Answer To Q No: 1: Basic Research Is A Research Approach Where The Research Is Entirely Theoretical Based. Its Main
Answer To Q No: 1: Basic Research Is A Research Approach Where The Research Is Entirely Theoretical Based. Its Main
Answer To Q No: 1: Basic Research Is A Research Approach Where The Research Is Entirely Theoretical Based. Its Main
Basic Research is a research approach where the research is entirely theoretical based. Its main
aim is to expand the knowledge of a particular field of study. Its primary use is to know what is
unknown. So, for understanding something diverse, basic research is needed. This research is
fundamental and pure. Its main aim is to know about the subject of study, not to solve any
problem. An example of a Basic research question is what productivity is? That means in Basic
research, we know about productivity.
On the other hand, applied research has been used for the practical solution of a problem. This
research is mainly solution oriented. It uses basic research and implicates it in real life. So,
applied research is used for a real-life situation. Examples of applied research were when
workers' productivity got low, and then for improving workers' productivity, applied research is
necessary. So, in applied research, we used basic research and solved the problem in real life.
As the question is about an automobile manufacture market research on consumer preference on
type of design, I think that the researcher will use applied research. Because it allows a person to
know about customers' thinking process, which is happening in real life, so by doing applied
research, we learn to know about how the consumer will think about the type of car design. It is a
practical problem, and by doing user research, we will know about customers' minds and solve
the problem. It's mainly a specific problem and not a broad problem. So, for this reason, we will
use applied research to solve the problem.
Answer to Q no: 2
Question: What are some of the advantages of secondary data and why?
Secondary data is basically those that were collected in the past through primary data.
Availability of secondary data also helps researcher for their research purpose. It’s one type of
data that has been collected in the previous. Secondary data offers several advantages over
primary data, where secondary data are easily accessible, inexpensive, and less time-consuming.
Some of the benefits of secondary data are given below:
Ease of Access: As secondary data is done in the past, that’s why it is easily accessible to
other researchers. Secondary data can be access online through any electronic device. If
they don’t have internet access, they can easily access it in print through libraries, book
stores, etc.
Inexpensive: secondary data takes less time to acquire because of the accessibility.
Anyone can download any book, journal, and article for free from the online section. As
it’s free online, researchers don’t have to spend much money on this secondary data
Time-Saving: Time spent on secondary data is less than primary data. We can quickly
get the necessary data that are associate with our research from the secondary source.
Longitudinal and comparative studies: Secondary data can be used for an easy
conclusion rather than wait for a couple of years. As an example, the researcher can
compare the country’s unemployment rate ten years ago and now.. We can easily
comparison between ten years ago and present census data in the unemployment rate by
secondary research.
Generating new insights: A researcher may mind new angles or new things from the
secondary when evaluating to do further research on them. There can also be some
information that the primary data collector didn’t discover that secondary can reveal
when considering.
In this way, we can say that secondary data can be helpful for research purposes.
Answer to Q No: 3
Question: Let’s assume you are the owner of a successful dine in restaurant in Banani,
Dhaka. Now you are considering opening a second one just like your current restaurant.
You are undecided on whether to locate the new restaurant in another location in Gulshan,
Dhanmondi, or in Uttara. Should the research be conducted? Show your reasoning.
It will help to determine what small questions need to be answered to get relevant information to
achieve the primary goal. It will also help to understand better the need for research about what
information needs to be gained to be successful to convince people, for example, to get the senior
members on board. Suppose you may think that sleek, classy packaging will grab the consumers'
attention more. Still, in the research, it was actually found out that the packaging with art and
pops of colour won the audiences' attention. This color that was going with the pre-conceived
idea would have resulted in lower sales, but it was stopped from happening because the unbiased
research showed the actual result. For all these reasons, the research objective is an essential part
of the research process.
Answer To Q No: 5
Answer: R signifies the correlation coefficient relationship between two variables which are the
observed value and the predicted value of the dependent variable in model summary. R is the
square root of R square. R ranges from +1 to -1, where +1 indicates a positive linear relationship
and -1 indicates a negative relationship. If r is 0 in the model summary, then there is no
correlation coefficient relationship between those two variables. The model summary shows that
R-value is .972 or 97.2%, which shows that the correlation coefficient between these two
variables is vital. It falls under high positive Corelationship. (B)
Question: How do you explain r square in the Model Summary?
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .972a .945 .933 .860
a. Predictors: (Constant), Importance, Duration
R square explains the percentage that can be explained by those independent variable that have
been used. It is the proportion of variance in the dependent variable that can be explained by the
independent variable. The R square, also known as the goodness of fit, indicates how well the
data fits the regression model. In the model summary, Importance and Duration is the
independent variable. Here R is .945 or 94.5% means 94.5% of the data is fitted with the
regression model. Usually, a higher r square indicates a better fit for the model.
Question: What does that Sig. .000 tell us in ANOVA table and how do you read DF in the
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 114.264 2 57.132 77.294 .000b
1 Residual 6.652 9 .739
Total 120.917 11
a. Dependent Variable: Attitude
b. Predictors: (Constant), Importance, Duration
Answer: Significance level.000 determines that it is less than .001 but not precisely 0, where it
means that it is less than the chosen significance level of .01. So, we can consider the null
hypothesis in the model summary, and we can assume an association between the independent
and dependent variables that are statistically significant.
DF is the amount of independent data which was used for the estimate calculation. of We can
estimate DF by subtracting 1 from the total number of observations. In the model summary, we
have removed 1 from the total number to read DF from the table.
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .337 .567 .595 .567
1 Duration .481 .059 .764 8.160 .000
Importance .289 .086 .314 3.353 .008
a. Dependent Variable: Attitude
Answer: In the coefficient table, Dependent Variable is Attitude, and the Independent variable is
Duration and importance. If we assume our critical value for 95% or =0.05, we use the p-value
situated in the Significance level to accept or reject the null hypothesis. The column of t value
and Sig level are used to determine the critical value. For example, if P-value is less than .05, we
can easily reject the null hypothesis. In the model summary, the attitude p-value is .567 is greater
than the .05, which means that we accept the null hypothesis. On the other hand, Independent
variable like Duration and importance significance or p-value is less than .05 which means that
we have to reject the null hypothesis.
Other than this, is the regression equation that can be noted in the model as