Citation Study Guide
Citation Study Guide
Citation Study Guide
Citation 501SP
Citation Entry Door
Door Handle
Emergency Exit
Maximum Altitude:
CE-500 with High Altitude 41,000
Kit ft
Maximum Altitude
-54 to
Min and Max Temperatures
Maximum demonstrated crosswind
Maximum Tailwind Component 10kts
Vertical Navigation off below 500 AGL --
Autopilot off for takeoff and landing --
Note: These weights can be further restricted by runway length, slope, surface
condition, temperature, and pressure altitude. See flight manual performance
data. Compliance with FAR 25 performance limits is mandatory.
The 500 series Citations are all equipped with some version of the Pratt &
Whitney JT-15D engine. The Citation 500 and 501 are powered by the -1, -1A, or
-1B version. The Citation 550 and 551 are powered by the JT-15D-4. The
differences between the -1 engines are minor. The -4, however, has an axial flow
compressor aft of the Fan and prior to the turbine. This provides more air to the
engine core at high altitudes. This increases thrust and reduces the bypass ratio,
resulting in higher cruise speeds and improved takeoff performance.
Note: JT15D-1A & 1B Engines develop more thrust at cruise altitude than JT15D-1
due to higher N1 RPM limit; 99% for -1, 102.1% for -1A, & 103.4% for -1B. Sea
level thrust remains the same.
JT 15D-1/ 1a/ 1b Engines
JT 15D-4 Engine
The -4 engine has an axial compressor just aft of the fan. There are other
minor design differences. The important thing here is that the engine core gets
more air, and that means more thrust, and that's what engines are all about in
the first place.
CAUTION: The JT-15D-4 engine requires much more frequent monitoring of N1
rpm during climb than any of the JT-15D-1 engines, as they will increase N1 rpm
with a gain of altitude if the thrust levers are not retarded. Overspeed WILL
result if N1 is not checked every five thousand feet during climb.
The fuel system on the 500 series Citations is a simple one by most standards.
The Citation has two "Wet Wing" type fuel tanks, one left, and one right. During
normal operation each engine is supplied with fuel from it's own tank. The left
tank feeds the left engine, and the right tank feeds the right engine. The left and
right fuel tanks are mirror images of each other. They are connected by two
crossfeed valves and a crossfeed manifold allowing one or both engines to draw
fuel only from the tank desired when crossfeed is selected. These valves are DC
powered and will remain in their last position if Main DC Bus power is lost. Each
tank has one 28 Volt DC electrically driven fuel boost pump, a primary ejector
pump, and two secondary ejector pumps.
The electric fuel pumps run during engine start and crossfeed regardless of their
switch position. If the boost pump switches are in "NORMAL" and the fuel
pressure drops below 5 PSI for any reason, the fuel boost pumps will come on.
The primary ejector pumps come on during the latter stage of engine start, as
soon as there is enough pressure from the "engine driven fuel pump" to open the
motive flow valves. Pressure from the engine driven fuel pump is what drives
the primary ejector pump. The primary ejector pumps will run from the latter
part of the start cycle until the respective engine is shut down OR until the
OPPOSITE fuel tank is selected with the crossfeed switch. In this case the "Motive
Flow SHUTOFF Valve" will stop the flow of fuel from the engine driven fuel pump
to the primary ejector pump in the tank NOT selected. This results in the Electric
Fuel pump and the Primary Ejector pump running on the selected side, the
crossfeed valves being open, and NO electric or primary ejector pump operating
on the side not selected. In this case, the fuel for ANY operating engine will be
drawn only from the fuel tank selected with the crossfeed switch.
The secondary ejector pumps operate any time that there is fuel pressure in the
system. They transfer fuel to the main fuel sump from other sumps in each
tank. They have no moving parts except the fuel itself, and can not be controlled
by the pilot.
During engine start, the electric fuel boost pump comes on when the start button
is depressed. If the thrust lever is moved from "Cutoff" to the idle position and
the boost pump is in the "Normal position, the pump will come on due to the 5
PSI pressure switch regardless of whether the start button is depressed or not.
The fuel flows from the pump thru a one way check valve, thru the manual fuel
shutoff valve, the fuel filter, and to the engine driven fuel pump. A small amount
of fuel flows thru the secondary ejector pumps back into the wing. As the engine
gains RPM after light off, the fuel pressure generated by the "Engine Driven Fuel
Pump" becomes high enough to open the "Motive Flow Valve". This allows the
engine driven fuel pump to power the primary ejector pump with high pressure
fuel and still have enough fuel pumping capacity to meet all the fuel pressure
needs of the fuel control unit. The electric fuel pump will automatically shut off
at this time unless it is selected to the "ON" position.
Lets assume that we wish to use fuel from only the left tank. Select "LH Tank"
with the crossfeed selector. This will do the following:
1. The left electric fuel pump will come ON and
the right electric fuel pump will turn off.
2. The left primary ejector pump will remain ON.
4. In 3 sec the RH motive flow shutoff valve will close, disabling the RH
primary ejector pump.
This results in 2 fuel pumps operating in the left tank and no fuel pumps
operating in the right tank. The left tank will then supply fuel to any engines that
are running. A small amount of fuel (very small) will transfer from the left to the
right tank by going thru the crossfeed valves, the right fuel filter, and into the
right tank via the right secondary ejector pumps. In flight this transfer is not
significant. It may be used on the ground, however, to equalize the fuel in the
tanks prior to start. This should be done only with an external power source, as
the battery may become discharged.
To stop the crossfeed, turn the crossfeed switch to the off, (vertical) position.
This will do the following:
1. Remove power from the motive flow shutoff valve, allowing it to open.
3. Turn off the boost pump that was turned on when we first selected crossfeed.
The loss of Main DC Buss power during normal (tank to engine) fuel system
operation will have no effect on fuel system operation. Why? Because the
motive flow shutoff valves fail open, causing the primary ejector pumps to turn
on, or in this case remain on. The crossfeed valves are motor driven, and will
fail in their last position, which in this case is closed. So as you see, nothing
changes. Except that the two fuel pressure low lights will be inoperative. The
electric fuel pumps will not be available, and crossfeed is not possible because
the crossfeed valves are closed, and may not be opened without Main DC Bus
power. Loss of Main DC Bus power during crossfeed results in tank to engine (left
tank feeds left engine, right tank feeds right engine) operation. This is because:
1. The motive flow shutoff valves fail open, causing the primary ejector
pump that was disabled to come on again.
2. The fuel boost pump that came on when crossfeed was started will fail
due to the loss of Main DC Bus Power.
3. The crossfeed valves will remain open, because they were open at the
time of the failure.
This terminates the crossfeed, as each tank's primary ejector pump is operating.
Some tank to tank transfer may occur Because the fuel tanks are manifolded
together. The crossfeed valves will have failed in their last position, OPEN.
Remember: Loss of main DC bus power results in each engine drawing fuel from
its own tank. If crossfeed was selected at the time of the failure, the crossfeed
manifold will remain open, allowing some fuel balancing due to the most
reliable force known to man. GRAVITY! If one engine is shut down, close the
crosfeed valves prior to loss of Main DC Bus power to prevent unwanted fuel
transfer from the primary ejector pump, through the crossfeed valves, opposite
fuel filter, through the secondary ejector pumps and into the opposite wing. See
fuel system drawing below.
Note: Max 3500 gallons of Avgas per engine per overhaul.
If Avgas exceeds 50% by volume; 1) Boost Pumps ON,
2) Logbook entry, 3) Max Altitude 25,000' except
on JT15D-4, Max altitude is 22,000'.
Note: All fuels must contain Prist. One 20 ounce can for
each 104 to 260 gallons. (Jet B / Jp-4 and
Phillips 66 Jet A / Jp-5 already contain Prist!)
Hint: To convert pounds to gallons, (Jet fuel only), take the number of pounds
you wish to add, divide by 10, then multiply by 1.5 and you will be close enough.
This may save you from having to shine your landing lights on your solar
powered calculator on some dark and stormy night. The sad fact is that normal
people think of fuel in gallons, not pounds. If you don't believe me, just try
placing your next fuel order in pounds. The FBO probably won't have a scale to
weigh your fuel for you.
* The minimum fuel temperature is not always the freezing temp of the
particular fuel, Viscosity can sometimes be the limiting factor. The fuel may be
too thick at temperatures below the limit. The military uses Jp-4, as it is suitable
for a wider range of temperatures than Jet A / Jp-5 or kersosene.
Note: Max 3500 gallons of Avgas per engine per overhaul. If Avgas exceeds 50%
by volume; 1) Boost Pumps ON, 2) logbook entry, 3) Max Altitude 25,000' except
on JT15D-4, Max altitude is 22,000'. Note: All fuels must contain Prist. One 20
ounce can for each 104 to 260 gallons. (Jet B / Jp-4 and Phillips 66 Jet A / Jp-5
already contain Prist!)
"DC" Electrical
The Citation DC electrical system is simple as systems go. It consists of: One
battery, Two starter generators, several busses, some relays, current limiters,
quite a few circuit breakers, and a battery switch. The battery switch has three
positions: OFF, ON & EMERGENCY. By selecting the proper position for this and
the generator switches, we can handle all normal and emergency operations that
require changes in the DC electric system configuration.
OFF - Battery relay and emergency relay are open. Emergency bus is NOT
powered. Bat & Main busses are not powered unless one or both generators are
on line.
Emergency relay is closed, powering the Emergency DC Bus with battery
power through the Hot Battery Bus. The Battery Relay is open, preventing the
battery from powering the battery bus or any of the main DC busses. This also
prevents the generator(s) from charging the battery.
Here are some situations requiring the use of the features we have previously
covered with respect to the Citation electrical system:
Normal Operation:
Battery switch ON, before engine start, all DC busses are powered by battery or
GPU. After engine start, all busses are powered by the generator(s), and the
battery is recharged.
Battery Overheat
Battery switch EMGY, opens battery relay, prevents battery charging. Main DC
busses powered by generator(s), emergency DC Buss powered by battery. ( 2
Hours Max. ) Verify that battery relay opened by checking battery and generator
voltage. If the battery voltage drops below the generator voltage after emergency
is selected, battery relay did open, and charging was halted. Otherwise, turn
battery back on and take generators off line to prevent further overheat.
Elect Fire/Smoke
Select battery switch to EMGY and both gen's Off. This will download the system
to the 4 items on the emergency DC bus. If the smoke or fire does not stop, select
generators on, and battery switch OFF. This removes power from the emergency
bus items, and restores power to the remainder of the electrical system. If this
does not remedy the situation, LAND ASAP!
If you experience loss of all main DC bus power for any reason, remember the
3. Engine stator and nacelle heat are on above 60% N2. Fan's nose cone
and T2 probe are heated by bleed air whenever the engine is running.
4. Electrical wing heat, de-ice boots, pitot/static and AOA heat will be inop.
5. Windshield Heat will be on unless you turn it off with the manual valves
located on the co-pilot's panel. Windshield O'Heat warning will be inop.
6. Crossfeed will not be possible. If crossfeed was selected, the boost pump in
the tank selected will fail, the crossfeed valves will remain open, and the motive
flow shut-off valves will fail open, energizing the primary ejector pump in the
fuel tank that was previously disabled. The result of this will be tank to engine
operation, with an open crossfeed manifold connecting the two fuel tanks.
7. The AC system will be inop as it receives power from the DC system.
8. The hydraulic system will be inop, as the gear, speedbrakes, and main
bypass valve are electrically controlled.
11. Pressurization source will be both engines as the left and right bleed valves
fail open, and both the emergency and ground air valves fail closed. This is the
same as if "Both" were selected. You might say that the environmental system
fails to "Both". Cabin temperature will be determined by the temperature control
valve position at the time of the failure, and by engine power. (Bleed air temp.)
These things may require some thought as to how one wishes to conduct the
remainder of a flight. A normal instrument approach is still possible using the
co-pilot's instruments. Remember, the co-pilot's attitude indicator is air driven.
Landing distance will be increased 30% if the flaps were up at the time of
failure. Plan ahead.
Note: If battery voltage is high enough (22 volts) and you are close enough to the
airport, you may elect to turn the battery switch on, and make a normal landing.
There are two types of "AC" electrical systems found on the Citation. The first
(500-274 and earlier) are sometimes referred to as the "RCA" airplanes. All 500
series Citations have two inverters. The inverter system installed in the early CE-
500's, ("RCA" airplanes), allows each inverter to power a separate AC bus. The
two inverters may NEVER power the same bus at the same time, nor may both AC
busses be powered by only one inverter. With the inverter transfer switch in the
"NORMAL", position, the number 1 inverter powers the "Flight Director AC Bus",
and the number 2 inverter powers the "Radar AC Bus". Placing the inverter
transfer switch in the "X-OVER" position allows the number 1 inverter to power
the "Radar AC Bus", and the number 2 inverter to power the "Flight Director AC
Bus". If one of the inverters should fail, the pilot may choose which of the two
"AC" busses will be powered. During normal operation, both inverters are
operating. If either inverter does not properly power it's respective bus, the
appropriate light on the annunciator panel will illuminate: "F/D AC PWR" (Red)
or "RAD AC PWR" (Amber). The master caution system will activate if the "F/D AC
BUS" becomes unpowered.
The CE-500-275 and later, and all CE-501's, 550's, and 551's, sometimes referred to
as "SPERRY" airplanes, have two inverters as well. The inverters on the "SPERRY"
airplanes are more powerful. Either inverter can meet all demands for AC
electrical power on the entire aircraft.
There is only one AC bus on the "SPERRY" airplanes. It is powered by the No. 1 or
the No. 2 inverter. Inverter control is achieved with a three position switch. The
positions are No 1 INV, OFF, and No 2 INV. After engine start, select one of the
inverters to test it, then select the other for the flight. Alternate the use of the
two inverters each flight. A red "AC Fail" light and the master caution system will
alert the flight crew that the AC bus has become unpowered. If this occurs, select
the other inverter. Don't run one and "Save" the other. To do so is asking for a
failure. What is used often works. What is seldom used is more subject to
malfunction due to moisture accumulation not burned off by operating the
The newest of the Citation aircraft have yet another AC system. It consists of two
inverters, one ON/OFF switch, an amber failure warning light for each inverter
and a test switch. The test switch is a three position switch, spring loaded to
center (OFF). Placing the switch up simulates #1 Inverter failure and down
simulates failure of Inverter #2. If an inverter fails in flight, AC power is
automatically restored. The pilot may determine what inverter failed by looking
at the inverter failure lights.
Skydrol 500 A, B, B-4, C, LD-4, Hijet, Hijet W, III, or IV. One pump per engine
driven from N2 (turbine) by the accessory drive shaft. Open center system;
normal pressure 60 PSI. System pressurizes to 1375-1500 PSI when landing gear,
speedbrakes thrust reversers are operated. Because of normally low operating
pressure, less heat is generated, therefore a smaller amount of hydraulic fluid is
Quantity Indication
0.5 gal Full
0.65 gal Overfill
0.2 gal Low (Warning light)
Hydraulic system control valves fail open with loss of main DC power. Loss of
Main DC power will cause the hydraulic system to be inoperative. Speedbrakes
are 28 VDC control. If failed deployed, pull speedbrake control CB, speedbrakes
will trail due to blow down by ambient air. Landing Gear is 28 VDC control. Free
fall by cable release of uplocks, and nitrogen bottle as alternate extension.
Brakes are a separate system. Brake pressure is supplied by the pilot's feet. The
nitrogen bottle may be used to apply the brakes, however, no anti-skid or
differential braking will be available. Some Citations are equipped with a power
brake and anti-skid system. These systems are still separate from the main
hydraulic system, but do require main DC bus power to function.
Air Conditioning
The air conditioning & heating system for the CE-500 Series aircraft is smaller,
but of the same basic design as those systems used on current generation
airliners. Bleed air is provided by the turbine (N2) section of the engines. This
hot high pressure air flows through a device known as an Air Cycle Machine, or
"ACM". The ACM cools the air, and allows it to flow into the cabin for air
conditioning, heating, and pressurization. In order to understand the ACM, and
its functions, we must first review some physical laws of heat transfer, and
temperature vs pressure relationships, as well as define some terms.
Heat is nothing more than the motion of molecules within a substance, or the
kinetic energy of the molecules. Heat will only pass from hot to cold. A cold
object can't pass heat to a hot one. When two objects of different temperatures
are exposed to each other, the heat energy passes from the hot one to the cold
one. A large temperature difference between two objects transferring heat will
result in a greater rate of heat transfer than when the objects are closer to the
same temperature.
The pressure of a gas may be defined in terms of how hard it pushes against its
container or other objects it touches. The temperature and pressure of a gas are
related to one and other. If you increase the temperature, the pressure will also
increase if the volume is kept constant. If you change the pressure of a gas, the
temperature will change as well. One may look upon the compression of a gas
much like the compression of a spring. It takes a certain amount of energy to
compress the spring a given distance. This energy is stored in the spring. When
the spring is allowed to expand, the energy used to compress it is then released.
When a gas is compressed, the energy shows up as an increase in temperature
and pressure. When the gas is allowed to expand, (releasing the spring), the
reduction in pressure will result in an appropriate temperature drop. If some of
the stored heat is allowed to escape while the gas is compressed, the temperature
of the gas after expansion will be lower than it was prior to the gas being
compressed. Why? Heat is energy, and if heat energy is lost, a lower
temperature will result when pressures are allowed to return to their initial
Heat Exchanger
A heat exchanger is a device that allows us to transfer heat between two fluids.
(Fluids are liquids or gasses). The radiator on your car is a water to air heat
exchanger. It transfers heat from the water to the air without allowing them to
mix. The heat exchangers used in the ACM are air to air heat exchangers. They
allow the transfer of heat from engine bleed air to ambient air. This cools the
bleed air, thus when the bleed air is allowed to expand, the temperature is
lower. Why? Because energy was extracted from it, and this loss of energy
shows up as a decrease in the temperature of the air.
Water Separator
Air can hold more moisture at a high temperature than at a low one. When the
air becomes, for whatever reason, unable to hold the moisture it contains, the
result is condensation. If the air is being cooled enough to cause condensation,
this could result in water droplets being expelled from the air ducts. The
passengers would not appreciate this. A device is installed between the ACM and
the cabin ducting to extract the water from the system. This device is called a
water separator.
In order to get "Cold" air from hot high pressure bleed air, we must use these
physical laws to manipulate the pressure and temperature of this air.
Remember, heat is energy. When energy (heat) is removed or "dumped
overboard" by a heat exchanger, energy is lost. When energy is lost somewhere
in the system, the end result is that whatever comes out at the end has less
energy or is "Colder" than it would have been had the heat not been ejected from
the system.
Let's take a short trip down "Air Cycle Machine Lane". Follow along with the
Citation Air Conditioning schematic drawing.
Citation 500 / 501 Air Conditioning System
Citation 550 / 551 Air Conditioning System
1. Ambient air enters the engine. Much of it is merely flung out the back of the
engine by the fan in order to produce thrust. We are concerned with the air that
continues into the engine's N2 compressor section, as this is the air used to
pressurize and air condition the aircraft. The air is COMPRESSED and HEATED
by the N2 compressor. Some of this hot high pressure air flows through a bleed
valve to the "Air Cycle Machine". The compressor LOANED energy to the air.
2. As the air passes through the "Primary Heat Exchanger" energy is extracted
from the air. Look at the heat exchanger like a toll bridge. There is a price to get
across, and that price is heat. Now the air is cooler than it was prior to the heat
3. Now the compressor in the "ACM" grabs the air and squeezes it. The air heats
up due to the increase in pressure. This higher temperature will make the
secondary heat exchanger more efficient because of the greater difference in
temperature between the air and the heat exchanger itself.
4. The secondary heat exchanger now extracts more heat from the bleed air as it
flows through.
5. The bleed air is now allowed to expand as it drives the turbine in the air cycle
machine. This expansion results in a very large temperature drop.
6. This "Cold" air is mixed with hot bleed air (by opening the temperature
control valve) that has not gone through the ACM thus allowing the pilots to
control the cabin temperature.
OFF -- Flow control valves closed. No bleed air enters the cabin through the air
cycle machine, or otherwise.
EMGY -- Raw bleed air from left engine. Left throttle controls cabin temp.
LEFT --Bleed air from the left engine through air cycle machine.
RIGHT --Bleed air from the right engine through air cycle machine.
BOTH - Bleed air from both engines through air cycle machine.
BOTH HI - Bleed air from both engines as in both position except the flow
control valves are full open. Cabin airflow is unregulated and varies
with turbine RPM.
GROUND - Provides air cycle machine with one and one half times as much air
as it would receive in the BOTH position. (18#/min) Used for increased cooling
on the ground ONLY! In GRND, bleed air comes from the right engine. Bleed air
Loss of main DC power has the same result as if BOTH were selected as the
pressurization source. The left and right bleed air / flow control valves fail open,
and the emergency pressurization valve fails closed. Temperature control will
remain in the position that existed at the time of the failure. If one of the engine
bleeds were isolated because of air conditioning smoke, that engine may need to
be shut down after the electrical failure in order to prevent smoke from entering
the cabin again and making you gag, choke and die for no good reason.
The Citation is equipped with a supplemental oxygen system. It provides the
pilots with 100% or diluter demand oxygen via a masks located in the cockpit.
The passenger oxygen is supplied by continuous flow masks that drop from the
overhead when needed. The oxygen system is not used during normal
operations except to verify proper operation during preflight. The system
pressure for both the standard and optional system is 1600 to 1800 PSI, with a
maximum pressure of 2000 PSI. Thermal relief is provided through a green blow
out disk located on the right side of the nose. The blow out disk for the tailcone
mounted oxygen bottle is on the left aft fuselage.
Oxygen System
The standard oxygen bottle has a capacity of 22 cubic feet or 500 liters. It is
located under the right nose baggage compartment floor. It is serviced via an
access door on the sidewall of the baggage compartment just below the locking
The optional oxygen bottle has a capacity of 64 cubic feet or 1455 liters. The
optional oxygen bottle may be installed in the nose or the tailcone compartment.
A pressure regulator reduces the oxygen pressure to about 70 PSI to supply the
masks. The pilot's masks are the diluter demand type, providing diluted or 100%
oxygen to the flight crew. Normal or 100% is selected by moving a small lever on
the masks themselves.
We all know why the oxygen system is installed in a pressurized airplane. It
makes survival possible if cabin pressure is lost at very high altitudes. It can be
of value in other situations as well. What if you had a device that would improve
your night vision, and make your mind work more clearly toward the end of a
long flight? You do! The oxygen system. It can be used any time want it. Don't
hesitate to take a few whiffs from the Oxygen mask prior to descent & landing, or
any time you feel it necessary. The 30 or so bucks it costs to refill the bottle once
in a while is insignificant compared to the cost of one mistake. It's there for your
use, go for it!
Pitot Heat - 28 VDC. It heats pitot tubes, static ports, and angle of attack probe.
Ground operation is limited to two minutes.
Windshield - Bleed air over the front pilot's windows, 28 VDC and manual
control. Isopropyl alcohol for captain's windshield as back-up if air system
fails. A 10 Minute supply is all you get.
Airframe - De-ice boots on flying surfaces, 28 VDC control. Boots are inflated by
bleed air through pressure regulators. Cycle time is 12 seconds; left stab and
rudder inflate for six seconds, then wings and right stab inflate for six seconds.
Cycle may be interrupted by placing switch to reset.
CE-500/501 CE-550/551
Maximum water or slush on runway 0.75 IN 0.4 IN
Emergency Air Pressure. Normal 1800 to 2000 PSI Caution 1600 to 1800 PSI
You can figure out quite a bit about an airplane if you know what the valves
do! What do the valves on the Citation do when electrical power is lost? Some
fail to the open position, some fail closed, and some remain in their last position.
The engine fire switch will illuminate when the fire detection loop is shorted or
heated to its alarm value. The fire detection test checks the continuity of the
system, but does NOT heat the loop to its alarm value as on some other transport
category aircraft. When pushed, the fire switch changes the positions of the fuel
and hydraulic firewall shutoff valves. Valve position is closed when the
respective fire wall shutoff light is illuminated, except during the engine fire
test. The fire switch isolates the engine from combustible fluids, (hydraulics and
fuel), trips the generator by shutting down the engine, and arms the fire
extinguishing bottles. Pressing the "Bottle Armed" lighted switch fires a squibb
that discharges one fire extinguisher into the nacelle of the selected engine.
Either or both engines may be extinguished by either fire bottle. Firewall shutoff
valves are 28 VDC motor driven. With loss of main bus power, they fail in their
last position.
System Switches
The voltage selector allows the volt meter to read the voltage from the left or
right generator, or the battery. It is usually used to:
1. Confirm minimum battery voltage for start.
2. Troubleshoot a malfunctioning generator.
3. Verify opening of the battery relay when emergency is selected with the
battery switch.
Bat bus, left & right DC bus, and emergency DC bus is powered by the battery. If
on line, the generators will power the LH, RH, and battery bus.
Emergency bus is powered through the battery.
Generators can power the LH, RH, and battery bus. No battery charging occurs,
and the emergency DC bus is unpowered.
Early serial number CE-500's had two inverters, each powering different items,
and a crossover switch that provided the following:
With XOVER switch in NORM, #1 INV powers the flight director, Captains gyros,
Co-pilots RMI, and Radar Altimeter. #2 INV powers the WX Radar.
In XOVER, each INV powers the opposite AC Bus.
Note: Inverters CE-550’s power all AC items on the aircraft. If one quits, select
the other. Some Citation's have a two inverter system with automatic switching.
An amber # 1 or # 2 inverter failure light illuminates to inform you of the failure.
FIRE - Tests continuity of fire detection system. Fire warning lights illuminate.
LDG GEAR - Illuminates gear unlocked, nose, LH, RH lights, and sounds gear
warning horn. Cancel horn by pushing horn silence button.
BAT TEMP - Causes Bat O'heat light to flash, activates master caution system, and
causes battery temp gauge to read 160 F.
THRU REV - Illuminates lights on thrust reverser warning panel when selected.
ANNU Illuminates all annunciator lights and activates master caution system.
Master caution canceling can be tested in this mode.
IGNITION - The Ignition system has no duty cycle limitations. In the ON position
the Ignition is ON. In the NORM position, Ignition is off except during start, or
when engine anti-ice is selected.
ON - Boost Pumps receive 28 volt DC power. They're ON!
OFF - Boost Pumps function as appropriate during crossfeed and engine start.
NORM Boost Pumps run during crossfeed, start, & when less than 5 PSI is
sensed by the fuel pressure switch. The fuel boost pump switches in the citation
are generally placed in the normal position prior to the first flight after
manufacture, and left their until the aircraft dies of old age. In the normal
position, the pumps run only if and when they are needed. An exception to this
rule is made when Avgas is used as an alternate fuel. The pumps are then
selected ON for the duration of the flight.
CROSSFEED - When the left or right tank is selected, the selected tank is the only
fuel source for any operating engine(s), as both the boost pump and the ejector
pump are off on the side that was not selected.
Warning Lights
MASTER WARNING Indicates that one of the red annunciator lights is
illuminated, both generators have failed, or reverse thrust has been selected.
AC FAIL Indicates that satisfactory power is not being supplied to the primary
AC buss. CE-500 # 001-274, turn failed inverter off and select crossover. Buss will
be powered again, radar will be inop. CE-500 # 275 & Sub, CE- 501, 550, & 551
select other inverter and AC is restored with no loss of equipment. Some late
model Citation II are equipped with automatic switching to change inverters in
case of a failure.
BATT O'HEAT Steady, battery temperature is 145 deg F to 160 deg F. Place
battery switch to "Emergency". Check battery and generator voltage to verify
opening of battery relay. Monitor battery temperature. Flashing, battery
temperature is 161 deg F or higher. Place battery switch to "Emergency", Check
battery and generator voltage to verify opening of battery relay. Land at nearest
suitable airport.
CABIN ALT 10,000 FT Initiate use of Oxygen for CREW first, then passengers. If
cabin pressure can not be restored immediately, proceed with emergency
L & R OIL PRESS LOW Engine oil pressure gauge reads below 35 PSI. Shut
down engine if situation permits.
GEAR UNLOCKED Indicates landing gear is not locked in the up or the down
position. Cruise speeds may be slower, gear damage may occur if Vle is
exceeded. Flight may not have a happy ending after landing with this light on.
L & R HYD PRESS LO Hydraulic pump pressure output differential of 25 PSI in
open center mode or 170 PSI when the system is pressurized. With one light on,
speedbrake, gear and reverse thrust operation will be slower. Both lights on,
hydraulic are inop.
HYD PRESS ON Main system bypass valve is closed. Hydraulic system is
pressurized to 1375 - 1500 PSI. Normally on during hydraulic system use. If it
remains on after hydraulic function is complete, pull gear, speedbrake and thrust
reverser control circuit breakers. If light does not go out, land and call
HYD LEVEL LO Hydraulic reservoir contains 0.2 gal or less hydraulic fluid.
Have system serviced to .5 gal. If quantity was full at takeoff, a leak may exist.
Plan the remainder of the flight accordingly. Call maintenance.
PWR BRAKE PRESS LO Power brake system is inop. Anti-skid will not
function. Switch to manual braking.
W/S AIR O'HEAT With window heat on, W/S air is to hot. If in high, select lo. If
in low, select off for a short time. With window heat off, there is pressure in the
ducting. Crack the manual valves to relieve the pressure.
AIR DUCT O'HEAT The air in the supply duct from the ACM to the cabin is to
hot. Switch to manual temperature control and select a cooler temperature.
DOOR NOT LOCKED One of the foreword baggage doors, the main entry door,
or the tailcone compartment is not locked. Do not take off until all doors are
properly secure.
P/S HTR OFF Less than 2 Amps current through the pilot tubes and static port
heating elements. Angle of attack probe is also not heated.
BLEED AIR GRND/HI Bleed air is selected to the ground or both high mode.
Reset to normal prior to takeoff.
ACM EJECTOR ON CE-550, 551 & 560 only. ACM bleed air ejector is operating.
Normal when on the ground at low engine power settings. Should extinguish
during takeoff roll.
L & R ENG ICE FAIL Engine anti-ice is ON, and at least one of the following
conditions exists: One or more heating elements is out in the wing leading edge,
Wing leading edge has not reached proper temperature, N2 RPM is below 60%,
Stator valve is not open, Cowl valve is not open, or Nacelle lip has not reached
proper temperature.
L & R F/W SHUTOFF Respective firewall shutoff valves are closed. (Fuel and
Hydraulics). Valves may be opened by pressing engine fire switch.
FUEL FILT BYPASS One of the fuel filters as a 3.75 PSI pressure differential. It
has or will shortly by bypass. Ice in the fuel is a common cause. Call
L & R GEN OFF Left or right generator is not connected to the electrical buss
system. Check volts and amps and reset if appropriate. Some download may be
required for one generator operation in icing conditions.
L & R FUEL PRESS LO Fuel pressure on that side is less than 5 PSI. Will cause
fuel boost pump to come on if selected in the normal position.
L & R FUEL BOOST ON Fuel boost pump is receiving electrical power. This is
normal during engine start, crossfeed, low fuel pressure situations with the fuel
pump in "Normal", and whenever the fuel pump switch is "On".
L & R FUEL LEVEL LO Float switch in the respective tank indicates about 20
minutes fuel remaining for one engine in that tank at normal cruise power.
SURF DEICE Surface De-Ice boots are in operation.
Angle of Attack
AOA Indicator
Flight Profiles
Here are some basic flight profiles that I have used over the years. They are
not the only way to fly the airplane, but have worked for me since I started
giving training and checkrides in the Citation a little over 20 years ago. In the
event of a difference between this and the Aircraft Flight Manual, the flight
manual is the document to follow.
Steep Turns
1. Intercept Final Approach Course at 140 KTS and Flaps 15 deg.
2. Crossing Final Approach Fix, call " Gear Down Landing Check ".
3. Descend to and maintain MDA until Field in Sight or MAP is initiated. ( As
Appropriate ).
4. If Landing is to be made, call " Full Flaps " when intercepting a glidepath
appropriate for a
normal landing. For one engine INOP, Vref + 10 KTS until 100 feet AGL, then "
Flaps" so as to descend thru 50 ft AGL at Vref as in a normal landing.
No Flap Approach