Supervised Learning
Supervised Learning
Supervised Learning
Developed by Frank Rosenblatt by using McCulloch and Pitts model,
perceptron is the basic operational unit of artificial neural networks. It
employs supervised learning rule and is able to classify the data into two
It uses delta rule for training to minimize the Mean-Squared Error (MSE)
between the actual output and the desired/target output.
The basic structure of Adaline is similar to perceptron having an
extra feedback loop with the help of which the actual output is compared
with the desired/target output. After comparison on the basis of training
algorithm, the weights and bias will be updated.
The weights and the bias between the input and Adaline layers, as in we see
in the Adaline architecture, are adjustable.
The Adaline and Madaline layers have fixed weights and bias of 1.
The architecture of Madaline consists of “n” neurons of the input
layer, “m”neurons of the Adaline layer, and 1 neuron of the Madaline
layer. The Adaline layer can be considered as the hidden layer as it is
between the input layer and the output layer, i.e. the Madaline layer.
As shown in the diagram, the architecture of BPN has three
interconnected layers having weights on them. The hidden layer as well
as the output layer also has bias, whose weight is always 1, on them. As
is clear from the diagram, the working of BPN is in two phases. One
phase sends the signal from the input layer to the output layer, and the
other phase back propagates the error from the output layer to the input
Winner-Takes-All Networks
Hamming Network
Max Net
Mathematical Formulation
Condition to be a winner
Step 2 − Repeat step 3-5 until E no longer decreases, or the cluster
membership no longer changes.
Step 5 − Compute the total quantization error as follows −
function can be deduced from that data. It is worth noting that supervised
time anticipating the most desired output value, which is mostly referred
algorithm where inferences are drawn from unlabeled input data. The goal
data, which they will analyze to produce certain functions or data groups.
However, the input data used in supervised learning is well known and is
labeled. This means that the machine is only tasked with the role of
determining the hidden patterns from already labeled data. However, the
be prepared for the task ahead. One of the stand out differences between
the reason that makes supervised learning affair is the fact that one has
not required to understand and label the inputs. This explains why many
input data is well known and labeled which means that the machine will
learning where the machine has to define and label the input data before
comes to the number of classes. It is worth noting that all the classes
used in supervised learning are known which means that also the answers
addition, the numbers of classes are not known which clearly means that
method of learning are not aware of any information concerning the raw
Among other differences, there exist the time after which each
preparation and labeling of the input data do so off-line while the analysis
of the hidden pattern is done online which denies the people involved in
learning takes place in real time such that all the input data is analyzed
method of learning.
Diff b/w Supervised and Unsupervised Learning: