8 Derive the expression for moment of couple on a bar magnet placed in a uniform
magnetic field.
4.9 Derive the formula for magnetic induction field strength at a point on the axial line of a bar magnet.
4.10 Define Dia, Para and Ferro magnetic materials with examples.
5.1 State Ohm’s law – Define ohmic and non ohmic conductors with examples
5.2 Explain temperature dependence of resistance – types of temperature coefficients with examples
5.5 Write the formulae for effective resistance in series and parallel combination of resistors with diagram.
5.7 Conversion of a galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter. Explain with diagram.
5.8 State and explain Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws in electricity.
5.9 Derive an expression for balancing condition of Wheatstone’s bridge with legible sketch.
6.2 Define valence band, conduction band and forbidden band in solids.
6.3 Explain conductors, insulators and semiconductors on the basis of energy band diagram.
6.12 Explain forward and reverse bias of PN diode (biasing and flow of majority and minority
carriers with diagram only)
6.13 List the applications of PN Diode.
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Semester End Examination
1 I
1 9(a) 13(a)
2 II
2 10(a) 14(a)
4 IV
9(b) 13(b)
5 V 5, 6 11(a) 15(a)
11(b) 15(b)
10(b) 14(b)
12(b) 16(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
C-18 COMMON-203F
Important Note: Wherever any question has choice, marks will be allotted only to first attempted question. No
marks will be allotted for extra questions answered
8. Define SHM.
PART- B (2 x 3 = 6M)
(b). The displacement of a particle executing SHM is given by Y=8Sin ( πt + π /4 ) m. Find i) Amplitude ii)
PART-C (2×5=10M)
(b). Derive the expressions for velocity and acceleration of a particle in SHM.
*** ** ***
C-18 COMMON-203F
Important Note: Wherever any question has choice, marks will be allotted only to first attempted question. No
marks will be allotted for extra questions answered
PART- B (2 x 3 = 6M)
PART-C (2×5=10M)
8 (a). Derive the formula for moment of couple acting on a bar magnet placed in uniform
magnetic field.
(b). Derive the expression for magnetic induction field strength at a point on the axial line
of a bar magnet.
** *** **
1. Define an echo.
2. Write any two uses of optical fiber.
3. State Ohm’s law.
4. Write any two laws of Reflection.
5. Write SI unit of specific resistance
6. Define non ohmic conductors and give one example.
7. Define Fermi level.
8. Write any two advantages of LED’s.
PART – C 4X5 = 20
13(a). Derive the relation between time of an echo and distance obstacle
*** ** ***
Course Objectives: After studying this course the student will be able to understand and appreciate the role of
Chemistry and environmental studies in different spheres of industries.
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the course, the students will have ability to attain below Course Outcomes (CO):
Characteristics of Metals - distinguish between Metals and Non Metals- Ore, Gangue, Flux, Slag - Concentration
of Ore -Froth floatation - Methods of Extraction of crude Metal - Roasting, Calcination, Smelting – Alloys-
purpose of making alloys - Composition of Brass, German silver, Nichrome, Stainless steel and Duralumin
Introduction - factors influencing the rate of corrosion - electrochemical theory of corrosion - composition, stress
and concentration cells- rusting of iron and its mechanism - prevention of corrosion - coating methods, Paints-
constituents and characteristics of paints-cathodic protection.
Introduction - polymerization - types of polymerization - addition, condensation with examples - plastics - types
of plastics - advantages of plastics over traditional materials - Disadvantages of using plastics - preparation and
uses of the following plastics: 1. Polythene 2. PVC 3.Teflon 4.
Polystyrene 5.Urea formaldehyde 6. Bakelite - Rubber - Elastomers –Preparartionof Butyl rubber, Buna-s,
Neoprene rubber and their uses-Fibres-Preparation and uses of fibres-Nylon 6,6-Polyester.
and f) acetylene.
Galvanic cell – standard electrode potential –electro chemical series -emf of cell-Batteries-Types of batteries-
Fuel cells.
Introduction- classification of air pollutants based on origin and states of matter-Air pollution - causes-Effects -
control methods - Water pollution - causes - effects - control measures.
Reference Books:
1. Engineering chemistry – Jain & Jain – DhanpatRai Publishing Company.
1.3. Define the terms 1.Mineral, 2.Ore, 3. Gangue, 4. Flux and 5.Slag
1.5. Describe the methods involved in extraction of crude metal- Roasting, Calcination and
1.8. Write the Composition of the following alloys:1.Brass, 2.German silver, 3.Nichrome
1.9. List the uses of following Alloys: Brass, German silver, Nichrome, Stainless steel,
2.4. Describe the formation of a) composition cell, b) stress cell c) concentration cell
2.5. Define rust and explain the mechanism of rusting of iron with chemical reactions.
coatings iii) Organic coatings, paint,constituent of paint and characteristics of good paint.
3.9. Explain the methods of preparation and uses of the following plastics:
3.17. Describe the preparation and uses of the following synthetic rubbers a) Butyl rubber,
3.19. Explain the preparation and uses of fibres –Nylon 6,6 and Polyester
4.2. Classify the fuels based on physical state - solid, liquid and gaseous fuels with examples.
4.3. Classify the fuels based on occurrence- primary and secondary fuels with examples.
4.7. Calculate the oxygen required for the combustion of Methane and Ethane fuel gases.
4.8. State the composition and uses of the following gaseous fuels:
a) water gas, b) producer gas, c) natural gas, d) coal gas, e) Bio gas and f) acetylene
5.9. Explain Batteries (Cells) and types of batteries with examples –working and applications of
5.10. Explain working and advantages of Fuel cell (Hydrogen - Oxygen Fuel Cell)
6.2. Classify the air pollutants- based on origin and states of matter
6.4. Explain the effects of air pollution on human beings, plants and animals
6.5. Explain the green house effect - ozone layer depletion and acid rain
6.6. Explain the methods of control of air pollution
6.9. Explain the effects of water pollution on living and non living things
Forenoon Afternoon
Day1 Registration Class work as per Time table
Day2 Rules and Regulations Chemistry Lab practice classes may be
Day3 Getting acquainted with Head and faculty conducted
Day4 Familiarization with Institutional facilities
Day5 Interaction with Class teacher and Seniors
Day6 Introducing the mentor
Day7 Parent –Teacher meeting
1. Student visits Library to refer to Text books, reference books and manuals to find their specifications
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Chemistry Lab to familiarize with them.
3. Quiz
4. Group discussion
5. Seminar
6. Surprise test
E learning links:
Blue Print
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
1 I
1 9(a) 13(a)
2 II
2 10(a) 14(a)
4 IV
9(b) 13(b)
5 V 5, 6 11(a) 15(a)
11(b) 15(b)
10(b) 14(b)
12(b) 16(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
Understanding (U) 3 Marks
Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark. 4 X 1 = 4 marks
Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question carries three marks 2 x 3 =6 Marks
Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question carries five marks 2 x 5 =10 Marks
Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark. 4 X 1 = 4 marks
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks 2 x 3 =6 Marks
14. a. Define colorific value and differentiate lower and higher calorific values.
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks 2 x 5 =10 Marks
15. a. What is vulcanization of rubber and explain with chemical equations.
16. a. Write the composition and uses of water gas and producer gas.
b. Calculate the mass and volume of the oxygen required for the complete combustion of 8
grams of CH4.
Instructions: Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark. 8 X 1 = 8 marks
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries three marks 4 x 3 =12 Marks
b. Classify the pollutants based on origin and give examples.
27. a. Write any three differences between electrolytic cell and galvanic cell.
Instructions: Answer the following questions. Each question carries five marks 4 x 5 =20 Marks
30. a. Calculate the mass and volume of oxygen required for the complete combustion of 15 gm of
ethane( C2H6).
Department of Technical Education
Pre requisites:
This course requires the basic knowledge of Basic Physics at Secondary school level, Electronic Components,
AC and DC voltages and Currents.
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student should have the ability to
Course Outcome
CO1 Analyze the PN-Junction diode operation under different biasing.
CO2 Discuss various Rectifiers and Filters.
CO3 Discuss various Clippers and Clampers.
CO4 Learn about Transistor configurations and need for heat sinks.
CO5 Discuss various special semiconductor devices.
CO6 Explain DC power supplies.
9(b) 13(b)
Special semi conductor 4
5. 12 5,6 11(a) 15(a)
11(b) 15(b)
10(b) 14(b)
12(b) 16(b)
Total 60 8 8 8
Course Contents
Electrical properties of materials- Energy band diagrams of Conductor, Semi conductor and Insulator. Semi
conductors - Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Doping - Formation of P-Type and N-Type materials and their properties,
minority and majority charge carriers, Drift and diffusion current.
Formation of PN junction diode.-Biasing - Forward and Reverse bias- Formation of potential barrier,
Recombination, V-I Characteristics, forward current and Reverse saturation currents, Knee voltage (Cut-in
Voltage), Reverse Breakdown Voltage, Diode current equation, Forward and Reverse Resistance calculations,
Applications of diode.
Rectifier – Definition, Types - Half wave, Full wave rectifiers - Centre tapped, Bridge rectifiers - RMS value,
Average value, PIV, Ripple factor, Voltage regulation, Efficiency of half wave rectifier and full wave rectifiers.
Filters - R, L, C, LC and CLC.
Integrator and differentiator circuits using passive elements (R&C), Clipper: Definition, Negative, Positive
clippers, Series, Shunt Clippers, Clamper: Definition, Negative, Positive Clampers. Applications of Clipping and
clamping circuits
Formation and properties of PNP and NPN Transistor-Transistor configurations CB, CE and CC - Input and
Output characteristics. α, β and γ factors-Comparison of CB,CE,CC configurations- Applications of transistor
-Transistor as an amplifier, Thermal runaway, Heat sink - Types of heat sinks.
Zener diode Characteristics - Zener breakdown and avalanche breakdown, Voltage Regulator, Tunnel diode-
Characteristics, Applications. Varactor diode - Characteristics, Applications, Schottkey diode -Characteristics,
Applications, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Applications. Photo diode- Principle, Operation and Applications.
Zener regulator – Series and Shunt IC regulators and specifications of Regulated Power Supplies(RPS)-Inverter,
Uninterruptable Power Supply(UPS), Switched Mode Power Supplies(SMPS), Calculation of voltage regulation,
Ripple factor of DC Power Supply. Design of a Zener regulator circuit for given Line and Load voltages, Power
ratings. 78XX series IC Regulator.
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Salivahanan.
1.3 Sketch energy band diagrams for conductors, Semiconductors, and Insulators.
1.7 Describe the formation of P type and N type materials and sketch the energy band diagrams.
1.14 Explain about forward and reverse biasing.
1.15 Draw the VI-Characteristics of diode in forward and reverse bias configurations.
2.0. Explain the Constructional features and operation of different types Rectifiers and Filters.
2.4 Draw and Explain Centre tapped type Full wave Rectifier.
4.0 Analyze the transistor operation under different configurations and application of
Transistor as an Amplifier
4.10 Write collector current expression in CB, CE and CC modes of Transistors in terms of α, β, I B,
5.1 Explain the necessity of D.C. power supply for Electronic circuits.
5.8 Determine the Resistance value and wattage of Series Resistor, Zener diode for a given Input
voltage, load voltage and load current. (Problems)
5.10 Explain about Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS).
5.11 Calculate of Voltage regulation, Ripple factor of DC Power Supply for given Input Voltage.
5.12 Design a Zener regulator circuit for given Line and Load voltages, Power ratings. (Problems)
1. Student visits Library to refer to Manual of electronic components to find their specifications
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to identify the components
5. Quiz
6. Group discussion
7. Surprise test
Lifelong learning
Discipline Knowledge
Engineering Tools
Linked PO
Experiments and
Environment &
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,5,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,5,10
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,5,10
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,5,10
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,5,10
CO6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,5,10
Internal Evaluation
Assignment 1 5
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit No R U A Remarks
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a page, 1
page and 2 pages respectively
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a page, 1
page and 2 pages respectively
Answer all the questions 4X1 =4
1. Define Doping.
2. Define biasing.
3. Define Rectifier.
4. List various Filters.
Answer any two questions. Each question carries three marks. 2X3 =6
Answer any two questions. Each question carries five marks. 2X5 =10
7. (a) Explain the working of PN junction diode with various biasing voltages.
(b) Distinguish between Drift and Diffusion current.
Answer any two questions. Each question carries three marks. 2X3 =6
Answer any two questions. Each question carries five marks. 2X5 =10
1. Define Doping.
2. Classify Transistors.
3. Define tunnelling.
Answer any four questions. Each question carries three marks. 4X3 =12
(b) Explain the necessity of D.C. power supply for Electronic circuits.
Answer any four questions. Each question carries five marks. 4X5 =20
13. (a) Explain the working of PN junction diode with various biasing voltages.
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Basic Engineering Drawing and Clear visualization and sound pictorial
intelligence to learn this course.
This Course is aimed at developing basic graphic skills so as to enable them to use these skills in
preparation of engineering drawings, their reading and interpretation.
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain the following Course
Outcomes (CO):
Course Outcome
CO1 Apply the principles of Projection of solids also draw the projections of solids.
Appreciate the need of Sectional views also draw the sectional views and true sections
of the engineering components.
Escalate the need of auxiliary views and draw the auxiliary views of the given
engineering components.
Grasp the knowledge and draw the development of surfaces of different engineering
Course Contents
Need for drawing sectional views – what is a sectional view - Location of cutting plane – Purpose of
cutting plane line – Selection of cutting plane to give maximum information (vertical and offset planes) -
Hatching – Section of regular solids inclined to one plane and parallel to other plane
Need for drawing auxiliary views -Explanation of the basic principles of drawing an auxiliary views -
explanation of reference plane and auxiliary plane -Partial auxiliary view.
Brief description of different types of pictorial drawing viz., Isometric, oblique, and perspective and their
use - Isometric drawings: Iso axis, angle between them, meaning of visual distortion in dimensions - Need
for an isometric scale, difference between Isometric scale and ordinary scale difference between Isometric
view and Isometric projection - Isometric and non-Isometric lines -Isometric drawing of common
features like rectangles, circular shapes, non-isometric lines - Use of box and offset methods.
Need for preparing development of surface with reference to sheet metal work -Concept of true length of
a line with reference to its orthographic projection when the line is (i) parallel to the plane of projection
(ii) inclined to one principal and parallel to the other -Development of simple solids like cubes, prisms,
cylinders, cones, pyramid (sketches only) -Types of development: Parallel line and radial line development
-Procedure of drawing development, drawings of trays, funnels, elbow pipes and rectangular ducts.
Reference Books
1.1. Draw the projections of solids to axis of solids parallel to one plane.
1.2. Draw the projections of solids to axis of solid inclined to other plane.
2.1 Explain the need to draw sectional views.
2.2 Select the section plane for a given component to reveal maximum information.
2.5 Draw sectional views and true sections of regular solids discussed in 6.0
3.1 State the need of Auxiliary views for a given engineering drawing.
5.2 Prepare development of simple engineering objects (cubes, prisms, cylinders, cones,
pyramid) using parallel line and radial line method.
5.3 Prepare development of surface of engineering components like trays,funnel, 90 0 elbow &
rectangular duct.
Note: Students have to get Minimum 50% of the total (i.e. 20 Marks).
Linked Program
Course Outcome CL Objectives
Escalate the need of auxiliary views and draw the
CO3 auxiliary views of the given engineering R/U/A 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10
Semester End Examination
This course requires the Basic CAD Skills and concepts of engineering drawing
Course Outcomes
CO1 Significance of Layers. Create and assign properties to layers and modify layers
CO2 Importance and advantages of blocks. Use of standard blocks and user defined blocks
CO3 Need of solid modeling and various methods of solid modeling with different surfaces
Course Contents
Setting a current layer, layers color, line type, line weight, print style locking and unlocking of layers, the
layer visibility and layer printing. Setting of current line type. The loading of additional line types,
creating and naming of line type, editing of line type.
Use the Blocks, Attributes and External references to manage the drawing blocks
The purpose of a block, creating a block, inserting a block, redefining a block, exploding a block
Editing attribute definitions, attaching attribute to blocks. Editing attributes attached to blocks,
Extracting attributes information.
Converting two dimensional planar entities into three dimensional entities by applying elevation and
Converting two dimensional planar entities into three dimensional entities by revolving or extruding.
Creation of three-dimensional faces, rectangular meshes, ruled surface meshes, extruded surface meshes,
revolved surface meshes, three dimensional entities such as boxes, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres, wedges,
torus, Regions, extruded solids, revolved solids, composite solids, intersect solids.
Recommended Books
1.2 Practice creating new layer, naming the layer and assigning properties like Layer colour, Line
type and line weight and setting the current layer
2.0 Use the Blocks, Attributes and External references to manage the Drawing
2.14 Practice the Binding, Clipping and changing the path of external references
3.2.2 Convert two dimensional planar entities into three dimensional entities by applying
elevation and thickness.
3.2.3 Convert two dimensional planar entities into three dimensional entities by revolving or
3.2.8 Create revolved surface meshes.
3.2.9 Create three dimensional entities such as boxes, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres, wedges, torus,
Mirror in three dimensions
Align in three dimensions
Cognizant Teaching
Course Outcome Linked PO
Level Hours
Significance of Layers. Create and assign
CO1 U/A 1,2,3,9,10 15
properties to layers and modify layers
Importance and advantages of blocks. Use of
CO2 U/A 1,2,3,9,10 9
standard blocks and user defined blocks
Need of solid modeling and various methods of
CO3 U/A 1,2,3,9,10 6
solid modeling with different surfaces
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Questions to be set for SEE Remarks
Sl No Unit No.
1 I
1 9(a) 13(a)
2 II
2 10(a) 14(a)
4 IV
9(b) 13(b)
5 V 5, 6 11(a) 15(a)
11(b) 15(b)
10(b) 14(b)
Pre requisites
Course Outcomes
Understand and analyze the working of Junction diode and Zener diode and plot the
CO1 :
Understand and analyze the working of Transistor in CB, CE and CC modes and plot the
CO4 :
Total 45 21 13 11
Course Contents
I. Diode Characteristics
1. Conduct an experiment using PN-Junction diode and plot forward bias characteristics.
2. Conduct an experiment using PN- Junction diode and plot reverse bias characteristics.
3. Conduct an experiment using Zener diode and plot forward bias characteristics.
4. Conduct an experiment using Zener diode and plot reverse bias characteristics.
1. Conduct an experiment of half wave Rectifier and draw the input and output wave forms.
Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave forms.
2. Conduct an experiment of Full wave Centre-tapped Rectifier and draw the input and output
wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave
3. Conduct an experiment of Full wave bridge Rectifier and draw the input and output wave
forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave forms.
4. Conduct an experiment of half wave Rectifier with following Filter and draw the input and
output wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier with filters.
5. Conduct an experiment of Fullwave Rectifier with following filter and draw the input and
output wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier with filters.
1. Construct a Positive Clipper circuit using diode, resistor with and without D.C. biasing voltage
and draw its input and output wave forms.
2. Construct a Negative Clipper circuit using diode, resistor with and without D.C. biasing voltage
and draw its input and output wave forms.
3. Construct a Positive Clamper circuit using diode, D.C. reference voltage and draw its input and
output wave forms.
4. Construct a Negative Clamper circuit using diode, D.C. reference voltage and draw its input and
output wave forms.
1. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CB mode and plot input characteristics.
3. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CE mode and plot input characteristics.
5. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CC mode and plot input characteristics.
6. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CC mode and plot input characteristics.
8. Identify different DC power supplies and know its ratings and specifications.
1. Electrical Technology Volume 1 By BL.Theraja
1. Do Market survey on List of Electronic components available in the market and collect the
following information like name of the electronic component, specifications, Price etc. The student
should submit a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
Engineer and society
Engineering Tools
Lifelong learning
Basic knowledge
Environment &
Experiments and
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
CO1 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 1,2,3,4,5
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 1,2,3,4,5
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 1,2,3,4,5
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 1,2,3,4,5
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 1,2,3,4,5
Internal Evaluation
Total 60
DEIE III Semester Practical Examination
-Instructions to the Candidate:
(ii) Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
1. Conduct an experiment using PN-Junction diode and plot forward bias characteristics.
2. Conduct an experiment using PN- Junction diode and plot reverse bias characteristics.
3. Conduct an experiment using Zener diode and plot forward bias characteristics.
4. Conduct an experiment using Zener diode and plot reverse bias characteristics.
5. Conduct an experiment of half wave Rectifier and draw the input and output wave forms.
Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave forms.
6. Conduct an experiment of Full wave Centre-tapped Rectifier and draw the input and output
wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave
7. Conduct an experiment of Full wave bridge Rectifier and draw the input and output wave
forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave forms.
8. Conduct an experiment of half wave Rectifier with following Filter and draw the input and
output wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier with filters.
9. Conduct an experiment of Fullwave Rectifier with following filter and draw the input and
output wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier with filters.
10. Construct a Positive Clipper circuit using diode, resistor with and without D.C. biasing voltage
and draw its input and output wave forms.
11. Construct a Negative Clipper circuit using diode, resistor with and without D.C. biasing voltage
and draw its input and output wave forms.
Course Name: Semiconductor Devices lab Practice Max.Marks:20
-Instructions to the Candidate:
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
1. Construct a Positive Clamper circuit using diode, D.C. reference voltage and draw its input and
output wave forms.
2. Construct a Negative Clamper circuit using diode, D.C. reference voltage and draw its input and
output wave forms.
3. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CB mode and plot input characteristics.
5. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CE mode and plot input characteristics.
7. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CC mode and plot input characteristics.
8. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CC mode and plot input characteristics.
10. Identify different DC power supplies and know its ratings and specifications.
Course Code: 18EI-208P Duration: 2 hrs
-Instructions to the Candidate:
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
1. Conduct an experiment using PN-Junction diode and plot forward bias characteristics.
2. Conduct an experiment using PN- Junction diode and plot reverse bias characteristics.
3. Conduct an experiment using Zener diode and plot forward bias characteristics.
4. Conduct an experiment using Zener diode and plot reverse bias characteristics.
5. Conduct an experiment of half wave Rectifier and draw the input and output wave forms.
Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave forms.
6. Conduct an experiment of Full wave Centre-tapped Rectifier and draw the input and output
wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave
7. Conduct an experiment of Full wave bridge Rectifier and draw the input and output wave
forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier from the output wave forms.
8. Conduct an experiment of half wave Rectifier with following Filter and draw the input and
output wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier with filters.
9. Conduct an experiment of Fullwave Rectifier with following filter and draw the input and
output wave forms. Calculate the ripple factor and efficiency of the rectifier with filters.
11. Construct a Negative Clipper circuit using diode, resistor with and without D.C. biasing voltage
and draw its input and output wave forms.
12. Construct a Positive Clamper circuit using diode, D.C. reference voltage and draw its input and
output wave forms.
13. Construct a Negative Clamper circuit using diode, D.C. reference voltage and draw its input and
output wave forms.
14. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CB mode and plot input characteristics.
15. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CB mode and plot output
16. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CE mode and plot input characteristics.
17. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CE mode and plot output
18. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CC mode and plot input characteristics.
19. Conduct an experiment using NPN/PNP transistor in CC mode and plot input characteristics.
21. Identify different DC power supplies and know its ratings and specifications.
Course Title Applied Science Lab Course Code 18EI-209P
Practice (Physics Lab +
Chemistry Lab)
Pre requisites: Knowledge of basic concepts of High School Science, Basic Mathematics
Course objectives: To provide practical knowledge about the basics of Physics instrumentation and
5. Write the procedure of the experiment before the commencement of each experiment.
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will have ability to:
1: Determine the Focal length and focal power of convex lenses using U-V and
graphical method.
2: Determine the value of acceleration due to gravity using Simple Pendulum and verify
with L-T2graph.
3: Determine the velocity of sound in air at room temperature.
List of experiments
Semester II
1. Convex lens-Determination of Focal length and focal power using U-V and graphical method.
with L-T2graph.
Course Delivery:
The course will be delivered through lectures, class room interaction, group discussions, graded exercises,
demonstration and practice.
Student must perform experiment individually under the supervision of the lecturer-in charge.
On successful completion of the course, the student will have the ability to attain below Course outcomes
CL Linked Teaching
Course Outcomes
POs Periods
CO Focal length and Focal power of convex lens U/A 1,2,3,8,9
1 (Separate & Combination) L:P::1:2
CO Acceleration due to gravity using simple U/A 1,2,3,8,9
2 pendulum L:P::1:2
CO Velocity of sound in air – (Resonance U/A 1,2,3,8,9
3 method) L:P::1:2
CO Refractive index of solid using traveling U/A 1,2,3,8,9
4 microscope L:P::1:2
CO Mapping of magnet lines of force-locating U/A 1,2,3,8,9
5 neutral points L:P::1:2
CO Related the answers to the oral questions
Cognitive levels (CL): U=Understand, A=Application
Specific learning outcomes:
3. Velocity of sound in air Adjust the reservoir
–Resonance method level
Arrange the resonance Find the first and second
apparatus resonanting lengths
Adjust the reservoir level Calculate velocity of
for booming sound sound
Find the first and second Calculate velocity of
resonanting lengths sound at 00 C
Calculate velocity of sound
4. Refractive index of solid using Find the least count of Read the scale
traveling microscope vernier on microscope Calculate the refractive
Place the graph paper index of glass slab
below microscope
Read the scale
Calculate the refractive
index of glass slab
Scheme of Valuation of SEE
S.No Particulars Marks
1. Objective/Aim 01
2. Apparatus/Equipment 02
3. Observations 02
4. Principle including formula 02
5. Experiment (Tabular form, readings, etc) 05
6. Calculation and Result 05
7. Viva Voce 03
Total 20
Chemistry Lab – 209P(B)
Course Objectives:
To provide practical knowledge about the basics of volumetric analysis of chemical compounds.
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will have ability to attain CO:
U = Understand, A = Application
Course Delivery:
The course will be delivered through lectures, classroom interaction, group discussion, demonstration and
Student must conduct experiment individually under the supervision of the staff-in-charge.
Lecture and Demonstration: 1 Period
12. Write the procedure of the experiment before the commencement of each experiment.
13. Strict following of instructions given from time to time by the staff-in- charge.
Course content
List of experiments:
AgNO3 solution.
2. Determine the partial and total acidity of water sample by using 0.02N
NaOH solution.
3. Determine the partial and total alkalinity of water sample by using 0.02N
H2SO4 solution.
AgNO3 solution.
Reference Books:
1 Identification of apparatus/equipment/chemical 2
2 Writing Procedure 5
3 Conducting of experiment 4
5 Viva-voice 3
Total 20
C-18 COMMON-209P
Instructions: (1) Answer both PART-A AND PART-B on separate answer sheets.
1. Determine the Focal length and focal power of given convex lense using U-V method.
2. Determine the Focal length and focal power of given convex lense by U-V graph method.
3. Determine the value of acceleration due to gravity at your place sing Simple Pendulum.
4. Determine the value of acceleration due to gravity at your place sing Simple Pendulum by L-T 2
5. Estimate the amount of Mohr’s salt present in the given 500 ml of solution
6. Determine the partial acidity of water sample by using 0.02N NaOH solution.
7. Determine the total acidity of water sample by using 0.02N NaOH solution
C-18 COMMON-209P
Instructions: (1) Answer both PART-A AND PART-B on separate answer sheets.
3. Determine the partial alkalinity of water sample by using 0.02N H 2SO4 solution.
4. Determine the total alkalinity of water sample by using 0.02N H 2SO4 solution
AgNO3 solution
C18 – COMMON 209P
Instructions: (1) Answer both PART-A AND PART-B on separate answer sheets.
1. Determine the Focal length and focal power of given convex lens using U-V method.
2. Determine the Focal length and focal power of given convex lens by U-V graph method.
3. Determine the value of acceleration due to gravity at your place sing Simple Pendulum.
4. Determine the value of acceleration due to gravity at your place sing Simple Pendulum by L-T 2
7. Draw magnetic lines of force around a bar magnet placed in NN position of earth’s magnetic field
and locate neutral points.
8. Draw magnetic lines of force around a bar magnet placed in NS position of earth’s magnetic field
and locate neutral points.
1. Estimate the amount of Mohr’s salt present in the given one litre of solution
2. Determine the partial acidity of water sample by using 0.02N NaOH solution.
3. Determine the total acidity of water sample by using 0.02N NaOH solution
4. Determine the partial alkalinity of water sample by using 0.02N H 2SO4 solution.
5. Determine the total alkalinity of water sample by using 0.02N H 2SO4 solution
AgNO3 solution
Course Outcome
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain below Course Outcome (CO):
Legends: R = Remember U= Understand; A= Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised taxonomy)
Course Content
Spread Sheet
Presentation Software
10. Create a simple Power point presentation for a small topic and saving in .ppt or pptx format
15. Exercise in printing the PowerPoint file in (a) Slides (b) Handouts
16. Create a table for given data and save in .mdb or .accdb format
Course Delivery
The course will be delivered through tutorial of one hour and one & half hours of hands on practice per
Internal Assesment
Activity Marks
Writing the experiment, record evaluation 30
Execution of the given experiment 20
Viva-voce 10
Total 60
1. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a worksheet with five columns. Enter tenrecords and find
the sum of all columns using auto sum feature.
2. You have a monthly income of Rs.10000. Your monthly expenditures are Rent- Rs3000, Food- Rs.
1500, Electricity- Rs.100, Phone- Rs. 150, and Cable TV-Rs. 200.
3. Prepare a worksheet with the Monthly Income, the Monthly Expenditures listed and summed,
monthly savings amount (what’s left over each month) calculated, and the amount saved per day
(assuming 30 days in a month). Use Spreadsheet Application.
4. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a worksheet containing the pay details(containing Basic
pay, DA, HRA ,Other Allowance , Deductions- PF, PT, Insurance, Gross and Net salary) of the
employees using formulas.
5. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a Simple Bar Chart to highlight the results of your institute
for three years.
6. Using Spreadsheet Application, create a Pie Chart for a sample data and give legends.
7. Using presentation tool, Create a simple Presentation consisting of 4-5 slides aboutI/O Devices.
8. Create a presentation about a book containing Title, Author, Publisher and Contents.
9. Create an automated (timings & animation) Presentation with five slides aboutdifferent Models of
Computers. Use Presentation tool
10. Create a table for given data and save in .mdb or .accdb format
13. Demonstrate the Use of Primary key field in database management system
Excellent: 5 Marks, Good: 4 Marks, Satisfactory: 3 Marks, Needs improvement: 2 Marks, Unsatisfactory:
1 Mark
(1) Along with every activity the rubrics table should be given to the student for his information
about the criterion of assessment.
(2) As a record of the activity at least Rubric sheet for each student for every activity at least
Rubric sheet for each student as be preserved as a document.
Collects very Collect much Collects Collects a
Does not collect
limited information; some basic great deal of
Collection any information Ex:
information; but very information; information;
of data relating to the 4
some relate to limited relate most refer to all refer to
the topic to the topic the topic the topic
Does not
Fulfill Performs all
perform Performs very Performs
team’s Performs very duties of
any duties little duties but nearly all 5
roles little duties assigned
assigned to the unreliable. duties
& duties team roles
team role
Rarely does Usually does Always does
Shares Always relies on the assigned the assigned the assigned
does the
work others to do the work; often work; rarely work without 3
equally work needs needs having to be
reminding reminding reminded
planning the slide presentation structure The The thumbnail There a very
with thumbnail sketches of thumbnail sketches on the few thumbnail
each slide including: title of sketches on topic are not in sketches on
slide, text, background color, the topic a logical the topic and
placement & size of graphic, include titles sequence and do not provide
fonts - color, size, type for text and text for have an overview of
and headings. All slides are each slide and incomplete the
numbered, and there is a are in information. presentation.
logical sequence to the sequential
presentation. order.
The content is written clearly The content is The content is The content
and concisely with a logical written with a vague in lacks a clear
progression of ideas and logical conveying a point of view
supporting information. progression of point of view and logical
ideas and and does not sequence of
The project includes supporting create a strong information.
motivating questions and information. sense of
advanced organizers. The purpose. Includes little
project gives the audience a Includes persuasive
clear sense of the main idea. persuasive Includes some information
information persuasive and only one
Information is accurate, from reliable information or two facts
current and comes mainly sources. with few facts. about the
from * primary sources. topic.
Some of the
information Information is
may not seem incomplete,
to fit. out of date
Sources used incorrect.
unreliable. Sequencing of
ideas is
The fonts are easy to read and Sometimes the Overall The text is
point size varies appropriately fonts are easy readability is extremely
for headings and text. to read, but in difficult with difficult to
a few places lengthy read with long
Use of italics, bold, and the use of paragraphs, blocks of text
indentations enhances fonts, italics, too many and small
readability. bold, long different fonts, point size of
paragraphs, dark or busy fonts,
Text is appropriate in length
for the target audience and to color or busy background, inappropriate
background overuse of bold contrasting
the point.
detracts and or lack of colors, poor
The background and colors does not appropriate use of
enhance the readability of text. enhance indentations of headings,
readability. text. subheadings,
or bold
The layout is visually pleasing The layout The layout The layout is
and contributes to the overall uses shows some cluttered,
message with appropriate use horizontal and structure, but confusing, and
of headings, subheadings and vertical white appears does not use
white space. space cluttered and spacing,
appropriately. busy or headings and
distracting subheadings
with large gaps to enhance the
of white space readability.
or uses a
animation assist in presenting graphics, /and graphics, , graphics, ,
an overall theme and enhance or animation and/or and/or
understanding of concept, visually depict animations animations
ideas and relationships. material and seem unrelated are unrelated
assist the to the to the content.
Original images are created audience in topic/theme
using proper size and understanding and do not Graphics do
resolution, and all images the flow of enhance the not enhance
enhance the content. information overall understanding
or content. concepts. of the content,
There is a consistent visual or are
theme. Original Most images distracting
images are are clip art or decorations
Animation used. recycled from that create a
the internet. busy feeling
Images are and detract
proper size, Images are too from the
resolution. large/small in content.
Images are
poorly cropped
or the
is fuzzy.
(more than
five errors)
Note: This is only an example. Appropriate rubrics/criteria may be devised by
the concerned faculty (Course Coordinator) for assessing the given activity.
1. Visit the College library and prepare a list of at least 10 text books available in the library with
author name and publishing company for each subject of the semester. The student should
submit a handwritten report. (POs 8, 10)
2. Prepare 3D models of different exercises given in isometric drawings using AUTOCAD. (POs 8, 10)
3. Prepare a 3D view of the college campus using AUTO CAD with animation.
(POs 8, 10)
4. Calculate the volume of the nearby pond/reservoir using contours interpreted from respective
survey maps and topo sheets using Trapezoidal/Simpson’s rule.
(POs 5, 8)
5. Prepare 3D models of different exercises given in isometric drawings using Fibre board. (POs 5, 8)
6. Prepare a perspective view of entire college campus using AUTOCAD and demonstrate with
animation. (POs 5, 8)
7. Prepare a presentation formulating an action plan to control air pollution in the city.
(POs 5, 8)
8. Give a presentation describing the detailed action plan to minimize water pollution in the city.
(POs 5, 8)
9. Listen to given passages/conversations/dialogues/speeches and answer the questions to improve the
listening skills. (PO 8)
10. Speak about incidents/events/memories/dreams/role model to enhance public speaking skills. (PO
8, 9)
11. Compare and contrast two people/pictures/news items/ideas and give presentation.
(PO 8, 9)
12. Student observes the available equipment in the Chemistry Lab to familiarize with them. (PO 8)
13. Create a spreadsheet for the data pertaining to students’ bio-data. (PO 8)
14. Create a power point presentation on the performance of the students in Games and Sports meet.
(PO 8)
15. Do Market survey on List of Semi conductor devices available in the market and collect the
information like specifications, Price etc. The student should submit a handwritten report.
Documents have to be maintained as a record. (PO 8, 9)
16. Take Quiz tests / assignments in Semiconductor devices. Documents have to be maintained as a
record. (PO 8, 9)
17. Do a power point presentation on Electronic components used in the concerned subject
experiments. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (PO 8, 9)
18. Visit YouTube or any other sites for the study of fabrication of Electronics components and
devices. Listen to the lectures and submit a handwritten report and a soft copy (CD/DVD). (PO 8,
9, 10)
Model Rubrics
1. Mathematical concepts
2. Procedure
3. Explanation
5. Mathematical errors
2 Identify the geometrical shapes in and around your locality and give the details about them.
3. Prepare a comparative study of conic sections and their uses in engineering applications.
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO6 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO7 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
Rubrics for Activity assessment
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Working with Student was an Student was an Student Student did not
Others engaged partner, engaged partner cooperated with work effectively
listening to but had trouble others, but needed with others.
suggestions of listening to others prompting to stay
others and and/or working on-task.
working cooperatively.
throughout lesson.
Mathematical 90-100% of the Almost all (85- Most (75-84%) of More than 75% of
Errors steps and 89%) of the steps the steps and the steps and
solutions have no and solutions have solutions have no solutions have
mathematical no mathematical mathematical mathematical
errors. errors. errors. errors.
O 1 2 3 4 5 6 O7 GE
LEVEL 1: Concept, Ethical Data, Materials, Source (Library/internet/others)
LEVEL 2: Methodology/procedure
LEVEL 3: Analysis/experiment
LEVEL 4: Interpretation/ inference/ evaluation.
Bridge activity: - Visiting your college Library:
(A) Prepare a list of available reference books in Physics with details such as author, publisher,
edition etc.
(B) Prepare a list of Physics/Science journals, magazines, monographs with details.
(C) Prepare a log book of your visits to college library with brief description.
1. Construct a blowing pipe to detect dangerous gases in mines.
2. Construct model stethoscope with known materials.
3. Conduct awareness program on noise pollution in your college, colony. Prepare a video report.
4. Hypothesize seconds’ pendulum timer.
5. Prepare a power point presentation on photosensitive materials with detailed specifications.
6. Prepare a report on Lasers where they are practically used.
7. Prepare a power point presentation on application of optical fibers in medical and engineering
8. How can you produce electricity with a magnet? – (a) Develop a working model/ prepare a power
point presentation with animation/ prepare drawings on a chart.
12. Collect various resistors, diodes and LEDs with specifications and compile on a card board.
NOTE: The above activities are indicative. The teacher may assign any other activity relevant
to the course based on resources available.
Type of
4 3 2 1
All Data/Material All Data/Material All All
was collected one was collected more Data/Material Data/Material
time than one time was collected was collected
independently. independently. several times several times
independently. with assistance.
Procedures were Procedures were Procedures Procedures that
outlined in a step- outlined in a step- were outlined were outlined
by-step fashion by-step fashion that in a step-by- were incomplete
that could be could be followed by step fashion, or not
followed by anyone anyone without but had 1 or 2 sequential, even
without additional additional gaps that after Expert
explanations. explanations. Expert require feedback had
help was needed to explanation been given.
accomplish this. even after
Quality of Skill is Skill is mastered to Skill is present Skill needs
high. the level of but with errors improvement.
expectation. and omissions.
Student provided a Student provided a Student No conclusion
Interpretation/ detailed conclusion somewhat detailed provided a was apparent.
summary clearly. conclusion clearly. conclusion with
some reference.
NOTE: The above types of skills are indicative. The teacher may change the skills
depending on type of activity.
S. Course Outcomes (Skill Activities) RA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Activity – 1
Step-1: Data collection on the ores and different methods of concentration of ore.
Step -2: Prepare for oral/a power point presentation on different methods of concentration of ore.
Step-3: Explain the methods of concentration of ore with oral presentation/ power point
Activity – 2
Step -3: Setting and Execution of experiment under different conditions such as
Step-4: Recording of observations and comparison of extent of corrosion under different conditions
Activity – 3
Comparison of Corrosion of different metals /alloys exposed to the same environmental conditions:
Step -3: Setting and Execution of experiment with different metals/alloys such as Iron, stainless steel,
Step-4: Recording of observations and comparison of extent of corrosion on different metals after one
Activity – 4
Comparison of Corrosion of metal with different shapes and surfaces under same environmental
Step -3: Setting and Execution of experiment with a metal having different shapes and surfaces under
Step-4: Recording of observations and comparison of extent of corrosion on different metals after one
Activity – 5
Step -3: Setting and Execution of experiment with a metal coated with different materials like oil, paint,
Step-4: Recording of observations and comparison of extent of corrosion on the metals after one week
with explanation
Activity – 6
Step -3: Preparation of power point presentation on recycling, advantages and disadvantages of platsics
Step-4: Explain about the recycling, advantages and disadvantages of plastics and suggest the measures
Activity – 7
Step -3: Preparation of power point presentation on processing of natural rubber from natural source
and vulcanization..
Step-4: Explain about the properties and uses of natural and vulcanized rubber.
Activity – 8
Step-4: Explain about the advantages and disadvantages of solid , liquid and gaseous fuels.
Activity – 9
Step -3: Identify the factors that affecting the quality of air.
Step-4: Explain about the quality of air and suggest the remedial measures through ppt.
Activity – 10
Step -3: Identify the factors that affecting the quality of water body.
Step-4: Explain about the quality of water body and suggest the remedial measures through ppt.
Activity – 11
Step -3: Identify the factors that affecting the environment of the institution.
Step-4: Explain about the existing environment and suggest the measures to improve it through ppt.
Activity – 12
Step-4: Explain about the construction and functioning of Galvanic cell through ppt.
Note: Any other skill upgradation activity related to the course may be taken up.
S Sub Performance
. activity excellent Good Satisfactory Need
N improvement
1 Step-1 Data was collected Data was collected Data was Data was
from more than from three to four collected from collected only
four sources. sources two sources. one source.
2 Step-2 All materials and Almost all The materials The materials
data required for materials and data and data and data
the activity were required for the required for the required for
accurately activity were activity were the activity
prepared based on accurately accurately were
the data collected prepared based on prepared based inaccurately
independently. the data collected on the data prepared
independently. collected with
the help of
3 Step-3 Procedures were Procedures were Procedures that Procedures
outlined in a step- outlined in a step- outlined were that outlined
by-step fashion by-step fashion, complete with 1 were not
that could be require or 2 gaps and sequential, &
followed by explanation & require performed the
anyone & performed the explanation & activity in a
performed the activity effectively. performed the poor way
activity activity normally
4 Step-4 Presented/ Presented/ Presented/ Presented/
explained the explained the explained the explained the
information about information about information information
the activity in the activity in about the about the
logical, interesting logical sequence activity in activity
sequence with with visuals or logical sequence without
attractive visuals diagrams. with less visuals sequence and
or diagrams. or diagrams. visuals or
5 Conclusi Provided a Provided a Student Conclusions
on / detailed conclusion / provided a /summary was
summary conclusion/ summary clearly conclusion/ not relevant.
summary clearly based on the data summary less
based on the data and activity effectively
and activity
Cours Course Name Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Instruction Total Credit Continuous internal Semester end
Code examination
Period Period s evaluation
sper s per
week semes
L T P Mid Mid Internal Max Total Min
Sem1 Sem2 Evaluati marks Mark marks
on Min s for
marks passing
1 Applied Engineering 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 14 100 35
301F Mathematics 3 1
2 Digital Electronics 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 14 100 35
302C 3 1
3 Electronic devices 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 14 100 35
3 1
303C and Circuits
4 Sensors and 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 14 100 35
3 1
304C Transducers
5 Network theory & 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 14 100 35
305E Electrical Machines 3 1
6 Electronic Circuits 1 0 2 45 1.5 20 20 20 40 20 100 50
306 P Lab Practice
7 Sensors and 1 0 2 45 1.5 20 20 20 40 20 100 50
307P Transducers lab
8 Digital Electronics 1 0 2 45 1.5 20 20 20 40 20 100 50
308 P lab Practice
9 Circuit Design & 1 0 2 45 1.5 20 20 20 40 20 100 50
309 P Simulation Lab
1018EI- Communication and 1 2 45 1.5 20 20 20 40 20 100 50
310P Life skills lab 0
11 Skill Upgradation 0 0 7 105 2.5 0 0 Rubrics -- -
TOTAL 20 5 17 630 25 200 200 200 400 170 1000 425
Pre requisites
This course requires the knowledge of Basic Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Mathematics at
Diploma 1st and 2nd Semester level.
At the end of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Course Content:
Indefinite Integration-I
sinmq. cosnq. where m and n are positive integers. Integrals of tan x, cot x, sec x, cosec x
and powers of tan x, sec x by substitution.
1 1 1
i) 2 2
, 2 2, 2 2
a + x a −x x −a
1 1 1
ii) , ,
√ a2+ x2 √a 2−x 2 √ x 2−a2
iii ) √ x 2 + a2 , √ a2 −x 2 , √ x 2 −a2
Indefinite Integration-II
Integration by decomposition of the integrand into simple rational algebraic functions. Integration by
parts, Bernoulli’s rule.
Areas under plane curves – Sign of the Area – Area enclosed between two curves. Solid of
revolution – Volumes of solids of revolution.
Mean values and Root Mean Square values of a function on a given interval.
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule to evaluate an approximate value of a definite integral.
Differential Equations of First Order:
Reference Books:
1.2 State the indefinite integral of standard functions and properties of Integrals ò (u + v) dx
1.3 Solve integration problems involving standard functions using the above rules.
1.4 Evaluate integrals involving simple functions of the following type by the method of
iii) ò f¢(x)/[f(x)] dx
1.5 Find the Integrals of tan x, cot x, sec x and cosec x usingthe above.
1.6 Evaluate the integrals of the form ò SinmqCosnq. dq where m and n are positive integers.
1.7 Evaluate integrals of powers of tan x and sec x.
1 1 1
i) 2 2
, 2 2, 2 2
a + x a −x x −a
1 1 1
ii) , ,
√ a2+ x2 √a 2−x 2 √ x 2−a2
iii ) √ x 2 + a2 , √ a2 −x 2 , √ x 2 −a2
1 1 1
a bSin d , a b cos d and a cos b sin c d .
2.3 State the Bernoulli’s rule for evaluating the integrals of the form ∫ u.vdx .
2.4 Evaluate the integrals of the form òex [f(x) + f ¢(x)] dx.
3.5 Evaluate simple problems on definite integrals using the above properties.
Unit –IV
Unit –V
5.1 Obtain the Mean value and Root Mean Square (RMS) value of the functions in any given
5.2 Explain the Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rules for approximation of definite integrals
Unit –VI
6.3 Solve the first order first degree differential equations by the following methods:
i. Variables Separable.
6.4 Solve simple problems leading to engineering applications by using above methods.
1. Student visits Library to refer Standard Books on Mathematics and collect related material
3.Group discussion
4.Surprise tests
5. Seminars
6. Home Assignments
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 Mapped POs
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO6 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
Total Questions 4 4 4
Code: C18-Common-301F
2 Each question carries ONE mark
6. Find ∫ 5 x+7 dx
7. Write Bernoulli’s rule of integration
8. Find ∫ xlogx dx
5 a). Evaluate∫ dx .
1+ x 12
5 b) Evaluate ∫ ¿¿ ¿
6 a) Evaluate∫ x sinxdx
3 x +2
6 b) Evaluate∫ dx .
( x−1 ) (2 x +3)
7 a) Evaluate∫ √ x 2+ 2 x +5dx
Code: C18-Common-301F
1. Find ∫ (x ¿¿ 4+1)dx ¿
3. Evaluate : ∫ 1+1x 2 dx
4. Write the formula to find area bounded by the curve y= f(x) , x-axis, between the limits x=a
and x =b
5 b) Evaluate: ∫ sin 2 xdx
6 a) Find the area bounded by the line 2x + y =8, x-axis and the lines x = 2 and x = 4.
6 b) Find the Volume of the Solid generated by revolving the part of the Circle x 2+ y 2=36
8 a) Find the area enclosed between the Parabolas y=3 x−x 2∧ y =x 2−x .
8 b) Find the Volume of the Solid generated by the revolution of the area bounded by the
x2 y2
Ellipse + =1 , about x- axis.
25 16
C18-common SUB.CODE:301F
1. Find ∫ x 7 – 3/ x dx
2. Evaluate ∫ ( x +1 )dx
3. Write the formula to find mean value of y = f(x), in the interval (a, b)
dy dy
4. Find the Order and Degree of the Differential Equation x
dx √
= 1+( )
6. Write the formula to find RMS value of y = f(x) over the range x=a and x = b.
7. Solve =e 2 x+ y
8. Write the condition for exactness of the differential equation M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy =0
Instructions: 1. Answer any FOUR questions 04 X 03 = 12
9 a) Evaluate:∫ √ 1−sin2 x dx
9 b) Find the approximate value of ∫ by taking n = 6 using Trapezoidal rule.
0 1+ x
11 b) Calculate approximate value of ∫ by taking n= 4 using Simpson’s 1/3 rule
0 1+ x
12 a) Solve: x +2 y =logx .
13 a) Evaluate: ∫ 2 dx
x + 2 x +2
x2 y 2
14 a) Find the volume of solid generated by revolving the Ellipse + =1 about Major
a2 b 2
14 b) Solve: =sin( x + y )
15 a) A curve is drawn to passing through the points given by the following table:
Calculate the approximate area bounded by the curve, x-axis and the lines x= 1 and x= 4
16 b) Solve: + yCosx= y 3Sin2x.
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of electronics in Basic Physics at Secondary school level.
Course Outcomes
CO1 Convert number systems and Solve Boolean expressions using K-map.
CO2 Compare various digital IC logic families and identify them by their characteristics.
Design adders using Combinational logic.
CO4 Develop Combinational logic circuits like MUX, De-mux, encoder, decoder and
comparator circuits.
Identify the need of sequential circuits and design registers using flip-flops.
Design counter circuits and Compare different types of memories.
Convert number systems and Solve Boolean expressions using K-map.
Number systems –comparison with Decimal system-Conversion from number system into another –
performing arithmetic operations in binary-Use of weighted and Un-weighted codes- importance of
parity Bit- Different postulates in Boolean algebra- Basic logic gates with truth table- universal logic
gates - exclusive – OR gate with truth table- De-Morgan’s theorems- AND, OR, NOT operations using
NAND, NOR gates- De-Morgan’s theorems related postulates to simplify Boolean expressions (up to
three variables)- standard representations for logical functions (SOP and POS form)- Boolean
expressions from the given truth table- Karnaugh map to simplify Boolean Expression (up to 4
variables only)
Compare various digital IC logic families and identify them by their characteristics.
Classification of digital logic families- Important characteristics of Digital ICs- requirements of TTL
and CMOS ICs - Propagation delay and Noise margin- Fan-in and Fan-out capacity- Power dissipation-
Figure of merit of a logic family- explain TTL NAND gate with open collector- TTL NAND gate with
Totem pole output- CMOS NAND gate circuit – Compare logic families- IC numbers of two input
Digital IC Logic gates.
Concept of combinational logic circuits- Half adder circuit -truth table- Half-adder using NAND gates
only &NOR gates only- Full adder circuit - Truth table- Full-adder using two Half-adders and an OR –
gate - a 4 Bit parallel adder using full – adders- 2’s compliment parallel adder/ subtractor circuit- Serial
adder -Performance of serial and parallel adder-
UNIT4–Develop Combinational logic circuits like MUX, De-mux, encoder, decoder and
comparator circuits. Duration: 10 Periods (L: 8– T: 2)
UNIT 5–Identify the need of sequential circuits and design registers using flip-flops.
Duration: 12 Periods (L: 8– T: 2)
Concept of Sequential logic circuits- NAND and NOR latches with truth tables-Necessity of clock -
Clocked SR flip flop circuit using NAND gates- Need for present and clear inputs - Circuit of Clocked
JK flip flop (using S-R flip-flops) with truth table -Race around condition- Master slave JK flip flop
circuit - clocked D and T flip flops - Truth table, Circuit diagram and timing diagram- Symbols of
above Flip Flops- Truth tables - Applications for each type of flip flop- Need for a Register - Types of
registers- 4 bit shift left and shift right registers - 4-bit bi-directional shift Register - Parallel in parallel
out shift register - Universal shift register (74194 ) - Applications of shift registers.
4-bit asynchronous counter - Asynchronous decade counter with a circuit - 4-bit synchronous counter–
Differences between synchronous and asynchronous counters- asynchronous 3 bit up-down counter
-Ring counter- applications - Types of memories - Memory read operation, write operation, access
time, memory capacity, address lines and word length- ROM and RAM- Diode ROM- EEPROM and
UVPROM- Dynamic MOS RAM cell- static RAM and dynamic RAM- Applications of Flash ROM.
Specific Learning Outcomes: upon completing this course the student will be able to
1.3 Convert a given decimal number into Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal numbers and vice versa.
1.4 Convert a given binary number into octal and hexadecimal number system and vice versa.
1.6 Perform binary addition, subtraction, Multiplication and Division and check in decimal system.
1.7 Write 1’s complement and 2’s complement numbers for a given binary number.
1.10 State the use of weighted and Un-weighted codes and list the types.
1.11 Write Binary equivalent number for a number in 8421, Excess-3 code.
1.12 Convert a given binary number into Gray code and vice-versa.
1.14 State the importance of parity Bit.
1.16 Explain the basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT gates with truth table.
1.17 Explain the working of universal logic gates (NAND, NOR gates) using truth tables.
1.19 Realize AND, OR, NOT operations using NAND, NOR gates.
1.24 Apply De-Morgan’s theorems related postulates to simplify Boolean expressions (up to four
1.25 Explain standard representations for logical functions (SOP and POS form)
1.26 Write Boolean expressions from the given truth table and draw the circuit.
1.27 Use Karnaugh map to simplify Boolean Expression (up to 4 variables only) in SOP form.
1.28 Use Karnaugh map to simplify Boolean Expression (up to 4 variables only) in POS form.
2.1 Give the classification of digital logic families (like TTL, CMOS and ECL).
2.3 Explain logic levels and Voltage requirements of TTL and CMOS ICs.
2.7 Explain the working of open collector TTL NAND gate with a circuit diagram.
2.8 Explain the working of Totem pole output TTL NAND gate with a circuit diagram.
2.9 Explain the working of CMOS NAND gate with a circuit diagram.
2.11 Give IC numbers of different two input Digital IC Logic gates (One for each type)
3.0 Understand the working of combinational logic circuits and adder circuits.
3.2 Define half adder circuit and write its truth table.
3.3 Write the output expression and draw half adder circuit using basic gates.
3.4 Realize a Half-adder using i) NAND gates only and ii) NOR gates only.
3.5 Explain the operation of full adder circuit with truth table.
3.8 Explain the working of 4 Bit parallel adder circuit using full adders.
4.0 Understand the working of MUX, DE-MUX, Encoder and Decoder circuits.
4.2 Write the truth table of 4 X 1 Multiplexer and draw its circuit.
4.5 Write the truth table of 1 to 4 de- Multiplexer and draw its circuit.
4.8 Write the truth table of 3 X 8 decoder and draw its circuit.
4.14 Write the truth table of 2-bit digital comparator and draw its circuit.
5.6 Explain the circuit of JK flip flop (using S-R flip-flops) with truth table.
5.8 Explain the working of master slave JK flip flop circuit with necessary diagrams.
5.9 Explain the level clocked D and T flip flops with the help of truth table, circuit diagram and
timing diagram.
5.11 Give the truth tables of edge triggered D and T flip flops.
5.12 List any 2 commonly used IC numbers of flip flops of each type.
5.16 Explain the working of 4-bit shift left and shift right registers with a circuit and timing diagram.
5.17 Explain the working of 4-bit bi-directional shift register with a circuit and timing diagram.
5.18 Explain parallel in parallel out shift register with a circuit and timing diagram.
6.2 Explain the working of 4-bit asynchronous up counter with a circuit and Timing diagram.
6.3 Explain the working of asynchronous 3 bit up-down counter with a circuit and Timing diagram
6.4 Explain the working of 4-bit synchronous counter with a circuit and Timing diagram.
6.5 Explain the working of decade counter with a circuit and Timing diagram.
6.9 List any three applications for counters and ring counter.
6.11 Define the terms memory read operation, write operation, access time, memory capacity, and
word length.
6.12 Classify various types of memories based on principle of operation, physical characteristics,
accessing modes and fabrication technology.
1. Digital Computer Electronics by Malvino and leach. 3rdedition Tata McGraw-Hill Education
3Digital Electronics: Principles & Applications by Roger L. Tokheim -McGraw-Hill Education, 2008
5. Prepare a simple PCB to perform verification of truth table for basic gates.
6. Prepare a PPT on the day to day application of the gates you have studied.
CO PO Mapping Matrix
On Successful completion of the course, the student will be able to attain the following Course
Outcomes (COs):
R/U/A 1,2,3,7
CO6 : Design counter circuits and Compare different types of 8
3. Define a multiplexer.
7(a) Explain the working of 4-bit parallel adder using half adders.
8(a) Write the truth table of 1 x 8 demultiplexer and draw its circuit.
2. Define a de-multiplexer.
11(a) Write the logic symbol and negative edge triggered truth table of D flip-flop.
13(a) Simplify the Boolean expression ∑ πM (1,3,6,8,14,15 ) using K- map and draw its simplified
logic circuit.
13(b) Explain the working of 4-bit left shift register with a circuit and timing diagram.
14(a) Explain the working of 4-bit bit parallel adder using full adders.
15(a) Explain the working of parallel-in and parallel-out register with circuit and timing diagram.
15(b) Explain the working of master slave JK flip-flop circuit with necessary diagrams.
16(b) Explain the working of ring counter with a circuit and necessary timing diagrams.
This course requires the basic knowledge of Physics and Mathematics at Secondary school level, and
about operation of diode and Transistor
Course Outcomes
Course Outcome
CO1 Measure different parameters of a transistor amplifier using small signal model
CO2 Construct multi stage and feedback amplifiers using Transistors
CO3 Construct tuned amplifiers and power amplifiers using Transistors
CO4 Construct various oscillators using Transistors
CO5 Develop various applications using special semiconductor devices
CO6 Design wave shaping circuits using Diodes
Course Contents
Basic CE amplifier: -Different parameters of a Transistor amplifier- h-parameter model of CE, CB and
CC configuration-Conversion of h-parameters from CE into CB and CC configuration- simple
problems- CS FET amplifier
UNIT -2: Multistage and Feedback amplifiers Duration: 10 Periods (L: 6– T:4)
types of negative feedback amplifiers-Effect of negative feedback- Merits and De-merits of Negative
Voltage and Power Amplifier: - Difference between Voltage and Power amplifiers-Classification of
power amplifiers-Class A single ended-Push-pull amplifier circuit- Effect of distortion in amplifiers-
Choice of Class A, Class B Class AB Amplifier and Class C Amplifiers- Applications of Class C
Amplifiers- Efficiencies of different types of power amplifiers (A, B, AB & C)
Working principle:Varactor diode- UJT- Photo Diode- Photo transistor- Photo Voltaic Cell- LCD,
Characteristics and Applications: Varactor diode- UJT- Photo Diode- Photo transistor- Photo Voltaic
Cell- LCD, Merits and Demerits
Clippers: Design of simple clippers- Clamper circuits - Applications of clippers and clampers- Sweep
Voltage generators, Applications of Voltage and current Time base circuits
4. Electronic Devices and Circuits by David A.Bell Prentice hall
Specific Learning Outcomes: After completing this course the student will be able to
1.10 Explain the working of basic amplifier circuit using BJT in CE mode.
1.16 Derive expressions for Av, Ai, Zi and Zo using h-parameter model for CE configuration
1.18 Solve simple problems related to Av, Ai, Zi , Zo and Gain – bandwidth product
2.4 Give the expressions for gain, frequency response and bandwidth of multi-stage amplifier
2.5 Solve simple problems on overall gain, overall frequency response and overall bandwidth of
multi-stage amplifiers
2.7 Explain the operation of 2-stage RC coupled amplifier.
2.16 Give the expression for current gain of Darlington pair circuit
2.32 Solve simple problems on effect of negative feedback on gain, bandwidth, Zi and Zo
3.1 State the need for a power amplifier.
3.28 List applications of tuned circuits
5.3 Explain the working principle of UJT with its equivalent circuit
5.4 Draw UJT characteristics.
6.4. Draw the output waveforms of a given clipper circuit for sinusoidal/square input
6.5. Draw the clipper circuits for a given input and output waveforms
6.8. Design simple clippers and clampers for a given input and output waveform
6.11. Distinguish between voltage and current time-base generation
6.21. List the applications of Voltage and current Time base circuits.
1. Student visits Library to refer to Manual of Electronic Semiconductor Devices to find their
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to identify the Diodes, Transistors and FETs
Type of Developing(1
Excellent(4) Good(3) Satisfactory(2)
Skill/Score )
All Data/Material All Data/Material All Data/Material All
was collected one was collected was collected Data/Material
time independently. more than one several times was collected
Collects a great time independently. several times
Data/Mate deals of independently. Collects basic with
rial information, all Collects more information, most assistance.
Collection refer to the topic information, refer to the topic Collects very
most refer to the limited
topic information,
some relate to
Procedures were Procedures were Procedures were Procedures
outlined in a step- outlined in a outlined in a step- that were
by-step fashion that step-by-step by-step fashion, outlined were
could be followed fashion that but had 1 or 2 gaps incomplete or
by anyone without could be that require not sequential,
additional followed by explanation even even after
explanations. anyone without after expert expert
additional feedback. feedback had
explanations. been given.
Expert help was
needed to
accomplish this.
Activity/ Quality of Skill is Skill is mastered Skill is present but Skill needs
Developme high. to the level of with errors and improvement.
nt expectation. omissions.
Student provided a Student provided Student provided a No conclusion
Interpreta detailed conclusion a somewhat conclusion with was apparent.
tion/ clearly. detailed some reference.
summary conclusion
Full-fills Performs all duties Performs almost Performs nearly all Performs very
team roles of assigned team all duties duties little duties
and duties roles
Always does the Always does the Usually does the Rarely does
Shares assigned work, assigned work, assigned work, the assigned
work without needing rarely needs rarely needs work, often
equality reminding reminding reminding needs
Listens and talks a Listens and talks Listens, but Usually does
Listen to
fare amount a little more than sometimes talk too most of the
other team
needed much talking, rarely
allows others
to speak
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Understanding (U) 3 Marks
Application (A) 5 Marks
4. List any two advantages of negative feedback amplifiers over positive feedback
5.a Draw the block diagrams of Voltage shunt feedback and Current series feedback
7.b A transistor used in CE arrangement has the following set of h parameters when the d.c.
operating point is VCE = 10 volts and IC = 1 mA , hie = 2000 Ω; hoe =10−4 mho; hre = 10−3 ;
hfe = 50 Determine (i) input impedance (ii) current gain and (iii) voltage gain. The a.c.
load seen by the transistor is RL = 600 Ω. What will be approximate values using
reasonable approximations?
8.a If an amplifier has a bandwidth of 200 KHz and voltage gain of 80. What will be the new
bandwidth and gain if 5% negative feedback is introduced?
8.b Two identical amplifier stages having gains of 50 each and phase shift between input and
output signals of 180degrees each are cascaded. How much is the overall gain and phase
shift of 2-stage amplifier?
6.a What are the requisites of an amplifier to work as an oscillator?
7.a Calculate the efficiency of a transformer-coupled class A amplifier for a supply of 12 V and
outputs of:
7.b Calculate the efficiency of a class B amplifier for a supply voltage of VCC = 24 V with peak
output voltages of:
8.b Explain the reasons for instability in oscillators and also mention the remedies?
10.b Explain the principle of clamper with waveforms?
11.a Explain the working principle of UJT with its equivalent circuit?
12.b Differentiate voltage time base and current time base circuits?
14.a Draw and explain the operation of class-B push-pull amplifier and derive the expression
for efficiency?
15.b Explain the principle of operation of Photo transistor and list the application areas of
photo transistor?
Department of Technical Education
Teaching Scheme in
45:15:0 Credits 3
This course requires the basic knowledge of physics, Chemistry and mathematics.
Course Outcomes:
CO6 : Apply transducers to measure force &torque.
1. Measurement System 8
9(a) 13(a)
2. 10
3. Pressure Measurement 12
10(a) 14(a)
4. Flow Measurement 10
9(b) 13(b)
5. 10 5,6 11(a) 15(a)
Displacement and Level
11(b) 15(b)
10(b) 14(b)
Measurement of Force 10
6. 7,8 12(a) 16(a)
and Torque
12(b) 16(b)
Total 60 8 8 8
Course Contents
UNIT III: Pressure Measurement. Duration: 12 Periods (L: 10 T: 2)
Recommended Books:
Suggested E-Learning references
Classificationof transducer
Piezoelectric transducer
7. LDR
of operation
1.4 Define and understand the terms: Accuracy, Precision, Error, Linearity, Hysteresis,
Resolution, Threshold, Repeatability, Reliability, Span.
1.11 List the Characteristics required for selecting a transducer for a particular
2.3 List the metals commonly used for the construction of electrical temperature devices.
2.4 Explain the working, applications and ranges of the following Electrical Temperature
2.6 Explain the working, applications and ranges of following High Temperature
a. Optical Pyrometer
c. Infrared Pyrometer
3.0 Understand the concepts of Pressure Measurement.
a. Diaphragm- Types
b. Capsules- Types
c. Bellows
3.5 Explain the principle of operation of Low pressure measurement using McLeod gauge.
3.6 Explain the Pressure calibration method using Dead weight tester.
4.4 Explain the working principle, advantages and disadvantages of following Constant Head type flow
a. Orifice Plate
b. Venturi Tube
c. Pitot Tube
4.5 Explain the working principle, advantages and disadvantages of Variable Head type flow meter
4.6 Explain the working principle, advantages and disadvantages of Electromagnetic flow meter.
4.7 Explain the working principle, advantages and disadvantages of Ultrasonic flow meter.
4.8 Explain the working principle and advantages of following Anemometers
a. Hot-wire anemometer
b. Laser anemometer
4.9 Explain the working principle and advantages of Thermal Flow meter.
5.7 Explain the working principle of Displacement measurement and applications of the following
a. Linear potentiometers
5.8 Explain the working principle of Displacement measurement and applications of the following
a. Resistive method
b. Capacitive method
d. Ultrasonic method
5.9 Explain the principle of Resistance strain Gauge.Write the expression for Gauge factor.
6.4 List the types of Torque measuring devices.
a. Column type.
b. Proving ring.
1. Do Market survey on Transducers available in the market and collect the following information
like name of the transducer, comparisons, specifications, Price etc. The student should submit a
handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
4. Visit YouTube or any other sites on current topics in Industrial Instrumentation. Listen to the
lectures and submit a handwritten report and a soft copy (CD/DVD)
5. Visit Mechanical department and study the working of venturi meter and submit the report.
6. In Process lab see the temperature measuring instruments and write their specification and
submit the report.
CO-PO Mapping Matrix
Basic knowledge
Lifelong learning
Engineering Tools
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO1 2 2 2 1,2,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,6,7
CO3 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO4 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,7
CO5 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO6 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,7
Internal Evaluation
Assignment 1 5
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a
page, 1 page and 2 pages respectively
Q1 Q9(a) Q9(a)
Q2 Q10(a) Q10(a)
Q9(b), Q9(b),
V Q5,Q6
Q11(a), Q11(b) Q11(a), Q11(b)
Q10(b), Q10(b),
VI Q7,Q8
Q12(a), Q12(b) Q12(a), Q12(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a
page, 1 page and 2 pages respectively
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. MARKS:
4X1 =4
1. Define accuracy.
2. Define transducer.
3. Define Temperature.
Instructions: Answer TWO questions. Each question carries THREE marks. MARKS:
6(b) List any two applications of (i)RTD (ii) Thermocouple (iii) Thermistor
Instructions: Answer TWO questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. 2X5=10
Model Question Paper
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. MARKS: 4X1 =4
1. Define pressure.
Instructions: Answer TWO questions. Each question carries FIVE marks.
MARKS: 2X5=10
7(a) Explain the principle of operation of Strain gauge type pressure transducers
7(b) Explain the pressure calibration method using dead weight tester.
Model Question Paper
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. MARKS: 8X1 =8
1. Define transducer.
2. Define pressure.
3. Define torque.
4. Define precision.
5. Define Displacement.
7. Define force.
10(b) Write the advantages of force measuring devices.
15(b) Draw and explain the working of liquid level measurement using resistive transducer.
Department of Technical Education
Pre requisites:
The course requires the basic knowledge of Physics and Mathematics and fundamentals of Basic
electrical engineering subject.
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student should have the ability to
Course Content and Blue Print of Marks for SEE
4. Fundamentals of A.C 8
DC machines 9(b) 13(b)
11(b) 15(b)
AC machines 10(b) 14(b)
12(b) 16(b)
Total 60 8 8 8
Course Contents
UNIT 1- Fundamentals of D.C circuits Duration: 6 Periods (L: 4 T: 2)
Active and Passive circuits – ideal voltage source ideal current source Junction- branch and loop in
circuits-source transformation –limitations of Ohm’s law to solve complex circuits- Kirchhoff’s laws -
Star – Delta configurations- star-delta transformations.
Tree- co-tree- twigs- links- mesh- loop- node- principal node -Tie-set matrix and cut-set matrix for a
given network Graph-Mesh currents identification, framing into matrix form. Obtain mesh currents
using Crammer’s Rule-Super mesh technique to find the mesh current for the circuits- Node Voltage
identification- framing into matrix Form-Obtain node voltage using Crammer’s Rule-Super node
technique to find the node voltage for the circuits and Dual networks.
Super position theorem- The Venin’s Theorem -Norton’s Theorem-Reciprocity Theorem- Maximum
power transfer theorem with reference to D.C.-Problems on the above.
Derivation of Voltage and current relationship in pure resistive- inductive and capacitive circuits-
calculation of impendence- current-phase angle- power and power factor in R-L, R-C, R-L-C Series
Circuits-Derivation of relation between voltage- current- impendence- power including Waveforms-
Problems on series circuits-resonance circuits-definition of resonance-resonant circuit –problem-band
Width-Q-factor and problems on series resonance
Basic working principle- parts- types (salient pole and non-salient pole Machines) E.M.F. equation
problems- voltage regulation-features of single and three phase induction motor –principle of induction
Motors-Applications-Synchronous impedance- Operation of synchronous motor- methods of starting of
synchronous motors- applications.
Recommended books
B.L Theraja.
Suggested e-learning references
2. www.electronic
1.31 Give formulae for star to delta and for delta to star transformations.
(i). tree (ii). Co-tree (iii). Twigs (iv). Links (v). Mesh (vi). Node (vii).Principal node.
2.15 Find the tie-set matrix and cut-set matrix for a given network graph.
2.16 Find the number of Mesh current loops for a given network.
2.17 Determine the number of meshes required to solve the given network.
2.18 Give the mesh current equations for a given network and find matrix for equations.
2.20 Find the mesh current for the circuits having current sources using super mesh
2.22 Determine the number of nodes required to solve the given network.
2.23 Find the node voltage equations for a given network and arrange them in matrix form.
2.24 Solve the simple problems on node voltage using Crammer’s rule.
2.25 Find the node voltage for the circuits having voltage sources using super node
3.23 Solve simple problems to determine current through any branch in a given network.
3.26 Solve simple problems to determine current through any branch in a given network.
3.31 Give examples for reciprocal circuits.
4.28 Derive relationship between voltage and current in pure resistive circuits.
4.29 Derive relationship between voltage and current in pure inductive circuits.
4.30 Derive relationship between voltage and current in pure capacitive circuits
4.31 Calculate the impedance, current, phase angle, power and power factor in R-L, R-C,
4.33 Calculate the impedance, current, phase angle, power and power factor in RLC circuits.
5.16. Draw a legible Sketch of a D.C. Machine and label its parts.
5.17. List the materials used for each part.
5.23. Explain the principles of separate and self excited D.C Generators.
5.24. Distinguish between series, shunt and compound types of D.C. generator.
5.25. List the Various applications of D.C Shunt, series and compound Generator.
5.28. State the relationship between supply voltage, back e.m.f and current.
6.17 Define i) pitch factor ii) distribution factor of the armature winding.
6.18 State and derive the e.m.f. equation of alternator.
6.20 Explain the construction features of Single Phase and Three phase induction motors.
6.23 Explain the terms i) synchronous impedance ii) voltage regulation of an alternator.
1. Student visits Library and refers various text books to solve the problems.
5. Quiz.
6. Group discussion.
7. Surprise test.
Engineering Tools
Basic knowledge
Lifelong learning
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CO1 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,6,10
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5,10
CO4 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,10
CO5 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO6 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,10
Internal Evaluation
Assignment 1 5
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
Sl.N Description Level No of Marks for Choice Total
o Questions each Marks
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a
page, 1 page and 2 pages respectively
Sl.N Description Level No of Marks for Choice Total
o Questions each Marks
Q1 Q9(a) Q9(a)
Q4 Q2 Q10(a) Q10(a)
Q9(b), Q9(b),
V Q5,Q6
Q11(a), Q11(b) Q11(a), Q11(b)
Q10(b), Q10(b),
VI Q7,Q8
Q12(a), Q12(b) Q12(a), Q12(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a
page, 1 page and 2 pages respectively
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. MARKS: 4X1 =4
Instructions: Answer TWO questions. Each question carries THREE marks. MARKS: 2X3=6
Instructions: Answer TWO questions. Each question carries FIVE marks. MARKS: 2X5=10
7(a) Using KVL find the current in each branch of the circuit given below.
V1 4V
6V R2
10Ω R3
R1 8Ω
8(a) Find the current3Ω resistor in the given circuit using nodal analysis.
8(b) Find the i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, currents in the given circuit using Mesh analysis.
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. MARKS: 4X1 =4
7. Define resistance.
8. Define Q- factor.
Instructions: Answer TWO questions. Each question carries THREE marks. MARKS: 2X3=6
6(a) Derive relationship between voltage and current in pure inductive circuits.
7(a) State Maximum power transfer theorem and find the maximum power across 1KΩ resistor for the
given circuit.
7(b) Find the current through 2 ohms resister of the circuit shown below using super
position theorem.
10 V R2 V2
2Ω 6V
8(a) Calculate the impedance, current, phase angle, power and power factor in RLC
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark. MARKS: 8X1 =8
12(a) State the e.m.f. equation of alternator.
13(a) Find the i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, currents in the given circuit using Mesh analysis.
16(a) Explain the constructional features of single phase induction motor.
This course requires the basic skills of Handling Basic Electronics tools and Components, knowledge
of connecting cables and meters
Course Content
1. Implement voltage divider bias single stage RC coupled CE amplifier and plot frequency response.
a) Observe the effect of connecting and disconnecting the emitter bypass capacitor on gain and
b) Observe the effect of emitter bypass capacitor Ce on voltage across Emitter Resistance using CRO.
2. Implement Colpitt’s oscillator and verify the effect of varying the tank circuit component values
and observe output waveforms on CRO.
3. Implement Hartley oscillator and verify the effect of varying the tank circuit component values
and observe output waveforms on CRO.
4. Implement transistor Astable multivibrator circuit and observe the waveforms on CRO.
7. a) Plot the VI characteristics of different colour LEDs & determine the Vf (forward voltage drop)
b) Test the above devices with DMM & Analogue multimeter and identify the Terminals
b) Use a VDR /Trigistor for protection against high voltage surges and verify
11. a) Use MCT 2E to switch on a 6V lamp connected to RPS by applying a Low voltage 1.5 V signal
from a cell at input
b) Implement a simple timer using 1 M Ω Resistor, 1000 mfd capacitor, Transistor BC148 and a
Realize Clipper and Clamper circuits and observe the waveforms on CRO
b) Assemble and test Positive and negative clipper circuits with and without bias
13. a) Implement Amplitude limiter (two diodes connected back to back) and observe the waveform on
b) Implement a Zener diode Clipper and measure the output voltage with DMM and also observe
waveform on CRO
14. Implement Boot-strap sweep circuit and observe the sweep wave form.
(i) Collection of catalogues and specification sheets, preparation of a chart displaying symbols of
passive components and connectors/cables.
(ii) Collection of the contributors (scientists) and contribution details to the field of Electrical and
Electronics engineering
(iii) Any other such activities that can contribute to the student’s knowledge in respect of this course.
(iv)Record the best practices used in the disposal of E-waste and precautions in
E Learning Resources
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required , and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration ,choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
1. Implement voltage divider bias single stage RC coupled CE amplifier and plot frequency response.
Record the effect of emitter bypass capacitor on gain of the amplifier.
2. Implement Colpitt’s oscillator and verify the effect of varying the tank circuit component values
and observe output waveforms on CRO.
3. Implement Hartley oscillator and observe the effect of varying the tank circuit component values
and observe output waveforms on CRO. Record your observations.
4. Implement transistor Astable multivibrator circuit and observe the waveforms on CRO and record
your observations.
5. Implement the Photo diode circuit to show that the resistance of the photo diode varies with light and
also measure the current through the Photodiode. Record your observations.
DEIE III semester practical Examination
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
1. .Implement the Photo transistor circuit to show that the resistance of the photo transistor varies with
light and also measure the current through the Photo transistor. Record your observations.
3. a) Plot the VI characteristics of white, red and green colour LEDs & determine the Vf (forward
voltage drop)
b) Test the above devices with DMM & Analogue multi meter and identify the Terminals
b) Test the above devices with DMM & Analogue multi meter
b) Use a VDR for protection against high voltage surges and verify
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
1. Implement voltage divider bias single stage RC coupled CE amplifier and plot frequency response.
Record the effect of emitter bypass capacitor on gain of the amplifier.
2. Implement Colpitt’s oscillator and verify the effect of varying the tank circuit component values and
observe output waveforms on CRO.
3. Implement Hartley oscillator and observe the effect of varying the tank circuit component values and
observe output waveforms on CRO. Record your observations.
4. Implement transistor Astable multi vibrator circuit and observe the waveforms on CRO and record
your observations.
5. Implement the Photo diode circuit to show that the resistance of the photo diode varies with light and
also measure the current through the Photodiode. Record your observations.
6. Implement the Photo transistor circuit to show that the resistance of the photo transistor varies with
light and also measure the current through the Photo transistor. Record your observations.
8. a) Plot the VI characteristics of white, red and green color LEDs & determine the Vf (forward
voltage drop)
b) Test the above devices with DMM & Analogue multimeter and identify the Terminals.
b) Test the above devices with DMM & Analogue multimeter.
b) Use a VDR for protection against high voltage surges and verify.
12. a) Use MCT 2E to switch on a 6V lamp connected to RPS by applying a Low voltage 1.5 V signal
from a cell at input.
b) Implement a simple timer using 1 M Ω Resistor, 1000 mfd capacitor, Transistor BC148 and a
13. Construct and test Positive and negative clipper circuits with and without bias.
14. Implement Amplitude limiter (two diodes connected back to back) and observe the
waveform on CRO.
b) Implement a Zener diode Clipper and measure the output voltage with DMM and also observe
waveform on CRO.
15. Implement Boot-strap sweep circuit and observe the sweep wave form.
Teaching Scheme in 1.5
15:0:30 Credits
Total Contact 45
Methodology Lecture + Practicals
CIE 60 Marks SEE 40 Marks
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of high school science and Mathematics.
Course Outcomes
2. Pressure measurement 9
Analyze the response and plot the characteristics of temperature measurement
CO3 :
transducer such as RTD, Thermistor and Thermocouple
3. the response
Flowand plot the characteristics of pressure
Measurement 9 measurement
CO4 :
Total 45
Course Contents
7. Conduct an experiment to measure temperature using RTD and plot its characteristics.
IV. Displacement Measurement. Duration: 9 Periods
15. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using LVDT and plot its
16. Conduct an experiment to measure angular displacement using RVDT and plot its
17. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using Resistive transducer and
plot its characteristics.
18. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using Capacitive transducer and
plot its characteristics.
19. Conduct an experiment to measure level using Float type level indicator.
20. Conduct an experiment to measure level using Resistive type level indicator.
1. Do market survey on LVDT, resistive, capacitive transducers available in the market and
collect the following information like make, specifications, price etc. the student should submit
a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
2. Take quiz, tests/assignments on lab experiments. Documents have to be maintained as a
5. Draw a control panel and indicate the meters. Highlight the importance of control room in
industrial environment monitoring a process. Submit a report.
6. Visit any mechanical department lab and study the working of Venturi meter/orifice
meter/rotameter/viscometer and submit a handwritten report.
7. Visit electrical/civil department lab and study the working of various measuring instrument
and submit a handwritten report.
8. Visit nearby process instrumentation industry and submit a handwritten report on the process
and safety procedures followed.
Linked PO
Lifelong learning
Engineering Tools
Basic knowledge
sustainability Environment &
practice Experiments and
CO 2 - 2 - - - - - - 2
1 1,3,10
CO 2 2 - - - - - - - 2
CO 2 2 2 - - - 2 - - 2
CO 2 - 2 2 - - - 2 - 2
CO 2 2 2 2 - - 2 2 - 2 1,2,3,4,7,
5 8,10
CO 2 2 2 2 2 - - 2 - 2 1,2,3,4,5,
CO 2 2 2 2 2 - - 2 - 2 1,2,3,4,5,
Internal evaluation:
Mid Sem 1 1, 2 20
Attitude of students
towards practicing
Prompt submission of
records in time (5)
Total 60
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
3. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using LVDT and plot its
4. Conduct an experiment to measure angular displacement using RVDT and plot its
5. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using Resistive transducer and plot
its characteristics.
6. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using Capacitive transducer and plot
its characteristics.
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
10. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using LVDT and plot its
11. Conduct an experiment to measure angular displacement using RVDT and plot its
12. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using Resistive transducer and plot
its characteristics.
13. Conduct an experiment to measure linear displacement using Capacitive transducer and
plot its characteristics.
14. Conduct an experiment to measure level using Float type level indicator.
15. Conduct an experiment to measure level using Resistive type level indicator
Digital Electronics Lab Practice
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic skills of Handling bread boards and PCB.
Course outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain below Course Outcome
Course Contents
1. Identify Digital ICs and noting down pin details from data sheets
a. Identify the given digital ICs and draw the pin diagrams. (Use TTL and CMOS ICs of
AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR gates with two and three inputs).
a. Verify the truth table of 7403 IC (open collector quad 2input NAND gate).
d. Verify the truth table of NOT gate using NOR gates only.
e. Verify the truth table of AND gate using NOR gates only.
f. From the data sheets find out CMOS equivalent of above ICs.
II. Realizing Boolean Functions.
a. Verify the truth table of XOR using TTL NAND gates only.
b. Verify the truth table of XOR using CMOS NOR gates only.
c. From the data sheets find out CMOS Equivalent of XOR ICs.
d. Implement a given Boolean function using basic gates and verify the truth table.
e. Implement a given Boolean function using NAND gates only and verify the truth table.
f. Implement a given Boolean function using any gates and verify the truth table.
4. Implement Half adder and full adder circuits using TTL/CMOS gates and verify the truth
a. Verify the truth table of half adder using basic gates only.
b. Verify the truth table of half adder using NAND gates only.
a. Verify the truth table of IC 74153MUX.
c. Verify the function of 74148 Encoder and write the truth table
d. Verify the function of 74138 Decoder and write the truth table
e. Verify the function of BCD to decimal decoder and write its truth table.
f. Verify the function of decimal BCD to encoder and write its truth table.
5. Construct clocked RS FF using NAND gates and Verify its truth table.
b. Verify the functionality and truth table of 74L71 RS flip flop with Preset and Clear
d. Construct D and T flip flops using 7476 and verify the truth tables.
6. Construct and verify the function of decade counter using 7490 ICs.
Verify the function of shift register (ICs like 7495or 74194 etc.)
7. Identify Various Memory ICs and Note their pin Configuration from the datasheets
8. Study the various standards like IEEE and the current being used with respect to digital ICs.
Circuit design and Simulation lab Practice
Teaching Scheme
15:0:30 Credits 1.5
in Hrs(L:T:P)
Total Contact
Methodology Lecture + Practicals 45
Periods :
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic computer knowledge and electronics devices.
Course Outcomes
CO1 Design and observe the outputs waveforms of different rectifier circuits.
CO2 Design and observe the output waveforms various wave shaping circuits.
CO3 Design and observe the frequency responses of multi stage amplifier circuits.
CO5 Calculate, design and observe the output waveforms of multi-vibrators.
1 Rectifiers 06 3 3 2
2 Wave shaping 12 4 4 3
3 Multi stage 06 3 3 3
4 Oscillators 12 3 3 2
5 Multivibrators 09 3 3 3
Total 45 16 16 13
I. Rectifiers
IV. Oscillators.
V. Multivibrators.
Recommended Books
4. Do Market survey on List of Electronic circuits available in the market and collect the
following information like name of the electronic circuit, specifications, Price etc. The student
should submit a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
5. Take Quiz tests / assignments in electronic circuits experiments. Documents have to be
maintained as a record.
6. Survey various simulation tools for circuit design available in the market.
CO-PO Mapping Matrix
Basic knowledge
Lifelong learning
Engineering Tools
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 2
CO 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 2
CO 2 2 2 - - - - - 2 2
CO 2 - 2 2 - - - - 2 2
CO 2 2 2 2 - - - - - 2
Internal Evaluation
Attitude of students
towards practicing
Prompt submission of
records in time (5)
Total 60
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
1. Design half wave rectifier and verify the output and find out ripple factor and efficiency by
using Multisim.
2. Design full wave rectifier and verify the output and find out ripple factor and efficiency by
using Multisim.
6. Design Transformer coupled amplifier and observe frequency response by using Multisim.
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
1. Design RC phase shift oscillator and observe the wave form by using Multisim.
2. Design wein bridge oscillator and observe the wave form by using Multisim.
3. Design colpitts oscillator and observe the wave forms by using Multisim.
4. Design crystal oscillator and observe the wave forms by using Multisim.
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the
1. Design half wave rectifier and verify the output and find out ripple factor and efficiency by
using Multisim.
2. Design full wave rectifier and verify the output and find out ripple factor and efficiency by
using Multisim.
3. Design the clippers and verify the output by using Multisim.
6. Design Transformer coupled amplifier and observe frequency response by using Multisim.
8. Design RC phase shift oscillator and observe the wave form by using Multisim.
9. Design wein bridge oscillator and observe the wave form by using Multisim.
10. Design colpitts oscillator and observe the wave forms by using Multisim.
11. Design crystal oscillator and observe the wave forms by using Multisim.
12. Design and simulate transistor monostable multivibrator circuit using Multisim.
13. Design and simulate transistor bistable multivibrator circuit using Multisim.
14. Design and simulate transistor astable multivibrator circuit using Multisim.
Course Title Communication Skills and Life Course Code 18EI- 310 P
Skills lab practice
Semester III Course Practical
Teaching 15:0:30 Credits 1.5
Scheme in
Periods- L:
Methodology Lecture + Practical Total 45 Periods
Contact (3 Periods per
Hours Week)
CIE 60 Marks SEE 40 Marks
This course is designed to impart communication skills and life skills to the students of diploma which
will help them a great deal in personal and professional fronts.
This course requires the basic knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and four language learning skills,
viz. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Course Outcomes:
Think positively.
Develop positive attitude.
Life Skills – I Overcome negative attitude.
Know the importance of setting goals.
Set goals using SMART features.
CO-PO Matrix
Course Contents:
1. Listening – I
Digital Camera
A Dialogue
2. Listening – II
A Recipe
A Telephone conversation
An Interview
3. Introducing Oneself
4. Describing Objects
5. Talking About the Past
6. Just A Minute
7. Attitude
8. Goal Setting
Listening Comprehension
Paper Presentations
Picture description
Role Plays
Dumb charades
Just A Minute
Making innovative things through recycling
Creating advertisements
Case studies
Evaluation Pattern:
i. Listening Skills
i. Communication Skills - II
i. Seminars: 10 marks
a. Listening: 10 Marks
Flint, Chrisand Jamie FlockhartListening: A2 (Collins English for Life: Skills)Collins. 2013
Susan Earle – Carlin. Q Skills for Success: Listening and Speaking 5: Student Book with Online
Practice. Oxford University Press. 2013
Kumar, Sanjay and Pushpa Latha. Communication Skills: A Work Book.Oxford University Press.
Kaye, Martin. Goal Setting (Workbook Included): Goals & Motivation: Introduction To A
Complete & Proven Step-By-Step Blueprint For Reaching Your Goals (Goal Setting Master Plan 1).
Kindle Edition. MK Coaching.2016.
West, Steven. Critical Thinking Skills: Practical Strategies for Better Decision making, Problem-
Solving and Goal Setting. Kindle Edition.2018
Tracy, Brain. Master your Time Master your Life. Penguin Random House Inc. New York. 2017
Sean Covey . The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. Simon and Schuster,2011
E-Learning Resources:
Part – A 10 marks
1. Listening Comprehension: 5 X 2 = 10
(Teacher should give the questions before reading the passage given below)
Florence Nightingale was an English social reformer and a statistician, and the founder of
modern nursing. She was born in Florence, Italy, on May 12, 1820. Part of a wealthy family,
Nightingale defied the expectations of the time and pursued what she saw as her God-given calling of
nursing during the Crimean War. She and a team of nurses improved the unsanitary conditions at a
British base hospital, greatly reducing the death count. Her writings sparked worldwide health care
reform, and in 1860 she established St. Thomas' Hospital and the Nightingale Training School for
Nurses. A revered hero of her time, she died on August 13, 1910, in London. Nightingale came to
prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she
organized care for wounded soldiers. She gave nursing a favourable reputation and became an icon of
Victorian culture, especially in the persona of "The Lady with the Lamp" making rounds of wounded
soldiers at night.
PART- B 10 Marks
Part – A 10 marks
2. What are the features of good JAM presentation? What precautions do you take before speaking for
one minute on the given topic?
Part – B 10 marks
3. What is positive attitude? Give examples of positive attitude from your life.
4. Mention your long term goal with SMART features. How do you achieve it?
Time : 2 Hours Total Marks: 40 Marks
Part – A 10 marks
1. Listen to the following passage and answer the questions give below it. 5 X 2 = 10
(Teacher should give the questions before reading the passage)
Answer the following questions after teacher reads the following paragraph.
Prof. Jayashankar was born to Mahalaxmi and Laxmi Kantha Rao on 6th August 1934 in
Akkampet village, Warangal District. He was a Doctorate in Economics. He worked as a Vice-
Chancellor of Kakatiya University. He worked in many capacities. He was popularly known as “Pedda
Sir.” He inspired many a people to fight for the cause of Telangana Statehood.
At the age of twelve, Jayashankar refused to sing songs in praise of the Nizam and insisted on
singing Vande Mataram instead. As an intermediate student, in 1952, he protested against State
Reorganization Committee plan to merge with the Andhra Rashtra. He took an active part in the
agitations of “Non – Mulki go back“ and “ Idli Sambar go back.” He took an active part in Telangana
separate statehood agitation in 1969 too. In 1999, Prof. Jayashankar started the Telangana Development
Forum in the USA which helped to propagate the injustice, discrimination and exploitation meted out
to Telangana region and people in the aspects of employment, funds and water resources. He
relentlessly put his efforts to end the struggle of Telangana people. He passed away on June 21, 2011.
He was 76 years old at the time of his death.
1. Where was Prof. Jayashankar born?
2. Why didn’t he sing songs in praise of the Nizam?
3. Why did Jayashankar start the Telangana Development Forum in USA?
4. What are the two agitations in which he took an active part?
5. What is the meaning of ‘relentlessly’?
Part – B 15 marks
Part – C 15 marks
(1) Along with every activity the rubrics table should be given to the student for his
information about the criterion of assessment.
(2) As a record of the activity at least Rubric sheet for each student For every activity at
least Rubric sheet for each student as be preserved as a document.
Collects Collect
Does not Collects Collects a
very much
collect some basic great deal
limited informatio
Collectio any of
n; informatio Ex:
n information informatio
n; informatio
n; but very 4
of data relating to n;
most refer
the some relate limited
to all refer to
to relate
topic the topic the topic
the topic to the topic
Unreliable. team roles
team role
Rarely Usually
does does
Always relies Normally the
the the
Shares on assigned
assigned assigned does the
work others to do work 3
work; work; assigned
the without
equally often rarely
work work having to
needs needs
reminding reminding
Is always does
good; Listens,
Listen to talking; most of the Listens and
but never but
other never allows talking; speaks a
show sometimes 2
Team anyone else rarely fair
interest talk too
mates to allows amount
in listening much
speak others
to speak
Rubrics assessment for Power point presentations
Images are
poorly cropped
or the
is fuzzy.
(more than
five errors)
the concerned faculty (Course Coordinator) for assessing the given activity.
1. Visit the College library and prepare a list of at least 10 text books available in the library
with author name and publishing company for each subject of the semester. The student
should submit a handwritten report. (POs 8, 9, 10)
2. To Study about work benches and their connections, Different types of Power supplies,
available in the Lab and prepare a detailed report of their working and uses. Documents have
to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9)
3. Do Market survey on List of digital ICs available in the market and collect the information
like pin diagrams, specifications, Price etc. The student should submit a handwritten report.
Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9)
4. Analyze the connections in the UPS available in the Institution. Documents have to be
maintained as a record. (POs 4, 8, 9)
5. Give Seminars on the topics of the concerned Course as allotted by the staff. Documents have
to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9)
(POs 8)
(POs 8, 9)
8. Prepare a power point presentation with full details about the Electronic components used in
the concerned subject experiments. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
(POs 8, 9)
9. Prepare a power point presentation with full details about the Digital ICs used in the
concerned subject experiments. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
(POs 8, 9)
10. Visit YouTube or any other sites on current topics in Digital electronics experiments.
Listen to the lectures and submit a handwritten report and a soft copy (CD/DVD).
(POs 8, 9, 10)
11. Design a mini project useful to the society based on the topics relevant to electronic circuits
and they have to be demonstrated. Student can search 5 min. /10 min. projects in you tube for
this purpose. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
12. Design a mini project useful to the society based on the topics relevant to Digital electronics
and they have to be demonstrated. Student can search 5 min. /10 min. projects in you tube for
this purpose. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
13. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and
transducers like LVDT, RVDT and Potentiometers etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
14. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and
transducers like Sight glass, IR sensors, etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
15. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and
transducers like Thermo couple, Thermistor, RTD etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
16. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and
transducers like Bourdon tubes, Bellows Dead weight tester etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
17. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and
transducers like Orifice, Venturi tube, Rota meter, Electromagnetic flow meter etc. Submit a
handwritten report. (POs 8, 9, 10)
18. Design a mini project useful to the society based on the topics relevant to sensors and
transducers Thermistor, RTD, Float etc. and they have to be demonstrated. Student can
search 5 min. / 10 min. projects in you tube for this purpose. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
1. Mathematical concepts
2. Procedure
3. Explanation
5. Mathematical errors
6. Explain the procedure to find volumes of irregular shapes of solids of revolution using
7. Prepare a presentation to find Mean values and R.M.S values of any given function.
10. Prepare a presentation on solving 1st order differential equations using any suitable method.
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO6 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO7 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO8 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO9 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
clear. includes critical is missing
components. several
components OR
was not
Working with Student was an Student was an Student Student did not
Others engaged engaged partner cooperated with work effectively
partner, but had trouble others, but with others.
listening to listening to needed
suggestions of others and/or prompting to
others and working stay on-task.
working cooperatively.
Mathematical 90-100% of the Almost all (85- Most (75-84%) More than 75%
Errors steps and 89%) of the of the steps and of the steps and
solutions have steps and solutions have solutions have
no mathematical solutions have no mathematical mathematical
errors. no mathematical errors. errors.
Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Code Instruction Total Credits Continuous internal Semester end examination
periods Periods evaluation
per per
week semest
L T P Mid Mid Internal Max marks Total Min marks for
Sem1 Sem2 Evaluati Min marks Marks passing
on including
1 Advance Engineering 14
401F Mathematics 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100 35
2 Microcontroller 14 35
402C programming. 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
3 Linear Integrated circuits
403C 14 35
3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
4 Industrial Instrumentation 14 35
404C 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
5 Process Control 14 35
405C 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
6 Linear Integrated circuits 20 50
406P Lab Practice 1 0 2 45 1.5 20 20 20 40 100
7 Industrial Instrumentation 2 45 20 50
407P Lab Practice 1 0 1.5 20 20 20 40 100
8 Microcontrollers
2 45 20 50
408P Programming Lab Practice 1 0 1.5 20 20 20 40 100
10 Advanced communications
2 45 1.5 20 50
410P & Life skills Lab 1 0 20 20 20 40 100
11 7 2.5
Skill Upgradation 0 0 105 0 0 Rubrics -- Grade A/B/C/D
Pre requisites:
This course requires the knowledge of Engineering Mathematics at Diploma first year level and
Applied Engineering Mathematics at Diploma 3rd Semester level.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will have the ability to:
Homogenous linear differential equations with constant coefficients of order two and higher with
emphasis on second order.
Unit – II Duration: 15 Periods (L:11.25 – T:3.75)
Unit-III Duration: 10 Periods (L: 7.5 – T: 2.5)
Fourier series
Representation of a function as Fourier Half-range Sine series and Cosine series over the interval (0,
Unit – V Duration: 10Periods (L: 7.5 – T:2.5)
Laplace Transformations:
Inverse Laplace transforms- shifting theorems and change of scale property, multiplication by s n
and division by s –Inverse Laplace Transform using partial fractions – convolution theorem (no
proof) – application of Laplace Transformations to solve ordinary differential equations of second
order with initial conditions.
Recommended Books:
1.0 Solve Homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients in engineering
1.1 Solve Differential equations of the type (aD 2 +bD + c)y = 0 when the roots of the auxiliary equation are
real and different, real and repeated, complex.
1.2 Solve the higher order homogeneous Linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
2.0 Solve Non Homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients in engineering
2.1 Explain the concept of complementary function, particular Integral and general solution of a
differential equation.
2.2 Solve nth order differential equation of the type f(D) y = X where f(D) is a polynomial of second order
and X is a function of the form k, eax ,Sinax, Cosax, xn.
3.2 Define Fourier series of a function in the interval (C, C+2 π ¿ and write the Euler’s
3.3 Write sufficient conditions for the existence of Fourier series for a function.
3.4 Write Fourier series of simple functions in the range (0, 2 π ¿ and (- π , π ¿.
3.5 Write Fourier series for even and odd functions in the interval (- π , π ¿
3.6 Solve simple problems on even and odd functions in the interval. (0,2 π ¿∧¿ (- π , π ¿
Unit- IV
4.3 Solve simple problems on Half – Range Cosine and Sine series over the interval (0 , π)
5.0 Understand Laplace transforms
5.1 Write the definition of Laplace Transform and Laplace transform of standard functions.
5.3 Write the properties of Laplace Transform – Linearity property, First shifting theorem,
5.7 Define unit step function and write the Laplace Transform of unit step function.
6.0 Use Laplace transforms and Inverse Laplace transforms to solve differential
6.1 Define inverse Laplace Transform and write inverse Laplace Transforms of standard
6.2 Write Shifting theorems and Change of scale property of inverse Laplace Transform.
6.4 Write inverse Laplace Transforms corresponding to Laplace Transform of the functions
f (t ) n
t n f (t), , f ( t ) ,∫ f ( u ) du
t 0
6.8 Use Laplace and inverse Laplace Transforms to solve simple differential equations of
Second order.
Suggested Student Activities:
1. Student visits Library to refer Standard Books on Mathematics and collect related material.
2. Quiz
3. Group discussion
4. Surprise tests
5. Seminars
6. Home Assignments.
Lifelong learning
Discipline Knowledge
Engineering Tools
Linked PO
sustainability Environment &
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO1 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO5 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
CO6 3 2 2 1 1 3 1,2,3,4,7,10
Internal Evaluation
Assignments - 5
Seminars - 5
Total 60
S.No Unit No R U A Remarks
1 Unit-III 1,2 5(a) 7(a)
5(b) 7(b)
2 Unit-IV 3,4 6(a) 8(a)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a page,1page
and 2 pages respectively
Code: 18Common-401F
TIME: 1: 00 Hour Max. Marks: 20
6 a) Solve ( D 2 +4 D+ 4) y =e 2 x
Code: 18 Common-401F
TIME: 1: 00 Hour Max. Marks: 20
6 a).Find the value of an in half-range Cosine series for the function f(x) = e x in (0, π ¿
6 b) Obtain the Fourier Half – Range Sine series for f(x) =( π−x ¿∫ h einterval(0 , π)
7 b) Find the Fourier series for f(x) =( x−x 2 ¿ in the interval (- π , π ¿. Hence show that
1 1 1 1 π2
- + - + ……….+ =
1 2 22 3 2 4 2 12
8 b) Find the half –range cosine series for the function f(x) = x 2 in the interval (0, π ¿
18 Common-401F
7. Find L
( s−31 + s +s 4 )
8. Find L
( 2 s+1 5 )
9 b) Find L ( tCos 3 t )
10 b) Find L
( s +6s +1s−7 )
20−4 s
11 a) If L{f(t)} = 2 , find L{f(3t)}
s −4 s +20
11 b) Find ∫ t . e−2 t sin 3 tdt using Laplace Transform Technique
1−cos at
12 a) Show that L−1 ¿ =
12 b) Find L
( (s+ 2)s +4 )
13 b) Find L[ t et sin 3 t ]
as a Fourier series in the interval (−π , π )
14 a) Expand f(x) = x
14 b) Find L
( ( s +1 ) (s 2 +1)
15 a) Find L ( sin 3 tt.Cost )
15 b) Evaluate
sin t
16 a) Find L
( ( s +1)1( s+2) ) using Convolution theorem .
16 b) Solve the differential equation y’’– 2y’– 8y = Sint , when y (0) = 3, y’ (0) = 6 by
CO1 : Outcomes
Analyze the architecture of 8051.
CO2 : Compare the various low level and high levellanguages and interpret the addressing modes.
Pre requisites
Compare the various low level and high levellanguages and interpret the addressing modes.
Define bit, nibble, byte and word related to microcontrollers- machine language, assembly language, and
mnemonics-Differences between machine level and assembly level programming-Differences between low level
and high level languages-need for assembly level programming-need for an instruction set-instruction format of
8051 -Classify the instruction set of 8051-one byte, two byte and three byte instructions of 8051-What is
addressing mode with reference to microcontroller-various addressing modes of 8051-need for bit level
Function of data transfer instructions and the effect of flags- data transfer instructions with examples.Programs
in mnemonics to illustrate the application of data copy instructions-function of arithmetic group of instructions
and the effect of flags-arithmetic group of instructions with examples.Programs in mnemonics to illustrate the
application of arithmetic instructions-function of logical instructions and the effect of flags-logical instructions
with examples- programs in mnemonics to illustrate the application of logical instructions-function of branching
instructions and the effect of flags-unconditional jump instructions-conditional jump instructions-bit
manipulation or Boolean instructions.
interfacing and its need- Distinguish between input and output interfacing-interfacing of pushbutton switch to
8051-interfacing of LED to 8051-interfacing of seven segment display -assembly level program for the above-
functions of pins of LCD-instruction command code for programming a LCD- interfacing of LCD to 8051-
assembly language Program for interfacing LCD - key press and detect mechanism- interfacing of 4x4 matrix
key board.
need for programmable peripheral devices- Classify various programmable interfacing devices- block diagram
of PPI 8255- control word format of 8255- PIN diagram of 8255 and function of each PIN- need for DMA
controller-block diagram of DMA controller 8257- PIN diagram of 8257 and function of each PIN- need for
programmable communication interface-block diagram of serial communication interface 8251- PIN diagram of
8251 and function of each PIN- RS 232 standards-RS232 pin, DB25 and DB9 connectors.
various symbols used in drawing flow charts-flow charts for simple problems-flow chart illustrating counter
technique--program using counter techniques-programs of instructions to perform single byte, double byte and
multi byte addition and subtraction-subroutine and its advantages-operation of stack with PUSH & POP
instructions-branching instructions related to subroutines-sequence of program when subroutine is called and
executed-information exchange between the program counter and the stack and identification of stack pointer
register when a subroutine is called-concept of nesting, multiple ending and common ending in subroutines-
input/output, machine related statements in writing assembly language programs- debugging a program-
important steps in writing and trouble shooting a simple program-principles of single step and break point
debugging techniques-simple programs to setup time delay using counter & a single register-time delay in the
program given the clock frequency.
2.0 Understand the languages and addressing modesof 8051 micro controller.
2.1 Define bit, nibble, byte and word related to microcontrollers.
2.2 Define the terms machine language, assembly language, and mnemonics.
2.3 Write the differences between machine level and assembly level programming.
2.4 Write the differences between low level and high level languages.
2.5 State the need for assembly level programming.
2.6 State the need for an instruction set.
2.7 Write the instruction format of 8051 & illustrate these terms by writing an instruction.
2.8 Classify the instruction set of 8051.
2.9 Explain one byte, two byte and three byte instructions of 8051.
2.10 What is addressing mode with reference to microcontroller.
2.11 List the various addressing modes of 8051and Explain with examples.
2.12 State the need for bit level addressing.
4.9 Explain interfacing of LCD to 8051.
4.10 Explain assembly language Program for interfacing LCD
4.11 Explain key press and detect mechanism.
4.12 Explain interfacing of 4x4 matrix key boards.
6.10 Explain information exchange between the program counter and stack when a subroutine is called.
6.11 Illustrate the concept of nesting, multiple ending and common ending in subroutines.
6.12 Use input/output, machine related statements in writing assembly language programs.
6.13 Explain the term debugging a program.
6.14 List the important steps in writing and trouble shooting a simple program.
6.15 Explain the principles of single step and break point debugging techniques.
6.16 Write simple programs to setup time delay using counter & a single register.
6.17 Calculate the time delay in the program given the clock frequency.
1. The 8051 Micro controller and Embedded systems , by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Mazidi, Janice
GillispieMazidi Pearson-Prenticehall publication
2. The 8051 Microcontroller By Kenneth J. Ayala -Thomson Delmar publications
3. Programming customizing the 8051 Microcontroller by MykePredko, TMH
4. Introduction to microprocessors for engineers and scientists by Ghosh& Sridhar, Prentice-Hall.
5. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers by N.Senthil Kumar, M. Saravanan, S. Jeevanathan, and Oxford
Suggested student activities.
1. Learn how to download keil software.
2. Propose how to manage the e-waste.
3. Down load ed-sim simulator and know its working.
4. Learn the latest microcontrollers used in day to day applications.
5. Prepare a simple PCB to interface a switch and LED.
CO PO Mapping Matrix
On Successful completion of the course, the student will be able to attain the following Course Outcomes (COs):
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5 V 5, 6 11(a) 15(a)
11(b) 15(b)
6 VI 7,8 10(b) 14(b)
12(a) 16(a)
12(b) 16(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
6(a) Write the difference between machine level and assembly level programming.
6(b) Classify the instruction set of 8051.
8(a) Explain one byte, two byte and three byte instructions with example for each.
8(b) Explain the addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller with an example for each.
5(a) Write an assembly language program to add the numbers 3Ah and 19H.
5(b) Write an assembly language program to multiply two binary numbers.
Answer ALL questions. 2 x 5 = 10 M
7(a) Write an assembly language program to load numbers into registers R1 and R2 using indirect addressing
mode, then exchange the data between them.
7(b) Write any 5 arithmetic group of instructions and explain them with an example for each.
9(a) List the interrupts of 8051 and write their vector addresses and order of priority.
9(b) Write the control word format of 8051.
10(a) Write an assembly language program to rotate a number in register R4 twice towards left with carry.
10(b) Explain the operation of stack with PUSH and POP instructions.
16(a) Write an assembly language program to transfer a block of 5 numbers stored in i-RAM locations from
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of Basic Physics and Mathematics at Secondary school level and
basics of electrical and electronics
Course Outcomes
Course Outcome
Compare different IC fabrication techniques
CO3 Construct basic application circuits using Op-amp
CO6 Construct Instrumentation amplifier and ADC and DAC converters using Operational Amplifiers
Merits and demerits of Integrated Circuits-Classification of ICs based on manufacturing process (monolithic,
thin film, thick film and hybrid) - Manufacturing process of monolithic ICs- fabrication of resistor, and capacitor
on monolithic IC- Fabrication of diode and transistor on monolithic IC- different IC packages- - Power rating of
above packages- Various levels of integration (SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI etc.) - Surface Mount Technology (SMT) -
Merits of SMT Technology
Need for differential amplifier- Circuit diagram of differential amplifier- Operation of differential amplifier-
Reasons for not implementing differential amplifier with discrete components- differential gain and common
mode gain- Function of an operational amplifier- Symbol - Inverting and Non inverting inputs of Op Amp-
Important characteristics of ideal operational amplifier- Input impedance, Open loop gain, Slew rate, CMRR,
Input offset voltage, Input offset Current- block diagram and pin out diagram of IC 741 - Pin configuration of
IC 741- Typical values of Open loop gain, Slew rate, CMRR, Input offset voltage, Input offset Current- Power
supply requirements of Operational Amplifier- Concept of virtual ground and Virtual short- Single supply
operation of Operational Amplifier- Pin configuration of single supply Op Amps such as CA 3011 ,LM324 -
Features of above ICs.
UNIT 3 –Op-amp applications Duration: 12 Periods (L: 6– T: 4)
Inverting amplifier configuration of Op Amp- input and output waveforms- Equation for voltage gain- Effect of
feedback on input impedance and Bandwidth for inverting amplifier configuration- Non Inverting amplifier
configuration of Op Amp- formula for Voltage gain- Effect of feedback on input impedance and Bandwidth- for
Non inverting amplifier configuration. Use of operational amplifier as i) inverter , ii) Voltage Buffer iii)
Summing Amplifier iv)Scale changer v) Integrator vi) Differentiator- Reasons for not implementing
differentiator circuit in high frequency applications-Voltage to current converter circuit- applications of Voltage
to current converter- Current to Voltage converter circuit - Current to Voltage converter circuit - Applications of
Current to Voltage converter-Active and Passive filters- Op amp Active low pass filter with circuit diagram of
first order- Frequency response - Op amp Active high pass filter of first order- Frequency response of the above
circuit- Merits of active filters
UNIT -4: Oscillators and Multi- vibrators using Op-amp Duration: 12 Periods (L: 6– T:4)
OP-Amp Wein-bridge Oscillator circuit- - Output waveform - Conditions required for stable operation - RC
Phase shift oscillator using OP Amp - conditions for stable operation -Classification of Multi vibrators- OP-
Amp Bistable multi vibrator - OP-Amp Bistable multi vibrator- output waveforms- OP-Amp Monostable
multivibrator with waveforms- Astable multi vibrator using OP-Amp- OP-Amp based Astable multi vibrator-
waveforms- applications of multivibrators- OP-Amp Schmitt trigger circuit- fundamental consideration of sweep
waveform- Hysteresis of Schmitt trigger circuit
Block diagram of 555 IC - Astable multi using 555 IC- Monostable Multivibrator using 555 IC.- Phase locked
loops - Block diagram of PLL – LM565- operation of VCO (LM566)- Lock range of PLL- Capture range of
PLL-Give design rules(Formulas) for implementing PLL circuit - Applications of PLL
UNIT- 6: Instrumentation amplifiers and A/D and D/A converters Duration: 10 Periods (L: 6– T:4)
Use of op amp circuits in instrumentation- Op amp and instrumentation amplifier- Need for instrumentation
amplifier- OP amp instrumentation amplifier circuit- Need for A/D and D/A conversion- Terms: resolution,
Accuracy, Monotonicity and settling time of D/A converter- D/A converter using binary weighted resistors- -
Circuit of D/A converter using R-2R ladder network-.A/D converter using counter method with a block diagram
- A/D converter using successive approximation method - Block diagram - Performance of above A/D
Specific Learning Outcomes: After completing this course the student will be able to
1.1 List the advantages and disadvantages of Integrated Circuits over discrete assembly.
1.2 Classify ICs based on fabrication techniques (monolithic, thin film, thick film and hybrid).
1.3 Compare the different types of above fabrication techniques
1.4 Explain the manufacturing process of monolithic ICs.
1.5 Explain the fabrication of resistor, and capacitor on monolithic IC.
1.6 Explain the fabrication of diode and transistor on monolithic IC.
1.7 List different IC packages.
1.8 Draw the sketch of above package types
1.9 Mention the power rating of above packages.
1.10 Explain various levels of integration (SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI etc.,).
1.11 Explain the Surface Mount Technology (SMT)
1.12 List 6 merits of SMT Technology.
2.0 Explain the working of Operational amplifier
3.0 Operational amplifier applications using negative feedback
3.1. Explain the Inverting amplifier configuration of Op Amp with input and output waveforms.
3.2. Derive the equation for voltage gain of an inverting amplifier
3.3. Explain the concept of virtual ground and Virtual short.
3.4. Derive the equation for voltage gain of an inverting amplifier.
3.5. Explain the Non Inverting amplifier configuration of Op Amp.
3.6. Derive the formula for Voltage gain of above.
3.7. Explain the use of operational amplifier as i) inverter , ii) Buffer iii) Summing Amplifier iv)Scale
changer v) Integrator vi) Differentiator
3.8. Mention the reasons for not implementing differentiator circuit in high frequency applications.
3.9. Draw the Voltage to current converter circuit.
3.10. Explain the operation of above circuit
3.11. List 3 applications of Voltage to current converter.
3.12. Draw the Current to Voltage converter circuit.
3.13. Explain the operation of Current to Voltage converter circuit.
3.14. List 3 applications of Current to Voltage converter
3.15. .Distinguish between Active and Passive filters.
3.16. Explain the working of Op amp Active low pass filter with circuit diagram of first order.
3.17. Draw the frequency response of the above circuit.
3.18. Explain the working of Op amp Active high pass filter with circuit diagram of first order
3.19. Draw the frequency response of the above circuit.
3.20. Mention the merits of active filters.
4.0Explain the working of Oscillators and Multi- vibrators using Op-amp
1. Electronic Devices and Circuits – T.F. Bogart Jr., J.S.Beasley and G.Rico, Pearson Education,6th edition,
2. Linear Integrated circuits – D.Roychoudhury&Shail.B. Jain – New age International Publishers – II
Edition – 2004.
3. Op-amps and linear integrated circuits, Ramakanth A. Gayakwad, ISBN- 9780132808682
4. Principles of Electronics, Rohit Mehta and V K Mehta, S. Chand and Company Publishing, ISBN-
5. Electronic Devices and Circuits, David A. Bell, Oxford University Press, ISBN9780195693409
Suggested Student Activities
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to test the applications of op-amp
Course Outcome CL Linked PO Hours
R/U 1,2,10 8
Know the different IC fabrication techniques
CO2 Know the salient features of Op-amp and Understand the R/U/A 1,2,5,6,7
working of op-amp 12
CO4 Apply the basic knowledge of Op-amp in the design of R/U/A 1,2,5,7
oscillators and multi-vibrators 10
CO5 Apply the knowledge of Op-amp and know the working of R/U/A 1,2,5
Timers and PLL 10
1 I
1 9(a) 13(a)
2 II
2 10(a) 14(a)
4 IV
9(b) 13(b)
5 V 5, 6 11(a) 15(a)
11(b) 15(b)
10(b) 14(b)
5.c Explain manufacturing process of monolithic IC?
8. List the applications of Multi-vibrators?
5.c. Give the reason for using non-linear element in the feedback circuit of Wein-bridge oscillator?
5.d. Give the conditions for stable operation of RC – Phase shift oscillator?
6.c Explain Gain-Bandwidth product of Op-amp?
7.c Draw and explain the working of first order active low pass filter using op-amp?
7.d Draw and explain the Non-inverting amplifier configuration of op-amp and derive the expression for
voltage gain?
8.c Draw and explain the working of Bi-stable multi-vibrator using Op-amp?
10.c Mention the reasons for not implementing differentiator circuit in High Frequency applications?
13.c Define Slew rate and CMRR of operational amplifier? Explain their importance in the operation of
operational amplifier?
13.dDetermine the frequency of oscillation for the astable multivibrator using IC-555. Given that
RA=RB=1KΩ and C=1000PF.
14.c For the subtractor circuit using an op-amp input voltages are V 1=5V and V2=2V and R1=10K and R2=20k
respectively. Calculate the output voltage.
14.dA certain 8-bit DAC has a full-scale output of 2mA and a full-scale error of ± 0.5% F.S. What is the range
of possible outputs for an input of 10000000?
15.c Explain controlled voltage and threshold of IC-555.?
Industrial Instrumentation
Course Title Industrial Instrumentation Course Code 18EI-404C
CO1 Apply the knowledge of Transducers in the measurement of speed ,velocity & vibration
CO3 Illustrate the use of Humidity, Moisture and Special sensors and their applications
Analyze smart sensor and understand the types & working of Proximity Sensors & Relays
Total 60 8 8 8
Course Contents
UNIT 1-Measurement of Speed, Velocity & Vibration Duration: 8Periods (L: 6 T :2)
Vibration monitoring-linear velocity measurement-moving coil type velocity transducers-moving iron type
velocity transducers-Angular velocity speed measurements-AC & DC Tachogenerator-Photo electric
tachometer-toothed rotor variable reluctance tachometer.
UNIT 2- Measurement of Density and Viscosity Duration: 8Periods (L:6 - T :2)
Density-Displacement type density measurement-fluid dynamic type density measurement-Ultrasonic type
density measurement-Viscosity-Capillary Viscometer-Falling ball Viscometer-Rotational Viscometer.
UNIT 3-Humidity, Moisture and Special Sensors Duration: 12Periods (L:9- T :3)
Humidity-Moisture-Importance of humidity measurement-Classification of humidity-hair hygrometer-flame
sensor-leak detector-noise sensor
UNIT 4-Nuclear Instrumentation Duration: 6Periods (L:4.5- T :1.5)
Types of Ionization radiation- Alpha, Beta and Gamma Particles, Neutrons & their properties-Radiation
detectors- Geiger Muller counter - Ionization chamber-Scintillation counter.
UNIT 5- Smart sensors Duration: 12Periods (L:9- T :3)
Definition of smart sensor- block diagram and its architecture of smart sensor- Evolution of smart sensor-1 st,2nd ,
3rd,4th,5th generations & brief explanation of some examples as Proximity sensors- IR sensors, Motion
detection sensors- Accelerometer sensors- Gyroscope sensors- temperature- level sensors
UNIT 6- Advanced Applications of Industrial Instrumentation Duration:
14Periods (L:10.5 - T :3.5)
Altimeter-Bevameter-Electronic Tuner-Barkometer-Ceilometer-Actinometer
Reference Books
5.4 Explain the evolution of smart sensor as 1 st,2nd ,3rd,4th,5thgenerations .
5.5 Define proximity sensor.
5.6 List proximity sensors.
5.7 Explain Proximity type inducti ve, capaciti ve, photoelectric, ultrasonic sensors.
5.8 List applicati ons of proximity sensors.
5.9 Defi ne IR sensor.
5.10Explain IR sensor and list its applicati ons.
5.11Defi ne moti on detecti on sensor.
5.12List applicati ons of moti on detecti on sensors..
5.13Defi ne Accelerometer sensor.
5.14List applicati ons of Accelerometer sensor.
5.15Explain about Hall Effect accelerometer and piezoelectric accelerometer
5.16Defi ne Gyroscope sensor.
5.17List the applicati ons of Gyroscope sensor.
UNIT 6-Applications of Industrial Instrumentation
6.1 Explain the principle of operation of Altimeter.
6.2 List the Advantages of Altimeter.
6.3 List the Disadvantages of Altimeter.
6.4 Explain the principle of operation of Bevameter.
6.5 List the Advantages of Bevameter.
6.6 List the Disadvantages of Bevameter.
6.7 Explain the principle of operation of Electronic Tuner.
6.8 List the Advantages of Electronic Tuner.
6.9 List the Disadvantages of Electronic Tuner.
6.10 Explain the principle of operation of Barkometer.
6.11 List the Advantages of Barkometer.
6.12 List the Disadvantages of Barkometer.
6.13 Explain the principle of operation of Ceilometer
6.14 List the Advantages of Ceilometer.
6.15 List the Disadvantages of Ceilometer.
6.16 Explain the principle of operation of Actinometer
6.17 List the Advantages of Actinometer.
6.18 List the Disadvantages of Actinometer.
n Communicatio
and practice Experiments
learning Lifelong
Knowledge Discipline
Tools Engineering
& Environment
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO1 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,10
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,10
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,10
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,10
CO6 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,10
Internal evaluation
Test Units Marks
Assignment 1 5
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a page,1
page and 2 pages respectively
Answer all questions, Each Question carries one mark 4x1 = 4 Marks
1) Mention the types of velocity transducers.
2) List the advantages of D.C tacho generators
3) Define density.
4) List the advantages of capillary viscometer.
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
Model Question paper
DEIE IV semester Mid Semester-II Examination
Answer all questions, Each Question carries one mark 4x1= 4 Marks
1. Define humidity
2. List the application of flam sensors.
3. List the types of Radiations
4. State the types of radiation detectors
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
Model Question paper
DEIE IV Semester
Semester End Examination
11(b) Describe Gyroscope sensor.
This course requires the basic knowledge of Physics, Mathematics and Process Instrumentation.
Course Outcomes
Compare open loop and closed loop control systems and familiarize different types of systems.
CO1 :
Categorize the Process control
CO2 : Determine the various Control system parameters and compare the various Controller principles
CO4 : Use standards for Process control and draw Process Instrument diagrams
Unit Unit Name Periods Questions to be set for SEE
Total 60 8 8 8
UNIT Contents
1 –Fundamentals of Electricity Duration: 8 Periods (L: 4.8 –
UNIT 3- Final Control Elements Duration: 8 Periods(L:5– T:3)
P/I and I/P converters-Different types of the Actuators-Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Electro pneumatic, Actuators-
different types of control valves.
Recommended Books
2.0 Control system parameters and Controller principles
3.1 Explain the principle of operation of final control element in a process with block diagram
3.2 State the need for electric to pressure and pressure to electric converters.
3.3 Explain the working of Nozzle-Flapper system with a diagram.
3.4 Explain the working of Electric to Pressure converter.
3.5 Explain the working of Pressure to Electric converter.
3.6 List the types of Actuators.
3.7 Explain the principle of Pneumatic Actuator with diagram.
3.8 Explain the principle of Hydraulic Actuator with diagram.
3.9 Explain the working of Electro Pneumatic Actuator with diagram.
3.10 Explain the working of Solenoid valve actuator
3.11 Explain the working Stepper motor actuator
3.12 Classification of Control valves.
3.13 Explain the construction and working of Sliding stem control valve
3.14 Explain the construction and working of Single seat Plug Control valve
3.15 Explain the construction and working of Rotating shaft Control valve
3.16 Explain the construction and working of Butterfly control valve
3.17 List the Flow-Lift characteristics of control valves such as quick opening, Linear, Equal
Percentage valves.
4.1 State the importance of process line diagrams and symbols in process control.
4.2 Explain the representation of following in a process using line diagrams.
a) Process line, connection to process or instrument supply
b) Fluid pressure Line.
c) Electric signal
d) Pneumatic signal
e) Hydraulic signal
f) Capillary tube.
g) Electromagnetic or Sonic signal (guided and not guided).
h) Undefined signal.
i) Mechanical link
j) Internal system link (software or data link or computer signal)
k) Orifice installed line.
l) Point of measurement
4.3 Explain the representation of following controllers and transmitters using symbols.
a) Pressure transmitter
b) Flow Transmitter
c) Level Transmitter
d) Temperature Transmitter
e) Pressure Controller
f) Flow Controller
g) Level Controller
h) Temperature Controller
4.4 Explain the representation of following control valves using symbols.
a) Hydraulically operated control valve
b) Pneumatically operated control valve
c) Electrically operated control valve
d) Butterfly valve
e) Solenoid Valve
f) Gate valve
g) Gate valve-hand operated
h) Globe Valve
i) Globe valve- hand operated
4.5 Explain the representation of following general instruments by Balloon symbols
a) Instrument at locally mounted
b) Instrument at control centre
c) Instrument- bi-functional /two services
d) Instrument-transmitting type
4.6 Define piping and instrumentation diagram (P&I diagram).
4.7 Explain the simple application oriented P & I diagram.
4.8 Explain the use of letter codes for identification of instruments
4.9 Explain different standards used in Instrumentation.
a) ISI
c) BS
d) ISA
f) DIN
a) Single variable control system.
b) Independent single variable control system
c) Interactive single variable control system
d) Compound variable control system and
e) Multivariable control system
6.3 Define cascade control system
6.4 Explain the block diagram of cascade control system.
6.5 Mention the merits of cascade control system over single loop control system
6.6 Explain the following with example
a. Cascade control
b. Single loop control system
6.7 Compare how the cascade control system is better than single loop control system with an
6.8 List the applications of cascade control system.
6.9 Explain feed forward control system with block diagram.
6.10 Distinguish between feedback and feed forward control systems.
6.11 Explain the operation of Ratio control with a diagram.
6.12 List the applications of Ratio control system.
6.13 Define Adaptive control.
6.14 Explain programmed adaptive control system with block diagram.
6.15 Explain self- adaptive control system with block diagram.
6.16. List the applications of adaptive control system.
1. Student visits Library to refer to Manual of electronic components to find their specifications
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to identify the components
3. Visit nearby Industry to familiarize with controlling process ex: Power stations, Cement, paper
4. Quiz
5. Group discussion
6. Surprise test
Engineer and society
Lifelong learning
Basic knowledge
Discipline Knowledge
Engineering Tools
Linked PO
CO1 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,6
CO3 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO4 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,7
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5,8
CO6 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,8
Internal evaluation
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a page,1
page and 2 pages respectively
Q1 Q9(a) Q13(a)
Q2 Q10(a) Q14(a)
Total Questions 8 8 8
Model Question Paper
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one marks. MARKS: 4X1 =4
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries three marks. MARKS: 2X3 =06
5. (a) Distinguish between open loop and closed loop control system.
5. (b) Explain briefly about Non –linear control system.
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries five marks MARKS: 2X5=10
7.(a) Explain the closed loop control system with the help of an example.
7.(b) Explain briefly about time variant and time invariant systems.
8. (a) Explain two position control mode
8. (b) Explain the Proportional Integral control modes and mention its advantages and
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one marks. MARKS: 4X1 =04
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries three marks. MARKS: 2X3 =06
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries five marks MARKS: 2X5 =10
Model Question Paper
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. MARKS: 8X1 =08
9.(a) Distinguish between open loop and closed loop control system.
9.(b).Draw proportional control mode using Op-Amp.
10.(a) Explain the principle of pneumatic actuator.
10.(b) List the applications of Cascade control system.
11.(a) Design the two position control using op-amp.
11.(b) Design the PI controller using op-amp.
12.(a) Explain the feed forward control with block diagram
12.(b) List the applications of adaptive control system.
13.(a) Draw the Block diagram of process control loop and explain each element in it.
13.(b) Explain the ultimate gain method in detail.
14.(a) Explain the principle of Hydraulic Actuator with diagram.
14.(b) Draw and explain the block diagram of cascade control system.
15.(a) Explain the implementation of Integral control mode using Op Amp.
15.(b) Explain the process reaction curve tuning method of PID.
16.(a) Explain the programmed adaptive control system with block diagram.
16.(b) Explain the operation of Ratio control with diagram.
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic skills of Handling Basic Electronics tools and Components, knowledge of
connecting cables and meters
1 Op-amp circuits 15 4 2 6 12
4 Op-amp applications 12 2 2 6 12
Total 45 10 8 22 40
Course Contents
List of Experiments
1. Familiarize with Operational amplifier 741 and Quad Op amp LM 324 and comparator LM 339
3) Implement and test 741 Op Amp as
a) Inverting amplifier
a) Summing Amplifier
b) Difference amplifier
a) Interface op amp output with TTL gates with input amplitude limiting circuit
c) Implement &test Current to Voltage converter and use it to detect photodiode reverse current.
a) Implement & test a Voltage to current converter that produces a proportionate current in the range
of 4mA to 20mA corresponding to input voltages from 0 to 5V
8) Implement & test Sine wave Oscillator Circuits using OpAmp CA 3011
A) Implement 565 Phase locked loop circuit and determine VCO free running frequency Lock range ,
Capture Range Practically and observe output waveforms on CRO
b) Implement Frequency demodulator using 565 and observe output waveform on CRO.
b) Produce Frequency modulation using 566 and observe output waveform on CRO.
14) Assemble Audio Power Amplifier circuit using LM 380 IC and Test the performance.
Course Outcome Linked PO
CO1 Analyze op-amp characteristics and apply the knowledge of op-amp in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
basic applications
E Learning Resources
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
Semester MID-I Examination Model Question paper
DEIE IV semester practical Examination
Corse Code: 18EI-406P Duration: 1 hour
Course Name: Linear Integrated Circuits Lab Practice Max.Marks:20
Instructions to the Candidate:
(i)Answer any One of the following Questions.
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required , and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration ,choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
1. Compare the features of Operational amplifier 741 and Quad Op amp LM 324 and comparator LM
339 ICs
2. Construct the circuit to determine the CMRR and Slew Rate of the OP-AMP and measure.
6. Implement Wave shaping circuits using Op Amp as Schmitt trigger and draw characteristics
7. a) Interface op amp output with TTL gates with input amplitude limiting circuit
8. a) Implement &test Current to Voltage converter and use it to detect photodiode reverse current.
9. Implement &test a Voltage to current converter that produces a proportionate current in the range of 4mA to
20mA corresponding to input voltages from 0 to 5V
10 implement & test Sine wave Oscillator Circuits using OpAmp CA 3011
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required , and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration ,choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
a) Implement &test Monostable multivibrator circuit and observe output waveforms on CRO
A) Implement 565 Phase locked loop circuit and determine VCO free running frequency Lock range , Capture
Range Practically and observe output waveforms on CRO
b) Implement Frequency demodulator using 565 and observe output waveform on CRO.
b) Produce Frequency modulation using 566 and observe output waveform on CRO.
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required , and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration ,choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
1. Compare the features of Operational amplifier 741 and Quad Op amp LM 324 and comparator LM
339 ICs
2. Construct the circuit to determine the CMRR and Slew Rate of the OP-AMP and measure.
6. Implement Wave shaping circuits using Op Amp as Schmitt trigger and draw characteristics
7. a) Interface op amp output with TTL gates with input amplitude limiting circuit
8. a) Implement &test Current to Voltage converter and use it to detect photodiode reverse current.
9. Implement &test a Voltage to current converter that produces a proportionate current in the range of 4mA
10 implement & test Sine wave Oscillator Circuits using Op Amp CA 3011
a) Implement &test Monostable multivibrator circuit and observe output waveforms on CRO
A) Implement 565 Phase locked loop circuit and determine VCO free running frequency Lock range,
b) Implement Frequency demodulator using 565 and observe output waveform on CRO.
b) Produce Frequency modulation using 566 and observe output waveform on CRO.
Industrial Instrumentation lab Practice
Course Title Industrial Instrumentation lab Course Code 18EI-407P
Pre requisites
Course Outcomes
CO2 Identify and measure the Density and Viscosity of different samples.
CO4 Analyze and observe the response of various fluids by pH and Conductivity meters.
1 AC & DC Tachometers 10
2 Densitometer & Viscometer 10
3 Hygrometer, Smoke sensor ,
Audio sensor & leak detectors
4 Measurement of pH &
Total 45
Course Contents
Reference Books
1. Do Market survey on List of Electronic components available in the market and collect the following
information like name of the electronic component, specifications, Price etc. The student should submit
a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
2. Take Quiz tests / assignments in Semiconductor device experiments.Documentshave to be
maintained as a record.
3. Do power point presentations on Speed,Density, Viscosity, pH, Conductivity, Hygrometer,and
Sensors& Detectors.Documents have to be maintained as a record.
CO-PO Mapping Matrix
Engineering Tools
Basic knowledge
Lifelong learning
Discipline Knowledge
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO1 2 2 2 1,3,10
CO2 2 2 2 1,2,10
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,7,10
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 1,3,4,8,10
Internal Evaluation
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
Model Question paper
DEIE IV semester Mid Semester-I Examination
State Board of Technical Education and Training,Telangana
Model Question paper
DEIE IV semester Mid Semester-II Examination
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic skills of Handling digital circuits and computer.
2 Programs related to
15 0 12 0 10 30
arithmetic and logical group
3 Application programs 15 2 2 4 15 20
Total 45 12 20 8 40 100
Course outcomes
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to attain below Course Outcome
Course Outcome CL Linked Teaching
PO Hours
Course Contents
a. Write an assembly language program (ALP) to move the data from one register to another.
b. Write an ALP to move the data from internal RAM one location to another.
c. Write an ALP to move the data from external RAM one location to another.
d. Write an ALP to move the data from external RAM internal RAM and vice versa.
e. Write an ALP to exchange the data between two registers.
f. Write an ALP to exchange the data between two i-RAM locations.
g. Write an ALP to exchange the data between two i-RAM locations.
III. Programs to perform function on block data using counters and conditions.
a. Write an ALP to transfer a block of data from internal RAM to external RAM with overlap.
b. Write an ALP to transfer a block of datafrom external RAM to internal RAM without overlap.
c. Write an ALP to add block of data present in internal RAM. Store the sum and carry in registers.
d. Write an ALP to add block of decimal numbers present in internal RAM. Store the sum and carry in
e. Write an ALP to test if a given number is present in the block of data.
f. Write an ALP to identify the even numbers from a block of given data.
g. Write an ALP to identify the odd numbers from a block of given data.
h. Write an ALP to find the largest number from a block of data.
i. Write an ALP to find the smallest number from a block of data.
j. Write an ALP to arrange a block of data in ascending order.
k. Write an ALP to arrange a block of data in descending order.
a. Implement a HEX up/down counter - (Program should check value @R0=0X30, if 0X30=0 then up
counter else down counter)
b. Implement BCD(00-99) up/down counter - (Program should check value @R0=0X30, if 0X30=0 then up
counter else down counter)
c. Write a program in assembly language to produce required time delay a) by Using instructions only b)
by Using Timers
d. Write a program in assembly language to verify Logical or Delay loop using Call and return
Semester IV Course Group :Practical
Teaching Scheme in
15:0:30 Credits : 1.5
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of temperature, flow, level, pressure controllers and I to P & P to I
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Analyze and Evaluate the Temperature control using P ,PI,PID & EPID Controller
CO2 : Analyze and Evaluate the Flow control using P ,PI & PID Controller
Analyze , Observe and Record the Level control using P ,PI & PID Controller and closed loop
CO3 :
level control characteristics
Analyze , Observe and Record the Pressure control using P ,PI & PID Controller and open &
CO4 :
closed loop level control characteristics
Unit No Unit name Periods
1. Temperature controller 12
2. Flow controller 8
3. Level controller 8
4 Pressure controller 11
5 I to P, P to I converters 6
Course Contents
Conduct an experiment:
Conduct an experiment:
Conduct an experiment:
b) To control Pressure using PID.
c) To draw the performance characteristics of Open loop Pressure Control
d) To draw the performance characteristics of Closed loop Pressure control
5. I to P, P to I Converters Duration: 6Periods(L:2– P:4)
Conduct an experiment:
1. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to identify the components
2. Visit nearby Industry to familiarize with automation using plc/scada ex: Power stations, Cement, paper,
Chemical Industries
Engineering Tools
Basic knowledge
Lifelong learning
Engineer and society
Linked PO
Knowledge Discipline
CO1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,8,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,8,10
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,810
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,810
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,8,10
Internal Evaluation
Total 60
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
DEIE IV Semester Practical Examination
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
Course Title Advanced Communication Skills and Course Code 18 EI- 410 P
Life Skills
This course is designed to impart writing skills and employability skills to the students of diploma
which will help them in obtaining and maintaining the employment.
This course requires the basic knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and four language learning
skills, viz. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Course Outcomes:
Modules At the end of the course the students will have the ability
Prepare a presentation.
Use presentation aids effectively.
Develop public speaking skills.
Presentation Skills Learn to make PowerPoint Presentations effectively.
Present a Paper using appropriate body language.
Learn kinds of reports.
Learn the format of a report.
Organise ideas.
Writing Reports Develop essential vocabulary useful to write scientific and
technical reports.
Learn the techniques to face an interview.
Learn the etiquette to communicate with employers.
Learn the dos and don’ts of an interview.
Interview Skills Learn the frequently asked questions in interviews.
Use appropriate body language.
Learn to face interviews telephonically.
Gain the confidence to face an interview by attending
mock interview.
Learn the dos and don’ts of a Group Discussion.
Participate in a Group Discussion in a healthy manner.
Group Discussion Use effective non-verbal communication.
Use appropriate phrases and expressions useful in a group
CO-PO Matrix
Course Outcome Linked PO
CO 1 Making effective presentations R/U/A 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6,7,8,9,10
CO 2 Writing scientific and technical reports R/U/A 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9,10
CO 3 Learn to face oral and telephonic R/U/A 1,2,3,4, 7,9,
CO 4 Learn to face group discussion R/U/A 1,2,3,7,8,9
CO 5 Learn to write various formats useful R/U/A 1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10
at workplace
CO6 Learn workplace etiquette and ethics R/U/A 1,2,3,7,8,9,10
Course Contents:
Paper Presentations
Mock Interviews
Telephonic Interviews
Group Discussions
Role Plays
Creating advertisements
Five-minute activities
Creating a model of workplace
Evaluation Pattern:
Adair, John. Effective Communication. London: Pan Macmillan Ltd., 2003.
Ajmani, J. C. Good English: Getting it Right. New Delhi: Rupa Publications, 2012.
Amos, Julie-Ann. Handling Tough Job Interviews. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing, 2004.
Collins, Patrick. Speak with Power and Confidence. New York: Sterling, 2009.
Fensterheim, Herbert and Jean Baer. Don't Say Yes When You Want To Say No. New York:
Raman, Meenakshi & Sangeeta Sharma. Technical Communication: Principles and
Practice. Second Edition. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2011
E-Learning Resources:
Part – A 10 marks
Instruction: Answer any one of the following questions.
Part – B 10 marks
Part – A 10 marks
Instruction: Answer any one of the following questions.
Part – B 10 marks
Part – A 10 marks
Part – B 15 marks
(1) Along with every activity the rubrics table should be given to the student for his
information about the criterion of assessment.
(2) As a record of the activity at least Rubric sheet for each student For every activity at least
Rubric sheet for each student as be preserved as a document.
Research Accurately researched Recorded Misinterpreted Recorded __/3
and Note a variety of information relevant statements, information
Taking sources recorded and information graphics and from four or
interpreted significant from multiple questions and less resources,
facts, meaningful sources of failed to did not find
graphics, and information identify graphics and
evaluated alternative evaluated and relevant ignored
points of view. synthesized arguments. alternative
relevant points of view.
Presentation 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
the slide presentation The thumbnail The thumbnail There a very
structure with sketches on sketches on few thumbnail
thumbnail sketches of the topic the topic are sketches on
each slide including: include titles not in a logical the topic and
title of slide, text, and text for sequence and do not provide
background color, each slide have an overview of
placement & size of and are in incomplete the
graphic, fonts - color, sequential information. presentation.
size, type for text and order.
headings. All slides
are numbered, and
there is a logical
sequence to the
Introduction 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
The introduction The The The
presents the overall introduction is introduction introduction
topic and draws the clear and shows some does not orient
audience into the coherent and structure but the audience to
presentation with relates to the does not what will follow.
compelling questions topic. create a strong
or by relating to the sense of what The
audience's interests or is to follow. sequencing is
goals. May be overly unclear and
detailed or does not
incomplete and appear
is somewhat interesting or
appealing to relevant to the
the audience. audience.
and/or The graphics, and/or The Some of the The graphics, , ___/3
Animation animation assist in graphics, /and graphics, , and/or
presenting an overall or animation and/or animations are
theme and enhance visually depict animations unrelated to the
understanding of material and seem content.
concept, ideas and assist the unrelated to
relationships. audience in the Graphics do
understanding topic/theme not enhance
Original images are the flow of and do not understanding
created using proper information or enhance the of the content,
size and resolution, content. overall or are
and all images concepts. distracting
enhance the content. Original decorations
images are Most images that create a
There is a consistent used. are clip art or busy feeling
visual theme. recycled from and detract
Images are the internet. from the
proper size, content.
resolution. Images are too
large/small in
Images are
poorly cropped
or the
is fuzzy.
Writing 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
The text is written with The text is Spelling, Errors in
no errors in grammar, clearly written punctuation, spelling,
capitalization, with little or and grammar capitalization,
punctuation, and no editing errors distract punctuation,
spelling. required for or impair usage and
grammar, readability. grammar
punctuation, repeatedly
and spelling. (three or more distract the
errors) reader, and
major editing
and revision is
1. Visit the College library and prepare a list of at least 10 text books available in the library with author name
and publishing company for each subject of the semester. The student should submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
2. Do Market survey on List of Various Linear ICs and digital ICs available in the market and collect
the information like pin diagrams, specifications, Price etc. The student should submit a
handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9)
3. To Study using internet about the applications of various Linear ICs which are useful to the society,
design and demonstrate their working. Prepare a detailed report of their working and uses.
Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
4. To Study using internet about the applications of various Digital ICs which are useful to the
society, design and demonstrate their working. Prepare a detailed report of their working and uses.
Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
5. To Study using internet about the various equipment like Analog Instruments and Digital
Instruments available in the Lab and prepare a detailed report of their working and uses. Documents
have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
6. To Study using internet about the various equipment like Analog Instruments and Digital
Instruments available in the Lab and prepare a detailed report of their working and uses. Documents
have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
7. To Study using internet about various equipment like function generators, CROs and various test
instruments available in the Lab and prepare a detailed report of their working and uses. Documents
have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
8. To Study using internet about transducers like tacho generators and tacho meters / Speedo meters
available in the market and how they are calibrated in KMPH / RPM. The student should submit a
handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
9. To Study using internet about transducers used for measurement of density. The student should
submit a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
10. To Study using internet about transducers used for measurement of viscosity. The student should
submit a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
11. To Study using internet about transducers used for measurement of humidity. The student should
submit a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
12. To Study using internet about various proximity sensors. The student should submit a handwritten
report. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
13. To Study using internet about various motion detection sensors. The student should submit a
handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9, 10)
14. Analyze the connections in the UPS available in the Institution. Documents have to be maintained
as a record. (POs 4, 8, 9)
15. Give Seminars on the topics of the concerned Course as allotted by the staff. Documents have to be
maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9)
18. Prepare a power point presentation with full details about the Electronic components used in the
concerned subject experiments. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
(POs 8, 9)
19. Prepare a power point presentation with full details about the Digital ICs used in the concerned
subject experiments. Documents have to be maintained as a record.
(POs 8, 9)
20. Visit YouTube or any other sites on current topics in Digital electronics experiments.
Listen to the lectures and submit a handwritten report and a soft copy (CD/DVD).
(POs 8, 9, 10)
21. Design a mini project useful to the society based on the topics relevant to electronic circuits and
they have to be demonstrated. Student can search 5 min. /10 min. projects in you tube for this
purpose. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
22. Design a mini project useful to the society based on the topics relevant to Digital electronics and
they have to be demonstrated. Student can search 5 min. /10 min. projects in you tube for this
purpose. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
23. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and transducers like
LVDT, RVDT and Potentiometers etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
24. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and transducers like
Sight glass, IR sensors, etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
25. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and transducers like
Thermo couple, Thermistor, RTD etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
26. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and transducers like
Bourdon tubes, Bellows Dead weight tester etc. Submit a handwritten report. (POs 8, 9, 10)
27. Visit YouTube or any other sites to study the manufacturing of various sensors and transducers like
Orifice, Venturi tube, Rota meter, Electromagnetic flow meter etc. Submit a handwritten report.
(POs 8, 9, 10)
28. Design a mini project useful to the society based on the topics relevant to sensors and transducers
Thermistor, RTD, Float etc. and they have to be demonstrated. Student can search 5 min. / 10 min.
projects in you tube for this purpose. (POs 5, 8, 9, 10)
29. Do Market survey on commercially available micro processors microcontrollers in the market and collect
the following information like name specifications, Price etc. The student should submit a handwritten report.
Documents have to be maintained as a record. (POs 8, 9)
29. Give a power point presentation on 8051 Microcontroller architecture and pins description. (POs 8,
30. Visit YouTube or any other sites for Aurdiuno based eexperiments / mini projects interfacing
Sensors/Actuators as per your choice with Arduino and Breadboard.
(POs 8, 9)
Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Instruction Total Credits Continuous internal Semester end examination
periods Periods evaluation
per per
week semest
L T P Mid Mid Internal Max marks Total Min
Sem1 Sem2 Evaluation Min marks Marks marks for
1 Industrial Management & 14
501F Entrepreneur Ship 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100 35
2 Instrumentation in Process 14 35
502C Industries 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
3 Industrial Automation 14 35
503C 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
4 Elective - 1 14 35
504E 3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
5 Elective - 2
505E 14 35
3 1 0 60 3 20 20 20 40 100
10 2 45 20
Project Work 1 0 1.5 20 20 20 40 100
Skill Up gradation 0 0 7 105 2.5 0 0 Rubrics -- -
17 25 440
TOTAL 20 5 630 200 200 200 400 190 1000
Course Title : Industrial Management Course Code : 18EI-501F
Course Group : Foundation
& Entrepreneurship Credits :3
Semester :V Total Contact Periods : 60 Periods
Teaching Scheme in : 45:15:0 SEE : 40 Marks
Periods (L:T:P) (Semester End Examination)
Methodology : Lecture + Tutorial
CIE : 60 Marks
(Continuous Internal Evaluation)
This course is common for DCME, DEEE, DECE & DFWT
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of management and Entrepreneur skills.
Course Outcomes
CO1 To become aware of business and management concepts.
CO2 Analyze the various rules and regulations required for the planning of factory and its staff.
CO5 Analyze the quality management and know the analysis procedure for quality.
CO6 Able to establish a small scale industry by knowing the entrepreneur skills.
Unit Unit Name Periods Questions to be set for SEE
1 Overview of Business,
Management Process
and Organization
Q1 Q9(a) Q13(a)
2 Human resource
Management 10
3 Finance Management
10 Q4
Q2 Q10(a) Q14(a)
4 Material Management
Total 60 8 8 8
Course Content
UNIT 3 - Finance Management Duration 10 (L: 7.5 T: 2.5)
Introduction – Objectives of Financial Management – Types of capitals – sources of raising capital – Types of
budgets – production budgets – labour budgets – Concept of Profit loss Account – Concept of balance sheet –
proforma – types of taxes – brief concepts of – Income Tax, GST.
Recommended Books
1. Industrial Engg &Management by Dr. O.P. Khanna - Dhanpath Rai & sons New Delhi
2. Business Administration &Management Dr. S.C. Saxena & W.H. Newman &E.Kirby Warren- Sahitya
Bhavan Agra
3. The process of Management by Andrew R. McGill - Prentice Hall
4. Industrial Management by Rustom S. Davar - Khanna Publication
5. Total Quality Management, S Raja Ram, M Shivashankar
6. Industrial management and organizational behaviour, K.K.Ahuja
1.1 Define Business
1.2 State the Types of Business ( Service, Manufacturing, Trade)
1.3 Explain about the various industrial sectors like engineering, process, textile, Agro based industries.
1.4 State the need for Globalization.
1.5 List the Advantages & Disadvantages of globalization w.r.t. India.
1.6 Explain the importance of Intellectual Property Rights (I.P.R.)
1.6 Define Management.
1.7 Explain the concept of management
1.8 Explain the Different Levels of management
1.9 Explain Administration & management
1.10 State the principles of scientific management by F.W.Taylor
1.11 State the principles of Management by Henry Fayol (14 principles)
1.12 List the Functions of Management
i) Planning ii) Organizing iii) Directing iv) Controlling
1.13 Define Organization
1.14 List the Types of organization: a) Line b) Line & staff c) Functional d) Project
1.15 Explain the four types of organization.
1.16 Define departmentalization.
1.17 Explain the following types of departmentalizations
i) Centralized & Decentralized ii) Authority & Responsibility iii) span of Control
1.18 Explain the Forms of ownership
i) Proprietorship ii) Partnership iii) Joint stock iv) Co-operative Society v) Govt. Sector
6.1 Explain the concept of entrepreneurship.
6.18 Name the state level and National level sources of information
6.19 Mention the various Central government institutions and their functions
6.22 Mention the names of State level institutions and their functions (like SSIDC, DIC, APITCO)
6.23 List the banks that support SSIs like SIDBI, APSFC.
6.24 List the thrust areas and Core sectors as per Telangana state industry policy.
6.26 Mention Special assistance schemes for women and SC/ST entrepreneurs.
Execution Mode:
1. Maximum of 5 students in each batch should do any one of the following type activity or similar activity
related to the course and before take up, get it approved from concerned Teacher.
2. Each batch should conduct different activity and no repeating should occur.
3. Submit a brief report on the activity done on 4-6 pages, A4 size hand written paper. Papers should be simple
stapled or tagged. Avoid plastic based files for submitting of reports.
4. Activities can be carried off-class.
5. Assessment shall be made based on quality of activity/presentation/demonstration and report.
Lifelong learning
Basic knowledge
Engineering Tools
practice Experiments and
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10
CO1 2 2 3
CO2 2 2 2 3 3 2 1,2,5,6,7
CO3 2 2 3 3 1,2,9
CO4 2 2 2 3 2 1,2,5,7
CO5 2 3 2 2 1,2,5,10
CO6 2 2 2 3 3 1,2,3,7,10
Internal Evaluation
Mid Sem 1 1 and 2 20
Assignments - 5
Seminars - 5
Total 60
No of Marks for
Sl.No Description Level Choice Total Marks
Questions each question
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1,2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3,4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(b) 7(b)
2 Unit-IV 3,4 6(a) 8(a)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed
¼ of a page side, 1 page side and 2page sides respectively
No of Marks for
Sl.No Description Level Choice Total Marks
Questions each question
Q1 Q9(a) Q13(a)
Q2 Q10(a) Q14(a)
Q9(b), Q13(b),
V Q5,Q6
Q11(a), Q11(b) Q15(a), Q15(b)
Q10(b), Q14(b),
VI Q7,Q8
Q12(a), Q12(b) Q16(a), Q16(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
PART – A Marks: 4Q X 1= 04
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
(2) Each question carries one marks.
1. Define business.
2. Define organization.
3. What are the different types of Leaderships?
4. Define personnel management.
PART - B Marks: 2Q x 3 = 06
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
(2) Each question carries three marks.
PART - C Marks: 2Q x 5= 10
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
(2) Each question carries five marks.
Important Note: Wherever any question has choice, marks will be allotted only to first attempted question.
No marks will be allotted for extra questions answered
PART – A Marks: 4Q X 1= 04
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
(2) Each question carries One marks.
PART - B Marks: 2Q x 3 = 06
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
(2) Each question carries three marks.
PART - C Marks: 2Q x 5= 10
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
(2) Each question carries five marks.
PART – A Marks: 8Q X 1= 8
Instructions: (1) Answer all questions
(2) Each question carries one mark.
1. Define Staffing.
(2) Each question carries five marks
15. (a) Draw a network diagram and find out project duration for the following activities.
Duration 4 2 3 5 1 2 2 7
in days
16. (b) What are the special assistance schemes provided for women entrepreneurs.
Course Title : Course Code 18EI-502C
Teaching Scheme in
45:15:0 Credits 3
This course requires the basic knowledge of process instrumentation and industrial instrumentation.
Course outcomes
CO2 : Acquire knowledge to measure various parameters related to petro chemical industries.
CO3 : Determine, Analyze and Observe the measure various parameters related to iron and steel plant.
CO5 : Determine ,Analyze and Observe the measure various parameters related to cement industry
CO6 : Determine, Analyze and Observe the measure various parameters related to textile industry.
Unit Unit Name Periods Questions to be set for SEE
Total 60 8 8 8
Reference Books
1. Bela G.Liptak: Instrumentation in Process Industries
2. D.M. Consodine: Hand book of applied Instrumentation
3. Austine G.T. Shreeves: Chemical Process Industries.
4. Gill A.B.Power Plant performance
5. Jervis M.J: Power Station Instrumentation
6. J.E.BOOTH-Principles of textile testing -3 edition..
C0-PO Mapping Matrix
Lifelong learning
Basic knowledge
Discipline Knowledge
Engineering Tools
Linked PO
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO 2 2 2 2 2
CO 2 2 2 2 2
CO 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Internal Evaluation
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark.
PART –C 2X5=10
7. (a) Explain the process of generation of power based on thermal power plant.
8. (a) Explain the process of fluid catalytic cracking
8. (b) Explain the working of centrifugal pump used in petro chemical plant.
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark.
PART –C 2X5=10
7. (b). Explain the process of making steel based on the layout of iron and steel plant
8. (a). Explain wet end and dry end operations in making paper
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark.
9(b) Mention the criteria for selection of site for locating cement plant
PART –C 4X5=20
13(a) Explain the process of generation of power based on thermal power plant
14(a) Explain the process of making steel based on the layout of iron and steel plant
Pre requisites
Course Title : INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION Course Code 18EI-503C
Semester V Course Group Core
Teaching Scheme in
45:15:0 Credits 3
Methodology Lecture + Assignments Total Periods 60
CIE 60 Marks SEE 40 Marks
Student requires the basic knowledge of computer architecture and basic programming concepts.
Course Outcomes
CO2 : Understand the working of different instructions for programming the PLC
UNIT Contents
1 –Fundamentals of Electricity Duration: 8 Periods
Definition of Automation-need for the industrial automation-relay based and PLC based control panel-
PLC definition -block diagram-explanation - PLC components - I/O - PLC operation cycle -
Advantages and Disadvantages of PLC - PLC applications. –Different types of PLC manufacturers –
interfacing of PLC and PC
Types of PLC programming methods – describe the methods - ladder diagram, Functional Block
Diagram, Sequential Function Chart, Structured Text, Instruction List - rules for programming - PLC
basic Instruction set:- Bit or Relay instruction, OSR Instruction, Output latching instructions, - Ladder
diagram for basic logic gates--universal logic gates-XOR and XNOR - Modes of PLC operation -
Program mode - Run mode - Remote mode- Interfacing start/stop push button switch and motor to PLC
Reference Books
2. www.PLC
2.0 Understand the working of different instructions for programming the PLC
2.28 List the Types of PLC programming methods.
2.29 Describe the ladder diagram method
2.30 Describe the Function Block Diagram method
2.31 Describe the Sequential Function Chart method
2.32 Describe the Structured Text method
2.33 Describe the Instruction List method
2.34 Mention the Rules to follow in drawing the Ladder diagram
2.35 Explain Bit or Relay instruction OSR Instruction, Output latching instructions
2.36 List the PLC instruction set
2.37 Draw the Ladder diagram for basic logic gates, universal logic gates-XOR and XNOR
2.38 Sates the Modes of PLC operation , Program mode , Run mode , Remote mode
2.39 Explain the Interfacing of start/stop push button switch and motor to PLC
9.0 Knowing the major elements Understand the various Computer Controlled Systems architecture and
system elements
4.43 Explain the role of computers in process control
4.44 Define Data logger
4.45 Explain the block diagram of Data logger
4.46 List the application of Data logger
4.47 Define Data Acquisition System
4.48 Explain the block diagram of Data Acquisition System
4.49 List the applications of Data Acquisition System
4.50 Define Distributed Digital Control system
4.51 Explain the block diagram of Distributed Digital Control system
4.52 List the applications of Distributed Digital Control system
6.0 Understand the architecture, systems elements and applications of Robotics and CNC
6.1 Define a Robot
6.2 State the Asimov’s principles in robotics
6.3 State the types of robot
6.4 Explain the operation of simple robot with block diagram
6.5 List the advantages and disadvantages of robot
6.6 List the applications of a Robot
6.7 Explain material handling applications of robot
6.8 Explain machine loading and unloading applications of robot
6.9 Explain arc welding and spot welding applications of robot
6.10 Explain assembly operation applications of robot
6.11 Define the Intelligent Robots
6.12 State the importance of Robots in manufacturing automation
6.13 Define CNC machine
6.14 State the advantages of CNC machine
6.15 Explain the working of CNC Machine
6.16 List the applications of CNC Machine
1. Use free simulator PLC , available PLC and construct any one of the Industrial applications
2. Interface PLC with automatic water level / Temperature control / conveyor belt control / Elevator
system (any one)
3. Compare makes of different PLCs and submit a handwritten report
4. Visit on your own a nearby industry and submit a handwritten report on PLC/SCADA
5. Power point presentation or YouTube lecture on PLC, HMI, DCS, SCADA
Lifelong learning
Basic knowledge
Engineering Tools
sustainabilityEnvironment &
practiceExperiments and
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO1 2 2 2 1,2,3
CO2 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,6
CO3 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO4 2 2 2 1,2,5
CO5 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO6 2 2 2 1,2,3
Internal Evaluation
Test Units Marks Pattern
Mid Sem 1 1 and 2 20 Part A 4 Short answer questions
Part B 2 Questions out of 4 Questions
Part C 2 Essay questions out of 4 Questions
Mid Sem 2 3 and 4 20 Part A 4 Short answer questions
Part B 2 Questions out of 4 Questions
Part C 2 Essay questions out of 4 Questions
Slip Test 1 1 and 2 5 2 Essay Questions out of 3 Questions
Slip Test 2 3 and 4 5 2 Essay Questions out of 3 Questions
Assignmen 1 5 Different group assignments of Higher
t order Questions that develop problem
solving skills and critical thinking should
be given
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
Sl.No Description Level No of Marks for Choice Total
Questions each Marks
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark.
PART –C 2X5=10
7. (b) Explain the interfacing of PLC with PC
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark.
PART –C 2X5=10
Instructions: Answer TWO questions. Each question carries FIVE marks.
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries ONE mark.
1. Define PLC
2. List the Timer instructions
3. Define SCADA
4. State the PLC operation modes
5. Define HMI
6. List the applications of SCADA
7. Define a Robot
8. Define CNC Machine
11(a) Draw the Hardware architecture of SCADA
PART –C 4X5=20
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of Analog and digital circuits
Course Outcomes
Course Contents
1.0 Analog instruments
Characteristics of ideal Voltmeter and ideal Ammeter- Construction and principle of operation of PMMC
instrument- Principle of extending the range of DC ammeter- Principle of extending the range of DC voltmeter-
Principle and working rectifier type voltmeter and ammeter- Construction and principle of series and shunt type
ohmmeters- Use of Megger for measuring the insulation resistance- loading effect with an example- Need for
high input impedance for Voltmeters- working of FET input voltmeter with a circuit diagram- Drift problem in
FET Voltmeters- Working of differential voltmeters-
Advantages of digital instruments over Analogue instruments- Working of Ramp type digital voltmeter with
block diagram- Successive approximation type digital voltmeters with block diagram- Specifications of digital
voltmeters- Working of digital frequency meter with block diagram- Important specifications of digital
frequency meter- Accuracy and Resolution of a meter- Factors effecting the accuracy and Resolution of a
frequency meter- Working of digital LCR meter with block diagram- specifications of digital LCR meter.
Working of AF Oscillator (sine & square) - Block diagram- Front panel controls and specifications of AF
Oscillator- Working of function generator with block diagram- Applications of AF oscillators and function
generators- Working of RF signal generator- Specifications of RF signal generator- Important Applications of
RF signal generators- Importance of shielding in RF generators- Working of AF power meter- Applications of
power meters.
Block diagram of general purpose CRO - Function of each block- Necessity of time base and deflection
amplifiers- Deflection sensitivity of CRO- Conditions for stationary waveforms- Conditions for flicker free
waveforms- Triggered sweep with necessary circuit- Advantages of triggered sweep- Function of various
controls on front panel of CRO- Procedure for measurement of - Voltage (DC & AC) b) frequency - Phase
angle - Time interval - Depth of modulation-Define a pulse - Waveform of a pulse-Define the pulse parameters
- Pulse width - Rise time - Fall time - Duty cycle-delay time- procedure for measuring above pulse parameters
with CRO- Different types of probes and connectors used in oscilloscopes.
- Stray inductance and stray capacitance of a coil- Q meter with a block diagram- Parameters that can be
measured using Q meter- Distortion factor- Distortion Factor Meter with block diagram- Digital IC tester with
block diagram- Working of logic analyser with block diagram- Working principle of spectrum analyser and
uses- Plotters and Recorders- XY recorders- plotter- logic probe.
1. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement techniques - Albert D. Helfrick William David Cooper-
PHI Publications
2. Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation - A.K. Sawhney , Puneet SawhneyDhanpatRai&
Company, 2010
Electronic Instrumentation - HS Kalsi ,-Tata McGraw Hill
4.0 Understand the construction and working of signal generators &power meters.
4.1 Explain the working of AF oscillator with block diagram.
4.6 List the specifications of RF signal generator.
5.13 Explain the procedure for measuring above pulse parameters with CRO.
5.14 List different types of probes and connectors used in CRO’s.
6.6 Explain the working of distortion factor meter with block diagram.
6.7 Explain the basic working principle of spectrum analyser and mention its use.
6.8 State the need for plotters and recorders.
6.9 Explain the working of XY recorders.
6.10 Explain the working of plotters.
6.11 Explain the working of logic probe
Suggested Student Activities
1. Student visits Library to refer to Manuals and related books of electronic instruments
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab
3. Visit nearby Industry to familiarize with working of various electronic instruments
4. Participate in the Quiz &discussion
5. Search internet for knowing latest trends in electronic instruments
Model of rubrics for assessing student activity
Dimension 1 2 3 4 5
Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary
1.Information Does not collect Collects very Collects basic Collects more Collects a
search and information limited information, information, great deals of
documentation relate to topic information, most refer to most refer to information,
some relate to the topic the topic all refer to
topic the
Does not Performs Performs Performs Performs all
2. Full-fills perform any very little nearly all almost all duties of
team roles and duties assigned duties duties duties assigned
duties to the team role team
3. Shares Always relies on Rarely does Usually does Always does Always does
work equality others to do the the assigned the assigned the assigned the assigned
work work, often work, rarely work, rarely work,
needs needs needs without
reminding reminding reminding. needing
4. Listening Is always Usually does Listens, but Listens and Listens and
skills talking, never most of the sometimes talks a little talks a fare
allows anyone to talking, rarely talk too much, more than amount
else to speak allows others needed.
to speak
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-I 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-II 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
S.No Unit Name R U A Remarks
5(a) 7(a)
1 Unit-III 1, 2
5(b) 7(b)
6(a) 8(a)
2 Unit-IV 3, 4
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
Understanding (U) 3 Marks
Application (A) 5 Marks
Answer All questions. Each carries 1 mark. 4X1=4 Marks
1. List the characteristics of ideal ammeter
2. State the importance of high input impedance of voltmeter
3. State the conditions for AC bridge balance
4. List the limitations of AC bridge for measuring of small inductance.
Note: Answer any TWO questions. Each carries 3marks. 2X3=6 Marks
5. (a) Explain loading effect of volt meter
5. (b) Explain the principle of extending range of DC voltmeter
6. (a) Explain the resistance measurement using Wheatstone Bridge
6. (b).Explain the capacitance measurement using Schering bridge
Note: Answer any TWO questions. Each carries 5 marks. 2X5=10 Marks
5. (a) Explain factors effecting the accuracy and resolution of a frequency meter
5. (b)Explain the working of RAMP type digital voltmeter with block diagram.
Note: Answer any TWO questions. Each carries 5 marks. 2X5=10 Marks
7. (a) Explain the working of Successive approximation type digital voltmeter with block diagram
7. (b) Explain the working of digital frequency meter with block diagram.
9. (b) Explain the procedure for measurement of voltage (AC) and Frequency using CRO.
10. (a) Explain factors effecting the accuracy and resolution of a frequency meter
11. (a) Mention the function of various controls on front panel of CRO.
12. (b) State the basic working principle of spectrum analyzer and mention its use.
13. (b) Draw the block diagram of general purpose CRO and describe the function of each block.
14. (a) Explain the working of function generator with block diagram.
15. (a) Explain the necessity of time base and deflection amplifiers.
15. (b) Explain the procedure for measuring pulse parameters like parameters a) pulse width b)
rise time c) fall time d) duty cycle e) delay time with CRO
16. (b) Explain the working of plotters.
Course Title : Digital circuit design using Verilog Course Code 18EI-504E (B)
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Use Layout design rules; Draw stick diagrams; Interpret fabrication process, timing simulation.
CO2 : Apply the basics of Hardware Description Languages and use Verilog modules, instantiation
CO4 : Develop Simple logic circuits using various levels of Abstraction in Verilog HDL.
CO5 : Design and Simulate Combinational and sequential circuits using Verilog HDL.
CO6 : Apply Verilog HDL principles to develop various real time applications using FSM and FPGA.
Course Content
Steps involved in the design flow for the VLSI IC design-Importance of Hardware Description Languages in VLSI
design-Compare VHDL and Verilog HDL-Features of Verilog HDL-Difference between an instantiation and
inference of a component-Differences between modules and module instances in Verilog-Levels of abstraction
to represent the internals of s module-Identify the components of a Verilog module definition-Port connection
rules in module instantiation.
Lexical conventions like number specification, Identifiers, Keywords, etc-Different data types like value set,
nets, registers, vectors, integer, real and time register data types, arrays, memories and strings-Defparam and
localparam keywords-System tasks and compiler directives-Expressions, operators and operands-Types of
operators used in the Verilog HDL
Unit 4: Gate level, Data Flow and Behavioural modelling: Duration: 8 Periods
Logic gates primitives provided in Verilog-Instantiation of gates, gate symbols, and truth tables for and/or and
buf/not types gates-Rise, fall and turn off delays in gate level design-Initial and Always statements-Assignment
statements in data flow modelling-Different types of delays used in the data flow level modelling-Blocking and
Non blocking procedural assignments with examples-Timing controls like delay based timing control and event
based timing control-Conditional statements-Multiway branching-Use of case, casex and casez statements-
Difference between conditional if statement and case statements-Looping statements such as while, for,
repeat and forever-Sequential and parallel blocks- User Defined Primitives (UDP)-Hierarchical modelling-
Advantages of hierarchical modeling-Modeling techniques in Verilog HDL-Design simple logic circuits like
adders, subtractors using Behavioural, Dataflow and Structural modelling.
Modelling of combinational and sequential circuits-Design combinational circuits like multiplexers, decoders,
encoders, comparators and ALU-Design RS, JK, T and D flip flops with asynchronous and synchronous clock and
reset- Explain implementation of shift registers like SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, etc-Design synchronous and
asynchronous counters-Design a divide by 3 counter-Design shift register counters like ring counter, etc-Design
memories like RAM and ROM-Compare RTL level and structural level modelling. Test Bench module-Need of a
stimulus module-Structure of stimulus module-stimulus modules for combinational and sequential circuits of
Verilog designs.
Concept of Finite State Machines-Mealy and Moore types of state machines-Problems on Mealy and Moore
state machines-Design of Mealy state machine using Verilog HDL. Various design tools which are useful in
different stages of design-Important programmable logic devices- Architecture of PLAs -Architecture of CPLD-
Architecture of FPGAs-Comparison-Applications-Design of UART using FPGA board-Design of Traffic Light
controller using FPGA board.
Recommended Books
6. Digital design principles and practice- John F Wakerly, PHI / Pearson education Asia 3 rd Edn,2005
7. Design through Verilog HDL – T.R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, WSE, IEEE Press, 2004.
8. A Verilog Premier – J. Bhasker, BSP, 2003.
9. Fundamentals of Logic Design with Verilog – Stephen. Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, TMH, 2005.
10. Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL – Michael D. Ciletti, PHI, 2005.
2.1 Explain the steps involved in the design flow for the VLSI IC design
2.6 Explain differences between modules and module instances in Verilog.
3.2 Explain the lexical conventions like number specification, Identifiers keywords, etc
3.3 Explain different data types like value set, nets, registers, vectors, integer, real and time register data
types, arrays, memories and strings.
4.1 Understand concepts of Gate level, Data flow and behavioral modeling
4.3 Explain the instantiation of gates, gate symbols, and truth tables for and/or and buff/not type gates.
4.4 Explain Rise, fall and turn-off delays in the gate level design
4.7 Explain different types of delays used in the data flow level modeling
4.8 Explain blocking and non blocking procedural assignments with examples
4.9 Explain timing controls like delay based timing control and event based timing control
4.11 Explain multiway branching – use case, casex, and casez statements.
4.12 Explain the difference between conditional if statement and case statements.
4.13 Explain looping statements such as while, for, repeat, and forever.
4.15 Explain about user defined primitives (UDP).
4.19 Design simple logic circuits like Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor, and Full Subtractor using
Behavioral, Data Flow and Structural Modeling.
5.2 Design combinational circuits like multiplexers, decoders, encoders, Comparators and ALU
5.3 Design RS, JK, T and D flip flops with Asynchronous and Synchronous Clock and reset
5.4 Explain implementation of shift registers like SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, etc.
5.13 Apply the stimulus modules for combinational and sequential circuits of Verilog designs
6.4 Explain the design of Mealy state machine using Verilog HDL
6.5 Explain the design of Moore state machine using Verilog HDL
6.6 Explain various design tools which are useful in different stages of design.
6.9 Explain the architecture of PALs
6.15 Explain the design of Traffic Light Controller using FPGA board.
Internal Evaluation
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
CO PO Mapping Matrix
On Successful completion of the course, the student will be able to attain the following Course Outcomes
CO1 Use Layout design rules; Draw stick diagrams; Interpret R/U/A 1,2,10
fabrication process, timing simulation.
CO2 Apply the basics of Hardware Description Languages and use R/U 1,2,5,6,7
Verilog modules, instantiation process.
CO4 Develop Simple logic circuits using various levels of Abstraction R/U/A 1,2,5,7
in Verilog HDL.
CO5 Design and Simulate Combinational and sequential circuits using R/U/A 1,2,5
Verilog HDL.
CO6 Apply Verilog HDL principles to develop various real time R/U/A 1,2,3,7
applications using FSM and FPGA.
Model Paper for Mid-I,
8. Explain about connecting ports by ordered list and ports by name in module instantiation.
11. Explain about the four levels of abstraction Supported by Verilog HDL
Model Paper for Mid-II,
4. Define Rise time delay and fall time delay in gate level design.
10. Design 1-bit full adder logic circuit using Gate level and Dataflow level modeling.
Model Paper for SEE
GROUP-2 Answer any TWO questions 2 x 5 = 10
18. Explain about the various components of a verilog module with an example.
19. Explain about casex, casez and case statements.
21. Design a D flip-flop with asynchronous reset and its Test bench using verilog HDL.
Analytical & Biomedical Instrumentation
Pre requisites
Course Outcomes
CO3 : Interpret the terminologies in Biomedical Instrumentation and ECG wave forms.
Unit Unit Name Period Questions to be set for SEE
No s
Introduction to Analytical
1. 8 Q1 Q9A Q13A
Instrumentation & Spectrophotometers
2 Analyzers 10
Introduction to Bio-medical
3 12
Q2 Q10A Q14A
Blood Pressure and Blood Flow
4. Measurement and Therapeutic 10
Q4 Q5, Q13B,
5. Mass spectrometry and Chromatography 8 Q11A, Q15A,
Q6 Q15B
Q10B, Q14B,
6. Modern Imaging Systems 12 Q12A, Q16B
TOTAL 60 8 8 8
UNIT Contents
1 –Fundamentals of Electricity Duration: 8 Periods
Bio electricity – Resting and action potential - transmission of impulses - Electrodes used for
Bio potential measurement-Electrical activity of the heart-ECG waveform-EEG-Electrical
Activity of Brain-EMG-Electrical activity of Muscles.
UNIT 4- Blood Pressure and Blood Flow Measurement and Therapeutic Instruments:
Duration: 10Periods (L: 7– T:3)
Recommended Books
1. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis by Willard, Merritt, Dean, Settle (CBS Publications &
Distributors Pvt. Ltd.)
2. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis by Chatwal & Anand (Himalaya Publishing house)
3. Hand Book of Analytical Instrumentation by R.S. Khandpur
4. Industrial Instrumentation by Donald P.Eckman.
5. Industrial Instruments and Control by S.K.Singh.
6. Instrument Engineer Hand Book by Liptak.
7. Handbook on Bio-medical Instrumentation RS Khandpur
8. Introduction to Medical Electronics SK Guha
9. Bio-medical Instruments and measurements Cromwell, Weisel
10. Bio-medical Instrumentation Armugam
1.14 List the applications of Visible Spectrophotometer
1.15 Explain the operation of IR Spectrophotometer
1.16 List the applications of IR Spectrophotometer
4.0 Blood Pressure and Blood flow Measurement and Therapeutic Instruments.
4.1 State the necessity of blood pressure measurement.
4.2 List the various methods of blood pressure measurement.
4.3 Describe indirect blood pressure measurement (sphygmomanometer) with a diagram.
4.4 List the advantages and disadvantages of indirect blood pressure measurement.
4.5 Describe direct blood pressure measurement.
4.6 List the advantages and disadvantages of direct blood pressure measurement.
4.7 Explain the working principle of electromagnetic blood flow meter with diagram.
4.8 Explain the working principle of ultrasonic blood flow meter with diagram.
4.9 State the need of pacemakers.
4.10 Classify different types of pacemakers.
4.11 Compare the advantages of implantable pacemakers over external pacemakers.
4.12 Draw the block diagram of a ventricular synchronous demand pacemaker and explain its
4.13 State the need of defibrillators.
4.14 List the types of defibrillators.
4.15 Draw and explain the circuit diagram of capacitive discharge DC defibrillators.
4.16 Compare AC defibrillators and DC defibrillators.
4.17 Explain the importance of dialysis.
4.18 Explain the function of Haemodialysis machine.
6.6 Define magneto resonance image (MRI).
6.7 Describe the working principles of MRI.
6.8 List the advantages of MRI.
6.9 State the importance of Telemedicine.
6.10 Explain the working principle of telemedicine.
6.11 List the applications of telemedicine.
1) The student has to Study the different types of Analytical and Biomedical Instruments by
doing a survey and then submit a handwritten report. Documents have to be maintained as a
3) Do a power point presentation on any type of Analytical instrument and biomedical instrument.
Documents have to be maintained as a record.
4) Visit YouTube sites relevant to topics on Analytical Instrumentation. Listen to the lectures and
submit a handwritten report.
6) Visit a nearby hospital / diagnostic centre & submit a report on the various Biomedical
instruments used.
CO-PO Mapping Matrix
Lifelong learning
Engineering Tools
Basic knowledge
Linked PO
Knowledge Discipline
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CO1 2 2 2 1,2,4
CO2 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,6
CO3 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,5
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,5
CO5 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4
CO6 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4
Internal evaluation
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
5(b) 7(b)
6(b) 8(b)
Total Questions 4 4 4
The length of answer for each question framed in respect of Part-A, B&C shall not exceed ¼ of a
page,1 page and 2 pages respectively
Q1 Q9(a) Q13(a)
Q2 Q10(a) Q14(a)
Q9(b), Q13(b),
V Q5,Q6
Q11(a), Q11(b) Q15(a), Q15(b)
Q10(b), Q14(b),
VI Q7,Q8
Q12(a), Q12(b) Q16(a), Q16(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. MARKS: 4X1 =4
1. Define Spectroscopy
2. State Beer’s Lambert law.
3. Define Analyser.
4. List two applications of refractometer.
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries three marks. MARKS: 2X3 =6
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries five marks MARKS: 2X5 =10
7. (a) Explain the construction and working of visible spectro photometer with a
7. (b) Explain the operation of UV Spectrophotometer.
8. (a) Explain the operation of auto analyser.
8. (b) Draw and explain the principle and operation of Paramagnetic gas analyser.
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. MARKS: 4X1 =4
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries three marks. MARKS: 2X3 =6
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries five marks MARKS: 2X5 =10
Model Question Paper
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. MARKS: 8X1 =8
12. (a) State the need of Grids and their significance in X-Ray machine.
13. (a) Draw and explain the principle and operation of Paramagnetic gas analyser.
13. (b) Draw and explain the block diagram of mass spectrometer.
14. (b) Describe the construction and operation of an X-ray machine with a block
15. (a) Explain the principle of operation of the Gas Chromatography.
15. (b) Explain the principle of operation of Liquid Chromatography.
16. (a) Explain the working principle of telemedicine.
16. (b) Draw and explain the block diagram of MRI.
Communication Engineering
Teaching Scheme in
45:15:0 Credits :3
Pre requisites
This course requires the basic knowledge of Electronics, Circuits and Control Systems.
Course Outcomes
& Noise
2 AM and FM detectors, receivers 10
3 Digital modulation
9 Q2 Q10A Q14A
4. Modern Communication Q4
5. Computer Communication Q13B,
Q5,Q6 Q15A,
12 Q11B
6. Wireless communication Q10B,Q12A Q14B,
Q7,Q8 , Q12B Q16A,
14 Q16B
Total 60 8 8 8
Course Contents
Sketch the waveforms of PAM, PPM, PWM and PCM- Compare between PAM, PPM, PWM and
PCM- applications of the above four types of modulation.
Recommended Books
3.3 Define FSK and PSK
3.4 Compare ASK, FSK and PSK
3.5 List the Multiplexing techniques
3.6 Explain FDM and TDM with neat sketches.
3.7 Explain the principle of Pulse modulation.
3.8 List the different types of pulse modulation methods.
3.9 Sketch the waveforms of PAM, PPM, PWM and PCM.
3.10 Compare PAM, PPM, PWM and PCM methods
3.11 List the applications of the above four types of modulation.
1. Student visits Library to refer to Manual of electronic components to find their specifications
2. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to identify the components
3. Visit nearby Industry to familiarize with communication systems like
i) TV Station ii) FM Radio Station iii) Telephone exchange office
4. Analyze the connections and channels, cables available in the Institution facility
5. Quiz
6. Group discussion
7. Surprise test
CO-PO Mapping Matrix
Lifelong learning
Basic knowledge
Linked PO
practiceExperiments and
sustainabilityEnvironment &
societyEngineer and
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9
CO1 2 2 2 1,2,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,6
CO3 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5
CO4 2 2 2 2 1,2,5,7
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,4,5,8
CO6 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,8
Internal evaluation
Test Units Marks
Mid Sem 1 1 and 2 20
Mid Sem 2 3 and 4 20
Slip Test 1 1 and 2 5
Slip Test 2 3 and 4 5
Assignment 1 5
Seminars 1 5
Total 60
Q1 Q9(a) Q13(a)
Q2 Q10(a) Q14(a)
Q9(b), Q13(b),
V Q5,Q6
Q11(a), Q11(b) Q15(a), Q15(b)
Q10(b), Q14(b),
VI Q7,Q8
Q12(a), Q12(b) Q16(a), Q16(b)
Total Questions 8 8 8
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. MARKS: 4X1 =4
1. Define Modulation.
2. Draw the waveform of FM wave.
3. Define demodulation?
4. State the need of RF in amplifier stages
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries three marks. MARKS: 2X3 =6
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries five marks MARKS: 2X5 =10
7. (b) Explain different blocks of communication system.
8. (a) Explain basic principle of AM and FM detector.
8. (b) Explain the principle of TRF Receiver.
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark MARKS: 4X1 =4
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries three marks. MARKS: 2X3 =6
5. (a) Explain the principle of pulse modulation.
5. (b) Compare PWM and PCM methods.
6. (a) Explain the working principle of transmitter and Receivers used in fiber optic
Communication system.
6. (b) State the basic principle of Radar with a block diagram.
Instructions: Answer two questions. Each question carries five marks MARKS: 2X5 =10
Instructions: Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark. MARKS: 8X1 =8
Answer FOUR questions 4 x 5 = 20
14. (b) Distinguish between frequency division duplex (FDD) and time division
duplex (TDD).
15. (b) Explain about Half duplex and Full duplex communication.
This course requires the basic knowledge of Mathematics and Virtual Instrumentation software environment-
Lab view basics.
Course Outcomes
Pre requisites
CO1 : Able to get familiarize with MATLAB environment and its programming fundamentals
CO8 : Able to use the Components in data acquisition and instrument control.
1. Familiarize with Mat lab environment 05
VI tool602
8 03
Total: 45
Course Contents
Practicing MATLAB environment with simple exercises to familiarize Command Window, History,
workspace, Current Directory, Figure window, Edit window, Shortcuts, Help files.
Simple exercises to familiarize Data types, Constants and Variables, Character constants, operators,
Assignment statements.
Simple exercises to familiarize Control Structures: For loops, While, If control structures, Switch, Break,
Continue statements.
5. Mat lab Vectors and Matrices : Duration:6Periods(L:2– P:4)
Simple exercises to familiarize Vectors and Matrices, commands to operate on vectors and matrices,
matrix Manipulations.
Reference books
1. Gary Johnson, Lab VIEW Graphical Programming, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, Newyork, 1997.
2. Lisa K. wells & Jeffrey Travis, Lab VIEW for everyone, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
3. Jerome J., Virtual Instrumentation using Lab VIEW, Prentice Hall India Private Ltd., New Delhi,2010.
4. Kevin James, PC Interfacing and Data Acquisition: Techniques for Measurement, Instrumentation and
Control, Newnes, 2000.
5. Sanjay Gupta, Virtual Instrumentation using Lab view, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2010.
6. Bansal. R.K, Goel. A.K,Sharma. M.K, “MATLAB and its Applications in Engineering”, Pearson Education,
7. Amos Gilat, “MATLAB-An Introduction with Applications”, Wiley India, 2009. 3
8. Stephen.J, & Chapman, “Programming in MATLAB for Engineers”, Cengage Learning, 2011.
E-learning References
4. Use Data Acquisition in LabVIEW - Acquiring analog signal from a function generator through NI-
USB-6210 into LabVIEW using DAQ Assistant Express VI.
5. Plot Dynamic Characteristics of a Spring-Mass Damper system using control Design & simulation
1,2,3,4,8,1 12
CO6 Able to use the new concept in measurement and automation. 0
Able to control an external measuring device by interfacing a 1,2,3,4,8,1 12
computer. 0
Able to use the Components in data acquisition and 12
CO8 R/U/A 1,2,3,4,810
instrument control.
Total 45
Internal Evaluation
1. Create a Simple Matlab script file to aassign the values of 3 and 4 to the variables x and y,
respectively, then calculate the value of z where z = 2x − 7 y.
2. Create a Simple Matlab script file to Perform the multiple operations (15 – 4 + 12)/5 – 2*(7^4)/100.
3. Create a Simple Matlab script file to solve the quadratic equation x2 -7x +12 = 0.
4. Create a Simple Matlab script file to Generate the row vector x with integer values ranging from 1
to 9.
5. Create a Simple Matlab script file to compute the factorial of 7.
6. Generate the following rectangular matrix in MATLAB. What is the size of this matrix?
A= 3 0 −2
1 3 5 ]
7. Create a Simple Matlab script file to Combine the three vectors [1 3 0 -4], [5 3 1 0], and [2 2 -1 1] to
obtain a new matrix of size 3x4.
Time: 1hr. Max Marks: 20
1. 1. Create a Simple Matlab script file to aassign the values of 3 and 4 to the variables x and y,
respectively, then calculate the value of z where z = 2x − 7 y.
2. Create a Simple Matlab script file to Perform the multiple operations (15 – 4 + 12)/5 – 2*(7^4)/100.
3. Create a Simple Matlab script file to solve the quadratic equation x2 -7x +12 = 0.
4. Create a Simple Matlab script file to Generate the row vector x with integer values ranging from 1
to 9.
5. Create a Simple Matlab script file to compute the factorial of 7.
6. Generate the following rectangular matrix in MATLAB. What is the size of this matrix?
A= 3 0 −2
1 3 5 ]
7. Create a Simple Matlab script file to Combine the three vectors [1 3 0 -4], [5 3 1 0], and [2 2 -1 1] to
obtain a new matrix of size 3x4.
8. Implement a VI to convert Degree Celsius to Fahrenheit.
9. Implement Logic gates using Lab View.
10. Construct basic ON-OFF control.
11. Implement VI with two blinking indicator lights with a delay of two seconds.
12. Create a case structure using Switch.
Semester V Course Group :Practical
Teaching Scheme in
15:0:30 Credits :3
Methodology Lecture + Practicals Total Periods : :45 periods
CIE 60 Marks SEE 40 Marks
Pre requisites
Course Outcomes
CO5 : Analyze, apply and observe the interfacing of PLC and SCADA.
1. Logic Gates 9
2. Timer Programs 6
3. Counter Programs 3
4 Applications 15
5 SCADA 12
Total: 45
Course Contents
I. UNIT 1 –Fun
I. Logic Gates
1. Test the basic gates using PLC.
2. Test the universal gates using PLC.
3. Test the EX-OR gate and EX-NOR gates using PLC.
II. Timer Programs
1. Programs on ON-Delay Timer and OFF-Delay Timers.
2. Programs on Retentive and Non-Retentive Timers.
III. Counter programs
1. Programs on up counter.
2. Programs on down counters.
IV Applications
1. Star-Delta starter control using PLC
2. Lift control using PLC
3. Traffic light controller using PLC.
4. Conveyor controller using PLC.
5. Sequential control of Induction motors using PLC
6. Level control using PLC
7. Bottle filling using PLC timer
1. Using SCADA software create graphic symbols and associate tags with memory tags.
2. Interface SCADA with PLC and associate tags with memory and I/O and operate the LC inputs
through the switch symbol from the computer screen and view the status of the outputs using
lamp and motor graphics symbols in the screen.
Reference books
2. Practical SCADA for Industry, David Bailey and Edwin Wright, Newnes An imprint
of Elsevier, 2003, ISBN 07506 58053
2. www.PLC
1. Student inspects the available equipment in the Lab to identify the components.
2. Visit nearby Industry to familiarize with automation using PLC/SCADA ex: Power stations, Cement
Paper and Chemical Industries.
CO4 Develop and implement the PLC concepts with Applications. R/U/ 1,2,3,4,810 15
CO5 Analyze, apply and observe the interfacing of PLC and R/U/ 1,2,3,4,8,10 12
Total 45
Internal Evaluation
Total 60
1. Develop the ladder diagram to Test the basic gates using PLC
2. Develop the ladder diagram to Test the universal gates using PLC.
3. Develop the ladder diagram to Test the EX-OR gate and EX-NOR gates using PLC.
4. Develop the ladder diagram on ON-Delay Timer and OFF-Delay Timers
5. Develop the ladder diagram on Up counter counters
6. Develop the ladder diagram on Down counters
7. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Star Delta starter.
1. Develop the ladder diagram to Test the basic gates using PLC
2. Develop the ladder diagram to Test the universal gates using PLC.
3. Develop the ladder diagram to Test the EX-OR gate and EX-NOR gates using PLC.
4. Develop the ladder diagram on ON-Delay Timer and OFF-Delay Timers
5. Develop the ladder diagram on Up counter counters
6. Develop the ladder diagram on Down counters
7. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Star Delta starter.
8. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Lift control.
9. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Liquid level control.
10. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Bottle filling using timer. .
11. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Traffic light controller.
12. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Conveyor controller.
13. Develop the ladder diagram with PLC for Sequential control of Induction motors
14. Using SCADA software create graphic symbols and associate tags with memory Tags
15. Interface SCADA with PLC and associate tags with memory and I/O and operate the PLC inputs
through the switch symbol from the computer screen and view the status of the outputs using
lamp and motor graphics symbols in the screen
Analytical & Biomedical Instrumentation Lab Practice
Teaching Scheme in
15:0:30 Credits : 1.5
This course requires the basic knowledge of Analytical and Biomedical Instruments.
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Experiments are carried out for the application and usage of absorption and emission spectroscopy
CO2 : Experiments are carried out for the application and usage of analyzers.
CO3 : Experiments are carried out for the application and usage of gas chromatography.
CO4 : Cardiovascular instrument is connected to the patient and measurements are taken and
CO5 : Blood pressure measurement using sphygmomanometer.
CO6: Experiments are carried out for the equipment for critical care and x-ray imaging.
1. Spectrophotometers 6
2. Analyzers 6
3. Chromatographic Technique 3
II. Contents
UNIT 1 –Fun
1. Identification of atoms and its concentration through absorption spectra with VIS
2. Using UV Spectro Photo Meter, analyse the composition of the given sample.
2. Analyzers Duration: 6Periods(L:2– P:4)
9. Study of DC Defibrillator.
10. Study of Pacemakers.
11. Study and Demonstration of X-ray-Machine.
12. Study of C.A.T scanner.
Suggested students Activities:
Linked PO
Environment &
knowledge Basic
Knowledge Discipline
learning Lifelong
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
CO1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,8,10
CO2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,8,10
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,810
CO4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,810
CO5 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,2,3,4,8,10
Internal Evaluation
Test Units Marks
Total 60
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
1. Identify the atoms and mention their concentrations using visible spectrophotometer.
2. Using UV Spectro Photo Meter, analyse the composition of the given sample.
Semester Mid-2 Examination Model Question paper
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
State Board of Technical Education and Training, Telangana
(ii)Record the results on a graph sheet if required, and conclude your observation of the experiment
(iii) Draw the circuit diagram for illustration; choose appropriate values when not mentioned in the question
1. Identify the atoms and mention their concentrations using visible spectrophotometer.
2. Using UV Spectro Photo Meter, analyse the composition of the given sample.
9. Study of DC Defibrillator.
Course Title : Programming in C lab practice Course Code 18EI-509P
Teaching Scheme in
15:0:30 Credits 1.5
Pre requisites
Course outcomes
Course Outcome
Write programs using input/output statements, variables and operators
Work on Constants, Variables, Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C
Construct programs on Decision making and Looping statements.
Develop programs using arrays, Strings and structures
Course Content
2. Understand Constants, Variables and Data Types in C and Understand Operators and Expressions in C
Duration: 15 Periods
Character set - C Tokens - Keywords and Identifiers- Constants and Variables - data types and
classification - declaration of a variable - Assigning values to variables - Define an operator - Define an
expression -Classify operators - List and explain various arithmetic operators with examples -Illustrate
the concept of relational operators - List logical operators - various assignment operators - Increment
and decrement operators - Conditional operator - List bitwise operators -List various special operators-
Arithmetic expressions- precedence and associativity of operators- Evaluation of expressions -
formatted input and output.
Course Outcome CL Linked PO
List of Experiments
Teaching Scheme in
15:0:30 Credits : 1.5
S. Max Marks
Subject Items
4.a) Seminar 20
b) Viva Voce 20
The Project work carries 100 marks and pass marks is 50% of the Total marks.If a candidate
failing to secure the minimum marks should repeat the Project work.
(1) Along with every activity the rubrics table should be given to the student for his
information about the criterion of assessment.
(2) As a record of the activity at least Rubric sheet for each student For every activity at least
Rubric sheet for each student as be preserved as a document.
Rubrics assessment for Power point presentations
Content The content is written The content is The content is The content ___/3
clearly and concisely written with a vague in lacks a clear
with a logical logical conveying a point of view
progression of ideas progression of point of view and logical
and supporting ideas and and does not sequence of
information. supporting create a strong information.
information. sense of
The project includes purpose. Includes little
motivating questions Includes persuasive
and advanced persuasive Includes some information and
organizers. The information persuasive only one or two
project gives the from reliable information facts about the
audience a clear sources. with few facts. topic.
sense of the main
idea. Some of the Information is
information incomplete, out
Information is may not seem of date and/or
accurate, current and to fit. incorrect.
comes mainly from *
primary sources. Sources used Sequencing of
appear ideas is
unreliable. unclear.
Text 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
The fonts are easy to Sometimes Overall The text is
read and point size the fonts are readability is extremely
varies appropriately for easy to read, difficult with difficult to read
headings and text. but in a few lengthy with long
places the paragraphs, blocks of text
Use of italics, bold, use of fonts, too many and small point
and indentations italics, bold, different fonts, size of fonts,
enhances readability. long dark or busy inappropriate
paragraphs, background, contrasting
Text is appropriate in color or busy overuse of colors, poor
length for the target background bold or lack of use of
audience and to the detracts and appropriate headings,
point. does not indentations of subheadings,
enhance text. indentations, or
The background and readability. bold formatting.
colors enhance the
readability of text.
Layout 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
The layout is visually The layout The layout The layout is
pleasing and uses shows some cluttered,
contributes to the horizontal and structure, but confusing, and
overall message with vertical white appears does not use
appropriate use of space cluttered and spacing,
headings, appropriately. busy or headings and
subheadings and distracting with subheadings to
white space. large gaps of enhance the
white space or readability.
uses a
Graphics, 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
Animation The graphics, and/or The Some of the The graphics,
animation assist in graphics, /and graphics, and/or
presenting an overall or animation and/or animations are
theme and enhance visually depict animations unrelated to the
understanding of material and seem content.
concept, ideas and assist the unrelated to
relationships. audience in the Graphics do
understanding topic/theme not enhance
Original images are the flow of and do not understanding
created using proper information or enhance the of the content,
size and resolution, content. overall or are
and all images concepts. distracting
enhance the content. Original decorations
images are Most images that create a
There is a consistent used. are clip art or busy feeling
visual theme. recycled from and detract
Images are the internet. from the
proper size, content.
resolution. Images are too
large/small in
Images are
poorly cropped
or the
is fuzzy.
Writing 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points ___/3
The text is written with The text is Spelling, Errors in
no errors in grammar, clearly written punctuation, spelling,
capitalization, with little or and grammar capitalization,
punctuation, and no editing errors distract punctuation,
spelling. required for or impair usage and
grammar, readability. grammar
punctuation, repeatedly
and spelling. (three or more distract the
errors) reader, and
major editing
and revision is
Rationale: Industrial training is introduced in the VI semester for the students as a part of the program to make
the passed out students shall be industry ready thus saving the time for training and apprenticeship needs in the
industry and also help in capacity building of the Telangana state and the country.
Course Objective:
To enable the students to
1. The student should submit a report describing the profile of the company, Nature of the job assigned
to him /her and other details in a standard format duly attested and approved by the head of the
industry after two weeks and before Four weeks from the date of joining through e mail. Hard copy of
the report may be submitted in person or by post.
2. A candidate shall be assessed twice in the spell of industrial training i.e. at the end of Second month
and fourth month in the Industry and Final Exam will be conducted at Institution.
3. The assessment shall be carried out by a committee comprising of a representative of the Industry
where the candidate is undergoing training and a faculty member from the respective program from
the Polytechnic. One faculty member is allotted for Ten students and that faculty has to visit the
industry minimum Three times i.e. first visit at the time of allotment, second visit at the time of first
assessment and third visit for second assessment
For Institution level evaluation of industrial training, a committee consisting following faculty
members (1) Head of Dept. concerned. (2) Faculty member who assessed the student in the industry (3)
External examiner from the Industry/Institution.
Evaluation and assessment of Industrial Training, shall be done and marks be awarded in the following
manner, provided the candidates concerned have put up minimum 90% attendance of Industrial
Industrial assessment at Industry : 600 marks (in two spells of 300 marks each)
3 Engineering skills 50 50
6 Professionalism/Professional ethics 20 20
8 Communication skills 20 20
9 Supervisory skills 50 50
Assessment parameters at Institution (End Examination)
2 Presentation/Demonstration 50
of skills
Total 100
The assessment at the institute level will be done by a minimum of three members i.e. Internal Faculty,
Industrial Experts/External Examiner and H.O.D. and the shall be averaged
Learning Outcomes
1.0 Observe Safety Precautions and rules of the industry
3.0. Observe the end product and variousComponents/ materials used in the production and
3.1. Identify the various stages involved in the assembly and production of end product.
3.2. List the final products, their composition and its commercial importance, uses and Applications.
4.0. Develop an Understanding the various stages involved in processing, sequential arrangement of
different equipment.
4.1. Represent the whole process and each sub processes with a flow diagram, detail
Flow diagram
4.2. Observe and appreciate the resource optimization of space (the arrangement of various equipment
and machinery in systematic manner in a less possible area of site), Electricity, Men, machinery, money
and Time.
5.0 Explain various analytical methods used in the quality control department
5.1. Practice the Testing methods for quality assurance and bench mark standards
5.2. Practice use of various tools, instruments used for quality checking.
6.0. Observe trouble shooting /servicing /maintenance techniques used during the production
6.1. Observe preventive precautions and maintenance of each equipment in the unit
6.2. Follow Staring andshutting down procedures for the equipment in the unit.
sustainabilityEnvironment &
Lifelong learning
Discipline Knowledge
Engineering Tools
Linked PO
CO PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO
CO1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 2,8
CO2 3 3 3 3 3 - - 1 2 3 1,2,3,4,10
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 - - 2 - 3 2,4,5
CO4 - - - - - 3 2 - - - 6
CO5 - - - 2 3 - 2 3 3 - 5,8,10
CO6 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 5,7
CO7 3 3 3 3 3 3 - - 2 3 4,10
CO8 - - 2 - 3 - 2 3 3 - 8