Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (Epas) Quarter 1: Learner'S Material
Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (Epas) Quarter 1: Learner'S Material
Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (Epas) Quarter 1: Learner'S Material
Quarter 1
(Electronic Products
Assembly and Servicing)
Grade 7/8
Assess Quality of Received Materials
I Lesson
Learning Task 2: Read the following sentences and select the letter of the correct
Learning Task 3 : Identify the kind of tools existing in your house, classify
them using a check sheet to determine their condition.
Learning Task 4 : Write QN if the statement affects the quantity of work and
QL if the statement affects the quality of work. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.
Plan and Prepare for Task to be Undertaken
I Lesson
One of the most important principles of good teaching is the need
for planning and preparation. Far from compromising spontanei-
ty, planning provides a structure and context for both teacher and students, as
well as a framework for reflection and evaluation'
After going through this lesson, you are expected to determine require-
ments of task in accordance with job specifications, select appropriate hardware
and software in accordance with task assigned and required outcome.
Learning Task 1: Match the different hand tools with their actual pictures.
Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet.
1. Desoldering tool 2. soldering stand 3. soldering iron
4. long nose 5. portable electric drill
6. Paint brush 7. Hack saw 8. side cutter
9. Wire stripper 10. magnifying glass
A B. C. D. E.
F. H. I. J.
Learning Task 2 : Classify the equipment if it is software and hardware.
Learning Task 3 : Rewrite and redraw your answer in another sheet of paper,
things under software and things under hardware.
Learning Task 4 : Write True if the statement is correct and False if the state-
ment is wrong.
1. Software is a program which consists of a set of instructions that tells the com-
puter how to perform an operation.
2. Microsoft Word is an example of system software.
3. The two categories of software are system software and application software.
B. Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Use another sheet of paper.
4. What is the name of the TV looking device which allows you to see images?
a. Keyboard b. Monitor c. Printer
5. This hardware device allows you to click and drag.
a. Printer b. Mouse c. Keyboard
How to store Inputted Data Into the
I Lesson
Some input data can go directly to the computer for processing. Input in
this category includes bar codes, speech that enters the computer through a mi-
crophone, and data entered by means of a device that converts motions to on-
screen action.
After going though this lesson, you are expected to enter data into the
computer using appropriate program/ application, check information in accord-
ance with standard operating procedures and store inputted data in storage me-
dia according to requirements.
Learning Task 2 : Name the following storage media then write their meaning/
function/ or use.
Learning Task 4 : Read the sentences carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
1. Suppose you want a message to pop up each time a particular cell is selected.
How do you make this happen?
Maintain Computer Equipment and System
I Lesson
After going through this lesson, you are expected to : undergo systems
cleaning minor maintenance, replacement of consumables, implement proce-
dures for ensuring security of data, including regular backups and virus checks
and perform basic file maintenance procedures.
Learning Task 1 : Answer the activity below. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
Learning Task 3 : Look at the picture below, form a paragraph that describes it.
Learning Task 4 : Let's take a look at the 10 commandments of computer care
for your workstation PC. Arrange it according to your own analysis, which will
come first.
Select Measuring Instrument
I Lesson
After going through this lesson, you are expected to : identify object or com-
ponent to be measured, obtain correct specifications from relevant source and se-
lect measuring tools in line with job requirements
Learning Task 1 : Choose the letter corresponding to the best answer. Write
the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the value of a resistor with the following colors ? Green - Black -
Orange- Gold?
A. 500 ohms±5% B. 5KΩ±5% C. 50KΩ±5% D. 500 KΩ±5%
2. What is the color of the tolerance representing±5 % ?
A. Gold B. Black C. Orange D. Silver
3. Five in the second band of the resistor color coding means
A. Brown B. Black C. Orange D. Silver
The most commonly used electronic components in the field are
known as resistors. Resistor is a discrete component that offers opposition
to the flow of current. Resistors have different types in accordance with
the material used like carbon-composition and the wire-wound resistor.
10 pieces - carbon resistor, 1 watt, assorted values
1 pc - resistor tabulation form
Procedure :
1.Arrange the resistors on a piece of type writing paper in random manner
2.Identify the colors of the resistor one by one and record them in the resistor
tabulation form.
3.Compute for the resistance value of each resistor by following the color coding
4.Write the value of the resistance in the tabulation form.
5.Arrange the resistors in such a way that the value is in ascending manner.
Learning Task 3 : Choose the best answer. Write the letters only.
1. A resistor’s first three colour bands are brown, black, and red.
What is it value?
A 1,000 ohms B. 200 ohms C. 10 ohms D. 10 thousand ohms
2. Which digit does the color yellow denote on a resistor color band?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 7 D. 3
3. A 47KΩ resistor would have which colors on its first three bands?
A. red, white, blue C. yellow, violet, orange
B. orange, yellow, violet D. yellow, violet, white
4. Which digit does the colors orange denote on a resistor colour based ?
A. 9 B. 1 C. 6 D. 3
5. A resistor’s first three colors bands are red, yellow and black.
Select Appropriate Measuring Instrument
This lesson describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to carry out measurements and calculations.
It specifies the outcomes required to carry out measurements and perform
simple calculations to determine task and material requirements for a job in a
construction work environment.
This competency supports achievement of skills to take measurements and
use these to calculate material and qualities and calculation for related task com-
monly used and applied in.
After going through this lesson, you are expected to: select appropriate
measuring instrument, obtain accurate measurements for job and perform calcu-
lation needed to complete work task.
Learning Task 2 : Match Column A with Column B . Write the letters only.
1. The most important part of the ohmmeter. A .Ohmmeter
OHMMETER Ohmmeter is a measuring instrument used to determine
the resistance of a component or equipment. This instrument is a great help
in knowing the actual resistance of the resistors we use in the two operation
Value of 1calibration = line distance / total calibrations involved
For 0- 2:
Line distance = 2 Value of 1 line=2/10 = 0.2
Total no. of cal = 10
For 2-10:
Line Distance = 8
Total no. of cal = 16
Value of 1line = 8/16
Procedure in interpreting the tolerance of resistor
Learning Task 3 : Compute for the areas value per line. Write the answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
A. 0 - 2 F. 100-200
B. 2 - 10 G. 200-300
C. 10 – 20 H. 300-500
D. 20 - 50 I. 500– 1k
E. 50 – 100 J. 1k — 2k
Learning Task 4 : Choose the best option. Write the letters only.
1. What is the item in the color coding scheme that allows the color
- coded value to deviate to a certain extent?
A. Multiplier B. Body color C. Limitation D. Tolerance
2. What is the decimal equivalent of 10%?
A. .01 B.0.1 C 1.0 D. 10
3. What is 10% of 220?
A. 210 B. 2.2 C. 22 D. 11
4. The reading scale of the ohmmeter is of what type?
A. Horizontal B. Linear C. Nonlinear D. Vertical
5. In what instrument can you find the ohmmeter?
A. Ammeter B. Tube tester C. DMM D. VOM
Maintain Measuring Instruments
I Lesson
Measuring tools will provide you with years of dependable service if you
care for them properly.
Proper use of precision measuring tools is one of the most important pre-
conditions to ensure product quality. To maintain the accuracy and reliability of a
precision measuring tool, one has to do a good job in taking good care of it besides
using it properly according to reasonable operation instructions.
After going through this lesson, you are expected to: handle measuring in-
struments without damage, clean measuring instruments before and after using
and undertake proper storage of instruments.
Learning Task 2 : Choose the best answer and write the letters only.
1.What is the instrument that serves as 3 measuring instrument in one?
A. Audio Generator B. Oscilloscope C. Signal Generator D. VOM
2. What is a device which produces simple wave forms?
A. Audio Amplifier B. VOM C. Signal tracer D. Signal Generator
3. Place instruments in a cool dry place and away from any____ devices.
A. other instruments B. audio amplifiers C. Magnetic devices D. digital
4. What measuring instrument should be given regular check –up
by connecting them to power line?
A. Capacitor B. DMM C. Oscilloscope D. VOM
Learning Task 3 : Answer the following questions.
Have you ever been a well organized shop? What other ways can you give to
maintain a well-organized shop?
Learning Task 4 : Look at the picture, list down the things you must do to
make it more organize.
Identify Different Kinds of Technical Drawings
I Lesson
Technical Drawing is a core skill for interior designers. The initial con-
cepts can be hard to grasp and this one day workshop provides a clear concise
overview of the subject. Students will be introduced to the equipment required,
shown simple practical exercises to develop their techniques and gain an under-
standing of the key principles. At the end of the day, students attending will be
able to tackle further study in this area with confidence
After going through this lesson, you are expected to : select appropriate
technical drawing according to job requirements and segregate technical draw-
ings in accordance with the types and kinds of drawings.
Learning Task 1 : Name the different shapes you can see on the drawing and
list them down on a separate sheet of paper.
Learning Task 2 : Write the letter of the best answer. Use another sheet of
paper for your answer.
1. A drawing instrument consisting of two parts namely the stock and the
blade, joined together at right angles to each other by means of screws.
Learning Task 2 : Write the letter of the best answer. Use another sheet of pa-
per for your answer.
1. A drawing instrument consisting of two parts namely the stock and the blade,
joined together at right angles to each other by means of screws.
A. L- square B. Try square C. T-square D. Protractor
2. It is a combination of T- squares, scales, set squares, and protractors
attached to a drawing board.
A. Drafter B. Electronic template C. Drawing set D. Pencil
3. This device includes symbols for electronic and electrical design that can be
traced using a drawing pencil.
Learning Task 3 : Name the following drawing instruments. Use another sheet of
paper .
Learning Task 4 : Draw at least five drawing instruments, describe and give
the function of each. Use a separate sheet of paper.
Interpret Technical Drawing
I Lesson
After going through this lesson, you are expected to: recognize components,
assemblies, or objects, correctly identify the dimensions of the key features of the
objects depicted in the drawing, interpret the symbols used in the drawing, and
validate the drawing against job requirements or equipment
Learning Task 1 : Answer the following questions. Write the letter of the best
1. A geometric figure usually used to represent a stage in a block diagram.
A. Rectangle B Circle C. Pentagon D. Hexagon
2. It is the process of illustrating various kinds of circuits and wiring system
A diagram is a symbolic representation of information using visualization
techniques. Diagrams have been used since ancient times, but became more
prevalent during the Enlightenment. Sometimes, the technique uses a three-
dimensional visualization which is then projected onto a two-dimensional surface.
Learning Task 2 : Study the circuit diagram and answer the following ques-
1. What can you say about the diagram?
2. Why are symbols used in circuit diagram?
Learning Task 3 : Below are different electronic diagrams. Write the name of
the diagram on your answer sheet.
Learning Task 4 : Write the letter of the best answer on a sheet of paper.
1. A letter designation is written near or beside a symbol to indicate what type of com-
ponent that symbol is. The letter designation to transistor is ________.
A. Q B. R C. S D. T
2. These types of lines are used to show mechanical linkage between components or
parts of components on schematic diagram.
A. connecting lines B. dashed lines C. medium lines D. thin lines
3. This punctuation mark is used to show the destination of grouped interrupted lines
in a diagram.
A. bracket B. comma C. open and close quotations D. question mark
4. To avoid crowding of any necessary notes or reference information, enough blank
space should be left in the areas near, which of the following elements on a schematic
diagram should be considered?
A. component labels C. dashed lines
B. connecting lines D. symbols
Maintain, Prepare and Use Appropriate Hand
Tools and Equipment
I Lesson
After going through this lesson, you are expected to : use tools according
to the tasks to be undertaken, observe safety procedures in using tools at all
times and use appropriate PPE and report malfunctions, unplanned or unusual
events to the supervisor.
Learning Task 1 : Look at the picture below, list down two or three questions
about the tool.
Learning Task 2 : Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use a separate
answer sheet.
In the process of observing occupational health and safety practices,
measures must be set to be followed by the students. Particularly, an
electronics lab has these measures to highlight the manner of observing
safety practices.
1. As a general rule all passages must be free of any obstruction that will ham-
per the movement of persons in the area. This provision also provides safety
during emergency situations like fire and earthquake.
2. Treat every wire in the electrical system as live wire and act accordingly.
Never attempt to work in any “live” electronic or electrical circuits.
4. All instructions must be centralized and must emanate from the person-in-
6. Never use tools or equipment you are not familiar with or you do not know
how to operate. Always ask assistance from your teacher to avoid accidents.
7. Keep hand tools such as screw driver, files, and pliers on the table or tool
cabinet and not in your pocket as it might hurt you or other people.
Learning Task 4 : Discuss the benefits and good practices in proper storage
tools through Graphic Organizer. Use a separate sheet of paper. Use the tem-
plate below.
Entrepreneurship 8
I Lesson
This lesson was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the nature of Entrepreneurship. The scope of this module permits it
to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes
the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
Learning Task 1 : Read the selection and answer the questions after reading it.
Ms. Socorro C. Ramos started working as a salesgirl when she was 18 yrs.
old in Goodwill Bookstore in Escolta. She was good in selling, that’s why she be-
came in charge of the store. When she was married to Jose Ramos, they put up
The National Book Store. Her vision was to extend the National bookstore not on-
ly herein Luzon but also to Visayas and Mindanao for cheaper access to books
and school supplies. Before, the National Book Store was a general merchandise
store. Until later on, it was selling books, greeting cards, and school supplies.
Today there are more than 70 National Book Store all over the country.
1. What are the characteristics of Ms. Socorro C. Ramos that made her
2. Did she consider the business opportunity arises from the needs of book
and school supplies? ____________
3. Did she analyze the need of books and school supplies before her decided to
start her store? ____________
Learning Task 2 : Write the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.
1. Any form of media that draws food attention of the customer.
A. Reading B. Information C. Advertisement D. Sharing ideas
2. A conversation between two people where questions are asked by the inter
viewer to obtain information.
A. Interview B. Sharing ideas C. Advertisement D. Reading
Learning Task 3 : Write the letter of the best answer on your answer sheet.
1. Any form of media that draws food attention of the customer.
A. Reading B. Information C. Advertisement D. Sharing ideas
2. A conversation between two people where questions are asked by the inter
viewer to obtain information.
A. Interview B. Sharing ideas C. Advertisement D. Reading
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
What I Know
1. A
2. A
3. C
Answer Key
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For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Cavite National High School-Junior High School
Department of Education Region 4A CALABARZON
Elizabeth A. Zapanta, T -III, EPAS G8, TLE Department
Office Address: Gate 2, Karangalan Village, Cainta, Rizal
Cellphone No. 09064849186
Landline: 02-8682-5773, locals 420/421
Email Address: Elizabeth.zapanta001@deped.gov.ph
Email Address: lrmd.calabarzon@deped.gov.ph